Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 29, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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I woke up with the sun, feeling like I had been beaten up a couple of times.

My whole body ached and it felt like a pack of feral cats had used my mouth for a litter box. Sitting up I could feel the pings of a hangover, but not one made by drinking too much. The images of Gray's dad, the cops, all of it came flooding back and with each memory came the feeling of nirvana brought on by the overload of serotonin my condition produced.

I felt like crap but I also felt incredible. My hands didn't shake, I wasn't anxious, from experience I knew I was dehydrated and probably starving, but getting fucked had done it's job. I was at 100 percent again. I found my clothes scattered all over the jeep and slowly got dressed before I headed home. Luckily my parents were used to me going to bed early and just locking the door or I would have had more cops looking for me.

And maybe they could fuck me too.

The thought was quick and powerful, the feeling of the cops fucking me on the table, the way my back arched as he thrust into me...

"Stop." I said to myself, trying to banish those thoughts from my head. I didn't have time for that shit right now, I got what I needed, so they served no purpose.

But if that was true why was I half hard?

Pulling my shirt on I drove home, I had just enough time to shower, change and eat and get to school on time. Tomorrow we had a pretty serious match and I couldn't risk missing school and being put on probation from the team. We had fucking rocked this season so far and if we pounded it out this weekend, we were on to the state quarterly the week after that. Three days in Sacramento going up against the very best the state had to offer. That was what this whole season had been about, if I win tomorrow then I qualify to throw down next week and that was where I would wow the world.

If I did well there then I could name the school of my choice and go on to the life I had been fighting for since I was 10.

All I needed to do was make sure all my shit was taken care of.

I snuck in the back door, ran up to my room and took a quick shower, rinsing the copious amounts of dry cum off my body and rinsing my sore ass out of lord knows how many loads. By the time I was done I felt human again, and not a fucking walking cum rag. I threw on some clothes and ran downstairs, my mom and dad were busying talking as I grabbed some fruit off the counter.

"Someone looks like they had a good night's sleep," my dad said with a smile.

"Slept like a baby," I answered.

A baby that got fucking trained by two strangers on a park bench, crying for more cock in his holes for...

I shook my head, trying to physically throw the thoughts out of my head.

"You ok son?" My dad asked concurred

I looked at him with a plastic smile, "Yeah, just a little headache."

He seemed convinced and went back to his breakfast, but my my mom was still watching me.

"Where's your little friend?" She asked.


"The boy on your team, the one you go and pick up...I haven't seen him around."

My blood turned to ice water, "Um...nothing."

"Nothing?" She asked confused.

"I need to go," I said grabbing my backpack and ran to the door.

Fuck how much did she know? Did she know?

I got in my jeep and slammed my hands down on the steering wheel in frustration. Why couldn't things just fucking stop being weird?

The boys and me had lunch, all of us pretty hyped about tomorrow's match.

"We are going to state," Tony swore, "No way we came this far not to."

I nodded, "Nothing can stop us, we are beasts!"

Wyatt held his hand up fo a high five, "Can I get an amen!"

I looked over at Cooper who was just sitting there, looking at me.

"What? You don't think we got it?"

"Depends," he said calmly.


"On who shows up. If it's beast mode Archie, the guy I've been wrestling with for the last three years, fucking shit up and taking names, then yeah state is a mortal lock. But if it's the guy who's been showing up this year, the guy who spent all this time grooming a freshmen no one cares about...then I don't know."

I stood up in a flash, the table tipping over to the ground as Tony and Wyatt scrambled out of the way.

"What's your damage Coop?"I asked as he got to his feet in a flash, "What exactly is up your ass?"

He was taking several steps back from me, because he wasn't a fucking fool. I could destroy him without even breaking a sweat and we both knew it. He backed into the table behind us and he was caught. I got up right int his face.

"If you have a fucking problem, say it now."

He was silent.

"Next time you open your mouth it better be to say yes sir, or nothing at all."

Our eyes were locked, the entire lunch room held its breath as we squared off.

And then slowly, like molasses his head dropped and he said, "Yes sir."

I smiled and parted his shoulder, "See? How hard was that?"

He gave me a scornful look but we both knew I had won, him whining about it would just make him look like a little bitch. I looked around, "Ok folks, shows over. Go back to whatever you were doing."

Everyone went back to talking as Wyatt and Tony put the table right.

"Stop getting in my face," I said to Cooper, my hand still on his shoulder, "Cause next time you come at me I'm swinging back, got it?"

