Tonys Promise

By Art Thomas

Published on May 26, 1999


This is Part 1 of "Tony's Promise." It is the next segment of the continuing stories about my experiences while in the military. It begins where "Manny's Wish" (Gay/Relationships) left off. Most of the characters and locations are real but the sex is pure fantasy...what I wished had happened.

If you have any comments to make, good or bad, please email me at: Enjoy. Tommy

Tony's Promise - Part 1

Saturday Morning

The radio, playing soothing music, brought me to a wakeful state. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was six a.m. I could feel a very warm body curled around my back in spoon fashion. Without even looking I knew it was Manny's almost hairless body. I wonder where John is, I thought. I yearned to feel that bear of a man again, plowing my tender ass with his enormous tool. I smiled as I recalled our animal-like lovemaking last night. I wouldn't have missed it for anything! Although sore, my anus was again lusting for our uniting.

Raising myself up and turning my head I looked back across the beautiful body slumbering behind me and saw John curled in behind Manny. He was awake and smiled at me, whispering "Good morning."

I smiled back and said, "Good morning, stud! Want another session?"

"Wish we had the time," John said "but you've got to pick up Eduardo and Homero in less than an hour."

Our conversation wakened Manny, who, upon hearing John's voice, rolled over and planted a big kiss on his lips.

"Mmmm, that's the only way to wake up," said John.

I leaned over to Manny and kissed him on the neck.

"You take good care of John while I'm gone, ok?"

Manny turned his head and kissed me on the lips.

"I will, Tommy," he said.

After a shower and some toast and coffee I was ready to leave. John came to me and embraced me in his big arms.

"It's so good to have you back. Come back to us as soon as you can."

I turned to Manny, choking back the tears for having to leave my love again.

"Remember," I said "you take good care of him."

Manny hugged me and, through a few tears of his own said, "I will, Tommy. And I love you!"

I left quickly, my face wet. It was going to be another hot, humid day in Houston. I wondered what was in store for me as I embarked on the next leg of my journey.

I picked up Eduardo and Homero and we were on our way. The radio said that Hurricane Belle seemed to be slowing down on it's path to Louisiana. Well, maybe it will just stop and turn around and go away, I thought.

Heading east on I-10 I figured that we could be in New Orleans by mid-afternoon if everything went well. We decided to go through New Orleans because I wanted to stop and see an old high school friend of mine. Of course, everything depended upon what Belle was going to do.

The trip was rather uneventful with Eduardo and Homero sleeping during most of the ride. We stopped for gas and a bite to eat in Lafayette. The sky was very cloudy and looking southeast we could see even darker clouds. The wind was picking up and it was certain that we would see rain before we got to Baton Rouge.

Saturday Noon

About twenty miles west of Baton Rouge the sky opened up and the rain began coming down in sheets. With the wind blowing strongly from the east, the rain was almost horizontal and visibility became extremely poor. The radio said that Belle had picked up speed again and was heading directly towards New Orleans. It said that if this track and speed continued, the eye of the storm would hit New Orleans about five p.m. Already, there was an evacuation of all the small towns south of New Orleans and traffic on I-10 going west out of the city was bumper-to-bumper. It further stated that a 'state of emergency' was called by the Governor and that it was very likely that most highways leading into New Orleans would be blocked.

As we came into Baton Rouge we were stopped by a Highway Patrol barricade. The officer that came to our car said that we had to find shelter in Baton Rouge because both I-10 and I-12 were closed and, because of the state of emergency, that we had to get off of the road. I asked for directions to the nearest motel and was told to take the next exit. As we were going under the underpass getting ready to exit we saw a figure standing under the bridge trying to keep dry.

Eduardo shouted, "Look, it's an Air Force guy!"

Sure enough, there stood an Air Force Staff Sergeant with his duffel bag. He was waving for us to stop which we did.

"Get in!" I yelled through the open window as Homero opened the rear door and the very wet Sergeant jumped in with his bag.

"Man, thanks a lot," he said trying to get comfortable in his wet uniform. "I was beginning to think that no one was going to come by. Where you headed?"

"Right now, we need to find a motel," I said. "All highways are blocked. There's a state of emergency and we have to get off the road."

"Oh man," he said "I'm due back at base Monday. I hope I make it."

"What base you going to?" I asked.

"I'm stationed at MacDill in Tampa," he said. "I've been home on leave."

I started pulling out from under the bridge, taking the exit ramp.

"Well, it all depends on what this hurricane is going to do," I said. "You might make it and then you might not. But don't worry, the Air Force won't expect you to travel in this weather. By the way, my names Tommy and this is Eduardo and Homero. We're also Air Force."

His face lit up hearing that we were in the Air Force and he said that his name was Tony.

"Where you all stationed?" he asked.

"Eduardo and I are at Keesler and the Lieutenant is on his way to Patrick," said Homero.

"Lieutenant! Thanks a lot for picking me up sir! Are y'all officers, too?" he asked Homero.

Homero laughed, "No, we're Airmen Third Class in radio school."

As they were getting acquainted, I kept searching for a motel. Soon, I saw a neon sign up ahead. Holiday Inn! Thank God, I thought. Now, I hope they have rooms for us.

