Tommy's Paradise

By Michael Dee

Published on Apr 12, 2023


Tommy's Paradise Chapter 6

I hope you enjoyed the first few chapters of Tommy's Paradise. And here is chapter 6. This is a extention of my previous story TOMMY'S FAMILY. I strongly suggest you read that first, before starting Tommy's Paradise. It will make a lot more sense.

Please feel free to make suggestion or comments to the story line. As always, please be of legal age to ready this sexually explicit material. To enjoy it more I suggest you read it naked. Just as I am when I write it, believe me it can get nice and messy.

The McMichael's

Paul had met Jill when they were both sophomores in high school. They began dating shortly after and knew after the 2nd date that they would eventually get married and start a family.

Paul had taken her to his special place on that Saturday. It was a secluded wooded area by a lake an hour from their hometown. Once there, Paul immediately took off all his clothes, letting Jill know he was a naturalist, and hated the idea of wearing clothes. He thought it would be better get this out in the open if they were going to try to continue dating.

Jill looked at Paul, his tall naked body standing in front of her. Immediately she thought she was the luckiest girl in the world. Jill was a naturalist too along with her family, but never really had any friends she could relate to about it.

They were married right after high school, and while Paul was in college Jill had 2 boys. Nathanael was born first, and 15 months later along came Nicholas. So, by the time Paul and Jill were 20 they had a family. 15 years later, Paul was an executive at a large media company, Jill was successful a real estate agent, and the boys were well entrenched in their high school.

Paul came home from his office early one afternoon. Jill was in her home office talking to her broker about a client's home purchase. She could see the excitement on his face as she finished her call.

"Hi honey what's going on?" Jill said as she walked around her desk and kissed her husband on the lips.

"I see you're still in your work clothes." Paul said as he looked down at his wife in her white button-down Oxford shirt, and that was all she was wearing.

"Yes, and you need to get out of yours." She said pulling at his tie.

"Okay, but first I want show you something." Paul said as he walked around to their computer and started typing in a web site address. "Come here and look at this."

Jill saw a beautiful island with palm trees, pristine white sandy beaches with the cutest pristine beach shacks. The pictures of the resort were all stunningly beautiful, with only 5-star reviews from the hundreds of customers.

"Looks wonderful honey, and I would love to go. But why are you so excited?" Jill asked, not seeing what was making Paul so thrilled.

"Look closer at this beach picture." Paul said.

Jill looked but still was not seeing what Paul was talking about.

"Here, let me zoom this in, see? Look at those two." Paul said pointing to his computer screen.

"Oh yea." Jill said as she heard the back door open, and slam shut.

"Hey boys we're in the office." Paul said.

"Are they naked?" Jill asked. Pointing to the two teens on the beach.

"Yes, and look they're about the boys age, and they're definitely naked.

Also, read the description of the resort: Loving family fun, all natural surroundings and discrete. And the last line, "All you need is your toothbrush."

"Hi mom. Hey dad what are you doing home?" Nic said as he walked into the office with Nate, both completely naked and eating a banana.

"I came home early to show your mother this special place I think we might go on vacation. Check it out!" Paul said as he turned the screen around for the boys to see.

"I'm going to get out of these clothes, check that place out and we'll talk about it when I come downstairs." Paul said as he walked away undoing his tie.

Paul hung up his suit, tossed his shirt and underwear in the laundry and came down to find the boy's watching TV and Jill in the kitchen. Paul came around from the back as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and placed his hands on her bare breast and squeezed both lovingly.

"Hey stud" Jill said as she reached back and tugged on his long, thick cock that was pushing up against her ass.

He turned her around and they kiss as Paul's hand found the folds of her cunt. His fingers were soon deep inside her, making her pant with pleasure. And when Paul's cock was towering above his balls, he pushed it into her wet, warm pussy as she gasped.

"Well, hello you! My hard boy." She said and kissed him passionately on the lips, shoving her tongue deep into his mouth.

