Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 18, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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I woke up being fucked.

My own moans actually woke me as I realized I was begging for more. Someone was pounding my ass hard and their cock was incredible. I opened my eyes to find a college guy holding my legs wide as he fucked me hard. He had a short buzz cut and it took me a second to identify the dog tags around his neck.

"Wha...wha..." I grunted as he did pause for a second.

"Oh you're up," he said as means of hello, instead of slowing he picked up the pace.

"F-fuck...fuck...shit..." I panted as I felt his cock just rip into me. The sun was out but it was still early because the beach was deserted, I suppose that was one small mercy. I wanted to ask who he was but I couldn't talk because he was really smacking my spot hard.

"Yeah you like that?" He asked, "You feel that marine cock up in you?"

All I could do was nod because I didn't trust my mouth not to start babbling.

"Fucking stud like to get fucked I bet," he doubled down and I felt my back arch as I tried to push back into it. God he was good...I didn't even care if I was in public getting railed, I just wanted more of that cock.

"Yeah you want this...fuck I love sluts," he said pausing his thrusts. He grabbed my waist and lifted me as he sat back. My arms went around his broad shoulders as I slid down the length of his cock.

"Ohh..... I moaned as I felt myself take the whole thing.

`Come on slut, ride that cock."

Slowly I pulled myself up the length of him, feeling his cock crush my whole ass. Once I got to the top I forced myself down, both of us gasping as I hit his lap. Now that I was fully awake I could see the semper fi tat across his clavicle, and the lines of his toned body as I kept fucking myself on his cock. He was built, almost as good I was, the feel of our muscles rubbing against each other as he fucked me was as erotic as all fuck.

"Come on boy," he growled, "Fuck yourself on that cock."

"Yes sir..." I moaned as I started to ride him faster. I could feel his hands around my back, pushing me down onto his cock harder and harder. My dripping cock was rubbing between the cleft of his pecs, smearing the smooth muscles with nut juice every time I moved.

"Fuck you're tight," he said under his breath as I slammed down again and again, "How bad you love this?"

"Fucking love it," my mouth starts to babble, "So fucking big...fuck me...oh fuck me..."

"Beg me," he demands, the look of cruelty on his face was somehow erotic as well.

"Please daddy, fuck me...please...I'll be a good girl...please...oh fuck please...." I whine instantly

His eyes get wide for a moment and then an evil smile crosses his face, "You are a fucking slut."

I nodded, sweat flying form my forehead, "Such a slut...please...jock slut...jock slut..."

"You want me to shoot up in you? You wanna give birth to some devil puppies?"

"Breed me...please...oh daddy breed me..." I cried as I felt my balls start to tingle.

"Fucking whore," he growls as he begins to thrust up as he savagely pushes me down. I can feel his cock just pound deep into me, lights flashing before my eyes as I feel my brain start to melt under his assault. "Fucking faggot....whore!"

I can feel his cock expand and it sets me off as well. Cum flies from my dick as he floods my pussy with his marine corps cum like there is no tomorrow. I splash hot spooge all over his semper fi tat and dog tags as he keept thrusting up into me, making sure I get every drop of his fucking cum. My head was thrown back as I moaned, my spot singing from the impacts, good god this cock...fuck I love this cock...

When he stops he half stands up, throwing me to the ground. I look up as he glared down and me, "Worth every cent."

I look at him confused as he walks away.

Matty comes running from over the dunes, "Holy shit! That was hot man."

I look around, what the fuck is going on, "What happened?"

"Oh, well we fucked you until you passed out. Then we fucked you a few more times, and one of the older surfers called by and saw us, and asked if he could take a turn. So we made a joke saying 20 bucks, and he paid! So we let him fuck you, then Marcus had an idea..."

He held up a piece of cardboard, on it was written, "Fuck the jock! 20 bucks a ride."

"Dude, we've made bank!"

I felt my blood go cold as I stood up and grabbed the sign from him "What the fuck man? You whored me out?"

He took a step back, "Actually, you whored yourself out, all we did was monetize it."

I ripped the sign in half and I could see the other pups over the next dune, and a line of fucking surfers!

"I should kill you," I growled.

"Why?" He asked, "You wanted to get fucked, and dude, the last guy you loved. Why not make a little scratch off it? Here, this is your share."

