Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jun 26, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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So after that night at the gym, I was changed.

First thing I did was go to my parents and tell them.

What did I tell them? Great question.

I told them I was in love with Gray, and that we were dating. I told them I had no idea if I was gay, bi or just confused, but I knew two things. I was in love with Gray and I was going to win nationals. They were supportive, super supportive, like too supportive? I finally asked them why they weren't weirded out and my mom admitted she had a feeling I had feelings for Gray, seeing us together.

She said it was hard to hide real love.

I told Gray which snowballed into a five hour bout of sex that...if I'm being honest, am still limping from. The week leading up to nationals was insane. I was training like a madman, trying to finish up my finals, and getting regularly fucked by a variety of people, making sure I was in the zone.

Monday it was Matty and the surfpups. I went out to the shore and let them run a train on me all night. It was amazing to feel these kids just work me over with such a passion...can't say enough.

Tuesday it was Wyatt and Tony, they found me after practice and threw me up against the shower wall, ramming their cocks into me one at a time until they both laid down and made me ride them. I shot a geyser of cum into the air that cleared my head by a foot. Best friends ever.

Wednesday was Cooper's day. He came home with me after school, and we spend the rest of the night up in my room. Him fucking me, me fucking him, I gave him one night of passion, the night he had been dreaming of since junior high. As I fucked him for the third time he came, riding my cock, and ended up crying in my arms as he said he always loved me, and was sorry for how wrong things had gone.

It was a turning point for us, I was so happy we got to this point.

Thursday was Gray's dad. He got us a really expensive hotel room and made a whole night of it. We took a bath, he washed me, he made me cum so hard I thought my cock was going to fall off. I must have rode his cock five times that night, falling asleep next to him, my ass warm and happy.

Friday, Gray and me flew to Washington DC for the finals. The match wasn't until Saturday and we decided to get there early, to just spend the night together. My parents, his parents, the guys, a ton of people were coming to watch me wrestle and it felt so humbling.

Old me would have expected it, bragged about it. Now, I was just stunned that so many people were invested in my success. I felt unworthy.

That night we checked into the hotel and didn't get out of bed until the morning, my boy kept me busy all night.

So Saturday it was time. What I had been working towards for years and years was hours away...and I didn't know how to take it.

"So you're telling me," Gray said, waving a piece of bacon to make his point, "Is the great Archie King is nervous?"

I took the bacon from him and took a bite from it, "One, I never said I was great."

"Lately," he corrected me, taking a piece of sausage from my plate in return.

"I haven't said I was great lately. Two, of course I am nervous, these are the best wrestlers in the country. I'd be an idiot not to be worried."

"Well you are pretty dumb," he said, finishing the bacon off with a smile.

"I'm dating you, so I have to be fucking retarded."

He raised his eyebrows, "Someone is looking for trouble."

I gave him a wink as I took his other sausage, "I'm in love with you, that's all the trouble I can handle."

He paused, "I hate that you know saying that makes me all emotional."

I leaned over the table with half the sausage in my mouth, "What if I share my meat?"

He leaned closer, "Technically that's my meat."

We ate both our sides until we were kissing. When we were done I said, "That couldn't be your meat, if it was it would have been much bigger."

He laughed as someone knocked on our door.

I got up and opened it, his and my parents were there smiling.

"We interrupt something?" my dad asked, looking down.

Shit, I was hard. I covered myself and headed to the bathroom, "Gray our folks are here."

I heard laughing as I closed the door and turned on the shower, time to get my game face on.

This place was huge, there were more people here than at the last five of my matches, ESPN had cameras everywhere and...yeah I was losing my shit.

Luckily the guys showed up as I got to the locker room.

"There he is!" Cooper exclaimed, "The man of the hour!"

Wyatt and Tony was behind them and when I saw them I instantly felt better. I hugged Coop and the other two joined us, "Thank god you guys are here."

Cooper held me close, "Hey big man, you got this."

He kissed the side of my face and I began to feel better.

