Tom Jerry and Minnie

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Apr 25, 2022


Minnie Learns About Blow Jobs


Larry Marian

Minni, lay on her bed, wearing a pair of pink panties and a sports bra to cover her 30B boobs as she approached thirteen. She played a game on her phone until it rang. She saw it was from her brother Larry's best bud, Ben, both of whom were sixteen. "Hi, Ben. Larry's not here. Mom's got him down at the vacant mall working on passing his driver's test." "That's cool. Hey, look, last time I saw you, you were looking pretty fine. I swear the last time I saw you, you could pass for fourteen. I'd take you out any day. Or night." Under her breath, Minnie said, "He's trying to hit on me. Well, maybe I can play around with Ben and not Tom and Jerry." She smiled. "Thanks, Ben. Say, look. I'm sort of in a bikini. If you're close by come see me. " "Sure, Minnie, You know I'm a pushover for a red head. " Minnie smiled again at that. "I bet you've turned into a great kisser." "Never can tell, Ben. I'm waiting for you." "Be there in fifteen minutes. Bye." 'I'll be waiting." With that both hung up. Minnie got off her bed, then pulled off her panties, glancing at her mirror to view the faint beginning of red pubic hair just above her vertical lips. She took a pair of gym shorts out of her dresser, slid them on, then pulled them tight, checking in the mirror that she showed what she wanted to have shown. A quick run through her hair made her ready for Ben. Some few minutes later Minnie heard the front door open and close, then feet on the steps until he entered. She smiled. Ben, she knew was some five nine or ten, his shoulders showing his prowess on the soccer field. "Hi," she said. "That was fast." "Well, if I'm going to romance my best bud's cute sister, I wanted to be here as fast as possible." He looked at her and smirked. Minnie sat down on the bed, then patted the bed next to her. He sat down. "You know I have two boy friends," she challenged him. "Makes the chase so much more fun." She looked him over. He wore jeans, tight in the crotch, making his package about as obvious as hers was to him. "So how do you like having two boy friends?" "Good. We've been together since we were six." Minnie arched her back, making her small breasts more obvious than they were. Ben laughed at that. "So I guess you three played Show me yours,' some time." Minn ie grinned. "Oh, yeah. For like four years. Then we stopped." Ben put his hand on Minnie's mostly bare shoulder. "I bet that maybe you three began to do some more exploring." "Maybe," Minnie said. "And maybe you and Larry did some, too." With that she licked her lips. "What do you mean?" Ben asked. "Well, I know Larry and Susan do some serious making out. But I've heard you and Larry. Brother's door ism't sound proof. I've heard both of you make some noise like you mess around." Ben squeezed Minnie's shoulder. "Maybe we do. Maybe you'd like to try something new." With that Ben's hand moved down to cup small covered breast. She felt his hand on her breast. Well, both Tom and Jerry had touched her breasts, both covered and uncovered. Both had touched her between her legs like she had done to both of them. His hand moved on the breast as she felt his hand on her nipple. "Like that?" He asked. "Want to go further?" Minnie nodded her head. Ben's hands reached down to take the bottom of her sports bra to ease it up and off. She shrugged it off, letting it drop to the floor. Ben smiled, then pulled off his t-shirt. The two put arms around each other, hugged, then kissed. The kiss broke, then resumed, this time with Ben's tongue slipping through her parted lips. For a minute the two dueled with their tongues. Minnie felt her body warmth begin to rise. They broke apart for a moment, then kissed again, this time with Ben's hand begin to slide between Minnie's thighs. This lasted but a few seconds before Ben took her hand to place it between her legs. Her hand suddenly rested on his hard cock. His enormous hard cock. It had to be much larger and longer than either Tom's or Jerry's as she'd seen both of their's hard several times. "Ever touch one?" Ben asked. "Sort of." She replied, Ben nodded. They kissed again, tongues dueling until Ben stopped, then kissed a breast , then sucked on a nippled. "Nice," she moaned. Ben eased back, then began to open his jeans - belt, zipper, waist button. Minnie watched as the sixteen year old eased his jeans down, then his boxers, letting Minnie see the bright red head tipping the hard, thick six inch cock. "Oh, wow. It's so big," she said. "He's going to screw me. But it's so big," she thought to herself. "Ben. I'm still a virgin." "That's okay," Ben replied. "Let's