Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Oct 9, 2015


Author's note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about another guy I hooked up with from Craigslist. I plan on writing several stories about my sexual experiences. Most of the stories will be about guys I met on Craigslist over the last several months. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves will be true.

The first two stories were told to provide background. I'm not going to worry about chronology anymore. The following story is about a younger guy with daddy issues who I've gotten together with about a dozen times. His story was getting too long, so I decided to break it into two pieces. The story below is about my first encounter with Jorge, and part 4 of this series will detail our second encounter, by which time Jorge had fully accepted his role as my sub.

Stories for part 5 and beyond will involve other guys I've met from Craigslist. Some of them, I've met multiple times, and I'll also tell you about a few of the hottest one timers. The problem is I can't decide who to write about next, so I figured I'd let you guys help me decide. I'm going to list some basic details about each story below. Email to tell me which one you want me to write next.

  1. My regular cocksucker who loved rimming me but unfortunately moved away a few months ago.

  2. The guy who wanted to be tied up and left alone in his hotel room for a few hours until I was ready to come back and feed him my cock.

  3. The bottom I see about once per month who makes it his mission to ensure I cum twice each visit.

  4. The "top" who lives with his gay partner but loves being called a "faggot" and "forced" to swallow my cum.

  5. The cocksucker I kicked out of my hotel because he told me halfway through blowing me that he wasn't going to swallow, and the eager backup sub I found to finish the job.

  6. The business executive who likes to be spanked as hard as I can hit him with my belt and then sucks me off with the belt wrapped around his neck like a leash so I can hold his head in place with it.

There are other guys I could tell you about, but these are the most interesting stories that come to mind at the moment. You can email me at to vote, ask questions, or provide constructive feedback. Trolls will be ignored.

I also want to thank all the guys who have emailed me regarding the first 2 stories in this series. I appreciate the kind words, and I really appreciate the hot pictures some guys have sent showing themselves enjoying the stories. One creative sub even sent me a nice video of himself on xtube.

A special thanks to my fellow doms who have written to compliment me on telling our side of the story. Many of you have noted that a significant majority of the stories on Nifty seem to be written from a sub's perspective so I've enjoyed the praise from my fellow alpha males for explaining our point of view. Of course, hearing subs tell me how much they wish they could find guys like Tristan and me is also hot, so keep those emails coming.

This work is copyrighted, and commercial use is prohibited without written permission from me, the author.

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Part 3: Jorge's Hot Ass

After a few weeks of posting ads on Craigslist, I observed that the ads I posted identifying myself as married got more responses than ads I posted where I didn't specify that I'm married. Ads where I identified myself as bi also didn't seem to get as much attention as ads where I said I was married without listing any sexual orientation.

I asked several guys who contacted me and few I met in person why they responded to an ad from a married guy. I got several responses. Some told me they like guys who are partnered because they are less likely to have diseases. Others cited discretion as a factor. However, there was one thing every man I spoke to told me. They unanimously liked the fantasy of hooking up with a straight guy. Most of them further explained that they fantasize about being the first guy to have sex with a straight man.

If pretending to be straight instead of bi is that big of a turn on to other guys, I decided I could do that. I set out to write an ad that would appeal to the broadest spectrum of my target demographic. I figured that a substantial portion of guys who dream of "turning" a straight married man are submissives who want to be used by a straight guy. I came up with the following ad:

---------- Title: Curious Married Man

I'm a straight, white, normal guy/dad next door, masculine, have a hairy chest, chubby, brn/brn, average cut dick. I've been married 10 years but have always been curious about being with another guy. Looking to hang out, maybe watch some porn, find out if guys really do give better head and see if an ass does feel better than a pussy.

Please email and tell me a little about yourself and what you are into if you want to get together. Only contact me if you are serious about meeting and can host. Thanks. ----------

I intentionally left out the overt dominance language I typically used. If these guys wanted to convert me from straight to bi, I figured I might as well "convert" them to subs. Apparently the tone was right because the ad struck gold. I got more than 20 responses within a few hours of posting this ad in Dallas on a Tuesday night. For those of you who don't use CL, Tuesday seems like the night when the fewest people are online looking to hookup. Ultimately, this ad lured in 3 different guys who became regulars of mine. The only time I posted another ad in the 10 or 12 weeks following this was when none of those 3 guys were available.