Pulling up under the canopy in front of the motel, I said "I'll see if they have any rooms" and jumped out and ran inside. Even in that short sprint to the door I got soaked by the driving rain.

The young man at the front desk said that he only had one room left. It was small and only had one double bed. I told him that there were four of us but he said that's all he had. He said he might have a rollaway bed that we could use. I said that we'd take it because I wasn't about to go back out in that storm looking for another motel. I told him we'd only be there one night unless the storm forced us to stay longer. I paid him for a night's stay, got our key and went back to the car. Telling the others about our predicament, I said that we could decide sleeping arrangements after we get dried off.

Although very small, the room was quite comfortable and, except for the storm howling outside, we felt that we had really been lucky.

Tony quickly got out of his wet uniform and I couldn't help but look at his young, muscular body. I noticed that Eduardo and Homero also took the opportunity to size Tony up as he emerged from the bathroom drying his wet body. From the leers on their face I knew that they were thinking the same obscene thoughts that I was! Tony didn't seem to mind our staring at his body as he dressed.

"Man, you sure have a great bod," exclaimed Homero. "Do you work out?"

"Yeah," said Tony, "every chance I get. I do a lot of weight lifting and running. Want to keep in good shape for the babes," he said, grinning.

My heart dropped to my stomach, thinking that tonight would be a real drag with a straight guy in the room. I saw that Eduardo and Homero also had a dejected look when he mentioned women. 'Oh well,' I thought, 'I need a good night's rest anyway' and resigned myself to the fact that there wouldn't be any lovemaking in this room; unless Eduardo and Homero can get something going without Tony seeing them.

"I need a shower," I announced, starting to remove my wet clothes. "After we're through with cleaning up maybe we can go to the dining room and get something to eat."

Eduardo looked kind of sheepish and he exchanged glances with Homero. "How're we going to sleep?" he asked me, blushing.

"Oh, we can figure that out when they bring us the other bed," I said stripping off my briefs and walking toward the bathroom. As I passed by Tony I noticed his eyes flick down my naked body and then quickly look away.

'Hmm,' I thought, 'maybe there's some hope after all!'

In the shower I thought about our newcomer. Tony looked to be in his mid to late 20's, about six feet tall, maybe 175 lbs with black hair and a killer body. I wondered what he was packing in those shorts and hoped that I would get a chance to see later tonight. I thought that he and I would have to sleep together while Eduardo and Homero slept in the roll-away, if it's big enough! Actually, that double bed would be very cozy for all four of us, I thought, and started to feel my cock rise at the scene of our four naked bodies pressed together. Stroking my hard meat, I wanted to just ram my cock into a young ass, I was so horny after last night. Eduardo looked so tempting; just like his younger brother. I wondered if he had the same fire as Manny when it came to making out. And Homero! What a stud he was. He had to be at least 6 feet 4 inches and weigh 230 lbs. He looked like he was a mass of muscle and probably had a cock that was a foot long! I stroked my meat and groaned, thinking of all the hard, young cock here in the room, mine for the taking! I felt my balls churning and start to draw up, knowing that I was very close to shooting my wad. But, then I stopped, thinking that it will be much better later when I get that hot Italian stallion (I guess Tony is Italian; he sure looked it) in bed. I just prayed that he was gay or bi like the rest of us.

After drying off, I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door to the room. Eduardo and Homero were standing in their shorts, looking at the roll-away bed that had arrived while I was in the shower. "Lieutenant," said Homero "Eddie and I can't fit on this thing. It's hardly big enough for me alone."

Tony was laying on the double bed and I noticed a smile on his face as he sized up the other two guys.

"Maybe we can put the two beds together and then it should be almost big enough for all of us," he offered.

My jaw dropped a few inches and I noticed a sly grin come over Eduardo's face.

"Yeah," Eduardo said, "that'd be just right. That's if it's ok with you, sir."

"Hey, it's ok with me if that's what y'all want to do," I said, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

"I've got no problem with it," Homero said.

"OK, then, that's settled. How about we go check out the dining room. I'm getting hungry and if they have a full house here tonight and nobody can get out to the other restaurants, then we had better get down there before they run out of food," I suggested.

"Oh yeah," they all eagerly agreed.

So, we got dressed and headed for the dining room. Seated at the table and looking over the menus, I noticed that Eduardo and Homero were exchanging anxious glances and wondered what was up. Then I realized that they may not be able to afford the extravagant prices one finds in these highway motels.

"Guys," I said, "this meal's on me seeing that I've been on leave and living with my parents for almost three weeks where I didn't have to buy anything. My vacation money is just itching to be spent. So, order whatever you want. I'll even get us a bottle of wine to go with our meal. What do you say?"

"Uh, thanks sir," said Eduardo, "but you don't have to do that."

"But that's what I want to do," I said. "It won't set me back anything and I really want to treat you men. Ok?"

"Thanks, Lieutenant," said Tony. "I really appreciate that, sir. I did kind of spend too much while I was gone and just had enough left to get me to payday. I wasn't expecting to have to spend a night in a motel."

