Tonys Promise

By Art Thomas

Published on Apr 30, 2001


(Note: I apologize for the long delay in posting this part. I promise not to let that happen again! Tommy)

Tony's Promise - Part 2

After making our report to the State Police Emergency people I remembered that I hadn't checked on my new car to see how it came through the storm. Tony, Homero, Eduardo and I went out to the parking lot where we saw my new Olds still intact. No trees had fallen on it and from outward appearances nothing was blown into it to cause any damage. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's a real nice car you've got, Tommy" said Tony. "I hope someday when I'm making some money as a pharmacist that I'll be able to afford one like that."

"With your talent," I said with a wink, "you should be able to afford a Mercedes!"

"Well" he laughed, "if I could find some sugar daddy to keep me as his sex toy, then I guess I would be able to buy a sleek Mercedes convertible."

We all laughed but in the back of my mind I knew that with Tony being as well endowed as he was he probably was closer to the truth than he realized.

A pang of jealousy and fear gripped my heart as I thought that I could really lose this handsome young man who has become so important to me. I realized that I was in love with this man, and I just met him for the first time yesterday!

"I need a drink and some food" I announced and we headed straight for the dining room. Entering the bar next to the dining room we saw Jimmy sitting there with a long face. As soon as he saw us his face lit up with a big grin and he jumped up and ran over to us.

"I didn't think y'all were coming back," he said in his Louisiana drawl. "I was afraid I'd nevah see y'all again." I pulled him to me in a big hug and said that he couldn't get rid of us that easy.

"Is there anything to eat?" I asked. "We're starving!"

"Sure!" Jimmy replied. "The kitchen's got power and the manager said to give the volunteers anything they wanted. It's on the house!"

"I could sure use a nice cold beer" I announced. Homero and Tony readily agreed but I noticed that Eduardo was silent.

"He don't drink," Homero said, pointing to Eduardo. "So I gotta drink for him," he announced with a big grin. Jimmy got us some cold beer and we sat down to relax and chug our beer, drinking to see who could finish first and grab another.

"How about we get something to eat and then go back to the room for a nice hot shower," I said. Everyone agreed so we grabbed our beers and went into the dining room where the motel people had set up a big buffet. After eating as much as we could, we had Jimmy get us all another beer (two for Homero!) and headed back to the room. As we left the dining room I noticed Jimmy hanging back, looking wistfully at us as we departed. I looked back at him and said "Well, Jimmy, you're invited too, so come on!" He needed no further invitation and ran to catch up, smiling at me with those adorable brown eyes.

Tony noticed the look Jimmy was giving me and sidled up whispering 'Looks like you found a new friend. Just like a little puppy.' I nodded at Tony and whispered back, 'But he's not going to replace you in my bed tonight!'

"Guess we'll have to find some way to take care of his needs while we satisfy our own," I winked to Tony.

Just then a tall, handsome young man with Oriental features stepped out of a room into the hallway right in front of us. He was stunning with his light brown features and muscular build. He was wearing a military uniform of a foreign country and when I got closer I saw that the nameplate on his chest said "Lt. Ari Pasangkayu, Indonesian Air Force". He smiled as he recognized Jimmy and reached out for a handshake. Jimmy also smiled at the very good looking Lieutenant from Indonesia and taking his hand said "Hello Lt. Ari. I'm glad to see that you are ok after last night's storm." Then turning to me he said "This is Lt. Art Thomas of the United States Air Force. He and his friends were out helping people get to the shelters today."

I shook hands with Lt. Ari (I didn't blame Jimmy for not trying to pronounce his last name^ÅI couldn't either!) and said "It's a pleasure to meet you sir," probably with a little more feeling in my voice than was necessary! His strong, firm grip clasped my hand and he looked directly into my eyes, holding my hand longer than what I would consider normal. A tingle ran down my spine as he continued to hold my hand in his strong grip and I had a strong urge to put my other palm over his hand as one does when shaking hands with a very close friend.

He didn't say a word, just kept staring into my eyes. After what seemed like several minutes, he realized that he was still holding my hand and dropped his eyes and my hand abruptly, almost as if he was ashamed of what had transpired between us. Turning to Jimmy, he said in perfect English "They told me I couldn't watch television. Why is that?"

"Oh, yes sir," explained Jimmy. "The emergency power generators couldn't handle all of the power requirements if everyone turned their TVs on so we're asking you not to do that. I'm sorry, sir."

"I see," said Lt. Ari. "Then what does one do to pass the time? I don't have any books to read and the batteries in my radio went dead earlier today while I was listening to the news."

"Well, er, ah, I really don't know sir" stuttered Jimmy, feeling embarrassed because there wasn't much he could offer the foreign visitor.

"Look," I broke in, "we've got some cards in our room. Why don't you join us and we can get a game of poker or gin going?"

Lt. Ari's face beamed at the invitation to join us for cards. "I would like that very much if I won't be in the way. I'm here alone, caught between assignments and it gets lonely being in a strange country all by oneself."

