Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 5, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109

These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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That weekend I killed.

I flew through my matches like a man possessed, and everyone could tell. I have no idea what Gray's dad had done to me, but I felt changed, invigorated, just plain happy. We all celebrated that night, Wyatt's parents were out of town so a bunch of us showed up to drink and hang out.

The topic of going to state was all anyone talked about. More than a few guys said we were a mortal lock if I kept taking people down like I had today. The only person who didn't seem thrilled was Cooper. I mean on the surface he seemed cool, but I don't know, there was something underneath, I could sense it. He watched me the whole party, not super obvious but wherever I went, he was nearby, within earshot.

I made sure not to drink too much, I needed to stay sharp if I was going to have a ghost tailing me. I decided to head home instead of crashing there, most of the guys were drunk off their ass so didn't care, but Cooper wasn't drunk, not one bit.

"So where you going?" He asked me as I slipped my jacket on.

"Um, home?" I said sarcastically, "Where else would I go?"

"I don't know, maybe over thatgirl'shouse, the one you met on the boardwalk."

I could hear the tone he used when he said girl.

"What's up your ass recently?" I said, since everyone else was either drunk or passed out we were relatively alone.

"You've changed," he said in a serious tone, "You're not the same guy I've been friends with for three years."

"Are we friends?" I shot back, "Or are you guys just waiting for us to graduate so you don't have to put up with me any more?"

His eyes got wide but he didn't say anything.

"I get I was an asshole in the past and I'm sorry for that, but I never pretended to be anyone's friend just so I could use their rep for my own good. Whatever your problem is Cooper, either get over it or get out of my way, cause I am done dealing with it."

I started to walk out and he said, "You were the one in the bathroom."

I froze.

"You were the one getting fucked in the bathroom, that's how you know what I said."

Motherfucker, maybe I drank too much.

I turned back around, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

He walked towards me, "Yeah you do, it was you!"

He got right up next to me, so I moved closer to him, until our noises was almost touching.

"Prove it."

We just glared at each other for a long time.

Finally I was done with this, I grabbed his throat and pushed him up against the far wall and held him there.

"I am sick of your shit. You wanna go right now? You wanna throw down and finish this once and for all? Because you keep making accusations, that's exactly where we are going."

His face was red and he was trying to pry my hands off of him, but he couldn't, and he knew he couldn't. In fact he knew I could do anything I wanted to him right now and he couldn't fight back. I mean sure he'd try, but he'd lose.

"So, we good? Because of the next words out your mouth aren't yes sir, then get ready to throw hands."

I let him go and he fell to the ground, coughing and holding his throat.

I just looked down at him, waiting.

Slowly he looked up at me and in a tone that told me he loathed every particle of my being, "Yes. Sir."

I nodded but I knew this wasn't done. Not by a long shot. Cooper was on to me, all he needed was proof, and I sure in fuck wasn't giving it to him.

I walked out and drove home, more pissed than scared, but pretty scared too.

On my way home my phone chimed, I looked down and saw I had a text from some number.

6195551877: YOU UP?

I pulled over.

TOP DAWG: WHOS THIS? 6195551877:

I opened it and saw the biggest cock in the world.


I felt my cock lurch.


Fuck I hated that place... but I couldn't turn him down.


I turned my jeep around and headed up to the park. There were a few more cars parked here and there than last time, I was hesitant to get out until I saw Gray's dad. There wasn't anyone walking around but I could see a few of the cars had their windows steamed up and one of rocking with the unmistakable rhythm of sex. I saw his car pull up and park next to mine. I saw him though his window motioning me over to his car. I got out and headed around to the passenger side, wondering how many people could see me.

I got in and closed the door behind me in a flash, "Hey."

He smiled, "Hey, crowded tonight."

"What are all these people doing here?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Same thing we are, cruising. I told you, it's a popular place to come and park. Waiting long?"

"No sir."

"Good, so, you ready?"

I looked around, "Here?"

He laughed, "I meant you ready for your lesson, not sex."

I must have made a face because he shook his head.

"Don't worry, the lesson will lead to sex, but they aren't mutually exclusive."

