Toni and Me

By valencia hill

Published on Nov 4, 2010


The rest of the day was spent resting after a meal and hot, cleansing shower. Now alone in my apartment, the real feelings and sensations began to transpire over the previous night and morning. Slowly but surely, I began feeling more and more feminine and lusty. I could feel a gaping sensation in my love hole as Toni had pounded me so hard, it felt sore yet wanting and hungry for more. Almost every second went by; swooning in sheer lust for the physical feelings of sensitivity and sheer vulnerability I felt being over powered by some one stronger. The thoughts of being taken and fucked by a big strong man, ah! It was so perfect. Just wanted it to happen again. Come on Toni, light my fire.

A long sleep into the afternoon did me well. Awoke at 7 in the evening feeling fresh and new. Wanted to call my man so bad but was for certain he'd probably call sooner or later. And right enough about an hour later he calls. I cannot describe the feelings and sensations that ran through my body on picking up the phone, hearing his voice and blurting out in urgent haste

"When do you get here"? I asked with a twitch in my sphincter.

"Be ready by10:30 tonight love, we're going to the beach, will pick you soon. Dress sexy for me. I want you to be your best with all the trimmings"

And he disconnected.

Oh the urgency. What am I going to do I pondered. But just the mere thought of making hard love on a beach, being fucked in the middle of no where blew me a rock solid hard on even after all my intense jerk offs. There was no time to waste. Had to get ready.

Hit the bedroom. Undressed. Checked out my figure in the mirror. I knew what I wanted. Right then and there I decided I'd dress up here at home and sneak out of the apartment for the first time, hopefully undetected. Oh what a bold move for a first timer. It had to be done. No turning back on this dream, an ultimate fantasy about to be made real...and thrilling.

I quickly showered again and rubbed my body with sweet scent. Did the best make-up job I thought best and stood completely nude praising my slowly transitioning body. Maybe there really was a woman inside me; my hips were to unreal, wide, protruding out as my mid level caved in like some slim supermodel. My legs were shapely and athletic but loss of tone and shrunken calves made them skinny yet well shaped. All that drinking I guess.

Looking attentively in my closet, I chose a black, halter neck babydoll dress that was amongst the most beautiful items I had. It was not overly transparent except in bright light. Semi-sheer with the lightest fabric and a flutter, it was perfect. I selected a black lace v-string and matching lace bikini top. A nice slinky but awesome feeling waist chain along with two similar anklets for that complimentary touch and a dab of nail polish. Everything had to be perfect I thought, all the way. In a swift moment, I got dressed to kill the urge of fondling myself in front of the mirror or in bed. Also, I wanted to sit for awhile in this overwhelming addiction and feel the wholesome sensations creeping up on me. The overwhelming thoughts of going out for the first time as a woman, the sheer nervousness and thrill altogether, the risk and dangers involved. This was so bad, so wrong.

By 11:15 p.m, the phone rang. I rushed and answered. Toni told me that he was waiting down and wanted me to haul. I gasped telling him I was already "dressed". Clever as he was, h concocted a plan to shut the main electricity connection of the building down temporarily so that I could haul. I threw on a huge leather jacket, a cap, grabbed my things and was out the door in the dark running down the second floor with my mobile light and straight into the open, parked car at the gate. It worked. It sure worked. I didn't feel a thing until after I got in the fully tinted car. Removing my jacket in haste, I suddenly felt a rush of absolute sexiness and vulnerable desire as I was mostly so bare. The babydoll dress was perfect. More than anything else was the rush of my sexy lace v-string against the feel of the expensive car upholstery. Toni was a black freak. Everything in the car was black. It was almost a home in itself. He looked at me in total awe but with some strange suspicious motive as well. "Let's move" he said. And we were off.

The streets didn't seem too crowded. I sat back in the seat resisting the urge to touch myself. It felt so hot for the first time, even though the A/C was on, giving me in the process Goosebumps and butterflies all the same. We drove a considerable distance, down through some shortcuts in the villages headed to the beach. It was past 12:30 and I eagerly hungered for a hot fuck on an open beach, late in the night. Toni stayed focused on the roads, a bit quiet. I understood. Getting there safely was paramount as any slip and we'd be in a world of trouble...and the obvious, ultimate embarrassment.

