Toni the Book

By moc.liamy@ttamotliam

Published on Jul 6, 2009


Disclaimer, I admit that I copied them from one of the other publishers because I think it says it all. This work of fiction is for the non-commercial use of its readers. Permission to copy and distribute through electronic media for non-commercial purposes is granted. All commercial and non-electronic rights are reserved by me, the author. Please do not read this story if you are offended by adult material, reading this material is illegal in your legal jurisdiction or, if in the United States, under the age of 18. It ain't like this disclaimer is going to stop the determined, but I got to try. But let's get on with the story.

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There may be parts about sex, intercourse, masturbation, paedophilia, BDSM and the likes but in the end it is a romantic love story.

Toni The Book Chapter 11

There was also a funny incident during these festivities. When we both came into the inauguration hall there was very big man in the first row. He was introduced to me as one of the biggest benefactors of the university. His name was Pierre LaCroix. Since the death of his father Jean he was now the head of the LaCroix family, which owned half of New Orleans. Walking towards him I felt Toni stiffen at my side. When I looked at her I saw that she was holding her breath. She looked directly at Mr. LaCroix with unbelieving eyes.

When I looked at Mr. LaCroix again, I saw that he noticed the reaction of Toni. In his eyes I could see a change from mildly interested to absolute confusion when he seemed to recognize Toni. The handshake between them took very long. Afterwards he said to me that I was a lucky man to have such a beautiful woman. Seeing their reaction, I suddenly knew for sure who Mr. LaCroix was. This big bald man with no visible body hair, who dwarfed Toni was the mysterious Mr. Big from the Mansion.

Nothing was said between them during the evening. When we left Toni started to say that she wanted me to know something. I told her that I knew what she wanted to say and that it was OK. I asked her whether she wanted to meet him again. After a pause she told me that she thought she would like to, but only when I would accompany her. I could not believe that Mr. LaCroix would want the meeting under such conditions. Still I talked to John of the Agency and asked him whether they could do something.

John made it all very official and went through his company lawyers. They contacted the LaCroix lawyers. Their answer upon that first contact was that Mr. LaCroix did not see a necessity to meet. A day later however John called again. He told us that there was a meeting organized for the following day. We would be collected by a limo from the hotel at 10 o'clock in the morning.

The next morning we headed to the other side of the Mississippi. We drove a considerable time on the river road in the direction of Baton Rouge. When we came to a big mansion in a park like environment, we entered through big gates. We were welcomed at the door by a genuine man servant, who led to the library where Mr. Big alias Pierre LaCroix was waiting. After greeting and formal introductions he told us that he wanted to tell us about himself and his encounters with Toni.

Firstly we found out that he was slightly elder than we were. His youth was spent very traditionally in a rich family with servants and nannies. He told us also that he had been a collage football player. He had very much wanted to continue that career as a player in the big leagues. The family however had vetoed it. There were also family interests at stake, when he married the daughter of a wealthy family from Kentucky. He indicated however that his marriage that had started under less than ideal conditions, had worked out rather well. He and his wife had two children.

It was during his time as a football player that he got into contact with a transsexual. It was in Boston where he went to university. She had been a fabulous looking girl. Although he had known what she was, because she was a dancer in a scene club, he had fallen for her. They had a stormy affair that lasted several years. After leaving the university the affair got to a halt when he returned to New Orleans. Some years later he married.

In New Orleans he had some rather wild friends at the time. They liked to party in bordellos in and around the city. Only very reluctantly he had started to participate in these party nights. During these outings that were frequently in establishments that featured also transsexuals, he had found again his hunger for she-male sex again. He was little bit afraid of this behavior because he was so very much in the public eye. Still he gave in to it several times a year, with or without friends. He continued like that for years but none of the girls were even close to his Boston affair.

