Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Oct 14, 2015


Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about a guy I hooked up with from Craigslist. I plan on writing several stories about my sexual experiences. Most of the stories will be about guys I met on Craigslist over the last several months. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves will be true.

The story below involves the same young hispanic stud that starred in Part 3. I decided I had too much to write about Jorge to fit it all in a single story, so I limited Part 3 to my first meeting with him. I intended this story to be primarily about our second encounter but with some random elements from additional hookups thrown in as a way of providing a composite picture of my experiences with Jorge. However, my plans changed when Jorge emailed me yesterday morning. I wrote this story last night right after my most recent meeting with him to tell all of you about that encounter, which I think was pretty hot. I hope you enjoy reading about it!

In Part 3, I also told readers about other stories I intend to write and invited you to email me. If you have an opinion and haven't emailed me, it isn't too late. I think I've decided on who to write about for Part 5 and possibly Part 6, but later stories are still up in the air. You can email me at to vote, ask questions, or provide constructive feedback. I've also started responding to some questions and comments I've received from readers on Tumblr. Check me out at

Finally, thanks to all the doms, subs, and vers guys who have emailed me. Keep sending the hot pics, links to your favorite videos, and stories about your own experiences. Hearing from all of you has encouraged me to spend as much of my free time as possible writing these stories.

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Part 4: Jorge's Hot Ass (Continued)

I've had an amazing day. I know in Part 3 I said I was going to write about my second meeting with Jorge, but my plans changed. When I wrote the last story, I hadn't heard from Jorge in a couple of months. I'd emailed him twice with no response and figured he was gone from my life. It happens. Although Jorge is a truly exceptional fuck, I was over him.

I never get very attached to the guys I hookup with. They know I don't want a relationship and that I'm just using them as fuck toys. It isn't like submissive beta guys are an endangered species. There are plenty of them out there looking for a dom like me to use them. I haven't met a sub yet who is irreplaceable. Even so, when Jorge emailed me today out of the blue, it got me instantly horny.

Jorge's emails are always fun. Five days after our first encounter, Jorge emailed me to say, "Just woke up. Very horny. What are you up to?"

I love getting messages like that from subs. I wrote back, "I'm at work. Pretty busy today. Waking up horny happens less often as you get older but getting emails from hot young guys helps us older men get horny too."

He quickly responded, "That's hot. I'm home alone now. Wish you could come over."

"Me too," I told him. "I keep remembering how hot and tight your ass felt. Now that you've got me thinking about it, I can't focus on work. How long will you be home alone?"

"I want you here right now daddy. I'm so horny for you. Try to come over before noon."

I thought to myself, "Fuck yeah! Hot boy needs his daddy. How can I say no to that?" So I told Jorge I'd leave work in a few minutes.

Twenty minutes later I was at his door, and a few minutes after that I was back inside his ass.

Jorge and I have met up several times since then, and the sessions are always hot. I went to his parents' house a couple more times but that always felt rushed because he was worried about someone coming home, so we started meeting in hotel rooms. He sucked me most times we met up, and I fucked him every time. Sometimes I would initiate a meeting by asking if he was available. Other times he would send me enticing emails. One day he emailed, "Come fuck me baby. I miss you." Another day he wrote, "We need to find a time to meet soon. Would love ride your cock again." And I can't forget, "I want your nice cock throbbing inside me daddy. Please cum over."

Of course I didn't go meet Jorge every time he asked me to. After all, I have to work, and I have family obligations. I also can't let him think he's in control and gets to decide when we hookup. I'm happy to meet him if I'm free, and he needs some cock. His ass is still one of the best I've ever had, if not the best, which makes it hard to say no. Still, I have rules. I don't move work meetings or inconvenience others to satisfy a sub's urges. If a guy really wants to meet, he'll do it on my terms. If not, I'll find someone else the next time I'm horny.

Although my second meeting with Jorge was a pretty spectacular fuck session, I want to tell you about today's experience because it was even hotter. It's so fresh in my mind I feel almost like I'm live blogging the event.

Jorge's email this morning said, "Sorry I haven't been in touch. Lost my phone and don't have internet on my computer. Can you fuck me today? I miss having you in my ass."

By the time I finished reading those few short sentences, I was already half hard. I've been spending all my free time lately writing the stories in this series and haven't gotten a blow job or fucked anyone in over a week. I decided to meet up with Jorge and fuck him in a manner worth writing about. I think I achieved that goal, but I'll let you decide if it's actually a story worth telling.