He nodded.

And that was that.

Or so I thought.

Saturday came and I woke up feeling like I could take on the world.

I met the guys at the school and hung out with them in the locker room before the match. Everything seemed to be back to normal, we were all laughing, pumped up for the match, I caught the kid sneaking a look at me from across the room but he looked away quickly.

I went out there and completely destroyed my guys. It wasn't even funny. I may have had a rough fucking few weeks but here and now, I was a god. The first guy went down so fast he wasn't even sure the count was over by the time I stood up. The second one was a little more hesitant but he went down all the same. The third, he was fucking scared. You could see it in his eyes when we stood across from each other.

I just smiled at him "Prepare to get fucked. Hard."

His eyes widened and the ref blew his whistle.

It was over that fast.

I jumped off the mat screaming, my arms raised high in victory as my guys came off the bench to hug surround me, cheering at the top of their lungs. We were going to state...this was what I had dreamed of.

In the locker room as we undressed Tony looked like he was about to. Jump out of his skin, "Let's go celebrate!" He said as we pulled our singlets off.

Wyatt shook his head, "I am so not in the mood to hang out in your garage and drink all night."

"No!" he said shaking his head, "The boardwalk is lit up tonight, let's grab some White Claws and cruise the games. I bet we can find some snatch wandering around, I mean look at us. We can get some pussy under the pier."

Wyatt seemed to think about it as Cooper nodded, "Fucking a chick under the pier does sound hot. You in King or you busy with your freshman again?"

"Man fuck him, hell yeah I am in. Let's go pussy hunting!"

We all cheered and headed naked into the shower, this was what I needed. A fucking night away from all this fag shit with my boys. This would fix my fucking head.

It had to.

Tony and Wyatt got ready with me at my house and we were going to meet Cooper at the boardwalk. We were all laughs and fucking around as we downed the drinks I had snuck up to my room already, Wyatt was standing in front of my closet with just his boxer briefs on, looking for something of mine to wear. I glanced at his ass, it was so fucking tight, and the bulge he had wasn't nothing. I looked away quickly and came face to face with Tony's soft cock as he pulled his jeans off.

"You mind if I rinse off?" He asked, standing there naked.

Tony was thick, like super thick. Not at in the least but just wide. He had massive thighs that looked like they could break boulders if he wanted to. Because they were so massive it made his dick look small, but it wasn't. Tony was full blooded Italian and he had the swinging cock to prove it. I had never seen him hard but he looked easily as big as I was, so it was nice.

I nodded, forcing myself not to look at that cock.

He grinned and headed into my bathroom.

"Which one is better?" Wyatt asked.

Wyatt now was all together a different beast. Where Tony was wide, Wyatt was lean. He was from San Dawg born and raised so he was practically born on a surfboard and it showed. He had tight, cut abs and a swole set of pecs that just looked like they were drawn on by god instead of real life. He looked like all the surfer boys I watched this summer except where they were in good shape, Wyatt was in incredible, shape. His dirty blond hair made his sea blue eyes just pop like they were glowing, and his smile...fuck his smile.

"Hello?" He asked holding up the two pairs of pant, "Which one?"

Fuck, knock it off Archie.

"Neither, you should rock some board shorts," I said, knowing his calves would fucking look intense in the boardwalk lights.

"You think?" He asked looking back in my closet. He pulled out a pair of red A&F board shorts and held them up, "Maybe..." He shrugged and tossed them on the bed and then pulled his boxers off in one go. Now where Tony was Italian through an through, Wyatt was a San Dawg boy and you could tell by his cock. He had a fat head like mine and a thick shaft that hung over his balls in a way you could tell was just waiting to explode. Even soft Wyatt and me looked big, we were in the rare group of growers AND showers.

"You don't mind if I go raw right?" He asked, bending over, shorts halfway up, that perfect ass just hovering there...

"Fuck no, it's cool man," I said looking away before I got hard. God damnit, what the fuck was going on? I never found these guys hot before, what the hell was wrong with me now?"

"Fuck that felt good!" Tony asked coming out of the bathroom glistening wet and butt ass naked. His towel was drying his hair and every cut on his body seemed to just hum with sexual energy, "I am so ready to fuck something tonight!"

I felt my ass loosen at the thought before I mentally punched myself in the face and went back to changing my own clothes. Fuckfuckfuck, what the hell was going on? I downed the rest of my White Claw and opened another, draining half of it in another gulp.