When he had heard about the new she-male couple in the mansion he decided to take a look. He was mesmerized by Toni. At first, he thought her to be a wild gothic BDSM girl. The first night with her was like all the others of the passed years. Still after some time he called the Mansion and told her he wanted to hire her again. He instructed them to have her dressed in real female clothes. He also told them to have her as plain as possible, without the heavy gothic make-up and with a civil hairdo.

When he arrived at the Mansion that night he fell in love with her instantly. From that moment on he returned almost once a fortnight, because at last he had found someone that had him forget Boston. He tried to get nearer to her without saying much about himself, but she stayed a mystery to him. The only thing that was very clear to him was that she had a deep felt responsibility for Runa. Whether that was love or just a kind of motherly care, was unclear to him.

After the destruction of the Mansion he had tried to find her. In the beginning the security around the case was so tight that it was also difficult for him to get information. Being in his position, he also had to be very careful with his investigations. It took some time for him to learn that there had been three seriously injured survivors. After he had found out in what hospital they were brought, he also found out that Toni was amongst the three. When he did find out that she had had regular visitors, he had been afraid to visit her from his side. Later he heard that she was no longer in the hospital and lost track.

At that point Toni and Pierre looked at each other. I saw two people that had an understanding for each other that made me afraid. He continued by telling her that he was glad that she had fared well after this horrible incident. Toni answered that the real story was a little bit different. She told him in short the story of her life and our love. She finished by telling about her gender surgery.

After her story there was a long silence. Pierre looked at me, when he said that he was sorry. I only could tell that he should not be. I told him about the feelings that had developed during her stay. Towards prostitution and that she had really loved him. I thanked him for that, because I felt that Toni would have been lost forever without that last connection to another, better world.

Before we finished our meeting he asked Toni whether she knew the name of her attacker. She said that she only heard other people talk about him as Big Don. She never heard any extension to this name. Pierre seemed to be satisfied with this morsel of information however and we left it at that.

During the subsequent late lunch he kept repeating that he was so happy that all had worked out well. He had accused himself many times that he had not seen it coming. He regretted not to have helped, before that gang war exploded. When we parted he swept Toni from her feet as he embraced her and kissed her passionately. For the second time during the visit to New Orleans I wondered what would have happened when.

On the way back to the Sonesta I asked Toni whether the visit had been helpful and she confirmed it. She told me that Pierre would get another special place in her heart right next to Frank, the English boy from Greece and Marge. Still her place was with me.

After three further days of good food and much liquor, especially in the form of Dan O'Brien's Hurricanes and enjoying the Big Easy to the hilt, we flew back to Los Angeles. On the flight back I recuperated everything I knew now about Toni's stay in my favorite City. I was in a way grateful to the attackers of the mansion. I hated to think what would have happened if that gang war had not taken place. Would I ever have seen her back? I also had asked this question to John during our last meeting. He had told me that the agency had evaluated almost every week whether there had been a chance to get her out. They even would have done it against her will. He also told me that he was sure that they would have found a way, but I had had my doubts.

About three months after the first surgery the second one was due and we went again to Carmel. This was basically a beauty surgery and was in no way as difficult as the first one. She was out of the hospital after 10 days. If I had thought now would be the time for new love with my "new" wife I was mistaken.

Toni had a plan for the "presentation" of her new me and she wanted to go to our island again. "We have closed a period of our lives on the island and now I want to celebrate a new start in the same surroundings" She said. Although I was not overjoyed with the idea of one week without booze on a fish diet I agreed. That's how we got to our island for a second time.

After our arrival and after the sea plane had disappeared in the evening sky she made strip tease for me. When she came to her panties at last, I was hot as a cat. She stripped her panties down over her hips in a highly seductive way and I slowly saw her new genitals appear. They were marvelous. The absence of her dick accentuated her pubes, which curved inward. I saw a hood which covered her clit, which was still hidden. Only one pair of long straight lips disappeared between her legs. She was a virgin again and waiting to be deflowered.

