Tom Jerry and Minnie

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on May 22, 2022


Girls Get Picked Up


Larry Marian

New best girl friends, Minnie and Becky sat at a quiet table in the half deserted food court of the larger mall. Both dressed for a warm spring afternoon and to show off their thirteen year old body, Minnie in a tube top hiding her 32A boobs while Becky's bikini type top held 32Bs. Both wore tight shorts they had changed into from the now purse hidden baggy shorts they'd left wearing. Both girls had a small fountain drink which they had already refreshed once. They leaned forward as they talked quietly to each other. Their talk was, of course about their shared boy friends, Tom and Jerry. "You think any girl here thinks us blitzed to date the same guys?" Becky asked quietly. "I mean do any think that we screw both of them?" "Remember, before we met, I had both of them to myself, except for a few times with Ben. Most of the girls have been here since we started school and everybody knew that I was a tomboy back then. So I wasn't jealous when you arrived to discover Tom. And I was used to Jerry being the loud guy, especially since we made out down in the playroom." "Made out? You were screwing back in Oklahoma before we met," Minnie giggled." "That's true. Well, Hank was a townie and real good. But, he was good at 69 before we did it," Becky replied. She paused. "Have to say it was a nice two girl sleep over with you. I told you, you made me cum three times." "Yeah. But I really prefer 34.5," Minnie retorted. "Not sure I know what that is," Becky replied, taking a long sip, acting like the was sucking Hank, or Jerry or Tom's dick. "I invented it. It's one half of 69, so last night when you went between my legs, that was 34.5. Same when I went between yours. When we dd it together, that's 69. I just like to eat you out while you enjoy me sucking your clit, or the other way around." Becky gave a low laugh, then licked her lips. "Have a point there. So the next time I suck Tom, it's 34.5. So, same deal with Jerry?" "Sure. And of course there is always screwing," Minnie said quietly. "Yeah. I think you're beginning to enjoy your back door as much as your front door," Becky said. "Might have something to do with Jerry's cock size." "Might have something to do with two really nice looking girls. I love light brown hair and Noel here likes blonds. Mind if we join you?" Becky and Minnie turned to see two well built guys they didn't recognize wearing cargo pants and pull over shirts. "Oh, you've met Noel and I'm Wayne. We'll be seniors when school starts again . You two look like maybe sophomores, right?" Becky looked at Minnie who gave a quick nod. "Yeah. Mary Mount High. Not sure I've seen you guys." "You're lucky. See we both go to Fresh Burning Military Academy and we're on spring break. We both live on the West Coast, so we stayed here. They let us wear regular clothes and have one of the school vans for the week," the one said to be Noel explained. "Yeah. Then we spotted you two lovelies. How about us taking you two for a ride and let us see what there is to see. How bout it?" Wayne said. "We have to be back by four," Minnie said, looking closer at Wayne's coal black hair, even though cut very short. She felt a slight shutter and some concern about maybe moisture between her legs. She looked at Becky who nodded back. "Sure guys, we can show you all the places to go," Becky said. "One thing, we don't want to go back to Fresh Burning right now. In fact, how about some private time where we can get to better know each other," blond headed Noel said. Again Minnie and Becky looked at each other then both nodded. "So how private would you like?" Becky asked. "Oh, we just wouldn't want to be noticed real easily. See we have one of the school vans. It doubles for an ambulance in case of an emergency. There's a big mattress in the back which is big enough for four people to lie down on as long as its okay for everybody to be cuddly. You two ladies look very cuddly," black haired Wayne said. Like Noel, his hair was cut close cropped. "Well, there's the old mall which is mostly torn down. But I've heard about some loading docks that are below ground level. I've heard couples can drive down and be invisible down there," Minnie said. She had to laugh at that as she and Ben had been down in one and Becky and Larry had too. She was sure that she could latch onto Noel and