I was confused as fuck but I wanted this cock badly so just nodded.

"Excellent, come on."

He got out of the car and I paused, where the hell were we going? He looked back at me and I sighed as I got out. He led me over to the bench the cops had fucked me on, and I felt my face grow red as my cock started to swell from the memory. He sat down on the table and patted next to him. I sat down, knowing there had to be half a dozen guys watching us.

"See Archie, there are two types of people in the world."

"Givers and takers?"

"Close, you see there are special people in the world. Like you, Gray, me, people that other people want. And we are divided into two groups, but we both serve the same purpose."

I was listening, trying to grasp the logic.

"I was given this," he cupped his package, "To fuck people. When I do, they are driven to new heights of ecstasy, bringing them closer to God. You, you were made to be fucked. You were made to let people use you, and in doing so you bring them joy, getting them closer to God. Do you see?"

"God?" I asked, wondering how crazy he was.

"Yep, or call it a higher power or to another state of consciousness, however you want to name it, but that's what were here for. It's a gift."

"So you think I was made to get fucked?" I asked, not liking how that sounded at all.

"See? This is what I was talking about the other day. You hear me say that and think it's negative or makes you lesser but it doesn't. Archie, you were given something few people have. You can make people so happy, bring them so much joy, you can serve so many people and in return be given so much pleasure. You're can't tell me you don't like getting fucked."

I didn't say anything because I couldn't. I mean it was 1 in the morning and I was talking up Gray's dad hoping he would fuck me. Saying I didn't like it would just be stupid.

"I do, but.."

"But you're not gay. I know. Look Archie, you have to divorce anal sex from homosexuality. One is an action and the other is a sexual preference. You like the action, it doesn't make you anything more than that. A guy who likes getting fucked."

I sat there thinking about it. I mean what he was saying was true, but at the same time it didn't make sense. How could you like being fucked and not be gay? But here I was, not feeling gay at all, but really wanting to get fucked.

"The sooner you realize that you letting someone fuck you is sharing your gift and isn't gay at all, but actually a very spiritual thing, the sooner you will be on your way to being the best you."

"The best me gets fucked a lot?"

He smiled, "Isn't that you want?"

I couldn't look away from him, his eyes were locked with mine and I felt such a hunger. I leaned in and kissed him, and I felt him kiss me back. I kind of melted into him as he laid me down on the table and began to make out. God this man could kiss, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, just holding on for dear life as he made me scream. I felt his hardness on top of mine and just laid there and let him do whatever he wanted to me.

He sat me up and removed my letterman jacket and then pulled my shirt off. For half a second I thought about telling him to stop, that there were people watching us but he gave me that look, and I just let him do it. He pulled his shirt off as well and laid me back on my jacket. We kissed some more, his skin warm on mine as we ground our hips against each other, our cocks rubbing through our pants.

Once again I was caught up in the moment, I didn't care who was watching or where we were, all I knew was that I had to have this man right now. He moved down to my neck and I heard myself whimper as he lightly gnawed on me, causing sharp thrills shoot through my body. Once he had me good and primed he sat up and looked down at me with a hungry look.

"You ready to receive your gift?"

I nodded, seeing the long bulge down his leg, reminding me of how fucking incredible his cock was. He stood up and slipped his pants off, I did the same, shucking my shoes and jeans off in seconds. He pulled two things out of his pocket, the bottle of lube and a ziploc bag that had something in it. He climbed back on top of me as he opened the lube, "You're going to love this," he said, coating that fucking baseball bat completely. He reached between my legs and I felt him squirt the lube into my hole, two fingers followed to smear it around.

I hadn't noticed it before, because I was so fucking lost in wanting to fuck, but now I could feel a tingling inside of me. The was doing something. He moved between my legs and pulled them apart, he reached over and picked up the plastic bag and pulled out a folded cloth.

"You ready?"

I nodded.

He unfolded the cloth and placed it over my face, the smell of poppers was strong, the thing was soaked in them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for the rush to hit me...