We made love like on the first night on the island about a year before. We had no time for food or anything; we only had time for us. I really fucked my wife for the first time after a relationship that lasted more than 20 years. Her pussy was tight like a pussy of a virgin should be. She cried out for joy and lust that could be heard in Australia. I only had a very faint idea what this moment must have meant to her.

We rolled in the sand along the sea and were inseparable. My dick seemed to be sucked in by her new virginal love tunnel. I even felt with each stroke that I rubbed her clit with the base of my dick. When I came she shuddered all over her body. I witnessed a multiple orgasm on her side that had her panting for breath. It left her also almost unconscious when it slowly ebbed away.

We lay in each other's arms and slept; upon waking up we repeated our love play. Afterwards we slept again, a deep sleep after exhausting ourselves for a second time. We only started to think about other things than sex and love making, when we were already more than 36 hours on the island.

The second stay was shorter than the first. After one week the sea plane brought back two much tanned persons, who had lost weight again, back to the nearest international airport. Back in Los Angeles life would continue with new movies. On the way back she asked me how I liked the new Toni and I jokingly said that I preferred the old one. She looked surprised and asked me why. I told her that with the old one I went for more than 48 hours before I had to start collecting food, with the new one that time was shortened substantially. She answered that I was a lousy, no good and especially lazy bastard.

The music business seemed to have survived the problems of the late seventies and early eighties and was heading for new best ever sales results every year. A big role in their resurrection was the Compact Disc that was introduced by Philips and Sony. The CD that really came into production in 1982 started the connection between computer and music. This development from analog music to digital music would result in the development of the MP3 format which made fast downloading possible.

Toni started a kind of save house/clinic for young women. One old colleague from the Mansion who survived the massacre was the first to take part in a program to get back to normal conditions. I also talked with her and was surprised again that in today's America it was possible to hold people basically as slaves.

After her programs had been installed we went for an extended voyage to Europe. I had seen many European countries especially during our Amsterdam time but Toni at that time had not traveled much because she did not like to impersonate as a man for such trips and as I visited Europe during our US times we were not together. Now traveling had become a lot easier without constantly showing your passports in a united Europe and secondly she did not need to impersonate anybody anymore.

We started in Holland of course meeting my parents who were informed about the happenings of the last years and the Johnsons, Dr Smith and many old friends in Amsterdam. Especially Ms. Johnsons kept telling Toni that she had changed after her operation. She told us again about the first encounters. How a skinny sad boy of sixteen had blossomed when he was allowed to change over in the other gender. She told her impressions of the holiday in Greece and the first meetings with me. She also said that every time she saw Toni again, she had changed. At our wedding she had thought that Toni had finished her development into womanhood but now she knew that she had been wrong. Toni hugged her as a mother after that.

From Holland we went south to Brussels and some gorgeous days in Paris. Toni loved Paris; the shops, the cafés the terraces. She shopped like a world champion and wore a new outfit every evening. We went to some famous restaurants where we added several pounds by dining on gorgeous French cuisine and drank some of the best wines the country had to offer. We visited museums and historical buildings; I even got her to visit many churches as Paris featured many famous pipe organs. We even attended a concert in the St Sulpice that has a very monumental organ. I of course had to visit a lot of churches as Paris is city with an unbelievable organ music culture.

From Paris we went to Barcelona, the longest bar in the world. We walked the Ramblas end even tried our luck with a Flamenco course in which we experienced the incredible sensuality of that particular dance. But to all who want to try; it is also a difficult dance. After Paris one would think that the food could not be topped, this was a mistake. In Barcelona being the seat of my old company's Spanish affiliate we had a fabulous guide who knew the best places for Paella (at the harbor) and other fish Spanish style. We ate our first famous fish in a salt crust for the first time with several bottles of Pescador (A Spanish white wine) During our stay found it that also the red wine from Spain can compete with any place in the world.

