Tommy Loves His Sub

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jun 18, 2023


Chapter 26. Driving lessons.

Wednesday morning they left the house a little earlier than usual so that Tommy could have Dylan drive them into campus. He did a pretty good job, although he drove on the slow side, and he asked Tommy to take over when it came time to park the car. He was afraid of hitting one of the cars on either side of him. Tommy praised him to the skies and Dylan soaked it up like a little puppy.

They had breakfast in the cafeteria that morning and sat with Phil, Doug and Peter. Peter was quickly becoming a member of the group even though he was not on the team. Dylan especially liked Peter because Peter would get all "dommy" with him but it was only teasing. He would never touch Dylan; he knew who Dylan belonged to.

As the semester was coming to a close, Tommy had longer class hours than usual because of practice exams and also presentations which were required in two of the classes he was taking. That left Dylan alone for longer than usual. It's a good thing they still had the room so Dylan had a safe place to hang out and get some homework done or even take time to rest.

"I was wondering if I could ask you guys a big favor," said Tommy. "dylan's got a lot of empty time waiting for me to be ready to drive home. He needs to practice driving so he can get a license soon. If I give him my car keys, would any of you guys be willing to help him practice a bit?" They were all willing, although Peter jokingly asked if he could have the sub boy drive naked! Dylan blushed. Tommy thought about it, mockingly serious and then said to Peter, "Well, maybe without his shirt on, that would be fine with me." "Well, that settles it," answered Peter, who checked to see what time Dylan would be free. Tommy squeezed his leg as if to say, "Do it, boy. It will be good for you." Dylan objected, "but then I'll have two things to distract me. One, how nervous I am driving, and two, how turned on I am almost slipping into sub space."

Peter objects, "Boy, I'm not going to touch you. don't tell me you can go into sub space without even being touched!" "no, I guess not. We'll have to see how it goes." "This is going to be interesting," retorts Peter. the other guys cheered them on.

Phil said, "I'm free at that time too, I could ride along, . . . just to protect Dylan!" And so it was settled. 2 pm. Peter's going to help coach a shirtless Dylan into pulling into parking spaces in the lot.

The practice was pretty good and Peter was lavish in his praise of the half-naked boy. After all, Peter knows how to handle a sub. They drove around a lot, and either Phil or Peter would point out places where Dylan could park. Meanwhile, they talked about all sorts of things and mostly about Dylan's sex life. Dylan was also curious about what Peter had going on.

"I have two different subs I play with from time to time, but nothing is very serious," explains Peter. "do you want a dom/sub relationship?" asks Dylan.

"not at this time. I think I'm too young for it. I turn 21 in two weeks, so then I'll be able to go to Fetters, the club in town, and see more of what things are like. Anything I've learned I've picked up from the Internet. But things are so violent on the Internet. Totally make-believe with well-paid actors.

"I know that, Peter, and Tommy and I looked at some of the stuff on line and then gave it up. So much of it is so extreme, and an awful lot of is just acted out by people who aren't really into it but like the money. I could never ever take the amount of pain that they do on the Web. And Tommy says he could never do any of that to me." "Nice to know that," says Peter.

"Another give-away about those videos is that no one ever uses a safe word. I think they aren't given any, especially the ones that come from China or Russia. Those guys are barbaric and brutal!" Phil gets curious. "Have you ever used your safeword Dylan?" "

"Not for sexual stuff. Tommy wants me to safeword if a discussion about abuse gets going, because it freaks me out and drags up too many memories of what I suffered at home. And that's enough of that. If I talk about it anymore I will get very nervous. So, you see, here is a situation that I would automatically safeword. Tommy was going to tell his parents about the safeword things, but then decided not to. His mother realized how tense I got the other night when we were talking about my family, and decided that we wouldn't talk about any of that any more. Besides, the doctor gave me some pills to take if I got really upset or nervous."

"What is your safeword?" Phil asks. "That's a secret," says Tommy. Phil immediately backs off. "there have been lots of times lately when we've been around you when you are naked and I've never seen any marks on you other than some pink on your backside. I guess Tommy doesn't get into it with you very much."