This particular story is about Jorge, a guy I emailed back and forth with that night but didn't meet until a couple days later. For those of you who are curious, the guy I ended up meeting the night I posted this ad is #4 in the list above.

Jorge provided a mild but intriguing response to my ad. He wrote, "What's up man? Discreet fit dude here. 20, 160 lbs, 5'10", normal dude. Into anything safe and body contact. Ddf and not into anything crazy. Very discreet dude here."

He also attached a pic, a selfie of an attractive young latino guy showing himself from the waist up in front of a shower curtain. Since I have a thing for young hispanic guys, I was definitely interested.

Jorge and I went through a few rounds of emails before I found out he couldn't host that night and that he had overlooked the fact that I was looking for someone who can host when he read my ad. I almost wrote him off as a time waster, but I decided the kid had enough potential that it was worth keeping him on my list to try again later.

A couple days after I posted the ad, I was horny again. I know. It's shocking that a 34 year old guy would get horny and want to get laid every other day or so.

I emailed Jorge and asked if he could host that day. That's when I learned he still lives at home with his parents. He told me they were gone to work, and he works evenings, so he had the house to himself for a while. I debated whether to risk going to meet a kid at his parents' house, but I kept looking back at his pic and decided to go for it.

I took a slightly early lunch break and got to Jorge's house around 11:30. When he opened the door, I was pleased with my choice. The hipster chic black-and-white photo he emailed me did not do him justice. He is a tall, handsome, young, latino stud with big pouty lips that were hidden by the phone in his selfie.

"Come with me," Jorge said and led me to his bedroom. Not wasting any time, Jorge quickly took off his shirt and pants. Since I was playing the role of curious married guy instead of a confessed dom, I started undressing myself but left my underwear on. I laid on the bed, and Jorge followed suit.

In a couple of his emails, Jorge mentioned liking body contact, so I let him cuddle up next to me and rub his hands around my hairy chest. I mimicked his movements, rubbing my hands around his smooth chest until I found a nipple to play with. I tweaked it a couple of times and got the quick intake of breath that told me Jorge's nipples are sensitive.

I stuck with the nipple play a little while alternating between the left and right sides. I'd run a finger around a nipple, grasp it softly between my thumb and forefinger, gently twist it, give it a moderate squeeze, flick it lightly, etc. and then switch to the other. As I engaged in the foreplay, Jorge started to moan and writhe around the bed a little bit. I could see his cock starting to strain against the confines of his underwear and started rubbing across it with my free hand.

I was having fun exploring Jorge's body. I'm a dom, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the feel of a masculine chest under my fingertips. It also doesn't keep me from teasing a boy's nipples or cock when I'm breaking him into his role as a sub. Sometimes a dom has to awaken his partner's desire to submit. Act like you're serving him and that you care about his sexual needs for a few minutes. Spend a little time getting him horned up to lower his inhibitions.

If your partner doesn't know you're an alpha yet because you told him you're just "curious" and want to try things to "see what feels right," he doesn't know you have an agenda. Sure, you know what feels right is your cock planted firmly in his throat or ass, but he's oblivious, so he lets himself be manipulated.

You play with his nipples just like you would a woman's. Do the same things to him that make your wife moan. Use your fingers to get them nice and perked up, then use your mouth to suck on them and flick your tongue around. Nibble on them ever so slightly while your soon to be sub moans at the attention.

The same way you know that your wife's pussy is drenched after a few minutes of nipple play, you know this guy's dick is going to be hard and leaking once you've given him the same treatment. You reach down and sure enough, the boy's dick is fully erect and straining to get out of his underwear. The same way you'd gently rub a couple fingers across your wife's clit and slide them lower to feel the wetness coming through her panties, you lightly rub your fingers or the palm of your hand down the boy's dick and across the head to feel his precum making a sticky spot.

