Tommy the Toughguy

By Greivous Hardshank

Published on Jun 16, 2005



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and is not based on true events nor does the author have any intention of doing so. This is a story of a sexual union between a man and a boy. It's content may be unsettling so be forewarned. The author considers this work to be a psychological purging, a healthy way to clean the cobwebs of the mind.

Tommy the Tough Guy

Tommy and his three friends enjoyed their stolen beer in the comfort and safety of the thick thatch of woods deep within the park on the outer rim of the city they lived in. Tommy convinced his friends to distract the cashier at the food mart so he could grab a twelve pack and run out the door with it, the store clerk yelling and giving chase. "That guy in the store is so stupid," said Tommy, brushing his medium length hair off his sweaty brow. It was a hot and humid night and the cold beer hit the spot. "And we done it before," replied Squib, the youngest at 12 and the smallest. Squib had spiky hair that was bleached blond, almost white. With his glasses, he had a nerdy cool thing going on. The other two boys, Ray a chubby redhead and Josh, a stout but solid brunette, laughed in agreement. In the woods, the sound of approaching footsteps snapping twigs made the boys freeze up and go silent. There was a footpath some ten yards from the area they were sitting. In the gray light of dusk, the boys could see the outline of what appeared to be a short man. He didn't look very intimidating and stopped when he saw the three boys in the brush. "Hi," the man said. "You boys all alone down here?" "Why?" Tommy said getting to his feet. "You looking to suck our dicks?" "Whoa there partner," the man replied putting his hands up in a non-combative gesture. "Just being friendly. It's not safe to be down here in the dark. I'll be on my way." The man turned and continued down the path. "Hey, I'm talking to you faggot." Tommy said puffing his chest and following the man onto the path. "It's perverts like you that don't make it safe." "Tommy, no," said Squib as he watched his friend chase after the man. Squib could hear Tommy's voice fade as he yelled at the man and continued after him. Then the woods went silent. "What if something happens to him?" Squib said turning to his other two friends Ray and Josh. "He doesn't know who that guy is." "Tommy is an asshole," Josh replied. "Sometimes I can't stand being around him." "Yeah," agreed Ray. "He picks on me a lot. He deserves what he gets." "C'mon you guys," Squib pleaded. "Okay, he can be a dick sometimes. But that's no reason why he should get in some sort of trouble with that guy." Josh and Ray reluctantly agreed and followed Squib down the footpath. Ten minutes later in a grass covered clearing some ten yards off the footpath covered by heavy brush, the man pushed Tommy to the ground. The boy fought to catch his breath from the punch the man administered to him just moments before. Tommy pulled himself to his knees and looked in the direction where the man was standing. As he made out the figure in the increasing darkness, a cold, hard slap to his face landed him back on the ground again. "Come looking for a fight?" the man said. "Looks like you got one." The man circled Tommy. The boy looked smaller and younger than his tough attitude would warrant. He kicked the boy in his side just hard enough to drive the air from his lungs and to let him know who was in charge now. At first the man thought the boy to be about sixteen or seventeen. Seeing the boy curled up in a ball, he guessed him to be about thirteen or fourteen. "Stand up." Tommy pulled himself to his knees, expecting another kick or slap from the man. "Stand up or I'll beat you some more." Tommy slowly pulled himself to his feet. He brushed the dirt and grass from his clothes. He could see the man but not very clearly. He was much bigger than Tommy initially thought. The boy could swear the man on the path was much smaller or else he wouldn't have chased the man down. He caught up with the man on the path and the next thing he knew, the man had overpowered him and dragged him through the woods. "Like beating up faggots? I'm a faggot. Beat me up." Tommy started to back away from the man fearing he would get seriously hurt if he didn't get out of this situation. With speed Tommy couldn't defend, the man grabbed Tommy by his medium length blond hair and hauling him up on his tippy toes. "You aren't going anywhere," the man said. "You and I are going to have some fun and we have all night to do it. " The man lowered the boy but kept a tight grip of his hair. "What's your name?" Tommy didn't answer and tried to pull himself from the man's grip. The man slapped Tommy hard again on his face. "I said what the fuck is your name?" "Tommy," the boy replied, tears welling in his eyes. Tommy was scared now and feared for his life. This guy was strong and he meant business. "Tommy," the man replied. "How old are you Tommy?" "Fourteen," the boy sniffled. "Tommy the tough guy. Not so tough now, eh?" The man wiped one of the tears from Tommy's cheek. He