Tonys Takeover

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 16, 2020


Tony didn't recognize the number when he answered the call on his cell phone "Yeah?" He responded "HI TONY! IT'S RAY!!!!!" The high voice almost made Tony lose an eardrum. "I guessed that from your voice. How's it going Ray?" "OH, it's going SO WELL TONY. I'm so glad to have heard from you. So... can I make you dinner tonight?" "Uh, Ray, look, last night was fun,but.." "It WAS Tony. And tonight is going to be even MORE fun. I'm a REALLY good cook." "Ray, uh, I..." "Oh, Tony. I think I know what you want to say. You don't want to say we shouldn't see each other do you?" Well, I..." "Because you see, I spent the whole day thinking about you, and... oh, I'm embarrassed to say this... I had three orgasms thinking of you today. So... I may have to stop by during the day if you don't want to meet when things are over. "RAY. This isn't fair!" "But Tony. You DID have an orgasm with me. When was the last time someone gave you one that good?" Tony was silent. "I'll be by at six. My place is not that far away. Can you pack an overnight bag? It's close enough to lunch time. You can go home." "I live awfully far away, Ray." "Well, you must have a change of clothes in the office in case of bad weather. You know, just a t shirt and things like that." Tony sighed. "Ok, Ray, you win. Come by at about 6:15." "YAY. YAY. I have another date with my polar bear friend. Do you like chicken or beef better Tony?" "I like chicken." "SEE? We were made for each other, because I like beef better. You'll see. Did I do a good job on your nipples?" "Ray... you're making me blush." "Oh it's just yes or no." "yes." "OH GOOD. Are you getting hard thinking about it?" Tony really WAS getting embarrassed, even though no one was around "Yes." GOOD. I thought we could play a little before dinner, then maybe watch a movie and cuddle up on the sofa. I can get some beer if that's what you drink." "No, that's ok. I'll bring it. " "Ok Tony. I'll see you then. OOOOOH. I'm so EXCITED." When he got off the phone and looked down, Tony realized he was excited, too. He had worn the snuggest pair of jeans he had - which weren't very snug - and a tight gray t shirt to the site today. He probably knew, all along, he was going to head to Ray's: he wasn't getting any action and Ray was right. His orgasm had been amazing. He could probably take this guy if he got too fresh.

