Tommy Loves His Sub

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jun 24, 2023


Chapter 32. Types of slavery

Dylan has a take-home due tonight. Tommy doesn't have anything until Wednesday. So they're lounging around enjoying a leisurely breakfast, . Dylan kneeling on his cushion, Tommy feeding him. Peter and sammy come downstairs. sammy is nude. Peter tells sammy to get him his coffee. He sits down; sammy stands behind him. "I'd still rather stand than sit," he explains.

Peter tells sammy "so tell them what you learned last night from that thrashing you got."

"well, first of all, I learned that punishment is used to modify a slave's behavior and to teach it something. And last night I learned two important things: first, not to give out TMI about what is going on between Master and me, and why I was whipped Saturday night. And the second thing is to always use safewords. I didn't last night for some weird reason.

Dylan wonders out loud. "Behavior modification, eh?" He turns to Tommy, "how do you modify my behavior?" Tommy replies, "with love, baby. don't forget, Sammy, that Dylan is not a slave. We might slip into that role from time to time, but it's always brief and never punitive." Dylan adds, "besides I always submit to Tommy. I've been doing that all our lives. it's just the way things are between us and because I love him so much." Tommy adds, "and I love him so much that I never ask him to do anything that I know he would have trouble doing or that would hurt him."

"But you have that cane."

"Sure," answers tommy, "we have a lot of things like that: floggers, straps and so on. But for us it's play, never control or punishment. Sometimes Dylan feels like he needs a spanking and then I give him what he needs."


eter is confused. "But why would you need a spanking if it's not because you're just submitting?"

"I'm not sure," answers Dylan. But probably for reasons that I don't want to go into." tommy puts a sausage in dylan's mouth to shut him up.

"Are you sure you guys don't want anything to eat?"

Peter looks at Sammy. "You only had a banana for supper last night. At least you should have some toast this morning. Or anything else. Just ask."

"thank you, Master. I would like some of those eggs if that's alright."

Dylan "sure think, kid. Help yourself." and he puts some bread into the toaster. "Help yourself to the toast when it pops up." Dylan goes back to kneel by Tommy. Tommy dips some toast in his egg mixture and puts it into dylan's mouth. Dylan takes it from him and licks his fingers.

"May I ask a question?" asks Sammy.

"Sure." what to you want to know?

He asks Tommy, "does Dylan always kneel at your feet to eat?"

"Oh no. Only when he's feeling really subby, He's been like this all morning." Tommy reaches down and messes up dylan's hair. "Why? are you trying to figure out how to behave?"

"well . . I'm not sure what a slave should do."

Peter joins in, "a slave should do what his Master wants. If I want you to kneel and eat from my fingers that's what you do. If I want you to eat from a dog's bowl on the floor, that's what you do. If I want you to sit on my lap and eat from my plate . . . .whatever. It's what I want."

"Yes, Master."

Tommy explains, "you guys really have to get it into your heads that Dylan is not my slave. We kind of decide things together. I'm not always a take-charge type of guy, while Peter really likes to be that way. it's all a question of how you work things out. You don't have to act according to pre-designed roles. A lot of things are an open book. But, I must also say this: I love Dylan with my whole heart and soul. He has been the most special person in my life since we were 8 years old. So there's been a lot of development in our relationship over the years, and it is only this year that we realized we were in love with each other in a sexual way in addition to everything else. And that's why it hasn't taken us long to realize that we want to get married. so anyway, what I'm trying to get you to understand is that your relationship is totally different than ours, and that you have to make it up as you go along."

Dylan adds "And, of course, Sammy, you feed your need to be controlled and even humiliated by the "job" you have. Every person you go to has a certain measure of control over you, and you go to each person ready to be submissive."

Sammy asks further, "does a slave have to be in love with its Master?"

Tommy answers. "Neither one of us can answer that question for you. It is so unbelievably different than what we have known in our lives."

Peter thinks about the feelings he had for sammy when he first woke up this morning. "Tommy, can I ask you something privately?"

Tommy, "sure, dude. Let's go into the living room." They do.

"So what's up? What's on your mind?" Peter explains, "Well, when I first woke up this morning sammy was lying alongside me and I was looking into his face and he is so beautiful and I felt very . . . tender towards him. it kind of scared me because I was thinking that it weakened my ability to treat him like a slave."

Tommy, "don't push away those feelings, Peter. You have a kind heart. That is not a drawback for a Master. In fact, the way I see it, that can be an asset. A Dom has to be protective of his sub. Maybe you guys shouldn't jump to put labels on what you're doing. Just go with it. Right now it seems like the two of you are purposely locking yourselves into pre-determined requirements for each role, but reality doesn't work like that. yes, sammy is very submissive and needs to be Dommed very strongly . . . but there are other things going on as well. Chill a bit, dude. Stop trying to be Someone and just be yourself. And show that boy your kind heart. If he doesn't respond to it, or it turns him off, then he's not the one meant for you. I get that he is extremely masochistic. But you've got to take that in hand and protect him from himself at times."