"Well," explains Dylan, I really don't mark up much. Hardly at all. That gives Tommy a lot of freedom to explore with me without worrying about inflicting any damage."

Peter, acting the mean dom, says, "He should beat you every day, then. I know I would. Keep reminding a slave who he is."

"That's a good idea, man, but it probably won't play out in reality. Unless you find a real masochist who begs for rough treatment. Tommy's cousin Mike has a couple of subs who really get it rough. Mike was really into that, but he's changing now. He met this guy he is going very slow with. He actually decided he wants a relationship that would work outside of the dungeon, and he's enjoying himself more than eve now."

"how so?" asks Phil. "I was only over there once with Tommy and that time Mike had one of his slaves there. It was clear that he thinks a slave should be subhuman and degraded as much as possible. And the guy who was there with him had welts all over and jumped whenever Mike barked an order at him. He told me he'd been in his cage for 6 weeks. Mike "rewarded" him by taking off the cage and allowing him to jerk off for the first time in six weeks, but he ordered the guy to go to it out in the dirt behind the house alone and he only gave him 5 minutes to get off. But now that's all changing for the better. I don't even know if Mike still sees those subs who were into heavy treatment since he met this guy he's seeing now. It's a big change from the way Mike used to be. I've heard him say things like "a slave should always have welts and bruises; a slave should sleep on the ground or in a cage; slaves drink piss; slaves should be put out for hard labor and give the wages to its Master; slaves have no right to object to service the Master's friends." Lots of stuff like that."

"Wow," said both Peter and Phil. "You think you'll ever become that type of slave?"

"Absolutely not. Tommy loves me too much. More than anything else, Tommy is my lover and protector and will soon be my husband. He calls most of the shots in our relationship but it's been like that between us from back when we were kids."

Phil is confused. "But he keeps you naked most of the time, even when other guys are around. So at least you're his sub."

Dylan explains. "I guess, but it doesn't always extend to everything else. And sometimes when we've having sex together, and he's taking control, sometimes I like to call him `Master' and then he slips right into it. And you guys and Doug and Marvin are the only ones who have seen me naked in the room. That's cool. I get off on it."

Peter asks, "Why?"

"Part of me digs the humiliation. A lot of submissive guys enjoy being naked while the others in the room are clothed. It's even a particular kink they refer to as CMNM. `clothed male, naked male." But mostly it's because it turns Tommy on that I'm willing to do that for him."

Doug asks, "Will you be naked at the wedding?"

"Absolutely NOT. A lot of his relatives will be there. And even his parents don't really know the types of games we play. No. Tommy's already got our clothes all picked out for the wedding." Peter: "Tommy picked them out. You had no say?"

"I didn't want to have a say. Besides, in all my life, I have never worn a suit or dress clothing, so I was too in awe to interject anything at all."

Peter: "That's awesome. You two have so many ways of expressing your love, even when playing master/slave."

"That's right, Peter. And look at how I'm shirtless right now. Tommy wanted it. Even though he's not here. I dig that."

Peter admits that he still has a lot to learn. Dylan suggests a couple of authors who write about really healthy and loving BDSM relationships he could check out.

Phil says, "Donna buys her own clothes. Won't even let me go along. And she makes a lot of `suggestions' about things she'd like to see me wear, especially different types of underwear."

Peter turns around and looks at Phil: "Damn, dude, you're the sub!" They all laugh.

it's time for the driving lesson to end. They go back to the place Tommy said he'd meet them at. Tommy thanks the guys and reminds them that they will be having a SMALL housewarming get-together on Saturday. He gets into the car and has dylan put his shirt back on. "If you drive shirtless I'll be at your nipples constantly and it will be far too distracting." As they're driving home, dylan tells Tommy about the conversations they were having, and how Peter really needs some guidance about being a dom or Master; he's picked up a lot of bad ideas from the Internet.

"That's too bad. He never treats you dishonorably, though, does he?"