Next stop was Italy and it was the first visit to my brother since almost 18 years ago when we stayed with Ele's parents on that fabulous holiday that we unfortunately never had repeated. Leonard was still living in Bergamo and had taken over the management of the company of his father in law. He was very successful as I saw when visiting the company. He and his wife Ele greeted Toni and me as the long lost couple. We also met their children of course. A boy of eighteen, Leonardo and a girl of sixteen years old named after her mother.

The reunion was fabulous, they welcomed us as if we had seen each other only a week ago; we stayed at their house which they had bought on the slopes to the old antique old city. It was the first time I saw Toni with children, she had of course met Melanie's son but that was before her surgery and that was a baby. With these grown up children it was different and she got along with splendidly from the very beginning. Both of them accompanied us on a tour of their native city during the next day.

On the next day we were invited to stay with Nicola and Maria and when we came there we were greeted like we were their own children. As soon as we were seated on the terrace Nicola bombarded us with questions. He had spoken to my father and was it true that Toni was a transsexual and had she been involved in a mafia war in New Orleans and was I the big film maker in Hollywood.

He did not accept anything but the truth so together we told him what had happened to us since our last meeting but first of all we excused ourselves to have been out of contact so long and that we would never let that happen again. After our story I saw Maria looking bewildered at Nicola who turned himself to me saying with a very serious face: "Son if I would have known what Toni was the first time we met, I guess I would have reacted differently. You know: Italian Macho's and so on. But now I can tell you only that Toni was and is one of the most desirable women I have ever met and that I still understand very well why you dejected my job offer at that time".

This said it was all Italian family again when the rest of the family arrived for a bombastic dinner. Toni was surprised to see the old cook again that had instructed her into the secrets of the Italian cuisine so long ago as Nicola had hired him and his staff to do the cooking. That evening Toni just radiated pure happiness.

The next evening Nicola and Leonard had a special party in mind. With friends and relatives of the family we went to one of the restaurants that are located on the hills that surround the city. This particular restaurant had a huge cellar. In this cellar that was only partly used as a wine cellar some thirty people were present for a wine sampling. As food there were plates upon plates of antipasti and pasta, as well cheese, salami and other Italian goodies.

During our first visit Nicola had introduced us to Italian wine and we knew of course that the development of the wine culture in Italy had come a long way, but that night was a revelation. There were 3 sommeliers and wine without end. That night we were introduced to wines like Gavi di Gavi, Soave, Avelino and some other white wines. These treats were followed by red wines like Amaro di Valpolicello, Barolo, Brunello di Montalcino. We also tasted some heavy wines from the extreme Southern part if Italy and from Sicily like Salice Salino, Primitovo di Mandurio and Nero d'Avola. Although these later wines were much cheaper than the famous ones from Tuscany, I liked then very much.

The evening was special to me as I could observe Toni from a distance. She was the center of much attention as Nicola in his old tradition introduced her to every friend present. At other parties I was mostly much more occupied but here she was the only focus and she loved it. Seeing her I started to understand her quests for womanhood in the past. Now at 39 she was a striking beautiful woman and accepted by everyone around her as such. She radiated happiness like someone who has finally reached her goal.

Delft where I was born is an old city with roots in the medieval centuries but Bergamo's old city build on several hills is the Middle Ages pure. We walked the narrow streets as in the first century and visited the old churches, shopping in antique shops drinking espresso and grappa in antique Italian type bars and having lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the "new" city that was built in the 18th century. In the evening we dined on rabbit and polenta in the Ristorante Del Teatro and were introduced to a relatively new wine C'a Del Bosco from the Franciacorte region near Brescia.

The following day we all went to Milan and again. Toni went mad seeing all the fashion shops and she invited Ele and her daughter to a shopping orgy. It must have been like a dream for the two women, who themselves were not poor but they were no match for a Toni gone wild. I for my part found out that son Leonard was a guitar player. After finding a musical instruments' shop I bought him a Gibson Les Paul guitar and a Marshall Amplifier. The objections of his father were washed away by telling him that if you divided the worth by 18 it was not very expensive. Eighteen were the number of birthdays Leonardo had not gotten any present from his uncle.

