After the Volleyball Championship, high school, biracial)

By Gene Moser

Published on Nov 12, 2023


Jaques, Henri, and the Snow Storm


Larry Marian

Twelve year old Jaques lived with his older sister Katherine, or Kate, who was fifteen in a rural area of the Quebec/Ontario border. Kate had a boyfriend of several years named Joey, who was a year older than Kate. While one parent was always home, it wasn't unusual for one parent to be gone for several days up to a few months. Both Kate and Jaques were convinced that their folks were secret agents, either for Canada, or the States, or both. One thing that Jaques was certain of was that his older sister Kate was more than just a girl friend of Joey. He had seen her several times dash across the hall to the shared bathroom with little or nothing on. But he'd seen her once with Joey in her bedroom while Kate sat on her bed with Joey with his pants down to his shoes giving his sister a blow job. On another time he'd seen the couple at an angle on Kate's bed, both naked, with Joey between Kate's legs as he had his dick screwing Kate. He clearly heard Kate say, "So good Joey, make me cum." "I'm about to," he heard Joey say. So it was always nice to have company as it was the end of January with his dad Perry away and friends of his mom Mel coming for a visit. They were a college girl friend of Mel, Annette and her teenage children Henri, fourteen, and Marie, twelve. As always, Joey was with Kate, going home Saturday morning. But snow came, slowly at first. Joey's folks called demanding he come home at once. It was only a kilometer from one house to another so Joey bundled up, put on his skis and headed home. As soon as he rounded the bending of the road, one of those sudden storms hit, but this one a monster. There was 15 centimeters of snow in four hours and still coming. Well, with a lot of help the two adult women and four teens and tweens, there was a fine diner, then some board games and finally bed. Jaques shared a bed with Henri, while Kate made room for Marie, and Annette in the guest bedroom. So fairly early in the evening the six prepared for bed. Jaques and Henri got into a queen size bed to talk for a bit until Henri said, "You know, I'm so horny I want to get my rocks off. Look, have you ever had a blow job?" "You mean sucking a dick? No. But I can tell you Kate sucks Joey all the time. And Joey goes down on Kate." "Well, that's not going to help. But how about I blow you and then you decide if you want to suck me?" "Uh. What about the taste?" "Not to worry. We both cleaned up before we got into bed," Henri said. "I just put my lips around your cock and I suck you until you cum. Then, if you want, you return the favor. " "Well, okay," Jaques said. "I'll pull out if it tastes bad." "No problem," Henri said as he pulled off his woolen pajamas revealing a hard cock that had to measure some 14 centimeters and thick. Like most boys in this area, his foreskin stuck out from the dark pink shield at the tip of the cock. "So, get naked, Jaques. I know you're going to suck me." With that he gave a short laugh with a bedside light on. "Now lie down and show off your crown." Jaques nodded, then took off his winter pajamas to show off his 11or so centimeter erection. He followed Henri's instruction, spreading his legs so Henri slid in between them. Suddenly Henri took Jaques' dick in hand to guide into his mouth. Jaques gasped as his cock felt the lips and tongue of Henri's mouth as the older boy began to bob up and down. "Ohh! OH! I'm about to....CUM! FUCK YEAH!" A minute later Henri raised his mouth, then licked his lips. "So how was your first taste of cum. That was fast. Looks like you're getting hard again. Want an encore?" Jaques gave out a wide grin in the dim light. "I think so. That was fantastic. " So it was as Henri waited some five minutes, then attacked the flesh pole to suck Jaques again. "My turn," Jaques said. "Good. Remember, my dick is longer than yours." So it was and Henri's