"So, you guys have to go and have a serious and HONEST conversation about things."

"I can see that now. Thanks, tommy. I really appreciate your insight."

They go back into the kitchen. sammy is standing by the toaster with Dylan and they're talking to each other. Wonder what they had to say?

tyler: "Can I ask you something?"

"sure. you can always ask anything."

"I'm beginning to be confused about what I really want."

"that's a good thing. Be honest about it with Peter. I have to tell you, he's really a wonderful guy and he is kind and tender. Maybe too much so for your desires. But that's who he is. Right now, I think he's playing some kind of role that he thinks he has to play. That's not going to work out for either of you in the long run. Tell me honestly how you responded to what was happening to you last night?"

"I was really turned on about it until he actually started to beat me. Up until then, I like everything, the way he made me be naked when I got out of the car. The way he was treating me and the names he called me. the way he handled my body and cause some pain, but not a lot of it. And the way he took total charge. Like I said, it was all a turn-on until he went out of control on me."

"Interesting. So then you know a lot of things that turned you on about the scene. I suggest you have an open conversation with Peter and tell him what those things were."

They stop speaking when Tommy and Peter come back into the kitchen.

Peter: Let's go back to the dorm. Sammy, do you have something to wear in your car?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. then let's head back in our cars. Let's take a walk together after lunch and talk some things out."

"okay, Sir."

Peter and sammy leave, once again thanking Tommy and Dylan for their help and their good advice.

Dylan gets up and starts cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast. Tommy stops him. "I'm going to contact Elliot. I'm sure he needs the money."

He calls and gets through to Elliot; Elliot will be over in about 20 minutes. Tommy explains, "it isn't much, but we'd like you to take care of it if you have the time. Clean the kitchen after breakfast, and there is one guest room that was used last night. Certainly. We appreciate it."

"Dylan, go put on a pair of boxer shorts. I don't want you naked around Elliot any more."

"Yes, Sir." Dylan wonders why, but just does what Tommy asks him to do. If Tommy wants to give him an explanation, he knows he will. He goes into the bedroom and puts on his underpants. Tommy comes back in and hugs him.

"All of a sudden, I've got this notion that I don't want anyone to see your ass any longer. It's mine. It belongs to me. And besides, now that I've been fucking you, every time I see it I want it."

"Sweetheart, if you want to, you can fuck me. You know that."

"of course, but not a dozen times a day. I'm not capable of that."

"But you can plug me all day long if you want."

"True, but I'm not going to do that as much any more. Because, my boy, when I fuck you, I want to feel like I'm the one who is opening you up. Every time. Fuck fuck fuck. opening your ass so I know that I'm owning you, boy. MY dick owning you. I want you to feel that every time. Even that little pain that happens when you're not already open. I know this is a change, but I also know that you can handle that pain for me."

"And love it, Sir. And love you for giving it to me." Dylan falls to his knees and hugs Tommy's legs down near his ankles.

The doorbell rings. Tommy helps Dylan stand up and sends him to greet Elliot and get him situated. While he is gone, Tommy sends money into Elliot's account.

Dylan comes back into the bedroom and falls to his knees and bows to the ground in front of his friend. Tommy stands motionless, growing harder and harder as he sees his boy's submission. "I love you, Dylan. You are my life."

"Can I suck you for a while and then have you fuck me, Tommy?"

"Hungry for my dick, boy, as you should be?"

"Oh yes, Sir. please let me lick it and suck it. Please?" He knows how much this pleases Tommy. "I'm sorry I didn't ask for your dick when we were in high school. Please let me have it now, lover?"

"Open my pants and take them down."

Dylan does what he is told, joyfully. He loves seeing Tommy's dick spring free from his pants.

"Take my pants all the way off." Tommy is barefoot.

Dylan bows down again and as he pulls Tommy's jeans and underwear down, he kisses each of his feet and stays down there.

"Come up and lick my dick, pup."

Dylan smiles and licks Tommy from his root to his tip and then licks the pre-come on the tip of his dick.

"Can I put your dick in my mouth, Tommy?"

"Of course you can, baby. My dick is for your mouth right now,"

Dylan sucks his guy lovingly, and realizes how turned-on he gets lately servicing Tommy's cock while his own is locked up and prevented from even getting hard.

"Take it out of your mouth, now, dilan. I want to fuck you. Bend over the bed."

Dylan does as he is told. Tommy comes up behind him and pulls his underpants down and Dylan shivers with the thrill of it all. Tommy lubes himself up and sticks it right into dylan's hole without any further preparation. Dylan moans and tries to push back on Tommy.

`I feel myself breaking through your muscle, baby." "Yes, Sir. I feel the pain. Open me up. Let me be your slut, Tommy."

