Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Nov 4, 2015


Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about a guy I hooked up with from Craigslist. I've written several stories about my sexual experiences and plan to write more. Most of the stories will be about guys I met on Craigslist over the last several months. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves will be true.

I previously invited readers to vote on which story I should write next. Stories 4 and 5 received the most votes, so I wrote about guy #5 last time and #4 is below. If you have an opinion about what I should write after these two, let me know. You can email me at to vote, ask questions, or provide constructive feedback. I've also started responding to questions and comments I've received from readers and posting other stuff I think is hot on Tumblr. Follow me, ask questions, or submit hot stuff to me at

Thanks to all the doms, subs, and vers guys who have emailed me. Keep sending the hot pics, links to your favorite videos, and stories about your own experiences. Hearing from all of you has encouraged me to spend as much of my free time as possible writing these stories.

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Part 6: Matt's Mouth

This story is about the 4th guy in the list I provided in the Author's Note to Part 3. I'll call him Matt.

Matt responded to the same ad that Jorge contacted me through. Jorge wasn't able to host the night I originally posted the ad, and Matt was the other top candidate among the responses I received.

The ad I posted is copied below. As I explained before, I posted this when I was posing as a curious straight man in response to feedback indicating that's what submissive gay guys want.

---------- Title: Curious Married Man

I'm a straight, white, normal guy/dad next door, masculine, have a hairy chest, chubby, brn/brn, average cut dick. I've been married 10 years but have always been curious about being with another guy. Looking to hang out, maybe watch some porn, find out if guys really do give better head and see if an ass does feel better than a pussy.

Please email and tell me a little about yourself and what you are into if you want to get together. Only contact me if you are serious about meeting and can host. Thanks.

Matt is the first guy I met up with pretending to be a shy, curious, totally straight, married man. Largely because I was playing that role to the extreme, our first meeting was nothing special.

Matt lives with his longterm boyfriend in a nice neighborhood. His boyfriend travels a lot, and Matt likes to entertain while he's gone.

When I got to Matt's house, he asked if I'd ever fooled around with another man. I admitted to doing so in college without disclosing the details. I let him kiss me and suck my dick a little. I touched his dick and stroked it a little, then he gave me a hand job. I came, but it wasn't a particularly intense orgasm. Like I said, nothing special.

After that first visit, I wasn't sure if I'd meet up with Matt again. I thought he was fairly attractive, but it was kind of boring and I can give myself a much better hand job. I know how to stroke my own dick for maximum pleasure as any dude who spent hours and hours of free time masturbating throughout high school and college should.

Pardon the brief digression, but I cannot figure out why so many guys just grab a dick and start jerking the skin around when they give a man a hand job. You know that's not how it's done! You don't do that to your own dick when you want to cum! As a grown man you must realize that certain things feel good when you stroke yourself! Do those things to me dumbass. Don't just grab hold and start jerking your hand around like you've never touched a dick before and have no clue what you're doing. A large part of the appeal of getting service from a gay guy is that he's supposed to know how to make my cock feel good because he has one of his own.

I don't remember Matt's hand job being especially bad, but it wasn't particularly good or else I'd remember it. The reason I ended up going back to see Matt is because he was persistent.

He texted me after our first session and we got to talking. I opened up a little bit and told him I liked the idea of being more dominant with another guy. Matt told me he was the top in his relationship but fantasized about being dominated by a straight guy. The fact that I was so obviously straight and uncomfortable when we met the first time made him want me even more. I couldn't help patting myself on the back for my acting skills and reading the situation correctly.

I found the fact that Matt described himself as a "total top" with his boyfriend and other gay guys especially intriguing. I'd never been with a guy who claimed he's never bottomed. Even Tristan bottomed on rare occasions in college, just not with many people other than me.

After a couple weeks of periodic emails and texts, I decided to meet up with Matt again. I went over to his house on my lunch break one day, and he met me at the door. He led me upstairs to the bedroom and guided me to a chair in the corner.

I sat down as Matt got on his knees in front of me. Curious to see what initiative he would take, I stayed quiet and watched him. After a short pause, Matt started taking off my shoes and socks. He rubbed my feet for a minute and then started letting his hands wander up my calves. I've always had powerful legs, and I think my calves are one of my best features.

I settled back into the chair to let Matt massage my feet and legs for a couple minutes. At this point, I stayed quiet aside from some contented sighs or perhaps a low moan or two to let Matt know I was enjoying his service. I could tell he was waiting impatiently for me to take control and start giving him orders and started to smile.