brought it up to his mouth and licked it off his fingertip. "Strip." "Fuck you!" Tommy yelled as he again tried to struggle free. The man punched Tommy hard in the stomach, the boy falling in a heap at the man's feet. The man reached down and grabbed Tommy by his throat. He pulled the boy off the ground and pulled him close. "Listen you little asshole. You came after me for a fight and you got one. I kicked your scrawny ass and now you're mine. We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Either way, you try anything and I won't hesitate to break your fucking neck. We understand each other?" Tommy nodded his head and the man released his grip on his throat. "Now take off your clothes". "My friends will call the cops if they don't find me," the boy said as he heard the faint cries of his friends calling his name fading away. "Not with stolen beer on their breath," the man replied. "I saw you guys boost the beer from that convenience store." "I'll tell the cops." "No you won't. That will ruin your tough guy reputation if everyone knew you had sex with a guy." "It's rape." "It doesn't have to be. Now get naked." Tasting blood in his mouth from the last slap, Tommy slowly pulled his t-shirt over his head. The night was hot and humid and the shirt was damp with sweat. The boy had a smooth, nicely defined chest and a tummy that was tight but round, jutting out from the sharp curve of his lower back with a lean, tapered waistline. The man liked what he saw so far. The boy was smooth and hairless, even under the pits. Tommy kicked off his sneakers and hesitantly started to undo his baggy jeans. As baggy as they were, he really didn't have to unbutton the top button and pull down his fly. He was just buying a little time. The jeans fell down around his ankles and he kicked them off. Tommy pulled off his socks and stood in the pale light of the moon in his underpants. "The panties, them too," the man ordered. Tommy hooked his thumbs in the elastic waistband of his underwear and slipped them over his slim waist and down his smooth legs. Naked, Tommy cupped his hands over his crotch. Even in the dark, he could feel the man's eyes on his body. He heard what sounded like a zipper from a duffel bag or backpack opening and the man digging around in it. Tommy heard a click and a small battery powered camping lantern came on. The man placed the lantern at Tommy's feet. Even with the light, Tommy still had a hard time making out the features of the man or his face. "Let's take a look here," the man said as he pulled the boy's hands away from his crotch. "Nice." Tommy hung about three inches limp and his cut penis was crowned with a small thatch of pubic hair at the base. The man ran his hand over Tommy's chest, slowly rubbing the small nipples. Tommy hitched his breath as the man moved his hand over his chest and tummy, delicately feeling the lean, smooth skin. "Tommy the tough guy's penis," the man said as he delicately encircled the head with his fingers. "Just relax, Tommy. This is going to happen so try to enjoy it." Slowly and gently he rubbed his fingers in a circling motion around the tip of the penis. Almost immediately the man felt the young dick twitch and grow in response to his touch. Tommy tried to keep his mind as far away from what was happening as he could but could not control his penis from reacting to the man's fingers as they expertly produced a five-inch erection. The man moved his fingers down the shaft until they touched the silky smudge of pubic hair that punctuated an otherwise perfect dick. "That's real nice, Tommy," the man gently cooed as his hand slipped down to cup the boy's scrotum. "Nice and tight. No hair. Feels like you got a real load in there. How about if we check out that perfect little ass of yours?" While he continued to fondle Tommy's pecan sized balls, he cupped his right bun in his sweaty hand. Tommy began to shake from the feelings his body was experiencing. He fooled around with girls but no one had ever touched his naked body like this before. He was revolted that it was this man doing it to him yet he was curiously aroused by the sensations. "My god Tommy, do you have any idea of how beautiful you are?" The man asked as his hand explored and massaged the boy's firm, smooth buttocks. The man turned his hand sideways and ran his index finger between the crack of Tommy's behind. Tommy flinched but did not struggle as a fingertip discovered the tight slit of his rectum that was moist with sweat. "I need to get a better look at that," the man said as he released his hands from Tommy. The man disappeared into the dark. Tommy could hear him digging through the bag again. Tommy's mind screamed at him to run but he knew he couldn't get far in the thick brush naked. He also feared what would happen to him if the man caught him. The man stepped back into the light and laid a blanket on the thick grass along the edge of a fallen tree. He then laid a towel over the trunk of the fallen tree. "Bend over that tree," the man commanded. Out of just plain fear, the boy knelt down on the blanket and rested his torso on the towel-covered tree. He