"Of course you won't be in the way. You are very welcome to join us." I then introduced Ari to Tony, Homero and Eduardo. We discussed our various situations and where we'd be going in the morning. Ari informed us that he was enroute to Hurlburt Field in Florida from England Air Force Base when he got caught in the storm. He's an exchange pilot from the Indonesian Air Force learning how we do certain things in the U. S. Air Force so he can go back home and teach new tactics to his own people.

At our room, we all got comfortable by stripping down to our under shorts (the air conditioning was still not on due to the power situation). Ari had a magnificent body and it was evident that he worked out to maintain it. He and Tony got to comparing their different body conditioning programs. I announced that I needed to take a shower and Jimmy said to take a quick one because the power generators couldn't keep all of the water heaters going too much longer. It was then that Tony suggested that we take showers with two or more people at a time to help conserve hot water and electricity. At first, I hesitated to agree, thinking that we might offend Ari but he said that he too would like a shower and said he would go into the shower with me. I almost creamed in my shorts thinking about having two real hot studs in the shower with me. I nodded to Tony and Ari and we went into the bathroom, stripping our under shorts off as went.

Ari's cock was a beaut! Long and slender and uncut. He had low hanging balls that just begged to be fondled. I still wasn't sure about him and whether he was gay or bi so I didn't say anything as we stepped into the shower stall. It was barely large enough for one person and with three big men we were constantly rubbing against each other. Of course, I sprang a boner and tried to face away from the other two when I felt Tony's big manmeat poking me in the ass. He didn't say a word but began soaping up both of us. Looking around I saw Ari's hard 7 inches sticking straight out.

Looking up into his eyes I saw a look of utter lust and then felt his big hand wrap itself around my cock. I closed my eyes, reveling in the situation as Ari stroked my meat.

"Oh yeah, oh God yes, stroke it man" I heard myself panting. Tony's big cock was pushing harder against my ass and I wanted to bend over and let him have his way with me but none of us could move, much less bend over.

"Let's get clean and get out of here so we'll have more room for this" I gasped. We hurriedly finished our cleaning up and stepped out onto the bathroom floor. Drying off we quickly wrapped our arms around each other and started kissing. First Ari would plant a big one on me then I would suck on Tony's luscious lips and then Tony had to tongue Ari. Our moans of ecstasy brought Homero to the door and when he saw what we were doing he quickly ripped off his shorts and grabbed Jimmy, pulling his clothes off. Not to be left out, Eduardo also stripped naked and joined Jimmy and Homero in kissing and fondling each other's privates.

Steering my two sex fiend friends towards the bed, we crashed to the mattress, not letting go of each other, and entangling our bodies so that there was nothing but a mass of heads, legs, arms and torsos (and dicks!) rubbing and licking. Turning my head to the right I stared at Ari's big tool and immediately wrapped my lips around it. He shivered and let out a low moan as I tried to engulf his entire cock in my mouth. Nearly gagging, I slurped on the big brown tool tasting the flow of precum. I knew that he would not be able to hold out very long and, sure enough, in short order his cream filled my mouth. It was pure nectar to my tastebuds. The aroma coming from Ari's crotch was an aphrodisiac that brought me to the edge of orgasm. With Tony's mouth caressing my cock it was only seconds before I let loose with my cream. It had been a long time since last night and my man knew just what to do to satisfy my cravings. Floating down from my orgasmic high I heard Tony groaning as Ari slurped on his massive tool. Obviously Ari was having a hard (pun intended! ;-) time keeping Tony's huge manmeat in his mouth and I felt a warm wetness on my leg when Tony's explosion flew out of the sides of Ari's mouth.

"WOW!" shouted Ari. "I have never felt so much cum from one man's dick. You would be considered a god in Indonesia's gay clubs," he laughed.

"I didn't know there were gay clubs in Indonesia" I remarked. "I thought that the government would not allow such places, especially in a country where Muslims are so strong."

"Ah, my sexy friend" smiled Ari, "you know a lot about my country. But there are gays all over the world and they always seem to find a way to get together. We are an example of that, are we not? How do you say, gaydar? Is it not so everywhere?"

Ari grinned at me as he wiped the excess cum from his face. "Yes," I replied, "and our 'gaydar' seems to be working very well here!"

The moans and groans emanating from the other bed told me that Homero, Jimmy and Eduardo were enjoying the throes of passion from their three-way encounter. With all six of us on the two beds, I was afraid that the springs would give way and we'd be thrown to the floor. After all, Homero, Ari and Tony were very big men and their combined weight alone was enough to crash any bedstead! Still half-connected to Tony and Ari, I tried to remove my body to stretch my legs. "It's getting late, guys," I announced "and we need to get an early start in the morning. I hate to break this up but we'd better get some sleep." I noticed that it was just after midnight.

"Can Jimmy stay with us tonight" asked Homero in a pleading voice.

"Well, we really don't have that much room on these two beds," I replied "but if Ari doesn't mind having Tony and me sleep with him, then you all can have this room for yourselves."

"I think that would be a very nice arrangement" said Ari in his sexy Indonesian accent. He grinned at Tony and me. "Shall we retire to my room?"

It didn't take us long to get dressed and walk to Ari's room. I had a boner the entire way thinking about what the night with these two studs would be like. I just knew that my tender ass would get a thorough pounding. I couldn't wait!

(More to come. Comments to

Next: Chapter 3

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