"What's funny?" he asked me.

"I'm just having fun making you wait. I can tell you want to get down to business and that makes it entertaining for me to sit back and watch you try to restrain yourself."

"You're evil," he said pretending to be mad.

I laughed, "Not evil. Just manipulative. You want to serve a straight guy and make him feel good. A lot of things feel good aside from sex. I'm happy to let you keep rubbing my feet and legs for a while. You're the one who's ready to move on."

Matt sighed and looked somewhat abashed.

"If you want to be used for my pleasure, you need to start ignoring your own desires," I explained.

Matt didn't answer but went back to rubbing my legs. After a minute he started working his way up to my thighs. I scooted farther down in the chair and leaned my head back. This was definitely going to be fun.

As Matt's hands inched closer and closer to my crotch, I finally spoke again.

"Watch where you put your hands. I haven't given you permission to touch my cock yet."

Matt let out a whimper, and I laughed.

"If you want permission, all you have to do is ask nicely."

I looked down into Matt's eyes to see how he would react. I was curious to see if he would fully embrace his submissive side.

"Can I please?"

"That's a decent start, but you need to tell me what you want and you need to show me respect when you talk to me."

He tried again, "Please sir, can I rub your dick?"

I remember his exact words because they sounded so awkward to me. He wants to "rub my dick" through my pants. "Since you asked nicely, I suppose I'll let you."

Matt immediately moved both hands up my thighs and over to my crotch. I was starting to get semi erect from making Matt work so hard for so little. When he started rubbing my dick through my pants, it finished getting me hard.

"Get your face in there. Show me how bad you want it."

Matt buried his face in my crotch and started sniffing and moaning.

"See you appreciate things more when you have to work for them faggot."

Matt moaned loudly. I knew from texting with him that he thought being called a faggot was really hot. I'd never been all that comfortable with the word, but I was determined to use it with Matt.

"Aren't you glad I made you take your time and work for the privilege of rubbing and sniffing my crotch boy?"

"Yes sir."

"Then you better thank me properly."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you for letting me work to earn this privilege and showing me what a worthless faggot I really am!"

"Much better boy. Now that you've got me hard, I think it's time for you to get a taste of what you've been craving."

"Thank you, sir. Please let me taste it."

Fuck yeah. Matt was totally in the zone ready to be my soft wet fuckhole.

"You can undo my belt and open my pants up."

Matt did as instructed and then started to grab the waistband of my underwear.

I slapped his hand, "I told you to open my pants. I didn't say anything about my underwear."

He looked up at me and asked, "Can I please pull down your underwear?"

"Not yet. I want to feel your mouth through the fabric first."

Matt lowered his face to my groin and put his lips on my underwear. He kissed a few times along my dick while I started running my fingers through his hair.

"Good boy. Let me feel your warm breath on it."

Matt parted his lips and breathed out onto my cock. I love that feeling of moist heat coming through fabric when it envelops my cock.

"Good boy. If I'd known what an obedient little bitch you were before we could've done this the first time we met. So much more fun than just jacking off. Especially for a boy like you who needs a real man to take charge."

Matt was moving his mouth all over my clothed dick at this point, breathing on it, putting his mouth around it, licking the fabric with his tongue.

"That's enough," i told him. "I don't want my underwear to be a mess after this."

I stood up and instructed Matt to pull my pants and underwear off while I unbuttoned and removed my shirt. Having this self-proclaimed top kneeling at my feet serving me had me rock hard. Even though I knew it was his fantasy and that I hadn't exactly "conquered" another top man, there's still something especially erotic and satisfying about dominating another masculine guy.

After I was undressed, I sat back and relaxed in the chair. I ran my fingers through Matt's hair and guided his head closer to my lap, but I didn't pull him quite all the way in. When he was a couple inches away from my cock, I held his head in place and and tilted it uo so he ways looking at my eyes instead of my cock.

"You've been wanting to taste my dick again since the 1st time we met haven't you cocksucker?"

"Yes sir."

"Stick your tongue out, and I'll give you a taste."

With Matt's tongue sticking out, I grabbed my dick with one hand and started rubbing it back and forth across his tongue.

"Does it taste as good as you remembered faggot?"

"Mmm hmm. It tastes so good sir."

"Start licking it."

He quickly obeyed and started running his tongue up and down the shaft.

"Ohh yeah. That's a good faggot. Your tongue feels so nice and soft on my dick. When you start sucking me, you better not forget to keep working that tongue uo and down ny shaft. Go on and put your mouth around it now."