"Whoa slow down there," Wyatt said, standing there in just my board shorts, his bulge leaning to the right, head of his cock visible looking like a fucking treat...

"I'm good," I said gruffly, finish my drink, "If you two princesses can finish getting ready maybe we can bounce."

They didn't say anything as they finished getting dressed, I needed to get out of this room with the two naked studs as fast as humanly possible.

The place was packed, nearly everyone from our school was here, celebrating our win. Cooper was waiting by the entrance, a girl was chatting him up, laughing at whatever he just said. That wasn't really a shock, after me Coop was the best looking one of us. We had joked, well I had, that Cooper was like the Walmart version of me. Everything I had, just a little less. I was about two inches taller, I lifted thirty pounds more, I had two percent less body fat than he did and I did all that weighing eight pounds lighter than him. I was everything Cooper wanted to be, which is why I kept him under my thumb so much. I couldn't afford for him to jump above me in the pecking order and start bossing me around.

He saw us walk up and nodded and then said bye to the girl.

"Took you bitches long enough, how long does it take to put makeup on?" He asked us.

"Some amount of tie it takes you to change your tampon I'd assume," I shot back and the guys laughed. Cooper made a face but he knew I had gotten him.

"Look," I said pulling two White Claws out of my jacket pockets, "I come bearing gifts!"

He smiled and took one as I opened mine. He raise his can to mine, "To fucking winning."

I gave him a wolf's grin, "To fucking winning."

We downed the cans in one go and I felt the buzz hit my head, tonight was going to be epic. We crushed the cans and tossed them, "So who was the birdie?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "Someone sniffing around, but come on. You never full up on the first thing at a buffet, you taste everything before you actually eat."

We all cracked up at his words as we began to cruise the boardwalk, the stride in our walk proclaiming that studs were on deck. People waved to us left and right, mostly girls, some guys. Our letterman jackets made it clear we were varsity meat and the best the school had to offer. Girls wanted a piece of us, guys wanted to be us, and us...we just wanted to rule.

"So much snatch," Tony said with a leer, "How am I supposed to choose just one?"

"Who said you had to?" I answered, giving him a wink.

More laughing as I pulled a couple of more cans out of my inner pocket. We downed them and found a place to lean, letting everyone get a good look at us and allowing them to present themselves for our pleasure.

Packs of girls walked by, smiling and waving as they did. The guys gave a head nod to some, a wink to others. After we were pretty sure we had seen what there was to offer, we made plans.

"That redhead is hot," Coop said as he watched her walk away, "Am going in boys, don't wait up." He walked away, and I had to say he had a great looking ass.

Nope, not now.

"You wanna go chat the two blonds?" Tony asked Wyatt, "Unless you want us to chill with you boss."

I shook my head, "I'm good man, go get em."

"You're just gonna stand here and look pretty aren't you?" Wyatt asked.

I shrugged, "What can I say? It's what I'm good at."

They both laughed and walked away, leaving me alone with my buzz.

The night air felt good on my face and I let my mind wander, just happy to be alive.

"Someone looks happy," a voice said right next to me.

I opened my eyes and was face to face with Dax, smiling at me like he owned the world.

"What the fuck you want?" I asked, taking a half step back in reflex.

"Me? Nothing man," he said leaning right where I had been, "I'm doing great. What about you?"

"I'm fine," I snapped, not sure what the fuck he wanted.

"You sure?" He asked, facing me with a smile.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growled.

He just looked at me with that fucking grin, not saying a word. I took a good look at him, since I really didn't have a chance before. He was in good shape, cute face, had those red cheeks a lot of baseball boys had. You could see his form under the letterman jacket, it was clear he was a jock. He had on a pair of tight jeans that did noting but show off his cock as it snaked down his left leg.

"My eyes are up here," he said snapping his fingers.

"Fuck off," I snapped realizing I had been caught looking.

"How about I fuck you?" He asked in a low voice, "I heard you and Gray broke up, where you getting your cock from now?"

I took a step towards him and grabbed the front of his shirt, "Say one more word motherfucker, just one word."

He seemed worried, but nowhere near as scared as he should have been, "Calm down there big guy, was just asking since it looked like you got off on getting plowed. You did right?" He leaned forward and in a tone of voice barely above a whisper, "You do remember? The feel of my cock in your ass, the way you begged me to go faster, harder? You remember right? I'm not trying to threaten you, I'm just offering my services."

