Tonys Takeover

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 29, 2020


"Tony, I think I want to spend part of the day with you tied up and gagged, but not wearing any shirt. Only jeans. " Ray said this to tony after he had come out of the bathroom. He had showered, washed his hair, and it was tony's turn next. tony laughed to himself as he went into the bathroom. When Ray said "I want" or "I'd like to" to him, it meant they were doing it. As the television show used to say , "resistance is futile." It was. Ray was so much faster than tony, that he could get to one of tony's achilles' heels faster than tony could defend himself. And then, Ray would add some kind of punishment for tony not "falling into line."

"I think you don't understand our sexual dynamics tony," ray had said to him once, as he was tying a noose around tony's balls, before he attached it to the bed frame. "The dynamics are, I tell you what we're doing and then we do it. Now, all I wanted to do was some nipple play, and you wouldn't. So.... now you see what's going to happen? I'm going to play with your nipples anyway, but first.." He cinched the scrotum noose to the bed. "I'm going to tickle your balls, and if you move too much, well... you'll see." Ray smiled benignly, but he turned on the electric toothbrush and put it right on tony's balls. tony pulled away, and felt like he had been castrated.

"SEE? That's what I mean, tony. Now, I'm only going to do this for, maybe, three minutes, and then I'm going to work on your nipples like I wanted to. " Ray smiled as tony moaned. "You'll learn Mr. t. You'll learn." Ray did set a timer, and after three minutes he turned off the toothbrush, and then straddled tony, naked, to begin working on his tits. "Ray... are you going to untie my balls, please?" "Oh, no tony. I like keeping you as restrained as possible. I wish I had more rope because, I'd tie you to the bed all over your body and make your tits point out more..." He began squeezing them, and tony's cock twitched and got harder. "You like when I play with your nipples tony, don't you?" Moaning, tony got out "yes sir. I do.. OOOOOH... He tried to buck his hips, but the restraints on his balls pulled him right back. "SEE tony? Isn't that fun? Just a little piece of rope and... YOU'RE SO HELPLESS!" "Please Ray... PLEASE... It hurts." "Oh, I know tony. I know it does. But you have to learn to listen..." Ray looked down at his cock. "OH MY. Look how big I got. I think you can take care of that, right tony?

"Yes sir..." Ray moved his cock to tony's mouth, and fucked it vigorously. When he came, he didn't pull out while tony swallowed. He just smiled. "I think that you maybe learned something today, didn't you tony?" "I did Ray. I did. I'll do what you say from now on" Ray cuddled into tony's bound chest. "THAT's my tony. That's my big polar bear." He kissed tony's sore nipple. "I'm going to domesticate you, you wild beast. Just wait."