was now vulnerable and tears welled in his eyes. It was unbelievable that he was stupid enough to get himself in a situation like this. "Let's see how yummy your ass is." He cupped both cheeks in his hands and gently massaged the perfect globes, each time spreading the cheeks apart. In the dim light, the man could barely see the razor thin slit of Tommy's asshole. With his thumbs, he spread the slick hole only to discover its perfection continued with only a hint of pucker surrounded the cavity. The man hated sloppy, puckered assholes and those nasty areolas that sometimes surrounded them. Not this boy. His hole was flawless and clean. The man liked the fact that Tommy kept himself clean back here. Most boys leave disgusting shit stains in their underwear because they are often too lazy or never taught to properly clean themselves up. Not Tommy. This boy spends time with his asshole. The man dug his face into Tommy's crack and shoved his tongue in the tangy rectum. Tommy's whole body jerked as he was taken by surprise by the wet intruder. "Mmmm...mmm...yeah..." the man moaned as his tongue excavated Tommy's rectum. The pungent taste of sweat and the faint odor of soap pleased the man. He slurped and lapped at the quivering hole, enjoying each moment as he forced his tongue deeper and deeper into the untried cavity. The man reached between Tommy's legs and pulled his penis towards him. As he licked the boy's asshole, he suckled slowly down his perineum until his tongue found the tight nut sack. Tommy arched his back and drew in a deep breath as his testes were enveloped in the warm, moist mouth of the man. The man rolled each nugget with his tongue while he delicately fondled the boy's penis with his fingertips. He let the scrotum fall out of his mouth then proceeded to wrap his lips around Tommy's now hard boner. "Oh...oh...oh god," Tommy said softly as his body tensed at the new sensation. "That's it Tommy," the man replied as he jacked the slippery organ. "Get into it." He pushed the hot dick back into his mouth and suckled the boy in earnest. There was no greater experience than witnessing the first throes of sexual awakening in a young boy. As for Tommy, it was all too hard to digest the feelings of pleasure while in a situation he never thought would be his first real sexual encounter. The man released Tommy's penis from his mouth with a pop and licked his way back to Tommy's hole. He continued to massage the penis as his tongue again had its way with the boy's virgin slit. The man worked his saliva deep into the hot crater, lubing it up for what would come later. "Get up and sit on the tree," the man said as he gave Tommy's buns one last squeeze. Tommy obeyed and sat on the log. The man then backed into the darkness and Tommy heard what sounded like the man removing his clothes. Tommy had been wondering when the man would turn his sexual desires on him. The man stepped back into the light and all Tommy saw at his eye level was the man's six-inch cut hard on getting closer and closer to his face. "Don't make me do this," Tommy said as he began to sob. "Please, let me go. Don't do this." "You've come this far Tommy," the man said as he positioned his penis just a whisper away from Tommy's face. "It's not as bad as you think it will be." The man liked tears. Crying produced thick, gooey saliva. "Please don't" "Do it Tommy." The man gripped a handful of Tommy's hair to make his point. His dick head touched Tommy's lips as his pre-cum dribbled out of his piss slit. Tommy opened his mouth and the man inserted just his cock head past the boy's lips. His dick wasn't that big, maybe six inches, and his dick head wasn't that large at all. The man grabbed his dick and swirled the head inside Tommy's mouth just past his lips. The boy was dripping with spit as he continued to quietly sob. The boy had a dick in his mouth. This was never supposed to happen to him. He should be fucking girls and putting his dick in their mouths. Instead, his arrogance was to blame for this. He was being raped by his own ego. "I'm going to put more of it your mouth Tommy," The man inched his penis into the undiscovered territory of Tommy's mouth slowly and a little at a time. From Tommy's point of view, the thick bush of course, brown pubic hair inched closer to his face as the man's penis slid deeper into Tommy's mouth. Tommy placed his hands on the man's naked hips to resist the intrusion and opened his mouth as far as it would go to allow the dick more room in his mouth. As the head touched the back of his throat, Tommy coughed violently and dry heaved. "You have to relax Tommy," the man said as he withdrew his dick. "Breath through your nose and keep swallowing if you feel like gagging. Keep your lips around my dick and watch your teeth." The man reinserted his dick into the boy's mouth and pushed its length slowly in. As the penis disappeared into Tommy's mouth, the boy again coughed several times but the man didn't withdraw. "Relax Tommy...swallow." Tommy swallowed and the man pulled his face into the bush of hair at the base of his penis. "You got it Tommy. Swallow...swallow. My dick isn't