"Fine," I said. "And the room is on me too. Already took care of it with my Mastercard."

"And one more thing" I added as the three of them looked at me inquisitively. "I want you to call me Tommy. I know we're in the Air Force and I outrank you but while we're staying in the motel let's just be four buddies. Ok?"

Homero looked like he was going to cry and whispered "Thanks, Tommy, that's real nice of you to do that. Eddie and I are kinda short too and didn't think we'd have to be spending a night in this motel."

"No sweat," I said. "Let's see if we can enjoy this night with each other, even if that damn hurricane is trying to blow us...away." When I said that with the pregnant pause between the last two words and a shit-eating grin on my face, Tony looked at me and then gave a slight grin. I think he was about to say something but just then the waitress came to take our order.

They all waited for me to order first and I said, "I think I could eat a nice big steak. How about you guys?" Without waiting for a reply, I told the waitress to bring us four big New York strip steaks with baked potato and salad. When I mentioned steak, each of them looked at their menus to see what it would cost. I heard Homero let out a small gasp as he read the price: $24.95! I also ordered a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to go with our steak. Again they glanced at the menu to check the price. $35.00! This time Homero wasn't so quiet about it and exclaimed "Que carajo!"

Eduardo elbowed him, embarrassed by the profanity. I couldn't help but chuckle. I felt extravagant doing this but I had saved up quite a bit of money over the last year. Let's face it: there aren't any places on the Bering Sea coastline of Alaska to spend money! Also, as you have already guessed I am sure, I wanted them to think that they owed me so that I can take advantage of them later tonight! I know...I'm a devious devil! :)

The meal was excellent and each of 'my boys' ate heartily filling their guts. Eduardo couldn't finish all of his steak and potato so Homero got to eat a little extra. Man, could he eat! And he ordered dessert, too!

Thank goodness this was one of those motels where everything was under one roof because the wind was blowing so strong outside that I'm not sure we would have made it back to our room. I wondered how long we would have electricity; that always seems to be one of the first things to go out in these storms. After dinner we went into the snack room where all of the vending machines were located and stocked up on sodas, chips, pretzels, candy, cookies and anything else we could buy. I wasn't sure whether the motel would be able to serve another meal if the electricity goes out. Just wish we could have found some candles.

Back in our room the boys decided to get comfortable and stripped down to their shorts. I did too and soon we were laying on the beds watching TV. Well, they were watching TV. I was watching them! The more I looked at Tony the more excited I got and soon my dick was expanding. I laid on my stomach to hide my hardon but I don't think I fooled Tony for a second. He just looked at me with a grin that said 'I know what's going on and you can't put anything over on me!'

Most of the stuff on the local channels was about the hurricane but since the motel had HBO and a few other cable channels we were not bored. But, of course, when you're having fun something always happens to spoil it.

The electricity went 'pop!' and we were in darkness.

I heard groans from the guys and Homero exclaimed "Maldito! I was just getting interested in that movie."

I couldn't tell you what the movie was about because my mind was on other 'things.' You know what 'things' I'm talking about: three young well hung male bodies close by in their underwear! All we could hear was the howling wind outside and I realized that the air conditioning was also off.

Since the outdoor temperature had been in the ninety's earlier, I figured that it probably hadn't dropped much, even with the heavy winds. Sure enough, it wasn't long before I began sweating due to the close air in the room and the fact that there were four hot bodies in a rather small space. The room being very small, the two beds took up almost all of the space. Soon I began hearing and feeling the beds creak and move as we each tried to get comfortable. I thought that I heard some whispering from the rollaway bed but with the howling wind I wasn't sure. Then I heard a giggle; sounded like Homero.

"Hey, someone's having too much fun," I said out loud.

Dead silence.

Then another giggle followed by, "Ya basta! Tommy nos va a or."

[Translation: "Stop it! Tommy will hear us."]

It sounded like Eduardo's voice and although it was in a whisper I could make out everything he said even with my limited knowledge of Spanish.

He probably wanted me to hear so I said "What don't you want me hear?"

This time Homero's giggle was much louder and they both said, almost in unison, "Nothing!" Giggle, giggle.

Now I knew that they were up to something and I wanted to encourage them in every way I could!

"Hmm," I said aloud "I hope you guys practice safe sex!"

Well, I thought Tony was going to lose it he laughed so hard.

When he got his laughter under control he came out with "Any port in a storm!" and we all guffawed so hard that my sides started hurting.

I moved to get more comfortable and touched Tony's bare arm with my hand. I just left it there and he didn't move. The noises from the other bed and the jerking of our bed became more pronounced as I was sure that Eduardo and Homero were doing something that I wished Tony and I were doing!

Tony pressed his arm into my side as I let my hand fall on his bare torso.

I was ecstatic! My cock almost burst out of my briefs, I was so hard.

I let my hand start moving over his abdomen, feeling the hair around his pecs. My fingers found a nipple and I began rubbing it as it stiffened. Tony's moan and the fact that he didn't push me away told me that I should continue. And I did.

