Tommy 2

Published on Jul 5, 2000



Another Solar Fox Original

Tommy 2

Well dudes, I just got in from cutting the grass and my mom just called and she is going to be at the shopping mall all night until it closes, probably.. heh, that's the way she usually is when she gets the urge to go buy some new clothes.. heheh.. I just called Scott and he and Tony and I are going to get together a little later as soon as Tony's parents leave to go to a certain dinner they have planned to go to tonight.. I can't wait.. I'm kinda sitting here now sippin' on a nice cold Coke.. and things couldn't be more gnarly. I kinda need a shower, but.. as I sniff myself here I don't smell all that bad.. it was at least 90 out there and I was kinda sweating.. but now I don't have anything on and I'm sorta cooling off. Hot damn, I sit here with my long hair and I can kinda squeeze it a little and sweat comes out.. and it's real neat.. I'm rubbing it onto my dick.. God that was so neat last week.. I died laughing.. heh.. Scott called it a "one-eyed trouser snake".. that was funny! Right now, I guess you could say it's slitherin' a little in the grass.. hehe.. Damn man, I was jus' thinking.. it's only a couple more weeks until school gets out for the summer.. and my mom told me I didn't have to get a job if I didn't want to.. hehe.. God, wouldn't it be awesome if Tony, Scott and I could go off camping, by ourselves? Yeah! Awesome as shit! Damn.. Way off somewhere where we could go nude if we wanted! Scott just walked in.. he's early.. grrr. now he won't leave my tits alone. He's standing here, towering over me behind my chair, with a hand on eachh oneeee and kinda twirlin' 'em where they stand at the nipples.. it's driving me apeshit and I can't halff type!

This is Scott talkin' to ya man.. how's things going? Everything's really cool here.. I can't leave this dude alone. I think I'm about to show him that a seventeen year old can make really passionate love to a sixteen year old.. heh.. yeah. He's cool... very cool. He really thinks I'm hot too.. and I guess I am, if something that cute can say it, it must be. Well, he's in there fixing us some cool drinks.. and I guess I should really be in there with him, but I kinda felt like I was leaving you guys out of the picture. You're awesome too, and I'm really influenced by it. Me and Tommy, we're young, yeah.. but believe me when I say we know what we want out of life. I just have this open slot in my heart right now, and you might say Tommy and even Tony are helping fill it.. yeah, he probly told you that Tony's comin' over later and well.. that's a change.. Tommy's putting on some Nazareth, yeah.. some Hair Of The Dog.. damn dude, you want me to go get my guitar? yeah dudes, I play!

This is Tommy again, man.. I've made us some popcorn and we got some cold drinks.. yeah, Scott's threatening to go get his guitar.. AHAHAHA!! He just said he could probably get the whole neck of it up my butthole! AHAHAHA!! That's funny! I'd like to see him try!

