Toni the Book

By moc.liamy@ttamotliam

Published on May 9, 2009


During the final stages of the movie production I got a strange anonymous call from New Orleans. I never was able to identify the caller. He probably was a fellow student who knew me from some of the discussions I had with students in the beginning of Toni's stay. He said that he had a heart for Toni and informed me that Toni was on the streets of New Orleans, as a Dominatrix for hire. I almost had the receiver slip out of my hands. I was devastated but I could not get away for at least one week. Half mad for worry I called Mel in Connecticut and told her about what happened. She promised to call her which made me only half satisfied. I felt we should have gone to New Orleans right away.

Two days later she called back and told me that everything was OK. Toni indeed was on the street but that it was because of a field research for her studies. I was only half satisfied with this explanation. As soon as I was able I called Melanie again to ask her to accompany me to the Big Easy. She must have heard from my voice that I was really concerned and intensely nervous about the whole affair. She may have had her doubts herself, so she agreed..

Things did not go well in New Orleans. We met at the International Airport late one afternoon and kissed each other automatically as lovers do. We went into town and checked into the Sonesta Hotel in the Vieux Carre. That night my favorite food at the Court of Two Sisters did not taste very well. It was obvious that I infected Mel with my worries. I saw her eyes watering several times when we talked about what could have happened.

That night I heard a knock on the door and upon opening I saw a tearful Mel asking me whether she could stay with me. That night we tossed and turned in the bed as two little children, who were afraid of some unknown monster hiding in the dark.

The next day our first visit was the University. We easily found the responsible professor, the one of the social courses. We had a meeting with him and informed him about the reason that we had come to New Orleans. He told us that indeed Toni had officially asked for time off to make a field research. Such work was done regularly by students. He had not heard from her since, but that was not worrying him. She was only away for about a month on an mission that normally would take at least two to three months. These researches were seen at the same level as the practical years we knew in Holland.

Leaving him we were nothing wiser. We searched for students who had been in the same courses and we found several. The story by all of them was the same. Toni had befriended a very moody young girl who drifted into and out the gothic scene. They all had the impression that they had become lovers. The girl, who called herself Runa, had not been seen since about two months. That was before Toni started her research.

I had to face it, when the caller had said she was for hire it could only mean that she had slipped into prostitution. Consequently our next station was the police. I explained them who we were and why we were there. I also asked them whether they had official records on prostitutes that many cities in the States have in their records.

They had the records, but we were not happy about the information they contained. Toni had been rounded up during some raid before she started her research. Since that day she was officially recorded as prostitute. The scary additional information was that she was part of one of the most infamous rings of prostitutes known in New Orleans. This group was owned by a very vicious black American mafia gang.

I asked them right away whether they could get her out of that gang for me. I was told however that I needed a personal consent of Toni that she wanted it that way. We were back at square one and desperate. I knew nothing better than to call some friends in LA as well as in New York. I did not get any advice that was usable. Mel called Eric who talked to his father. The latter came up with the name and address of a private investigation bureau in New Orleans. He had used them in the past and always with good results.

We visited the agency and talked to their specialist for such cases. His name was John Cooder, an ex police man. He took the case very seriously. Normally it was not unusual happened that partners or parents tried to get into contact with persons who had disappeared. New Orleans with its big number of alternative lifestyle communities was infamous for it. Normally they were retraceable and many of them had wanted to disappear. He also told us that he would need some 48 hours at the most; problem would be if he had not located her after that time it could prove to be impossible. He added that the information on the mafia in this case worried him.

After one and a half day he came back to us with a grave face. He had found her in a ring of prostitutes called Horace's Angels "managed" by a black mob patron of the worst kind. Tony was a special case as she was rented out as a dominatrix with the possibility to rent her slave at the same time. The slave was a girl named Runa. We looked as each other with a sparkle of hope in our eyes.

The hope quickly evaporated when John told us that the girls in this group were not the most expensive ones, but there was a long record of violence in their wake. The girls never saw any money. All was taken away for the drugs that kept them constantly sedated. They were de facto prisoners in the home base of the group. This base was known as the Mansion and located in an old plantation house in the marshes south of the city.

That night I got into the club with an introduction of one of the contacts of John. I was alone, as he had advised me. To bring Mel along would be unheard of and therefore suspicious. When I was sitting at the bar they had their regular show of available women. Toni was amongst them with a younger girl, who had an Iroquois haircut and rings on many parts of her body. She was crawling next to her, wearing a collar. Led by a kind of dog leash that Toni held in her hands. She also had a cock ring but not the usual Prince Albert one. This was a big brassy ring that dwarfed the head of her cock.