As my fingers fondled his nipple, Tony's hand moved up on my stomach and he caressed me with a circular motion. It felt so good and my moans of pleasure became louder. Then his fingers found one of my nipples and he rubbed and pinched it until I thought I would come right then. I leaned up on my side towards him and brought my head down on his shoulder. My lips carressed his shoulder and then his neck. Without a word being spoken, he turned towards me and our lips found each other. It was ecstasy!

It was a tender, soft kiss that lingered for a moment. His lips were so delicious and I wanted more. I opened my mouth and let my tongue explore his lips. He parted his lips and our tongues reached for each other. He tasted so wonderful! Then the action began picking up as our hot tongues lashed and poked at one another. The spit was flowing copiously as we both drooled in rapture for each other. I let my hand fall down to his cock and he was as rigid as me. I stroked his meat through his boxers as he continued to moan and probe my hot mouth.

His hand moved to the top of my briefs and slid under the waistband, coming into contact with my very wet prick. He slowly ran his fingers around the head of my cock, spreading my precum and sending me into orbit.

Almost as if it were a signal, we both raised up and slipped our underwear off. I leaned over him, running my tongue across his hairy but flat and hard abdomen. He tasted so good. I couldn't wait to get to his prize. I moved my head slightly towards his manmeat and soon his cockhead was touching my lips. I savored the taste and smell of him: all man! Tony moved his body around mine until he was licking my hard six inches. I figured him for about the same length until I engulfed his cock with my mouth.

My God he was huge! Thick and long, much more so than me. My hand found his balls, huge globules than must have hung halfway to his knees when he stood up!

I thought, 'He's the epitome of superman and he's all mine!' Again, a fleeting thought crossed my mind: 'Why am I so lucky to get such studs in my bed?' But I soon got back to trying to take all of him into my mouth. I stretched my mouth as wide as I could and, in a momentary panic, I thought I would never get him all in, but I was determined to try, even if it meant shattering my jaw!

Tony had all of my six inches in his mouth and was laving my head with his tongue as he sucked the precum right out of my piss slit. His sucking action was sure to bring me off, and soon! I didn't want to come so quick so I tried to signal him to ease off by pushing on his body. He got the message and released my cock just in time. I continued in my attempts to get all of him into my mouth and he tried to help by moving his body back and forth. They weren't thrusts, just a slow movement of his hips.

It must have been close to midnight although there was no way to see the time. I suddenly became aware of a deathly silence. No wind! Tony stopped his moving and lay perfectly still.

Homero, always the one to break the silence first, said aloud "What the shit's happening?" I could hear a little fear and trepidation in his voice.

"It's probably the eye of the storm just coming over us," I announced.

"Does that mean that it's over?" asked Eduardo in a small voice.

Before I could answer, Tony said, "No, the wind and rain will be starting up again as soon as the eye moves away. Only, it'll be coming from the opposite direction." As he was speaking, the clouds rolled away and the full moon shown down, lighting up the room. As it did so, I looked into Tony's eyes and he smiled back at me.

"We have some unfinished business," he whispered, pulling me back to his groin.

I heard a gasp from Eduardo and then Homero as they saw what Tony and I were doing. Then Eduardo broke out into a big grin and reached up to Homero, who had been sitting up on the bed to see out the window, and pulled him down. They began kissing and fondling each other's naked body. Before I closed in on Tony's huge cock (it looked like it was at least eight inches and about as thick as my wrist!) I saw Homero's man sized meat and it too was a monster. However, the clouds started rolling back and the wind picked up again. We were only in the eye for a few minutes, I surmised. That meant that this was a powerful storm with very strong winds.

As the winds started screeching around the building, I shivered and pressed closer to Tony's comforting body. He lost some of his erection while we were talking. I figured this would be the best opportunity to get his meat in my mouth so I plunged down on him, letting his expanding cock slip into my mouth. It felt so good getting his head and a few inches into my mouth but I wondered how long I could hold it there as he grew in size. His cock expanded in my mouth but now I felt that I could take it. I just had to be careful and not let my teeth graze against his velvety skin. (I once read about a young man who had all of his teeth removed so he wouldn't scrape while sucking cock! I wished I had done that as I suckled on Tony's massive tool)

I fondled his gigantic ball sack and it was all I could do to get my hand around one of his balls.

I caressed his balls and the skin beneath them. My fingers searched for his hole, the hiding place of his treasure. I was determined to get my dick into that place of enchantment if it was the last thing I ever did!

My finger found his sweetest of all portals and gently rubbed across it. He jerked and moaned, then pressed his ass back onto my finger, forcing me into his hole. It was moist and warm and I pushed more of my digit into him and soon was all the way in. His moans continued and I slowly rotated my finger as he pushed back trying to encase my entire hand. His meat was so hard and pulsing that I was afraid that he would come right then.

I eased off of his rod, tonguing the flared head as I withdrew. Still no words were spoken but Tony and I knew what was coming next.

He laid back flat on the bed as I brought my lips and tongue to his ass. He pulled his legs back and up, exposing the orifice that would lead me through a corridor of exquisite rapture. I dove my stiff tongue into his hole as if I were driving a nail. He relaxed long enough to allow my rigid oral probe to enter.