We stayed a whole week before we continued our discovery tour of Italy. We had planned to rent a car for our trip to Italy but Leonard had a special surprise for us. He showed us his big garage at the company in which he had at least 10 cars and told us that we could choose one. After I admired the Ferraris, Maseraties, Alfa Romeo's and a Fiat (Leonard's old Dino was also there) I found the dream car of my youth. The last traditional designed Corvette Model 1962 and I asked Leonard whether we could have that one. He grinned saying that he knew it would be the Chevrolet.

He also told us that we now probably understood why he had wanted to make the reservations of the hotels. We had to promise him to park in garages and not on the side of the road, Italy was better than in the sixties but such a car would be an open invitation for theft. Our first stop was Verona visiting the Romeo and Julia balcony and enjoying Aida in the old arena. In Venice we stayed 4 days roaming the city with a private gondola cruising in the canals and staying at a big suite on top of the hotel Monaco and Grand Canal that is indeed situated directly on the Grand Canal.

From Venice we went to Florence, via Bologna and the infamous mountain highway, in order to renew our friendship with the city. We stayed at the Grand Hotel which has a restaurant that is famous for it's Fiorentina., Together with a bottle of Brunello di Montalcino this was a culinary highlight of our round trip.

And there was Rome, the eternal city even more elegant than Milan on the Via Veneto, we visited the Vatican and many old places and of course we had to dine in Trastevere on Ossebucco. Our ultimate destination in Italy was Naples and the Vesuvius and Toni insisted to go to Capri for one day. On the last night in Italy we were accompanied by young Leonardo who had flown into Naples to get the car and drive back to Bergamo. We had a dinner in the Santa Lucia peninsula of fish and Frutti Di Mare and Leonardo proved to be a true son of his father by choosing the wine: the fabulous Greco Di Tufo white wine. That evening he confirmed to us what we had already suspected that he had not inherited the technical talents of his father and was more interested in my kind of profession. I told him that he could always contact me if he wanted help in that sector.

Our next visit was to Athens where I met an old fiend from the Amsterdam time who invited us to fish again but now at the famous harbor promenade in Piraeus. Part of the visit was to take the ferry to the Isle of Aegina where Toni relived in part her first holiday as a girl. When we arrived on the ferry she had tears in her eyes and she was exited all over indicating the hotel where they stayed and the port from which they had sailed for their trip in the Mediterranean. We roamed the isle with rented motor rollers and found a beautiful little bay on the non inhibited side where there were no onlookers when we made love on a warm sandy beach. After this warm lovemaking we dined in a small restaurant on the beach where I could order my favorite Gyros and Retsina wine.

On one of the following days she wanted me to rent a boat and go to a certain Island she had visited during the sailing trip and coming there she took me by the hand and led me to a spot near the harbor where she kissed me passionately. Upon my question she told me that we were standing at exact spot where she had gotten her first kiss from Frank. Which earned her a remark from me that Mrs. Doesburg was getting rather sentimental in her old days.

After short stops in Istanbul where we stayed at the old building of the beautiful Ciragan Palace Kempinski and Vienna where I had to show her Grinzing and introduce her to the Heurigers, where we drank so much wine that we didn't know the next morning how we had come to the hotel. We finished our voyage of over three months in London.

Getting back to LA had the Vesna III project starting. I had to choose from several possible scenarios. Wechose the one in which Vesna is kidnapped and the main theme of the movie is the search for her that mainly takes place on Earth with lots of musical intermezzos. In the final scenes they reunite on a stormy beach in the north of Holland. This scene had been on my mind for ages and that was a brilliant filmed ending of the trilogy and one of the scenes in the movie that I wanted to be present at. The bigger part of the movie did not need my presence as the crew members were experts now after two Vesna chapters.

