Tommy's Paradise

By Michael Dee

Published on May 4, 2023


Tommy's Paradise Chapter 7

I hope you enjoyed the past chapters of Tommy's Paradise. And here is chapter 7. This is a extention of my previous story TOMMY'S FAMILY. I strongly suggest you read that first, before starting Tommy's Paradise. It will make a lot more sense.

Please feel free to make suggestion or comments to the story line. As always, please be of legal age to ready this sexually explicit material. To enjoy it more I suggest you read it naked. Just as I am when I write it, believe me it can get nice and messy.

Kyle B

As I rub another one out in the shower this morning, I feel my balls aching as I shoot several more streams of my thick cum against the tile wall as the water cascades down my naked body.

"Ahhh....ohhhh fuck, ahhhhhhh." I moan as my over-worked balls give me what I want only a few minutes after another load of spunk went down the shower drain.

The rest of my morning prep is quick, dry and mess up my hair, brush my teeth, and a quick roll of deodorant under each arm. And a last check on my pubes, or should I say lack thereof making a mental note to wax them tonight when I get home, and I am ready to go down to breakfast.

My mom is busy by the stove while dad is ready for work and reading the paper. He glances up as I walk into the room, and mutters a quick good morning, too busy to start a conversation.

Mom turned around as I grabbed a cup for coffee and asked me if scrambled eggs and sausage would be okay for breakfast. I assure her anything she makes, I'll eat. It's a ground hog day morning.

I sit next to my father, grab a part of his discarded paper, and begin to read until my breakfast is placed in front of me. I can feel the heat of the food even before I lay the paper down.

"Kyle" My mother says as she sits down. And I know what's coming, we have this discussion every six months almost to the day.

"Mom, I don't like wearing clothes. You know that it's only us, and I know you've both seen me naked all my life. So please don't start again." I say as I dig into the hot meal in front of me.

"But you're almost 16 now, isn't time you started thinking about growing up, acting like an adult."

"Mom, it's the most natural thing in the world. It's not my fault that we live in a country that hangs on to its 17th century puritan view on decency. Every year, several countries in Europe have nude bike races, nude marathons, and almost every coastal town has a nude beach. It's just a body, we all have them, I am just not ashamed of mine." I say as I get up, put my plate in the sink, and walk out of the room, completely naked. "I have to get ready for school."

"Well at least he stopped taking his clothes off at school" I can hear my mother say to my father, who is still plaster in his paper.

I endure all my classes with the minimal of clothing, wearing a light T- shirt, baggie shorts, and a pair of sandals. That's it, nothing more until my only sanctuary comes at the end of the day, when I take it all off in the locker rooms, as I prepare to practice for the swim team.

Coach Dalton has always been an advocate on the advantage of practicing naked. He feels that if you swim without a suit when practicing, it will give you an advantage in the meets, when you don't have the drag of your junk slowing you down. He's also the reason that none of the boys on the swim team have any body hair on them during the swim season. Well, I must take some of the credit too.

Ever since I started sprouting hairs around my cock, I thought it was gross, so I would shave them off. But then they started coming in faster and thicker, I complained to my mother, and she told me about waxing. Once she showed me how to do it, and how well it worked, I was hooked. Now it's a weekly ritual to keep my pubic area clean.

Then one day during swim practice the coach pointed out how smooth my crotch and legs were and that the others could take a lesson from me. It was that afternoon, at Noah's house, the team captain, that I waxed my first team member, and tasted another guys cum for my first time.

Noah was naked sitting on the bathroom counter, as I carefully applied the hot wax just above his cock that I was holding down. I could feel it stiffening in my hand but tried hard to concentrate on the task before me. But as with any boy of our age, you can't keep it down for long, and when I pulled the cloth removing a large strip of hair, Noah screamed and his cock sprang from my hand spewing his wet cum all over me, with a large portion splattering on my face, and a couple of direct hits inside my mouth.