Aha! Surprise! This is Jeromy.. yeah! Scott's brother! How's it going? College life is really a drag, but Paul is making life a lot easier.. Tommy told me that he wrote you all about me and Paul and the rest of us.. and I don't know if he told you or not, but well.. naah. I can't spoil the surprise.. Urrr.. well, Tommy said "go ahead".. so.. Scott already asked his mother, and she said that she didn't care if he packed up and MOVED IN with Tommy this summer.. of course, Mrs. Edwards would probably look at that differently!! Ha! But they're probably all going to camp anyway.. I'm on a short break from college and I was just home for a few days and everything.. I'm 24 now and Paul is 23.. everything's really peachy for us and we're trying to go for Bachelors of Science in music.. we're both pretty good at it so far. Thanks, Tommy (he was wishing me luck)... he and Scott are over here pigging out on popcorn.. by the way, Scott's playing his guitar.. he called me on the phone and told me to "please bring it over".. he's done lots for me and he was really accepting when I came out.. but I must admit I never expected HIM to come out TOO! God, he is a flaming queen! GRRRRR! No, I WON'T go back and erase that, Scott! If you want it erased, you do it yourself! Then you might just get slapped! What would you think I would call Scott now? A bitch? A whore? No.. but he just called ME "the bitch of Callenwolde Estates..." grrr... THAT little bit has nerve! Well, Ta-ta, I must be off.. Isn't that special?! Heh.. Ack! This is Tommy again.. yeah.. well, I gotta admit that is special, Jeromy! heh.. he hadda go home.. he's cool too.. This is funny man.. I feel like I'm having this little party and you're invited.. and, well, you ARE invited.. this is my life and I just wanna share shit with you.. This is Scott. Yeah, we both wanna share stuff with you man.. I got a boner here and I want to share IT with you too.. heh.. sorry Tommy, I don't wanna fuck up your file, but I kinda like mass orgies where Tommy kinda.. likes it one on one. Tommy's hair is long, but mine is too, kinda reddish brown I guess... he told you about that, yeah he's nodding at me sayin' he did.. I kinda am the kinda kid that likes to throw his naked body into a crowd of dudes he knows, and just let them get crazy with me.. eheh.. well, how about that.. Tommy said he kinda likes that idea too but he'd rather have me.. oh, kissy kissy poo poo... yeah.. kissing me on the face.. ohhhh! Oh shit, now he's twitisn.. er.. twisting my tits like I was doing to his... while ago.. damn..Tommy you really know what it's like to be on the receivin' end of this shit, dont'cha! Well this is Tommy again, yeah dude, I do know exactly how good it feels. Man, this is crazy... I was over at Tony's house, and his mom just bought him a modem for his computer the other day.. and he called some number and some dudes had been leaving messages back and forth to each other.. sayin' shit like "come on over on Friday night.." yeah.. that was a trip, I wish it were that easy for me.. he had to get a handle for it, too, just like a C.B. radio.. he called himself "Ollie Champ" 'cus he skates so much.. and I admit, he ollies pretty good.. wait a sec, there's a knock... Scott's getting it.. I better put on some clothes, wait.

Dudes... you are NOT going to believe this.. Wil Wheaton is in this house and USING my telephone. He claims he was close by, and his car broke down. Do you belive this? No, I didn't think you did.. I told Scott to go into my mom's room and start the answering machine to record the conversation, and he did.. Ha! Well, Scott and I are wasting no time at stripping to our underwear.. we wanna see what kinda reaction we get from Wil when he gets off the phone... and he just got off the phone! Trust me on this, it is Wil, and come to think of it there's a Star Trek Convention in town this week which gives him all the more reason to be here.. JESUS CHRIST! Jesus Christ! AHhhh.. this dude just stripped to his fucking underwear and he has the tannest body of any dude I have ever seen! Sexy guy!

Hi, this is Wil Wheaton. Believe what you will, but I just wanted to say something here as a favor to these guys for letting me use their phone.. it looks like I'm going to be here a couple of hours, at least.. yeah, yeah, yeah.. big star like me.. could rent another limo and be out of here in fifteen minutes tops. But as soon as I laid eyes on the dude that opened the door.. I just called Frank, my production assistant, and told him to hold off a little bit. I wanna spend some time with these guys, they look special. So, he's telling you I'm in my underwear, huh? Yeah, I am. I've been to Rocky Horror Picture Show several times, and kinda like.. holy shit.. wait.. these dudes are taking it ALL off.. Heh.. I didn't know they were this bizarre.. now, wait a minute guys I don't want to end up like Rob Lowe... That's ok, Wil.. there's not any camera here.. God.. this is Scott.. we're freakin' Wil out big-time.. but he's agreed to let us see his... God! It's a fucking monster! Tommy.. measure that.. oh! No! We don't have to measure it! Wil said it's eight inches and he knows that as a fact! It's hard, too! This.. this is Wil again.. okay.. so I'm a faggot.. it's not any big deal. These guys are just so friendly and everything, and they are really so cute.. yeah, that I guess they just bring out the boy in me.. sorry. I know this won't make the six o' clock news..

This is Tommy.. yeah.. we're pestering Wil, I think. He just hasn't told us to lay off yet. All we've done is Scott is just kinda touching him down there, and Wil is cooperating.. ugh.. the only thing we've had to agree to are no pictures, of any kind. I don't think the Polaroid has any film in it anyway. Wil is really grinning now.. Scott's kinda sliding his hand down Wil's eight inch weiner.. yeah dudes, I like to be graphic as hell.. He's got a real big set of balls too.. and he's pre-jisming! God, Scott's got him hot! Let me go help!