Gray walked into the locker room, "Look at all my one place."

The guys parted as he walked up, "Look at you in your singlet," Gray said, looking me up and down, "Good enough to eat."

"Thank you daddy," I said with a smile, I was rewarded with him licking his lips.

"So you're gonna go out there, and tear this asshole up. Right?"

I nodded, "Yes sir."

"You have three matches," he said, "Each win, you can bring one of them along for the celebration tonight."

He gestured at the guys.

"How's that for motivation?"

I kissed him, "I am going to win the shit out of this match."

"Go get em Arch," Wyatt exclaimed.

"Kill them," Tony added.

"Not one of those guys can touch you," Cooper said, the belief in his voice palpable.

How could I not live up to these guys?

I was right though, it was rough.

The first match I almost lost within the first thirty seconds. He was this tall motherfucker from Ohio and I had to admit, the urge to just throw myself on the ground and beg him to fuck me was strong. He nodded and I felt my cock lurch in my singlet. He threw me to the ground and my ass relaxed in response. Fuck! I wanted to submit to this motherfucker bad...but I looked up and caught a half second of the Gray cheering me on.

And I reminded my body who I submit to.

It wasn't easy but I reversed this asshole off me and took the match. He looked at me odd, his eyes glancing down to the man sized bulge that my jock was not covering and shook his head. He really thought he had me, better luck next time.

The second match was easier, the guy was smaller and I wasn't fighting my own cock to pin him and get this shit over with. Once he was down the last match was just gravy. I had qualified for tomorrow, which meant I was at least top four in the fucking nation! I suppose a better man would have let the third guy go easy, since I was already a shoe in. But I may be a fucking cum slut, but I was nobody's bitch.

Except Gray, but he doesn't count.

So three up, three down and just like that I was in the top four.

The guys came out of the stands and lifted me up, they were all jumping up and down, surrounding me no one could see Cooper cupping my cock with his mouth, giving me my reward a bit early. Finally they let me down and we walked back to the locker room, as soon as the doors closed I grabbed Gray and gave him a kiss that would have killed ten lesser men. When I let him up his eyes were wide and he took. Second to catch his breath.

"What was that for?"

"For being there when I needed you."

He smiled and kissed me back.

"Ahem," a voice from the door said.

We stopped and looked over, and next to Gray's dad was a fucking model. I mean he was a middle aged model to be sure, maybe 30, 35, but holy fuck he was perfect. His face screamed masculine, he had a five o clock shadow that looked like it was painted on, his suit was doing a pretty good jo of declaring he had a body that was meant for sin, and the way his eyes bore into mine made my pussy wet, wanting to do whatever he said.

"Archie, this is Ryan. He's from Eden."

I let go of Gray and walked over to him, I could feel my body reacting to him in a million small ways. My ass was fluttering open and close, my cock was throbbing and my eyes...they kept falling to the ground, signaling to him I was submitting before I said a word.

"Archie King," I said, shaking his hand.

He had a fucking iron grip and smiled. Never taking his eyes away from mine he asked, "Can we have the room?"

Gray's dad motioned everyone to walk out, "We'll meet you at the hotel." Someone said.

I nodded, never talking my eyes off of this guy.

Once the locker room door closed I felt my knees give out.

He was still holding my hand, and watched me sink to my knees.

"He was right, you are trained."

My face was down, looking my weeping cock, staining the front of my singlet, "Yes sir."

He tilted my chin up, "We've been watching you, our last recruiter thought you didn't have the right mindset, that you were too...willful. Are you?"

I shook my head, "I need to serve."

His smile got wide, "Prove it."

I pulled open his slacks and fished out a cock that was on par with Gray's dad. Soft, this snake was like a fucking water hose, I moaned as I moved my mouth over it, tasting a real man's cock and worshipping him for it.

"Oh nice," he said, his hands moving through my short hair, "No hesitation, no looking around...what if someone walked in right now? What would you do?"

