Tonys Takeover

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 13, 2020


Tony Fazio considered himself a badass. Many people did too. The word "burly" seemed to have been invented to describe him. At 54 years old, he stood 5'10" and a husky 230. Most of that was muscle, but not all of it. When he had actually WORKED construction, he had developed some serious muscle. Now, 5 years into being a foreman, and doing more supervising than actual physical labor, some of that muscle had gone to paunch, and he undoubtedly had a belly. His arms still showed that this was a man who had done some heavy lifting in his day, and his chest, big and barreled, was the chest of a working man, rather than a man who worked out. The whole picture, however, included a belly which frequently stuck out from his standard uniform of a gray t shirt and jeans that didn't quite come up to his belt line. All the tools he held in his pockets dragged those jeans, frequently dusty and dirty down too, so it was more likely than not that you would find Tony exhibiting "Plumber's crack" as one friend had called it. He wore an old Yankees cap , "to protect him from the sun," he told people, but which was there, actually, to hide his receding hairline and his bald spot. Yes, he thought of himself as a badass, and a stud. For WHOM was a big question. Certainly not for his ex wife. See, Tony had a secret: or he did, until his wife found the stash of porn. Tony preferred men to women. He didn't think of himself as "gay," because while he was giving blow jobs at tea rooms across town, he was also giving his wife some of the best sex a woman could get - and that wasn't HIS opinion, it was hers. Whether he was thinking of her, or of someone he had blown the day before, or even that afternoon, was something she would never know. But she wasn't dumb. When she found the magazines, and recalled the marks on his wrists - which he had told her were from a rash he got from his work gloves "some skeeve must have borrowed them" , she figured it out.

Flora had a temper. Tony came home to a fusillade of the magazines, cut in shreds, followed by his secret sex toys, then her wedding ring, and then the larger objects. Her father, at 38, still had enough contacts in the legal field from his days as a building contractor to get her the best. The divorce was quick, and expensive. Now, Tony lived alone, in an efficiency apartment, not far from where his current project had him working.

He was pissed off the afternoon he met Ray. He had just written the monthly alimony check which he felt was WAY too high, they were behind schedule, and a group of what he called "girlie men" had just passed by the site and had googled all the construction workers. Most of them took it in good fun: they were used to it: gay guys and women always checked them out. Roscoe, one of the more muscular ones, actually stopped and gave them a show with his bouncing pecs. Tony was fuming: they needed every minute to get the job done. What made it worse was him hearing one of the group - Ray- speaking specifically about him.

"OH. Look at that big chunky one in the tshirt. OH MY GOD is he my type or what? He's SO HOT?" "HEY. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE GIRLS" he yelled. They all giggled. "It's a public street Mister. You can't tell us to go. We came to watch Roscoe." "AND I'M TELLING YOU TO GET OUT OF HERE." He looked at Ray, who was licking his lips and smiling. "HEY. YOU. THE LITTLE ONE." Ray was only about 5'5" Soaking wet, he might have weighed 140. "You want a piece of me?" Ray smiled "OH, are you offering. Yes, thank you. Can I pick the piece? " The other ones were laughing . Tony was getting apoplectic. "You're not getting a finger on me. The only piece you're gonna get is my fist in your mouth" Ray laughed. "You sound so tough. So butch. I bet your legs go up faster than any of the girls you've slept with." 'I AM WARNING YOU. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. NOW.' "Guys: look at how his tits point out on his shirt." Ray looked at him. "I bet you're like Ferdinand the Bull. If I got my fingers on those, you wouldn't be so tough." "WELL YOU'RE NOT GONNA FIND OUT. NOW GET OUT OF HERE." They were all laughing. "I think he likes me guys. Look. Even in those jeans... is that a hard on?" Tony looked down. He was right. Talk of playing with his tits had gotten him involuntarily excited. "GET THE FUCK OUT OR I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASSES. ONE AT A TIME." One of the other guys smiled. "C'mon, let's go, guys. Not worth the trouble. BYE ROSCOE." He threw a kiss at Roscoe, who waved to them all. Then they were off. Tony had half a mind to give Roscoe hell, but he realized he was more than a little jealous. He snickered: he liked masculine men. That character - God, he looked like he'd blow over in a strong wind.


