Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Nov 16, 2015


Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about my best friend Tristan and a guy we hooked up with in college. I've written several stories about my sexual experiences and plan to write more. Most of the stories will be about guys I met on Craigslist over the last several months. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves will be true.

You can email me at to ask questions or provide constructive feedback. I've also started responding to questions and comments I've received from readers, posting short summaries of encounters with guys I meet on CL, and reblogging stuff I think is hot on Tumblr. Follow me, ask questions, or submit hot stuff to me at

Thanks to all the doms, subs, and vers guys who have emailed me. Keep sending the hot pics, links to your favorite videos, and stories about your own experiences. I know it's taken a while to get these last couple of stories out. Between work and family, life has been busy. Tumblr has also been providing a distraction. However, hearing from all of you has encouraged me to spend as much of my free time as possible writing these stories, so keep the comments coming.

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Part 7: Tristan, Frat Boy, and Me

Several readers here and on Tumblr have asked me about my first experience dominating another guy. Since it's a pretty hot story and involves three characters everyone seems to like hearing about (Tristan, frat boy, and me), I figured I'd share it.

As I told you in Part 1, Tristan started hooking up with a sophomore sub guy whose name I can't remember (if I ever even knew it) when he and I were juniors. Tristan knew I was bi and curious to try some kink, so he went about setting it up.

The problem is that I was very conservative and closeted and didn't want a flaming sub boy telling people I was gay. The only guy I'd had any sort of sexual interaction with at that point was Tristan, and I wasn't ready for anyone else to know that I was bi. I also really didn't want anybody to know that I might be into kinky gay sex. This was back in the days when I was still a poli-sci major and thought I might be a Texas congressman one day.

As a side note, even back then I was outspoken against hypocrisy. I didn't want to be known as gay because I planned to get married and have kids, but I also wasn't going to be anti-gay. How could I be with a guy like Tristan as my best friend? He and I co-authored an editorial for the college paper explaining why marriage equality was moral, necessary, and inevitable (I've always strongly believed in supporting arguments with 3 points). We thought having a gay man and a straight (albeit secretly bi) man as the authors with our separate perspectives would be a good angle.

Anyway, Tristan was determined for me to have a true gay kink experience. In fact, he was much more determined than I initially realized.

After Tristan hooked up with frat boy several times, he told me he was going to tell frat boy that we would tag team him. I thought Tristan was joking because he knew I didn't want anyone to know about my secret and I trusted Tristan not to reveal it to frat boy. However, Tristan kept talking about it. Almost every day he would mention something.

At first, Tristan tried to convince me frat boy wouldn't tell anybody.

"Come on, man. He doesn't want anyone to know he's a sissy cocksucker. The other frat guys will kick his ass."

I'd read enough stories on Nifty to assume that at least one dude in frat boy's fraternity would prefer to take advantage of his submissive nature and cocksucking skills. Once that happened, it was only a matter of time until he owned frat boy and got the full story on me and Tristan. I told Tristan as much.

Next Tristan argued it wouldn't matter who found out.

"Seriously dude. A mouth's a mouth. Using a cocksucker to get off doesn't make you gay. Nobody will care."

I thought this argument was persuasive, but I still had those aforementioned political ambitions. It might not matter to college guys in New York, but voters in Texas would probably have a different perspective.

Then Tristan tried temptation.

"I know you've been wanting to fuck a guy's ass. Frat boy is so fucking tight. You won't believe how good it feels inside him. It's like your dick is being squeezed in a hot cocoon."

Tristan knew how to push my buttons. He hadn't let me fuck him yet. We mainly jacked off together or sucked each other. I had only bottomed for Tristan once.

Later on, I topped Tristan several times, but at that point in our friendship he wasn't ready to bottom and I had never fucked any other guy. The only guy Tristan had fucked was frat boy, and he had only broken that barrier on his last visit to frat boy's apartment. Since then, he had been itching to get back in that tight hole and talked about it almost constantly.

Frat boy claimed to be a virgin before Tristan opened him up, but he had a dildo that Tristan used on him the second or third time they hooked up. Tristan took great pleasure describing the first time he fucked frat boy to me. That's actually how he convinced me to let him top me the first time. He was telling me the story and one thing led to another. Before I knew it, I was laying face down on my bed with Tristan on my back slowly sliding his dick into my ass. Fortunately, Tristan was so new to topping he didn't last very long.

