Toni the Book

By moc.liamy@ttamotliam

Published on May 17, 2009


That night we partied like wild. Although the reason of our partying was lying in a hospital bed, we were mad for happiness. She could have been dead. I for one did not know what I would have done when that had been the case. So we spent our night at the Gumbo Shoppe at the request of Mel and after that we raided Dan O'Brian. John joined us and thanks to his connections, it was the first time that I did not have to queue up before getting tables.

I do not know how the others felt; I had the impression that I was given a new chance. I did not know yet what I would do with it but I was grateful to get it. That night Mel was more beautiful than ever. Terry was at last integrated into our parentless family as a full member. Eric got stone drunk. Mel told me over and over again that that was the first time she ever saw him that way. As if he would have needed an excuse, we all were stoned out of our minds. The next day I woke up at six o' the afternoon.

Feeling guilty, I called the hospital right away, only to be told that Toni had not woken up during the day. But everything indicated that she was well and recovering had set in. During the evening we had a more subdued dinner and afterwards we had a meeting in my suite. We decided that Mel and Eric would fly home after a last visit to the hospital. Terry and I would wait until Toni would be recovered enough to discuss what our next steps would be. Mel firstly wanted nothing more as to stay too, but as there were some commitments at Eric Jr's school in New England she agreed.

The following weeks were altogether positive. When Toni saw me with Terry on our first visit together, she cried and hugged her. When she started to apologize for the scene on Jackson Square, Terry silenced her by laying her hand on her mouth. I from my side was surprised that she even remembered it. Toni got slowly rid of her bandages and was on the way back to recovery. As soon as she was a bit better, I was occasionally complimented out of the room. The reason was always that the two sisters had girl matters to discuss.

During one of their private talks, one of the doctors took me apart. He asked me whether I knew that Toni was a drug addict. I told him that I knew and how she had become one. He said that during the stay in the hospital they kept her on methadone. This was a condition that might last for ever, when she would not try to get rid of the addiction by detoxication. He also told me to inform myself about such programs, in order not to be unprepared when it would get nasty.

After 10 days we were allowed to make our visits longer. Now we were able to get a little bit of the story together. All of it would have to wait until Toni would volunteer to tell everything. The death of Runa was a terrible blow for her. When she regained her old sober view of life she admitted, that the girl was probably doomed from the beginning. She had told Toni several times that she was convinced that she would die before she was twenty five.

Toni was very reluctant to talk about what had happened though. She only told us that she had met Runa shortly before she mentioned her to me. She had really liked the girl, although she was wild and drifting into gothic and BDSM circles. She also was using as many drugs as she could lay her hands on. Toni wanted to help her. She had seen that under the wildness was a highly talented piano player. Somewhere she got the crazy idea, that she could help her better when she would know all facets of Toni's life. That was why she started hanging out with her and also began taking drugs.

The small quantities that were planned got out of hand rather soon. As Runa was very much into the Maso side of BDSM she started to act as a pet and Toni played along. She also found out that Runa had started to work in a BDSM club as a gothic dancer. She suspected that, because of her drug addiction, she would slip into prostitution. Trying to protect her also in those surroundings, they took their pet game to the club as an act. The club however got under the influence of Horace. That's how the first raid and its results could be explained. Being there had them automatically registered as prostitutes. Until that moment Toni actually had never made sex for money. For he police that made no differences. Runa and she were the only ones not on record and that was rectified after the raid.

Horace, who now had additional recorded prostitutes on his hands, did not make proposals. He also did not ask any questions, but hijacked them simply to the club that I had visited later on. At our first meeting, she was still convinced that she was on top of everything. Now she regretted her attitude that had made things so much worse for everybody. Our hands were bound by her silent consent to the situation. She asked us again for forgiveness for the second meeting. That afternoon both she and Runa were drugged out of their minds. When she saw me with Terry, she was convinced that I had exchanged her for her youngest sister. She did not volunteer information on the last day at the mansion. She only said that, when she woke up after the gang war, her first thought was to ask for me. When I came within an hour she had known that everything would become OK.