I slipped his half hard cock out of my mouth, looked up and said, "Ask you if I could suck them off too."

His smile got warm as he shoved my head over his cock. I gagged slightly but I didn't pause, as I licked around his shaft, tasting his fucking precum like it was the finest of wines, I hadn't touched myself and I was already getting fuck drunk just serving this guy.

"We like guys like you Archie, we can teach you things, show you places...we can introduce you to a whole new world. Would you like to see that?"

I nodded around his cock, not stopping my sucking.

"You want to belong to someone? You want to be someone's pet? To be there to relieve their cock at any time?"

I paused a little...and looked up, "I...I belong to someone already sir."

He cocked his head, "The legacy? The one who walked out?"

I nodded.

"But that boy has your heart, I am talking about your hole. We don't make people feel things Archie, we just put people together with environments where they can shine. You want to wrestle, get a college degree and to get fucked contantly, am I right?"

I nodded eagerly, "Yes sir."

"And you want to serve, don't you?"

I felt my eyes water with emotion, "So bad sir..."

"The boy was raised in our ways, I I was told he lets you get bred by your friends whenever you want, is that true?"

I nodded, Gray made it very clear he was not the jealous type and I was allowed to get fucked by anyone and everyone I wanted, as long as I came home to him. Which I did. Every single time. And I would, until he didn't want me anymore. Right now, it had been perfect, but I was worried about the future.

"So I ask again, don't you want to be someone's fuck thing? To serve them? Wait on them? To share your gift with them? To be brought up on stage during faculty meetings and have the staff just fuck you until you're babbling? Wouldn't you love to be strapped down in the quad, so that every student that walks by could use one of your holes? Punish you? Praise you? Fuck you until you squeal?"

My cock was leaking now and my body was vibrating I was so excited, "So much so sir."

He slipped his cock back into his slacks and I suppressed a moan, "Focus on tomorrow, do the very best you can. But know, when you are done, when it is over..."

He knelt down and was right next to my face, "You will belong to us."

I nodded and he leaned in to kiss me. It was aggressive, rough...possessive. It took my breath away and I felt my ass open in reflex...begging to be owned.

He stood up and adjusted his cock down his pant leg, "We'll go over the paperwork tomorrow, and don't worry, the presentation was made for people like your parents, who will see we are an Ivy League college with the very best reputation in the world. Our alumni include four presidents, 43 senators, twice that many representatives and countless mayors and governors around the country. Accept our offer and you will receive the very best education any amount of money can buy, and for you, it will be free."

He smiled, "Because you ill be paying in other ways, won't you?"

"I very much want to sir," I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

He nodded, "Go have fun, let your friends fuck you, and win tomorrow. Win knowing you are about to join the very best in the world."

He walked out and I swear I could still smell him, taste him...his precum was on my tongue.

I tore my singlet off and began to stroke self off right there on the locker room floor....locked in the quad...with everyone to fuck me...

I came like a freight train.

I had arrived.

After dinner the guys followed Gray and me up to our room.

My parents were super proud and Gray's dad had spent most of the night explaining Eden to them, the more they heard the more impressed they got. It was all just noises to me. Under the table I had been stroking Gray's cock through his slacks, forcing him to have a conversation while I halfway jacked him off.

By the time we all got to the room we were fucking horny, impatient and ready to explode.

As soon as the door closed Gray turned around and looked at Coop and me, we both stopped and put our heads down.

"Puppies wash up, get yourselves ready."

Cooper and I went to the bathroom and began to clean up, we had disposable douches to clean ourselves out while Gray, Tony and Wyatt got ready to fuck the shit out of us. It was weird, because as I washed Cooper I realized I did love him, I really did. But he was like a brother, a hot brother that I loved fucking until he cried, but it wasn't the same emotional love I had with Gray. It was...softer...calmer...

Just different.

We cleaned each other out and then walked out naked, both of our cocks rock hard in anticipation.