That had all taken place about a week ago, so when Ray told tony what he wanted to do during the morning, tony just agreed. He came out of the shower and asked "Sir, which thong do you want me to wear?" "OH. Good question tony. I'm pleased." Ray came up from behind and snaked his arms around tony, pinning him to his front. "But for this, I want you to be commando. That way I can see when you begin leaking." tony sighed. Ray played a lot of games based on how long he could hold back his pre-cum. As he put on his jeans, and moved to the chair where Ray tied him, he saw Ray pulling out a few things. "Now, let's get my big bear tied nice and tight." tony felt the ropes going around his wrists, and being knotted. "Do you prefer ropes to handcuffs, tony? I prefer ropes. Makes struggling more fun." "I like ropes too, Sir." "OH GOOD." After Ray tied his wrists, he tied a big piece of rope under tony's pecs, and then one above. The effect was to force the nipples out further. It also made them more sensitive. "You look SO SEXY like that tony. SO SEXY.." Ray began licking one nipple. "oh shit.." tony whispered under his breath. "OH, I got so involved in your sexy chest, I forgot..." Ray reached over to some of the items he had pulled out. One was a gag designed as a gum spreader for dentists. "I like these because, now if I feel like I need a blow job, or I want to just play with your tongue, I can. I don't have to bother taking a gag off. SEE?" "GAAA GA A A A AAAAA" tony's mouth was spread wide, and he could only make guttural sounds. "Know what we need now, tony? Your cap. But you have to start wearing it differently." Ray picked up the cap and put it on, with the rim going backwards instead of forward. "Know what that means, tony?" tony shook his head no. "It tells people you suck cock, instead of getting your cock sucked. I wonder how many people on your job site will know that. "AGGAA A A A AAAAAA" tony was trying to beg Ray not to do what he knew he was going to do. "Let's see what happens when you wear it that way next week." Ray smiled. "You never know when I'll show up to check on you tony, so ...." Then he pulled out his phone and started taking pictures. "LOOK at my sexy bear. MMMMM. You know, I could just stare at your chest all day long tony. And then have sex with you. Yes, I'd have to have sex with you too. That's for sure.. " He began playing with tony's nipples again, and tony could feel the charge going right to his cock. "We're going to have SO much fun at dinner tony, but you know what happens when I go out to dinner? I get drunk very easily, and I fall asleep. So... since I'm very horny today, I think we're going to have sex in the afternoon, rather than at night. Does that sound good to you, sweetie? And then tomorrow, you can get dressed up again so I can have some fun with you as a handsome stud." Then Ray took his finger and put it into tony's mouth, running it back and forth over his tongue. "You have a very soft tongue tony. I always feel like it just kind of covers my cock with velvet. OOH it gets me excited just thinking about how well you suck cock bearman. " He chewed one of tony's nipples while he squeezed the other one. "HEY. I just had an idea. I was going to leave you tied up and play with you until I was really hard, but... LET'S WRESTLE! I bet you're a good wrestler tony." tony WAS a good wrestler. He was just afraid that Ray was probably better. "Now, I think it would be unfair if we just did a pin fall wrestling match, because I'm so much faster. So... how about we do it this way: you try to pin me, and I'll try to put you in a submission hold." "If I win, Sir, what happens?" "Hmmm. I didn't think of that. You can pick." "If I win, can I leave tomorrow morning?" Ray pouted. "You don't want to stay with me? Well, ok. " He smiled. "That makes things so hot. Now I can REALLY pretend you're my prisoner, and I can abuse you however I want, if I win. READY?" Ray was right: he WAS fast . And tony hadn't wrestled in a long time, so he was out of condition. He dove for ray a few times, and came up empty. Meanwhile, Ray was giggling every time he got a hand on tony's body, and did something like squeeze his bicep, or kissed his ear. "Are you getting tired tony? Because if you are, you can submit and then you don't have to do this." "I am NOT tired Ray.." He dove for Ray, which was a mistake, because Ray was ready, and put him into a headlock. "Now, you see tony? That was sloppy. You can try to push me off if you want, but you won't." It was true. tony tried to get out of Ray's grip, but it was really, really strong. "And the way you did that tony... now I have a chance to use my hands on you without you seeing. tony's head was facing BEHIND ray, and he couldn't see, as Ray took his free hand and laced up tony's fingers. "OUCH. DAMN. Ray, that hurts. "As much as the ball torture tony?" tony grunted. "NO. Nothing hurt that much. " "Not even the clamps." "NO, Not the clamps." "Oh, ok. That's good to know. " He began to push tony's arm up behind him. When it was good and far up and tony was screaming , Ray released the headlock. He could do that because he had tony's arm pinned. "SO MANY THINGS I could do now. Hmmm. If I use a sleeper hold, does that count as submission." He pushed tony's arm up. "I DON"T THINK SO RAY." "No, I don't either. So, ok... " He grabbed tony's other arm, and now he had them both trapped behind tony's back. "I'm not strong enough to do what I want to, which is to lift you right up off the floor, so." He trapped tony's arms with one hand, and reached around with his free one, and began twisting his nipple. tony screamed, and moaned, but he wasn't getting anywhere. He felt Ray's smooth chin on his ear, and then his long, pointy tongue going inside. "Do you submit , sir? GRRRRR. The baby bear is beating up on the big polar bear." "NO. I don't submit. AGGGGGGH.." Ray had begun to twist tony's nipple. "OK. Then I guess I'll have to do something else. " He pushed tony's arms up even more. "If you get down on your knees, I'll release the pressure. " "Ok, ok. I'll do it. I'll do it..." With Ray's hand on his neck, guiding him, tony got to his knees. HOW WAS THIS LITTLE GUY KICKING HIS ASS? "You have to get on your belly now tony. Because..." Ray grabbed tony's ankles and crossed them. Then he pulled them back. He was sitting right on the small of tony's back and the pain was intense. "I GIVE I GIVE I SUBMIT I SUBMIT. STOP I SUBMIT... " "YAY!!!!! I WIN! I WIN! I TOOK DOWN THE BIG MAN." Ray stood up and rolled tony onto his back. "Don't they do this in the wrestling videos tony?" He put his foot on tony's belly and then struck a flexing pose. "I think they do. And then in some videos, they carrier their opponent off and do all kinds of things. " He lowered his voice. "But you know what I'm going to do to you tony, don't you?" "Yes sir. You won. You're going to fuck me. " "OH yes. I am. But I'm doing to do something else first. You know your place on the bed tony. Go get there while I get something." "Yes sir," he sighed out, in defeat. He couldn't beat this man. He had tried. Ray had all the moves. He was little, but tough. Ray came back from the living room, with a slave collar: metal chain link, with a lock at the end of it. "This one is too heavy to wear outside, so I'm going to get you a lighter one tomorrow, Tony, but when you're here, I want you to put this on and wear it all the time. Like now." He handed it to tony. "Shouldn't you be putting it on me, Sir? To make the point that you beat me." "I COULD tony. But I think the sense of conquest is better when the conquered dude has to do something that consciously shows: he's owned by someone." "He owns me," tony thought. "He does. I fought, but not hard. Should I fight harder?" He would weigh that thought a lot over the next week, but he put the chain on. "YAY!!!!! YAY!!!!! Now the bear belongs to me!" Without warning, Ray pushed tony's legs up in the air. Then he spat into his hand, covered his cock with it, and fucked tony so hard, he hurt after Ray was finished.