Paul lifted her up and brought her over to the kitchen table and placed her gently on the edge and began to fuck her slowly as he twisted both her perky nipples with his fingers.

Jill was already wet from Paul's fingers, but whenever he played with her nipples, she began cumming almost immediately and Paul knew it. Jill's moans and shrieks started soon after and she began bucking her hips into Paul's crotch. She wasn't going to last long, Paul knew, so he began to concentrate on his own orgasm as he continued to fuck his wife.

"OH AHHHHH YES, YES, AHHHH OHHHHH YESSSS." Jill screamed as the first of her orgasms squirted juices all over Paul's cock and balls. But as she started to calm down from that one, Paul moved his hand down to her erect clit, and while rubbing it, she began to cum again.

This time, Paul was going to meet her in their unison, as he started to fuck her harder, she screamed and screeched. Jill had another two orgasms as Paul filled her pussy with another hot load of his cum. The second today.

"Oh babe, love you so much." Jill said as she still sat on the table with her legs spread, allowing her pussy to dry out a bit.

"Hey, did dad just fuck you mom?" Nic said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yea, come on." Jill said to her youngest as she leaned back and spread her legs wider.

Nic got down on his knees and began to lick and clean out his mother freshly fucked pussy. It was filled with his father's warm sperm, and there was nothing Nic like more. He had an insatiable appetite for cum, first with his father, then Nic's once his balls started producing, and now his own.

Nic's love of cum started when he was a young boy and continued today. His first taste was when he was 4 when his father jizzed right in his mouth.

"So, boys what did you think about the resort for a family vacation?" Paul asked them while they were eating dinner.

"Dad, it looks really cool. There are a lot of code words in the description too, so I think it's a naturalist family friendly place. Maybe even a place we could really be ourselves for once." Nate said as he ate the meatloaf his mother made for dinner.

"I think you're right Nate. Your mother and I think it would be a great place to just relax and enjoy. And if it's only a naturist family resort, it will still be a great vacation." Paul said.

Nate and Nic sat together in coach while their parents were in the next cabin in their business class seats. It was an all-night flight, so it didn't' mater that they weren't all together, they slept most of the way.

The small private Jet that brought them from Heathrow landed at the small island airport and pulled up right next to their waiting Land Rover. Nic and Nate were so excited, but yet a bit disappointed. Everyone still had clothes on including their driver, Maxime. Although really cute, Nate thought he would have been better looking if naked.

When they pulled up to the entrance to the resort, the check-in house was a single-story white clapboard structure with light blue shutters encasing all the windows, with a large wrap around porch that was very welcoming.

Maxime showed them in, bringing all their backpacks with him. Jill was starting to get worried, as no one was naked. Had they made a terrible mistake?

"Good morning." Jaren said as he walked through the back door to the resort in a pair of Shorts and a light blue polo.

"Good morning, we are the McMichael's family. I'm Paul, my wife Jill, and our two boys Nate and Nic.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all." Jaren said shaking everyone's hands.

"I see you've booked the Sable bungalow during your stay, it's a lovely two-bedroom cottage." Jaren said as he walked over to the map of the resort and pointed to their bungalow's location.

"Um....I..I don't know why but I was under the impression that this was a naturist resort. Were we wrong?" Jill spoke up.

"Oh no, you weren't wrong. In just a moment, before I take you to your bungalow, I am going to require you all to remove all your clothes. Actually, clothing is about the only thing that is not allowed at the resort and or anywhere on the island."

"Oh, thank god. I thought I made a huge mistake!" Paul said. "So my I ask why do you have clothes on?"

"To make you feel more comfortable in the transition." Jaren said as he pulled his Polo shirt over his head, and then undid his shorts and let them fall to the floor, exposing his tanned, taught naked body. "Now that's much better."