New Orleans now looked as great as ever again. Now I was happy to show Terry one of my all time favorite cities. We made tours on the Mississippi Steamers, and we visited some of the plantation houses. We went with a musician I knew to Saturday evening dances in Cajun Country. Fayetteville was visited and after Terry found out about Cajun food she loved it so much, that I got an idea.

In the Sonesta I had a kitchen in the suite and we hired a personal cook. She instructed us in Cajun as well as in Creole cooking. It was great to go shopping with her on the spices market. Some of the stand holders even recognized me. They ruined my day though, with questions about the pretty lady that used to accompany me. Closer to the mound of the Mississippi, we bought real fresh fish directly from the incoming fisher boats.

After we made our first dishes we took some of them with us to the hospital. Toni loved them and instantly started to ask the medical personal whether she could go to the Sonesta. She was however in no state to leave the hospital, not even in a wheel chair. I got the OK however to have our cook prepare a Sunday dinner in the station kitchen at the hospital and everybody was looking away that evening when Toni got her first wine since her hospitalization.

Friends from the city and visiting musicians made the suite into a dining and partying zone within a week. When the Tulane University found out that I was in town, they asked me to give some lectures about the music business. I made some rather controversial guest appearances though. I did not lecture about finances and down to earth marketing, I told them about the importance of the musicians as human beings. In my opinion, this fact was in the process of losing its importance. I wanted to show then how I had come to music but in New Orleans it was impossible to get the old records together so I promised the students that I would that another time.

Terry was present during one of these lectures and told me later that she was mightily impressed. She also asked me whether I would be able to give her a job in the business. As she had studied Anglo American law in Australia, I told her that LA lay open for her. During all these activities the later part of the afternoon however, was always reserved for the visit to the hospital.

A meeting, in which the police, the agency as well as Terry and I participated, was also in Toni's hospital room. First of all the police told us that they had blocked all information on the case. They also informed us that some of the attackers had been arrested. The real initiators were still unknown and that was usual in such cases. They were also relatively sure, that the bosses of the other party would not try to get the surviving girls into their power.

The chief of detectives said, that the whole affair must have originated in the club. Some of the girls might have seen or heard something. That is why they probably sent their troops in with the order to kill everybody. These men in the background would know by now however that the remaining girls were no threat to them. If they would have been, they would have talked to the police already. Their drug habits now were probably their life savers. They all were too far gone to notice anything and this information was also duly spread in the appropriate scenes.

After the meeting with the authorities the first bandages came off. One of the first to go was her head. It was apparent that her shaven head had at least prevented more severe injuries. If she would have had long hair, it would certainly have burned when the flames hit her body. I did not want to think about the consequences of that. We talked about the next steps. I proposed to get her to a clinic in California, as soon as the doctors would allow it. That was considered to be a good idea. To minimize the risk, that the mob would be able to find out where she was, the police would treat it as an undercover transfer. When the time came we flew her out on a charter to the pacific coast. The clinic was reachable comfortably from LA, even by car.

Before I went, I gave John and his agency a special assignment. They should look into the backgrounds and present situation of the other three survivors. They were allowed to give any help necessary. Most of all, they should try to help them getting rid of their drug addictions. After that they should come back to me if help was needed to start a new life. Even if they refused any help, I wanted information about them during the time to come. At the time I did not tell Toni anything about it. I knew she would have done it herself if she had been able to.

Time returned to normal again. I found Terry a job in a law firm, which dealt with many of my interests. Within that firm she also would be the official contact with John's agency. She started to search for an own apartment. After a long weekend with Toni I got my surprise, when she greeted me on entering, with a big smile on her face. I thought I heard a familiar voice from the kitchen. When the voice appeared, I got confirmation and greeted Paula. On my questions, Terry told me that she had fallen in love with her. She was older than the last girls she had. But Paula with freckles and all, looked much younger than she actually was. "And you know" she continued with a conspiratorial voice, "that she has the most wonderful hairless girl pussy I ever seen". Shortly after that both of them moved into a nice apartment on the sea shore.