fortitude was longer. The fourteen year old lasted almost four minutes before he cried, "Bout to cum, Jaques. Don't forget to swallow. " Jaques swallowed. Then ten minutes later, Jaques swallowed a second time. The two boys kissed, then, about to fall asleep, Henri kissed again, sliding his tongue into Jaques' mouth before falling asleep. Surprising, with both boys still naked under the covers, Henri grasped the hard cock of Jaques, then kissed him before drawing him awake. "Morning, Jaques. You want me to suck you first?" "Yes. And I will suck you." The two first laughed, then kissed, then Henri dove under the covers to suck Jaques a third time. As soon as Henri was nice and hard, Jaques followed Henri under the covers to try to copy the tongue action of Henri. Finally the two boys got out of bed, put on their pajamas and robes to come to breakfast. The two moms appeared, both calling their respective daughter to get up and come to breakfast. The two girls appeared, Marie in a long bathrobe and Kate in a short one. When Kate bent over, both boys could see the split pink cheeks of Kate and the still maturing pubic hair that didn't much cover her outer lips. Both mothers got a somewhat glare at the respective daughter but shook their heads. As breakfast came to an end the two adults, the two teens and the two tweens made up for it by pitching in and getting everything straight. "Okay, as the on station mothers, you four need to shower and dress. Since it's still snowing, girls, you shower together first and guys the same way. Got it?" Mel said, looking sharply at her pair. The two boys and two girls climbed the stairs, both boys still looking for a glimpse of the bare butt of Kate. As they got to the top, Henri said, "Gather together. How about a bit of fun? We all know we've done this. I'll take Kate and myself and you take Marie and Jaques for the showers. Kate, we'll go first and then Marie and Jacques next. Okay?" Marie looked a bit doubtful, but shook her head in affirmation, but strong nods from Henri, Jaques, and Kate. Henri took Kate's hand with a smile to head towards the shower. Marie and Jaques went into the girl's room to talk while the two older showered. It wasn't long before the two came out of the bathroom, each with a bathrobe around their waist, but nothing above. "You're naked!" Marie called out. "You're fine above your waist, Marie. Wait a year for some boobs," Henri said. "You and Jaques get your shower. " With that Henri and Kate walked towards Kate's room she was sharing with Henri. Both looked back at the tweens, then walked in and shut the door. Five minutes or so later, Jaques said, "What's taking them?" "I don't know," Marie said. "I'm looking,"Jaques said. With that he took three steps and opened the door, which looked directly onto the bed. What the two tweens saw was Kate on her back with Henri on her, between her legs as the two teens made love. "Kate!" He called. "Shut the fucking door!" Henri called. "Almost." Some four minutes later Henri and Kate came out, again just with a towel around each waist, Kate's boobs quite obvious. Both tweens looked at their respective teen. "Sorry, kids," Kate said. "We just sort of got carried away. We took a real quick shower, then the sight of being nude just carried us away." "Yeah. We won't let this happen again," Henri said. "At least not in public. Now, if you two want to fool around a bit, fine with me. How about you, Kate?" "No problem," Kate replied. "Now lets get dressed and help our moms." All four agreed to that and hurried off to dress. Once dressed all six watched the snow continue and build up. Calls came to find out what the status carried. Finally the two adults went one way to make plans, or so they said, while Henri and Kate went towards her room while Jaques and Marie went to Jaques' room. After some forty-five minutes, Henri and Kate noticed no noise from the tween room. "Awful quiet," she said to Henri. "Oui," replied Henri. "Let us check." And they did. Kate