So, as Paul, Jill, and the boys eagerly removed their clothes Jaren told them about the island, and the amenities of the resort.

"So how did you find us?" Jaren asked Paul.

"Truthfully, I was looking at some family sights and came across a very elusive ad about the resort." Paul said. "And as I said before, thank god I was right, because as you suggested we only brought our toothbrushes."

"Wonderful, that's all you'll need and maybe some sunscreen." Jaren said as he walked them out the back door of the reception house into the resort.

As soon as they left the reception house, the world changed for all of them. The scene in front of them was much like the pictures online. White sandy beaches, palm trees swaying in the light breeze, with cute white bungalows all with large porches sprinkled around the green grasses with sandy pathways to and froe.

Jill gasped when she saw the beautiful beach in front of her. Paul gasped but for another reason. Everywhere he looked people were walking about; going to the beach, playing volleyball, lying by the pool, boys, girls, kids, adults, teenagers, and they were all naked.

"Just down the beach, this way to your bungalow." Jaren directed them.

Jaren walked them down to the beach, where people were swimming, playing in the sand, and many engaged is various sexual acts.

"Good morning Gloria and Bobby" Jaren said to a very attractive lady, who's teenage son some was laying on top of her fucking her. "Bobby you're getting quite tan."

"Oh yeaaaa....thanksss Jaren." He said as his hips continued to pump his cock deep into his mother cunt.

"Wow, does this happen all the time?" Nic asked, as he followed Jaren with a completely hard cock.

"There are no restrictions here, other than the children's pool. Only family members of the younger kids are allowed in that area. You can watch, but that's all."

"So, I can fuck anyone here?" Nate asked.

"Sure, as long as they say yes." Jaren said, and then stopped at a lounge chair that had two teenage boys, in a 69-position sucking each other's cock nosily.

"Hey Josh and Georgie, may I interrupt you for a minute, I'd like you to meet Nic and Nate, they just arrived at the resort with their parents." Jaren told his son and nephew. "Josh is my son, and Georgie is my nephew they're always horny."

"Hey!" Josh said standing up, his cock wet from his cousin's saliva, and hard. "You guys want to go swimming with us after we sum, the water is great."

"Yea, is that okay mom?" Nic asked, as he saw Georgie get up, his hard cock just as wet and hard as his cousin's.

"Honey, you don't have to ask just have fun, both of you." Jill said to her sons.

"Cool, we'll come back after we put our stuff away." Nate said, looking at the two boys who were just as hard as he was.

"How is it that your cock is soft with all these people around you are having sex right in front of you?" Jill asked Jaren as they continued down the beach.

"When I get horny or hard, I just stop and have sex with someone, plus I have a very sexually active family home life." Jaren said as they continued down the beach.

Jaren resumed the tour, and finally walked up a pathway to a large metal roofed bungalow, with an idyllic wrap around porch.

"Oh my god this is just lovely" Jill said as they walked inside and felt right at home.

The boys quickly dumped their backpacks and started to run out the door. "Hey, you two be back here by 6." Paul said as he watched their cute bubble butts run out the door and down the beach.

"God this is so great, thank you so much Jaren." Paul said as he noticed Jaren's cock start to chub.

Jaren walked up to Paul and put his hands under Paul's balls and kissed him deep on the lips. Paul's cock grew hard as their kiss lingered. Jill watched them with two fingers rubbering her pussy.

"Remember what I said I do when I get horny. I want you to fuck me, while I fuck your wife." Jaren said as he reached out and pulled Jill in for a kiss.

Jill joined their 3-way kiss as Jaren used his other hand to replace Jill's fingers. Paul had a good grip on Jaren's hard cock, that was now leaking all over his hand.

"Jill, do you have the lube handy?" Paul asked her.

"No need, we have bottles of lube in all the bedside tables, kitchen draw, and there's always one right her in the table between the chair and the couch." Jaren said opening the drawer and pulling out a fresh bottle of lube.

