Tonys Takeover

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 13, 2021


"Something's on your mind tony" Ray whispered into tony's ear as he held him . They were in bed on Saturday morning. On Friday night, Ray had staked out tony on the very same bed, and edged him for about an hour, while he had his stale thong in his mouth. Then he untied his ankles so he could power fuck him, before he tied him back down again, and edged him for another hour. All tony could do was moan, until finally, Ray decided he was ready and, with a big smile, jerked tony off. He caught a small amount of tony's semen, and when he took the thong out of his mouth , he said "you can taste it now, big man, or I'll rub it on the thong and we'll use it again this weekend. I'm giving you a choice. "Please Sir. Feed it to me. Feed it to me NOW." tony swallowed his own spunk: something he had always fantasized about doing, but had never done.

That session had filled his head all night. As time had gone by , he realized: he wanted Ray as his Master. He was small, he was slight, but Ray knew what he was doing, and tony was putty in his hands. Why was he still pretending something different? He wanted to be with Ray - permanently.

"You're not answering me tony..." Ray teased as he flipped tony on his back and pinned his wrists above his head. "You can tell me, or I can force it out of you. Whatcha wanna do big man?" He licked tony's armpit just to remind him who was in charge. tony began to buck, but Ray was wiry, and strong. He was going nowhere.

"Ok, Sir. I was going to ask you this later today, maybe tomorrow, but.... " tony was getting hard again, and Ray was already there. "Cccccan I move in with you Sir Ray? Can we make it permanent? You're in charge. All the time. For everything. But I want to come home to you. Every day. " tony saw the big smile on Ray's face. "OH WOW. OH MY GOD. NOW I HAVE MORE TO TELL MY FRIENDS TONIGHT." He buried his chin into tony's neck and began scruffing him with the little bit of hair he had. It tickled more than stung as he whispered "Of course you can , my polar bear. We'll get my friends to help. We'll move you in as fast as you want." "I don't have much stuff Sir. My ex-wife took most of it. It's probably one trip. I have 3 months on my lease." "Oh, we can have someone move in and take over the payments tony, that's easy stuff. But... OH!!!! MY BOYFRIEND IS MOVING IN. I think that's worth a celebration fuck." He shoved his tongue into tony's mouth and kept it there a long time. tony began to moan. He wasn't sure he could handle TWO doses of Ray's big cock in such a short time, but he wasn't being given any choice. Ray had his legs up in the air, and he was sliding in. tony was still moist from the night before, so it was easy. "OH SCREWING MY POLAR BEAR EVERY NIGHT. PLAYING WITH HIS NIPS. TYING HIM UP. . MMMMM. This is gonna be GREAT


One of Ray's friends was having a party that night: not for anything special, just a get together, and he was bringing tony. "I think we have to change our plans for the afternoon, tony. Let's go over to your place and start bringing things over. " tony smiled. "I think I'd like that Sir Ray" So Ray, who liked the idea of "costume," but on what he thought looked like a moving man outfit: he had a baseball sweatshirt in the Yankees' colors, and a pair of faded jeans. He put a baseball cap on too - with the brim forward - as tony got into his sweatshirt and jeans. "Come on stud bear. Let's go get your important stuff." They got to tony's building. tony had forgotten that a few of his workmates lived close by. They passed one of them as they were heading to tony's building. Brock called out. "HEY TONY. What's up man? " He gave him a handshake. "HIYEEE. I'm Ray." Ray smiled and looked at Brock. "I know you. You're one of the guys who comes around the construction site." "I did . I don't anymore though." "Ray's my boyfriend Brock. " tony saw the shock register on Brock's face. He tried to regain his composure. "Oh. Well, news to me. Nice to meet you Ray. Hey, I better get going. Nice to see you tony. Monday morning?" "Monday it is Brock. Have a good weekend." As they went into tony's apartment, he said to Ray "The whole crew is gonna know by Monday." Ray rubbed tony's back. "It's better they know sooner rather than later. And you told them tony man. That's better. They didn't find out without you." He held tony around his middle. "It's going to be OK, big man. Stop worrying! " Up in tony's apartment, they started pulling out stuff. "You don't even have a TV tony? " "Nah, never got around to it. I'd just finish up work, drink, and then fall asleep. Never had a need. " "Well, let's see." Ray looked at tony's clothes. "Oh, you can throw out most of this tony. We'll go shopping tomorrow, get you some new t shirts. NICE ones. Shirts that show how hot you are. And this underwear? tony you're WAY too sexy to wear these ugly things." Ray started piling stuff up to throw out. When he saw tony's face, he stopped. "Didn't you say I'm in charge?" tony paused. "Yes sir. You are." "Ok, trust me. You probably have enough money stashed away to buy MORE than what you need. " Ray started looking around. "You know, besides your personal stuff, and the stereo, I don't think you need anything else. Is there anything of sentimental value to you?" tony found some pictures of his family, when he was younger, and a baseball autographed by Tino Martinez. "Yeah, he's hot. I always liked the catchers better." Ray laughed. "I guess you could have predicted that." They piled up what they were taking, and then Ray called a taxi to get them back to his apartment. The stuff was in the trunk, so with his hands free, he kneaded tony's thigh. "The more I think about this, tony, the more I think I should have made you do this much sooner. MMMM. Watching TV with you every night, playing with you whenever I want... OH GOD This is making me so excited."