You think to yourself that this would be a lot harder if submissive guys weren't exactly like women. The hardest part of getting your sub in the proper mindset is not smiling too broadly or laughing out loud because you know your intended sub thinks he's in charge. He's sitting back enjoying the feeling of being treated like a man without actually realizing he's being treated like a woman. He's getting so horny he's about to lose the ability to say no, just as you planned.

"Looks like you do enjoy body contact," I tell Jorge. "I'm not even hard yet, and you're already leaking precum."

As I say this, I lay back on the pillow and wait for him to do the natural thing, roll over toward me and start working on my body the same way I did his. However, where Jorge was quiet and passive and let me "explore" his body in whatever way I wished (presumably so I could satisfy my "curiosity"), I was about to let him know who was really in charge.

This is the first of several critical moments for me and my fellow alphas. I know I can't come on too strong. I have to ease Jorge into his role of obeying my commands. Start with small things. It's even better if I don't have to give him an order at all in the first few minutes. That's why it's important for a dom to do the things to his sub during foreplay that the dom wants the sub to do back to him. Most guys, and especially closeted or unawakened subs, are not very creative. They don't have a specific agenda or roadmap they're following for a given sexual encounter. They're just going with the flow and will repeat his dom's behavior.

Jorge was no exception. He started doing the same things to me that I did to him. However, as is normally the case, the second time around things progressed faster. Where I took a few minutes before I tentatively started using my mouth to really get his nipples erect, he moved onto using his mouth after only a few seconds of finger play and without me even having to tell him. I begin taking control by giving him positive feedback.

"Aww, dude. That's feels so good. Feeling you suck and tease my nipples is really turning me on."

The encouragement makes him even more excited to do his job. Everyone likes being told they're doing something right. It encourages them to spend more time at it without complaining or feeling like they're missing out for lack of reciprocation.

Once I start getting an unsuspecting sub in the right frame of mind, it's time to start giving some direction so that he gets used to obeying without realizing it. Since I'm taking it slow, I'll start by asking him to do more of the same things I did to him. Again, alphas, this is why you do things you want the sub to do back to you. He won't object and doesn't feel the balance of power shifting because he's just returning the favor at this point.

I say to Jorge, "You're really getting me horny. You've only been doing that for a minute, and I'm already getting hard. Feel how hard you're making my dick using your mouth on my nipples like that."

Asserting just a tiny bit more control, I grab Jorge's hand and move it down to my hardening dick. He rubs it up and down gently just like I did to him, so I moan more encouragement.

"Mmm. Baby that feels so good. You've got talented hands. Go ahead and pull my underwear off so I can really feel your hand stroking me."

Jorge doesn't know it, but that's the moment he loses control of the encounter. He did as I instructed, after which I was naked but he was still in his underwear. Things were just as they should be. The man whose cock matters was in the open ready for service, but Jorge's dick was still straining against his briefs.

"Your mouth feels so good on my nipples. I've always heard that gay guys are really good at sucking dick. I can tell how skilled your mouth is already. I really want to feel it on my cock."

At this point, Jorge could have balked. I hadn't sucked his dick, so we were entering new territory. The moment of truth had arrived. Would he submit or refuse? Since I'm writing this story, I'm sure you can guess what happened.

Jorge trailed kisses down my stomach and started giving me a blow job. I'm not sure if he did it because he was beginning to see himself as the sub he truly is or if he wrongly assumed I would reciprocate later. In the end, I don't really care. I got him to suck my dick, which I'm pretty sure he didn't plan on when he opened the door since we had only talked about body contact and mutual masturbation. Moreover, I got him to suck me without having to actually order him to do it. All I had to do was suggest that I wanted to see how good it would feel, and he was ready to serve. Playing into the straight boy fantasy was working like a charm.