He handed me five 20's, "There's at least another five hundred waiting."

I took the money and looked around for my clothes, "Fuck you Matty, this was uncool."

"Dude!" He said as I slipped my jock back on, "Why? You liked it, you were moaning and cumming the whole time! What does it matter?"

I spun on him, "So if you pass out I can have some strangers fuck you for cash?"

He looked at me with wide eyes, "If I get a cut why not? It's not like I'd be conscious for it."

I rolled my eyes and slipped my jeans on, "Fuck you dude, this was too far."

"Then why did you just cum buckets?" He asked as I slipped my shoes on. I looked at him "Dude, you were into that guy, big time. AND you got paid to fuck him. That's a win/win in my book."

"I like to have the choice."

He cocked his head, "You didn't last night, you didn't know who any of us were and you went with it."

He was right, and for a moment he was making sense.

Fuck that.

"You should have asked," I said standing up and brushing the sand off me.

"Ok, so you wanna make some money?"

I glared and him and he gave me a weak smile, "Joke?"

I shook my head and walked off, the marine's load still wet in my ass. I glanced over at the other surfers who had been lined up to fuck me and paused...some of them were kinda..


I kept walking to my jeep, I needed to get to school.

After a shower and some breakfast I felt like a new man. I made sure to pack my stuff up for the weekend, with state in Sacramento we were gonna be gone all weekend and not coming back until Monday. I should have been shook about what Matty had done but as I packed I realized I wasn't. The marine had been fucking hot as hell and I would have most likely wanted him to fuck me in the first place. But it kept coming back to what Gray's dad said, it was a gift to be given, not something to be taken.

I didn't care that they rented me out to get fucked, I cared that I didn't have a say in it.

That made me pause, did I really not care some strangers on a beach paid twenty bucks to fuck me? Did that not even register as a bad thing anymore? The more I thought about it the more I realized, I honestly didn't care any more. It wasn't just something I needed to wrestle anymore, it was something I enjoyed period.

I enjoyed getting fucked.

Just the words felt foreign in my brain but there was no denying their truth.

I wanted to get fucked.

I was disturbed and not in the same breath. I was more upset that I wasn't upset about it than anything.

"Archie, you're gonna be late!" My dad called from downstairs.

"Fuck it," I said under my breath and tossed the last of my things in my bag. No time to worry about this shit I had a a state championship to win.

Everyone was as pumped as I was.

We got to leave school early to get on the bus, so it was like a skip day and a field trip all rolled into one. The guys were losing their minds, Tony and Wyatt kept making stupid TIKTOKS on the way up while Cooper sat next to me, apologizing to me about what went down at the party. He assured me he was drunk and didn't mean it, but I was pretty sure he had been sober the whole night. Either way I let it go, I needed to focus on the match, not this drama.

More than once I saw Gray try to get my attention, but there was no way to get away from the guys so I just ignored it and planned on taking to him at our first bathroom break.

We stopped a huge gas place, like 30 pumps and a whole bathroom, shower area for truckers. It was massive. We got off to stretch, use the bathroom and grab food if we wanted it. Tony, Wyatt and Cooper headed off to the Carl's Jr. they had while I looked for Gray.

He was by the bathroom, waving for me to come over. This would be the first time he even looked at me since the boardwalk, I felt my stomach start to do backflips as I approached him.

"You're in trouble," was the first thing he said as I walked up, "I think Dax talked to Cooper."

I literally felt the ground shift beneath me as my worst nightmare was spelled out to me.

"Dax has been trying to get me to hook up with you again nonstop. When I told him I wasn't going to he got pissed. I saw him chatting Dax up at lunch yesterday, he might have told him."

Cooper knew? The guys knew? I felt my entire life start to burn around me as I realized I had nowhere to go. I was stuck, a hundred miles from home on a bus with the guys who pretend to be my friends for popularity. And they might know I'm a secret fucking slut.

"What do you think Cooper will do?" He asked me.

I looked at Gray, "I think he's going to fucking destroy me. And it's going to be your fault!"

He took half a step back.

"You were the one who brought that psycho into this. And now he's going to run around telling people?"

"I know, I'm sorry. I was pissed and I thought I could trust him."

"Boy, you read that one wrong!"