My mouth let out a small moan as my consciousness tilted, he took that s his sign to enter me. As before there was no pain, my hole didn't scream, my ass wasn't burning. Even though this was easily the largest cock I had ever taken, it moved in me with a certainty that made me believe maybe something spiritual was happening after all.

He didn't stop until he was fully in me, the feeling of that cock just filling me...god it was incredible. I groaned as I arched my back, my ass coming off the table, my body desperately trying to shove even more of him into me. I felt his hands trace over my eight pack and pecs.

"So beautiful, god Archie you don't know what you look like do you?"

The poppers and his cock had me shook, all I could do was writhe up and down, fucking myself on his dick like the hungry jock I was. My spot wasn't flaring, and again I felt completely present as he grabbed the sides of my hips and began to fuck me himself.

"Oh god..." I called out as I felt him slide his entire length out of my ass and then slam it back in. The impact of his pubes hitting my ass was like a thunderclap as I felt my hard cock belch globs of precum all over my ripped abs. I gripped the sides of the table as he started to speed his thrusts, again and again slamming into me like a car wreck, and unlike the other times I had been fucked, I wasn't drunk, I wasn't just out of it.

He was fucking me and I loved it.

"Oh yeah...fuck me..." I growled.

"Call me daddy," he ordered.

"Oh fuck daddy...your cock..." I cried as I pushed back onto him.

"Such a tight little ass...that's what I love about jock sluts, no matter how many times you fuck them they are always tight."

He was really slamming me now, nothing but groans escaped my mouth as I felt him batter my ass over and over again. I felt him feel me up again, and grip my cock, causing me to gasp.

"Oh daddy..." I moaned as he began to stroke me.

"Yeah you love this don't you?" He asked.

I nodded, "Oh god yes....fuck..."

Though I was completely lost in the fuck, I wasn't in fuckfog, so when I felt one hand moving over my eight pack, one hand on my cock, and then another pinch my nipples I felt a panic and tore the cloth off of my face.

I was surrounded! There were six, maybe seven, other guys crowded around the table, all of them had their cocks out and was jerking to me getting plowed. The three closest were touching me, stroking me...just randomly fondling me like I was a plaything.

I looked at Gray's dad and he was just smiling as he fucked me, "Look at them Archie, look how turned on they are. Look at the hungry looks on their faces...because of you. All because of you."

He made his point by slamming me hard three time, each one causing my toes to curl as I fought off the urge to moan out loud.

"I don't know them..." I said desperately trying to keep focus.

"You don't need to," he insisted, "All you need to do is bring them pleasure, that's what you were made for."

The guy tweaking my nipple leaned down and began to chew on it and a small whine fell out of my mouth as the pain moved through me, only enhancing the feeling of getting fucked. The hand on my cock was removed only to be replaced with his mouth. Now a loud moan as my hips thrust up, shoving my whole cock down his throat...fuck I was getting off on this.

"This is your gift," Gray's dad said as he sped up his thrusts, "And you're giving them your it should be."

I felt something bump my cheek and I looked over to see a cock staring me in the face, another stranger had approached and was offering it to me. Part of me didn't want to suck his cock, I wasn't a faggot, I didn't do that. But with that cock sending me to heaven, that mouth bringing me nothing but fucking joy, I felt my mouth open and let this guy slip his dick in.

My tongue twirled around it as I began to suck some stranger off in the park. Another mouth covered my other nipple and I felt myself losing my mind to this. It was primal. All the sounds, the feelings, the was like a fucking concert of sex and I was so overwhelmed.

"Take my seed..." I heard Gray's dad call out as he shot his load into me. I could feel his cock pulse and I sucked the cock harder as I felt myself turned on even more.I felt it slide out of me and I was about to stop sucking when my legs were raised again and another cock entered me. I ride to look who was fucking me but the guy who I was sucking off grabbed my head and kept me where I was.

"Oh he is tight!" I heard a voice exclaim as I started getting fucked again. I was starting to panic now, I didn't know these guys, were they all going to fuck me? I had to get out of here! I began to scream around the dick in my mouth and I felt the hands hold me down tighter. I was about to fight when Gray's dad's face appeared over me.