This is Wil again.. this is really intense, guys.. you really love what you're doing, and I love it too. That's the problem.. see, I've never had a guy in me before, and I've wondered what it felt like a lot. Scott said if I wanted, he could show me, gently. I think I'm going to let him try.. Damn! This is WILD! Wil Wheaton in MY HOUSE! If I could only PROVE this to someone! Scott's showing him now, on my bed.. about fucking. I think Wil is too ashamed to say the word. Wil's cock looks so wild.. yeah, the head is all golden and everything, really brown.. and it's not shaped quite like mine.. even his shaft isn't quite as white as mine.

Wil here. These guys are terrific! Heh.. I see he was talking about my uh.. weiner there.. yeah.. it's kinda special to me, I guess you'd say. I kinda like to sunbathe, and take off everything.. really. I have a special place in California where I like to hang out. River Phoenix, my friend in "Stand By Me," lives in Florida and I'm going to go visit him after I leave this con in Savannah. He's really interesting.. and guys, he's got one worth talking about too.. I saw it when we showered off the set once. Okay, so, he may be interesting, but no, we don't really have anything going.. his rock and his girl keep him busy. I don't really have a girl, I'm not really committed to anything right now. This is Scott.. yeah Wil.. your rod is kinda bronze looking.. I like that.. it really puts out, too... he creamed the whole side of Tommy's room a while ago, and promises he'll cream us again before he leaves.. hell, he's jacking off now and.. Tommy's sucking him! This is wild.. wants me to get a Dixie cup for him to shoot his sperm into.. guess I better hustle... Just in time, he just jismed! Damn, let's see.. five damn shots! Five shots of sperm in that cup. He's really smiling. I love him. I just don't want him to leave! Yeah well, I've got to. I have to go in preparation for the con tomorrow. I'm supposed to meet my production manager at 6 at The Oracle for dinner, and it's already a quarter after five. My car will be here soon.. but to Tommy and all his friends.. you deserve the best life has to offer. Just take it one day at a time.

Your Friend, Wil Wheaton.

This is Tommy again.. well, looks like anything goes around here, eh? Yeah dudes.. kinda like you're along for the ride. Wil's gonna take a shower with us before he goes.. and we're gonna soap him all up! He promised to let me feel his golden cock while we do.. I'll catcha later..

Hey.. it's Scott here again.. yeah I know, I just won't leave you guys alone. I'm sitting here now because Tommy just went to fix a sandwich.. Wil just left and God, it was so unreal.. it was like, he showed us his body like he had known us all his life or something.. hear that, Rob Lowe ol' buddy? You're not alone! Oh, my gaad... Mrs. Edwards just pulled up in the driveway.. yeah.. Tommy said she had gone shopping.. I'm trying to.. listen to what she's saying to him... oh geeze.. this is wild.. I'm gonna wait and let Tommy tell you himself.. oh my gaad.. this is too much!