The taste was indescribable. Not offensive, but sweet and musky at the same time. I tried sucking and was rewarded with more sweet, musky juices as he writhed in ecstasy. I could wait no longer. Using my spittle on his hole and spreading some on my pulsing tool, I placed the head of my cock at his entrance. Although it was now nearly pitch black in the room I felt, rather than saw, him nod, giving assent to my assault on his most private of all bodily openings.

My incursion was slow and deliberate. The head of my penis easily slipped into his ass and he wrapped his legs around my waist as I seeked full entry. He pulled me in more than I pushed. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world, being imbedded in your lover's ass with your maleness. I cannot describe the feelings I was having as I slowly and methodically plowed into him. Tony's rectum was contracting and releasing in rhythm to my thrusts. It was as if we were a well designed machine, working together to produce a sensation of fullness and oneness.

His canal enveloped my organ like a tight fitting glove, sending lightening bolts through my entire being. My lust grew like the hurricane winds that were pounding the building around us. I felt as if the forces of nature outside our room were growing because of my inflating passion, as if I had some primeval force that allowed me to control nature. I wanted to conquer the wind and at the same time be conquered by my own brute force, a lust so strong that I almost became afraid of myself. I could hear the wind screaming in my head, whirling me away to be as one with it's power. It was an aphrodisiac to my mind and I let go, allowing unknown forces to take control of my body. I felt myself driving into Tony with a force that knocked the breath out of him. I heard him gasping for air as my relentless thrusting ravaged his body. My impending orgasm grew with each jab at his anus. As my bodily fluids boiled within me I knew that I would soon be in nirvana. My scrotum tightened it's grip on my balls as the cum shot it's way through my urethra, around the prostate and into my organ. The geyser spouted from my tool into Tony's love canal. I felt like a super nova, spreading outward at light speed, screaming my passion to the wind. "Aaiiyyyeee," I yelled as the orgasm completely took control of my being.

I collapsed onto Tony and he wrapped his arms around me, smothering my face with kisses.

"Good God, Tommy," he gasped, "I've never felt anything like that!"

I lifted my face to his and our lips touched in a final symbol of our joining. Although totally spent, I felt an overwhelming love for this man who I barely knew.

I know now that he had to be someone very special to allow me to completely ravish his being as I did. I lay there in his arms with a feeling of warmth and security. I loved this special person who suddenly came into my life. Was it fate that brought him to me or were we just flung together by a fickle lady named Belle?. I don't know the answer to that but I do know one thing: I don't want to lose him.

As I tried to look into his face in the darkness of the room, I thought 'Who is this wonderful person?'

"I don't even know your last name," I said the words that were going through my thoughts.

He laughed a little and said, "Well, I don't know your's either! I'm Anthony Esposito, but you can call me Tony."

I knew he was smiling even though I could barely make out his features.

"And I'm Arthur Thomas, but you can call me Tommy. I'd shake your hand but I think this will be better than a handshake," and I kissed him tenderly, my tongue lightly flicking across his teeth.

Tony and I lay in each other's arms, our sweaty bodies clinging like velcro. I was so content that I relaxed and almost drifted off. The feeling of being in this strong, macho man's arms was so comforting that I didn't want to ever separate my body from his.

Then I felt his cock begin it's ascent and realized that he still hadn't come. I wanted to make my lover feel as happy and filled as I was. I reached down and enclosed his tool in my right hand while caressing his shoulders and neck with my other.

"You are so wonderful," I whispered in his ear. "I want to feel you in me."

"I've never made love with a man before," he admitted. "That was the first time anyone's ever fucked me but I don't want it to be the last," he said in a husky voice.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You've never come inside of a man?" I asked incredulously.

"No," he replied, "but if you think you can take me I would love to try it."

"Just a minute," I said as I got up and groped my way in the dark to my suitcase. Fumbling it open I felt around until I found that familiar shape: my tube of K-Y Jelly.

As I was climbing back up on the bed, I heard a voice from the other bed calling me. "Hey Tommy," Homero called. "You got any lotion?"

I laughed and said, "Yeah, and you can have it as soon as I get through with it."

"Ok, thanks," he said.

I used the jelly to grease Tony's big pole, which brought him back to his full erection. I knew it was going to be painful but I was determined to show my lover what real mansex is like! After lubricating my a-hole, I passed the jelly to Homero.

"Now just lay still," I told Tony as I straddled him with his dick nudging my balls.

"Let me take care of getting it in and then you can do anything you want."

I eased down on him until his cockhead was pushing against my anus. As I allowed my weight to settle down I could feel the head of his cock trying to jam it's way into me. At first my sphincter wouldn't allow any penetration and I had to work my anus back and forth while pushing down.

"It's not going to work," hissed Tony, straining to keep from jabbing into me.

"It's ok," I whispered. "Just let me keep trying."

I took a deep breath and told myself to 'Relax, just relax.' As I relaxed my body the head slipped into me and I immediately felt a searing pain shoot through my rectum. I thought I was going to faint from the agony! I gasped and Tony grabbed me around my waist.