Becky would have fun with Wayne. "Can you give us directions?" Noel asked. "I've only lived here for a bit over a month, but Minnie's grown up here. She can guide you guys," Becky said. "Let's go," Wayne said. "Guide us, Minnie. Say, how old are you two?" "Oh, fifteen," Becky said at once. "Let's get to the van," Wayne said as he grabbed Becky's hand. Noel took Minnie's hand, following Wayne and Becky out of the food court to a closed van with "Fresh Burning Military Academy" on the side. Wayne unlocked the doors, then the two boys helped Minnie and Becky in, Becky in the passenger seat and Minnie kneeling on the mattress next to Noel. From there Minnie gave directions to the old, now vacant mall and one of the ramps to a loading dock that once led to a now vanished department store With the van parked at the bottom, with plenty of room to turn around. Once the van was stopped and parked, Wayne got out, opened the door for Becky, then the two joined Minnie and Noel in the back, sitting on the blanket covered mattress. Minnie and Noel now sat on the mattress facing the back of the van while Becky and Wayne faced towards the front. As if the boys were on parade, both put their arm around the girl next to them. For a minute or two the two couples chatted with each other until the hug grew closer and the first kiss came, first a short one, then a longer one. Minnie felt the tip of Noel's tongue almost at once but didn't hesitate to slightly open her mouth. Soon she and Noel were engaged in a heavy tongue war, with hands rubbing the back of the other person. At a slight break, Minnie saw Becky in the same position, though it looked like Wayne's hand was on her halter top. She went back to kissing, then as they did, Noel's hands took her tube top from the bottom to ease it up and off. At once Noel began to play with her breasts, both with his hands and his mouth. "Ah," she breathed. "Nice boobs," Noel said. "Thanks," Minnie said. Again she glanced towards Becky to see the halter top gone and the two lying down. Still kissing, enjoying Noel's playing with her tits and nipples, she saw Becky's hand on Wayne's crotch. Minnie and Noel paused for a moment, like they were catching their breath. "Looks like your friend is about to give Wayne a blow job," Noel said. "Why do you think that?" Minnie said as her hand crept towards the bulge in Noel's shorts. "Well, she's pulling down Wayne's shorts and jockey's. Say, what's your stand on sucking dicks?" "Not sure what you mean." "Okay. Ever suck a dick?" Minnie held her breath for a moment."Uh, yeah." "Do you swallow?" "Uh, yeah." "Well, turn your head and see what your friend does." Minnie turned to see Wayne lying down, his shorts to below his knees with Becky wearing her shorts as she lay face down between Wayne's legs, her head bobbing up and down on a rather large cock. "She seems to like what she does. Wayne sure seems to like her blow job." "Yeah. Guys like what she does." "Oh. Guys. More than one?" "Yeah." "How about you? More than one?" "Yeah." Noel turned to lie on his back, then began to loosen and remove his shorts. In seconds Minnie saw Noel's dick exposed, maybe five and a half, but quite thick with a bright red mushroom head, precum leaking from it. "Want to suck mine now?" Minnie smiled. She lay down beside Noel, her head level with his crotch supporting his fat dick. She took his dick in her hand, then gave the head a few licks before slowly lowering her mouth onto it. Then she raised her mouth off it "I always swallow. Hope that's okay." Again she licked the pink tip before taking the cock into her willing and able mouth. After three bobs, Noel sighed. "Oh. So good. Damn, you do suck cocks. And well. Nice tongue. Yeah, baby. Blow me. Feels so fucking good." As Minnie bobbed up and down on her flesh sickle Noel moaned as he commented. Minnie heard Wayne's cries of enjoyment. "Shit, girl. You suck a guy's dick like a vacuum cleaner. Damn. You can suck me every day this week. Shit you're good. Better take my cum in your mouth." "So is Becky. I'm getting close. Didn't beat off last night or today. She's gonna get a mouth full or three. " "Yeah. Minnie, got to handle the way you suck cock. I get hard about three minutes after I cum. Sure would like to know if you fuck the way you suck," Noel said. Minnie took her mouth off Noel's cockhead. "They say I do." With that Minnie went back to using her mouth on that thick cock. "Jesus. It's