I let go of him as his words began to melt into my brain.

"It's real simple man," he said smoothing his shirt out, "I'm going over to that bathroom and will be in the last stall. If you want to come ride my cock and get off, I'll be waiting. If I was wrong and you didn't like it, then I guess I won't be seeing you. The offer is real, no strings, no tricks, just a good old fashioned fuck. Up to you."

He gave me a wink and walked away, heading to one of the public bathrooms for the pier. He didn't look back, he didn't pause, he just walked away like he already knew what was about to happen.

"Fuck that," I muttered, "No way I am doing that."

But my ass, it was remembering. It was opening and closing as it was reminded of how it felt to get fucked by him, some fucking stranger just slamming into me...hitting my spot...

"No," I grunted, forcing myself not to move.

My cock was already half hard and I could feel a familiar ache in my balls. I looked up at the bathroom, it wasn't even ten feet away. All I had to do was walk ten feet and I could be satisfied. Ten feet and another step into hell. I wasn't a fag, I didn't want this, I didn't.

I needed it.

That thought hit me like a sledgehammer, I actually felt my knees weaken for a moment as the reality sank in. Before I knew it my legs were walking on their own accord, clearing the ten feet in seconds. The bathroom was dingy and a couple of the lights were out so it was just fucking ominous. I saw the last stall, the door was cracked open. No one else was in here, I made sure to check the other stalls as I passed.

I opened the stall and he was sitting there, smiling.

"Imagine meeting you here."

"Shut up," I said, getting in and latching the door behind me. It was one of those wheelchair ones so there was some space to move around, but not much.

"No," he said sharply, "This doesn't go down like this," he said standing up, "I am doing you a favor, I am giving you a gift."

He undid the top button of his jeans and I could see his bulge throb.

"So you're gonna be respectful and beg me, or I'll just take this," he grabbed his package, "And leave."

LET HIM LEAVE! My brain screamed at me.

"I'm sorry," I said in a fucking pathetic voice.

He smiled, "Better, crawl."

I gave him a look, which told him I did not want to be on this nasty ass floor. But from the look on his face, it wasn't a choice. Sighing I got on all fours and crawled towards him, ignoring the smells and moisture beneath me.

"Good boy," he said running a hand through my hair, "Go ahead, you can get your treat."

I pulled his jeans and boxer briefs down and his hard cock broke free and shot up. Before I could even stop myself I licked my lips and moved forward to suck it.

"Nu-uh," he said putting a hand on my forehead to stop me, "What do we say?"

Fucking god damned asshole...

I looked up at him, "Please..."

He grinned and moved his hand as I covered his cock with my mouth.

"Oh yeah," he moaned, both hands on my head pressing me down "God your mouth is almost as good as your ass...such a talented fag."

I wanted to bite his dick off and say I wasn't a fag, but I could feel the need growing to get fucked and right now I didn't have time to waste on Grindr. I had a cock in my mouth, which meant I needed to play nice if I wanted it in my ass. Do whatever this punk wanted and then go on my way.

I licked his cock up and down, treating it like an ice cream cone, his precum sinking into my tongue as I worked. He kept thrusting up into my mouth which was annoying, but I also knew I didn't bring any fucking lube so I needed this whole fucking dick to be covered in my spit when I was done. He had a decent cock for a freshman, he wasn't in Gray's league but then not many people were. He had some thickness to it and his length was decent, I could make it work if he'd stop trying to fucking choke me with it.

He pulled his shaft out and slapped my face a couple of times, his meaty dick making a wet sound as it impacted my cheeks.

"Yeah you like that cock? You like that bitch?"

I nodded as I tried to get it back in my mouth, but instead he pushed my head under his balls, forcing me to service them too. He shaved, which was good because I didn't want to be picking his pubes out of my teeth for the rest of the night. I licked the underside of his sack and could hear him purr as he relished my tongue.

"Oh yeah, fucking Archie King licking my balls...if my friends could see me now."

I pulled back, "Dude, can you just not?"

He looked down with a scowl, "No one told you to talk cunt," he said slapping my face again with his cock, "You want this? You want this up in you?"

Such word accented with a slap of course.

I nodded but we were past that now.

"Beg me, plead with me you little fag..."

Sighing I swallowed my pride, "Please Dax, please let me ride your cock."

"That didn't sound believable."

"Please Dax, please, fuck me with your baseball jock dick. Make me cum...please..."