She was on hands and knees and naked. Between her legs a fabulous long hairless dick was pointing downwards. Keeling her dick the cock ring almost touched the floor. From her anus a tail was protruding. Not a pony kind of tail but a dog kind of tail that seemed to have life on its own. Toni was dressed in a leather lace body which barely covered her genitals. She had much longer hair that was dyed black. Her make up that made her right out ugly. With raven black eyes and a dark violet lipstick that seemed to have been smeared into her face. A voice announced them as Runa and Toni belonging together. Especially trained for gentlemen who wanted to fuck a dog and be punished by its master.

I was shocked. This could not be my Toni, but when I automatically spoke up for booking her at $ 1.500 for two hours she looked my way. She must have seen my face butl there was no sign of recognition.

When we headed for her dungeon she hissed to me: "I know You", nothing more. It was an icy voice that frightened me. I was told the rules I was to undress and fuck Runa doggy style. During my orgasm Toni would come in and whip me for fucking a dog. When I added another $ 250 I could suck her cock afterwards. After she had asked whether I agreed to the agreement, I paid the extra money. The sole reason was to be able to stay longer. Not following my senses that told me to get out of there as soon as I could. After everything was settled Toni popped the butt plug and tail out of Runa's star hole and the show could start.

I slowly undressed. In spite of the unreal situation and all my worries my body reacted in its own way and I felt an erection on the way. On my hands and knees I had to chase for Runa. After some crawling around, she stopped and stuck her butt up to me. I couldn't help myself but had to get that dick not her back. I threw her on her side and rolled her on her back. I started to suck that huge specimen of a dick. When it got stiff without getting much longer it really looked like a rod. That only intensified my efforts to have it come. Runa however was passive. I instinctively knew that my efforts to get her come would take a much longer time than I would get from Toni.

I was right because suddenly there was a hand pulling my head back rudely. I heard that icy voice again hissing: "I know what I am doing". She continued with a louder voice that was undeniable Toni's: "So the gentleman likes to be fucked by animals". With commanding voice I heard her say: "Runa go for him". The words were spit out as to a real dog. I could feel Runa at my back and her dick invading me. Because of her cock ring, it was not easy to pass my star hole but the obstacle was taken by brute force. Afterwards I felt that ring ever further up my colon.

Runa fucked me like a robot without any sound. When she ejaculated in my anus I felt the fist blow of the whip. I got twenty of them. Ten more than normally administered, because I had the dog fuck me, which was even worse than fucking the dog. After twenty blows that were brutally given, I laid panting on the floor. Toni knelt over me and bared her dick. I had paid for her dick and that was what I was getting now. I opened my mouth when I felt her dick on my lips. She began to mouth fuck me until I joined in and sucked her until orgasm. The taste of her cum was not as I remembered. At that moment I knew what raw sex meant, sex without passion and sex without love. Even the night with the brutal LA she-males had contained more tenderness. The worst thing that made me almost cry was that I experienced it with my own Toni.

When I was ousted of the dungeon she had her lips again at my ear. I heard her say "Stay away, don't complicate things". The last thing I saw turning around at the top of the stairs was Toni and Runa. They were cuddling up on a bench in the corner; kissing and caressing each other. That act was not mechanical there was a passion between them. I had to swallow hard. Now I really had to hold back my tears as this little scene hurt me more than all the other experiences of that ill-fated night.

Taking the taxi to the Sonesta I sat drained in the back. Mel must have been waiting for me in the hall the whole evening. When she saw me she looked perplexed. The first thing she asked was, whether I needed a doctor. I denied but went straight to the bar, got four bottles of Jack Daniels black label and pushed Mel in front of me to my room.

Seating her in one of the club chairs I gave her one of the four bottles. I told her to drink because she was going to need it. I told her every thing about the evening that lay behind me. When I had finished three bottles were empty. Still we were sober as babies. Mel looked at me with an expression in her eyes that, until then, I had only seen with Toni. It was that misted and sad look, alternated by a pleading one. With a tearful voice she asked me to tell her that it was not true. Of course she knew the answer to that already before asking.

That night we slept together because we needed it. We had to hold each other and cry on each other's shoulder. I asked Mel what would happen to me if Toni would stay away. Or worse, when she would get killed in that environment, where human lives were not very valuable. Mel looked into my eyes and told me that she would replace Toni when I wanted that. That got me crying even more because I knew that she loved Eric. I vowed to myself never to face her with such a decision.