Quitting time was five, and most of the crew was gone by 5:15. Since Tony had no one to go home to, he headed to the work office to just catch up on paperwork. He was still there at 6 when he heard the knock on the door. He heard a very high pitched voice say "HIYEEEEEE" and when he looked up, that guy from the afternoon was there. "I'm Ray. What's your name, Sir?" "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. GET OUT." 'OH, it's Tony. I see the name on your desk plate. Hi Tony. You're HOT. Did anyone ever tell you that?" "I'M NOT GONNA SAY IT AGAIN. GET THE HELL OUT FAG." "Tony, stop! We could be friends. I meant it when I said I'd love to get my fingers on your nipples. " "YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOUR FINGERS ON ME PERIOD. NOW GET OUT. " "Come on Tony. You know you want me to. I can see you getting hard again." THAT was IT for Tony. He got up and advanced on Ray. He threw a punch and Ray ducked out of the way. "Oh, you like it rough Tony? I could do that." "I TOLD YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. NOW LEAVE." Ray started moving toward him. "Just five minutes with your nipples Tony. That's all. If that doesn't convince you, I'll leave." "GET OUT. " He threw another fist. This time, Ray grabbed it, and with lightning speed, twisted Tony's arm behind him. "I like it rough too, Tony? See? " Ray pushed up against Tony, and he could feel Ray's hard on. What was a little guy like that doing with a rod like that." "LET ME GO FAGGOT. LET ME GO." "Just five minutes Tony. Just... Five .. Minutes." Ray moved his free hand around and took a nip between his fingers and began squeezing. At first, Tony snorted, and struggled, like a bull - just like Ray said he would. Then, he calmed down. He heard Ray whisper in his ear "You like that Tony, don't you? " "I didn't say that." Tony answered, before sucking in his breath. "You know, you have a magnificent chest Tony. I bet you have a great ass under those jeans, too. " Ray nibbled Tony's ear. "Is there something here I can use to tie your wrists? OH, there's something." He found a roll of tape on Tony's desk. "NO. DON'T . DON'T DO THAT. STOP... " Ray was running silver duct tape around Tony's wrists, and soon, he had them totally immobilized. "Can I push your shirt up Tony? You don't mind do you?" "I DO. STOP IT. STOP IT. " Tony's hard on kept on getting bigger and bigger, as Ray pushed up his shirt. "OH WOW. I should have guessed. LOOK at all that white hair. SUCH A HUNK." Ray began licking one of Tony's nipples, and Tony moaned. "OH, OH..." "Do you want me to stop Tony? It's been five minutes" Tony took a deep breath. "No. do what you want." "REALLY? " "Yes. Yes Ray. OH that feels so good. " "Is it ok if I pull your shirt over your head, and then cum on your chest." Yes. Yes. Please. Let me cum though. Please let me cum when you're done. " "Ok. That's fair." Ray pulled Tony's shirt up over his head so his whole chest was exposed . Then he dropped his pants. Tony hadn't imagined it. Ray was hung. "I'm afraid you made me so excited, this won't take long. But maybe we can do it again..." Ray began stroking himself, and he gave out a very high pitched cry - almost like a bird - and came all over Tony's chest. "Oh, that felt so good Tony. I promised you could cum, but I didn't promise I'd untie you. " "Thank you Jesus" Tony thought, as Ray began unzipping his pants. "You should wear better fitting jeans Tony. A hot guy like you should show off his ass. " Ray had Tony's cock in his hand. "Should I suck you, or should I jerk you?" "You'd suck me? Really? " "Oh, a hot guy like you. Hell yeah. At least on the first date." Ray smiled and put Tony's cock in his mouth. He began sucking and Tony began thrusting. He realized that Tony was giving him the best blow job he had ever had. His powerful body began to convulse and then, Ray pulled back his mouth and finished Tony with his hand. "Now THAT was FUN Tony, don't you think ?" Ray was cutting the tape off Tony's wrists, while Tony tried to get his breath back. "It was. It was. He looked at the smaller man as he rubbed circulation back into his wrists. "Ray, you're good at what you do." "AWWWWW. That was sweet of you big man. Can I have a kiss? " Tony hesitated. Ray's mouth had just been on his cock. "Ok. Just one tonight. " "That's fair, Tony. We're just getting to know each other." Ray's lips were soft, and his kiss was very gentle. So gentle Tony wanted more, but Ray pulled back. "It's getting late Tony. I'd assume you had a wife to go home to, but there's a white ring on your finger, so... I guess it's over." Ray smiled "Have you ever thought of having a husband?" "NO! Get outta here." "Yeah, that's too soon. I shouldn't have suggested that. Sorry. Would you like to get together again?" Tony really wanted to, but what came out of his mouth was "If you guys ever show up again, I'll press charges." Ray laughed. "What are you going to tell the police Tony? That a little guy like me raped you? NO ONE is gonna believe you. But here's the deal. We won't be back tomorrow. But ... I want you to call me. Here's my number. I want to see you again. So call me by two days from today... so we don't have to come back." Ray smiled. "Admit it. You want to see me again." There was a pause before Tony said "Yeah. I do." "Okeee dokeee. Just give me a call. Maybe we can get a beer or something. But now... you want another kiss? " Tony was quiet for a minute before he answered "Yeah. I do." This time, Ray gave him a REAL kiss. Tongue and all. Then he was gone. Tony gathered everything up, including the card with Ray's number on it. He had a lot to think about. And the next day, he called and left a message for Ray.

Next: Chapter 2

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