Tommy slowly but steadily opens up his boy until he is seated all the way deep inside his boy. "You are mine, Dylan. Feel me owning you."

"Yours, baby. Please fuck me hard." Tommy does what Dylan asks, taking delight in the noises Dylan makes while he is fucking him. Hard and fast and Dylan doesn't cum because Tommy has learned how to avoid his prostate. `I'm gonna cum, baby, but you're not allowed to. You are mine. You exist for my pleasure right now, slut!"

Dylan goes mindless as Tommy takes his pleasure from him. finally Tommy can hold out no longer and cums deep within his lover.

"Oh baby, I love you so much!" he cries. They stay motionless until Tommy's cock gradually withdraws from him. "Stay, Dylan. I'll get something to clean us up." He goes into the bathroom and comes back with a warm cloth. He cleans Dylan first, and then himself. There's some brown on his dick so he goes into the bathroom to wash thoroughly.

Dylan has crawled onto the bed and lies on his tummy, deep into sub space. "I love you, Dylan," says Tommy. "Tell me what you need, boy."

"need my Master," whispers Dylan.

"Is my slave feeling kinky?"

"Yes, Master, please? Tie me up like when I was your little boyfriend?"

Tommy goes into the closet and gets out the clothespins, the riding crop, and the "rope" his mother made for them when they used to play cowboys and Indians.

"I'm gonna tie up my captive and make him my slave. teach him a good lesson," Tommy says, and uses the home-made rope to tie dylan's hands together and then to the top of the bed. Dylan notices what tommy's using and giggles a bit. "Just like fifth grade," he says.

"Except this time it's for real, slave, and your Master will decide how

he's going to deal with you."

"I'm yours, Master."

"First your nipples. then I'm gonna do things to distract you so you can take the clothespins longer than ever, slave. Be good for me. Show me how you belong to me."

Tommy puts the clothespins on the boy's nipples. He winces and moans.

"Yours, Master, yours."

"Yes, slave. Mine. You are my helpless captive and I'm gonna use you the way I want. Now for some distraction."

He takes the riding crop and hits Dylan hard in each armpit. Dylan yelps and moans more. He does it again and Dylan cries out.

Once more and Dylan breathes through his teeth. So Tommy knows he is taking the pain well. Then he raps the crop on his slave's balls. Dylan spreads his legs to give better access and hollers out from the pain. Tommy works each inner thigh, watching dylan's reactions to see how far he can go. Dylan is really in sub mode and takes a lot from him, more than he thought the boy would be able to take. He also notes that Dylan isn't begging him to take off the clothespins. the longest time yet.

"Some day, slave, I'm gonna cover your body in clothespins until you are sobbing for me," Tommy warns. Dylan shakes his head no, but Tommy can tell the idea is turning him on. "Gonna buy a whole bag of the things to decorate my slave with." More raps to the armpits, then the balls, then the inner thighs until Dylan breaks into tears. Tommy puts his fingers to

dylan's cheeks and smooths the tears into the skin on his face.

Dylan talks through his tears. "Thank you, Master, for owning me."

"I'm not done yet, boy." Tommy goes into the bathroom and gets the ben gay. When he opens the tube and Dylan can smell it, Dylan gets agitated. "Too much, slave?" "I'm yours, Master." with that encouragement, Tommy rubs the crème into dylans balls. Shortly thereafter, Dylan starts to moan and shakes his legs around.

"Hurts, Sir." "Good. It's supposed to hurt. The best way to train a slave."

Tommy quickly removed the clothespins from dylan's nipples and Dylan screams out loud from the burst of pain.

"I fucking own you, buster. I'm gonna fucking brand your nipples." tommy takes the riding crop and smacks each tortured nipple good and hard and Dylan screams out loud. "I know it hurts, slave. Best way to train you. Best way to fucking own you. You are mine. Feel it all through your body, boy."

Dylan slips into that space where he feels he is riding on a cloud, at peace in the pain as if it doesn't even hurt. While he is riding that cloud, Tommy puts all the things away he had been using. He comes back to the bed and kisses his boy's torso and then gently sucks his nipples and his neck. He unties dylan's hands and holds him in his arms silently, allowing Dylan all the space he needs to experience the beautiful flow of his endorphins.

He holds Dylan and admits to himself that there have been so many times over the years, even when they were boys, that he ached to hold Dylan in his arms just as he is now. He remembers one night when Dylan rolled into his side and snuggled up against him and he was in heaven. There was nothing sexual about it at that young age. It was simply pure love and emotion, and he wished they could lie like that forever.

And, as he comes down, Dylan snuggles into Tommy's side and buries his face in his lover's armpit. Tommy feels so much love for him that he doesn't know how to put it into words and doesn't try. Tommy runs his hand through dylan's hair and the two of them doze off.


I'd love to hear from you. I Love some of the things you guys tell me. Rob.

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Next: Chapter 33

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