Next day we drove to the agency were we were met by John. He read from my face that things had not gone well. We discussed the case with a group of four associates. We came to the conclusion that at that moment there was nothing we could do. It was too dangerous and Toni obviously wanted to be there. We had to leave as staying in New Orleans made no sense. I gave them the order to stay on the case, by trying to be as close to Toni as possible. They would know best when to summon us again.

It was back to work for me and there was plenty of it. Vesna the movie was ready and after one month we had the premiere in Los Angeles. I had invited Eric and Mel to accompany me to the event. My mind was not very much on girl friends at that moment. The movie ended with a crescendo of sounds and action. The black palace of the evil master was destroyed by the use of low frequency tones. They were created by two extremely long organ pipes along the slope of a mountain. Music generally played a very prominent role in the movie but the main attraction was the action, which was a cross between James Bond and Star Wars.

At the end of the movie there was something unique. As an afterthought I had added a song. It was "Only With You" by Dennis Wilson. The song had become the favorite Beach Boys song of Toni and me since it's release on the Holland album. It played during the end credits that were projected over cameo pictures of the leading actors. When that song started, many in the audience already on their way out turned around. Some started to sing and before the song was ended almost everybody in the theatre joined in. This "community singing" would repeat itself in cinemas all over the world. It would become a trademark of the Vesna movies, as I would repeat this song at the end of the other sequels too.

Before we attended the party, we went to dine to a quite place. Here we got each other up to date about the developments in New Orleans. At that moment every thing was unchanged. After the premiere and during the following months, Vesna became a block buster. In the wake of the Star Wars craze it was washed up to number one in the charts, making me a real rich man in the process. As I had no further projects in LA at that time, I went back to New York. It was time to see to the music side of my interests again. That is when I got a telephone call from Australia. Terry asked me whether she could live with us. She wanted to look around in the States after having finished her law studies.

It hit me like a hammer that she did not know anything about the recent developments. I more or less panicked because I did not want to face her alone with this news. It was back on the phone to Mel and we decided to have Terry fly to Boston. I would fly there too. Together we could to spend her first weekend in the USA in the summer residence of Eric's parents. What should have been a happy reunion was overshadowed by doom. Terry noticed right away seeing as standing at the gate at Logan Airport that something was terribly wrong.

At the house the story was told and we asked Terry what she wanted; come with me to New York or to stay in Connecticut. She chose New York, giving me female company in the empty apartment again. In spite of the worries Terry was fascinated by New York. She was a 25 year old good looking woman on the arm of a known film and record mogul (sic). Of course such a set up gave her a different impression of the Big Apple than visiting as a tourist. We were roaming the city and she was instantly taken in by the in-crowd. I was partying again and Terry got to know what it meant to live in a permissive house hold. Although I held myself back, I again mention that I never was a hermit. Occasionally women appeared at breakfast. Bu if I might have though that Terry was shocked by that; I was to learn the opposite.

One morning, coming into the kitchen, I was met by a really young girl. My first impression was that she must have been fourteen or fifteen. She stood naked at the fridge. After she took a bottle of juice and two glasses she walked, smiling at me, into Terry's bedroom. I was shocked. That girl was so young that she was also explosively dangerous. That night when Terry and I were alone, I let the permissive society for what it was. I asked her about it. That was obviously the trigger for her to tell me her story.

When Toni left the parental house a part of Terry's young live had come to an end. She had admired her big brother more than he knew. He was always ready to console and comfort her. Also at a young age, she was faced with the strictness of the Westerloo family rather frequently. She did not have the same contacts with Melanie. So it did not help her that she would stay at home for some other 2 ½ years. She was now effectively the only child and a well guarded child at that.

Toni not only had gone away, it was also more or less forbidden to even mention her name around the house. She had been ten years old when all this happened. During the summer holiday that year she accompanied relatives on a trip in Italy. These relatives were also part of the same church community and regarded as trustworthy enough to take care of Terry. Their family and a change of air would be good for the little girl.

The parents were one thing; their fourteen year old daughter however was something completely different. To the outside she was the well behaved daughter of a strictly religious family. She had learned to hide her sexual tastes from the family. The family would have been shocked by these tastes. She probably was a born lesbian and had her first lesbian experiences when she was 12. Since that moment no girl who could be seduced was save for her. Terry was in no way a match for her of course.