My asshole, still sore from it's ravage last night by John, screamed at me to stop. I slowed down and tried relaxing again, thinking about how great it will feel once the pain subsides. Before I went to Alaska, my hole was accustomed to John's big dick and I didn't have as much problem taking him. But after a year of not having anyone enter my back door, my anus was not ready for this monster that was trying to penetrate it.

"Tommy, don't...pull out." Tony cried.

"It's ok, it's ok," I panted. "Just let me relax a second." I relaxed my screaming rectum and slid a little further down that massive shaft. The pain was still there but now the feeling that I was driving a log into my ass began to fill my thoughts.

"Good God, Tony," I swore, "you're HUGE!"

"Oh, Tommy, please stop. It's not necessary for you to do this," he pleaded.

I dismissed his pleading and continued to let his warm, monstrous tool invade me. Continuing to ease down his shaft I soon bottomed out against his hips. My sigh of relief was echoed by Eduardo and Homero as I realized that they had been peering through the darkness at us, watching me impale myself on Tony's love stick.

I couldn't help but chuckle when Eduardo whispered "Pendejo!"

Easing up a little bit and then slowly back down, I carefully repeated the motion until the pain lessened. I could now hear Tony breathing heavily as I worked my tight sphincter up and down his spear. His moans told me that he was feeling the effects of my taut muscle as it squeezed his rod. His pelvis was pushing back into me as I was sliding up and down.

Tony's moans became gurgles as his entire being focused on fucking me. Pleasure filled me, overcoming any pain I had felt, and my own flaccid cock began swelling. The sweat was now pouring off of my body as we continued our unification, trying to become as one. My hand grasped my cock in a death grip and stroked it furiously, keeping a rhythm going with Tony's thrusts. His moans and gurgles increased in volume, now challenging the noise from outside our room.

The room seemed to swirl around me and, coupled with the noise of the hurricane and Tony's exclamations of pleasure, my mind reeled in the lust that I was experiencing. Contracting my ass muscles with each of his thrusts into my canal, I sensed Tony's impending climax.

I increased the flagellation on my penis, wanting to coincide my own orgasm with his. As the tempo of our coitus reached it's apex, Tony's thrusts threw me into the air and I felt like I was on a bucking bronco. Hanging onto Tony (and my cock!) with all of my might I stayed with this stampeding stallion.

Reaching the peak of our sexual consummation, we both screamed as our gonads spewed forth their pearls of pleasure. Tremors coursed through our bodies as we tried to maintain our orgasmic state of heightened pleasure. Ultimately, however, we descended from that utopian stage and our bodies relaxed, subsiding into a glow of satiation.

I collapsed onto Tony, hugging and kissing him with a feeling of indescribable love. His softening penis slipped from me leaving a chasm of emptiness.

"You are so wonderful," I gushed, continuing to hold tightly to him as though I was afraid that the wind would carry him away from me.

"Oh Tommy," he panted. "I've never, never experienced anything like that before. It was like I was carried away, out of my body, and sent flying through the stars. It was incredible!"

I brushed my lips across his, murmuring, "I am yours, fully and completely, to have anytime you want. I don't want to lose you."

"Oh man, Tommy," he replied, "I don't want to leave here. I don't care about the storm or anything else. I just want to stay here with you and make manlove with you over and over."

I smiled, kissing his cheeks, and then his nose, and finally closing my lips on his mouth.

Breaking away I said, "I wish we could stay together forever, too. But we've got our lives and careers to consider. Also, the Air Force tends to take a dim view of male-male sex and with fraternization between officer and enlisted."

"I know," he sighed. "But can't we be together sometime, somewhere away from our bases? I promise I will meet you anywhere you want and since you'll be on the east coast of Florida and I'll be directly across on the west coast, we should be able to find someplace to be together so the Air Force won't know."

"I think we can find someplace around Orlando where we will be able to meet," I said. "We can exchange addresses and telephone numbers. Will your job allow you to be off on weekends and holidays?"

"Yes, I work in the base pharmacy as a Pharmacist's Technician and we usually get weekends and holidays off. However, I am going to college; I'm trying to get my degree in Pharmacology. I have about two more years to go," he said.

"That's great," I said. "That's a good profession to be in, especially if you don't plan on staying in the service for many more years."

"I plan on getting out of the Air Force as soon as I get my degree," Tony informed me. "But I haven't decided where I'll go to find a job. I pretty much like the part of Florida I'm in now, and with you nearby, I just might stay!"

Kissing him again I said, "Thank you, my love."

"Where is your home, Tony?" I asked.

"Chicago," he replied. "My folks live in a suburb there and that's where I went to high school before joining the Air Force."

The snores coming from the other bed informed us that Eduardo and Homero were fast asleep.

"I guess we had better get some sleep if we're going to be leaving tomorrow," I said. "I sure hope the highway is open so we can get out of here."

"I don't mind spending another night here with you," he said, squeezing my buns and drawing me closer to him.

"Me too, my love. But they've got to get back to Keesler and you've got to get back to your base, too. I've still got over a week left on my leave so I'm in no hurry," I offered.