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Tony had worn his Yankee jacket that day, and he was wearing it when Ray came by, with a big smile on his face. "OH, I didn't know you were a Yankee fan. I would have worn my Yankee jock. " Tony blushed. "You have a Yankee jock." "Oh, yes. Once I know what team my date likes, I change for them. I'll do that for you if you want. But let's go, ok." Ray snuck his arm into the crook of Tony's elbow. "I can imagine I'm taking a professional catcher home. Hee hee." Ray's place was not more than ten minutes on foot. "I'm afraid it's a walk up Tony. Two floors. Is that ok? "Yeah I could handle that." "GOOD. Can you go before me because, well... I like to look at your butt when it moves." Tony sighed. Might as well. "You are making me harder with every step Tony. You know that?" "I do now." Ray opened the door to his apartment. It was a studio. Small, but it looked well set up. "I want to give you a kiss now Tony." Ray went up to Tony and when Tony moved, Ray blocked him. "Oh, come on. We're going to do a LOT more tonight Tony. This is just a kiss. MMMM." Tony felt Ray's soft lips on his . They felt good. It was one of the best kisses he could remember. Ray didn't force anything, but Tony opened his mouth, and Ray took advantage, sliding his tongue all around. "Tony, that was great! I didn't think you'd let me do that." "I didn't either." "So, why don't you let me take your jacket, and have a seat over there Tony? You might practice putting your hands behind your back while I'm hanging this up." "WHY? Are you going to tie me up again Ray?" "Yes. For at least a little while. It'll be fun. "No. I'm not doing that anymore. Gimme my jacket. " Tony grabbed it from Ray, and started to walk toward the door. Ray was small enough to jump on his back and ride him like a horse. "If you're ticklish Tony, I'm going slide under your armpits and tickle you till you give up. I'm not letting go either." Ray was right. Tony could NOT shake him off, no matter how he tried. Then he felt Ray's skinny fingers under his arms. "Ok, Ok. I'll sit down. You can tie me up." "GOOD. OK. " Ray put the jacket to his nose. "Oh Tony. This smells just like you. Your after shave. Your sweat. I could jerk off again just smelling this. " "Just don't jerk off on the jacket." "ha ha. Good point. I won't. Hmmm. I have to make sure you won't get away. I think I should tie you up before I hang the jacket. " Tony didn't resist. He felt the rope going around his wrists, and with each coil, he felt his cock get harder. DAMN this guy pushed all his buttons. "I'll be right back. I'm sorry I didn't offer you a drink ,but if I drink with you, I won't be able to control myself. it hits us little guys harder. I'll put the beer in my refrigerator." Tony sat there, tied. He tried to loosen the ropes and that wasn't happening. He began to wonder why he was trying to. This was stuff he liked. Was it just because Ray was, well, Ray didn't LOOK like a top man. When he came back, Ray was smiling. "I won't take pictures without your permission, but Tony, I'm alone all day and having a picture of you tied up like that, would get me SO excited. " "No. No pictures Ray. Please." "Ok, that's fair. Now this is what we're going to do. I'm going to start playing with your nipples. I'm going to see if I can make you surrender. Submit, give up, whatever you want to say, in less than ten minutes. And if you do, then I can do anything I want to do to you. But I'm going to tell you what I want to do . " "What's that? " Tony asked. He was afraid he knew. "Oh, I like anal a LOT Tony. I want to put my cock in your butt. "YOU'RE NOT DOING THAT.' "Let's see. Here's the timer. " He began playing with Tony's nips. The stakes were very high now, and Tony fought hard to keep his composure. After three minutes, he began to squirm, and at four minutes, he began to moan. "STOP PLEASE. DAMN. Do you know what that does to me?" "Tell me Tony. Tell me what it does to you." "It makes me... It makes me very helpless . Very, very... submissive." "Do you submit Tony?" He threw his head back. He pulled at the ropes. Nothing he could do change anything, and his nips were getting a serious workout. He looked at the timer. Six minutes. He couldn't last that long. No way. He had been fucked before. He could take it. "I submit. I submit Ray. I 'll do what you want. " "AWWWW. I knew you would Tony. How about giving me another kiss?" Tony felt the soft lips again and wanted more. "Now, when I untie you, I want you to take off your shirt. Then let's go to the bed. It's small, but I think we can fit." Tony sighed as he peeled off his t shirt. "Could you flex for me like a professional wrestler, Tony? It makes me so hot." Tony was afraid of what would happen if he didn't, so he made his most serious wrestler poses. "OH. That is SO HOT... Tony, do you want me to tie you up on the bed, or do you like it better untied. " Tony looked down and almost whispered "I like being tied up." GOOD. I have restraints on the bed. How about you tie yourself down to one, and I'll do the other one." Tony reached over and tied one of his wrists. Ray came over and tied the second one. Then he checked the first one. "TONY! You can tie a knot better than this. You can just slip out of this one. Were you trying to trick me?" "No. No I wasn't I really wasn't. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." With his shirt off, he had no protection from Ray's long fingers" "You SURE you didn't try to trick me?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, ok. I did. I did. I thought I could get free and maybe do something.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "I'm glad you told me Tony. MMMM." Ray smiled as he put his head on Tony's belly. "I just love the feel of that hair, you know. It feels almost as good as... your nipple in my mouth. "OH NO. OH GOD... PLEASE. I'll cum again before you do anything." "Oh, then we better wait, because. I really want to put my penis in you. Not your mouth either." He slipped off Tony's dusty sneakers, and then took off his sweat socks. "Tony. These are REALLY smelly. If you don't behave, I may have to tie them into a gag, and then.." "No, No. It's ok. I'll behave." A Dom had once done that to Tony with his own socks. He didn't want to have to do it again. "You need sexy underwear Tony. You're so sexy. Boxers... You can do better. I'll get you some and you can wear them on our dates. " "Thanks Ray." Tony began to realize. This little guy was going to fuck him. "Now, you have to excuse me. I'm not really fast when I get undressed, so..." Ray was teasing him. He began a strip tease in front of him. When he dropped his jeans, and Tony saw the huge cock again, he thought "he's gonna rip me apart." "Are you moist in there Tony?" "No. I'm dry." "Well, I can fix that.." Tony tried to keep his legs down, but Ray separated them like a chicken wishbone, and then it was easy to pull them up. "AGGGGGGH." Tony moaned as Ray began to lick his ass, and to dig in, eating him out thoroughly. "People always call it a man pussy, but you know, Tony, I think of it more as a man steak. It tastes so GOOD." He went back to work and Tony was dying. "Ok. I think you're nice and moist now Tony. Let me try to slide in." Ray gripped Tony's legs and then... in he went. "OOOOOOOOOOOH. RAY YOU'RE SO BIG. " ' "Yeah, I am. And you're so tight. So nice and tight Tony." he began to slide back and forth, and Tony felt his ass being opened up. He fought it, but Ray's cockhead was relentless. When Ray began playing with his nipples, he felt a sphincter open, and Ray went in even further. ' "Oh wow. I'm sorry Tony. I've been so excited about you being here tonight that... I'm going to shoot early.. " Ray pushed, and then Tony felt his jizz filling him. It went on for over ten pulses, before a smiling Ray lay on Tony's chest. "Oh, that was SO HOT Tony. Maybe we can do it again later. MMMM. It feels good to lay on your chest. " Then he paused. "Will you jerk off for me Tony? " "Yes. If you untie me. " "How about one hand. I like seeing you tied up. " "Ok. My right one please. " Ray released the bond, and let Tony reach down to his cock. "I'm going to help you, so we can eat dinner." Ray bit down on Tony's left nipple, and that did it. Tony SCREAMED and his cum started shooting out. "OH. OH GOD. OH. LOOK WHAT YOU DID RAY." "I know, right? Wasn't that great? " He kissed Tony again. "You're going to be SO MUCH FUN."