I wrote Jorge back and told him when I could meet. We've established a protocol for our hotel hookups. One of my rules is that I never put local hotels in my own name. I don't want any hotels around here having my home address to send me mail or my wife asking why I rented a hotel room in Dallas or Fort Worth. So for us to meet in a hotel, Jorge has to put the room in his name and either pay cash or put it on his own credit card. Because Jorge doesn't make a lot of money at his part time job while he works his way through college, I give him some cash to cover most or all of the room charge when we meet.

For those of you wondering, I'm not "generous" to guys I meet from Craigslist. I have never split the cost of a hotel room with any fuck buddy other than Jorge. If I find you exceptionally hot after a first meeting, I'll consider splitting the cost of a room or, in rare circumstances, paying the whole cost of a hotel room for future hookups. However, I don't pay for sex because I don't have to. Plenty of dudes want my cock and cum free of charge.

After Jorge checks into the hotel, he emails me the room number. When I get to the room, he heads off to take a shower. He always showers right before we have sex. Even when we used to meet at his parents' house, he was always fresh from the shower and answered the door with just a towel on after our first meeting. I like boys with good hygiene, so that's another thing Jorge has going for him.

I usually get undressed, lay on the bed, and play on my phone while Jorge showers. I shower every morning and again after I go to the gym on days I workout, so I don't usually feel a need to shower when I meet up with guys. If it's been a long day or I've taken a massive shit since my last shower I might want to clean up, but otherwise the guys I meet tend to like it when I have my natural masculine scent, even if it's a little musky from going about my day.

Since I was already planning to write about this particular session, I decided to try something different and shower together with Jorge. I got undressed, walked to the bathroom, and pulled back the shower curtain.

I told him, "I decided to join you today. This will give you a chance to get me nice and clean for your mouth."

Jorge almost blushed. I don't remember him ever looking shy before. It was kind of sexy.

I stepped into the shower, pulled the curtain closed, and said, "Hand me the soap, and I'll wash your back."

He handed it to me and turned around. I soaped up my hands and started scrubbing his back. I rubbed his shoulders a bit before sliding my hands down to that near perfect ass. Adding more soap to my hands, I started groping Jorge's firm glutes. He leaned forward and put his hands against the wall in response, giving me full access to that sweet ass.

I spent some time massaging his glutes and then traced fingers across his hole. I played with his asshole a little bit to get it relaxed following the same general pattern I described in my last story. The only difference is that I used the soap as a bit of lube to actually penetrate him with my finger.

I stuck my middle finger into his hole up to the first knuckle and slightly wiggling it around. I was being gentle. No fast or jerky motions. A smooth entry and slight bending of the fingertip back and forth to relax the sphincter. I could tell Jorge was trying to relax his opening. In spite of his efforts, his tight hole squeezed my finger rhythmically.

I don't finger boys very often because I usually like the first penetration their ass feels to be my hard cock. Every now and then though, I do enjoy getting a finger or two up there to feel just how tight a boy's ass is. Jorge is very tight.

I probed a little deeper with my finger and turned my palm downward so my finger would bend toward the front of Jorge's body. Then I slowly pushed it all the way in and wiggled the fingertip, using it to stroke Jorge's prostate.

I was rewarded with a moan, "Mmmm daddy."

"I should try fucking you in the shower sometime," I told him. "This is hot with the water pouring down my back and you leaning against the wall. Your ass feels so tight wrapped around my finger. I'm getting hard thinking about how good it'll feel on my cock."

Jorge moaned again and arched his back to give me more direct access to his prostate.

"Good boy. Help me reach your g-spot so I can make you feel as good as your tight ass is going to make me feel."

Having my finger in Jorge's ass and feeling his natural heat made me realize how much I'd been missing his hole. After rubbing his prostate for a couple minutes, I pulled my finger out and pushed my dick up against the entry. Never have I been so tempted to throw caution to the wind and fuck a boy raw. I wanted to be inside Jorge's ass so bad it hurt, but I satisfied myself with pushing my dick up and down through the crevice between his ass cheeks. Being the good sub boy he is, Jorge even flexed his glutes to make the corridor narrow and tight for me.

I put my arms around Jorge's chest, pulled him upright against me, and whispered into his ear, "We're going to have to wait to wash more thoroughly. I need to fuck you right now."

We quickly rinsed and dried off, then moved to the bed. I laid down while Jorge got the condom, put it on me, and straddled me in reverse cowboy style. I let Jorge ride me and set the pace for a few minutes.

"Ooh baby. Your ass feels so good. I love how tight it is. Keep riding my cock just like that boy."

