Too Much of a Good Thing

By ten.vtbew@eepoots

Published on Aug 15, 2001


This is the true story of man who was hung so large that he eventually turned to the gay life for sexual pleasure................................................. . I have heard and read hundreds of discussions about the size of the male penis, which is better, large or small? You have your size queens and others who prefer a small cock so I guess it's up to the individual but this is the true story of my life as best as I can recollect the happenings that occured to me................... . I was an only child and did not realize I was any different from other boys until one day when I was about seven years old. I over heard my mother talking to my father one night when they thought I was asleep. "Have you seen how big it is?" She asked my father. "I really hadn't noticed," He said as he read the evening paper. "I usually don't go around looking a little boy's equipment so I will just take your word for it!" He was a little impatient with her interrupting his reading. My father left all my raising up to my mother and seldom got involved as he was usually too tired at night after working on the farm from sunrise until dark. .............................. "He must be seven inches long already !" She would not drop the subject until he came into my dark room and gently pulled the covers back, trying not to wake me. By the light of a match he inspected my cock at my mother's insistence. I slept in the nude at that age and my larger than average dick was laying flacidly across my leg. I tried to feign sleep as they whispered to each other. "I see what you mean, his cock is nearly as big as mine!" That was the first time I was made aware of the way I was hung............................................................ My dick continued to grow for the next few months and when I was eight years old I knew I was different when I had a chance to see one of my friends cock. We were skinny dipping in a small pond on our land and two of my friends were with me. When I slipped out of my old cut-offs one of my friends pointed toward my prick and shouted, "Look at the size of that thing!" "He is hung like a horse!" Both of the boys started to laugh and I jumped into the water quickly to hide my embarrassment. That was the beginnng of my reputation as a horse-hung guy as they soon told all our other friends and I actually had some of them asking to see it! By that time I was nearly eight inches even though I had never had a hard on yet ............................................................................I had many experiences and I can't tell you about all of them but one of the mst memorable occured when I was 13 years old. I had gone to the hospital to get my appendix removed and when I came out from under the drugs I overheard two nurses talking outside my room. "He is only 13, would you believe that?" She said. "Would I ever like to try him on for size!" another one said as she chuckled to herself. "He is going to make some girl scream with that monster, and he is still growing!" By that time my prick had grown to ten inches and I had masturbated a few times so I had seen it hard. I was very self concious and for the next couple of days it seemed every nurse in the building came by to check my stitches. One young nurse stayed for several minutes and my prick started to harden much to my embarrassment. It was completely hard and standing ridgid when she finally pulled the sheet back over it. Try as I might, it had a mind of it's own and when she finally left my sheet had a small tent sticking up between my legs. I will always believe she did it intentionlly just to see how big it was when erect. When they finally rolled me to our car in the wheel chair all the nurses smiled as I passed them in the hall. Thy all knew my secret and I must have been red as a beet when I left................................................... To that point the only sex I had experienced was one night when I got up late to use the bathroom. I quietly walked down the hall to the toilet and as I passed my parents room there was light comig from the small bedside lamp and I could hear my father moaning. I thought maybe he was sick so I stopped and peeped through the two-inch crack of the door. I almost dropped my teeth at what I saw! My father was stretched out on the bed with his arms grasping the big headboad of the bed. He was completely nude as well as my mother who was down at the lower part of the bed crossways to my father. She had every inch of my father's nine inch cock buried in her throat! Saliva mixed with cum was dripping out of the corners of her mouth and it was obvious that she had just sucked my father to climax and was attempting to swallow the vast amount of man-juice that my father had pumped into her cock-hungry mouth. I heard my father mumble,"Suck it dry bitch, get all that sweet juice that you love so much!" He thrust upwards several times to push his big meat as deep as possible. Until this day, the sight of my mother trying to eat all his huge cock, remains one of the most erotic sights I have ever seen. It was apparent even to my young eyes that she was a devoted cock-sucker and it wasn't until I was a senior in High School that I found out that she had fucked and sucked half the guys in my small town and had played around on my father all the time they were married. Many a night I snuck down the hall to watch my father plow her pussy or her ass with his big staff. Her favorite always seemed to be sucking though as she started every session with a long blow-job. My dick would turn to stone as I watched her roll