"Let's not rush this." Paul said and Jill agreed as she sat in the chair lifting her legs and planting them firmly on the arms of the chair, spreading her legs open wide.

Jaren bent down placing his hands on Jill's bent knees and plunged down between her legs and with one long lick of his tongue he licked her smooth, hairless pussy from the bottom, all the way up to her hard clit. And with Jaren's ass in perfect position, Paul spread his ass cheeks wide and ate his asshole just as hungerly.

Jaren loved eating anyone's pussy and was thrusting his tongue deep inside Jill's cunt pushing it deeper and deeper as Jill screeched with extasy. Jaren could tell that this wasn't the first time Paul had eaten some guy's ass, he was down on his knees licking and sucking, sticking his tongue deep inside Jaren's ass while playing with his low hanging, cum filled balls.

Jill had already had several mini orgasms, and Jaren was sucking them down his throat as her pussy would flush with her juices, but he knew she was almost ready for the big 'O'. He pulled her legs forward, her back was now lying on the cushion of the chair, her knees now up over Jaren's shoulders, and with his ass still in the air, he plunged his hard, wet cock deep into her cunt as she screamed in delight.

Paul stood, and with a mess of lube all over his cock, he grabbed onto Jaren's waist and pushed his cock deep into his wanting asshole. Jaren moaned with pleasure as he felt Paul's long, thick cock push balls deep inside him in one thrust.

Soon Paul and Jaren were fucking in unison as Jill sang out in delight as her pussy was getting power fucked by her husband and this guy with a extremely long cock. Her orgasms were coming on quickly one after another, she screeched and gasped as each took her breath away.

It wasn't until Paul began to fuck Jaren with force, and pounded away at his asshole, that Jill's ultimate climax was building.

"Oh god yes, yes, oh fuck me yes....yesss." Jill moaned loudly as her ultimate orgasm was almost too much for her to handle.

And when she did cum, all the neighbors knew it, as she screamed at the top of her lungs as her cunt contracted around Jaren's cock and squeezed it hard until her pussy exploded with huge gushing of her pussy cum that squirted out of her like a fucking high-powered hose. Jaren continued to fuck her hard as her orgasm crested and soon his own cock was spewing his thick load of cum deep inside her cunt, seeding her with as much sperm as his balls could produce.

Paul had no control over his own cock once his wife's intense orgasm blew, it instantly caused his balls to tighten hard, and he shot massive amounts of cum from his cock, that was now spewing into Jaren's asshole.

"Ahhhhhh Fuucckkkkkkkkkk!" Paul said as his cock shot hot cum deep inside Jaren's ass, as he was shooting his thick load into Paul's wife's drenched pussy.

"Mom, mom you won't believe what we did?" Nic said as he and Nate ran up the beach their dicks flopping wildly in the wind as they ran towards their mother and father laying in lounge chairs relaxing in the sun on the front porch of their cottage.

"Really, do tell!" His dad said as he was watching a brother and sister having sex on the beach as the waves softly crashed over them.

"Josh and Georgie were so nice, they live on the island and Josh's dad is the manager of the resort, and his other dad works at their house with his mom. He has 3 parents!" Nic said excitedly.

"Wow, that's interesting." Jill said, remembering that Jaren had told her had a husband and wife.

"And you'll never guess what Nate did??" Nic said, just waiting to blurt it out.

"Shut up, you little brat." Nate said, trying to put his hand over his brother's mouth. But Nic squirmed away.

"He went into the water house with Josh drank his boys piss!" Nic screamed in delight.

"Wow, that sound like fun Nate, did you get hard?" His father asked now more interested in what his boys were saying instead of the siblings on the beach.

"You wouldn't believe there were like 4 couples in their drinking each other's piss. Guy's drinking girls and other guy's piss. And girls doing the same. Yea, I got hard!" Nate said and was starting to get hard right there telling the story.