During this period John visited me in Los Angeles; he was on business there for another customer. He used the opportunity to report about the developments with the other three survivors of the mansion. He could have done that by phone, but he also had something else for me. He handed me a video tape. Toni, Runa and a third, male person were pictured in the middle of their "act". When john put it into the machine, I basically saw the act of which I had been part.

There were many close ups of both their dicks, which seemed to be constantly erected. Again I could not help it and admired Runa's. Also the faces were several times in close-up. I could see that Runa's, behind her make-up, was very beautiful. She had an almost doll like face. She had big eyes that showed the same kind of sadness that I knew so well. Looking at her in this video, I could understand at last that Toni had wanted to protect her. The video told more or less the story of a day in the life of two she-male whores. It started with their getting up in the morning and showed shots of a shower together. The short scenes of the morning showed some washing and make up session. The early afternoon showed them on the Streets of New Orleans. The early evening they had a customer, who wanted Runa to be whipped before he would become the same. If I would have expected a soft porno whipping I was mistaken. I saw Toni whip Runa so merciless that the girl passed out.

After that beating it was impossible that the next scenes had been shot at the same day. The next one was from a private party. Ten men were fucked them in an orgy of dicks and sperm. Runa took two in her mouth and two in her ass. Toni was apparently only able to take one and one. Especially when a new dick entered them, both girls showed short signs of pain. Both however jerked of two further dicks during the fucking. The men came one after another. I never saw so many sperm being swallowed as on that tape. When it was over John and I were surprised to see that there was almost no sperm spilled. The end of the movie was Runa sleeping in Toni's lap, while she was sucking on Toni's dick like on a thumb.

John told me that probably the bulk of the tapes had been burned with the club. Inquiries with contacts at the police resulted in the info that they had found a tape stock. The tapes however, were utterly useless, as they were melted by the heat. This one surfaced and that probably meant that others would have escaped the fire too. He was of the opinion that these tapes did not pose s tread to Toni. Luckily for us digital cameras, DVD's and most of all: the internet with P2P platforms did not exist yet. This tape had been on the market at a price between 250 and 300 dollars, indicating that is was a rarity. Still this whole affair would be hanging over Toni's head. We both decided however, that it was not the time yet to inform her about it.

After Toni's body had healed from the multiple injuries she changed into the detox. The first time was incredible rough on her. There were moments that I thought about getting her out of there. I had enough money to support her drug habit, or get her on methadone. A discussion with the doctors about this possibility had me discard the possibility. They advised me that as long as Toni wanted to continue with the detox, we should do so. For Toni there was no alternative, she only wanted to be clean again.

During this time I spent as much time with her as possible. Together with her I experienced all the ugly phases of the process of detoxication. After the first week she became aggressive. They had to move her to a padded room, as she started to bang her head against the walls. She refused to eat. Her weight, which had already decreased during the time in the mansion, went further down. After four days, they started to feed her intravenously. Although I warned Terry about visiting her, she wanted to come along during that time. Afterwards she had a nervous break down. Later she told me that she had been sure that Toni would not survive the treatment. After the first month however, improvements became slowly visible.

The second episode of Vesna was released during this time. Although Toni very much wanted to participate, the doctors strongly advised against it. So she could only see Terry and me on television. The movie was received very positively and took the charts by storm. It really was starting to be a science fiction epos, with scenes of space battles and long voyages to far away milky ways. Music played a big role in the first part of the movie. The Science fiction scenes of the second part were overwhelming though.

The band SOLARDRIVE had made a name for themselves between the two movies. Heavy touring and excellent musicianship got them to the top of the charts. After the songs of the first movie, they proved their talents by continuing to score hits with their own songs. I had planned it that way and was overjoyed that it worked. They definitively did not share the fate of the late Monkees. By the way, they were managed by one of the companies of the slowly growing Doesburg Empire.