cracked open the door. She motioned Henri to come see. There they saw the two who seemed a bit prudish, with clothes - all clothes - scattered around the room. Marie sat on a bed dating back to the 1920s or so but comfortable enough for two twelve year olds. Jaques stood in front of her. She had his still tight ball sac cradled in her hand while her mouth pumped vigorously his four inch or so cock. "So much better Marie. And when I get between your calfs, it'll be great." For just a few moments she let the pecker get out to say, "I think so, Jaques. But you can't put your dick in my pussy. No. Not yet," she said as she relieved her pumping of Jaques' dong. "Of course not," Jaques said. "But what may happen?" The two smiled at each other than began reaching for their clothes. As the day and the snow continued the snowbound wandered around as though they looked for more to do, anything to do. Henri wearing only jeans, walked past Mel's open door as she peered out the window. "May I come in, Madam?" he said. "Sure, Henri. And close the door if you would." Henri saw at once that Mel's robe was partially open, revealing the mounds of her still firm breasts." "But of course." With that the fourteen year old sat down on the neatly made bed. " Kate tells some wonderful stories about you, Madam." "Oh, Henri. Just call me Mel in this situation. Okay?" "But of course. I have to say that you look very much like the first girl friend I had. I was twelve and she was thirteen. She taught me much about the art of love." Mel gave a laugh. "So you are the great seducer, are you? And how many girls have you led astray?" Henri gave a short laugh. "Now, Mel. Of course the first, Belinda. And then Claudine, Anne-Marie, and Dolores. Now, this storm has canceled my romance of Ernestine. She has only gotten to sucking my virility. But when this storm is over - ah, she will want my scepter again and again. "But tell me, Mel, how many have you seduced?" "This gets dangerous. I am about twice your age. As a teen in high school, six- no seven. In college, four. Since then three more. And, of course, my husband. And so you set your eyes on me, correct?" With that Mel put her hand on Henri's leg. Henri looked at Mel. "That would be a conquest to engrave, Mel. And perhaps Kate. Who first, Mel?" "Okay, stud," Mel said. "You asked for it." With that she reached over to his groin to work his belt, zipper, and waist button. "Stand up. Let me see your cock." "But of course," Henri said as he pulled down the teens boxers." "Nice for a boy your age," said Mel as she put her hand around the young teen's 15 centimeter dick, the head a bright pink and precum flowing then began to take it into her mouth. Then she began to bob back and forth as her tongue worked its job. Henri groaned with pleasure. "Ah. Already so good, Mel. So good. I feast. I sense it will be several minutes before I cum. You will swallow, of course." "Of course, Henri. I always swallow. The only time I spat it out was the first time.." With that Mel increased her speed of sucking as Henri began to groan. "Tonight, come to me and we will make the two backed monster after Jaques has gone to sleep, perhaps after he has sucked you." "That's fine, Henri. I look forward to it." At about 2230, Henri got quietly out of bed to leave the naked sleeping Jaques alone. He threw on the borrowed robe he was loaned and crept down the hall to Mell. Silently he opened the door to Mel's borrowed room, then closed it behind him as he saw Mel sitting up in bed, nude from the waist up as far as he could see. In a fake whisper he said, "I am here to make mad, passionate love with you, perhaps for an hour or a bit less." Both Henri and Mel laughed quietly at that as Henri sat the door, then walked up to Mel who said, "I must have my breasts and nipples kissed." "But of course," Henri said as he slid onto the bed, his lips attacking the firm nipples while his hands caressed Mel's breasts. "Oh, yes. We will make love when you say so."