"Where was that?" Paul asked with a little too much enthusiasm.

"The yellow building near the pool." Nic said "Do you want to show you dad?"

"No, you boys go and have fun. Your mother and I are going to do some exploring around the resort. We'll meet you back at the cabin later on." Paul said to his boys as they ran off down the beach again.

Paul and Jill were in awe of the resort, it was everything they had hoped for as they walked hand and hand down to the beach completely naked. Family and friends were just being free to do what they wanted, no judgement, or ridicule for the way they wanted to live their lives.

What Paul and Jill loved most about the resort was how free everyone was with their sexual beings, men and women expressing themselves sexually without a care. The men and boys walking around with hard- ons as if it were the natural state of their cocks. Woman, just as expressive as the men enjoying sex openly, wherever and with whomever they desired, sharing their bodies with their neighbors, friends and family as most everyone in the resort was doing. It was almost too overwhelming for them. Paul couldn't contain his hard-on, as a steady flow of pre-cum was running down his stomach into his well-trimmed pubic hair, and Jill's nipples were hard, and so sensitive and felt like they were ready to leak as much as Paul's cock. And her cunt wasn't moist, she was completely wet. And the sexual aroma wafting up from her crotch was causing Paul's cock actually start dripping globs or pre-cum as they walked.

Shortly they came upon a family lying on a large blanket in the sand that they decided to stop and introduce themselves. The mother was reading a book, while her husband was lying on his stomach, going down on his teenage son's hard cock, sucking him off much to the boy's obvious delight.

"Oh daddy yea, ohhhh yea, yea, yea, ohhhhhhhh." He moaned loudly as his father deep throated his son's huge rod. Their son looked to be the age of Nick and Nate, but with long, white-blond hair that hung down past his shoulders. His eyes were deep blue, and except for the beautiful mane of hair on his head, he was completely hairless.

"Hello, we haven't seen you around the resort." The mother said, not really paying much attention to her husband and son.

Both Paul and Jill were quite stunned at what a beautiful family they were, all had bleach blond hair, deep blue eyes, and dark tans covering their entire hairless bodies. The wife's breasts were tight, and round, with a nice sized nipple. The boy was slim, with tight was board abs leading down to his smooth, flat pubic bone.

"We just arrived today, doing a little exploring while our boys are playing on the beach." Jill said, trying not to make it obvious that all she wanted to do was sucking on her perky nipples.

"Sit down, please. I'm Gigi and this is my partner Andi, and this is our son Stell and his sister Mya is swimming." She motioned to the beautiful blond with her head bobbing up and down in the water.

"Don't you just love it here, we had planned to spend a week, but have been here a month already." Gigi said after Jill and Paul settled on their blanket.

"It's paradise, we never thought....." Jill tried to explain.

"I know, Andi and I never in our wildest dreams. Growing up we never thought we would be able to be so free." Gig explained.

"Oh, you grew up in the same town?" Paul asked.

"Yes, you could say that." Andi said, lifting his head off his son's hard uncut, wet cock. "Gigi is not only my partner, and the mother of our children, she's also my sister."

"That is so wonderful, wow I thought you two looked alike." Jill said.

"Oh fuck dad yea, oh I'm going to cum ahhhhhhh" Stell said as his hips jerked as his father continued to assault his long, hard cock.

No one could take their eyes off the two as the boy's orgasm peaked while his father swallowed ever rope of cum the teen was shooting down his throat.

"Oh, fuck Stell, that was so good. Thanks." His father said as he rolled over and sat up on the blanket. His raging hard, uncut cock poking into his tight stomach.

"No problem dad." Stell said as he got up, kissed his father deeply and ran into the water and joined his sister.

"His cum is just heavenly, you guys should make sure to try it while you're on the island, you won't regret it, believe me." Andi said as both Paul and Jill stared at him.

"Wait.....aren't you the....yea, didn't you play in that TV....." Paul began to ask.