wait on that. And your brother might object. So maybe we can do something else, first." His hand slid once more between her legs. She let her thighs open allowing his hand to run up her parted legs, giving him an opportunity to feel her vertical lips under her shorts. "Okay, Minnie. You good with this?" "Yeah." Ben's hands grasped the wait band of her shorts to tug them down. She raised up, allowing her shorts to slide down. "I'm a virgin, Ben." "I know. But there's something you might like." With that, he knelt down beside gathered, spread her legs, exposing her parted lips, the faint beginnings of pubic hair and her clit. His tongue licked her wet lips as he licked and kissed his way up to her clit, then searched for the hidden gem. She shoved her girlhood into his mouth as she moaned. "Oh!" He raised his face, damp with her pussy juice. "Sounds like you came. Your two boy friends. Have you sucked either of them?" "Sucked?" "You know. Given them a blow job? You know what one is, right?" His hand once more took hers to place on his cock. "You're right. Larry and I do suck each other." "Doesn't it taste bad?" Minnie kept her eyes on his cock, looking at the site stuff leaking from the slit she could see. "Cock doesn't taste. Just like your finger. Cum does, but it's okay. Maybe a bit salty. Sometimes sweet. Just take it in your mouth and swallow. I'll warn you before I cum." Minnie looked at Ben. "Why not just stop before you shoot?" "Easier to swallow than to get cum off your skin, or harder off your clothes. Look, Larry and I are always naked when we suck each other. So you want to try? "Maybe just this once," Minnie said. "Okay. I'll lie down on your bed. You get in bed with me, between my legs. Hold my cock in one hand, then give the head a few licks, them take my dick into your mouth, covering your teeth with your lips. The go up and down. Try to get as much in your mouth as possible. I'll warn you, but just keep going. You'll feel me cumming. Go ahead and swallow my cum. You may have to swallow more than once." Minnie watched as Ben lay down on her bed, then spread his legs. She gave a brave smile, then crawled between Ben's open legs which she noticed were fairly hairy as was his groin and ball sac. He had much more hair than either Tom or Jerry. But she took his long, thick cock, leaned forward and gave a few licks to the cock head. She felt the warm, thick liquid which had little or no taste. "Nice start, Minnie, Ben said. "Now start taking my cock into your mouth. Keep your teeth covered. " Minnie slowly began to take Ben's price into her mouth. If her brother could suck Ben and make him cim, than she could do the same, if only once. It felt a bit strange as her head began to bob up and down, each time going a bit further until the head had gone as far as she could take. "Nice, Minnie. Start going faster. It'll probably be a minute or so before I'm about to cum. That's nice. Feels good. Great rhythm. Yeah, you make my dick happy. Oh, yes." Ben began to work his hips, too, making his cock slide upland down in her mouth as she began to get used to it. "Okay, Minnie. Getting close. Keep sucking. Don't stop. Just about NOW!" As Ben shouted she felt and tasted the first spurt of cum enter her mouth. Before she could swallow, in came a second squirt, Ben's cum beginning to feel like her mouth seemed full of warm soup. She swallowed as another stream came in, then another. She swallowed a second time. Finally came a very tiny amount, which she held in her mouth, then swallowed a third time. Ben lifted her up by her shoulders , put his arms around her, then kissed her fully. Her lips and tongue responded. The taste in her mouth didn't seem bad at all. Different, but not bad. "You kissed me," she said. "Yeah. I wanted to see what my cum felt like in your mouth. What do you think?" "It was sorta good. I'd do it again." Minnie kissed him again. She looked down to see his cock begin to thicken and lengthen again. "So you're a real cock sucker, Minnie. When do you want to suck me again? Give me five more minutes and we can do it the old traditional way." "How's that?" Minnie asked as she let her hidden hand slide between her legs to a very wet pussy. "I stand up and you kneel in front. You can put your hands on my butt as you blow me." "Oh. But what's the difference between blowing and sucking?" Minnie's face got a bit twisted as she pondered that. Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Good question. Never thought of that. You know, I've been sucking or been sucked since I was thirteen. We say blow job' but there's no `suck job.' Either way it's called, what happens is the same. If it lasts long enough the guy is going to cum."