That is why it was possible for me to start another project at the same time and that was planned to be released before Vesna III: The Organ. This movie was again a Six-Pack Productions (as we had named our production company) production as it again dealt with a non glamorous subject. The plot was the story of a rock keyboard player who returns to his home town in Holland after many successes in the USA.

Coming back he falls in love with the daughter of one of the most famous organists of the country which opens up an abyss of horror for him. He was seduced and raped by an uncle as a young boy when he was instructed by him in the art of organ playing. Again it was a music movie and probably even more difficult than Robert Johnson. A movie though that I had wanted to make all my life to see how the wider public would react to such a plot.

The movie brought me back to my youth in Holland and in churches. Because the screenplay was situated in Holland some of the filming had to be done in that country. Although these sessions were as short as possible it was great to be back in churches and hear the majestic instruments first hand. We had some problems finding the organ as the religious community normally wanted to know the story before giving an OK for the use of the organ. The plot being what it was, got us some rejections on our first requests.

During this time Toni celebrated her 40th birthday and although we did not make a big fuss out of it (No woman celebrates a 40th birthday), There was little party. Terry and Paula were there but Mel was tied down in New England. Other guests were close friends such as our family doctor and some business associates uf both of us.

During the party there was a phone call and because we Mel took the call. While she was listening I saw tears welling up in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. At the end she only could say "We will come" in Dutch and in a tears muffled voice. I wondered of course what was had happened fearing the worst. When she saw me standing in the room with a big question mark on my face, it was as like if the room was empty, that we were alone and she threw herself in my arms and sobbed uncontrollably for fifteen minutes. When she was able to speak again she said that it was her mother who had begged her to come to Holland with her sisters and all the partners.

As Terry and Paula were in the house but not in the room we collected them and after having called Holland back we gave Terry the receiver. Terry's face went through the same changes that Toni's face had gone through. When she laid down the receiver Terry and Toni embraced each other crying.

So not long after our trip to Europe we were again heading for the old continent. Our first stop was Amsterdam as the meeting with the Westerloo parents was still four days away. Terry and Paula both had not been part of our Amsterdam time and we gave them (and also Eric) the full blast. On the second night Toni and Melanie with the assistance of Terry and Paula had Eric and me transformed into Erica and Matty, they started already at two o'clock in the afternoon and the evening out would become the Westerloo gang conquering the Dutch capital.

We dined at the canteen; a Chinese near to "De Waag" who had the best Peking Duck Their beer stocks must have been diminished when we left. All "Girls" were in a very frivolous flirting mood and do not be mistaken Eric and I got our share of the interest from the other diners. Afterwards it was club time meeting many of the old friends and cronies. Toni had taken care of that by telling the people of her old shop that we would be on the loose. These encounters were wonderful Toni's friends were mostly gay and lesbian and they all partied in hilarious moods with their returned and new found friends. This was the first time that I actually was the center of the party assisted of course by "Erica".

Paula and Terry were getting from one surprise into the other and at the close of the evening/night/morning having a last drink at the Krasnapolski bar they told us over and over again that they would haven given everything to be part of that time. That night when we made love I scolded my wife for going to bed with another woman after she had vowed loyality to her nice husband.

But Delft got nearer. We went there on Thursday. On Friday we all strolled along the old canals and visited all the places and spots that Toni and I knew so well. I got my bout of sentimentality when I showed everybody the house where I was born and the house where I had spent my youth. My parents had relocated already years before so the people we met in the street were probably wondering what this group of Americans found interesting about their street. The next morning we visited the Saturday market which was still there, surprising the Americans with this typical Dutch way of shopping.