"I go by Andi here, just a guy enjoying his time with his family." Andi said, not wanting this conversation to go any further.

"Oh yea, yea I get it." Paul said shaking his head. "Andi, nice to meet you." Paul said extending his hand and they shook.

"I knew it wouldn't be long!" Andi said looking out at the water, Jill and I following his gaze.

And if my cock wasn't hard already, watching Andi's boy as he emerged from the water, naked with his golden-brown tan, bleached blonde hair, and model like physique my cock would have boned instantly. Then with his stunningly beautiful sister cradled in his arms, my cock twitched again, and I felt a warm gush of pre-cum flow from my cock and leak down the whole of my shaft as I watched them both emerge naked from the water. Even Jill gasped at the sight of these gorgeous kids walking towards us.

Stell carried his sister devotedly, their eyes glued to each other. As they neared us, his full ball sack swung wildly under his large cock that once again towered high above them, his cock was so perfectly shaped with a large helmet head, and long tight shaft, it was beautiful! And with all our eyes on this god-like beauties Stell walked right up to the towel and laid his sister down gently with his eyes lovingly focused on only one thing, his sister!

Both Jill and I watched keenly as he knelt down in front of Mya and spread her legs wide. Her mound was bare, tanned, and smooth. He began to lick her inner thigh slowly, licking each droplet of water from her legs, as she laid on the blanket, with her arms up over her head. Her breasts were full and round, not too large, except for her nipples which were vast, hard, and extremely perky, just like her mother's. Stell scooped her up with his arms under her knees and pulled her crotch up to him. His face dove into her hairless vag and began to eat her out with ravenous hunger. His tongue was long and darting in and out as he sucked on her smooth heavy pussy lips as she withered and moaned on the towel below him.

Stell's cock was as plastered against his hard stomach as he knelt on the towel devouring his sisters warm, wet cunt . I could feel the torrents of pre-cum flowing from the head of my cock, as I watch the boy eat, suck, and finger his sister's pussy.

I looked over at Jill who was watching them just as intently as I was. Her finger rubber her clit softly. Andi and Gigi were on the other side of them, Gigi still reading her book, glancing over every so often to watch her kids, while Andi gently played with Mya's hair as he watched his son and daughter enjoy each other's sex.

Stell's licked his way up Mya's lean body, until he latched onto one of her large, supple nipples. She shrieked with extasy as he sucked, bit, and nibbled on her breast. She was really getting into it, moaning and shrieking, as he tormented her into a sexual frenzy.

I looked down to see Stell had two or three fingers insider her pussy, as his thumb rubbed her hard clit which explained her extreme stimulation, and when I looked back, Andi had move onto her other nipple and was sucking on it just as hard as Stell.

"Oh god, oh goddd dadddd, oh god yes, fuck yes!!!" she moaned as she pushed his head down on her tit, begging him to suck her harder. Soon she began to buck her hips and tremble as her body overflowed with extasy.

I looked at Jill again, she was just as wet as Mya, her hand was rubbing her cunt hard as I could tell she was extremely close to an orgasm, which I knew would be one of many while we watched these two stimulate this girl into multiple orgasms.

And when Stell's ass fell between Mya's legs, his mouth was on hers. Their kiss was deep and passionate as his tongue frolicked in each other's mouths. Andi moved away giving his kids the room they needed to make love, but continued to watch as his son's hand guided his hard cock into his sisters wet, soft cunt.

"OHHHHHHHH YEA STELL, FUCK ME!" Mya screamed as I watched

Stell's hard, thick uncut cock slowly sink past his sisters smooth, puffy pussy lips, until he was deep inside her.

"ahhhh fuck Mya, you feel so fucking good." Stell said as he laid on top of her, his cock buried deep insider the warm, wet folds of her cunt.