that big" Tommy swallowed and did not cough or gag as the full length of the man's dick rested in a puddle of spit on his tongue. "You got it Tommy," the man said as he put both hands behind Tommy's head and slowly rocked his hips. "Tommy the tough guy giving head," Tears streamed out of Tommy's eyes as the humiliation continued. He minded his teeth and kept his lips wrapped around the throbbing shaft. Concentrating own the task at hand kept his mind off the whole horrible experience. "Keep swallowing Tommy. Yeah...that's the boy. That feels so good Tommy. Your mouth is so hot." The man began to slowly move his dick in Tommy's mouth, pulling back ever so slightly then pushing back in. Tommy coughed and gagged again. The man pulled out to give the boy a breather. "Tommy the tough guy sucking dick." Tommy coughed up a mouthful of saliva, his body heaving as he caught his breath. "Look up at me, Tommy." The boy looked up at the man as he used his penis to wipe the tears from Tommy's right cheek. He moved the slippery organ over the bridge of his nose then down the side of his left cheek resting his spit covered knob on the boy's chin. As the man moved his dickhead over Tommy's lips, the boy obediently open his mouth in a gesture of surrender. Tommy's eyes were filled with tears as he continued to look the man in the eyes. The man knew his humiliation was complete and Tommy was no longer a threat to fight back. The man pushed his dick back into Tommy's mouth to the hilt and began to vigorously fuck the boy's face. The loud, wet slurping was deafening in the quiet confines of the woods as Tommy's head pivoted from the force of the man's pounding cock. The man pulled out again as Tommy gagged and coughed up a large load of spit. After allowing the boy to regain his composure, the man again aimed his dick at Tommy's lips and shoved his tool into the waiting mouth, this time pumping in and out with a slower cadence. The man pulled out again and grabbed Tommy by the hair on the back of his head and pulled the boy's head back. The man then put one leg up on the log and rested his sack on Tommy's chin. "Lick my balls Tommy," the man said as he forced Tommy's face between his legs. Tommy carefully slid the tip of his tongue over the sweaty scrotum. "Put them in your mouth and roll them with your tongue." Tommy opened his lips and invited one of the hair-covered testes into the warm comfort of his mouth. He rolled the ball like the man said and the man began to groan. "Oh shit Tommy," the man said as he threw his head back. "That is so good. Now the other one." Tommy released the ball and slurped the other into his mouth, rolling it around like he did with the other. Still holding Tommy by the hair, the man moved up on Tommy and pushed his face further into the moist recess of his perineum. "You know what you have to do Tommy. I did you now you do me." "Please don't make me," Tommy said as he began to sob uncontrollably. "I'll suck your dick. I'll lick your balls. But don't make me do this." "The price you pay for being a tough guy, Tommy," the man replied. "The quicker you do it, the quicker we can get on to other things." Tommy could smell the musky odor as the man shoved his nose into his asshole. Tommy gave a few quick licks but pushed his tongue deeper as the man gave a stern tug of his hair. It was sweaty and pungent but not as nasty as the boy feared it would be. The man ordered him to circle his tongue, push it in and out. The man kept this up for five minutes before pulling Tommy's head back out and pushed his penis back into Tommy's mouth. "Get it real slippery with spit. It will go in a lot easier." Tommy barely had time to catch his breath as the man wrapped his arms around the boy's head and smothered his face into his pubic hair. Tommy pushed against the man's hips with his hands but the man's strength was overpowering. Tommy thought he would either suffocate from lack of air or drown in the voluminous pocket of spit pooling in his mouth. The man pulled out and Tommy spit his mouthful of saliva over the man's dick. "Bend over that log," the man ordered the boy. Tommy rested his tummy on the towel covering the log. The man knelt down behind Tommy and gazed at the boy's perfectly formed globes. The man cupped each cheek and vigorously kneaded the soft, flawless flesh. The man put two fingers together and spit on them. He then spread the cheeks and shoved the spit-covered fingers into the boy's hole. Tommy gasped as the fingers penetrated his virgin rectum. He pulled his fingers out and spit on them again, then shoved the wad of spit into Tommy. The man grabbed his own cock and wrapped his fingers around the base and pulled up on his shaft, forcing a generous quantity of pre-cum out of his piss slit. He then rubbed it over his already slimy, spit-covered dick ensuring a nice, slippery entry. "Bite down on this," the man said picking up a stick and putting in Tommy's mouth. "My cock head isn't that big so it shouldn't be too bad. Spread your legs a little more. That's the boy." The man put both hands on Tommy's cheeks and spread them as far as they would go. He pushed