"Shhh....relax,'re ok. Everything is ok."

I was finally able to pull my mouth off of that cock so I could talk, "I-I don't know them...I don't..."

He held my head in his hands and smiled, "Archie...shhhh. Feel it, feel yourself getting fucked. You're sharing your gift with them. Listen to them, they are all turned on by you, they want you. You're beautiful, you're perfect...let them worship you."

I calmed down some and he held the cloth up, "You ready?"

The guy fucking me wasn't half bad, his dick wasn't huge but he was really getting in there...

I nodded and he lowered the cloth over my nose and mouth, and I took a deep breath.

Seconds later I was gone and felt nothing but fucking pleasure as I thrust back onto that cock, wanting to feel him fucking shoot in me as well. The cloth was left on my face for almost a minute, I was flying high by the time it was taken off. So much that when a cock was placed against my mouth I simply opened it and started sucking, never even opening my eyes.

The guy added his load next to Gray's dad and I felt him move off, and then was replaced in seconds. Another cock shoved into me, this one thick as hell, pushing the sides of my walls apart mercilessly. As he began to fuck me I could feel him nudging past my spot, the first few times with no effect. But after about a minute I felt it start to tingle and then finally explode, making my entire body shake.

"Holy shit," someone said," he's really sucking my cock now.

I heard a deep laugh, "Yeah my dick gets these boys revved up, ain't that right boy?"

He slammed into me and I saw stars in my eyes as my hips began to move on their own according, trying to shove his donkey dick across my spot as much as possible. I tasted precum in my mouth before the guy just blew his load, hot cum filled my mouth and went down my throat, some of it spilled out as he just kept cumming.

He pulled his dick out and I heard Gray's dad, "What do we say?"

I moaned twice and then let out a weak, "Thank you sir..."

I heard a bunch of people laugh as my mind began to shred itself against that dick. Now that I was able to look up I could see I was getting fucked by this massive black man, like 6'7", bald, wide as a fucking house. He saw me look at him and he winked.

"Yeah you like that black cock white boy?"

"Oh god fuck me..." my mouth began to ramble as my brain was flooded with so many chemicals I didn't even know what I was saying, "Fuck me harder..."

I felt his huge paws grasp my hips and pulled me down as he thrust in and it felt like time skipped for a moment.

"Oh daddy....fuck...fuck....oh please..." I whined.

I heard one of the voices to the side, "Fuck he's a slut."

Another one added, "Look at his dick...he's leaking like a faucet. He loves this!"

Gray's dad was over me again "You see? You love this don't you?"

I nodded as I felt the breath get knocked out of me, "Oh daddy...he's in me...he's so deep in me..."

He stroked my hair, "I know baby, that's you sharing your gift...feel that? That pleasure is from serving...don't you want to serve?"

"I want to be good...I'll serve daddy...please...I'll be good..."

I was losing speech as his bulldog of a man fucked me senseless. I put my arms over my head and gripped the table, so I could arch my back and thrust directly into him as hard as I could.

"Jesus look at his body," someone said in awe.

I could only imagine what I looked like, naked, spread out on a park table, my back arched, my hands over my head, every muscle, every line just glowing under the full moon. My cock throbbing, spraying precum skyward every time this stranger hammered my tiny, jock ass. I couldn't talk anymore, all I could do was whine like a needy dog wanting a treat.

"Oh I'm gonna cum..." the guy said and I could feel myself get closer as well.

"Daddy...daddy...." I began to stutter as I felt my cock start to pulse.

"Com for me Archie," Gray's dad asked "Cum for me and show me how much you want to serve."

I felt the guy's cock explode in me and it pushed me over the edge. Streams of cum flew out of my cock, I could heard the strangers comment on it as I screamed in ecstasy, ropes of spooge raining down on my body, fireworks going off in my mind. The guy thrust a few more times into me, making sure to dump the last f his cum into my whore ass before he pulled out and let my legs fall to the table.

Daddy's face over mine. "You like that?"

I nodded with a smile.

"Want more?"

"Yes sir..." I slurred.

He looked over, "Next."

I don't remember much after that

Next: Chapter 15

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