After the worst times had passed and she was discharged from the detox, Toni had to change hospitals. I wanted her to come to Los Angeles and she was glad about that change of air. It had become clear, that especially her leg injury was much worse than originally diagnosed. The first surgeries in New Orleans were in no way definite. She had to have two additional surgery sessions to get it Ok again.

Another problem was her genital area. Her penis and the remaining seed ball had been saved during the emergency surgery in New Orleans. Her penis was not as straight anymore as it used to be though. She told me that she did not feel as she used to. She felt herself incomplete. She also said that the scars itched when the weather changed. I tried to laugh everything away, telling her that her cum was as plenty as before. Together with her doctors we saw the idea growing within her, until she herself started to talk about transgender corrective surgery.

Then it was time for her to come home. After her long recovery it was also time to start talking about the future. Homecoming was strange, as she had never lived in Los Angeles. I did not want her to live in the Laurel Canyon house, where I had lived during my wild period. And that is why I bought a house in Malibu directly on the Pacific Ocean beach.

Home coming was also a private affair, as nobody was there but we two. We had a barbeque on the patio fronting the ocean and a midnight swim. I loved her to be back again. I realized that I had missed her much more than I wanted to admit to myself. I had a steady partner again and noticed that she made me a better balanced person. Especially during the first period after her return she woke me up in panic frequently during the night. When that happened, she always asked me to hold her. Only when I took her in my arms and told her that everything was alright she slept again. Although she had been very brave during all the ordeals, the experiences must have been much more traumatic than she ever admitted.

The first days were an expedition into her new environment. She was exited as a little girl by everything. She visited a film studio for he first time. She met movie stars and although she had known stars of the musical scene in Amsterdam, she said that this was more exiting. We went to the Chinese Theatre and I showed the hand- and footprints of the stars. We walked together along the Walk Of Fame. She asked me teasingly where my star was. I told her that I had waited for her come back, which earned me a kiss. We drove aimlessly through the city for several days in a row, to give her an idea of the vastness of it. In that period we also got to the Oscar night together. Vesna II was amongst the winners, which gave reason for a tremendous party.

Of course I had known that the possibility to be amongst the winners was almost 100 %. The party afterwards was organized for that reason. But for me it was my welcome party for Toni. She met the whole cast and many of the people that worked behind the scenes. They knew already about her, because Paula had informed them about the mysterious lady that was the boss's partner. Sharon treated her as if they had known each other already since childhood. I got the confirmation that I had subconsciously found my leading lady, by choosing the one who had many of the qualities that Toni had. Seeing them together clearly also showed however that they had no visible similarities.

It was Toni's night alright. It is always fascinated how Hollywood welcomes new faces. Everybody was there and I saw many admiring glances. Some of the known Don Juans started frontal flirting attacks and that's where the old Toni became visible again. As in her heydays in Amsterdam, she went all the way: flirting, and seducing. That night she was what she could be best: a breathtaking woman. The next morning I bought her all the papers. All of them featured stories about the mysterious partner of Matt Doesburg. They were unanimous in their observation that she had been the real star during the Oscar festivities.

Some time later on a warm Friday evening after having we dined at my favorite Italian. During dinner we talked with the Luigi about Italy and its kitchen. It was the first time I got into a conversation with him and he was impressed with our knowledge on Italian food as well Italian history and with our love of the country in general. When we left he gave us a special bottle of wine. He told us that the wine had been opened already and we should drink it at home.

That evening I took her to the beach. Sitting in the sand I poured her a glass of the wine and we drunk our first glass silently. Luigi had not lied; it was a special wine. Subsequently I confronted her with the question what she wanted from life from there on. She looked at me and said that she could not say anything about her future, before she had told me the complete story of what had happened in New Orleans. I had only heard a little part of it.

Here is what she told me:

To be continued. Your comments are eagerly awaited at:

Next: Chapter 9

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