Tonys Punishment

By moc.liamtoh@busogidni

Published on May 30, 2008


Disclaimer - this story involves bondage, humiliation, watersports and forced orgasm and scat. If this isn't your thing then do not read on.

Any comments or suggestions (especially suggestions) will be gratefully received and there's nearly always another part of the story on the way :) - big thanks for the suggestions I've had so far - they've really helped (and it's nice to hear from people as warped as me )

Chapter 6

When Tony awoke he quickly realised he was lying flat on a bed somewhere. He could feel that he no longer had either the vile plug or the catheter in him but he was also aware that he couldn't move. He opened his eyes and yawned. His jaw ached from the gag but he was relieved to be able to breathe through his mouth. Still however he was aware of his lack of freedom of movement and, lifting his head with some difficulty, he looked down at his muscular body.

Tony freaked out.

The young jock had never heard the word 'sleepsack' but this is what he was now sporting. All Tony could see was that he was wearing a 'tube' made of shiny black rubber that covered him completely from the neck down with no provision for arms or legs. The rubber tube was skin tight and he couldn't move any of his limbs as he lay there panicking and sweating. The smell of stale urine invaded his flaring nostrils - fermented further by the heat from his trapped body.

Tony groaned in misery as he noticed that his bruised dick and nutsack were sticking out of a hole in the featureless tube and lolling exposed. He tried to wriggle but his arms were firmly pinioned to his sides and the rubber seemed very heavy duty so he couldn't even bend his knees or hips to try and roll over.

He was on a double bed in a messy bedroom and he figured he was still in the frathouse where had so recently shamed himself in front of so many laughing boys. He knew that there was more humiliation to come but try as he might he couldn't move an inch to get free. If the Coach knew what Jay had done to him he felt certain that the man would help him - however the bedside phone was tantalisingly out of reach of the sweating lad. The stench of piss was becoming overwhelming.

The door opened and Jay and one of the frat boys walked in. Seeing their captive was awake, Jay smiled and threw himself onto the bed next to Tony's inert form.

"Hey stud - have a good nap? That was some show you put on for us downstairs"

While he was talking Jay was running his hand up and down the slick rubber on Tony's chest and belly, stopping just short of his exposed and flaccid dick and sagging balls. Tony shuddered in revulsion under Jay's ministrations but he was helpless to move. Then the other guy from the frat house got onto the bed on the other side of Tony from Jay. He was effectively flanked by these two men and he felt uncomfortable with their proximity, given his inability to move a muscle and his unprotected (and highly visible) cock.

"Please Jay; you've had your fun. You've gotta let me go man"

Tony became distracted by the unknown lad starting rub his burly, confined thighs. The immobile jock could feel both men's rhythmical massage through the thick rubber as they moved in tandem to stroke him from his knees to just below his ballsack and from his tits to just above his dick. He strained against the tight confines of the sleepsack but, beyond adding to the heat that was drenching him in sweat and releasing the stinking aroma of urine, Tony could achieve no movement whatsoever and certainly couldn't begin to get away from the caresses that circled ever closer to his naked manhood.

"Please - don't touch me like that - I'm not like you..."

"Almost no pills this time buddy. No Viagra at any rate (although there is a nasty surprise on the way for you). If we make you come now it's because you want it." Jay grinned evilly as his hand moved further down and took hold, gently, of Tony's cock.

"Wait! Get your fucking hands off me!" Tony tried to buck against the bed but couldn't manage to pull free of his tormentor's tightening grip. He was vaguely aware of the sheets under him dampening at the collar of the suit as his sweat escaped through the only available exit. His whole body felt like it was baking and his face was red - perspiration dripping into his eyes and matting his hair. His primary concentration however was on Jay's hand as it slowly began to rub his soft but sizeable tool. The stranger reached out and grabbed Tony's helpless balls, gripping them enough to draw a groan from the trembling wrestler.

"Uuunnnghh! - Please... I'm a man!...."

The stranger laughed out loud at this exclamation and gave a tug to Tony's balls that, combined with the attention Jay was lavishing on his dick, made the powerless lad's member jolt slightly.

Jay's slow but firm jerking of his dick was having an effect and the drenched athlete felt his cock respond in spite of his every effort to ignore the stimulation. Tony was aware that he was panting but the combination of the pressure and heat of the suit and the relentless fondling of his most private areas were working against him to take his breath away.

"Please - you can't... oh... do this to me again! I'm sore... oh...! I can't...!"

Until today no man had ever touched Tony's cock and he knew himself to be a straight-A heterosexual. He simply couldn't believe that his body was responding to these men in this way even as his big dick stiffened painfully. These were faggots - guys he would beat up if they even looked at him wrong and here he was trapped and hard and completely at their mercy.

Tony strained hard, with all his might, against the confines of the sleepsack but all he succeeded in doing was emitting loud and violent gas. His captors cackled merrily at this new embarrassment. The restriction of the suit meant that Tony's unfortunate wind had come out sounding like a mega-raspberry; reverberating against the rubber and drawing peals of laughter from Jay even as he concentrated on bringing his charge up to full mast.

Tony, even as he farted, realised how weak his sphincter muscles were after his recent punishments. Even this thought however did not stop his sore dick from responding to what the boys were doing to him. The pillow under his head was now drenched in his acrid, piss scented, sweat and looking down he could see every vein in his abused manhood standing out as it throbbed under the influence of Jay's grip.

The stranger let go of Tony's balls and fished in the back pocket of his jeans. He produced a bootlace and, nodding at Jay, looped the lace around the base of Tony's priapic dick and balls and tied it off. Tightly.

Both men then stood back and observed their sweaty, rubber-clad victim as his exposed dick throbbed helplessly - his distended prick unable to relax due to the tightness of the improvised cockring. Tony felt even more unprotected than before - at least before someone was doing this to him. Now his dick was jerking and pulsing while they stood back and watched him. Additionally, at the back of his consciousness, Tony was becoming aware of the need to release gas again.

He bit his lip, tasting sweat, as he felt his rectum distend and his distended arsehole let rip another loud explosion. This was met with mirth by the two lads and embarrassed the jock enormously. However Tony was more concerned because, as he farted long and loud, he detected wetness between his tightly confined buttocks and realised he'd followed through a little. Even as he realised this fact he felt his bowels begin to bloat afresh and knew that Jay had administered more of the drug he'd used earlier to humiliate the hapless wrestler. This time however he wasn't gagged and immediately pleaded for help from the stranger.

"Please! I need the bathroom!"

"That's not all you seem to need" said the stranger, his hand gently brushing Tony's beating dick and making him moan involuntarily.

"He's given me something! You've got to help me! He's made me shit myself before..."

The stranger laughed and then bent close to the sweating lad's face.

"I'm taking Chemistry major - where do you think Jay got the pills from"

"Oh god no!..."

The shock of this announcement caused Tony to lose control and fart heavily into his rubber prison. His dripping features were distorted by the revulsion he experienced as he soiled himself a little more, wetly, in front of these fags even as his battered cock twitched, desperate for a release he couldn't believe he needed.

Jay turned to his colleague.

"I think we need to share this moment with the others don't you? It seems rude to keep him to ourselves" He smiled sadistically and, as one, the two men bent and lifted Tony's unresisting, unbending form as easily as carrying a plank of wood.

"Let's take him downstairs for some entertainment for the troops"

"Please - no more, uhhhhn..."

Tony farted again as the two lads carried him unceremoniously out of the room - his hard on waving like a reddened flag even as his butt let out yet another loud, moist, and squishy eruption.

"Not again! Pleeeeease! Uhhhhn...!

Next: Chapter 7

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