They moved to the kitchen area, where Ray was finishing up the dinner. He tied Tony back to the chair while he worked. "I don't need any help Tony, but seeing you there is inspiring. I want dinner to taste so good... It won't taste as good as you do, but, it'll be fine. Squirming in his bonds, Tony asked "Do you have to keep me tied up all the time, Ray? " Ray looked. "You don't like it?" "Not all the time." He turned off the flame on the stove and came over. Ray was light enough to be able to sit right on Tony's lap, without any discomfort to either of them. He didn't squeeze Tony's nipples, but he rubbed his fingers over them. "When you're tied up Sir, these point out so nicely." Tony began to breathe harder. His nips were a weakness. "AND... knowing that you're not going to get away from me, and I can do ANYTHING I want to you, like... this cap. Why do you wear it?" "NO! Don't take off my cap. PLEASE! " There was a big bald spot in the middle of Tony's thin blond hair. "Oh, you're a blond. That's HOT. And I love THIS.." Ray kissed the center of the bald spot. "SEE?" He smiled at Tony. "I KNOW you like that, but if I didn't have you tied up, you wouldn't let me do it. " He came back around and played with Tony's nipples some more. "I won't tie you up for dinner. I promise. I REALLY wanna cuddle with you during the movie, but you have to promise... to behave... " He whispered into Tony's ear. "You gonna behave Tony?" "YES! YES! I'll do whatever you tell me to do. Just please. Don't tie me up the whole night." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

As Tony ate the stir fried chicken and vegetables, with the rice and the other side dishes, he asked Ray "This is delicious. I've never had homemade Chinese food. Are you Chinese Ray?" He smiled. "I'm more what they call Eurasian, which is why you couldn't guess. I came here when I was 12 so I've been here for, oh, maybe just under 20 years. " He smiled and put his hand on Tony's thigh. "I'm glad you like the food Tony. I want to take you out for a meal too. Someplace nice, where we get dressed up a little. I want everyone to see my hot and sexy new boyfriend." "I'm not your boyfriend," Tony thought, but figured he'd better not say anything: if Ray tickled him after dinner, he might be sick. "When did you want to do that?" "Oh, maybe this weekend? I don't know. We could go to the movies too and hide in the corner and ignore the movie while we make love, I don't know. But I'll think about it tomorrow. He looked at Tony's empty plate. "So, how about you go back in the chair while I clean up." "I could help you, you know. " "No, I have something that reminds you of what I like when I can't be there."' Tony thought about making a break for the door. He remembered how easily Ray had immobilized him twice. So he sighed and sat down, as Ray re-tied the ropes. "I don't like using these.. I like my fingers. But sometimes, they do the trick." He pulled out some nipple clamps. "These are the ones they recommend for beginners. And I won't make them too tight Tony. I just want you to imagine it's me. Can you do that. "Please. Don't use those Ray. I've had them on. They hurt." "Just a little Tony. It's worth it. Don't you think?" Tony still had on his t shirt as Ray applied them. He bit his lip so that he didn't make any noise, but little whines came out. "You're just trying to distract me Tony! See? With those sounds, now I have to play with them." He twisted the clamps slowly. "OOOOH. Stop Ray. Really, stop Please... " "But you're hard again, Tony. SEE? I knew we could have some more fun. Let me hurry with the dishes." He left Tony squirming, trying to get free, trying to get the clamps off, trying to realize how he had become the sex toy of this little skinny Asian twink.