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The ass fucking was followed by a face fucking two hours later. tony kept on thinking "it must be the tofu." Then, when Ray was horny again, in another two hours, but had no jizz left, he grabbed tony and began tickling him. He worked on his ribs and when tony tried to curl up in a tight ball to keep Ray's hands away from him, Ray snuck one hand underneath him, got his testicles , and squeezed until he rolled over. "MINE. MY furry ticklish bear.." Ray dug his fingers in all over tony's body. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. RAY STOP PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "How about your feet tony?" "OH shit. OH GOD." Ray grabbed his ankles and held them under his arm, like in the videos. He got to work. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "I ought to make you submit again." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SIR I MEANT IT THE FIRST TIME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Ray stopped. tony was heaving for breath. He put his hand on tony's chest. "You know why I do this to you tony?" "No sir." "Because I adore you. I'm so obsessed with having you, that I want you to know... you're my sub now. " "I know that Sir. Do you want me to walk with my head down when I'm with you?" "NO . I love that look in your eyes. You always look like you're trying to figure out a way to escape. And you can't. It keeps me on my toes." He looked at his watch. "OH MY GOODNESS. We have to get ready. Now you can put on a thong tony. The red one. "Yes sir." Ray went into the bathroom to dress, giving tony the entire bedroom. It had been a LONG time since he had worn these clothes. The thong went on easily enough. Then the slacks. He didn't close them, because he knew it was going to take effort. Then he put on the shirt. "SHIT. I'm buckling everywhere." The shirt was VERY snug. "Ray, I don't think I can go. I should have checked by trying this on before I came over. "Let me see." Ray hadn't tucked in his striped button down, but his bowtie was on, and his pants were closed up. "OH, you're going to be fine. Now, just suck in that bear belly tony." As he did, Ray buttoned his shirt. "THERE we go. Now, you should be able to close the pants by sucking your belly in again." He did. After he got his belt on, tony had a roll at his middle, and it looked like his buttons were going to pop any second. "YOU'RE SO HOT TONY. You look like someone forced you to dress like a street walker." tony blushed, because that's how he felt. "You don't have to button everything to the top tony, but what you DO have to do, when we walk, is put your hands behind your back, and let me link my arm through yours. " "Ok Sir... " Ray came up and whispered into tony's ear. "You just look SO FUCKING HOT TONY. I may have to go and change pants because I think I creamed when I was touching you." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If tony hadn't felt beaten and dominated already, he did after the walk to the restaurant. It was right in the middle of the gayest section of town, and everyone seemed to know Ray. "WOOF" someone shouted. "Our man Ray done got himself a BULL. "