The beach roads were dark and deserted, pretty much the same for the week days. There were heavy restrictions on the place due to the crime rates especially in the night. In the dark could lurk rapists, pedophiles, murderers and what not waiting to strike unsuspecting people. Yet in some morbid way, it thrilled me. I'd heard many stories and myths of strange, tall, gaunt, jungle men or `sadhus' descending down from small hills patrolling the lands. Yet, it all thrilled me. Toni drove down to the end and without warning, turned the car off the road into the brush that completely covered us. He looked at me and told me we'd need to hike a bit to a spot he knew. There didn't seem to be anyone around, no other cars, no one on the roads, a majority of the street lights were old and non-functional. I gathered my senses and got out looking around for a few seconds. Thank my stars I were flimsy, thin soled flip flops as they were easy on my feet and even easier to maneuver on the beach sand. I closed the door as silently as possible in the dark. I cannot describe the rush I felt when a slight breeze blew my dress up ever so gently, oh a Marilyn moment. I felt like wasn't wearing anything underneath and actually thought I forgot to put my v-string on. Quick inspection and it was there. Just couldn't feel it. So sheer. Toni whispered at me to move into the bush and stay behind him as we scouted a lonely part of the beach. We could hear the waves, the night was semi-lit by the moon but still felt a bit dark. Couldn't be better, better for us, I thought.

Walking through the dark, strange arousing sensations, a feeling of a hand up my dress, a cock getting semi erect, then hard and limp again as a distant dog barking, or sounds ahead got me spooked. The breeze kept blowing my dress up to a point of dread. I had an extra change of guy's clothes but forgot them in the car. What if something went wrong I thought to myself? Never mind. We'd some how make it. Toni stayed low, I did the same. We saw the beach line at the end of the clearing. It was also the end of the beach, rocks on the shore about 200 yards. Nice place for a fuck but that meant crossing over the sand. Toni found a fresh grassy patch. "Here" he said and I looked down, looked around. This was it and I got down on all fours while he unbuttoned his pants. "Lets not take our clothes off, if we have to bail, we don't want to be running nude in the dark" he said with a heavy air of nervousness in his voice. I was already naked any which was, it wouldn't matter but he was right. His cock flopped out and I sucked it with all my force. No time for sheer feelings and foreplay, just suck and suck. He almost cried as it was like nothing before. I sucked with the force only a boy or man could suck and he let out a roar like a male lion on the rush. "Ah fuck I'm coming to soon" he muttered and he flipped me around, lifted my dress to my waist. "NO Toni, stop it, don't take my panty off" I always wanted to say that. He yanked my string down to my thighs, eased his cock on my hole and firmly entered me, driving deeper and deeper without stopping. "It hurts darling, stop, stop, your being too rough" I giggled trying to get him to be rougher and he did. He slapped my ass cheeks a couple of times, held my girly waist like a vice and began thrusting me. So hot, so good. Pain and pleasure. "I'm going to fucking rape you" he grinned and I turned my face giving him the helpless look before he began thrusting harder and this time I felt it. His 8 inches was going all the way in and I couldn't help but scream and moan in the dark. "Loose yourself you bitch, let it burn inside you, this is what you wanted". And he fucked me hard till I lost it. I tried to shift away but every time he'd pull my ass back in line and fuck me harder. His cock was going deep, in places of pain and sheer pleasure. My brain was wrecked in lust, my string stretching to its fullest between my thighs and then suddenly, without a sound or sight...the horror. Three tall, lean men with beards, like ghosts standing around us. Toni flipped and pulled out, falling on the sand on his back, hurriedly covering his cock. I spun round and stayed flat on my back trying to cover myself, reflexively pulling my string up as if it made any difference. A small light flashed my face, very weak but nevertheless. I covered my eyes in total shame and embarrassment...and fear. Peeking through my hands I could see the outlines of three men, sharp nosed, lean and gaunt, with loin cloths and jute bags, very long beards and very fucking tall.

I lay there motionless, the wind picking up. Tried to keep my dress from skirting up. They stood there looking at us without the slightest expression. One of them gestured to Toni to move slightly away and he did, sitting down dead quiet. Another holding a long stick parted my hands and grazed my chin gently to see my face, all in make up and quivering in fear. He slowly proceeded down my chest, taking notice of my lack of breasts and stopped at my groin. Gently, he nudged my dress up exposing my v-string. His eyes glistened when he saw my semi-erect cock. Somehow, I felt greatly aroused yet a bit scared. I could see them more clearly now, three of them just looking at me expressionless. I lay there is disgrace and awkward disgust to some extent yet something was telling me this was nothing new to them. Stories abound of gay, transgender and all sorts of happenings and parties around these areas. Orgies were said to be common in deep, dark areas that were difficult to find. Eunuchs, transsexuals, gays and lesbians, they were all here, hidden in private areas, restricted by their own rules. This was the place to be for those types of pleasure and sure enough I was to find out.