During the holidays the two girls had their own room together. When the two weeks were over Terry was transformed into a little lesbian. She had relished the nights with Mary. The older girl shaved her body hair already at that age and Terry loved her bare pubes. After she had introduced Terry to the joys of lesbian love they were inseparable lovers. They stayed together for more than four years.

Both of them were however not satisfied with dual sex. No, they were constantly on the prowl to seduce and conquer new girls. The friends and relatives of both parents all had rather big families, as it was still customary in those circles. They deliberately searched for the youngest girls possible and found many little lovers. These girls all loved these big girl friends. Terry and Mary however were not interested in long affairs. They loved to excitement of seduction, but lost interest as soon as the girls were turned around. Fortunately for them none of the girls ever denounced them.

Terry found out about Toni when she was twelve. As Mel was sometimes ordered by her parents to baby-sit on her little sister, she also took her with her when she went to Delft. Toni and Mel had a kind of silent understanding not to burden Terry with the knowledge of Toni's new identity. She came to know it through a streak of bad luck.

On the day she found out, she was buying sweets in a candy store in Delft. She saw through the shop window that Mel, who was waiting outside, was embraced by another girl. Although Mel was trying to warn Toni it was too late. When Terry came out and faced the two girls she was perplexed about the similarity of them. Toni's eyes shot full with tears when she saw Terry. Not understanding that it was Anton, Terry asked Mel why the other girl cried. Toni on an impulse embraced her and told her that she was Anton.

It took the rest of the afternoon for the two elder girls to explain the situation to her. Terry, at the tender age of 11, certainly had more experience with sex than her two big sisters. The concept of Anton being a girl however got confused without end. The quintessence for her however was a confirmation that it was better to love girls. Anton even hated to be a boy so much that he had changed into a girl.

The affair with Mary that left Terry as lifetime lesbian ended, when the latter was sent to relatives overseas after finishing high school. In the end, her parents had found out about her sexual preferences. She had more affairs even when she and Terry were a pair. Her parents found her one night in a compromising situation with another girl. Luckily enough for Terry Mary never betrayed her to her parents. When Mary was gone she tried to start an affair with a boy but she fled in panic when it came to their first sex together.

When she talked about time after Mary had left, her eyes went a bit misty. She first had met Stephanie, a girl of her age that was still a virgin. She however could easily be taken for an adult and together they discovered many new ways to make sex together. They were more or less forced to that, as it was only sporadically possible to play their wild sex games at their homes.

That is why they became experts in feeling each other up in cinemas or public toilets. They loved to promenade along only in dresses and daring each other to flash as much as possible. They found some spots in parks. Sometimes they rode their bikes to the in the dunes on the not too far away sea shore. Here they could love each other under the open sky for hours. They especially loved these sessions when it was raining.

Stephanie was the first lover she lost to a boy friend. Her next conquest was 10 years old. Suzy was a real doll but became a volcano when introduced to the wonders of lesbian love. She told me that a part of the reason for choosing young girls was that in that way one was reasonably sure that they were virgins. She also told me that introducing a little girl to lesbian love was an unsurpassable experience. There was no pain and blood involved as with the loosing for virginity to a man. There was only tender, good tasting leisurely love that was crowned by the discovery of a first orgasm. .

The affair with Suzy lasted two years and ended because the doll became a hairy one. As she had black hair her body hair became instantly very visible. Terry was turned off immediately. Shaving did not help as it did with Terry. Her blonde sparse pubic hair growth was easily and very effectively removable. The split could have become a nasty one as Suzy threatened to tell everything to her parents. That did not bother Terry too much as she was also still under the legal age. Still she was relieved in the end, as Suzy did not make her threat true.

When Terry talked about these two girls I could see that the memory of them made her horny. She shifted restlessly on the couch. Several times she had to keep her hands in check when they tended to move downwards to her crotch. It took some effort from my side not to try and take advantage of the situation. In retrospect that probably was better, as she may have turned down any help against her horniness at that moment. To me she really seemed to have a bodily horror for men.

After Suzy it became more and more difficult to find little virgins. She became to too old for many of them. She also got several suspecting questions from parents and other relatives, when she showed too much interest. When she was 17 and finishing high school, her parents made the decision that she should go to Australia.

The family she lived with also had many friends with many children. She could seduce some young girls. She found out though that sex, even when it was lesbian sex, was not really possible between an eighteen year woman and a 10 year child. The majority of them reacted always frightened. Because she had to fear that they would tell other people about their experiences, she changed her policy. From that moment on she went for girls that were no virgins anymore. Mostly the girls were between 14 and 17 years old.