I got no pleasure from the experience and made him suck my dick after he came in my ass. Tristan has never really liked cum much, but that was one of the few times he swallowed my load and cleaned my dick up completely without any hesitation or complaint. He always was good about returning the favor when I did something special for him.

Back to the story at hand, as much as I wanted to fuck a tight ass, I was pretty sure I'd get into Tristan's eventually, and I wanted it much more than frat boy's. I hadn't even met frat boy. Besides, if all I wanted was to fuck an asshole, I was pretty sure I could get that at the gay bar 7 blocks from my apartment.

Finally, Tristan asked me, "Would you dominate frat boy with me if he couldn't identify you afterward?"

"What do you mean? You want me to wear a mask or something? I'm not gonna do that."

"Just answer the question. If he couldn't identify you, would you do it?"

"Are you planning to drug him? I'm not doing anything illegal."

"I'm not going to do anything illegal. Just answer the fucking question."

"Alright fine. If there's absolutely no way he can identify me and he's actually as hot as you claim he is, then yes I'd tag team him with you. Are you happy?"

"Not as happy as you're going to be."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Whatever."

After that Tristan finally dropped the issue. After a week of bringing it up pretty much every time I saw him and even calling me to nag a few times, Tristan didn't say a thing over the next three days. I wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or pissed off.

Tristan pulled stuff like this all the time. He's where I learned half of my manipulation tricks. By planting the seed in my mind and consistently, if annoyingly, watering it, Tristan had made the idea grow. Then he stopped talking about it and made me wonder what was going to happen. We both knew what he was doing, so I refused to give him the satisfaction of asking whether he actually had a plan.

Just when I decided Tristan was fucking with me and never intended for us to actually tag team frat boy, he called me about 8:30 Wednesday night.

"What's up, Tom?"

I told him my roommate and I were eating dinner at the cafeteria on campus after our evening class.

"That's cool. You ready to have some fun with frat boy?"

"Dude. Are going to start pulling that shit again?"

"I'm not pulling anything."

My roommate had no idea I was bi or that I hooked up with Tristan. I was not in the mood to have a phone conversation in front of him where I had to be vague on my end.

"This isn't funny, Tristan. I'm trying to eat dinner and then I need to get back to my apartment to study."

"Listen, I understand you can't talk with your roommate there, but this is for real. I'm at frat boy's apartment now. I've got him tied to his bed and blindfolded. I've checked the blindfold to make sure he can't see anything. I told him I'm going to have a friend come over and use his mouth and ass with me. He can't wait for you to get here. He'll never know who you are."

My mind was suddenly reeling. The setup was theoretically possible. Frat boy was from a rich family and had his own studio apartment, which made it easy for him to have guys over. Even so, this kind of thing only happens in porn and Tristan liked to pull pranks on everyone, including me.

My roommate was staring at me. He could tell from my tone of voice that I was initially annoyed. How was I going to handle this situation? I wanted to believe Tristan because this would be the hottest thing ever if he was telling the truth, but it was a shitty thing for him to pull after I already told him I was sitting here with my roommate if he was joking.

"No way," I said in a disbelieving tone, deciding that could be interpreted any number of ways by my roommate if I needed to spin it later on.

Tristan laughed, "You want proof? Here, let frat boy tell you. Tell my friend how much you want him to come over."

Tristan held the phone down to the tied up sophomore and I heard his voice from a distance, "Beg my friend to come over and feed you his cock."

"Please come over and let me suck your dick."

"Tell him you want him to fuck your ass."

"I want you to fuck me so bad."

When Tristan put frat boy on the phone, I remember looking into my roommate's eyes and trying not to let anything show through in my expression. My dick had gotten instantly hard, and I think I almost came in my pants right then. I needed to come up with an excuse to leave him fast.

Tristan held the phone back to his own mouth, "Does that convince you I'm not lying?"

I sighed for my roommate's benefit, "Yeah, okay." I paused for a moment to give myself time to think. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Nice acting skills. Take a cab. Frat boy will pay for it."