coming. Cum in your mouth soon, Becky. YES!" Minnie heard Wayne's shout as she felt Noel's cock tense up for its release. Before Noel could say anything, she felt and tasted his first shot, which got followed by four more, the last being but a dribble. As she swallowed the second time the thought of not warning her was not pleasant. Minnie had been warned every time before. It wasn't the taste or touch, it was just not right, she thought. "Uh, next time let me know, okay?" Minnie said, anger in her voice. "I'm sorry. It came faster than I thought .I'll make it up to you." "Okay. Well, guys, what next?" Minnie asked. "Well, we talked a bit about sexual intercourse if you girls like that idea," Wayne said. Minnie and Becky looked at each other. They nodded their heads, "Hey, wait a sec," Noel said. "Now Minnie gave me a fantastic blow job, and I'm sorry I was so hung up with the great job you were doing, I forgot to warn her. But why not you girls switch and Becky suck me and Minnie blow Wayne. After that we can screw and maybe switch again. We have enough time before the girls have to get home." For a few moments there was silence, then both girls nodded their heads. "Good idea, Noel. I don't think there are two dicks the same. At least not from my experience," Becky said. "So how many dicks have you sucked, Becky? If I may ask," Wayne said as his dick began to rise. "I guess I shouldn't say, but counting Wayne, here, five and another three back at Fort Sill, and then the first one when I was ten, so as of now, nine and I guess it's going to be ten," Becky said. "Well, for me, counting Noel, four as of now. But I'll go along with sucking Wayne to make it five," Minnie said. "I know what comes next, so Becky, let's get our shorts and panties off while the boys strip, too." That brought nods all around so mere seconds later all four were nude, the boys showing off a new hard on and the girls their still developing bush, their outer lips still not covered with pubic hair, and their small boobs. Noel and Wayne glanced at each other, but lay down as Becky went to Noel and Minnie to Wayne. Soon both girls eagerly took the new cock to suck. There was silence for almost a half minute as the girls got into a steady rhythm of bobbing up and down with an occasional lick of the appropriate cock head. "Damn good," Noel said as he watched Becky suck on his five and a half inches of hard cock. "Yeah, Minnie is one hell of a great cock sucker," Wayne said as Minnie bobbed on his six inches. "Feels so good." Wayne groaned. "Fuck this girl can take my whole dick. And her tongue - so good ." "Shit yeah. Love the way she speeds up and slows down. Not sure who's better, Becky or Minnie, but they are both in the top five - maybe the top three. Oh. Getting close. Close. " "Me too. Shit. Feel my cum getting ready. YEAH!" Wayne moaned as he flooded Minnie's mouth with his first jet. "CHRIST! I'm cumming too!" Noel said. Both girls swallowed, then swallowed again. "First time I've ever sucked two boys one after the other," Minnie said as she sat up. "How about Tom and Jerry?" Becky asked. "Well, maybe the same day, but not in the same fifteen minutes." "In about ten minutes you two can choose your position. But how about some variety. Only one of you take the missionary position, okay?" Wayne said. "Girls, be honest. Do you shave your pussy lips and leave a roof on top?" Noel asked as his cock began to rise again. "No," Becky said at once. "Uh uh," Minnie said as she glanced down at her groin. "Why?" "You two say you're sophomores - fifteen probably. If you don't shave your pussy, then you're probably thirteen - or even twelve. We're both sixteen, going on seventeen, so we can't get arrested for statutory rape. But how old are you, really?" Wayne asked. Minnie and Becky looked at each other. "Minnie's brother Larry's screwed me three times. I'm fourteen next month." "In two months," Minnie said as she looked at Becky. "And I've done it with Ben. He's my brother's best friend. Ben taught me how to give blow jobs." The two girls exchanged glances. "We're both waiting to get laid by you two. You have nice looking dicks. " "I'll bet they'll feel good, too," Noel said. With that he. Put his hands on Minnie's shoulders to lower her to the mattress. "Now how do you want me to screw you?" Minnie gave a girlish giggle before turning on her stomach to rise up on her hands and knees. "Ah. Awesome. Love the