Top Chaser Looking For Chub To Abuse

By jester

Published on Apr 14, 2011



Quick disclaimer: there are no STDs in fiction. we are not so lucky in real life. use a condom. really.



M/M, anal, oral, TT, spanking, rimming, chastity

27 years old


135 lbs.

blue eyes

short buzzed brown hair.

As far as turnons, I like a guy with big upper arms, whether muscular, or chubby/chunky, I find big arms hot, like gently caressing my hands down a guys big arms while snuggling, or grabbing them, and then clawing my nails down. I like to scratch, claw, bite, slapping, hitting, repeated face slapping, very rough face fucking, cumming on a guys face, spitting on a guys face, being pleased, grabbing him by his upper arms and sinking my nails in, roughly running my hands over his chest and arms, slapping at his pecs and arms, getting verbal, s/m, facials, bukkake sessions involving multiple loads and or guys cumming on my partner if he would be into that sort of thing. I also have a turnon for marks, after a rough session, love admiring my marks on a partner after a rough session. I like treating a guy like my bitch. The rougher you like it, the better. Though I have an affectionate side as well. I'd like to find something longterm with a bigger guy, into smaller guys, that likes the smaller guy to get rough. Though is also into affection, snuggling, and spending time together.

If you are a bigger guy that is into being treated roughly by a smaller guy, send a message with what you are all into as well as pics.


so, that's the ad to which i'm responding. kinda lets you know what kind of guy i am, but to finish the picture, i'm 22 years old, 5'10", 250 lbs. white skin, with gray eyes, and an overgrown mane of black hair.

it's saturday morning,and i'm making the 2 hour drive to meet with this guy now. i know i'm looking at this much, but really, once i give him my body, once he chains me to the wall, i'm making a pretty big bet that this is all i'm looking at.

i'm heading out to east bumfuck county pennsylvania for this meeting, and at best, i know i'll walk away with my skin marked to hell and a return trip in the plans.

i arrive around 11:30 AM, and i text him when i'm outside his house to let him know i've arrived. i knock on the door, and i'm greeted by a man whose picture does him no justice. he's shorter than i am--much fitter--but that's not what gets me. he's wearing a fine mesh top, with the definition of his upper body thinly veiled, though plainly visible. his legs are clad in skin tight black jeans, and around his neck is a chain with a light padlock. as i look forward, staring back at me are a pair of clear blue eyes that seem, well, disappointed.

"head down. stay 3 steps behind me."

just a small digression here. now, i must say, i'm not too into the whole idea of submission. i'm strong in both mind and body, and to me, the fun in this scene is more in being made to do something, rather than just giving in and doing it willingly.

he leads me down some steps and into his basement. the walls are bare cinderblock, but there's a workbench, and some other storage units on the near wall, and in an opposite corner, there's a king size bed with attached cuffs waiting for us. well, for me.

in somewhat of a playful mood, i jump on the bed, and start taking off my shoes, then my socks, shorts, and t-shirt. my cock is semi-hard in anticipation.

"you know, i didn't tell you to take anything off." he pauses for a few seconds, then speaks again, "spread eagle." there's a wry smile on his face.

i'm not new to this, so i know what he means. as i get down, he quickly cuffs my ankles to the posts, not quite sealing my fate. he jumps on the bed, pinning my shoulders under his knees, and puts his full weight down on me. again, i see that smile as he grabs my pecs and gives a little squeeze. he tightens his grip, and then he sinks his nails in. he twists them, digging in, leaving me to squirm underneath him as his nails carve grooves into my chest. he opens his mouth, "don't worry. there's no blood..."


my cock plumps a little. i'm not worried; if i was the kind of guy who would be, i sure as hell wouldn't have responded to his ad in the first place. and really, if i was that desperate, my arms are still free and my mouth is ungagged, so i could probably do something to end the scene. as if that's what i drove out here to do, end the scene after 10 minutes.

that smile shows again before he sets to work lathering my nipple with his spit. he starts swirling his tongue on my left tit while pinching and digging his fingernails into my right. then he switches, but this time he gets his teeth involved, seemingly testing me. when all i do is suck in a sharp breath of air, he bites down a little harder causing me to suck in more air, leaving him to bite down harder. i'm not gonna gasp. he's gonna have to work me over a bit more to get that satisfaction.

he pushes up off me, and opens his mouth, "you know," he says as he gives a light tug to my cock, "i didn't think you were much to look at by the door, but i must say, you look much better wearing my mark." i like this guy.