There were the three of them, naked, slowly stroking their cocks, smiling at us. Gray looked at me, "You won your get to choose."

I looked around and wanted all of them, at the same time. I just...I was overcome with emotion. I looked at Wyatt and Tony and smiled. Walking over to them I grabbed their cocks with my hand and began to stroke them off.

"Fuck me...both of you...make me pay for how I treated you."

Wyatt put a hand up to the side of my face, his surfer boy looks made my head spin this close up, "We love you Archie," he said kissing my cheek, "we always have, " another kiss.

Tony started on the other, "We adore you," licking my neck, "You have nothing to pay for..."

Wyatt was biting into my neck, "You know who you belong to."

They both began to devour me and pushed me back onto the bed as Gray grabbed Cooper by the hair and pushed him down to his knees. The eager look on Coop's face as he swallowed Gray's horse cock was amusing.

Their mouths were all over me, biting, licking, nibbling, making me moan and writhe in ecstasy as these two jocks worked my body over from tip to toe. Wyatt worked my shaved balls over in his mouth as Tony dove his long Italian tongue into my ass. My head was spinning as they used me as a plaything, Wyatt finally slipping his surfer boy cock into my mouth while Tony began to finger me.

I looked over and saw Cooper choking on Gray's cock as the freshman shoved it down his throat. Tears were streaming down his face as he gagged on the monster...but his cock was hard as rock as he worked all ten inches of that thing over in his mouth.

Tony fucked me first, this thick fucking meat breaching my weeping hole in one shot, making me gasp as I backed up onto his thickness. I was on all fours and Wyatt grabbed my head and shoved his cock into my mouth, his honey bond pubes smashing up against my nose as he made me swallow his entire cock.

God I had dreamed about this, begged for two best friends, using my holes, shoving their jock dicks into me with abandonment. Tony making me arch my back also he could slam his dick into my little jock hole while Wyatt made me worship his long, dripping cock, every drop of jock cum falling down my throat.

Once Tony got close he yelled out and Wyatt threw me back onto the bed. My huge legs were spread wide as he nailed me like his girlfriend, I squealed as I felt his fucking curved dick slide right to my spot like a homing missile. I screamed for him to keep fucking me, begged him to breed loudly Tony climbed over me and plopped his jock hole over my mouth, making me eat him out.

When he got close Wyatt pulled out and told Tony to get into position. Tony got up against the head board and pulled me up onto his cock like I was a child. His ankles curled around in end spread me wide as he lowered me into his towering cock. I groaned as I felt him punch his way past my hole.

Wyatt moved between my legs, and I held my breath as I felt his cock push t my hole too.

"Open up baby," Wyatt said as his cockhead broke through my hole, sliding into my quivering ass next to Tony. I cried out as I felt both cocks force their way into me, I threw my head back and felt Tony's. Mouth on my neck as Wyatt moved closer.

"So fucking know how beautiful you are Archie? You know how much a slut you are?"

"Yours," I moaned, feeling them both fuck me hard, "I'm yours..."

"How many years we wasted, you could have been our slut...we could have fucked you every weekend. You could have come over, drank our cum...rode our dicks...think about Archie...think about us fucking you every night..."

"Yours...all yours..." I babbled, giving my body over to them completely.

"Our fucking whore," he said savagely s he slammed into me, "Always gonna be our whore..."

I felt them both hitting my ass hard and my cock began to throb, "Fuck me..please...fuck me..."

Tony's hand moved around my throat, "Gonna be our little girl?"

"I'll be your own my pussy..please...fuck me...please fuck your girl."

"God that's hot," I heard Wyatt growl as he sped up.

"Always gonna own you Archie...always." Tony said as his own cock began to pulse.

"FUCK!" I called out as I came everywhere. My jock cunt clenched down on their cocks and they both came in my hole...filling me up it's their cum. My eyes rolled back as I felt them both flood y pussy with their seed...knocking me up...making me theirs...raping their slut.

Their slut,



Next: Chapter 24

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