Saturday afternoon was there before anyone noticing and we got into our hired van and headed for the Westerloo mansion. I noticed that all Westerloo girls were highly nervous. Getting to the house that we had passed several times in the past without entering now had wide open gates and we drove to the foot of the stairs. When we left the car their parents raced down to us. After a moment of confusion they as to who was who, they both embraced Toni simultaneously. I was standing there with tears in my eyes. We all had come a long way but for Toni it was the late fulfillment of a dream. The dream of having a family.

After we had all been hugged, mother Westerloo told her husband to take care of Eric and me because there was girl talk to do. I was surprised hearing that kind of language from a woman whom I always had thought to be the definition of conservatism. Mr. Westerloo took Eric and me to the house bar and we got the story of this reunion from him.

Since some time already they had had an ever growing desire to see their children to make their peace with them but always their religious believes had stood in the way. The first sign that Ms. Westerloo was not at peace with the situation was our wedding in Delft. She read it in a local newspaper after the ceremony had taken place. She had told her husband that she would have liked to go there. When he asked whether she would have attended she said no. But she had wanted to go to the town hall and the church just to see her children from a distance. Still at that time they both were not ready for more. Lately however there was a new reverend in their community who started to convince them that the old values were not always the right ones. Especially with Mrs. Westerloo he needed lots of patience to let her see that also God wanted that she loved all her children and especially Toni.

Mr. Westerloo continued that the dam broke when she aw an article in the local newspaper about people from Delft in the USA. He even had a copy of the paper available and when he showed it to us we saw that the picture with the article was the one made at the premiere of "Runamara" in New Orleans on which we were all six together. Mr. Westerloo had seen the story first and realizing that on that very day it was Toni's 40th birthday he it to his wife.

He told us that she had broken into a crying spell upon seeing the picture and after that she got herself together she instantly walked to the telephone and called Melanie for ours and Terry's number. The rest we knew and he thanked that we were there.

The rest of the day was indeed marvelous: We dined in the house as one of the best cooks from Holland had been hired to do the cooking. Everything was done with love and that was very visible. The three daughters were elated and during the long dinner they continued their intimate girls talk without giving us much attention and it was mother Westerloo who surprised everybody by discussing everything freely. It was great that Paula was treated as a daughter indeed. I only saw Mr. Westerloo from time to time with question marks in his eyes when that girl's talk became really intimate.

That night when we came to the hotel at one thirty we were still so geared up that we were unable to sleep. We went for a walk together like in the old days. Two people in love with our arms around each other and we strolled the old streets of our home town.. On the market place where the cafes had already closed we sat down on one of the empty terraces and I looked her in the eyes and asked her whether she was happy.

Before she answered I knew the answer as I realized that tonight no sadness was visible in her eyes. The naughty happy spark that I knew from our Amsterdam days had returned. I took her in my arms and kissed her answer away. Subsequently we waltzed in a kissing embrace over the Delfter market place. Sleep came only at six thirty as we made a long and leisurely love play that lasted at least two hours.

During the days that followed it was clear that the daughters had no intention what so ever to part from their new found family. Eric and I but also Paula had to get back to the States. We were escorted to the airport by the entire family and when the time came to enter the restricted area and after my long kisses of goodbye from Toni her mother took me aside and kissed me full on my mouth with a real lover's kiss.

Holding me at arms' length she said:

"Matthias I love you and I should have loved you since you came into Toni's life. You were the one to keep my family together when I only pitied myself. When you came I had one son and two daughters; now I have four fabulous daughters and the two best sons in the world. Can you ever forgive me for making your lives incomplete?"

Before I waved her goodbye for the moment I could only say:

"Mom, you're a child of your time and I am I child of my time. We both have had difficulties to accept Toni for what she is" as she started to ask something I continued: "Oh yes I had my problems too and therefore let us change that and become children of the future".

At that she smiled and the last thing I saw of them was Ms Westerloo standing together with Toni, hugging her and both were waving at me. I realized that at times I never had expected to see Toni and her mother together and both looking completely happy at that.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 12

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