He looked miserable, which was good because that was how I felt.

"I need to get back in there and pretend everything is fine, and it's pray that Dax isn't as big an asshole as we know he is."

"Arch I'm sorry," he said truthfully.

"Yeah that a five bucks will get me a coffee right?"

I walked away pissed and terrified, I got this fucking far, and was going to lose it all?

I got back on the bus and Tony had bought me a burger.

"You ok?" Cooper asked as I started to eat.

I looked at him for a long time, trying to read his mind before I nodded, "Yeah, am great."

He nodded, "Sweet." and slipped his airbuds in and closed his eyes.

I ate slowly, not sure what the hell was going on.

We got to the hotel and started to grab our bags from the bus. The coach started rattling off room partners. Wyatt and Tony got one together and then they rattled me off with some other guy. I breathed a sigh of relief, I was worried I'd get stuck with Cooper and have to stress all night.

I grabbed my bag and checked in, took the elevator up to the room to claim a bed and to get settled in. I was nearly done with the door opened.

"Hey man, I took the bed nearest the bathroom cause..."

Cooper just smiled at me, "Surprise."

I felt my stomach sour.

He put his stuff away as I sat on my bed and waited for him to turn on me.

"You wanna go downstairs to eat or you wanna have the guys up here and we'll chill?"

It took me a second to realize he had asked me a question, "Huh?"

He laughed, "Dude, you are out of it. I'll tell them to come up here and I'll order Doordash."

I nodded, again not really sure what we were talking about.

"You ok man?"

I nodded, trying to get my shit together.

"You wanna crash?"

I shook my head.

He cocked his head in confusion, "Ok man, just let me know when you want to get some sleep and I'll kick them out."

I nodded, just internally freaking out.

A few minutes later Wyatt and Tony showed up and threw themselves on my bed, "So what we eating?"

Cooper was looking at his phone, "Taco Bell is quick."

Tony looked at me, "You ready to run for the border?"

"What?" I asked, wondering what he was talking about.

He paused, "The commercial, dude what's wrong?"

"He's freaking out," Cooper said.


Cooper was still ordering, "He's freaking out cause he knows we know."

I almost choked, "What?"

They all looked at me.

"We know you got fucked up last night, you're practically sweating vodka man."

I let out a laugh and just started to lose it.

"We aren't mad," Wyatt added, "Just would have liked to be asked to join."

I could not stop laughing, that's what they knew? Oh thank god.

"Yeah order me some nachos,"I said to Cooper, "And next time I will ask you guys along."

They all nodded and I started to relax, thank fucking god.

We ate and hung out, just shooting the shit and enjoying the night like we used to. I t had been a long time since we just hung out like this and it felt nice. Finally the coach started knocking on the doors saying it was close to lights out.

"We better jet before he catches us and makes us do pushups until we die," Wyatt said getting up.

Tony followed, "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow, when we kill!"

We fistbumped and they walked out, leaving Cooper and me.

"You wanna shower first?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah I'll be quick." I said, grabbing my stuff and heading into the bathroom.

I tossed my clothes off and got under the water, letting myself relax for once. These were still my guys, I had been worried for nothing. All I needed to do was beat the shit out of my opponents, and take us to nationals. Everything else didn't count.

I dried off and wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out.

"All yours man, I even left..."

He was laying on his bed naked, stroking his cock.

I stood there frozen.

"What? You don't want to stroke one out before we crash?"

I hadn't looked at Cooper's body in a long time, not since I started taking cock at least. If I had, I would have known he was hotter than fuck. He had the same body as mine, but slightly smaller. He was as ripped, as bulked, just as fucking hot as I was. His cock was nice, really nice.

Too nice.

"Dude," I said tearing my eyes away from him, "That shit is gay."

"Your loss man, I'm just too horned up to sleep yet."

I turned my back on him, and threw some boxer briefs on, hoping he would go take a shower and stroke on off in there. I glanced behind me and nope, still fucking naked.

"You can look man," he said when I looked away, "Not like you haven't seen me naked before."

"I haven't seen you jerking off before," I said, trying to sound upset.

"Well now you have."

I sat on the edge of my bed, facing away from him, forcing myself not to get excited.

"You sure you ok?" his voice whispered in my ear.