Every few strokes, Jorge would grind his ass into me, leaning back to rub my cock firmly against his prostate. After 3 or 4 minutes, I decided it was time to take control.

I pulled Jorge backward to lay on my chest, the horizontal version of how we ended our time in the shower. I fucked him softly like that a few strokes while kissing his neck and nibbling his ear lobe. I told him to pull his feet out from under him and grab his ankles. He did as I said while I lifted my hips and started thrusting into him harder. We kept that up a few minutes but I wasn't really getting the angle I wanted because my head was up against the wall and I lacked the space to maneuver properly.

"Let's try another position," I told him. "You know how much I enjoy feeling your ass grip my cock from different angles."

"Alright!" Jorge was excited. He is a boy who likes to test boundaries and try new things. I always know I'll have a lot of fun when we meet.

I told Jorge to get on his hands and knees. I love fucking a boy doggy style. It gives a dom so many options to control a sub's body. I can grab his hips for quick jabs in and out of his ass. I can grab his shoulders and pull him backward as I ram into his ass as hard as I can (one of my favorites). I can pull his hair or spank his ass to display some aggressiveness. I can push his face down into a pillow if he's squealing too much and it starts to annoy me. I can even pull him upright so his back is resting against my chest, wrap my arms around him, and whisper in his ear to make him feel some affection.

That final position is also the only one from behind that really engages the prostate if the top has a straight dick or an upward curve like I do. That's why fucking doggy style gives a top so much power. It really drives home the fact that the sub is nothing more than a hole for my pleasure. I'm fucking him the way I like. I'm not searching for his g-spot. This position is all about my pleasure.

Some bottoms lower their hips and arch their backs in the hopes of having the top thrust his cock forward inside them so it hits the prostate, much like Jorge arched his back in the shower as I fingered him. I don't mind that because I want my bottoms to enjoy getting fucked. Besides, the bottom still doesn't control my angle of entry. If I don't want to hit his prostate, I can lean back and rest my hands on my ankles while I thrust farther upward. Bottoms can't wrest control of my fucking from me that easily.

Fucking a bottom from behind also seems to put him in the proper mindset. When I move a sub's body to position him how I want or tell him to change his posture, he never complains. When I push a boy's head down and pull his hips up so I can feel the tightness of his sphincter gripping the underside of my shaft while my cockhead gets pleasure from sliding through the contours along the roof of his hole, he always complies. I also keep my hand on his back or use a grip on his hips to let him know he needs to stay in that position for my enjoyment until I let him know it's okay to move. Again, doggy style is all about me feeling the best I can, and my sub needs to trust that I'll focus on his needs when the time comes, which may or may not be today.

Jorge's ass always feels even better doggy style than when he's riding me, so I was ready to for a good fuck. I moved up behind him and rubbed my cock back and forth through his crack a few times. Then I grabbed his hips and adjusted them down a little so my cock was lined up with his hole. When I was ready, I simultaneously pulled back on his hips and rammed my cock all the way home with one swift stroke.

"Ooh, fuck! Your ass feels so good boy. I can't stand to be gentle with you right now, I just want to fuck you as hard as I can go. Your ass grips me so tight when I shove into it rough like that. I've just gotta do it over and over again baby."

"Yeah daddy. I love it when you fuck me hard."

So that's what I did. At least for a couple minutes. Hard, fast, and deep thrusts, holding Jorge by the hips. I didn't keep it up too long though because I wanted to last a little while and really take the time to enjoy Jorge's ass today.

I mixed up the rhythm by adding some slow plunges into his ass. The slow strokes really let a top get the feel of a particular pathway within a sub's ass. It's amazing how different a boy's ass feels from one position to the next. For you bottoms who've never fucked someone, you may not realize that tops like to try different positions because the sensations are different. Your asses grip and stroke our cocks in different ways when we enter you from different angles. It's like the difference between getting a blow job with a boy's tongue under your cock versus fucking his mouth upside down where the tongue is on the top of your head and shaft. Both feel great, but it takes a lot longer to cum if a sub's tongue is stroking the top side of my cock instead of the bottom.

Fucking Jorge from behind is nothing short of fantastic. After a minute or two of slow plunges while holding onto his hips, I started rotating in some faster short strokes. Same grip for my hands, holding onto his hips, but my balls start swinging and my cockhead is getting the intense sensation of the corona passing quickly back and forth through Jorge's constantly clenching sphincter muscles.

"Baby, your ass feels so good. I can't believe how much I enjoy fucking you. I never thought I'd feel this way about a boy's ass."