This is Tommy.. this IS too much.. I don't believe it.. my mom walks in, GIVES me a modem. That's it.. just hands me this piece of equipment like it meant nothing to her. She started in with me about this stuff like, "I want my son to be happy, of all the things I want in life nothing is more important to me. If my boy would rather find a young, willing boy to be a mate than a girl, that is fine with me. I want my son to know that he has all my best wishes in finding the man of his dreams..." Can you believe that shit? And then she gives me this modem.. Christ! Scotty's sittin' here shaking his head.. he can't believe it either.. God this day is TOO MUCH. I think I'm dreamin' dudes.. YO.. is Scott again. We're gonna have to get Tony to give us some of those numbers, of those boards or whatever they're called... Tommy is sittin' here reading about the modem and opening the box and everything.. This is great.. One reason I really gasped a while ago.. Tommy was fixing his sandwich and he DIDN'T HAVE ANY CLOTHES ON.. he saw Wil Wheaton to the door that way.. and casually started getting something to eat when she walked in. She didn't say.. what? Oh.. Tommy said she patted him on the butt and said, "my, don't I have a cute son.." but he got a large dishtowel out of the drawer and wrapped it around him. Know what? She pulled it away and said, "I'd rather see you the other way.. after all, I saw you that way when you were born, and everytime I changed your diapers..are you sure she said that? Gads! That's more than my mom EVER said when she.. how did she find out about you anyway? This is Tommy.. I was just learning about the AT commands for this thing.. I think I like it.. Well, see.. my mom found out because.. I left a porno tape in the downstairs VCR by accident.. I have one, too.. and I had forgotten to take it out when I jacked off down there the other day.. she saw it.. at first she thought dad left it or something, but she asked me if I was gay and I told her "yes".. I wasn't going to lie about it. She cried a little, but after a while she was okay.. she was saying shit like, "I thought your father was the only one in the family.." but she came around. Scott's saying I should introduce him to her as being my boyfriend, but I think it might be too early.. just yet. Oh shit.. she's looking at me at the door.. SHE KNOWS! SHE FRIGGIN' KNOWS! OH GAWD! She stuck her head in, we were both sitting here nude, like this, and she kinda whispered.. "Well, maybe he already has a boyfriend! Congratulations!" She said she was going to come right back with.. I know, we keep ducking out on you, sorry. This is Scott again, Mrs. Edwards had bought some more film for that Polaroid, and she just kinda took our picture for us, and she's gonna let us have it.. to keep.. actually she made one for both of us.. while we were nude.. hell, picture this.. she got us while we were HARD, arms around each other's shoulders, smiling like we knew something no one else knew.. ew! I love it! Yo.. dis is Tony.. Mrs. Edwards just got another pic or two with all three of us... heh.. she said she was going to leave us alone for a while.. I got some news for these dudes.. after I show them about some BBS's, well, there's this little meeting place down by the Savannah River tonight, and there's a bunch of guys that are going to be there.. see, heh. Oh? No.. Scott was just telling me that Wil Wheaton was here.. this is a trip.. hehe.. I'll have to read that.. anyway, this thing starts about 12:45 in the morning and I hear it goes all night.. dudes talk about different things and sometimes, well... things get funky.. I've never been before and I want to check it out.. heh.. Tommy wonders what I'm sayin' on dis here keyboard.. well, we might go down to the skate bowl a while.. and go to this place afterwards.. I just might let Tommy fuck me again.. and I might let Scott do it too.. I wanna feel Tommy's finger in there again too after I get hot and sweaty on the pipe.. Yes, Tony, we can go down to the river tonight. This is Tommy. I've heard a lot about that place, and see, it's just on the weekends that shit happens.. but like Tony, I've never been either. The... my phone just rang and Scott got it.. oh, it's Danny Swift, a football player from school.. he's in the same grade I'm in.. and Scott knows him a little.. and what? You're.. you don't say.. he's gay too. Well, tell him what we're doing tonight.. oh you are.. this kid is built like a locomotive and his face looks a little like Robert Downey Jr.. he has the eyes anyway.. oh, shut up Scott, he did NOT look like Fred Savage when he was younger!!! He's number 61.. really rad. I just wonder why he hangs out with skaters.. maybe he likes them.. dunno.. oh.. his little brother skates? I didn't know he had a little brother. Fifteen? Ohh.. This is Scott.. again sigh.. Well, Danny's little brother is possibly gay, because Danny says he never talks about girls, and he hangs around Danny a lot.. a WHOLE lot.. and Danny is VERY open with his brother, Todd. Todd IS fifteen and Danny said.. get this.. the kid has NINE INCHES.. see that Tommy? NINE INCHES.. yes! Danny has seen it hard before too because.. well, he saw Danny hard and it kinda made him hard, so he said. Shew! God.. makes me feel like a reporter now because I keep turning it over to someone else.. heheh.. oh well this is Tommy again.. huh? Gerald? Who the fuck is.. oh.. Scott was talking about some other stud at school. Nevermind. Tony, you're hard, did you know that? Well, what do you want me to do about it? I can type with it.. heh.. but it might juice up the keyboard a little... sorry.. Tommy has the same kind of computer I do, and really the modem is about the same.. only I can go 2400 and he can go 1200.. that's okay, Tommy.. it's just a little slower.. that's all.. Whew.. I feel like a sleezebag.. Scott's feeling my weiner right now.. ohh.. and he's rubbing my legs telling me how brown they are where the sun has baked them while I skated my ass off.. Couldn't have said it better myself.. Tommy again.. we just checked this bad boy out and it really works good, this modem.. Tony tells me we can trade shit right over the phone now.. yeah!! Sounds awesome to me! We gotta get ready to go now.. we're going to the skate bowl in about 20 minutes.. Later dudes..