"Oh no. I think he's afraid of how you would react to find out."

"Good. Glad to hear it."

"He thinks you don't beat me enough."

"Not his problem. Not ours either." He thinks for a while then asks, "Do you desire more than you get?"

"Sometimes, maybe. But it's your call, Sir."

"Well, I'll tell you what: if there is ever a time when you have a craving for it just tell me. And we can always go back to Evander's and pick up some implements to use when you're ready for them.

"Tommy! don't say things like that to me when I'm driving! It's a good thing you have me caged right now."

"Ah, that suggestion appealed to you, you little sub slut . . . " and then he grows silent. "We'll talk more about this when we get home, boy. And I don't want you to hold back any secret desires from me." Dylan grows silent and concentrates on driving. Actually, concentrates on what he would say,

Once they're home, Tommy can't keep his hands off his lover. He undresses him and makes it a point to touch just about every inch of the boy's body. Lots of hugs. Lots of wet kisses. Lots of nipple play. then Tommy gets a pillow, sits on the couch and puts the pillow between his legs on the ground. "come here, pup. Come kneel next to me."

Dylan approaches and kneels and puts his head in Tommy's lap. "Okay, sweetheart, it's truth-telling time. I want to know . . . am I not getting rough enough for you? What do you need that I'm not giving you, or giving you enough of?"

He strokes the back of Dylan's head and then down his throat and back. dylan's face is bright red and he is very shy at the moment. "Need spankin's, your hands on my ass, slap slap, maybe more. . . .all the time . .Sir . . every day."

"So I should make it a point to make sure your sexy little ass gets lots of spanks, feels my hands a whole lot?

"yes, Sir. every day. anytime. sometimes just a little, sometimes a lot . . . you'll know, Tommy, you'll know. I crave your hands making me warm."

An easy request to satisfy. Tommy runs his hands over dylan's body, hauls him up over his knees and starts some gentle spanking. Dylan coos. "Love you, love you, love you, my ass is yours, Sir, always."

Finally Tommy stops and just caresses the sub's bottom. "enough, baby?" "thank you, Tommy."

tommy has one more question: "Now tell me if there is something you really like that I haven't been doing much. anything at all.---not including letting you cum!" They both giggle.

"I like it when you use the thin black strap on my back when I'm sucking your cock. the way it flows down my back and sometimes leaves just a little sting. Makes me want to suck even better."

"Well then go and get the strap and do what I told you to do. Put it between your teeth and come crawling to your Master, boy."

Dylan gets up and runs to the cabinet, finds the strap, puts it between his teeth and crawls back to Tommy, who has now removed his shoes and his pants and is sitting there rubbing his dick waiting for Dylan to return.

Dylan approaches. Tommy takes the strap from dylan's mouth and says," Good boy. Thank you for being so honest with me."

Dylan feels a little awkward. "Tommy, is it okay for you that I want these things, that I feel like I need them? Am I asking you to do something that you'd rather not do, because if that's the case then we can just forget I ever asked."

"Sweetheart, when you asked about these things my cock got so hard. I guess I'm part sadist in a little way. But the major thing for me is that you asked for them. that turns me on so much. And the idea of being able to slap your butt as much as I want to? Awesome, dude. And all the other stuff? To see you crawl naked to me showing me what you need, wow! I bet most men never ever get to see their mates being so needy and so honest and so willing to surrender. You turn me on in every way. Mentally, emotionally and physically. You keep showing me more ways I can take care of you, more ways I can look after you, more ways that I can protect you."

"Protect me?"

"Sure. Baby, if I wasn't willing to dom you the way you need, you might have to go out looking for it, and if you did that, there would be a good chance that you would get hurt by some kind of bully or madman. My job is to keep you safe from all that, baby. My job is to be your everything. Look at how hard you've made me:"

Dylan asks, "Tommy, can I suck your cock now? Please? I want to give you so much pleasure to show you how much I love you and how much I love being totally yours. Please, baby?"

