After the Volleyball Championship, high school, biracial)

By Gene Moser

Published on Jun 23, 2023


Popping Cherry Stories


Larry Marian

So I'm back to writing what my English teacher calls first person narrative.' It's a good thing that what I write and what I turn in are two different things. Anyway, one Friday night Char's folks were out to dinner leaving Char and Tony to put together an Italian dinner that was not spaghetti and meat balls. For this we had my ex girl friend Char; Tony, my best friend who stole Char from me; Abby, my new girl friend (and a wonderful girl friend she is) given to me from Tony; Malcolm and Jerry, both African - American sixteen year old juniors, and Tasha, a fourteen year old African-American girl, and finally there should have been another fourteen year old girl who suddenly got restriction and was verboten to talk to any of us. Anyway, we sat around talking and messing around a bit. Of course all I had was Abby; Malcolm and Jerry plus Tasha. I could easily see that the two boys were making time with Tasha, who allowed either Malcolm or Jerry to first kiss her, then begin to work on her bod from her neck on down. Since Abby and I were now a couple, we, too, found as dark a corner as possible for some kissing and more. Glances from both Abby and me towards Tony and Char showed that my best friend and former girl friend were "engaged." That is to say the two lay on a rather large and thick mat. The two had their arms sort of wrapped around each other as Tony had first slid his hand up her peasant blouse and then had removed it, showing off Char's boobs to their friends. I could also see that Char had opened up Tony's jeans, so her hand had reached Tony's obviously hard cock. At the present, Abby and I worked on some heavy kissing while I went through the ritual of removing Abby's top while she rubbed my still zipped cock. "Really not sure I want to see Char and Tony screw in public, especially when a girl we don't know is almost nude and she's sucking Jerry," Abby breathed. "We haven't seen Char and Tony have sex before now?" I asked, feeling the remnants of my getting to caress Char's breasts two months ago. "Get over it, Ralph," Abby said. "What have we been doing?" "Yeah.. We're right. But Malcolm and Jerry! They're both screwing her at once. And she's loving it!" Abby laughed. "So, when is Tony going to suggest you and Char? Or Char and Becky?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, how about we all get undressed and then let's start with the three girls - when did you give up your cherry?" I looked at Abby. "I want to say, None of your beeswax, Ralph. But that's a good idea. I think asking the guys here, When did you first pop one!" Strangely, it seemed that all the others stopped and looked at us. "That's a great idea," Malcolm said as he rolled off Tasha, who still lay on top of Jerry. "God, that was great," Jerry said. "You can get off me, Tasha. Yeah, let's do it." "Okay by me, but I go last," Tasha said as she got off Jerry, his cock still obviously hard. "Fine," Tony said. He looked around. "So we have Tasha last, but who is first? Char or Abby?" I looked at Abby, figuring that it would be Char, since she was some six months older and Abby was about three months younger. "Okay, I'll spill my beans first," Char said, with a smile towards me for some reason. "Go for it," Tony said, also with a smile. "Okay. I was eleven, going on twelve. Believe or not, I knew a boy named Simon, who was twelve, going on thirteen. Like Tony, Simon was a bit advanced for his age. I was a bit advanced, too. I had boobs - not real big, but boobs. And I also had my period. He lived in the next block, but went to a different middle school. But we'd meet in the small park in between the two neighborhoods. So we'd go to my house or his. "Of course, being in my bedroom or his we started to kiss. Simon taught me to French kiss and from there he started to play with my boobs. That really turned me on." "Maybe we should just leave this as it is," I said, looking at both Char and Abby, not to mention Tasha. "That's okay," Tasha said, who had the biggest boobs and nipples of the three girls. "Yeah," Char continued. "So we frenched and Simon cupped my boobs for several more times. By the way, sometimes at my house and sometime at Simons as we got more familiar. I think the thing that really set us off was the afternoon when we lay down on his bed after taking off our tops. Then Simon eased my legs apart to put his hand on my pussy. WOW! The next thing I knew, Simon pulled down my shorts and panties. "Of course I'd had the girl talk' with two lady PE teachers. But then Simon pulled down his pants and shorts and I saw a hard cock for the first time. So Simon got between my legs, fumbled a bit, and then he got his cock into my pussy. That lasted maybe twenty seconds before he came. "Well, that lasted another month. It ended when Simon showed up with his two year older brother. You guys can imagine what happened. I figured that was enough and stopped seeing Simon and his brother. So after that came Tony. So how long was it before we first had sex, Tony?" I looked at my best friend to see his grin. "About a week, I think, Char. You are irresistible, after all." Tony paused. "So, Abby. Guess it's your turn." I saw Abby turn towards me with a sad look. "I guess so. " Abby gave me a hug. "I really love you Ralph." At that, I hugged Abby. "I love you too, Abby." "So, when Char was about off to her grandparents, who do I meet but Char and me. From a distance I met Ralph and Tony. We talked for a few minutes before Tony asked for my phone number. I gave it to him. "The next