Her story left me speechless for some time. Imagining a girl between 10 and 14 years old that had so many sex experiences was strange. Was she the victim or the offender? She undoubtedly started out as the victim. When did she become the offender? Can we talk about an offender after being the victim?

Altogether; after the story I felt sorry for her parents. With Terry they had tried to avoid the mistakes that they may had made with their other children. Still Terry ended no better as their problem child. Normally I would not interfere in the sex life of others. But I was not sure whether I could judge her, these girls were really beautiful. I was sure that if they had wanted to seduce me, I would have participated in their games, regardless of the consequences. It was these consequences that gave me the shivers.

I told her all my thoughts, also the part of the participation. But I told her also that she as a lawyer should know the possible consequences for both of us. I asked her about the age of her girlfriend who I met that morning. Upon hearing fifteen I got the shivers again. Seeing that, hugged me however, telling me that she had never thought to meet somebody who could understand her. She would of course try to better herself. I finished that evening by asking her not to tell the whole truth to her sisters. Being lesbian was OK to everybody of course, nobody is perfect. But I did not know how Toni would react to the knowledge that it all had started when she was barely gone from the parental house. Terry saw my point and agreed.

With the next girl I was afraid that our little talk had not worked. She was really no day over 14. She made noisily love with Terry, but also made a game of it to walk naked in front of me for a whole weekend. I have to admit, that in spite of my intellectual convictions, I was aroused like hell. Luckily Terry was not in for a lasting affair and when we were alone again she even excused herself. But she also had to tell me with smile on her face that she had seen how I looked at the girl. I could only appeal again at her common sense und she again promised betterment again. After that the ones I saw were of legal age, as far as I could determine.

After about three months one of my phone calls with New Orleans at last had some new developments. None of us knew whether it was good or bad. John feared that it would be not good. The agency informed that Toni and Runa had been seen on the streets in town. I asked what was bad about that. He answered that according to his experiences with Horace's girls they were only allowed on the streets, when they were to be trusted. That meant generally that they were so heavily drugged, mostly with heroin that they had an unbreakable bond with their suppliers and pimps. Upon hearing this I flinched, because I had seen many excellent musicians getting under the spell of drugs. I had witnessed how they deteriorated towards an illiterate and miserable end.

Terry was wild about going to look for her. To evaluate the situation we had another telephone conference with the agency and Mel. We decided that it could also be a good move trying to shock her into reality by seeing Terry. I flew to New Orleans together with Terry, who was also fascinated with the Big Easy of course. Because Toni was not regularly walking around, we had to wait.

Our mornings started with breakfast in the Café du Monde. After that we roamed the city and lunch was mostly in a poor-boy restaurant. The afternoon was siesta time. The evening started with dinner in one of the numerous restaurants. My favorite still was the Gumbo Shoppe where we ate regularly. Afterwards it was Jazz in Clubs or attending concerts, before we finished the evenings with Dan O'Brien or the Port Of Orleans. On the first night John accompanied us. He was an unlimited source of information about his native city. It could been beautiful, if there had not been the dark cloud hanging over everything we did.

On the fifth day the news arrived that Toni was seen on Jackson Square. We hurried out of the hotel and almost ran the short distance. On one side of the square the houses have galleries towards the street and that is where I saw them first. Toni and Runa were walking straight to us. When I realized it was them, I stopped abruptly and stiffened. Terry, who had been looking to the centre of the square, now turned her head and I felt her stiffen too. She put her nails into my arm with such force that I knew blood was drawn.

They were a pair from a nightmare or a horror movie. People held in to gape at them, many of them with unbelieving eyes. A pair like them could probably only be seen in New Orleans and maybe in San Francisco. Toni was tall wearing black booths with incredibly high stiletto heels. A black body covered her torso only barely and over that she wore a leather belt harness. She must have been wearing a pushup bra, as her breasts seemed to be bigger then ever. Her make-up was like at the last time I had seen her her, maybe even blacker, darker. Incredibly big earrings dwarfed her face and she was bald. All hair had been shaven away, including her eyebrows.

Runa was not on her hands and knees but walking beside her. She was still on the leash though. She wore only the smallest possible hot pants and a kind of top that barely covered her all but non existent breasts. She also had her head shaven. In this way the collar around her neck, that was that of a dog, was even more prominent. The gaping people pointed at it and at the leash that was held by Toni. Another point of focus was the strange tail that was coming down from inside her pants. They were visibly drugged out of their minds, had meaningless faces and were right out obscene.