I wonder to myself if that last line sounds sincere. I think it does. I still play the role of straight guy with Jorge, but we both know it's a game, right? Dirty talk is meant to get you and your partner into the proper state of mind. It's meant to tell my sub he's pleasing me so that he feels good about himself and wants to do it more. It isn't meant to be completely true, and it should almost never be the whole truth. No man ever says, "Your ass feels loose today, my cock is practically falling out of it" while he's fucking a bottom even if it's true. Dirty talk is pretty much always complimentary, unless you're trying to end an encounter. I try to make every bottom feel like his ass is the best I've ever had, but unless you're a 21 year old hispanic athlete with an above average core body temperature, I'm probably lying.

All these thoughts flit through my mind as I fuck Jorge with fast short strokes holding his hips in place. I'm working to distract myself while still enjoying the intense pleasure of the position because too much of this will put me on the quick road to cumming. Every 30 seconds or so, I slow it down and go for some deep strokes. Every time I fuck Jorge, it's a constant battle to find the most pleasure without pushing myself over the edge too quickly.

When I feel like I'm about to lose self-control and keep up the fast fucking until I cum, I make myself stop and reach forward to grab Jorge's shoulders. Now it's time for some hard deep thrusts. This is where I get to really show dominance while fucking.

I pull out slowly while Jorge's ass squeezes my cock, and then I ram it back in all the way to the hilt as hard as I can. I keep a firm grip on Jorge's shoulders to pull him into me as I push quickly forward into his tight ass again and again. Sometimes I stay buried all the way in there for a few seconds and move my hips around grinding deeply into Jorge's ass. Then I start over. Pull out slowly, maintain a solid hold on his shoulders, and roughly plunge my cock home. This is one of those positions that gives me a feeling of power over my sub, and I can never keep quiet when I'm fucking a boy like this.

"Fuck yeah, boy. I'm gonna fuck this tight ass as hard as I want. Do you like me grinding my cock all the way up inside you like that? God I love being in control of your ass like this. It's all about my cock and me using your tight ass however I want."

Then I remember Jorge has daddy issues and figure I should play into that some to really get into his head.

"Daddy is using your ass just the way he likes, boy. You make daddy feel so good when you clench your tight ass. Let daddy feel you squeeze his dick. Ohh, yeah. Do it again baby. Damn that feels so good. Keep milking my cock while I pull out, and then I'm going to ram it back into you hard. Mmmm. Yeah baby. Show daddy how much you appreciate him by milking his cock while he uses your hole. You are such a good boy."

Then I start using rough thrusts into Jorge's ass to punctuate my works. "This . . . tight . . . hot . . . ass . . . is . . . why . . . I . . . keep . . . coming . . . back!" After each word, I pull out until just my cockhead is inside Jorge's ass, then I say the next word while plunging all the way in, using his shoulders to pull his ass into my groin as I fuck him as hard as I can.

I do that long enough to satisfy my need to display a little aggression. It's fun and most bottoms seem to love it, but it doesn't really move the needle on getting me to cum. If I do it took long, I'll even start to go soft.

It's time to move on to another position, I so tell Jorge to roll over onto his back. I say, "I want to look into your eyes while I fuck you and see your expression when I cum inside your ass."

I know Jorge likes this position best, and I get a satisfied moan in response. Once Jorge is on his back, I grab his ankles, push his legs up, and go in missionary style. This isn't my favorite position with most guys, but it is often easier to cum at this angle. For some reason, most guys' asses naturally grip my cock in a way that makes me want to cum when I'm fucking them at this angle.

After I'm back in Jorge's ass establishing a rhythm, I let go of his legs and lean forward to look directly into his soft brown eyes. He's looking back into my eyes intently. We often maintain eye contact while fucking, which further builds the feeling of intimacy. I don't usually want too much of that feeling with guys I meet, but there's always been something special about Jorge. I still remember him staring me right in the eye when he called me daddy during our first meeting.

Neither of us speaks for a while, and then Jorge apparently feels the need to fill the silence.

"Yeah daddy," he whimpers. "That feels so good. Your dick is hitting me in just the right spot. You make me want to cum so bad Daddy."

I know it's just dirty talk, but I assume he's telling the truth. I'm not overly cocky, but I'm confident in my sexual skills. I know where the prostate is, and I know the angle of my cock. I'm no engineer, but I was good enough at geometry to be able to find and hit Jorge's g-spot when I want to.

I quietly respond, "I love being inside your ass boy. I like looking into your eyes while I rock my hips back and forth and thrust up to rub your g-spot. Daddy wants to make you feel as good as you've been making me feel."