his glistening dick head against Tommy's hole and began to push. Tommy arched his back and let out a muffled cry as the searing pain from the man's cock shot all the way up his spine. "Relax Tommy...relax like you did when you sucked my dick, " the man whispered as he pushed more of his dick into the small cavity. "Aaaahh!" Tommy screamed as he clamped down hard on the stick. The pain was almost crippling and he felt as though he were being torn apart. Sweat fell from his face and tears streamed down his cheeks "Stof hurfs too mush." "Just a little more Tommy." The man replied as he pushed his dick in until his pubes finally touched Tommy's cheeks. "That's it, baby, I'm in." The man rested his weight on Tommy's back whispered comforting support in his ear as he nibbled and licked the lobe, slowly rocking their body's in a slow, easy pace, allowing the boy to get used to having a dick in his ass. The man pulled Tommy's head back by his hair and yanked the stick out then began to kiss the boy full on the mouth, his tongue exploring the sweet cavity. Tommy was too weak to resist and surrendered his mouth to the man, his own tongue dancing wetly with the man's. The man got off Tommy's back and looked down at the magnificent sight below him. It was almost enough to make the man blow his load seeing his dick buried in the perfect, tiny behind. "Tommy the tough guy getting fucked," Very slowly the man began to gently move his dick in and out of the slippery hole. Tommy no longer cried out as the pain was not so intense anymore but it still hurt like hell having that thing in his butt. Tommy tried to relax his body, doing what he could to get this over with as soon as possible. As strange and painful as it was, Tommy thought about how the man's pubes tickled against his cheeks. The pain lessened and Tommy felt the man taking longer strokes. The man was now able to pull almost the whole length of his penis out and push it back into the boy. For almost five minutes the man pumped away at Tommy. He placed his hands on Tommy's hips and increased his cadence. Within a minute he was pulling his dick out to the edge of his head and ramming it back in to the hilt, his balls and stomach connecting to the sweaty cheeks with sharp, crisp slaps that seemed to echo in the woods. The man place his hands on Tommy's tummy and pulled the boy upright against his own chest. The boy tilted his head back, his eyes closed and his mouth open gasping large gulps of air. The man caressed Tommy's chest and stomach, exploring the tender, young sweat covered flesh. With his left hand, the man's fingers delicately played with the small nipples, his right hand moving curiously to the boy's crotch. The man ran his fingers through Tommy's corn silk soft pubic hair, the small snatch the only growth the boy had. The boy groaned as the man's fingers began to circle his small cock head, his dick reacting in erection. As Tommy's penis grew to it's full four inches, the man used his whole hand cupped to rub the shaft and massage the testes. The man continued to fuck the boy, his strokes now slower and more refined. There was still some slight pain, but Tommy felt something more exciting happening to his body. "That's it, Tommy," the man whispered in the boy's ear. "Bring home the bacon." The man wrapped his hand around the now slippery shaft of the penis, pre-cum dripping profusely from the thin piss slit. The man brought his left hand down and cupped the boy's nut sack. Tommy was close to his ejaculate as the scrotum swelled in his hand. The man increased his thrusting, his penis pounding at the small nut of Tommy's prostate. Tommy arched his back and threw his head back, his mouth wide with the grimace of orgasm. His whole body shuddered as his cum shot out of his dick, every muscle in his body vibrating with electricity as his penis released its powerful orgasm. The man cupped his hand over Tommy's dick head, capturing the sweet nectar shooting from the boy's dick. Tommy's orgasm lasted almost a whole thirty seconds, the boy unable to breathe, his body frozen in delight as the orgasm shot through every nerve in his body. Spent, the boy's whole upper body heaved and dripped sweat as he gulped in air and his muscles began to relax. "Tommy the tough guy blowing a load," the man said pulling Tommy's head back again. The man spilled the handful of warm cum into the boy's mouth, scraping the remains off his palm with Tommy's lower teeth. The man then kissed the boy full on the mouth, twisting the cum with their tongues like spermatozoa taffy. The man continued to kiss the boy, wet load snaps and slurps of their tongues as the cum and spit combined into a pungent mixture of salty slime. Tommy rested his body on the towel-covered log. The man continued to slowly push his penis in and out of Tommy's rectum. "Damn Tommy, that was so hot I almost came," Great, Tommy thought, I almost made you cum. Tommy had to wonder how much stamina and staying power the man was capable of. "I don't want to shoot just yet," the man said pulling his dick from Tommy's hole, the dick head exiting with a wet pop. "I want to make this