Tristan gave me the cross streets and told me he'd meet me outside the building.

When Tristan hung up, my roommate asked what was going on. I told him Tristan had a test tomorrow he'd forgotten about and needed help studying. I took off, hailed a cab, and was on my way.

During the 10 minute cab ride, I was still slightly scared Tristan was setting me up with an elaborate prank. He and I both like to pull pranks on each other, but this would be taking it too far since he would have to let someone else in on my secret about having sex with other guys once I got to frat boy's apartment.

When I saw him outside frat boy's building, I asked, "This isn't a joke, right? I just want to make sure this isn't some elaborate prank. It's a great setup if it is and I give you full credit for pulling it off, but before it actually goes too far I want to give you one last chance to come clean."

Tristan got serious, "Tom, you're like my brother. I know how serious you are about keeping this side of yourself secret. I'd never do anything to out you."

Then he said, "Now let's go fuck this bitch from both ends" and held up his fist for a fist bump. That was Tristan's way of saying, "No hard feelings for doubting me." I loved him like a brother too.

Tristan went into frat boy's apartment first just to make sure our sub was still properly restrained and blindfolded. When Tristan came back to the door to let me in, it was like walking onto a porno set. I never expected that to happen to me because I was always pretty average looking.

Tristan whispered to me, "The key with guys like frat boy is to be confident and take control. If you have the right attitude, they'll do anything for you. You can own this boy, Tom. Come on. Let's make your fantasy happen bro."

Tristan walked over to the bed and said, "Frat boy, this is my friend, Tom. Treat him right if you ever want to taste my cock again."

He didn't actually introduce me as Tom, but I can't remember my pseudonym for the night. To avoid confusion, I'll just refer to myself as Tom in this story.

Tristan stepped onto the bed, straddled frat boy's chest, and kneeled over him.

"Open up frat boy," Tristan told him while unzipping his pants. He pulled his dick through the fly and shoved it in frat boy's mouth and pushed in until frat boy started to gag. "Oh yeah cocksucker. Choke on that dick. See Tom? He loves gagging on my cock."

I was in awe of Tristan at that moment. I already practically worshipped the guy, but this was amazing. He'd told me stories about frat boy, but you know how guys talk. I assumed there was some exaggeration. To see the total control Tristan had over frat boy was an eye opening experience for me. I'd watched porn and read stories on Nifty. I knew that faggots existed on an intellectual level, but I didn't believe they were actually all around me waiting for guys like Tristan and me to take control.

Fortunately, Tristan knew this is what I needed and he was ready to educate me. That night, my best friend changed my life by showing me how it's done.

After a minute of fucking frat boy's mouth, Tristan told him, "My buddy is going to fuck you now. Lift your legs up."

Just like that. Tristan didn't ask. Maybe they talked about it before I arrived, but by the time I was standing there, it was a foregone conclusion. Frat boy was Tristan's whore to share with whomever he pleased. That's how you treat a faggot. You don't have to ask. You just tell him he's going to get fucked and he presents his hole.

Without hesitation, frat boy lifted his legs. Tristan put his arms behind his back, put his arms between frat boy's legs, and hooked them around so that frat boy's knees were pinned up next to Tristan's head and his ass was on full display for me.

"Hurry up and get your pants off Tom. Frat boy is ready for your cock."

With that, Tristan leaned forward and went back to fucking frat boy's mouth. I started taking my pants and shirt off like the eager college kid I was.

I hesitate to write this next part because it does not portray me as the alpha stud I wish I had been at the time. All I can say in my defense is that I was 20, living a real life fantasy, fucking an ass for the first time, and I hadn't cum since the day before, which was a long time for me to go without an orgasm back then.

After putting on a condom and getting into position behind frat boy's ass, I slowly slid my cock into his tight warm hole. It felt better than I could have imagined. Not because it necessarily felt that good in reality but because the situation was so amazing that any sensation on my cock would have felt like the most incredible thing I'd ever felt. Hell, rolling the condom down my shaft almost made me cum by itself.

I fucked frat boy about three strokes before unloading 12 or 13 shots of cum in his ass. I'm certain I lasted less than 15 seconds.