day he called me up. Hey, Abby. Nice meeting you. Know what? Since Char is gone, how about I come over and we talk some stuff, you know?' We talk for a few minutes, then he asks me to tell him how to get to his house. I agree and walk the two blocks to where he lived. "Tony stood at the door, let me in, and took me up to his room. It wasn't five minutes before we sat on his bed as he kissed me. I swear, there was some magnet attached to him. Ralph, honestly, I just couldn't help myself." "I know," I said. "Here we are in public and I'll suck Tony off any time he tells me he would like a blow job." "Same with me," Abby said. "Sitting on his bed, Tony said, Abby, sure would be nice if you gave me a blow job. Ralph isn't here to give me one now.' "So how do I do that?" I replied. "Well, he told me, stood up, pulled down his jeans and shorts, and put his hard cock right at my lips. "Okay, Abby, cover your teeth and put your lips around my cock, then go back and forth." "So that's what happened. I sucked him off then and there and the next day. The day after that Tony introduced me to Ralph. He said, "Ralph'll be a great boy friend for you. But from time to time you can blow me." At that I just threw my arms around Abby and kissed her. "Very nice," Tony said. "So, Tasha, what about you?" "Pretty simple. My step dad started feeling me up when I was eight and giving me my bath. At ten he started fingering me. It was all play and crap like that. But at eleven, he came to my bed one night when Mom worked overtime. He took my virginity then. But I did some research and told Mom. "So my wonderful stepfather is now doing ten to twenty and I'll never see him again. But he taught me to like sex. Actually, Jerry introduced me to real sex. "That's my story," Tasha said as she hugged first Jerry and then Malcolm. "Quite a story," Tony said. "But I think I could convince you to have sex with Ralph, for instance." "I don't think so, Tony," I said. "Seems like you do a bit of conning." "Suggestion, Ralph. Look, Char. I've kissed you and felt you up and, yes, we've made love to each other. And three months ago, you would have had sex with Ralph and you. "Now, Char. Go to Ralph, kneel down and give him the blow job you've always wanted to give Ralph. Abby, you select Jerry or Malcolm to suck. Tasha, you take the black guy that Abby rejects. The first girl who sucks off her partner gets to blow me. " I was in a daze. I looked at Char and she looked at me. We walked towards each other. As I looked around, I saw what seemed impossible. Char dropped to her knees in front of me. Abby took Jerry by the hand, led him two paces, then sank to her knees, a hand on his hard cock. Tasha knelt in front of Malcolm to begin blowing him at once. As Char began to suck me for the first time, Tony smiled at me. "Char, don't suck Ralph. Get down doggie style and let Ralph screw you." Damn if he didn't do exactly what he said. Char went down on her hands, then spread her knees. I dropped behind her and in moments I was screwing the girl I'd longed to do months ago. Now, I was making love to her. As I turned my head I really didn't notice what was clearly going on. I saw Abby on her back with Jerry between her spread legs while Tony humped Tasha. Malcolm lay down beside Abby and Jerry, Malcolm's hard six inches pointed at Abby's mouth. I could see her lean forward to take Malcolm's long, hard cock deep into her mouth, hiding his purple spearhead. At once my girl friend began to work on that big, thick black cock as Malcolm began to moan with pleasure as Jerry screwed Abby. "God, Char. Feels so good," I moaned. "So do I," Char moaned. "Sorry we didn't have sex months ago. But I'm tied to Tony. You need Abby, for sure." I blinked. "I think you're right. But Tony is my best friend even if he fucks everybody." I turned to Tony. "So you control us?" I asked. "Not really. It's something my grandfather taught me. It's just like I know when somebody will help me out. "Sure," Jerry said. "Bunch of buillshit." Jerry rolled off of Abby as the two looked at each other, with sort of dazed eyes. "Jerry," Tony said. "Look at me, then come suck my dick. Kneel down and give me a really good blow job, just like you fucked Abby." Tony looked square at Jerry who walked over to Tony, knelt down, then took Jerry's six inches slowly into the older black teen's mouth to begin sucking him. "Yeah. That's right. Feels good. You're giving my dick a great blow job." "Jesus!" Malcolm said. "Can't fucking believe this. Jerry sucking another guy's dick!" "Sure is," Tony said. "Jerry's doing a great job. Jerry, don't forget when I cum, I'll cum in your mouth and swallow my cum. Give me a `thumb's up' when you've swallowed it all. Bout to cum. Get ready!" Sure enough, Char and I slowly came out of the "trance" that Tony had put all of us in. Soon, however, Abby came back to me as Char slid back to Tony while Jerry and Malcolm both had their arms and hands around Tasha. "See what I mean?" Tony said. "You know, we could end this in a normal way - me and Char, Ralph and Abby and the lucky duck, Tasha getting worshipped by Jerry and Malcolm." "So you going to entrance us for next Saturday?" I asked. "Too far away," Tony said. "But we were short LaShanda. She'll be off restriction and we can all try again. Maybe we can do it gay style - me and Ralph, Char and Abby, Jerry and Tasha, and finally, Malcolm and LaShanda. " I shook my head. I was not real keen on sucking Tony in front of other people. But I knew deep down, this would happen.

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Next: Chapter 8: Birthday Party

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