"Ooh yes, daddy. You make me feel so good. It's like your dick was made for my ass. It fits me so perfectly."

"Yeah, boy. The angle is just right for me to make us both feel good."

"I really need to cum soon daddy. This is driving me crazy."

"It's okay, baby. I'm almost ready to cum."

Thirty seconds later, he asks, "Can I please cum, sir?"

Jorge's such a natural sub. Somewhere along the way he started asking permission to cum without me having to give him any rules.

"You can cum whenever you're ready, but you can't touch your dick."

I haven't given Jorge this rule before, but I had him fully accepting his sub status today. I'd also been keeping an eye on his dick. As usual, it was rock hard and drenched in precum. This kid leaks more than any other boy I've ever known. I know I'm pounding his prostate good because I see precum practically gushing out every time I thrust into his ass.

Since I told Jorge he isn't allowed to jack himself off, I take control of his thick 8" uncut cock. But I couldn't let him cum immediately. I had to tease him a little bit to make sure he knows I set the timing for his orgasm.

Jorge had started holding onto his ankles to avoid the temptation to grab his dick, and I had my hands planted on either side of his chest while I fucked him and alternated between watching his eyes and his cock. I leaned back on my heels to sit more upright knowing this position would create an even more direct route to Jorge's prostate while I fucked him.

He really started writhing on the bed and moaning then. I don't know if he was putting on a show for me or if it really felt that great. I do know his cock continued to leak like a sieve, which is enough confirmation to make me feel good about my own sexual prowess.

Using my right hand, I make a big circle with the thumb and forefinger, an "OK" sign. Then I used that to lightly stroke down around Jorge's shaft just barely making contact. He squirmed a little more and flexed his cock trying to get enough pressure around it to be able to cum. He was teetering right on the edge and needed just the slightest nudge to push him over. But I wasn't quite ready yet.

Teasing Jorge and making him flex his cock in search of release not only demonstrates my control over his orgasm, it also forces him to clench his ass every time he strains to cum. I tease his cock to make his ass milk mine while I continue slowly fucking him to hit his prostate over and over again. I begin to wonder if I can make him cum without actually jacking him off. It would be a fun experiment, but I realize I'm running out of time myself. I've been coaxing him into milking my cock, and now I'm about to race over the cliff to my own orgasm.

"Fuck baby. I'm getting so close. I'm going to cum buried deep inside your hot tight ass boy."

"I'm ready Daddy. Please let me cum. I need to shoot so bad!"

I want Jorge to orgasm with my cock inside his ass because it's the way subs are meant to cum. I can't hold back any longer and he said please, so I get a firm grip on Jorge's dick and stroke up and down a couple times. That's all it takes.

"Oh yes," he yells. "That's it Daddy. Mmmmmm!"

Cum began shooting through Jorge's cock like a geyser. I didn't count, but it must have been 15 shots. His ass started spasming out of control, and I lost it. I fucked as hard and fast as I could as I felt myself crossing the point of no return. I kept fucking as I felt the first several squirts of cum shoot through me and then buried my bone deep in his ass for the rest of my orgasm. All the while, his hole clenched and spasmed around me. It was fucking intense!

As I held my dick in Jorge's ass, breathing heavily with my whole body shaking from the aftershocks of such a powerful orgasm, I thought about how rare mutual orgasms are. They happen all the time in stories, but I've only had mutual orgasms with a few people in real life. My wife (and those are rare), Jorge (which happens almost every time I'm with him), and one or two other guys.

Two people reaching climax together simultaneously makes great fiction, but it's not realistic most of the time. However, Jorge has a gift. He is practically able to cum on cue. It's easy to time my orgasm to correspond with his because he can cum whenever he wants as long as I make sure he doesn't shoot before I'm ready. Once he reaches the edge, he seems to be able to stay there indefinitely.

I wish I was like that. After I reach the edge, I either blow my load or I have to take it down a couple notches. If I don't shoot, I have to build back up again before I'm ready to cum. Jorge's ability to walk the metaphorical tightrope without falling off either side until I'm ready for him to cum makes him even sexier.

After a couple minutes of rest, Jorge and I rinsed off in the shower. As I was getting dressed, he said to me, "I don't know what it is about you. I never bottom for anyone else. Whenever I get into anal, I'm always the top."

I responded, "Well, there's just something about straight guys that makes dudes like you want to get fucked by us."

He smiled, "Yeah, that's true. I'll see you again soon daddy?"

"I'll make time for you when I can, boy."

Next: Chapter 5

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