the sperm around in her bloated mouth before she swallowed it like honey. She would usually lean down and kiss my father, letting some of his come drip into his mouth. I could see the shiny sticky fluid on his lips shinning in the light of the lamp when she raised her head................................................... I found out about her infidelity one day when a friend of mine and I were walking through the field to go swimming in one of our tanks. It was hot and sultry and we were in a hurry to get in the water. We came out of some tall grass and my friend grabbed my arm. He was in the front and pushed me back a little. "Man, you don't want to see this!" I shoved him aside thinking he was kidding me and when I looked to my left I couldn't believe what I saw! There on the ground was a large blanket and on the blanket was my mother! She was on her knees with one guy's cock buried in her gullet all the way to his balls while another guy was pounding his prick visicously into her stretched open ass. Another guy was standing aside playing with his cock waiting his turn to fuck her or maybe a blow-job.............................................................. I stood frozen as I watched the spectacle before me! My friend pulled on my arm and tried to get me to leave but I could not take my eyes off the scene. My cock actually started to get hard! I felt so guilty I could hardly stand it. My mother was being used like a cheap whore and my dick was hard! I finally broke and ran back to my friend's car. As we drove away I made him promise to never tell anyone about what he saw. It was only about week later that one of the guys at school who hated my guts came up to me outside the school and said"I heard yor old lady was fucking them three at a time the other day, I would love to get a little of her myself, I hear she sucks a mean dick!" I left him laying on the ground rubbing a bruised jaw and ran all the way back to the house. I didn't find out until later that his divorced father had been fucking my mother for about five years,... .......................................................................... I only dated one girl while I was in high school and that was at my Senior prom. By that time my cock had reached eleven inches and was very thick. The word was out and most of the young girls wouldn't consider dating me. I had made up my mind that I was going to fuck this girl after the prom as she had a reputation for beig a easy lay. I borrowed my father's car and after all the ceramonies were over we parked outside of town and started to make out. My date was supposed to suck easy according to some of the guys so after seeing my mother suck so many times I was determined to get some head that night. I had her stripped down to her panties and I was not too gently pushing her head toward my crotch. She seemed willing until the giant eleven inch monster crawled from the waistband of my shorts, reaching almost to my tits as it raised it's dripping head. Her eyes got as big as saucers as she viewed my mighty weapon. As she quickly put her clothes back on and demanded I take her home I had my first taste of what it was like to be hung like a horse!!................................................................. I was so humiliated that I lay around the house feeling sorry for myself for over a week until something happened that will stay with me always. ............................................................................ My father had started to stay out late and my mother had started to drink heavily and it was apparent that their marriage was crumbling. I had started to imbibe a little myself and one night I was laying in my room listening to my stereo. I was capping off my third beer and was feeling pretty sorry for myself when she entered the room. She was well on her way and she smelled of booze. She sat on the side of my bed and asked me what was wrong. At first I didn't respond but all at once I was blurting out all that had happned and tellng her everything. Even with her drunk it was good to get it all out of my system. I told her I was still cherry because all the young girls were afraid to fuck me. As the tears flowed from my eyes she pulled me to her chest and held my head as slowly settled back to normal. As my sanity returned I noticed that she had on just a flimsy nighty and my chin was resting on one of her big tits. Try as I might I couldn't not keep my dick from getting hard. I looked down between her arms and saw the delicate red hair around her pussy and my mind wandered back to the time I saw those men using her like a slut. My cover had slipped off and my giant cock-head was sticking above the waistband of my shorts again. Without saying a word my mother pushed me back on the bed as she gently pulled my shorts down around my knees. Every fibre of my being told me this was wrong but my dick had a mind of it's own. All my mother said was, "Relax baby, it's time you become a man!" As her experienced, well used mouth fitted itself around my huge cock-head I knew I was getting the best head in our town. Later that night as I stretched her well used pussy to it's limits I never guessed that my next piece of pussy would be a young boy with the sweetest ass you ever saw. That was the first and last time I ever fucked a woman but I knew I had the best as I blew my first load of sperm into her suctioning gullet. She swallowed like a pro and later as I rammed my big cock roughly into her stretched ass-hole she moaned and begged for more...........Come back for the second part in a few

Next: Chapter 2

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