Too Much Blood in the Chocolate

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 17, 2010


Blood & Chocolate is a 2007 film directed by Katja von Garnier, produced by Lakeshore Entertainment and distributed by MGM. It is very loosely based on the young-adult novel of the same name by Annette Curtis Klause, which was adapted into a screenplay by Ehren Kruger. The movie was released on DVD on June 13, 2007 in the USA. This does not what-so-ever say anything about the celebs and their personal lives.

Too Much Blood In The Chocolate:Chapter 1

I was on my way to Romania, my sister lives there. She me. We are....different from most humans...infact we aren't even humans. We are Loup-Garou....werewolves....but not like in the movies...we turn into wolves...but we do have skills and abilities and healing and stuff, but we are also able to be killed by silver, we live all over. There was more of us in the past....but we've been hunted for centuries. It's hard to live in America, so....I am going to live in Bucharest, Romania. I was on a plane to get there....I was almost there...we were actually about land, in 15 minutes. I was listening to music on my iPod...["Let Yourself Go Wild"by Jasmin Tabatabai]. I love music, the belly-dancing type. I can just get your whole body moving. "My chicken was horrible, airport food,jeez." Some random flyer said, "I know what you mean, I had the trout and it was like throwing up." Someone said responding to him.

We finally landed and I got off the plane, left the airport and just took of running. The good thing about being a Loup-Garou....You can run for miles and it feels like you've only ran not even a minute. Oh and another is the reflexes and balance, we are very good at free-running...or parkour either one. I prefer free-running, there's alot more freedom. I ran and ran, thinking I can't find my sister. I haven't seen her since the time we were seperated...hunters came and killed our parents and siblings. She doesn't even know I'm alive. No one does, I have been in hiding trying to find her. I found out she left along time ago...were twins, her being a minute older, we are 19.

I ran along the city it was magical all of the sites. I ran through an alley and started climbing a ladder.From there I jumped and kicked off the wall, catching the railing....there was a place, I think I remember. I ran and ran, keep in mind I'm in good shape...lean, a runner's build,light tan, pink lips and from what I've learned...usually the nipples are the same color as the lips...if not, then it's just me. I find it a bit funny though, because I have never been normal. With crystal clear blue eyes....they stay the same when I change into a wolf....except....I'm a white wolf that illuminates in the moonlight, including the eyes. I ran across a roof top and jumped down before I hit the ground, I did a front flip and landed on a gargoyle. It wasn't that far from the ground...infact..Leap. I landed on the ground without any trouble, where to look? I heard music playing and looked around and followed the sound. It was an underground was...night time. The moon was out and it made my eyes illuminate even more, bouncing off my long blonde hair that goes to my back. I got in by grabbing a hidden switch and pulling it a gate lifted up and I saw, people dancing to the beat on eachother like dogs' humping. I just looked around and saw myself in the mirror, my hair a mess and my clothes looked awful. I walked away to find a store.... I needed something new. I found a skirt...a skirt. Huh, it apparently was some male dress skirt, thats what the owner said. It was black and silk, it had two splits separating my legs and chains that were all shiny to keep them together. It looked pretty, and a chest plate, as well as arm bands and a necklace and arabic sandals with heels to them and they went to my knees...I'm going to try something different with the people of Bucharest. I brushed my hair with my brush and my straight hair was all perfect, looking at myself in the mirror...I'd date me. I walked back to the club, this time...eyes were on me. I walked to the counter."Hey can I keep this here for later?" I asked, the bartender..."Sure." he said not looking at me then, he gave me one look and his face got alittle red. "Thank you." I said, heading to the dance floor. I walked in the middle....people saw me and gave me some room, the song changed. Some Egyptian/Arabic belly dancing music came on and I started listening then getting in the rhythm when the music picked up. I was belly rolling and hip turns and curves and doing things that would make female belly dancers jealous, the eyes were on me. I just felt like dancing though so I didn't pay them any attention. The music slowed down and it took to ["Marco Polo" by Loreena McKennitt] I was just dancing, when I felt hands grab on the my hips and pull me tight against something hard. "You have been teasing me all night." a voice said, I turned and it was some guy in a black leather jacket. He spoke with an accent. He had all the looks and sounds and scents of a Romanian man. I pushed him away, and walked to the bartender...."Can I have my bag,please?" I asked he nodded and handed it to me. I walked out noticing the guy was following me...and he had friends...alot of them. I pulled out my iPod, this was going to be fun... ["Ride" by The Vines, started playing] I jumped when I saw, I was being boxed in. People surrounded me from all corners...and their eyes started glowing a yellow-ish, wolf eye glow. I smirked when I saw them get closer, then my eyes glowed in a blue glow increased with the moonlight. They stopped approaching me, hands grabbed me and turned me around, it was the guy. He pulled my earphones out and placed them in my hand. "I am Gabriel and you are?" He asked, "I'm Shane Brucknett" I answered, "I'm looking for my sister...she's here in Romania. Her name is Vivian." He got a face on, "Oh...I know her.She lives with Astrid." He says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Come...I'll take you with me, to find her." He says and we walk away so I can get to Vivian, and my Aunt Astrid....I forgot about her.

When we reached the place, he gets out and walks to the other side of the car letting me out. I just get out saying, "Thanks" I don't give him a chance to talk. I knock on the door, and a lady opens the door and she stares at me for a bit. Then is brought to tears and grabs me into a hug. "Shane...I thought you were dead." She says, "It's okay, Astrid. I'm alive...the only one who survived,besides Vivian. Is she here?" I ask, "Yes, follow me." I follow her into the apartment, with Gabriel behind me. "Vivian! Vivian!" Astrid calls happily, "Aunt Astrid, it's 10:00pm, what's going on." She looks at me and when our eyes look, they flash. My eyes flashed blue, and hers were yellow. "VIVIAN!" I exclaimed, hugging her. "SHANE! How?" She said, crying. "I got away, and have been on the search for you for years, it took me awhile to finally find a Loup-Garou who knew you. I did what I had too, to get here. Eating life a wolf at night, working as a human during the day. Oh God, how I've missed you...." We didn't let go, we just cried together, and Astrid joined the hug and we didn't stop hugging.

(This is the first chapter of "Too Much Blood In The Chocolate" reach me at Please, be nice....but If you have a few things to say, go ahead. I'm going to be true to myself and hopefully that is enough. I live for feedback and would love some.)

Next: Chapter 2

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