"Maybe it's how fast it goes," Minnie said as she cuddled up to her brother's secret cock sucker. Her hand went to Ben's dick. She gave a laugh, almost a giggle. "But what I'm touching has so many names - cock, dick, lizard, prick...And I have a pussy, cunt, twat,..." "So when is some lucky guy going to put his pecker into your pussy?" Ben kissed Minnie. "Have to be Tom or Jerry. Not sure which one. But after I'm thirteen." "Maybe you draw straws for number one. Then the other comes next. By the way, I'm hard . You want to suck me again, I'm ready." Minnie smiled at that as she looked at Ben's six inches of hard teen cock, the head again bright red, leaking precut. She dropped to her knees as Ben stood up in front of her. "It'll take a while for me to cum, Minnie. I beat off last night and just now with you." "Okay, Ben," she said as she took his cock again, kissed the tip, licked the head before beginning to slide her lips over his tight cock. She slowly moved her lips down towards the base of his dick as he sighed. Then she began her bobbing back and forth. "Oh yeah," Ben said. "Oh, so nice Minnie. Oh, God this feels so good. So good. Yeah, keep it slow at first. Let it build up. Keep sucking. Your tongue is so good, So nice." Minnie's hands went to Ben's ass cheeks as she drew him closer as his dick slid back and forth in her willing mouth. More and more she liked the feel of this cock. As she continued to bring him towards his cum she wondered what the cocks of Tom and Jerry would be like. Both had something like four inches. She'd never seen either cum. But she knew they would be next. Maybe Jerry would push his way forward. But it would be good. Maybe not as good as Ben, but good. "Oh, Minnie, So good. My dick feels so great with you sucking me like you're doing." "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Both Minnie and Ben heard her brother Larry roar. Minnie felt Ben's hands tighten around her head. "Take it easy, Larry. What does it look like? Minnie's giving me a blow job. A great one, too. She's almost as good as you. Let her finish. I'm getting close." Minnie raised her hand to wave at her older brother. "Ben. She's my kid sister!" "Yeah. And doing well. Let her finish." Minnie kept bobbing her head, Ben's cock going back and forth in her mouth, her tongue working the hard, thick pecker. "Yeah. Minnie's It's about to happen. Yeah, girl, cumming. OH YEAH!" Minnie heard Ben, then felt for the second time in her twelve years the taste of warm cum flooding her mouth. Again, she swallowed at the second rush and again with the feeble squirt of Ben's fourth shot, She pulled back, letting then cock flop down as it shrank. "Hi, Larry. Yeah. I just gave Ben a blow job. It's the second one I've done. And I know about you and Ben sucking each other. If you like it, why can't I?" "What about your good friends Tom and Jerry?" Larry asked. "And you're naked." "So is Ben. Tell you what big brother. Why don't you get undressed and let Ben suck you? Then you can suck Ben." Minnie gave a giggle. "After all, I've never seen a blow job. Maybe you can tell me the difference between sucking and a blow job. Why not a suck job?" "Is this what little sisters are for?" Larry asked. Minnie watched her brother as he shrugged his shoulders, then began to get undressed. "So you want to watch Ben suck me then I suck Ben?" "Yeah. After all, I didn't see much more than Ben's belly button and some black hair." Minnie gave another giggle, stood up, then without thinking, ran her fingers up her gash towards her clit. Both Ben and Larry looked towards Minnie. Buy this time, Larry stood nude in front of Ben, while Minnie gasped as she saw her older brother's enormous cock. It stood straight out, dripping precum, seeming to be at least seven hard inches long. Ben dropped to his knees while Minnie moved so she stood to the side of the two boys. Ben cupped Larry's hairy ball sack, gave the cock a few licks, then began to slowly envelope Larry's dick. Ben got to Larry's ball sack, then slid back before beginning to bob back and forth, slowly at first then faster and faster. Larry let out a groan. Minnie concentrated on watching her big brother get sucked, even as she played with her pussy and clit. "Oh, yeah, Ben. Nothing like getting sucked and watched by little sister. Damn. She's doing everything but taking notes." "I don't want to let Tom and Jerry down," she replied. "Don't they still have little soft dicks?" Larry asked, not sure how much his sister and her two friends had done. He let out another moan of pleasure. "Getting close, Ben. Getting... OH, YEAH! SO GOOD. SO FUCKING GOOD!" Minnie watched as her brother buried his cock in Ben's mouth, seeing his cheeks fill and deflate. Her hand took a mind of its own, making wet fingers explore her developing gash and clit. Her breath came heavy as se built towards a cum. She had a good view as Ben bobbed back and forth, showing almost all of the thick prick one second and the next see just his flopping balls. She smiled as Larry's cock came into full view, glistening with saliva even as the thick pecker began to sink. "Wow," Minnie said. "So that's what I look like." "Well, yeah, except for the small boobs and your fingers frigging your cunt. I think you had a decent cum, Minnie," Larry said, "So how long have you played with yourself, my horny sister?" "Think I was ten. Before Tom and Jerry started jerking off," Minnie said. "So when do you suck Ben?" She glanced at Ben, checking out his now very hard cock. "So you saw me suck Ben. Go blow him, Larry." Larry shrugged his shoulders. "Well, twice in one week won't be so bad." Minni watched Larry stand in front of Ben, then, as she and Ben had done and knelt down. Her hand continued to frig herself as she watched her older brother take Ben's cock to service it. Minni figured that since she knew that Ben had cum twice. Ben might take awhile. That was fine as it really took five minutes before Ben moaned, "Here I cum," to both Larry and Minni. "You see enough oral sex, Little Sister?" Larry asked. "I like it. It's fun to watch."