doggie position." With that Noel got between Minnie's legs to enter her from her rear. "Yeah. You're thirteen and that pussy's still nice and tight. And wet. God, your cunt is wet!" As Minnie and Noel began to hump, Becky lay on her back, legs and knees spread and raised as Wayne got between them to lower his cock into her waiting snatch. The two couples began to hump, Wayne's cock going up and down in Becky's snatch while Noel's dick slid back and forth in Minnie's almost bald pussy.. Soon the four panted and groaned as the teens pumped away. Several minutes went by as Minnie realized that Noel and Wayne had each shot two loads of cum into her mouth and Becky's and now she and Becky waited their third load in each girl's respective pussy. Her breathing increased as Noel increased his pumping, his dick bottoming out with each thrust of his five point five inches of hard cock, His breathing did too as Minnie felt a change, indicating his cum was coming. "Gonna cum, Minnie. Gonna CUM! YES!," as Minnie felt Noel's thick cum spread her pussy. "Shit. Hope you're safe, Minnie." As Minnie sank to the mattress she said,"Very. IUD. Good for nine more years. Becky too. Just don't have an STD." "OH SHIT, Becky. Feels so fucking good in your pussy." Wayne said. "So tight. So slick. So good. Love to screw you every day." "Your cock feels great, too, Wayne. Maybe we can meet tomorrow." As Becky said that she felt Wayne's cock get ready to release his hot cum into Becky's twat. "Oh, yeah," she cried as Wayne began shooting his thick, white cum into her pink cavern of Joy. "Oh yeah, Becky. Feels good." The two smiled at each other, then rolled off to lie next to each other as Minnie and Noel did also. "So what now?" Noel asked. "We can swap guys," Becky said. "You girls ever get a cock up your ass?" Wayne asked. Becky and Minnie looked at each other. "You guys know how to do that?" Becky asked. "Sure," Wayne said. "First we use some lube on our dicks and in your rosebud. Then we enter real slow, push some, relax, push some more until we push past the block and then we fuck. It feels good. " "Yes it does," Minni said. "So I guess I get Wayne and Becky gets Noel. How about the lube?" "Got some in my back pack," Wayne said. With that he got a bottle of lube, put some on his hand to lube his hard dick, then handed it to Noel to do the same. Each guy then spread lube on the rose bud and inside the butt of each girl. The two got on their hands and knees , legs spread to give their guy purchase to begin inserting each hard cock into the tight rosebud .Slowly the two went in a bit, rested, in deeper, withdrew, deeper, withdrew, deeper. Noel gave a cry of victory and a sigh from Becky. Seconds later Wayne did the same. The two couples, began to screw as their pleasure increased. "Not the same as your dick in my pussy, but nice," Minnie said as she rocked back and forth. "Yeah. And you're so tight," Wayne said as he humped Minnie. "God, yes," Noel said. "My dick feels great. Not that your pussy isn't fine, too, Becky." "Yeah. Takes a bit to get started, but this is nice. Real nice." The room filled with the sounds of groans, sighs, gasps, and other pleasant noises as two dicks continued to pump back and forth in two rosebuds. Both Noel and Wayne increased their tempo as they began to hurry towards another cum. "Oh, yeah, Noel. I've had two cums. Cum in me, Noel," Becky moaned. "Yeah, Wayne. Make me cum again," Minnie sighed. "Oh, yeah. Feel it any second, Becky. Any second, YES!" Noel's cock fired off his third orgasm into her ass. "Yeah. Here it comes, Minnie," Wayne cried as he, too filled Minnie's butt with Wayne's cum. The two girls looked at each other, smiling. The two guys slid their softening cocks out of the ass of their respective girl, allowing the two couples to kiss and caress. Finally the four stood up. "We need to get dressed and get home," Minnie said. "Yeah, but this was fun," Becky said. "How about ten tomorrow morning," Wayne said. "Tells us where to meet you and we'll come back here until a little after noon. How does that sound?" "Sounds good," Minnie said. "But I get to suck Wayne first, then Noel." "And I get to fuck Noel first and Minnie screws Wayne," Becky said "Of course. And I get Becky's ass while Minnie gets Noel," Wayne said. So the four got dressed and left the loading dock, all four happy and waiting for the next day.

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