i open my mouth to respond, but he slaps it shut. "i'll tell you when to open your mouth, boy." i'm 5 years younger, he's 100+ lbs. lighter, and he's the one calling me boy.

he slumps down slowly, still pinning my arms with his knees, until he's almost nose to nose with me. "now you may speak."

i think for a second or two about how not to offend him, then as i begin to say something, i'm silenced by a string of drool that drips from his mouth right to the back of my throat.

have i said that i like this guy?

he rolls off of me and flips me onto my stomach, then recuffs my legs to the opposite posts. he pulls something out of a drawer on the other side of the room, and then takes a running start before jumping on my back and scraping his fingernails from shoulder to small. he pulls my left arm high behind my back and slaps on my wrist a metal cuff. he finishes the job by connecting it to my right.

he pulls me up by the hair so i'm kneeling and tells me to "stay."

he sets a pillow in the middle of the bed, then clubs my shoulders with both forearms, forcing me back on the bed, cock first onto the pillow, leaving my ass high in the air.

he's out of view behind me, and again i hear the sound of a drawer on his workbench opening and closing. still out of view, i hear a break of wind, then feel a sharp pain on my ass as he lays into me with what feels like a ping pong paddle. another slap reigns down. then another. and another, and another, and another. the blows continue until my ass damn near breaks out into flames.

"that's for thinking you had the right to do anything in my house without my express orders."

"and this...well, this is for opening your goddamn mouth." i hear him back at that workbench. "i picked this stuff up in bremen" is what he says as i feel a cooling sensation on my fire red ass. "it must feel nice right now, but give it a minute. i'll be back in 10."

a minute. the fucker was playing with me. it took maybe 10 seconds to go from soothing coolness to mind-blurring hotness. when it did, i got sent to a whole other stratosphere. my ass was a searing ball of fire, and for the few moments when my head was clear enough to think, all that was running through it was the image of this guy upstairs sipping a fucking martini, laughing at this poor fuck of a man that he'd left in agonizing pain.

the minutes pass. still in somewhat of a pain induced fog, i don't hear him come down the stairs. i only notice his presence as he sits on the bed and starts to wipe the balm from hell off my now well-tenderized ass. with the balm off, he caresses each cheek for a second, then separates them, saying "you're gonna like this" as he passes his tongue between them, teasing my hole before penetrating it. his tongue moves in and out, forcing his spit deeper and deeper into my cavity. he was pretty damn good at this and that tongue was doing a damn good job of taking my mind away from my thankfully numbing as, bringing it back to my slowly fattening cock.

as he pulls out, i can feel him leave a present behind, in the form of a just bigger than modest plug that sits firmly between my cheeks.

he's still fully clothed, by the way. my head is half in the mattress, but out of the corner of my eye, i can see the entirety of his body as he strips. it's everything it looked to be. he's lean and compact, with good definition and a physical build. i get my first look at his cock, a hard 7 inches that's winking at me.

he climbs up the side of the bed and pulls my head up by my hair, sliding his leaking cock across my lips, leaving a trail of precum from cheek to cheek, teasing, but not entering. his hands reach for my ears as he starts fingering them--prodding them, tickling them, flicking them--which is nice and all, but i'm thinking it's about time to open up.

this wasn't a mistake, so to speak, but he surely took advantage of it, as i took the head into my mouth. he grabs my ears and pulls my head to his pelvis, bottoming out on the first stroke, holding position while i squirm underneath him, gasping in search of air. he rides my head hard for a few minutes, stopping only momentarily to slap my head, to pinch my arms, to scrape my back. the fact that this allows to breathe in seems secondary to his thinking.

"hmmm." his hands let go my ears, as he pulls his still leaking cock out of my mouth.

he starts kneading my triceps, then he stretches the skin a bit. he digs his nails in, and finally he twists, so the skin is pulled taught, pinched between the nails on his fingers. as he repeats the process over and over, the feeling becomes more familiar, no longer a jolt to my system, now something that's almost pleasing.

"hold on a sec," is all he says as he walks out of my view.

my arms are still cuffed behind my back. my head is in a bit of a daze from all that's already happened, and i'm pinned to the bed by my exhaustion. my ass is plugged, and propped high in the air by a pillow resting underneath my pelvis. my legs are cuffed wide to the posts of his bed frame, and i'm just relieved to get a moment of rest before his fun starts back up.

i hear him come back to me, before feeling him uncuff my wrists and rub soothingly the area where the metal has worn my wrist a bit raw. "you're still pretty red back here," he says as he caresses my swollen buttocks, almost lovingly. he kneads a little, pinches a little, but it feels good. it feels tender. he stretches my arms above my head, and locks them securely to the head of the bed.