Toni seemed less scared now as they sat down with us for a smoke. One of them took my hand and helped me sit up. He touched my face and told me how beautiful I was and what a lovely woman I would make. I'd almost forgotten the hard pleasure Toni had been dishing out as this turn of events surely was a new plane in foreseen circumstances. I cautiously checked them out, these men, little or no hair on their bodies, they were certainly old but walked upright and fast appearing out of nowhere. Just loincloths around their waists, beads, large grey beards and long hair tied in typical guru fashion. After a few minutes of quiet, they gestured us to sit up. We understood their local language of Hindi to some extent and did so. It was almost 2:30. The wind still blew, a little more now flaying my dress up. It did not go unnoticed. One of them spoke in a deep voice "you are very womanly, this is not a man's body, I have never seen anything like this ever" in Hindi. Toni seemed apprehensive as they firmly ordered us to follow them. I felt incredibly weak at the knees, afraid and sad, aroused and mystified as I most surely knew what was going to happen to me. Toni followed at the back as one of the three followed him. The other two flanked me on either side. Keeping my hands firmly to my side to prevent my dress from flying up all the time, one of them said "do not worry, I know you are enjoying the feeling, let it burn inside you, don't try to fight it". I was not quite sure about that as the urge to control my windy dress seemed like a bigger turn on. Yet I kept to my little effort. We walked across the beach in no rush. There was nowhere I could go or run. These wily men sure did seem like they could track down anything. Plus I just did not want to anger them. The guy on my left moved closer and slowly slid his hand up my back thigh. Damn it was a huge hand, with big fingers; he gently moved his entire hand in slow circular motions up my dress warming up my butt. He fondled my cheeks so gently around the curves, feeling around my v-string. I tried to be silent but couldn't resist moaning in pleasure slightly as we walked. Toni and the other man could see everything from the back. It was again, one of those sensations that cannot be explained as I got hard in confusion totally lost in my predicament. We crossed a bank over the rock to the other side of the hill and reached a private, secluded mini beach within itself. The walk was surely long and I was a bit drained but red and rushing with fear and excitement. We entered a lone, large cottage near a clearing, very basic inside, just beds and a few pots and pans. I readied myself for what was to happen. We exited through a door at the back end to a nice spot that was lit by large candles. What suddenly hit me was a big bed in the center of the square. Small hills on side, palms and clean white sand, bamboo tables and some chairs. I stopped mesmerized by it all. I turned facing them, Toni stood there with a strange look on his face I could not understand. In sheer blankness, I asked "what are you going to do to me"? And one of them replied "we are going to make you a woman like you have never seen, for the rest of your life after we all make love to you". And I gasped in disbelief. The three converged on me as they checked out my body gently. I felt helpless as they touched and caressed me softly, probing my pleasure points. They kissed my neck on either side giving me the bumps of pleasure. I tried my very best not to touch them but couldn't resist reaching for their cocks. They pushed my hands away as it was first about me. Six hands investigated me gently breaching my barriers of tolerance and testing my pleasure points. I began moaning loudly as they delicately fondled my cock yet not allowing me to cum. Their hands were so big; their feet were so big oh I wondered what their cocks were like. Toni sat on a chair by the table totally transfixed, his eyes on me as I caught glimpses of him. I moved in and out of euphoria and then in a split second, my babydoll effortlessly fell to the sands.