I rolled off of him but stayed close so that our bodies were touching. Tony rolled toward me and found my mouth with his and we kissed a lover's kiss, long and passionate!

Sunday morning

BAM! BAM! BAM! The pounding shattered my dreams as my eyes sprung wide awake.

"Are you alright in there?" a voice was yelling through the door.

"Uh, yeah," I stammered, trying to get a focus on where I was.

"What the shit's going on?" Homero said as he raised up out of his bed.

"Can you open the door?" the voice in the corridor yelled. "We need to get a count of everyone for the police."

I stumbled out of bed and threw a blanket around my nakedness as I groped for the doorknob.

Opening the door, I saw a young man in a motel uniform standing there. When he saw me and then glanced into our room to see who was there, a big grin crossed his face as he realized that we were all sleeping naked in the same bed.

"Sorry to startle you, sir" he said, "but the local police want to know if there were any casualties from last night's storm."

It was then that I realized that it was light outside, although still overcast and raining pretty hard. But the winds had died down to where you couldn't hear them; at least not the screaming wind that we experienced during the night.

"May I have your names in case we get any calls from people who may be looking for you?" he asked. "I take it that you all survived ok without any problems" he remarked with a big shit-eating grin on his face. It was obvious that he had guessed correctly what we had been doing during last night's storm.

"Uh, sure" I replied, motioning for him to come into the room so I could close the door. I had noticed other people roaming the hallway and didn't want them to see us in our nakedness.

I noticed what a good looking young man he was and saw that his uniform pants had bulged out more than was normal. I wondered if he may have wanted to join us last night.

Homero got up out of bed without regard to his bare state. I think that maybe he was showing off in front of the motel employee. The young man fixed his gaze on Homero's huge cock as it swung from side to side while Homero walked over to where we were standing.

"See something you like?" said Homero to the boy with a huge smile.

"Uh, er, ah..." stammered the boy as Homero's genitals held his stare.

I thought that maybe I had better rescue the young man and said, "He wants our names in case anybody calls asking about us."

"Are the telephones working?" I asked.

"Uh, no sir," he replied, tearing his eyes away from Homero's privates. "But the State Police have an emergency radio set up in our lobby and they can relay calls if any come in."

By that time Tony and Eduardo were also rising off the beds and the young man's eyes grew wider as he saw the size of Tony's dick.

"Good God!" he gasped as Tony fondled his massive tool in front of everyone.

"What's your name?" I asked, trying to get the kid to calm down. I thought he was going to faint, looking at all of the cock being displayed in the room.

"J-J-Jimmy" he stuttered, still in awe of the manflesh hanging between our legs.

"Well, J-J-Jimmy" I mimicked, "here's our names" handing him the piece of paper I had jotted our names on while he was in his trance.

"I don't suppose you know what the road conditions are, do you?" I asked, finally gaining his attention.

"Oh, ah, yeah," he said. "Everythings still closed due to fallen trees, power lines down and some bridges were washed out due to flooding."

"Well, I guess that we'll be spending another night here since it doesn't look like we'll be able to travel. Jimmy, why don't you come and visit us later today?" I asked with a very large smile and wink.

"Sure" he quickly agreed and we all laughed at his eagerness.

"Do you think that we'll be able to get anything to eat and drink in the restaurant?" I inquired.

"Yeah. They made a lot of salads and sandwiches last night before the power went off and we have lots of drinks at the bar" he answered.

"Great!" I said. "Now all we have to do is bide our time until the highway opens. When do you suppose the electricity will be back?"

"Don't know sir," he said. "There's a lot of trees and lines down in the housing area behind the motel. Some of those houses are pretty old and they got hit pretty hard. The police are rounding up people to go over there and check each house out to see if anyone's hurt."

I looked at Tony and he anticipated what was going through my mind.

"Hey, Tommy, maybe we can help them," he said.

"What do you two think?" I asked Eduardo and Homero. "Do you want to go over there and help out?"

"Yes!" they exclaimed, almost in unison.

"Great! Who do we see about helping out over there?" I asked Jimmy.

"I guessed you'd better talk to the State Policeman in the lobby," he said.

"OK, we'll do that as soon as we get dressed. Better wear your oldest clothes" I told the guys. "It will probably be very muddy and wet."

"The police have coveralls in the lobby for the cleanup crews" Jimmy announced. "I bet they have enough for you."

"Good. Why don't you go tell them that the Air Force is here to help," I said with a big smile. "And Jimmy, don't forget to stop by later. Maybe we can find something interesting to do together" I winked.

"Yessir!" he gushed and almost ran out the door that had been opened by Tony.

We all laughed and Homero said "I'll bet he just can't wait to get back here to see what you had in mind!"

We quickly dressed and munched on crackers and chips for our breakfast. I noticed that the rain was letting up some and thought that we might even get some sunshine later this afternoon. Althouigh we still didn't have electricity, I noticed that several people in the lobby had transistor radios that they were listening to, getting the latest reports from radio stations in nearby towns that retained their power. A Biloxi, Mississippi, station was saying that all Air Force leaves were cancelled and that military personnel were to report to their duty stations for further assignment in helping to clean up after the storm.