Oh God.. this is Tommy.. it's late.. but still I feel like telling you stuff dudes.. because you deserve it. I think Scott and Tony wanted to tell you more about things that happened to them when they were younger.. but anyways.. geeze.. stubbed my toe tonight because I was barefoot down at the river.. and then we were naked! Yeah! It was killer! There was this dude I knew from school named Tony Fitzpatrick.. he's gay too! God, he's so cool looking and everything! Let me tell you about this night while I can still see it.. it was about ten when everybody first got there.. dudes, we went way back in the woods along this river, away from traffic and the city lights.. there was a fire, we got some wood together and lit a fire, sat around and talked.. and it was weird.. see, we all started talking like we were a bunch of just.. I dunno.. "regular" dudes and all.. some wore boots, I mean.. shit! A lot of them were dressed up like "rednecks" that were out to hunt deer or something.. I couldn't get a hardon because at first, I thought they were mostly straight and liked girls.. I thought I had seen most of them hanging around girls, too. So that made me all the more feel like I was in the halls at school. Well, then everybody took off their shirts.. this dude named Andy took his off first.. and all eyes looked at him and his bare chest.. then I knew they were gay, and my dick started to get hard. Scott unzipped his fly, pulled out his hard rod and everyone looked at it. Soon everyone was sitting in the red dirt in underwear, no boots, no hats, nothing. Then we all started touching each other.. Scott is really wild about massive orgies like that, and I guess I kinda got into it too.. we all stripped.. and we still sat there buck naked around the fire, there were about fifteen of us.. and Jeromy was the oldest dude there. Gaad.. it was incredible.. after all that, stubbing my toe when I left wasn't so bad.. I tripped over a rock going back to Scott's car. What was really so funny was that we all knew each other from school.. except for this one dude named Glenn. Glenn was 16 too and he didn't go to our school.. he said he was just in town for a while and someone had told him about how hot things got down here on the weekends.. Glenn really did a lot of fucking and sucking.. he sucked me off twice before the night was over! Boy, he was fast and he was good.. it never really seemed to take him long to shoot his big wad all over me! He was satisfied just jacking himself off.. but who wouldn't be, with all those hot boys around? Gaad.. And oh yeah.. Tony skated like hell.. he really cooked around that bowl for a while.. then we went into a stall in the bathroom there and he goes, "Dude... put a finger up there and tell me if it's hot enough for you, or should I go back and turn it up a little hotter?" God, he was so sweaty.. to be honest, he was sweating like a pig. I licked the sweat off his forehead where it ran out of his hair.. and we stood there in that stall and he let me French-kiss him.. gaad.. I got off three times before we ever even went to the orgy.. Tony Fisher is one hot little dude.. but I guess Scott and I are too..

You're damn right we are. This is Scott again, and this is Sunday, I don't know how Tommy was able to type so long last night.. he was dead tired from all the excitement and I was too.. so I -couldn't- say anything. Tommy was saying something about I wanted to talk about my past a little.. yeah, I do. I don't guess I ever told you about how I got into my feelings of being gay.. Tommy told you all about how he came out and everything.. when I was in fourth grade.. oh God.. that day he was flashing people.. oh.. I was so afraid John Millholland, the principal was going to come in there and see him.. oh shit. So I was trying to be as level-headed about the thing as I could, and told him to come on over to my place that night, all those years ago (grin). But my brother Jeromy was already out.. and he showed me his dick. I was only about eight, but he was shocked when looking at his hard like that made me play with mine and get mine hard too. I pulled mine out and showed it to him. That was the first time he had ever seen me naked, because as an infant he had never seen me when mom changed me, he told me that.. because of his own feelings.. he couldn't bear the personal feeling that he saw this cute baby naked, and it would grow up to be married and have kids.. wrong! You can put that little thought right out of your head, Jeromy baby! After about six months had passed and I wasn't at all shy about taking showers with my brother and letting him jerk me off while I was in there, he began talking me into sucking him a lot and taking his load. At about eight and a half, I was taking his load and by the time I was nine he was fucking me occasionally. Of course, I was cooperating. Not at first.. no! The first time his dick went in me, (thank God my parents were at work), I screamed bloody murder. No piece of shit that had ever come out my butt was that big a-round. I mean, my God.. he was seven and a half long and kinda thick, too. But he left it parked in there, and just started playing with mine and rubbed my shoulders and back.. and can you guess what I said next? I go, "Oh, I wish I was a woman.." and he goes, "no, you don't either.. trust me.. you'll love it this way.." and he starts asking me if I liked that or if he needed to call Jennifer Stewart over so I could suck her tits. I pulled his dick out my ass and looked at him with an expression like, "you KNOW that made me mad, don't you Jack!" "I'm a faggot.. okay, I admit it!" God! I was nine! I didn't care how it sounded, I just knew that a dick up my ass or in my mouth felt like.. well, a great wine to a wine connoisseur.. yeah! That's the ticket.. I even fucked my brother with my wimpy four inch hardon.. ha! And I did cum, even though I'd left no evidence that it had ever happened.. he told me I came quicker than he did! This be Tommy Tutone again.. eww. Heh, just something I had thought of. Scott's got a comb combin' my hair.. hehhe.. yeah.. feels so fine.. and my boy loves me.. okay, fine, so we're in love, big deal. My mom obviously doesn't care.. I think after the shit went down with dad and everything, the ugly divorce.. it hit her and maybe she began to try to understand.. rather than ignore the hell out of me as she was doing, or throw me out of the house.. yeah.. I'm thinking too that maybe she talked to Scott's mom. She did. This is Scott.. she did talk to my mom because my mom told me last night when I went home to get some stuff. She just said that Mrs. Edwards called and that she sounded distressed over the phone and well.. see, that shows that she knew a little bit about her children anyway... I think she musta known about Jeromy because he was so open about it, dude. Heh.. if it were up to him, all gays would go around all the time wearing the pink triangles on their shirts.. hell, maybe they should.. Yeah, maybe they should.. hey Scott, I appreciate you talking about being young, dude, yeah.. that really takes me back. I can't wait to hear what Tony