By now, every sensation and sexual desire had kicked in. down to just a bikini lace bra and v-string, they worked my body still standing as they assaulted my senses with waves of pleasure. They wouldn't let me touch them in any way although I so badly wanted too. The air was cool and my body clashed with it as they raised my temperature kissing, caressing touching and fondling me. In an almost trance like state, they kept turning to Toni telling him this was the first step and he almost sarcastically asked "what's the second"? And in a flash of a moment, they lifted me off the ground and onto the bed. One of them broke off and entered the house, returning with two small bottles. He removed some tablets and asked me to swallow them. I did with out hesitation, the other two fondled and kissed me some more as they sandwiched me from both sides. One of them whispered in my ears "where did you get these lovely clothes"? I couldn't respond my mind half on the fact that I had just consumed something I had no clue about. The third guy then climbed onto the bed and locked my ankles with one hand. He raised them up and bent me in a fuck pounding position. Another guy pulled my v-string to the side and poured a small amount of warm liquid down my love hole. I could feel a warm, yet fantastic itchy rush coursing down the length of my sissy hole. Suddenly, all three left the bed and joined Toni for a smoke and local drink. I lay there feeling used and dirty, but unable to shed off erotic sensations that jetted through my system. Toni sat watching as I squirmed in bed, in sexual possession as my eyes opened and closed, brief moments of the four watching me. One of them said to Toni "when she starts moaning and crying for love, we will make passionate love to her one at a time. It may last the whole night as we are very methodical in our approach. We have done this many times but never have we encountered a person with a body like this. In a few weeks, she will have long, lustrous black hair and beautiful breasts. Her body will have taken on absolute perfection and she will never return or ever want to return to the old ways. If you would like to visit her after a month, you are welcome. Bring some nice things for her to wear when you come. Tonight will be the last time you will see her so if you want to make love to her, it's your last time. But you must follow our approach". I heard everything but could not stop myself. I was moaning at my loudest, in an almost feminine tone. I was begging for love as my head moved sideways on the soft white pillow. I drifted in and out of a sexual trance and raging desire for cock. And then the three decided who'd be first. And the first once approached the bed and dropped his loincloth. I glanced sideways at a long, 9 inch cock, rock hard ready to go. He climbed up and parted my legs. Gently, he placed his body on mine, his cock meeting mine as he rubbed slowly and carefully. I moaned in agonizing pleasure. He looked at me, face to face, just inches away from his mouth. I could not control anymore and rubbed my cock hard on his. He smiled and let out a groan in pleasure. "No" he said gently and he began kissing me all over, sucking my nipples, one after another, fondling my cock at the same time. He licked my nipples with his huge tongue and gestured at the other men. Another man got into bed and began sucking my other nipple as my eyes closed and they delicately ravaged my senses of all sanity. They took turns playing with my cock, playing with my v-string. It felt so good. "This will encourage her breasts to grow" said the third guy to Toni as he watched me being taken. The third guy walked up, got into bed and began kissing and sucking my cock, licking it with his giant tongue. They undid my bikini top and began to slide my string down. I began to squirm as they removed my two-piece. I could still feel the overpowering sensation of fine lace on my body as if it was still on. "Please fuck me, please make me cum" I cried as tears of urgent lust rolled down my eyes. But they were in no hurry and for the next few hours, they gently raped me of every man feeling I've ever had. Finally, I was lifted off the bed. One man lay on his back and I climbed on top of him. The other moved in front and placed tip of his cock on my lips and the third went behind me and placed the tip of his cock on my left cheek. I looked at Toni for the last time. My hole was twitching and wanting of cock. It felt hot and desiring. I reached a hand out to touch it but the man gently caught my wrist and pushed back. "Toni, leave" I said. "My things are in the car. Please don't tell anyone where I am. Look after my place till I get back. There's some money in the house. Come back soon. I'm really sorry about this" And he looked at me in a bit of sorrow. The men gestured him to leave and he looked at me one last time with concern just before vanishing in the darkness. He looked like he had enough especially with the state I was in. Looking at the man in front of me grinning, he held my chin, the man behind completely encircled my waist and the man below me rubbed his cock on mine. "Are you ready"? One of them said. "Yes" I replied and a cock was sliding down my mouth as I sucked it best. He groaned and raged in pleasure as I sucked it harder staring at him. And then in a moment, I moaned my loudest, my capacity exhausted as a cock entered me from behind slowly but gradually. No pain, no roughness, no soreness from the previous nights. And then it began. The rhythm picked up and I was being fucked for life. More. Fuck me more as I began to spew filth like a slut. I felt like I had a vagina as the big cock banged against my walls. The whole length of it entered so easily, I couldn't understand as I sucked cock. The man below me licked my nipples, stimulating them. Soon I would have breast as the effects of the tablets began to activate inside me. The guy fucking me came hard on the side screaming at the top of his lungs. Large vortexes of cum everywhere on the sand. The man below slid in his cock and I rode him like an animal, visions of longs black hair and bouncing breasts, sharp features and the most amazing legs that I already had. He pushed me up before he came all over my back. The hottest cum ever and lots of it. The two left me to the third guy who wanted something different. He wiped cum off my back and put my babydoll back on. He lifted me in the air and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We went to the sea shore. Flipping me on all fours, he pulled my babydoll up to my waist and entered me. His cock was the thickest and it stretched my love hole. He was patient as he fucked me letting me scream all my emotions and desires into the night. He was probably the best fuck as he was patient and rhythmic with his thrusts, his bigger balls banging on mine. I turned around and said I would marry him if he'd fuck me like this every day and in a huge and groan and explosion, he was the only one to cum inside me and we both collapsed together in the sand.

To be continued...

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