"Oh fuck dude, I am soo sorry." Noah said breathlessly as his orgasm surprised him as much as me.

"Wow that was fucking out of nowhere!" I said as I swallowed the globs of his cum down my throat.

"Oh my god, fuck! I am so sorry and fucking so embarrassed!" Noah said as his face turned red.

I felt bad for him, it was really no big deal. I could see he felt so terrible, so I did the only thing I could think of to make him feel better. I grabbed his still hard, cum dripping cock and shoved it in my mouth.

"Dude, what the fuck are you.......ohhhhh fuck yea!" Noah started to say until I began sucking him off.

I grabbed his freshly waxed balls, and pulled his cock away from his stomach, and sucked up and down his thick cum covered shaft. It was so powerful, and big, as I my tongue played with it's bulbous mushroom shaped head, as it slipped in and out of my mouth. Soon Noah's hands were on the back of my head, pushing me as his cock slipped deeper into my mouth, and eventually slipping into my throat.

Surprised I wasn't gagging, I took his whole long, thick shaft into my throat until his balls were against my chin.

"Oh fuck dude, that feels so good." Noah said as he watched me go down on him. "Yea, of fucking suck my cock Kyle."

And when my mouth felt his cock begin to swell, I pulled his cock up from my throat as felt the first ropes of his orgasm explode in my mouth. Shot after shot of his watery cum blasted onto my tongue and filled my mouth until I swallowed, only to be filled again and again.

It wasn't until I pulled off his waning cock and stepped back that I realized my cock had exploded in my shorts as well. Cum was draining down my leg from the inside of my now, cum soaked shorts. I stood there, looking at Josh as he came down from his orgasm.

"Wow" was all he said as he looked at me.

I couldn't move, I didn't know what he was going to do to me, but I still couldn't move. What had I just done, and even though I loved it, why the fuck had I just given the team captain a blow job?

"Kyle that was fucking amazing, thank you." Noah said as he got down of the bathroom counter.

"You're not mad at me?" I said sheepishly.

"Fuck no, why would I be mad. That was the best fucking blow job I've ever had. And by the looks of it, you really enjoyed it too." Noah said looking at the front of my shorts.

I looked down again, then back at him with a dumfounded look. How was I going to explain this when I got home. Almost reading my mind, Noah told me to follow him into his bedroom.

"Here dude, put these on." Noah said as he handed me a similar pair of shorts to wear.

I pulled my cum soaked shorts off and wiped up the streams of jizz running down my leg and pulled Joshes short on.

"Dude if you'd wear underwear that wouldn't be so messy." Noah said watching me stuff my cock and balls into the shorts.

"No way. I've never put on a pair of underwear; I don't even have a pair. I can't stand to have my junk all bound up inside some tight cloth." I told him.

"Really, don't your parents make you." Noah asked surprised.

"They don't care. Well, I can't actually say that. Just this morning, they gave the same old lecture about wearing clothes around the house." I told him.

"Wait, you don't wear clothes at home?" Noah asked as I saw his cock jump a bit.

"I hate clothes, as soon as I walk in the door, I pull off whatever I'm wearing and don't put anything on until I have to leave the house again." I explained.

"That's so cool, but then why do you have clothes on now." Noah asked, still standing there naked.

Noah and Kyle played video games the rest of the afternoon, both sitting on living room couch, naked! This went on after swim practice for weeks, with Josh getting a blow job each and every day. Until a couple of weeks later when Noah asked Kyle to spend the weekend with him, as his parents were going out of town.

"Hey, grab us a beer, and I'll get the video games going." Noah said as they were discarding their clothes as soon as they walked in the door. Kyle smiled to himself when he saw Noah removing his jeans, seeing that he no longer wore underwear either.

It wasn't until after their 3 beers that Noah was horny and ready for a blow job. His cock was hard against his waxed smooth pubes, as was Kyles. And in the middle of a very intense game, Kyle reached over and grabbed Noah's cock. Noah just moved his controller out of the way, and Kyle leaned down and pulled his erect cock away from Noah's hard stomach and let his mouth sink down over it.