Tommy takes the back of Dylan's head and moves his face into his crotch. Dylan takes his fingers and removes the treasure from Tommy's black boxer shorts, and cannot wait any longer. He goes down on Tommy, all the way down until he chokes. Tommy gently keeps laying the strap down dylan's back. Dylan makes love to his lover's cock using his tongue in so many ways that please his Tommy. Tommy teases dylan's back with the thin strap and causes it to sting a little, and he keeps saying "My cocksucking slave! mine!" Dylan soaks up the stings and the pleasure of them. Of TOMMY whipping him with the touch of a lover . Dylan feels like he is in the best place in the whole wide world. Totally in love. Totally expressing his love. Totally disciplined and denied and yet cherished and protected.

Tommy cums in Dylan's mouth and Dylan sucks and licks and makes sure Tommy is completely clean before he stops his ministrations. Dylan crawls up on the couch and up Tommy's body so he can kiss his mouth and whisper "thank you, thank you, I love you more and more and more every day." Tommy holds him tenderly but makes it a point to slap around dylan's bottom and to send heat through the boy's body and mind. He thinks about his cousin and hopes Mike will one day get to know that it feels like to have total ownership over the boy he loves, given willingly and love-fully, without any loss of dignity or limit.

"Let's go get some supper, pup."

"Order in, baby?"



Tommy gets up and retrieves his phone from his pants pocket and places an order for their dinner.

"I want you to answer the door and take the order while wearing just your boxer briefs."

"Yes, Sir."

"Use your new credit care to pay. Include a 25% tip. Always 25% for these people who have to work for tips because their bosses don't pay them enough."

Dylan gets the food and sets up the boxes on the table.

Tommy comes in an evil look in his eye and winks at Dylan. "Go get the cushion and come kneel on it."

It's fun feeding dylan Chinese food from his fingers. They make quite a mess along the way, but after they're done, Tommy helps dylan clean up and put things away.

"Very good, boy, That pleased me very much. I love seeing you that way." Dylan bends down again and kisses and lick's Tommy's feet.

"You sexy sub boy! Now look what you did: you got me hard again! And I'm gonna take this hard dick and fuck you with it like the slaveboy you are. Let's go into the bathroom."

When they get there, Tommy shows Dylan a Fleet. Dylan says he already knows how to use it. "Good. Then clean yourself out good and come crawling to the bed."

Meanwhile Tommy gets the leather collar, the cuffs and clips and lube. It takes a bit of time, but finally Dylan comes crawling in to take his place. His demeanor is like that of a whipped pup. Inside, however, his blood is racing and he is high as a kite. Tommy puts the collar and cuffs on him and then clips the cuffs to the collar.

"Crawl up here on the bed, boy. Lay on your front and stick your ass up in the air, offering it to me." Tommy helps him get into position. He slaps his ass a few times and says "Keep it there." then he leans down on the bed and whispers to Dylan." I love you so much, baby. So very much." Then he reaches for the lube and puts some on his fingers and begins toying around the boy's hole. Dylan moves to cooperate and also to indicate that he's ready for anything. Tommy works his fingers in, one at a time, until all three are spreading him around inside.

"Ok, slut. Take your Master's cock!" Even with all that rough talk, Tommy is so very gentle and careful as he enters his lover and slowly but surely takes total possession of him and then lies there motionless. Dylan moans and keeps murmuring "love love love love your slave.." until none of it makes any sense. Tommy simply says the word which fixes itself right deep in the boy's heart: "Mine!" And he begins to make love to his lifelong partner.

Dylan yells out "Yes!" and everytime he does it, Tommy picks up the pace, fucking harder and harder, faster and faster until he screams on the top of his lungs "I LOVE YOU. I OWN YOU. I LOVE YOU!" This time Dylan doesn't end up cumming. he doesn't even care. He likes being locked up and unable to touch himself. Surrender makes him feel so very much loved and so very very safe, and there are few who ever get to feel just like this.


I'd love to hear from you. I Love some of the things you guys tell me. Rob.

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Next: Chapter 27

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