I jerked away and saw he was standing behind me, cock in hand.

"What the fuck man?"

"Are you?" he asked again, "You sure you good for tomorrow?"

I looked back at him, the color draining from my face.

"You sure you don't need to get fucked so you're steady?"

My mouth was dry, "W-what?"

He was walking towards me, stroking that cock, "I heard you have a problem, need to get fucked now and then. I just want you to be good for tomorrow, you ok?"

I nodded, transfixed by his presence.

"Cool, just looking out for you man," he said taking a step closer, "Don't want you to go without."

His cock was right next to my face, I held my breath as he stood there.

"You know you could have come to me right?" his voice was so calm, so soothing, "I just want to help you out Archie...

His hand grabbed my head and pushed me down, my mouth opened automatically to accept his cock. As soon as my tongue touched it he groaned and added his other hand.

"Fuck yeah I knew it," he said pumping his cock down my throat, "Fucking heard it but never thought it was true. Fucking Archie King sucking cock..."

He pulled my head off, his spit covered dick hovering in front of my face. He smiled and slapped my face with it, my mouth open, desperate to suck him off.

"God you look good begging for my cock," he sneered, each word accented with a slap, "We gonna have fun tonight."

My tongue chased his cock until he finally stopped teasing and shoved the head back into my mouth, both hands forcing me down until I gagged.

"You gonna be my bitch Archie? You gonna fucking service me all night?"

God I wanted to stop, I wanted to resist this, but his voice, his demands, they were hitting something in me. My resistance was fading, my desire to fight him was just leaving me as I realized part of me wanted this, part of me needed this. I wanted to serve Cooper, I wanted him to punish me, I wanted him to dominate me.

As I serviced his cock the need to just obey him intensified, I didn't want to be in charge any more, I didn't want to be Top Dawg. I wanted him to own me, to beat me down, to fuck me like a dog. I wanted him to brutalize me for the last four years of ego and bravado. I needed him to fuck the last dregs of ego I had left in me. I wanted him to own me.

I begged him to destroy me.

I came off his cock, "Yes sir, I'm your whore...all night..." and went back to worshiping his dick.

He didn't look surprised by my words, instead he looked pleased.

"I was told you were going to fight," he said thrusting hard into my mouth, "I was told you were going to try to deny things. But I told him you were going to drool for my cock, I assured him you were going to be a nice little pussy."

He pulled my head back by my hair, "You my pussy?"

"Yes sir," I said, my own cock throbbing under my towel.

He grinned down at me, "Good boy."

Pulling me up by my hair, he shoved me onto my bed and said, "Face down cunt."

I scrambled onto the bed and buried my face into the sheets. My ass was up and I could feel my hole quivering. I felt him get up onto the bed and his hands move over my muscular ass, "My bitch has a phat ass..."

Him manhandling me, just groping me shameless turned me on so much...god I was so close to begging him to fuck me. I could feel something in my head, a thought unspooling as I laid there. I was happy he knew, I was relieved he had discovered my secret. I hated myself, at least who I had been. The cockiness, the constant positioning, all of it, I was just tired. I was a slut, a fucking slut and I wanted, no, I needed to be owned. I was exhausted keeping up appearances, I wanted someone to just fuck me into submission.

And that was going to happen tonight.

"My girl have a clean pussy?" he asked, seconds before I felt his tongue thrust into my ass. I whimpered as I felt his thick organ penetrate my hole, he was holding my cheeks apart so he could dig into my as deep as he could. I realized pretty quickly I had underestimated Cooper's sexual prowess because he if he could eat pussy with the same skill he was eating my ass, he had a higher body count than I did.

"Oh fuck..." I whined as I felt him dig deeper into my jock ass, making me squirm with every lick. He didn't pause, he didn't stop, he didn't come up to berate me. No he worked my fucking pussy hard and wet, making me grip at the bed sheets helplessly, begging for something more. I was pushing back as hard as I could and he knew he had me and was just dragging it out.

My ass relaxed some and he went deeper, finally triggering my hunger for more.

"Fuck yeah," I said, reaching back and grabbing the back of his head and shoving it deeper into my ass, "Oh fuck yeah...yeah....come on my pussy...please....please..."