Now I had to be careful. I absolutely love running my fingers through a sub's hair while he's blowing me. Part of it is implied control. "Feel my hand there and know that I can grab hold and force your mouth all the way down anytime I want." Another part is positive reinforcement. "I'm patting you on the head to show what a good boy you are." It also serves as a little reward. "You keep making me feel good, and I'll keep rewarding you with this nice little head massage." Finally, it's manipulative because it establishes a level of intimacy that subs naturally crave. "Running my fingers through your hair like this isn't just sexual. I could be doing this while I sit on the couch and you lay your head in my lap to watch a movie. It's almost like I'm your boyfriend while I'm doing this."

For all these reasons, I was ready to get my hands on Jorge's head when he went down on me. At the same time, I was careful not to touch his head before he had my dick in his mouth for at least a few seconds. If a guy hasn't yet embraced his submissive side, you have to be careful not to be too forceful. Dudes who consider themselves your equal often don't like feeling their heads pushed down into your crotch. When a man pushes or even guides another's head down to his cock it is the purest form of domination. The flip side is that when a guy allows his head to be pushed down to a man's cock, he is physically submitting. There's no doubt about what's happening. One man is treating the other like a cocksucker. He's moving the sub's mouth to his dick because that's the sub's role in this sexual encounter.

This is a dangerous move if your sex partner hasn't yet realized he's the sub in the relationship. He might fight back if he's unwilling to accept the blatant power shift. That's why I wanted to make sure Jorge starting sucking my dick voluntarily without any pressure or express domination.

Some men I've met are tentative with that first step. They'll open their mouths, close their lips around your cock, and start slowly moving their heads up and down a couple of inches. Their lips are dry, and they aren't doing me any favors. It's like feeling a couple inches of my cock slide through the entrance of a big slightly warm and humid cave.

Guys like this need to be gently nudged into their submissive role. I start by telling a couple of minor lies.

"That feels good, bro. I've wanted to try this for so long."

Then I start running my fingers through his hair to establish that first bit of control. Waiting until he's already sucking my cock makes the control aspect ambiguous. Am I touching his head because I'm in charge or just because I want him to know I'm enjoying it? Or am I simply doing something nice for him by giving him a little head massage while he does something nice for me? We could almost still be equals at this point.

Since the tentative cocksucker isn't really giving me pleasure, it's time to give him another little nudge to get him on the right track.

"It really feels good when my wife sort of licks with her tongue while my dick is in her mouth. I'm too shy to ask her to do it more. Would you mind trying it so I can see how good it feels?"

Because he's hesitant, I frame it as a request. Please do me this one tiny favor that I can't ask my wife for. There's also little risk in making it a request rather than a demand. The guy responded to my curious married man ad because he wants to show a straight married man what a gay dude is capable of. To achieve his goal and prove that sex with another guy is better than sex with my wife, he has to show he's better at sucking dick than my wife. That means doing stuff I tell him I like and that she doesn't do.

As soon as he complies with the request, it's time for more encouragement. I want to make him eager to keep serving me.

"Oh my God. That feels so good. Your soft tongue feels like velvet running down the bottom of my dick. I'm not totally sure what you're doing but keep it up buddy."

By now, running my fingers through his hair and talking to him are starting to have the desired effect. The cocksucker wants to please me. He's beginning to feel a sense of pride in doing his job well. He's living the dream, converting a married man.

I stroke his ego some more by moaning and continuing to say how good it feels. Then I drop another hint.

"Mmmmm. I wish my wife would use her mouth like that. Even though my dick is just an average length, she doesn't even put the whole thing in her mouth. I'm sure you could take it all the way with no problem."

Eye contact can be crucial here. If he doesn't immediately go down all the way, he's going to look up at you when you say that. You know he's getting into the blow job, but you aren't quite sure if he's ready to totally relinquish control. The eyes don't lie.

If he looks me in the eye and doesn't flinch away when I mention taking it deep, I know I've got him. I move my hand to the back of his head and start to pull ever so gently toward my crotch. I apply just enough pressure to imply that I'll pull his head down on my cock if he doesn't voluntarily take it to the root but not enough to actually make his head move. He might not be ready for a good face fucking yet even though I'm confident I'll get him there eventually.