We contacted the officer in charge of rescue operations in the lobby to volunteer our services. He was thankful to have our help and gave us coveralls, hard hats, work gloves and boots to wear. The coveralls were bright orange and we stood out in a crowd like the proverbial sore thumb. He also issued me a two-way radio to call for assistance if we found anyone in need of immediate medical attention. We were also told to report any looters that we saw while we were canvassing the homes looking for survivors. He then told us to start on the street behind the motel and go into every house, even if we had to smash a window in order to get inside. We were to look for survivors and send them to the school building two streets back which was being used as a temporary shelter. He sent us on our way with a promise to send food and water as soon as they arrived which we would issue to the homeowners who needed them.

Homero, Eduardo, Tony and I started to pick our way through the fallen trees and debris behind the motel to get over to the street behind us. I noticed that most of the houses were old two-story clapboard buildings thus indicating that this was an older and most likely poorer section of the city.

The first house we came to was an old gray wood structure that was badly in need of a coat of paint. There was no sign of life as I knocked on the back door. We didn't hear any response from within so I went to the front door and knocked with nothing but the wind in the trees and the quiet rain. It was then that I noticed the silence. Not the usual sounds of a bustling city. No birds were singing, no car noises, no children playing. Just dead quiet. In the distance we could hear the faint wail of a siren but all around us was nothing but silence.

I tried the door and it was locked. We tried raising a window but they were also locked. So, I used my flashlight (also issued to us by the rescue people) to smash the window in the front door. The shattering glass seemed to resound down the street like a sonic boom. I carefully reached inside and slipped the deadbolt open and unlocked the doorknob. We opened the door and entered the old house.

The first thing that hit me was the smell. It was a moldy smell like you find in damp, closed rooms. I yelled out if anyone was home. No answer. I shined the flashlight into the hallway and saw a staircase going upstairs. To the right was a living room with tattered furniture and a well worn rug on the floor. Still no sign of life. To my left was a dining room with table and empty chairs. The hallway went straight to the back of the house around the staircase. Following the hallway we came to the kitchen which was also empty. I smelled something and immediately realized that it was gas! Checking out the stove I found a leak in the gas line coming up out of the floor. I warned the others about not making any sparks and sent Eduardo back to the motel to report the gas leak. I didn't dare use the radio for fear it would cause a spark and ignite the gas.

We went back to the staircase and were about to start upstairs when I heard a faint moan. It was coming from upstairs. Carefully, Tony, Homero and I went up the steps to the top landing where we saw three doors probably leading to bedrooms and a bathroom. I listened and again heard the moan, coming from the front bedroom. I eased the door open and shined the flashlight inside.

Laying on the bed was an elderly black woman who seemed to be in pain. I went over to her and tried to talk to her, wanting to know where she was hurt. At first she just stared at me without saying anything. Then as I was asking her where she hurt she reached for my hand and said "Thank ya' suh, thank the dear Lord."

I found out that she had been trying to close windows and doors when the wind blew her into the wall and she hurt her arm. As we were trying to help her up I said that we would take her to the shelter at the school.

Before we could say anymore she told us that her bedridden husband, who was also blind, was in the next bedroom and she was concerned about him. I sent Tony to see what he could do for the man. I was still reluctant to use the radio because of the gas leak so I told the lady that we would have to get her and her husband out of the house because of the gas leak. She understood and said that they were the only people there. Even with this information, I had Homero check all of the rooms to make sure no one else was in the house.

Tony returned saying that the old man was ok but very frightened and wanted to know how his wife was. Tony reassured him that his wife was alright and that we would be taking them to the shelter at the schoolhouse.

As we were trying to get the elderly couple out of the house (Homero just picked up the husband in his arms like he weighed nothing at all) I heard noises downstairs and then Eduardo calling me.

"Tommy, are you here?" he called. "The gas people are going to close off the main valve down the street."

I yelled out that we were coming downstairs with two people and would have to carry them to the shelter. We accomplished the walk with surprising ease, Homero carrying the husband and Tony and Eduardo helping the wife dodge the debris in the street.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same: helping people to get to the shelter and making sure that no one was left behind. Before we were finished with our street, work crews were out shutting off gas and water lines and police were patrolling the area making sure that looters wouldn't have a chance to rip these poor people off. We never saw any looters.

I was told by the rescue people that this was the hardest hit area of the city, mainly because it was one of the oldest and poorest sections of Baton Rouge. We were fortunate that the Holiday Inn where we stayed was less than two years old and was so well constructed that it had practically no damage at all.

By mid-afternoon the sun started peaking through the clouds and the rain had stopped. I was informed that Interstate 12 should be open for travel by tomorrow and we could be on our way to Mississippi.

Tired, hungry and sore from stumbling over so many fallen trees, we made our way back to the motel by 6 p.m. I was delighted to find out that the power was on at the motel. Well, actually, the rescue people set up a portable power generator there because they were using the lobby as their headquarters. But that meant that we could have a hot shower and a hot meal. But I was so tired that I really didn't care at that point.

Next: Chapter 2

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