I know, all of you faggots are very disappointed in me. However, I said I was going to tell the truth in these stories which means sharing the bad with the good.

I pulled out and started to get off the bed.

Tristan laughed and said something like, "That was quick. I thought you weren't gay dude."

His comment hurt a little, as any emasculating comment will, and he immediately realized it.

"Tom. Bro. It's okay man. The first time I fucked this bitch, I don't think I lasted a full minute. And I didn't have real live face fucking and dirty talk like you were watching. This is fantasy sex man. There's no way the first one wasn't going to happen fast. Come here and let this cocksucker get you ready for round two so you can fuck him longer. I'll take a turn with his ass while you get ready to use it again."

And that's exactly what I did. Tristan and I traded places. I used frat boy's mouth for a bit while Tristan fucked him.

Getting head from frat boy was king of a surreal experience. I remember thinking that it was like sucking my own dick. I could tell that Tristan told him to do the same things that he would tell me to do when I sucked his dick. The way frat boy would move his tongue is the same way Tristan told me to move mine. I also saw why Tristan liked the things he liked and told us to do.

"Your ass is so tight frat boy. Fuck yeah I love being up in here. No wonder you made my buddy cum so fast. I'm not going to last long this first time either but we're not going to be done with you. We're going to fuck you all night long bitch. It's not like you can get away tied to the fucking bed."

Frat boy started moaning around my cock. His mouth felt almost as good as his ass.

I was already hard again and I heard Tristan moaning behind me. A few seconds later, Tristan was standing next to me, obviously through his first orgasm of the evening.

Tristan said, "Don't be shy Tom. Talk to him. Tell him what he's doing feels good. If it doesn't, tell him what to do differently."

I hadn't really gotten into dirty talk yet. I was pretty shy during sex at that age, but I gave it a try.

"Oh yeah. Your tongue feels so good. Keep licking my dick frat boy."

When I say "frat boy" I don't mean that I said his name. I specifically recall referring to him as frat boy that night because Tristan and I both thought dominating a frat boy was super hot and that's what we called him that night. It was easy since that's what we always called him between ourselves anyway. He seemed to enjoy being called frat boy like he was an object instead of a real person with a name as well.

"There you go man. He doesn't know what you like if you don't tell him. He wants to make you feel good, so you have to let him know how to do that."

"Alright dude," I said and gave Tristan a high five. "Thanks for setting this up man. This really is the most awesome thing anybody's ever done for me."

Tristan squeezed my shoulder and told me, "You know I'd do anything for you man." That's when I knew for sure that Tristan would be bottoming for me at some point in the future. He just wasn't ready yet and so he had give me frat boy as a substitute to try it out.

Then Tristan went back to giving me tips for dominating subs.

"Don't be afraid to get aggressive. Frat boy likes it when you take control. Reach down there and grab his hair. Pull his head up so his mouth slides down on your cock. He loves that."

I followed Tristan's instructions, and frat boy moaned loudly.

I couldn't hold back getting into the act now.

"Fuck yeah bitch. Take my cock. All the way. I want to feel your lips on my balls."

Tristan smiled, "There you go, man. Show him who's boss. He lives to serve men like us. You want to get back in his ass?"

"Yeah, but not yet. I want to make sure I can last in his ass for a while so I'm going to cum in his mouth first."

"Fuck yeah buddy. Now you're getting it. It's all about you and making sure you use his holes the best way possible."

I fucked frat boy's mouth for about five more minutes with Tristan standing there encouraging me. When I came, I planted my cock all the way in frat boy's mouth and held it until I was finished. When I started to pull out, I told him to lick it clean, and Tristan and I both laughed.

Then Tristan and I switched places again. Tristan climbed aboard frat boy to use his mouth and I stood to the side to enjoy the show, high five my best friend, and encourage him. In no time, I was hard again. Sometimes, I really miss being 20.

After I got hard again, we untied frat boy but left the blindfold on. Tristan stacked pillows against the headboard and leaned back against them while I positioned frat boy on his elbows and knees on the bed in front of Tristan. Tristan grabbed frat boy's head and started fucking his mouth while I moved up behind him for a second shot at his ass.