I'm sure it won't surprise any of you to hear that I've never had to follow through on the implied threat. Every time I reach this point, my sub has begun accepting his status. He goes down as far as he comfortably can without any further guidance from me.

Since my dick is an average length and not overly thick, most guys can take it all the way that first time. A few guys with smaller mouths struggle with the last half inch. These guys show me what makes doms with huge cocks feel so powerful. There really isn't anything else comparable to having someone choke on your cock. The feel of the constriction around the head when the gag reflex causes the back of a cocksucker's mouth and throat to spasm feels incredible. There's also a mental rush and sense of empowerment that comes with knowing you made a guy choke on your junk. Subs with small mouths, email me! And those of you with little or no gag reflex, make yourself choke a little bit every now and then for your dom. He'll pay you back for the effort by taking even more control.

Getting back on topic, none of these maneuvers to ease a guy into his role as sub were necessary with Jorge. He was enthusiastic about sucking me from the beginning. He went straight to work with his tongue, licking frantically all around the head of my dick. He was almost too eager to show off his skills, and I had to tell him to slow down and not flick his tongue around quite so much.

Slow gentle strokes with the flat of the tongue feel better to me than flicking around with the tip. When the tongue is relaxed and flattened out on the bottom of a cocksucker's mouth, he can use it to gently caress and lap at my cock. It feels incredible, like an interactive pussy. When a guy tenses his tongue to dart the tip around all over the place, the mouth loses that soft vaginal feel that I crave. That's not to say you cocksuckers reading this should never use the tip of your tongue to tease my cockhead or provide a firm stroke up the shaft. I enjoy that as well. But you have to mix it up. And when it's time to focus on getting me to cum, you better relax your tongue and gently caress my dick with it while I fuck your face.

At first, Jorge's only moves seemed to be flicking his tongue around as fast as he could and then bobbing up and down on my cock a few times. It wasn't a bad blow job, but it wasn't a good one either. Besides, what really intrigued me about this young fit latino was his ass. I decided it was time to move on to the main event.

As Jorge sucked me, he laid sideways on the bed. I stroked his head with my left hand and used my right to rub his back. I made a circuit rubbing up, down, and around his back venturing ever closer to his ass each lap around. After a couple minutes, I gave up any pretext and shifted my body to get Jorge's ass within easy reach.

I started rubbing his ass and telling him how nice it looked and felt.

"Your ass is so firm dude. It feels so muscular. I'll bet it's really tight. I can only imagine how much tighter it is than my wife's pussy."

Jorge hesitated for a second, but then kept sucking my dick. I thought to myself, "He considered objecting, but decided not to. That means I'm going to be inside this tight ass in about three minutes."

Out loud, I said, "Your mouth feels so nice. I wish my wife worked her tongue the way you are. It really makes me feel like a man to have my cock serviced like this."

As I spoke, I was grabbing Jorge's ass, feeling how firm each cheek was. He started clenching his ass muscles in response.

Since we were both focused on his ass now, it was time to start warming up his hole. I started gently sliding my fingers down into the crack and rubbing up and down along it. Not too forceful. Not yet hinting at any kind of penetration. Rubbing just outside the hole along that sensitive line that feels good to all men whether they are tops or bottoms.

After sliding my hand back and forth through the valley several times, it was time to start teasing the hole more directly. I usually begin this by using my middle finger to softly trace circles just outside the hole. Once I give my potentially unwilling partner the chance to realize this feels good and isn't threatening, I use my thumb and middle finger to slightly spread his ass cheeks apart and give me better access with my forefinger.

I still don't make a direct move for the anus. I just want my new sub to feel the cool air getting to his hole as my finger traces circles around it one direction and then the other. The cool air adds another sensation that feels good, and I'm only slightly parting his cheeks at this point. This is still about making him feel good so that he relaxes and gets ready for the next step.