He gave him an evil grin and walked over to the toilet and sat down, his cock sticking straight up, "It's all yours baby."

Repressing my sigh I slipped my sneakers off and then my pants. I kept my socks on cause fuck my bare feet on this floor. I walked over to him and turned around so I wasn't facing him.

"Nope, I like to look my bitches in the eyes when I fuck them."

Low growl as I turned around and face him.

"Come on bitch...ride that cock."

I hovered over his dick while I reached under and guided his head to my hole. I could feel my ass already relaxing in anticipation, Jesus I really knew how to get fucked now.

I felt his head touch my hole and paused, his eyes would not leave mine.

"Come on baby, ride daddy's cock."

I closed my eyes as I pushed down, his head pushing against my little, jock hole.

"Fuck..." I moaned as I tried to force it in.

"Come on can do it."

I said nothing as I felt his head thrust into me, as always I involuntarily gasped from the sensation. He lets out a low moan that tells me my ass is as tight as ever.

I don't pause as I push myself down further. I can feel his shaft fill my hole, something deep inside me vibrates as it waits for him to be in me. The pain is awful but I think I am managing it better, because I don't have to pause like I normally do. It takes about a minute but I have all eight inches of freshman cock up in me.

"Oh fuck yeah," he exclaims, "Your ass is like a fucking oven."

Something else I have heard as well.

I grab his shoulders and slowly pull myself up, making sure to arch my back to get the right angle...

"Fffuuuccckkkk...." I moan as I feel his cock scrap my spot. My entire body feels like its glowing as my cock rages to hardness and my brain starts to fuzz almost instantly.

"Oh you like that?" He asks and all I can do is nod as I push back down on him, feeling his dick tickle my ass in all the right ways.

"Come on baby," he says grabbing my hips, "Tell daddy how it feels."

He holds me steady as he thrust us up and I feel my body jerk with pleasure.

"Oh right there..fuck yeah..." I whine despite myself trying not to.

"Tell daddy where is feels good." He asks with another push.

"Oh in my pussy..fuck yeah my pussy..." my mouth babbles against my will.

I can hear him chuckle and know he is getting off on hearing me beg, "Tell daddy to fuck you like a good girl."

I want to keep my mouth shut, I want to tell this kid to fuck off but my need is too great now. My ass needs his cock and my brain doesn't care what my ego fears.

"Oh I'm a good girl daddy, fuck me...please fuck your girl..."

I can hear the shock in his voice, "Holy fuck Gray wasn't kidding, you are a slut."

I nod as I push back onto his dick, "I'm a slut, such a good slut...please daddy...please..."

I can tell he is getting off on my humiliation but my brain was in a fuckfog and it just didn't care what came out of my mouth. All it wanted was his cock slamming into my spot over and over and if I had to whine and whimper like a fucking slut, I would all night.

Thankfully I think he started getting into the fuck because he stopped asking me questions and just started thirsting up into me with force. His dick might not have been Gray's size but fuck he knew how to use it. He was thrusting up with his legs while holding me down by my shoulders, ramming that cock so hard I could feel my cock leaking precum like it had a hole in it.

I grunted with each impact, shoving myself down each time, forcing as much of this baseball stud's cock into as I could. Fuck this was what I needed, a cock to ride with abandonment, this was how I needed to celebrate my wins from now on. Just fucking myself silly on some cock until I came.

"Fuck you are so tight," he marveled, slowing his thirsts because I had the feeling he was close and wanted this to last. "How's my cock feel?"

"So good..." I moaned and he leaned in to kiss me.

I devoured his mouth willingly, I didn't care any more. This boy was giving me everything I needed and more. I was his and on some level we both knew it. He pushed my head aside and started to gnaw on my neck again, and as before I just whimpered from his teeth, knowing he was marking me as his bitch and that I deserved it.

My ass was thrusting back as he left hickie after hickie, god I needed this. I felt like crying I was in so much pleasure. My cock was hard as a rock between us and I could feel my balls start to tingle as I got close.

"Fuck I'm close," I said and he nodded, "Me too."

We started to speed up our thrusts when there was a creaking sound of the bathroom door opening.

Someone was walking in.

We both freeze as I heard two guys talking, not just any two guys, Cooper and Wyatt.

"..ying he's just being a dick."

That was Cooper.

"Yeah so what's new?" Wyatt answered, I heard their piss starting to flow, "He's always been a dick, why's it a thing now?"