will say.. he should be over a little later.. I think we wore him out last night, too. Okay.. okay this is Scott. Was just going to say that I don't think anybody was cruisin' for chicks last night.. heh.. there were some that passed out by the fire.. surprised there wasn't any beer or anything.. it was cool.. and my dick thought so too, didn'tcha? Yeah.. thought so. I gotta go.. I gotta suck Tommy off. Yo.. dis is Tony again.. yeah bet you dudes were waiting to see my face again. I was just out skating a little. Scott and Tommy have me stripped naked right now.. it's funny, I'm kinda squattin' over the keyboard and Scott has a magnifying glass and a flashlight, he's looking at my butthole. Huh? Oh.. he said it looked cool.. heh.. he said it looked really tight too.. he gave Tommy a little look too, and now they're rolling my chair back up so I can sit in it.. that's cool. Aww shit leave my nuts alone dude! I'll sperm on you! No shit! Aww.. Fuck! Wait.. This is still Tony. Tommy made me fuck him. Anyway, yeah I was gonna tell you about the way things are with me and my folks, ya know.. Quit that, Tommy! You know you're not a headbanger! He's flappin' his hair onto my shoulder like he's at a rock concert or something.. that shit turns me on too. I think he knows that.. I'm seventeen, and I'm about five months older than Scott. I was born in Atlanta and my family moved here in April of 1975. I like it better here I think, because the ocean isn't that far away and I can get somewhere to skate when I want to. I was driving, but well, this big semi, eighteen-wheeler, or whatever you want to call it hit my Suzuki Samurai one day in the parking lot at Pizza Hut.. and well.. totally totaled it dude. There wasn't anything tubular about that except the bat that I wanted to hit the driver over the head with. This was well, little over a year ago now.. my mom had gotten me that thing for my sixteenth birthday.. grrr.. Oh.. so now Scott gets smart.. he's listening to the Dead Milkmen.. I like the group but I -hate- that name.. because it makes it sound like certain things will never give milk again... you know what I mean? Anyway.. so well, I was ten and I walked into this restroom that day and saw this kid that I knew as Tommy Edwards with his shirt up.. and nothing else on! I kinda freaked.. but I didn't stand and watch, because well, I didn't want him to think I was really that kind of person, (but I really am).. and once he approached me about not talking, I couldn't take anymore. I'm not the kinda guy that narcs anyway.. I know a secret, I keep it.. it's a secret. Heh... but well, let's just say when guys tell me anyway. One day this bitch in heat in geometry class, seventh grade must have assumed I was straight. She goes, "don't tell Mark, but I have a crush on him.." Okay, fine. I think she tells ME that because somehow, because of the fact that the teacher's seating arrangement had us boy-girl-boy-girl (I hate that shit.. that is so anti-gay it's pitiful).. but she thought that since I was behind her, that I must have been STARING at her or something, and she wanted me to stop (talk about an EGO trip!) I told Mark (Mark is GAY, mind you) what she had said and it got back to her. Mark and I both just couldn't help giggling.. and she started lying and told the teacher we put shit down her bra.. pencil shavings, yeah, that was it. Oh well.. c'est la vie. Still, well, I've always liked looking at guys, but until that night that I met Tommy and Scott over at Scott's house, I was real self-conscious about it and was afraid to really do a lot.. but I had peeked in restrooms before like Tommy said he used to do. It never really got beyond that, and I had a second-cousin named Chuck that kinda got dirty with me one night when I was seven and I think he was like.. eleven.. yeah, cos we have four years difference.. that makes him 21 today.. anyway.. Chuck was into playing with other dude's cocks, even if only through their clothes. He liked to feel his through his clothes too, and it wasn't long one night until he had it out of his jeans.. he was spending a week with me and my parents had already gone to bed that night, I remember.. I remember it because it was bigger than mine.. yeah.. big, and fat too. He let me feel it, and that was when I knew that guys were for me. He even showed me about glory holes in truck stops.. his dad was a truck driver and when his dad came in and got drunk, he would tell his son Chuck about stuff like that.. how good it felt to get his cock sucked.. never anything about how he wanted his boy to be a fine father. Interesting. Maybe he wasn't so intrigued by seeing his son start another generation going after all .. heheh.. Tommy said I have a big dick.. well, I guess I do, kinda.. it's bigger than his. Well, we all measured each other once we got to know each other real well. I have about eight, Scott has seven and a half, and Tommy has six and a half, not that it matters and what if it did? God, Tommy is so cool.. he's standing here now stretching his dick in front of me.. yeah.. we're all three, well, cut too.. again that's not really important.. but it kinda makes me wonder what it's like if you weren't cut.. just to see what it felt like.. yeah.. sometimes even thinking of that makes me horny.. Tony, a butterfly makes you horny.. this is Tommy sitting on Tony's cock while I type this.. he's like a booster chair.. well, he's yelling.. let me get up..