After another 30 seconds or a minute, taking my cue from his body language, breathing, and any sounds he makes, I'll start to let my finger slip across his hole. I'm not penetrating yet. I'm just lightly tickling the sphincter. Getting it used to a little touch here and there before I start really focusing in on it.

By now, the guy is usually ready for some direct pleasuring of his hole. I progress from occasional strokes across it to small circles around the interior. To reduce obstruction, I move my thumb and middle finger a little deeper into the canyon and use them to spread his cheeks farther apart. This lets the cool air get all the way down into his ass crack so it makes contact with his hole and causes him to pucker it up a little as I tickle it.

Just like that, I've gotten an unsuspecting guy to flex his asshole for me. It's now on display showing me how tightly it can grip my dick to milk the cum out. To make sure his mind is caught up with his body, I let him know how excited his quivering hole makes me.

"Wow dude. Your hole feels sooo tight. I'm having fun teasing it and feeling it clench. I can't stop thinking about how good it would feel to have it gripping my dick like that. Women can kind of do that with their vaginas, but nearly as hard as you're doing it with your ass. Now I know why guys talk about how tight it feels."

Jorge pulls his mouth off my dick to ask, "Do you want to find out for yourself?"

Well that was easy. Now that he's offered and I know I don't have to push, I pretend to be hesitant.

"I do want to try it, but I've also heard it can hurt to get fucked. I don't want to hurt you." I admit it. I lie to get what I want out of sex. I didn't actually want to hurt Jorge, but do I care if my bottom suffers a little bit of pain from getting fucked? Hell no. In fact, just like having him choke on my cock, it's empowering to hear a bottom squeal and feel him squirm if I thrust in all the way when I first enter his ass and it hurts him a little. I know he'll adjust quickly enough and the pain will morph to pleasure. Knowing I can inflict just a little bit of pain on a whim while focusing on what makes me feel good makes the fucking hotter for me. But with Jorge I'm still playing the reluctant curious straight man, and I know he isn't worried about the pain anyway or he wouldn't have offered. Plus, because I've spent a few minutes prepping Jorge's hole, I know he's in a proper submissive mindset and he can't help thinking about how good it feels having his hole played with. I know he wants me to fuck him as much as I want to feel his ass squeezing my hard cock.

"It's okay," he tells me. "We'll start off slow, and it won't hurt. I want you to feel how tight it is."

Of course you do. I've spent twenty minutes getting into your head and making you want to please me. I silently pat myself on the back for a job well done.

Jorge gets up, walks over to his dresser, and pulls out a condom. Perfect. I don't have to grab one out of my jeans pocket and let him know I planned this from the beginning after claiming to be "curious" and interested in mutual masturbation. My charade of hesitancy and caring about causing him pain also remains intact. This couldn't be going more smoothly.

Jorge walks over to the bed, opens the condom, and rolls it down over my cock. "Just lay back and relax," he says.

Jorge climbs onto the bed and straddles me. He's looking at my eyes so he can watch my reaction as I enter his ass the first time.

I wait patiently as Jorge lowers himself onto me. I feel his extremely tight sphincter begin to stretch as he impales himself on my dick. Suddenly the head is through, and I realize how hot Jorge's ass is. I don't mean hot in the figurative sense. Literally, Jorge's ass felt warmer than any hole I have ever entered. His core body temperature must be a couple degrees above average, and it felt amazing.

As Jorge fully lowered himself until he was sitting on my groin, I felt my cock being engulfed by the heat of his body. I was initially speechless, which is very rare for me. I couldn't speak for a moment, but my face must have betrayed how amazing it felt.

Jorge smiled as he looked into my eyes and said, "I can tell you like it. Does it feel as good as you hoped?"

"Yes. It feels incredible."

No lie there. It really was the most amazing ass I had ever felt around my cock.

"It's sooo warm and tight. I don't think I'm going to last very long."

Again, it wasn't a lie. I usually have pretty good stamina, but a few things were working against me in this case. I typically cum every day, but I hadn't jacked off the day before, so I was ready to shoot a load. I was also riding a mental rush of turning an encounter that started off focused on body contact and mutual masturbation to one involving receiving a blow job and getting to fuck this hot stud. Lastly, it really did feel outrageously good.