Another guy smiled. "You fucking that hot daddy, Ray? " Ray smiled. "That's between the two of us." "HE IS GUYS! HE IS! " tony felt himself getting more and more red. He was embarrassed. But was he angry? No. They were telling the truth. Ray WAS fucking him. He hand't told tony that they were meeting with another couple at the restaurant: their names were Josh and colin. colin was a little blond thing: the kind of guy you thought of when you thought of a sub bottom, which he clearly was. "Hi, I'm Josh. This is my sub colin" The other guy held out his hand to tony. He looked at Ray. "It's ok boy. " "Nice to meet you Sir." tony was experienced, pre-Ray, in how to act around other Masters. He shook hands and immediately put his behind his back again. "He's the hottest one you've had so far Ray." "I KNOW RIGHT?" He hugged tony's shoulders. "I am just so much obsessed with my tony bear." Josh smiled at tony. "You know, ray fancies himself a panda bear. I keep telling him that's not really a bear, but..." "It's close enough Josh. tony doesn't care about my species, he just cares about my cock." "that's not true Sir. I care about a lot of parts of you. And you. You know, I won't let anyone hurt you" "AWWWWW tony. It sounds like you're falling for me." "It did, didn't it? tony thought. It did because he was. He had been in Dom/sub relationships before, but no one had ever been so complete a Dom as Ray was. Or as small. He closed his eyes and thought about that. DAMN. A big guy like him had been broken by this little guy. THAT was really, really HOT. " He felt Ray's hand on his thigh, and then inch over to his crotch. "OH SHIT. Was Ray opening his zipper under the table? He was. And now he had tony's cock out while he was looking at the menu. tony began to squirm. Through the whole afternoon of fucking, he hadn't cum once. He was ready. Ray just went on talking to Josh, with colin occasionally bobbing his head. "FUCK. I'm gonna shoot under the table" tony thought... and then he did. He had no idea how far his jizz went: did he catch Colin's jeans, or did any of it go outside of the table perimeter? He didn't know. He just felt Ray's arm now around his shoulder. "You know, before we eat, I should go and wash my hands. He smiled. "tony, do you need to get washed up or anything." "Uh, yes sir. I'll go with you." Now he had to figure out how to squeeze his cock back into his pants, and get his zipper closed. "I think I dropped something on the floor. Don't mind me, I just need to look down." Josh looked at Ray and they winked. Apparently, Ray had done this before. tony saw that yes, indeed, there was a small spot on one of colin's pant cuffs. With difficult, and not without catching a pubic hair in his efforts, he got himself closed up again. In the bathroom, Ray smiled. "I'm sorry I forgot to give you release at home tony. I just didn't want you to have to sit through dinner with a need." "Sir, I apologize for being lippy, but that was too much. I got jizz on colin's pants and... OUCH. I got my pubic hair caught in my zipper. Ray smiled. "OH. Then that gives me something to do tomorrow?" "What's that Sir?" "Well, I don't want to shave your chest hair, it's so studly, but your pubic hair? Yeah, that can go. " "Sir, please..." "tony... I'm going to give you a pass on this one, but don't test me further. okay? tony sighed "ok sir. I'm sorry. I'm probably just cranky from being hungry." "Yeah me too. Let's go get some dinner. But first..." He embraced tony from the front, and shoved his tongue into his mouth. "I just LOOOOOOOOOOOVE dominating you tony. It's SO MUCH FUN. You fight it just enough to make it interesting. " Ray DID drink a lot at dinner. tony thought there MIGHT be a chance to get some freedom as a result, but Josh stayed sober as a saint, and made sure they were both in a cab. "One minute." He had a small over the shoulder bag. "I'm gonna lend you these Ray. Return them to me next week. tony? put out your wrists." tony felt the metal clank on his wrists, and then Josh's smile as he put the key in tony's shirt pocket. "next week, Ray. Next time, bring your own."

Next: Chapter 5

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