He pushed forward, forcing my face deeper into the bed as he felt like he was trying to climb up in there. I was panting now, he was making me fucking lose my mind with just his tongue, I couldn't imagine how he fucked.

Once he had me practically weeping he pulled away, leaving my hole cold and empty.

"Fuck Archie King begging me to eat his ass...god I love my life," he said slapping my ass once. "Turn over you fucking whore."

I flipped onto my back and we both took a long look at each other. His broad chest was covered in sweat already, I could see his six pack clench with every breath, this thick cock was already dripping precum as he stared down at his bitch.

"I always knew you'd be mine," he said grabbing my ankles and spreading my legs, "Junior high, spent the night over at your house for the first time and I saw you changing...I knew I would own this ass."

I nodded as I felt his cockhead press against my spit soaked hole, "You do own it's yours..."

"You gonna admit I am the Top Dawg now?" he asked, as he pressed into me.

"Ohh...." I moaned as I felt him breech my ass, "You're're the top..." I moaned as he kept shoving inch after inch into my ass.

"You gonna listen to me? Do what I say?"

"Oh fuck...shit...yeah Coop....fuck yeah...anything you want...oh god..."

"Gonna be my boys now, my fucking rules...and you're gonna be my whore. Archie King, fucking jock slut..."

I felt his pubes press against my ass and I knew I had this entire length in me. Fuck he was thick, He folded me over until my ass was skyward and he was practically standing over my ass.

"You are mine," he said pulling his cock out slightly, making me whimper, "You do what I want...and who I want."

He pushed down hard and I felt my breath skip as he slammed into me, he was fucking savage as he just stood over me and thrust down with all his might into me. I had never been fucked like this before, I was completely helpless, my ass and lower back were off the bed and all I could do was lie there and get fucked. He was hitting at an angle that was making my ass sting a little since this was all new, I was just fucking taking it when he shifted to the left and his cock impacted my spot like an oncoming train.

"OH FUCK!!" I screamed as he hit me so hard I felt my cock actually twitch like it was going to shoot. He had my fucking thick ass legs spread apart, like I was a a fucking cheerleader doing splits. He didn't even pause as he fucking tore my spot up over and over, my mind completely tearing itself apart.

"Oh yeah...oh fuck...oh fuck me hard...oh yeah...please...please..." I began to whine, my mouth completely unhooked from my brain.

"Oh fuck yeah," he growled, "Tell me how it feels baby...tell daddy where it feels good."

My toes were curling as I felt my cock drip a steady stream of precum onto my face, "Oh fuck pussy...fuck yeah...oh I love it...I love it....please...daddy more...more..."

"I'll fucking give you more," he said as he pushed me further down, my breath catching I was so folded.

His cock was really just obliterating me, at this angle, with that force, it was like he literally had a fucking line straight to my soul, the humiliation of Cooper finally owning me with the sensation of his fucking beercan cock punching my spot like a prizefighter was just pushing me over the edge. As he pumped down again and again I felt something warm press against my cheek.

He had folded me over so far that my own hard cock was inches from my face. I was coating my own cheek with my cock snot with every move he made.

"Suck your own cock..." he laughed seeing me slap my own face, "Show me what kind of a cocksucker you are."

It took a couple of tries but I finally got the head over my mouth and with each thrust I could lick around the tip for a few seconds, tasting my own seed drain down my throat. I was getting lightheaded since I was getting a lung of breath every third pump, the lack of air was making the sensations even stronger. I was just moaning around my own cock as he just kept ripping my ass apart, laughing as my face grew red from the lack of air.

"I should choke you on your own cock...that how you want to go Archie? Sucking your own cock as I fucking rape your ass?"

I couldn't answer as the world started to shrink to a small point as I sucked on my own cock...I could feel my balls tingle as he just. Kept. Fucking me.

"Oh this cunt is prime," he said speeding up, "Gonna nut in your fucking ass Arch..."

I could feel my own cock ready to burst as the all the sound in the world faded...

He had my whole cockhead in my mouth now, I actually felt my own cock expand as I began to choke myself with cum.

"Fuck yeah....drink that cum you fucking whore..." was the last thing I heard as I felt him cum in my ass.

My whole body just collapsed with my orgasm, even as I passed out I wanted to beg for more.

Next: Chapter 18

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