Matt closed his lips around my cock, and started slowly moving up and down it. As I had instructed, he continued using his tongue to stroke my cock while he sucked.

"Good boy," I said and patted him on the head. "All your life, you've been aching to serve a man like this. You need to please, and I'm going to be nice enough to give you what you really need today by letting you be my personal cocksucker."

Matt tried to nod his head in agreement and moaned.

"Don't nod or shake your head around faggot. I don't want your teeth to scrape my cock. You don't need to confirm what I already know. It's fine if you moan because the vibrations from your voice can give me extra pleasure but don't move your head around to respond to me. Just do your job and suck my dick."

Matt started getting into a rhythm, so I leaned back and relaxed for a couple minutes while he worked on my cock. I never stay completely quiet for long, so I'm sure I moaned a little and said "good boy," "fuck yeah," "that feels nice," or some of my other standard phrases I can't help but repeat when I'm getting head, but I wasn't giving any real directions yet. After a couple minutes, I started to get bored even though what he was doing felt nice.

"That feels good, but you're just doing the same thing over and over again. Try to be creative and really show me what you can do. A good faggot needs a variety of cocksucking techniques."

Matt paused for a second, then pretty much went back to doing the same thing he had been but flicking his tongue around a lot more.

"You need to do better than that faggot. I'm getting disappointed in you."

Matt pulled his mouth off my cock and went for my balls with his tongue.

"There you go. Work on my balls. That tongue feels good licking around them."

He moved his head away a little and started softly blowing air on my nuts and dick. It didn't really feel good or bad, but I complimented him for trying to be creative. Then he started very gently licking the trimmed hairs around my ball sac. He didn't make any contact with the skin, just the hair. It tickled but at the same time felt amazingly good and was extremely erotic.

"Fuck yeah boy. I love that. Such a wonderful teasing feeling. Don't stop."

He kept at it for a little while, and it was driving me crazy. Finally, I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back up to my cock. I told him to open up and shoved my dick all the way into his mouth.

"Fuck baby. You got me so hard and horny licking around my balls like that. I just had to get my cock back in your mouth to release some of the tension."

As I said this, I started thrusting in and out of Matt's mouth holding his head in place with a handful of hair. For some reason, pulling a boy's hair while I fuck his mouth gives me extra pleasure.

"Your mouth feels so good faggot. Just like a soft wet pussy. I am going to love fucking it whenever I need to get off."

Matt started moaning and working his tongue again. It never ceases to amaze me how hard cocksuckers work to please me when I tell them shit like that. It just flips some switch in their minds when I compare their mouths to a pussy or talk about using them again in the future. It's like they instantly feel the need to serve me better so that I'll follow through on the promise to come back and give them a taste of my dick again someday.

Matt had been working on my dick for about ten minutes at this point, and although I often like a lengthy blowjob (20 to 30 minutes or more), using Matt's mouth was so hot that I was ready to cum sooner than usual.

"Let's change it up so that I can really fuck your mouth good," I said and pushed his head off my dick. "Back up against the edge of the bed."

He scooted over and put his back to the side of bed. I stepped up in front of him and grabbed his head with both hands. As Matt returned to sucking me, I told him what was going to happen.

"Here's how this is going to work. You wanted to be treated like a faggot, so that's how I'm going to treat you. You understand me?"

"Mmm hmm."

"I put your back up against the bed so that you don't have anywhere to go when I really get into fucking. I'm going to use this hole exactly how I want to, and you aren't going to have any way to get away."

Matt moaned again and started fumbling at his crotch with one hand.

"Does that get you hard? Being used by a real man like the worthless faggot you are?"

I'm pretty sure he tried to say "yes sir," but he couldn't speak clearly with his mouth full.

"Don't try to talk bitch. You need to focus your mouth completely on making me feel good. And get your hand away from your dick. You can jackoff after I leave with the taste of my cum in the back of your mouth."

Matt was practically going crazy at this point. He was struggling to control his excitement and not doing a particularly good job restraining himself.

"This is exactly why I put you in this position," I said and I stepped forward a little bit and leaned my body against his head. "I knew your little faggot brain would get all worked up and you wouldn't be able to keep that mouth pussy still enough for me to fuck it properly. Since I made you move over against the bed here, I can lean over like this and use my body to pin your head against the mattress while I fuck. Now open up like a good boy and get ready to be used like the fuckhole you are."