I saw no expression in Toni's eyes. The moment she saw us however her eyes exploded with a burning hostility. She poked a finger at us and almost screamed. "You there what are you doing here. Go back where you belong. There you can fuck my mother and father too, because now it's clear that you want to fuck my whole family". At that moment we both knew what she thought. It also hit us like a hammer that us coming together was the worst of all possibilities.

After she spitted out these words, she tugged on Runa's leash with such forces that the younger girl almost fell. The next moment they turned and strode away, on incredible high heels and clothes that screamed prostitute. I did not have to look at Terry to know that tears were rolling down her cheeks. I myself felt the salty taste of tears on my lips. We had bungled it and destroyed everything. The meeting after that with the agency was utterly fruitless as they also could give no advice whatsoever. The next day we were on our way back to New York.

A year after the release of Vesna the preparations for the second part started. In this episode the band gets introduced to the extraterrestrial backgrounds of Vesna. Together they start the search for an old space ship, which was left on earth thousands of years ago. The quest again involves several continents, camouflaged by a world tour of Solar Drive. The second part of the movie is an interstellar journey to the home planet of Vesna. I moved again to Los Angeles, to supervise the proceedings. Although I asked Terry to accompany me, she chose to stay in New York.

When we just started the actual filming of Vesna II, there was a telephone call from New Orleans. It was the first call since almost two years. It was no good. As a matter of fact it was horrible and it drove me up the walls. Toni was in hospital and it looked serious, as she was in a coma. John urged me to come as fast as I could. He promised to call Mel and Terry. I was off, forgetting everything around me. At that moment there was no movie, there was no business, there was only Toni.

John met me at the airport as I was the fist to arrive. He told me what he knew so far. Horace had become involved in a gangland war. The house that I also knew, being his headquarters, was attacked by the opponents. It had been really like a full blown war. They killed almost everybody present. Runa was also dead. Toni and the three other survivors only survived because the observation team of the agency. They had called the police as soon as they saw what was happening. They also had gone in themselves, although they knew it would create problems with the proper authorities afterwards.

In the hospital I was able to see her, but she was bandaged from head to toes and seemed to be sleeping. I was informed that the coma she was in was artificial, in order to secure a better healing. A second reason for the coma had been that she was apparently under the influence of drugs. It was better to keep her under until the doctors had deiced how to treat that.

The doctors also told me that the attackers had killed in an inhumanly way. They had used base-ball bats, iron rods and big bowie knives. Toni had a broken arm and a broken leg. She also had some inner injuries. The biggest problem had been the grave damages to her abdomen. Someone had obviously tried to cut her genitals from her body with a bowie knife.

He did not reach his goal but cut off one of her seed balls. On top of that her penis was almost severed from her body. The knife had slashed into her upper tight until it stopped hitting bones. The wounds were really severe. She had lost so much that she had been barely alive when she came to the hospital. The wounds were taken care for immediately upon arrival. Her penis had been saved but one seed ball was lost. The gang attacking the house had started a fire and the bandage on her face was because of burns. These burns would take considerable time to heal, but there was fortunately no skin transplantation necessary.

The rest of our sorrowful group, including Eric, arrived during the afternoon. As the doctors did not allow further visits, there was nothing for us to do but hang around in the hotel and wait. After three very long days the good news came when a nurse called. I was answering the telephone and she told me that the patient had regained consciousness. "Is there somebody named Matthias with you" she asked. When I confirmed that that was me she added: "Oh that is good because the first thing the patient said was: Please ask Matthias to come". My heart jumped. Would everything be all right now after all? We rushed to the hospital breaking all traffic rules. After they said that we should visit person per person, I was the first to enter her room.

The sight was the same: bandages all over but then I saw it. Her eyes, two big green to brown, sad eyes were looking at me and she said: "Hi Mathias, I knew that you would come if I would call you". The only thing I could utter was: "Why the fuck didn't you call me before?" The answer of "Dunno, must have forgotten" was drowned in the sound of my sobs as I started to cry uncontrollably.

All the sorrows, doubts and worries of the last years did burst out of me. Tears were running down my cheeks like water falls. I could only lay my head on her belly and grab a hand. I stayed there for a quarter of an hour before the nurse urged me out. The others became slowly impatient and were dying to see her. They did only see a sleeping Toni however as she had slipped back into her comatose sleep. The doctors told us to go home because she would not wake up again before the next morning. Everything would get better from there on, but Toni needed the rest more than anything else.

To be continued. Your comments are eagerly awaited at:

Next: Chapter 8

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