Three days later Larry came home from his soccer practice to hear Minnie and at least one of her boy friends in her room. Being the older brother he listened to hear the voices of two boys, surely Tom and Jerry. The voices were a bit distorted, but he heard "...getting close..." coming from one boy. Of course the door should be locked, but he tried to find it unlocked. He cracked the door a bit. Tom, with the brown hair lay on the bed, on his back, naked. Minnie lay between his legs, obviously sucking Tom. On the other side, Jerry, the smaller red head, was next to Tom, apparently blowing Jerry. Jerry's arm apparently led to Minnie's sexy playground as there seemed to be a hand between her legs. He remained silent as none of then three could see him, although there seemed to be blow jobs and pussy petting going on. Minnie raised her head. "That was a lot of cum, Tom," she said. "But Jerry, you've made me cum several times. I'm not damp. I'm soaked". Tom raised his head. "Yeah. Jerry pumped out some cum from him." "I think it's more fun when we try that triangle again," Jerry said. "So how many times have you sucked your boy friends?" Larry asked, startling all three. The three all turned towards the door. "I mean really, kids. How about it Minnie?" "Nosy, aren't you, Larry?" Minnie said. "Three days ago I told Tom and Jerry about you and Ben. So, being a nice girl, gave a demonstration to both of them. They confessed that they'd already tried sucking. So, since we get home first, your little sister has sucked Tom three times and Jerry four. I've watched each of them sick each other twice. Yesterday we tried a triangle - Jerry to me, me to Tom, Tom to Jerry. Today we tried me getting fingered while the guys blew each other. "By the way, you're not going to get a blow job from me. You're my brother." "I know that. Minnie I pick and choose which girl will suck me on which date and which one I screw." "Fine. Ben's already called me and asked if we can get together again. I said sure." Minnie smiled as she watched Larry's face change shape. "Larry, I have two boy friends and a teacher. I've sucked all three and I'll do it again. I know you and Ben suck each other. So you can leave me alone with a guy or watch. How about you?

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Next: Chapter 5: Tom and Becky

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