My cock was leaking nonstop covering my hand as I glided my fingers slowly up and down on my stiff shaft. I noticed Jill now had 4 fingers deep insider her wet cut, while Andi was yanking his balls hard, pulling his massive erect cock up and then letting it slap against his tight stomach, each time with a loud thud.

We were all too preoccupied watching these two kids fuck to notice what each of us was doing. So, we all just sat there masturbating as Stell fucked his sister right there on the beach.

With the slow motion of Stell's ass, he continued to slowly push his hard cock deeper and deeper inside his sisters cunt. Her legs wrapped around his ass, pushing him further in to the depths of her warm vaginal cavern. His mouth was on hers as they made out while he fucked her passionately as they both moaned and purred in delight.

Watching this I knew I needed to fuck someone, and quick. My balls were so tight and aching to explode my hot spunk. I turned to Jill, knowing how good her cunt would feel as I plowed my needy cock into her warmth. But I missed something while transfixed on the two teenagers fucking next to me. Jill was laid out on her back, her knees bent, with her legs spread eagle, as Gigi heads bobbed slightly as she pleasured my wife with her mouth and tongue.

I watched as Jill held her lovers head down into her crotch while Gigi eagerly ate her pussy while Jill whimpered her pleasure loudly.

"I need to fuck!" I said desperately, and with a quick reaction I grabbed the small bottle that I saw coming at me by the corner of my eye.

I looked down at the bottle of lube, and then looked over at Andi, who smiled, at me as he rolled onto his hands and knees. And as I got up, I squirted a glob of the wet gooey liquid in my hand. I had to pull my stiff, tight cock away, as it was plastered against my stomach. So, by the time I kneeled behind Andi my cock was slick and ready to fuck his ass.

Andi and I were perfectly situated on the towel, Stell fucking his sister to the right of us, and Gigi going down on my wife was to the left. So, when I sank my cock into Andi's not so virginal asshole, we soon joined the chorus of slapping skin, grunts, moans, shrieks, and wet fucking sounds that serenaded the beach area.

I was pretty much focused on watching the twins fucking next to us as my hips rocked back and forth, sliding my cock in an out of Andi's hot ass until I reached out and grabbed his hips and pulled myself tight into his ass. Suddenly I could feel his muscles against my fingers, and his smooth, naturally hairless body.

Slowly I moved my hands up his hard, flat torso getting off on the feel of his perfectly toned body, especially his pecks. They were firm and round and I caressed them feeling his hard perky nipples on my palms. It wasn't until I grabbed both his erect nipples between my fingers and began to message them that Andi began to wither beneath me.

Suddenly his body was rocking with mine as our fuck became seriously intense. He through is head back, as I fucked him harder, as my fingers were twisting his hard nipples relentlessly.

"OH YEA FUCK ME, YEA, FUCK MY ASS HARD! Andi screamed as I slammed my hips into his ass, thrusting my hard cock so deep inside his ass our balls were bounce of one another's.

It was so fucking intense! I've fucked my boys many time, and had the occasional male friend, but never, ever have I fucked someone so hard, so extreme, and so fucking passionate. It was like we were alone on the beach, just the two of us, fucking as if our life's depended on it. And when my balls couldn't hold out any longer, I grabbed his hips again and pounded his ass so fucking hard, his knees were sinking into the sand under the towel.

"Oh fuck I'm going to cum.....aahhhh yea......FUCKKKKK!" And my balls exploded, shooting ropes of my hot cum so deep inside Andi's ass as I continue to plow into him.

I can feel Andi's hand jerking his own hard cock with intense vigor, as my cock continues to fill is ass up with my spunk. And when his balls tightened and just as his cock was about to erupt, his ass tense up around my hard, spewing cock and my second orgasm began immediately and we both convulsed and shivered as we came at the same time.

"Ahhh fuck!" I said as our orgasms waned and Andi collapsed on the blanket and soon, I found myself laying on top of him, my cock still hard, and deep inside him.