last. It's not everyday a piece of ass like you comes along." The man pushed down on his penis, the top of the shaft resting in the crack of the boy's behind. He slowly moved his slick cock up and down along the crease, his dick head tenderly massaging Tommy's scrotum. The man caressed Tommy's back and the sides of his rib cage with his hands. He enjoyed the feel of the wet skin as his hands glided over the delicate ridges and muscle of the ribs. He marveled at the perfection of the two sharp shoulder blades and the soft flesh of the nape. Satisfied that he caught his nut, the man slid his penis up until he felt the moist slit of Tommy's anus against his dick head then rammed the entire length into the hole, causing Tommy to arch his back and clench his teeth as the man continued his assault on Tommy's sphincter, the last rampart of human dignity the man took from him. Both Tommy and the man grunted and groaned as the man found his steady rhythm as he continued their sexual congress. The man gave the boy a crisp, loud smack on his right buttock, his hands then cupping the cheeks, spreading them as he pulled out, squeezing them together against the shaft of his penis as he pushed in. The man dripped sweat from his nose and chin on to Tommy's back. He moved his hands around Tommy's flanks gripped the boy underneath his body by his inner thighs. The man elevated the boy off the ground allowing his dick the leverage it needed to have a deep, hard fuck. Tommy's body rocked as the man bore down on his now numb rectum, his hips connecting loudly against the boy's flawless ass. "I can't hold it anymore!" The man threw his head back and released the hounds of hell into the slick, moist chute. Tommy could feel the man's penis pumping what the boy thought was a gallon of sperm into his lower intestine. The man's whole body shook as the concussion of his orgasm began to subside, his hips still pumping as he milked the orgasm to its last quiver. The man lowered the boy, resting his body on Tommy's, kissing the boy's neck and nape. As a reminder of their hot, sweaty union, the man sucked a dime size hickey on the right side of Tommy's neck. Exhausted, Tommy waited for the man to deflate so this nightmare could end and he can go home. The man pulled himself upright and began slowly pumping his penis again. It would seem that the man was ready for another go. To Tommy's relief, the man began to soften and eventually slipped from Tommy's asshole. The man sat down on the blanket and pulled Tommy next to him both of them leaning back against the log. The man wrapped his arms around Tommy and pulled him close, their skin clinging from the sweat. The man passionately kissed Tommy on the mouth, enjoying the last minutes of the afterglow. "Hey," the man said to Tommy. "You okay?" Tommy weakly shrugged his shoulders. "That was so hot, Tommy. I can't remember having a better fuck." The man massaged Tommy's tummy with his right hand eventually lowering it to the boy's pubis, his fingers lightly stroking the downy soft fuzz above the still twitching penis. "I can't wait until next time, Tommy." "Next time?" "Well yeah, Tommy. We're connected now. You'll seek me out for more. It's destiny." "What do you mean?" "Destiny," the man said moving his hand from Tommy's crotch and cupping his left buttock for one more squeeze. "Sleep on it. It will make more sense in time." The man stood and began to dress. Tommy was too tired and weak to move. His behind hurt, every muscle in his body ached. He could barely keep his eyes open to see what the man would do next. The man pulled Tommy to his feet and walked him off the blanket. He then folded the blanket and towel and placed them in what Tommy could now see was a backpack. The man then turned off the lantern, packed it away and zipped up the backpack. "I put your clothes in a pile on the log," the man said pulling Tommy to him and giving him a long goodbye kiss, his hands again squeezing the boy's buns. "I just can't get enough of that. Until next time, Tommy." Tommy sat on the log as he listened to the man walk through the woods and say one more time; "Tommy the tough guy." The sound of the man faded away and Tommy listened to the sounds of the woods. It was quiet but full of the sounds of smaller life. Tommy put his face in his hands and wept uncontrollably. He had just given up the last two hours of his life to a man he threatened and was defeated by. He acted like an asshole and was literally fucked by the guy. The man used him but Tommy somehow felt as if he were to blame. As if his own stupidity and ego gave the man every right to violate his body. Tommy's eyes adjusted to the dark and saw his clothes neatly laid out on the log, his socks stuffed into his shoes. Still sitting, Tommy picked up his underpants and slid them up his legs. He winced as he stood up and the soft material touched his swollen rectum. He slowly finished dressing and made his way through the thick brush and on his way home. Tommy the tough guy was on his way home. Look for the sequel to this story called "Squib."

copyright 2005

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