"Henri, I am already sopping wet. My hand isn't on your dick for nothing. Shall this be doggie style or the old fashioned missionary?" "Let me get behind you and I will enter you at once." "Yes." At once Mel threw the covers back to expose her entire nude body as she flipped to her stomach and then got on her hands and knees, elbows spread. "Come on, Henri. Act like a man, not a boy. Shove that flesh spear into my waiting twat," Of course as Henri got up behind her with one hand on that 15 centimeter cock and the other to hold and stabilize the thrust of Henri's dick entering Mel's tunnel of love. "Oh, yeah," Mel groaned, "Shove it in. Let's party. Push my dick in, Henri!" "All the way, sweet lady, " Henri said as he continued to stroke his dick slide back and forth as both continued to moan and groan in passion. "Keep it going, Henri. You're about to cum. Make it so." "Yes. Here it comes, Mel." With a mighty thrust to almost shake loose the teen cock, Henri's fifteen centimeters plunged all the way to his pubic hairs. "Okay, Mel, step back from the pile driver," Henri said as he first brought his cock almost totally out of Mel's very adult pussy to slam it forward to bring out moans from the teen lover. "Oh, YESSSS! So GOOD. Cum in me, Henri. Then put me up against a wall and let Henri's huge cock pump me to a second cum. Loving it," Mel moaned. "Shit, yeah," Henri moaned. "Don't play around. Let's fuck." "Yeah. Let's fuck," Mel said as Henri again flooded her pussy with Henri's cum. Finally the two collapsed on the bed to snuggle until Mel said, "Henri,. We will meet tomorrow in the day to work something out, Okay?" "Okay," Henri said. "But we need to convinced Marie to learn to suck dicks, right Mel?" Mel only nodded her head as she gathered up her clothes to kiss Henri and get back into the others beginning to wake for breakfast, Annette took control as Mel settled on a sanctuary for most of a few minutes. "You sure about Henri?" Annette asked as Mel left with a wave. "Henri will be okay. Remember I was fourteen once," Mel said as she smiled to go towards the other bedrooms. There she peeked in to see Jaques and Henri still nude, with Kate wearing nothing but a thong, while Marie had everything on except a top. "Marie, look, why not try what Annette calls `minimum clothing for giving a blow job," Henri suggested. Marie gave a wry grin. "So how many girls sucked you, Brother?" she asked. "Four, virgin sister," Henri replied. "You can still leave a virgin, Marie." "Okay. If Jaques says he will see, I will with Henri watching, I will," Marie said. "Great," Henri said. "And Jaques already says he wants Marie to suck him." Henri smiled at the twelve year old. "Okay, Marie, take off your clothes." "All of them, Henri?" Marie said with some confusion. "Yes. Keeps cum off your clothes. You can wipe any off with a towel if you need to, Just get naked and Jacques you do the same. Make sure you are nice and hard." "But Henri, you know I don't have much hair between my legs," Marie wailed. "We showered together even when I was ten and you were twelve. Remember, you laughed at my hard dick." "Come on, Sis. You're just proving it. Look - I'll undress you!" "No. I'll do it," Marie said as she reached behind her back with both hands. "Here," she said as the others saw her taking off her bra. Once that was loose the twelve year old pulled her top off, then shucked off her small bra. "Atta girl, Marie," Jacques said. "Nice boobs." "Thanks," Marie said as she kicked off her flats. Then her jeans came down and finally her light blue panties, showing her fair skin. The observers, especially Jacques, saw the faint traces of emerging pubic hair and her puffy outer lips. "Jaques, come stand in front of me to show your cock to me, like Nancy showed her pussy." "That was two years ago," Jaques said. "I don't want anybody to make fun of Marie. She's a sweet girl, so just take off your panties. You are so sweet!" With that Jaques displayed an erection that seemed to grow, as he put his hands on her shoulders to draw her to him and kiss her in front of the others, including Mel and Annette. There she sank to her knees to take Jaques' dong still something just over four inches, deep into her mouth as she began to suck on it as though she sucked two or three dicks a night. "Oh, Marie. So good. Your tongue - so sweet. Love how it curls around my cock, Nice, oh, YEAH! GONNA CUM SOON!" Those watching saw Marie remained silent as she bobbed back and forth, first swallowing the dick and then letting Jaques retrieve his dick. "Marie - here it cums," Jaques said, as the watchers noticed her throat making sure she swallowed his gift to her. Finally Jacques lifted Marie up to put his arms around her and kissed her fully on her lips with one hand as the other slipped between her open legs to probe her vertical lips. "Wonderful," he said to her. "Thanks for helping me to understand," she said, "I already told Henri that Jaques and I will sleep together and my brother can find somebody else to entertain." "Just be careful," Annette said as she kissed her daughter good night even as Henri closed Mel's door. Minutes later Kate slowly opened Annette's door. "I really think you're right. Why shouldn't we have fun, too?" Annette said.

Even as the snow had begun to melt, Marie lay in the arms of Jaques as they softly kissed each other. Both were nude, as Marie's hair lay in confusion, one of her hands still fondling his half erect penis, while Jacques' fingers slid back and forth, tracing the pulled back outer lips exposing the pink tissues exposed to the bedside lamp. "I never thought this would come so soon," Marie whispered. "I know. But I am not like your brother and I'm not as skilled as he is," Jaques said, just before they kissed again. "But if we do it again tonight and maybe tomorrow morning at dawn, perhaps we know we have learned much," Marie said softly. In confirmation, rolled onto her back, one leg spread, the knee holding the leg up even as Jaques slid his body gently on top of her. "We can again tonight and tomorrow morning," Marie moaned.

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Next: Chapter 11: White Hos and Black Studs

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