Andi turned his head, I looked at him and kissed the side of his lips. "Dude, I haven't been fucked like that in a long time, thank you." Andi said as we both laid there trying to catch our breath.

"I ahhh know ahhh" I answered exhaustedly.

Just then Stell and Mya jumped up and ran to the water, I looked at Andi.

"Should we?" I asked.

"Fuck yea" He said. So, I pulled my somewhat deflated cock from the comfort of his warm tight asshole and offered him a hand up. His cock was straight out in front of him. His whole rod dripping in cum, and we laughed as we looked down at the beach towel, which was covered in thick ropes of cum, sprayed everywhere.

After a long, proper tongue filled kiss we joined Stell, Mya, Gigi, and Jill in the warm waters of the Mediterranean.

Our first dinner was 5 stars, and the service was the best we had ever experienced. We all sat with Andi and his family at their table. As we all were becoming fast friends.

The service was very pleasurable and not only because every member of the staff was between 16 to 18 years old, or that each one looked like a model from a magazine. But mainly because each one of them, even though they were from all around the world were attentive, professional, and spoke perfect English. And very accommodating to whatever you need, wanted, and could think of wanting.

They were all naked like everyone they were serving, and like many of the guests, they were completely smooth, from neck to toe, not a hair on any of the boys or girls. They were plain and simply 'sex objects', and we soon learned from our tablemates the limits or lack thereof to they would do to serve their customer.

Kyle was our server, a tall boy with light brown moppy hair, and deep blue eyes. He'd served Andi's family since they arrived, so they knew him well. So just after we sat down, he was already on his way with cocktails for Andi and Gigi, and beers for the kids. And as the dinner progressed, Kyle walked up to Andi and stood there patiently while Andi finished a story, he was telling us about one of his movie shoots.

"Oh Kyle, thank you." Andi said as he lifted Kyle's soft cut cock to his mouth. Kyle just stood there as we watched questioningly until it soon became obvious that Andi was gulping down Kyle's piss.

Andi drank for a short time, and then squeezed his fingers on Kyle's still soft cock indicating that he was done, so Kyle moved back and walked over to Stell. Stell declined as did Mya, so Kyle started to walk away until Nate spoke up.

"Kyle, may I have some." Nate said shyly.

"Oh, I am so sorry, of course." Kyle said as he walked over and stood next to my son.

Following Andi's example Nate took Kyle's still soft cock in his fingers and bent to put the head of his cock into his mouth. I staired as Nate's throat began to move, knowing that my son was now drinking piss straight from another man's cock.

It came on so suddenly, so there was no way to stop it from happening. Without warning, I gasped and jerked as I unexpectedly had an orgasm right there at the table. My cock began shooting ropes of cum all over my stomach, balls, even on the tablecloth.

"Fuck that was hot!" Andi said as he watched me convulse and gasp as I tried to recover from my orgasm.

"Oh my god, WOW that was fucking hot!" I said kind of in shock.

"I guess so!" Andi and Jill said as everyone at the table looked at me.

As Kyle walked away, Gigi told us about what service he did for the resort. He was the groomer, or body beautician. She stood up and actually showed us her freshly waxed pubic mound.

"Here, feel what a wonder job he does." She said to Jill, as she ran her fingers across Gigi clit and pubic area.

"Nice!" Jill said as she continued to move her hand around Gigi's crotch.

"Check it out, Paul. You all could do with some body grooming, and it's free. Although a tip is recommended." Gigi said as she walked over towards Paul who, like his wife, felt her smooth pubic area.

"Does he wax men and woman?" Nate asked.

"Well Kyle is gay, but yes he'll wax anyone and any area." Andi said. "He does a great job on my balls, and ass crack.

"Well, I know what we are all doing tomorrow." Nic and Nate said at the same time.

If you enjoyed my new story let me know aslo any Comments, suggestions, or personal expriences you'd like to share please email me at

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Next: Chapter 7

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