"the problem is," he begins, "you're a little pale up here," and with that, i hear the air break and feel a heavy thud on my back as contact is made by some kind of slapper. he pulls back for a second, as he paws at the impression he's left on my back. it feels almost like the tread of a tire.

seemingly satisfied with his imprint, he rears back, and with full force, he again begins an onslaught on body. a dozen slaps rain down before my body really catches fire. and another two follow quickly thereafter, hitting me as high as my shoulders, but thankfully stopping short of my already abused ass.

the blows stop and he lets out another "hmmm". i feel him fumble around behind me, as suddenly, the plug in my ass comes alive, sending vibrations throughout my body.

he steps away, laying the slapper next to my head filling my nostrils with the smell of vulcanized rubber. the plug is humming away behind me, my asshole contracting around it almost involuntarily, resulting in my cock rising back from its slumber.

a couple seconds pass as i see a few flashes. i hear him put what must be a camera down, as he again sits on the edge of the bed.

i feel his fingers run over my back, caressing the imprints he's left on my hide. his touch is soft, almost a tickle as he speaks up. "this is some of my finest work."

i'll bet. my ass is radiating heat. my back is radiating heart. and the whole of my body has got a dull ache. he paws at my swollen buttocks again, then uses his knuckles to rap a few hard taps against the vibrating plug in my hole before slowly withdrawing the invader. he breathes in, then blows a cool jet of air into my newly open cavity. i can feel it wink back at him. he kisses the sphincter, then slips in his tongue once again before pulling it quickly out. i feel his taut body slither up my softer one, his cock leaving a trail of precum up my right leg on the journey to its destination. he slides his cock back and forth along my crack, fucking it, spreading his precum as some kind of lube.

he rears his body up on his hands and knees, and positions the head of his cock at my hole. he stretches his legs and arches his back, then collapses, forcing the entirety of his 7 inches into my rectum in one motion, stopping only when his pelvis makes contact with my rear.

he stays balls deep in me for a while, grinding his pelvis against me, making me squirm and moan underneath him. he tousles my hair and playfully slaps at the back of my head. he claws and scrapes at my back, all whilst i'm still impaled.

his playful urges temporarily satisfied, he rocks back, then pushes up and starts a long, slow rhythm, going in and out. when i say that, i really mean he goes in and out. on each withdrawal he pops his cockhead out and on each deposit, he spears me anew. and every so often he'd claw, or slap, or bite (yeah, bite) either my back or my arms or my ears.

he was taking his time with this, and i could swear he's more interested in playing with me, in seeing me squirm underneath him, than he is in getting off. it's not like i'm in much of a position to complain, though, as i'm stretched taught, tied to the 4 corners of his bed.

eventually he tires of long-dicking me and ups his pace, using these short stabbing strokes, focused squarely on punishing my prostate. i'm on the edge and his strokes are getting shorter, harder, and faster, so he's gotta be nearing his.

i hit it first, as my whole body spasms and the contents of my balls force their way out of my body onto the pillow underneath. my spasming puts him over the edge shortly thereafter, as i begin to feel his seed line the inside of my rectum. i count 4 quick spurts, and then another 3, as his orgasm subsides.

i feel his weight on my back as he collapses on top of me. his knee strokes my thigh tenderly, as his cock softens, leaving a trail of santorum as it falls out. he stays like this for a few minutes before releasing the bonds on my left arm.

"that was fun. but there's just one more thing," he says as he reattaches my left arm to the post above my right. he does the same with my leg, positioning me on my side. he goes back to his work bench, and returns with a ball gag, which he promptly inserts in my mouth, and fastens behind my head.

he gives my cock a few pulls, before again disappearing behind me. "i just want you to have something to remember me by," he says as he again starts playing with my cock. i only notice what he's doing after it's done. he's locked my cock in one of those plastic cages.

"that gag is to stay in until you walk out of my house. you can leave it on the porch on your way out." he releases the bonds holding my legs, then the ones holding my arms.

i get dressed in silence as he watches. i obey his commands, remaining gagged until i exit his house, then leaving the gag on the porch as i walk out with my new accessory snugly tugging against my package.

i'll be back.

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