I started off by fingering his ass for a minute. I'd never had my finger in an asshole and was kind of amazed at how tightly the sphincter grabbed my finger when I stuck it inside. However, even after cumming twice in pretty quick succession, I was too horny to waste much time on "foreplay." I used my knees to spread frat boy's calves apart, grabbed hold of his thighs, and pushed my cock into his tight boycunt.

It was glorious. So tight and squishy. When the heat enveloped my cock, I would have cum immediately if I hadn't already had two orgasms.

I started to fuck frat boy in the hope that I could at least get a few strokes in before cumming again. I planned to keep on fucking and pretend like I hadn't cum yet when I realized that the urge to cum was subsiding the more I fucked frat boy. I learned an important lesson that day: the act fucking can actually help delay orgasm while sitting still buried in a tight hole can speed it along. It seems counterintuitive since holding your hand still while jacking off stops the progress toward cumming, but topping and jacking off are completely different and jacking off does not prepare you for topping.

At first I was so stunned that I didn't say anything. Tristan seemed to notice and congratulated me.

"There you go man. I knew you could give him a good fuck. You just had to get the easy nut out of the way."

I laughed, "Yeah man. Lesson learned. Blow the easy one in his mouth next time and save te good one for his ass."

At 34, that's now reversed. With a little rest, I can still cum twice over a couple hours, but if a guy wants me to top, it has to be before I cum. It's too difficult to stay hard with a condom on after I've already cum.

After Tristan broke the ice, I started to get into the dirty talk again.

"Damn it your ass feels good frat boy. I'm glad you haven't let the whole fraternity up here to loosen you up and ruin you yet."

Tristan laughed, "Yet is key word. I'm sure he will before he graduates."

"I just can't believe how much tighter it is than fucking a pussy. It's not quite as smooth, but it's so fucking tight."

"You need more lube dude. It doesn't get all wet like your girlfriend's vagina. Add more lube and it'll be just as smooth."

I grabbed the lube bottle, reapplied, and sure enough Tristan was right. From then on it was nice and slick.

I can't say for sure how long it took for me to cum that second time fucking frat boy's ass. Tristan came in his mouth while I was fucking him and frat boy started to gag. I felt his ass squeezing my cock while he choked on Tristan's cum and that almost put me over the edge, but I started fucking him faster and got past it.

I started playing little games to work on my technique and see what felt good. I tried different strokes like I did with the girls I'd dated. Mixing up fast and slow strokes, long and short strokes. Thrusting up, thrusting down. It seemed like I last a long time, but in reality it was probably only about 10 minutes. As I felt myself getting close to the edge again, I let frat boy and Tristan know it.

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna cum again. Fuck this ass feels so good. I can feel it pulling the cum from way down in my balls all the way to the tip of my cock. Oh yeah you've got such a sweet pussy frat boy. I can't believe I'm cumming in this cunt for the second time tonight. You're such a fucking whore."

Tristan was into it too, "Yeah bro. Use this faggot's ass. Make him your bitch."

After I came the third time, we put frat boy on his knees in front of the couch and he sucked my dick while I sucked Tristan's. I couldn't cum a 4th time even though frat boy sucked me for about 30 minutes, which was by far the longest blow job of my life at that time.

Frat boy did a good job, but I just couldn't stay hard long enough to cum. Tristan encouraged me to take control, grab onto frat boy's head, and really fuck his mouth. I did, which was my first time really face fucking. It was hot and felt really good, but I just couldn't cum a 4th time. Much as I was enjoying the blowjob, it was getting late and I finally told Tristan I should probably give up trying to cum again and go home.

In total, the marathon fuck session lasted almost 3 hours before Tristan told the faggot we were finished using his holes. I started to thank frat boy, but Tristan shushed me and asked frat boy where his wallet was so he could get money for the cab. After we left he told me that breaking character would have ruined the scene for frat boy. I'm not sure if that was entirely true, but frat boy seemed happy enough.

That night still stands out as one of the hottest sexual experiences of my life. One of my fantasies today is to play Tristan's role and show a man who has never used a faggot how it's done so that he can take his place among the alphas, not only so he can begin taking pleasure for himself, but also so he can spread it to all the subs out there who need men to serve. There just aren't enough of us to satisfy their hungry holes.

Next: Chapter 8

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