Soon Noah's ass was pushing up off the couch, fucking Kyle mouth hard and deep. Kyle played and pulled on Noah's hairless balls as Noah tossed the controller aside laying his hands on top of Kyle's head. His cum was warm and thick as it shot into Kyle's mouth. He swallowed every drop, as his hand was jerking his own hard cock to a quick release all over Josh's leg.

"Oh, fuck that was good." Noah said as he grabbed the controller again and continued playing the paused game while Kyle cleaned up the mess he had made on Noah's leg.

"Hey I'm hungry." Kyle said after licking up the mess and making sure Noah's legs were free of his cum.

"Cool, let's order a pizza. I'll call, you get us another beer." Noah said as he grabbed his phone.

It didn't dawn on them until the doorbell rang that they were both still naked, and someone had to answer the door and pay for the pizza. They decided to go to the door together, Noah paid, and Kyle took the pizza from the delivery person. Luckily it was a guy that was too stoned to care.

They laughed all through dinner, as they ate pizza and drank more beer. So, by the time they were finished both were feeling fine. And that's what gave Kyle the balls to lean over and kiss Noah.

A startled Noah let his lips linger on Kyle's for a few seconds before he pulled away. "What the fuck dude."

"Fuck, sorry I'm just so drunk." Kyle said, trying to minimize what he had done.

"Yea, sure I get it. Do you want to play another game." Noah said, putting the whole thing out of his mind.

So, for the rest of the evening they played video games and drank more beer. And by the time they went to bed, both boys were really drunk. "Fuck yea sleep in my room tonight, my beds big enough." Noah said as he fell on his bed.

"Yea, cool" Kyle said as his back fell onto the bed beside Noah.

"I'm so fucking horny." Noah said and Kyle looked over and saw that his cock was rock hard.

But as Kyle was leaning down to take Noah's cock in his mouth, Noah stopped him and pulled him up. "I want to fuck you!" Noah said looking right into Kyle's eyes.

"Yea?" Was all Kyle could get out as the sexual tension between the two boys intensified. "I've never been fucked before."

"It's easy if you have some of this stuff." Noah said as he pulled a small bottle of lube out of his bedside table draw.

"aaaaa.....okay I guess." Kyle said. "But first you have to kiss me."

It was tame at first as Noah put his lips onto Kyles. But they were so warm, and soft that Noah found himself really getting into it, and when Kyle opened his mouth and their tongues began dancing around each other, Noah couldn't get enough. The kiss became hard and passionate. Until Noah broke away and began to kiss and lick his way down Kyle's body.

"Oh gawd, yes." Kyle moaned as Josh's lips for the first-time engulfed Kyle's hard cock into his mouth.

The feeling was almost overwhelming for Kyle, he now knew why Noah loved his blow jobs so much. Noah's mouth moved up and down on Kyle's cock, as his tongue rubbed the underside of his hard cock gently. He could feel his balls tightening, and he was so close when Josh pulled away and crawled down between his legs.

With his legs lifted out of the way, and spread wide, Kyle jerked when he felt Noah's tongue lick is asshole.

"Ohhhh fuck yea. What are you doing?" Kyle spoke as best he could as his breath left his body.

Noah didn't stop to answer any questions, he just dove into Kyle's ass, licking, sucking, and kissing his puckering hole.

As Kyle's asshole loosened up, Noah shoved his tongue deep inside Kyle, making him once again gasp loudly with pleasure. It was wild and Kyle was having the experience of his young life, with tongues and fingers probing around in his asshole.

Kyle could taste himself as Noah's lips met his once again, his tongue deep in Kyle's mouth, as his lube slick cock was pushed up against Kyle's wet, wanting asshole.