With those words, I let go of Matt's head, leaned forward, and put my hands on the bed behind his head. I was basically in an inclined pushup position with my knees holding his shoulders in place against the bed frame and my torso pinning his head to the edge of the mattress. Once I had him mostly immobilized, I began thrusting my hips to really fuck his mouth good. As I pushed in deep and buried his nose in my pubes, he gagged a couple times. I don't have a particularly large dick but when the back of a sub's head is pressed against something so he can't pull away, he usually gags much more easily. That makes it more fun for me, and since I've never had any complaints, I assume faggots like Matt enjoy it too.

"Oh yeah faggot. Gag on that cock. You'll be remembering that feeling in your throat while you jack off later."

After just a couple minutes of real fucking, I was really starting to get close. When I'm about to cum, my dirty talk usually gets even dirtier. I just start saying whatever nasty debaucheries pop into my head, so it's impossible to repeat it here verbatim. Now that I've started sharing my exploits I really should begin taking notes after encounters to keep track of the things I say while they're still fresh in my mind. Fortunately, I remember the general statements I made to Matt well enough to give you a pretty close paraphrasing of what I told him that day.

As I got close to edge, I said something like, "Oh fuck faggot. I'm going to fill your belly up with my cum. You've been waiting your whole life to have a real man plant his seed down your throat, and I'm going to give it to you. I'll try to get a couple shots in your mouth instead of shooting it all straight down your throat. As long as you've been dreaming about this, I'd hate for you not to get a good taste. And after the fucking your mouth has taken with you gagging all over this dick, I want to make sure you have enough to coat that soft sweet tongue of yours faggot."

Like I said, I just start speaking whatever depraved shit pops into my head. Afterward, I'm always half appalled and half amazed since it sounds both disgusting and incredibly hot at the same time (at least in my opinion). What can I say? It's a gift.

The whole time I was saying these things to Matt, I kept fucking his mouth hard and getting closer and closer to cumming. It didn't take long until I crossed the point of no return.

"Oh yeah cocksucker. Get ready for your reward. Here it comes faggot."

I shoved my dick all the way in as I started to shoot and yelled, "Ooohhh fuck! Ooohhh yeah. Yes, yes, yes. Fuck yeah bitch, take my load."

After the first three of four squirts, I realized my cock was still buried completely in Matt's mouth.

"Oh shit, I buried my cock in there and almost forgot to give you a good taste. Here you go faggot," I said pulling halfway out. "I probably didn't save as much for you to taste as you wanted, but you can earn more next time. Lick it up and milk those last drops out."

Matt licked all around my cock and sucked hard to slurp out every bit of cum he could get.

"Fuck yeah, you were made to serve men just like this. Such a good cocksucker. A natural faggot doing what he does best. Making sure you don't miss a single drop of that cum you crave."

I kept Matt pinned to the bed for a minute and held my dick in his mouth for him to get it nice and clean. When my climax had receded and I was ready to relinquish the warm wet softness of his mouth, I pushed myself upright and stepped back.

I said, "Now you know how it feels to be treated like a faggot. Was it everything you hoped for?"

"Yes, sir," he answered. "That was the hottest thing I've ever done."

"I enjoyed it too. I'll definitely use your sweet mouth again faggot."

"Thank you, sir."

I patted him on the head and said, "Good boy." Then I got dressed and left.

I saw Matt a few more times after this and did pretty much the same thing except the last time he said he didn't want me to cum in his mouth. After I gave him a facial and he cleaned up, he told me that cumming in his mouth was too intimate. He was developing feelings for me that were reinforced by tasting my cum and feeling me shoot in his mouth.

I told Matt very plainly that I did not have any sort of romantic feelings for him. I agreed that oral sex can be very intimate but explained that I was just looking for a good blowjob. I told him from the beginning that I wasn't going to have a real relationship with him apart from occasionally hooking up for sex. He accused me of leading him on by responding to his texts and emails. Basically he said I was too nice and that made him think I had deeper feelings for him.

Matt texted me numerous times after his confession. I tried to be polite but declined every invitation to meet and responded less and less. He finally resorted to issuing veiled threats, like telling me he's met a lot of married men and their wives have ALWAYS found out about them having sex with men on the side. After that, I stopped trying to reason with Matt. I blocked his number in Google Voice and his email address in Gmail and have no idea how many messages he's tried to send me since.

This is why I never tell people I meet on CL where I live or work, share face pictures with them, or give other details that would allow them to discern my real identity. Matt was very friendly and charming at first. He was exactly the sort of guy for whom I considered making an exception to my rules. Thankfully, I never did or he could have ruined my life.

Next: Chapter 7

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