Ray dried off his hands. "I'm going to take them off. We'll watch tv together, and then.. some more fun before we go to sleep. You did bring a change of clothes, didn't you Tony? "Yes. I did. " "I think I'm going to go over to your place with you and pick things I like. I bet you have things other than ratty jeans and gray t shirts. " He snuck behind Tony and held him around the middle. "Not that you're not super sexy just like that, my big polar bear.. MMMM." He went for Tony's ear. "Do you want to watch a porno, or a regular movie. " "It's really up to you Ray." "Then let's watch a regular one. I'm getting excited again, and I want to save that for you in bed." On the sofa, Tony was unsure how much of the movie Ray actually watched. First, he sniffed at Tony's pits and smiled. "MMMM. I love when a man smells like a man. " Then he cuddled up against Tony and put his head on his belly. "Oh, you're SO comfortable to lay on, big man. " He slid his hand under Tony's shirt, and began massaging his belly. "You feel so good. I just wanna be on you, and in you , all the time. " How it happened, it didn't know, but Tony had his arm around Ray. He was hugging him, and running his hand through Ray's hair, rubbing his neck, as Ray aroused him by playing with is belly, his neck, his ears. "See Tony? You DO like this. " He gave Tony a wink. "The movie is silly. Come to bed with me. " He jumped up and grabbed Tony's hand and started pulling him to the bedroom. "How about you get completely naked, sweetie? Let me see my man in the buff." Slowly, Tony got rid of his clothes, as Ray did with his. "MMMM. Your butt IS so pretty, Tony. SO pretty. " Tony felt Ray sliding a thumb in the crack. "Bend over for me stud. " "Yes sir." slipped out of Tony's mouth. He didn't mean it, but it just happened. "GOOD BOY." Ray was slipping his skinny fingers into Tony. "Do you like this PB? " Ray laughed. "That's gonna be my pet name for you: PB, my polar bear." Tony was listening and moaning as Ray's fingers did their work. He was opening him for another bout of anal sex. "Know what would be hot, Tony? " Hog tying you. And then playing with your feet until you gave up." "NO. Please no Ray." ' "Oh not tonight silly! Tonight.... " Ray's voice dropped as low as it could. "I want your ass." Tony responded to things like that and the second "yes sir" of the night slipped out, just as Ray's fat cockhead met his hole. "GOD you feel better the second time than the first time." He had Tony on all fours, and he was slicing into his ass with no trouble. Tony had taken a fair amount of cock, and he pushed back to get more. "GOOD, my sweet man.. GOOD. OH YEAH. You can take all of me can't you?" Ray thrust forward, and he had Tony impaled. "I wish I could tickle you at the same time, PB. I love hearing you laugh. We need to have sessions where all I do is tickle you." That had happened to Tony before. He hated it, but when it happened he came without knowing it. That might happen tonight. Ray's cock was finding places he hadn't had stimulated in months. And Ray knew it. "Tony, you have hot spots. That is SO good to know. Now I know what to do when I want to make you happy. Cause right now, I'm only worry about making me happy." He began to pump faster. "I want this ass every day. At least once. Are you going to give it to me?" Tony was close to tears. He was becoming a sex slave again. Just like in his past. "Yes sir. Whenever you want." "Tighten your butt stud." Tony complied, and he felt Ray shoot into him a second time. Then he felt Ray's mouth on his ear. "No shooting for you tonight, Tony. We have roles to play, and you need to learn your part." "Yes sir." "Do I have to tie your hands when we go to sleep?" "I'll behave Sir." "Ok. I'll believe you. How would you rather sleep? Like a spoon with me, or with my head on your chest.?" "What would your rather do, Sir Ray?" Ray smiled. "You're good at this tony. Tonight I'll sleep on your chest. We'll spoon tomorrow." Tony snored. Ray fell asleep smiling. He liked it when a man snored

Next: Chapter 3

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