As I told Jorge, this was not going to be a marathon fuck session, which worked out well because it further reinforced the idea that Jorge was conquering and converting me rather than the other way around. Besides, twenty minutes of warm up was more than sufficient for me to have a wonderfully intense orgasm after only a few minutes of fucking.

After I confessed I couldn't fuck him as long as we both might have liked, Jorge smiled at me again. "It's okay daddy," he told me. "Just let me know when you're about to cum."

Daddy, huh? I really had awakened a submissive side. I asked Jorge if he was also close, and he said he could cum at any time.

Since I now knew Jorge had daddy issues, I decided to let him ride my cock at his own pace. I was also having fun watching this hot kid get off by sitting on my dick.

"Yeah boy, ride that cock. I can't believe how fucking hot your ass feels. This is amazing."

Jorge was getting into the dirty talk too.

"Oh, fuck daddy. Your cock feels so good inside me."

"I love it when you talk back to me like that. I knew you were going to be a hot fuck, but most guys your age are afraid to talk dirty. It's so hot when you call me daddy while squeezing my cock with your ass."

With that, I started grabbing his hips while I thrust upward and pulled him down on my dick. I was ready to cum inside that tight hot hole.

"Fuck yes, baby. You're milking my cock so good I'm gonna bust. I'm right on the edge."

Normally, I'd expect a boy to ask permission before cumming on me, but since this was our first meeting and I hadn't laid down any rules for Jorge, I didn't object when he grabbed his cock. As promised, it only took him a few strokes before he was moaning and his cum started shooting out on my stomach.

I don't usually like getting cum on me, but this boy was fucking hot and I knew having my cock up his ass is what kept him on the edge and ready to cum within a 5 seconds of touching his dick. Besides, his ass started clenching with his orgasm, which was it took to milk the cum out of my balls as well. Needless to say, I wasn't in a position to object right then.

"Oh yeah, baby. Your ass is pulling the cum right out of me. Damn it feels so good." After a dozen or more shots of cum into the condom, I cried out, "Ooh fuck, I'm still shooting. Just keep sitting there squeezing your hole for me, baby. It feels so incredibly good."

I rode out the joy of that orgasm for at least 45 seconds, probably longer. My cock pulsed to shoot at least 20 times buried in Jorge's ass. It was the most powerful orgasm I'd had in ages. Even now, sitting at my computer to write this story and mentally reliving the experience, I can practically feel myself convulsing with the tremors of the full body orgasm.

Jorge kept sitting on my cock clenching his sphincter around the base of my cock for a while after I finished cumming. I was in pure ecstasy and must have looked dazed. Eventually he asked if I was okay.

"Fuck yeah. I feel incredible! I can't remember the last time I came this hard. Just sitting here in your ass feels so good, I don't want it to end."

He smiled at me and wiggled his ass around on my still hard dick a little. After another 15 seconds, I sighed and started letting my cock and the rest of my body relax. Jorge pushed himself up and got a wet rag and dry towel to wash his cum off my stomach.

As I got dressed, he asked if I wanted to see him again. I told him I didn't think I'd be able to stop thinking about his ass until I fucked it some more, and I promised next time the fucking would last longer. He appeared pleased with the response. I thought to myself, "Always leave them wanting more."

"Well man, that was fun," I told Jorge as I readied myself to go. "Let me know when you want me to come over again, and we can find a time that works for my schedule."

With that, I was out the door, in the car, and heading back to the office. It turned out to be a great afternoon as well. Fucking a hot stud like Jorge and making him cum with my cock in his ass gives me a huge ego and confidence boost. I feel like nothing in the world can stop me afterward. That attitude came through in meetings I had back at work the rest of the day. I was kicking ass.

After one of the meetings, a friend of mine said, "You're on fire today."

I answered back, "Yeah, I am," and smiled to myself.

Next: Chapter 4

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