"I don't know, something is bugging me and I cant figure out why. I know we all put up with his ass because of who he is, but it gets old."

Wyatt chuckled, "Calm down man, once we graduate we never have to worry about Archie King again."

Me? They'd been talking about me?

"Yeah but I wanna kick his ass at least once before then, payback for all the shit he put us through."

I was trying to listen when Dax thrust up into me, making me whimper in pleasure.

I bit my bottom lip and looked at him in a panic.

He just gave me an evil grin and did it again, I could feel my cock burp another glob of cock snot as he hit my spot dead on. I felt my eyes roll back but I forced myself to hold on.

"What was that?" Cooper asked.

Fuck he'd heard me.

Dax started thrusting again and again, the impact sending earthquakes through my body each time. He leaned forward and in my ear whispered, "Come on Archie, just let go. I bet these guys will fuck you too. Don't you want that? More cocks? Remember how it felt with Gray and me? Can you imagine that again?"

I could and my brain was starting to fog from the memory.

"Just call out to them," he tempted, "Beg them like you begged me...come a good slut."

"Is someone in there?" Cooper asked Wyatt.

"I think so..." I heard Wyatt ask as Dax pushed me down on his cock again, the inside of my check was bleeding I was biting down so hard so I wouldn't start to moan.

"Holy fuck!" Wyatt exclaimed, "Someone's fucking In there!"

I felt cold water go down my spine as his cock sped up faster.

"No shit," Cooper said, "I can't cant see in."

"Look under, two sets of feet."

Small pause as Dax stoped holding my shoulders and reached down and grabbed my cock.

"Ohh..."my mouth let out when he touched my trigger happy dick.

"Shit man, it's two guys!" Wyatt said excitedly.

There was a pounding on the door as Cooper yelled, "FAGS!"

Dax's hand was speeding up and between his cock and hand, I was done for.

I felt my eyes roll back and the world started to fade as my balls tingled and my brain started to shut down.

"Fuck this, that's fucking gross, come on..." their voices receded as Dax slammed one last time into my spot...making my cock explode.

"Unnghghhhhh..." I moaned as cum flew everywhere I heard distant laughing and I knew they had heard me but I didn't care. My ass was clenching down on Dax's cock and his eyes got wide as he started to shoot up in me. We both came like fire hoses as the excitement of almost being caught along with our movements pushed us deep into fucking manic territory.

We were kissing as he slammed the last drop of his load into me, I could feel my toes curl from my orgasm, it felt like I was floating on fucking air for a minute.

When we stopped we were coved in cum and sweat, just looking at each other in amazement. And then he started to laugh, "Why didn't you say anything? You liked two cocks before."

I pushed off him, his soft cock slipping out of my hole, "Fuck you man, I knew those guys."

"Even better!" He laughed, "So they don't know you're a slut?"

I pulled my pants back on, "No one does, Gray and you."

And his dad. And two cops. And a random medic. And....shut up.

He pulled his pants up checking me out, "Well shit man, that has to suck for you."

I slipped my shoes on, "Why?"

"Because you have a hungry cunt there, and if Gray kicked you to the curb, who's gonna feed you now?"

I said nothing, because it wasn't something I had thought of, but not something I hadn't thought of if you know what I meant.

"Ok," he said walking over to me and slapping my face, "Good fuck, always a pleasure. Give me a few minutes and then walk out." He leaned in and kissed my cheek, "Such a nasty girl."

I wanted to hit him but this wasn't the time or place. My head was spinning from the White Claws and the orgasm, I just wanted to get home before I crashed. I walked out and checked my neck, yep. More hickies. Awesome. I pulled my jacket up best I could and splashed some water on my face.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I walked out and froze.

Gray was standing there with a group of friends, Dax was right there talking to him. Gray looked at me and our eyes met. Dax, seeing Gray was staring at someone turned around and saw me. "Oh hey Archie!" He said with a wave.

I gave a small wave and turned towards my car, I needed to get out of here.

I began to walk away when I heard Gray, "Arch!"

I turned and he was running up to me.


"I don't know if getting Dax to fuck you was the smartest thing."

I gave him a look, "Who says we did anything?"

He just started at me and then took the flannel shirt he was wearing off, leaving only the t shirt beneath on, He handed it to me, "Tie this around your waist, you're leaking cum all down the back of your jeans."

I felt behind me and it was all wet.

I turned to say something but he was already walking away.


Next: Chapter 13

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