"Awwwwwwww...." Kyle moaned as the head of Noah's cock penetrated the loosened ring of his asshole. Seconds later as Noah slowly sank into him, Kyle felt every inch of his firm cock filling him full and knowing that this was what he was meant to do.

Kyle was more than ready when Noah began to fuck him, slowly at first but with Kyle's pleading he began fucking him harder. Both boys were desperate to feel the friction between them, as Noah was balls deep inside Kyle's asshole.

Kyle's fist was wrapped tightly around his wet, leaking cock stroking it fast and hard, as Noah pounded away at his asshole. Both swearing and moaning with intense pleasure never before experience by either of them.

"Fuck Kyle, I'm going to cum....oh fuck, fuck.....Yeaaaaa!" Noah said as he felt his balls tighten and his cock swell.

"Oh, yea Noah, fuck me, fill me up, soak my asshole with your cum. Give it all to me!" Kyle begged as Noah's humping began to jerk and jolt as his balls were spewing cum though his long, hard cock deep into Kyle's asshole.

It was the heat of Noah's cum flooding inside Kyle that made his own cock spray cum all over his chest, face, and even a few shots in his hair and over his head as he continued to jerk his cock until the sensitivity became too much.

Completely exhausted, Noah collapsed on top of Kyle, their mouths met, and they kissed deep as they laid together, Noah still deep inside him.

Their kiss continued, as their orgasm waned, and they could finally breath normal again. Noah lifted his upper body up and looked down at Kyle.

"That was fucking awesome!" Noah said looking into Kyle's eyes.

"Wow, yea. It felt so good, it still feels good." Kyle said, feeling Noah's still hard cock deep inside him.

Slowly Noah began to pull his cock from the warmth of Kyle's asshole. But before he was completely free, Kyle wrapped his legs around the round plump mounds of Noah's ass and pulled him deeper inside of him.

"Yea?" Noah said, still looking into Kyle's blue eyes.

"Fuck yea!" Kyle said and Noah began to slowly hump his cock into Kyle again.

Their second orgasm was just intense if not more than the first. But this time when Noah fell onto Kyle, he and his cock were spent. Not to mention that Kyle was coved in his own cum and his asshole was leaking Noah's cum onto his sheets.

Noah knelt up on the bed and offered Kyle a hand. "Let's get a shower, I think we could use one."

The water was warm and felt refreshing as both boys stood under the shower head kissing, exploring, and fondling each other's taught bodies. Kyle suddenly pulled away when he felt the warm powerful stream of something hit his foot. What Kyle saw was Noah's cock pissing all over his feet.

"Sorry, all those beers and neither of us pissed all night. I couldn't hold it anymore."

Not really knowing why he did what he did, Kyle turned the shower handle off as he sank to his knees. And as the water only dripped from the shower head, Kyle grabbed Noah's cock and directed it on to his cock. The warmth of the Noah's piss felt amazing, making Kyle's cock once again harden. As he moved the strong spray of Noah's piss up his body, he felt the warm clear liquid cascade down his rigid torso. And when he put his head under the forceful stream of Noah's piss, his hair and face soon became soaked.

It was then that Kyle got his first taste of piss as it showered down his face and that's when he instinctively opened his mouth letting the full stream of Noah's piss fill his mouth, and he swallowed every bit of the warm, sweat piss of his lover.

These nights came more often, they would even sneak into Kyle's bedroom some afternoons with his mother downstairs and quietly fuck in the small confines of his closet, with the thrill of possibly getting caught. And at least once or twice a week, Kyle would grab Noah and pull him into a janitors closet at school and kneel before him and drink his warm delicious piss straight from the tap, and if there was time, Kyle would get a nice load of Noah's cum for dessert.

Word spread of Kyle's waxing skills and soon he was assisting most of the swim team, keeping them smooth. And it was Tim who first asked him if he would consider waxing his girlfriend.