I AM NOT A CRYBABY! It's just that the combined weight of our two bodies pressed together in this chair (Ooo!) were making it pop like fireworks.. I thought it was going to tear up! Grr.. Scott is naked on my skateboard in the middle of the room.. he's got his bare butt on it.. probably really making it smell rad.. heh.. yeah.. I like rad things and cool things.. Anyway, that night when I went over and met Scott and Tommy for the first time was really special to me, because they were the first people outside of family that ever really opened up to me.. and Scott even coaxed my brother Paul to join up with his brother, Jeromy and they did.. Jeromy just pulled up outside, that was what made me think about it.. Paul's over at my house and since he works with computers so much, he's thinking about starting a gay bulletin board system.. that would be cool.. and we could all get on there..

What's happening? This is Jeromy.. I just stopped by to see what these hunks were up to and thought I'd say a few words here, too.. we had a blast last night.. I thought that since I was older, they might not like to mess with me so much. Boy was I wrong! They were all over me, dragging me down to the ground.. and Tommy's old buddy Roger Cole even pissed on me! It was hilarious! I was five this morning getting home. Funny.. I like watching these kids on all these skateboards. Skating like that really is a sign of youth, of golden youth.. a feeling that we all wish could last forever. Trust me, Tommy, you don't want to grow old. Hold on to your youth and your feelings as long as you can. I grew up too fast.. but I guess that is something that now I am having to live with. Still, it surprises me how the younger generation likes me. So Scott's been talking about me, huh? Yeah? Well, that's okay Scott, little boy I don't mind. You'll get yours.. no, I'm just kidding.. talk about me all you want. I can't wait for Paul to get this gay BBS set up he has been talking about.. I don't know of any others in this area, and he is going to try to publicize it on some of the other boards that we DO know about.. and see what happens. When we go back to college in a couple of months, we may take it with us and set it up up there.. but right now it's all Savannah's, and ours. Or, at least it will be.. he's waiting on his software now. Well I've rambled on long enough.. here's...... Tommy! Yo dudes, how's it hangin? Heh.. Scott was just well.. dressed in his underwear showing me how quick he could get his dick out of it.. Hell, that's easy Scott, just raise a legband, boy, don't you know nothing?