After they got back home, Ray , full of energy, said "COME ON. Let's go get you some clothes." tony thought they were going to a department store, but Ray had different ideas. Soon, they were in "Boys Town," and Ray was pulling out the gray t shirts that tony favored, but in a tailored, tighter fit. "GOD THEY'RE EXPENSIVE RAY." tony was stunned. He had never paid more than 3.00 for a t shirt. "I know, but that's fashion. EXCUSE ME. " Ray called out to a clerk. "Could my boyfriend try one of these on?" The clerk didn't even look surprised. "Oh, of course. There's a dressing room right there." Ray laughed. "He'll change right here. It may bring in more business," and tony blushed. "No Sir. It has to be the changing room, I'm afraid." tony came out. He looked in the mirror. Ray was right. He had good arms, but this t shirt made them look better. His nipples were prominent in it, which he didn't care for, but he knew that this was a plus for Ray, and this one actually looked like it could shrink and not show off his belly. "OH TONY YOU LOOK SO GOOD. " Ray turned to the clerk. "We'll take a dozen. And underwear now.." He went looking at the speedos. He remembered tony's size, and gave the clerk a size down. "Sir Ray, that's not my size." "Size is just a number sexy beast. These will make you look even sexier." Ray picked out a dozen pair, in different colors. When they left with the two bags, Ray smiled. "I don't think I can subject you to being butt fucked three times tony, but I want those nipples when we get home. I'm gonna tie you to a chair, and I'm gonna play with them until you beg me to surrender. " On the way back to Ray's place, they passed another member of tony's crew: Gordon. And it was clear, Brock had been making some calls. Gordon smiled. "Hey Tony. " He turned and spoke to Ray. "You must be Ray. Brock told me about you this morning." "Yup. That's me. tony's boyfriend." Gordon smiled. "Can I just say something tony? We all knew. It's about fucking time you did something." tony looked puzzled "you did?" Gordon laughed. "About two months ago, Paul went into your office looking for something. He found the porn. And we've all seen you check out guys the way Ray was checking YOU out. No, no secrets on the crew." "Well, thank you for keeping the secret." "tony, listen up guy. We stayed on crew when we knew, and you didn't. And we're staying now. So stop worrying. " He looked at Ray "Hope you'll come around to cheer Tony up sometimes. We may even make you our mascot. "OH WOW. Surrounded by all you hot guys. THAT'S EXCITING!!!!" Gordon laughed at Ray's enthusiasm. "I'll see you on Monday, Tony. Ray, I hope I see you soon." "Let me stop in the deli, Ray. I need to get a candy bar or something. I'm a little wobbly." "You'll be fine tony. But get that candy bar. It's all gonna be good. Trust me. " tony ate his kit kat on the way back to Ray's. When they got into Ray's apartment, he handed tony the t shirt he had tried on. "Now put that on, and then get in the chair with your hands behind you tony. OOOH. Let's put the big slave collar on too." After he had tony tied, and displayed the way he liked, Ray ordered him to push out his chest. "YES SIR," tony complied, as Ray began squeezing his nipples with his long fingers. It didn't take long for tony to start moaning. "I LOVE those sounds you make tony" Ray's voice was about as low as it could get. "Nearly as much as the sound of you saying "I submit. I wanna hear that." tony moaned. And he squirmed. Ray kept up the tit torture. tony held out for about ten minutes before he moaned. "I submit SIR RAY. You're my MASTER. " Ray smiled. "Well, your butt may not be ready for three but... I need relief. Open your mouth big tony." "Yes sir." Ray's cock was so big that it was easy for tony to choke on it, still. Ray got close enough and began to shove his cock down tony's mouth. tony sucked him as best as he could. The day had been a busy one for him. Fortunately, Ray was so hard, it didn't take long. His high pitched scream when he came, pierced the room, and tony found himself swallowing what he called, behind Ray's back "bean curd juice."