Kyle had never waxed a girl; he had never even seen for himself what was between a girl's legs. But Tim assured him it would be easier as it was all pretty flat. And soon, Kyle was waxing the guys and their girlfriends after school and on weekends, making good money too.

It was a Friday night; Kyle had just finished waxing another team member and his girlfriend and was running late getting home. He was supposed to meet Noah at a party soon, but he was hungry and desperately needed a shower.

"Hey Kyle, would you come in here please." He heard his father call from the living room.

After pulling off his pants and removing his shirt, he dropped the folded clothes on the stairs as he walked into the living room. Josh was a bit surprised to see that his parents weren't alone.

"Kyle, I want you to meet an old high school friend of mine, Jaren." Kyle's father said, without any concern for his son's nakedness. "Oh!" Jaren exclaimed as he looked at the naked teenager.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jaren, I should have given you a heads up, my son refuses to wear clothes whenever he's home or any place else he can get away with it and not get in trouble." Kyle's father explained.

"If I'd known that was an option, I would have left my clothes at the door." Jaren said laughing.

"So, how do you know my dad?" Kyle asked sitting down on the sofa with his mother.

"He dated the hottest girl at school, Cary. If I remember correctly, you and Tommy used to hang out a lot together." Kyle's dad said. "Yea, Tommy's girlfriend, Sarah, right? She was smoken hot too." What ever happened to them?

"Well." Jaren laughed. "I married Tommy, and we have a little boy. He's not so little now, he probably your age Kyle."

"You married Tommy? I had heard the rumors about you two, but since you were both dating girls, I didn't give them much thought." Kyle's mother interjected.

"Actually, we are both married to the mother of our son, Narnia." Jaren said much to Kyle's parents' surprise.

"In what part of the world can you do that?" Kyle asked.

"I work at a Naturalist family friendly resort, and my father-in-law's owns a private island at the resort." Jaren said. "And I think if you're looking for a summer job, you would be perfect fit for the resort."

Kyle just stared at him, his mind going wild imagining what the resort must be like, and if Jaren thought he would fit right in as he sat naked in the room. He was definitely interested.

"Aaaa....what would I do?" Kyle asked, looking between his parents and Jaren.

"Stand up and let me look at you?" Jaren said.

Kyle stood up. "Come closer." And as Kyle stood in front of Jaren, he reached out and felt the smooth pubic bone above his crotch.

"Do you do your own waxing?" Jaren asked.

"Yea!" Kyle answered as Jaren was still rubbing his hand over the velvet smoothness of his skin.

"And have you ever waxed anyone else?" Jaren asked.

"Yea, a lot of my teammates on the swim team."

"Ever wax any girls?" Jaren asked, seriously interviewing him right there in front of his parents.

"Yea, a couple of my teammates asked me to wax their girlfriend's pubes." Kyle said with a slight hint of disgust.

"Kyle, are you gay?" Jaren asked bluntly.

Kyle looked at him, and then at his parents. "Yes, I am." he said truthfully.

"Really?" Both his mother and father said at the same time.

"Yea, I'm dating Noah!" He said, feeling the weight of his lies falling from his shoulders.

"Perfect, if your parents will allow it, we 'll take care of transportation, housing and meals, and pay you $10,000.00 for the summer." Jaren said seriously.

"Wow!" Kyle's father said. "Seriously?"

"Oh my, we'll have to get you some new clothes, shoes, and I'm sure you'll need a new bathing suit since it's a resort." Kyle's mother said excitedly.

"I don't think you understand, it's a family friendly resort, for naturalist families. Clothing isn't an option on the island, actually it's not allowed at all." Jaren explained.

"So, everyone is naked, all the time, even the workers?" Kyle asked even more excitedly than his mother.

"Yes, that's why I thought it would be perfect for you." Jaren said, motioning towards Kyle's naked body.

If you enjoyed my new story let me know aslo any Comments, suggestions, or personal expriences you'd like to share please email me at Or follow me on Twitter: dudepiss4me.

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Next: Chapter 8

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