It's Tony again.. Jeromy just left the room.. he really is like a big kid to us, a big brother to us all. He's only serious with Paul though, well, and justly so I guess.. 'cos I can see doing that one day.. yeah.. someone to share my body with.. yeah.. oh fuck. Tommy's kissin' me.. whatcha want, dude.. Oh cum on, you must want something.. yeah.. do that.. he's gonna order a pizza and we're gonna rent some movies.. spend all day loving on each other 'cuz Mrs. Edwards won't be here.. she's gone to see her mom for a while.. Yeah.. she has.. this is Tommy.. she told me to take care of my guests.. hehe.. that's not HARD to do heheh.. yeah guys.. I know I'm not funny.. Tony's playing with my little finger while I type.. no dude, this is NOT a piano keyboard.. two people can't do it at once.. ever heard of solo masturbation? yeah.. heheh.. I love to masturbate.. yeah.. Aww.. that's sweet.. Tony's jacking me off.. Scott's on the phone talking to Chris Smathers.. something about his car. Oh well. I haven't heard the word "gay" come up in his conversation yet.. oh? I won't, huh? oh, he's gonna work on your car? Can you trust him? Oh.. he's going to change his oil.. I wish he'd change mine (heheh).. if only you could see the look in my eyes, dudes.. if only.

This is Scott.. Tommy went to lay on his bed while Tony.. is now sucking him off.. I'm being interrupted by moans here.. anyway, yeah.. this dude works at an oil/lube place, and since the oil in my car is so dirty, he'll change it for me for nothing.. heheh.. cos I know the dude pretty well. He's gonna work there full time this summer.. about another couple of weeks is all it is. I can hardly wait until the three of us go camping. We'll get deep, deep in the woods... way off from any city.. yeah, us and nature. Tommy is a real nature boy.. always has been. He told me he and his dad used to camp out around Bartholomew's Hollow before his mom divorced him.. before his dad was having affairs. Okay, Tommy's nodding at me, he wants me to tell you stuff that he hasn't been up to saying, because it hurts him too much to think about it.. His dad was having this affair with this delivery boy at work, he worked for a corporate office downtown, and frequently the same boy would bring their daily reports from the regional office, in Waycross. Now, I understand they do it by FAX machine.. but he fell for this guy, who was gay... and they moved to Daytona Beach, Florida. He never really waited around for Mrs. Edwards' reaction, he packed a bag too quickly when she was at work one day.. so she never had a real chance to say if she approved or disapproved it; he just assumed that she disapproved big-time... well, she disapproved, but not so big-time. But well, he's gay and not bisexual, so she will probably never see him again.. to me, it's a double-edged sword as a friend of Tommy's: first, if it weren't for Frank Edwards, Tommy wouldn't be here today, and secondly, I wished that Frank Edwards had found his calling in life sooner, but then if he had, again Tommy wouldn't have been possible, so I guess I better shut up and be glad shit happened the way it did..

This is Tommy.. shew! That felt good. Tony gave me a lube job and checked under the hood.. yeah, my motor was really running smooth, but I was idling a little too fast, and he slowed it down after he got the fuel mixture out of my muffler. Heheh.. not bad, huh? I can be kosher when I want.. Oh well, I got Tony looking at himself in my mirror now.. Heh.. and Scott too... So Scott's been talking about my dad has he? Well, I owe him a little favor now to show my appreciation.. We can't wait until school's out.. so we can go to our own little campsite. We've agreed to spend at least a week, maybe longer, we're really looking forward to it. Tony may be disappointed because there won't be anywhere to skate.. Hell no! I can skate when I get back.. I think I can give up the board long enough to fuck around with my best friends in the whole world! It's going to be fantastic. I wish you dudes could come along when we go, but I guess it'll give Tommy something to write about when he gets back.. hell, we might ALL write about it! Heh.. who knows? God, I love these guys. These are the best two dudes in the whole world. There aren't many people like us who can stay together and stay friends for so long.. Err.. that was Tommy and this is Scott.. but Tommy.. not all dudes have as much in common as we do, babe! We're faggots! We're.. get that banana out of my mouth! You need a banana in your TAILPIPE, dude.. you know, like they have in all those cartoons.. Yeah, I know.. you watch too much television. Dudes... this is Tommy again. I guess I'm out of time. But you can bet I'll log on again, and so will my friends

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