"Oh. I want you to wear the checked shirt with the black jeans. And a slave necklace." Ray was picking tony's clothes for the party. "Are there gonna be other subs there, Sir Ray?" "Oh, that I don't know. Everyone is interested in meeting you or getting to know you better. But you're coming home with me tony. Don't forget that." tony laughed. "There was no doubt in my mind Sir. " When he was finished getting dressed , Ray looked at him. "OH, you are SO HOT tony. I just love hugging you." He wrapped his arms around tony and rested his head on his chest. Ray had dressed preppily, with a bow tie. "Now let's go. It's not far from here." tony recognized a few of the people from the crowd Ray was in when he met him the first time. He felt Ray's hand on the back of his neck "See that hot ginger over there, tony?" Ray was pointing out a chunky guy with a receding hairline of red hair. He had a big smile. "That's my old boyfriend. I was with him for about six months. " He squeezed tony's neck harder. "But you're so much more fun." The redhead came over. "Hey, you must be tony. I'm Andrew." "Nice to meet you. You were with Ray?" Andrew smiled. I was. Too dominant for me. I needed more freedom." tony laughed. "I didn't know I was gonna be into Ray's style the way I am." "Let me introduce you to someone else." Andrew brought tony over to a built Latino guy. "This is Carlos. He's here with Shariq" "Hey. Nice to meet you. It's nice to have another big guy among us." tony laughed. "Well, if you're big, I'm fat." "NAH, don't go there. If you want it, we'll get you to the gym, but don't push it. "OH, he's going to the gym. A few more weeks." Tony felt Ray's arm around him. "I want my polar bear to be big and strong." He kissed tony on the ear. "Can someone take some pictures of us? I don't have any of the two of us?" There was some posing. One of tony sitting down, with Ray behind him, hands on tony's shoulders. Then one with Ray sitting, tony at his feet, his arms back and bent over Ray's knees. And "the one." The desk top photo: tony sitting, Ray smiling with his head on his shoulder. That became a photo for tony's desk, and because Ray worked from home, it went next to his computer. After the party was over, tony took Ray's hand as they walked home. "Is this ok Sir?" "It's required hot man. Just like you getting undressed and getting in bed for naked cuddling when we get home.


On Monday, it would be a lie to say tony wasn't nervous about going back to work. But he went. And as he walked onto the jobsite, everyone who was there stopped, turned their caps backwards and began to applaud. "BRAVO TONY. RAY IS A LUCKY MAN." tony felt some tears in his eyes as he blushed. "You guys are the best. You're truly the best. I'm the lucky man for working with you." He paused and smiled. "And speaking of that, BACK TO WORK, YOU'RE ON THE CLOCK."

And so readers, what happened? tony did move in with Ray, and you can imagine, from the story, what the relationship was like. The work on that particular jobsite finished, and it was winter. There was very little construction during the winter, and tony was home a lot. Which meant he was tied up a lot. And tickled a lot. And fucked a lot. And he had never been happier. Neither had Ray. Ray never shaved tony's chest, but he kept his pubes nice and smooth. He did get tony to the gym, where tony struggles through cardio and other exercises, but excels at things that involve brute strength. Don't get in tony's way when he bench presses. Ray stopped, as his friends called it "catting around," and tony smiled a lot more.


And so, gentle readers, we end another story. If anyone is curious, yes, Ray exists, and he is very much as I've described him in this story. Certain details have been changed "to protect the guilty." There is ALSO a tony: he's introduced in the story, but as Andrew. Ray and tony/andrew are not a couple, but they consider themselves "long distance husbands" because they live 5000 miles apart. When travel brings them together, you don't hear from either of them for that time. I hope you enjoyed the story. I know some of you have, because you told me you did. And if you want to pick it up and take it somewhere else, please feel free. See you soon, with more stories. Roping

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