Tom Holland and I

By Andy Darko

Published on Mar 8, 2021


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Tom Holland and I - Chapter 4A --------------------------------------------------

A few days later, we were in the car yet again. Tessa let out a bark directly by my ear as Tom put the car in park. I groaned loudly as the bark became a high pitched whine. "Tessa, calm down!" She was eager to get out, not that we had been in the car for more than a few minutes. I cringed at the scratching sounds at the door as I hopped out. We had forgotten to clip her nails and we would assuredly catch hell about it. I opened the door and Tessa shot out of the back seat and straight towards the pristine front door. It swung open just as she reached it and an excited face popped out. "Hi, Tessie! Hi, baby!" She jumped up and I heard a small hiss of pain. "Did you forget to clip her nails like I asked?"

"Sorry, Mum!" Tom replied, pulling a basket of toys out of the back. "We got caught up with packing and you know how hard she makes it." Nicola, Tom's mother, shot us a disapproving look before turning her attention back to Tessa, kneeling down to pet her and dodge licks to the face. "Do you need help with her stuff? I can get the boys." Before we even had an opportunity to answer, she called over her shoulder. A moment or so later, out came the other Holland siblings.

Patrick, or Paddy as everyone called him, came out first, stopping to pet Tessa welcomingly. He was the youngest of the Holland boys at sixteen and nearly the same height as Tom. He greeted me with a warm hug. "Please take me with you," he joked. "Don't leave me with these people, Bash." I laughed and playfully mussed up his hair a bit. "That's what family is for: making you a better person by driving you crazy. Besides, you can't live with Tom and I. We make too much noise." I clicked my tongue and wiggled my eyebrows to drive the joke home. Paddy groaned and elbowed me away from him. "I am still technically a child and should not be subjected to such filth," he said as he grabbed a large bag of kibble. I snorted. "I'm sure your search history would prove I'm not subjecting you to anything worse than what you've looked up on your own." Paddy's face flushed as I chuckled. We had bonded closely over the course of my relationship with Tom and I teased him just as much, if not more than his elder brother. If we were around during school, I assisted him with any schoolwork he was having issue with. He even sought me out for advice on dealing with girls, which never failed to amuse me.

"Hey, Queen."

I turned at the double greeting to see the twin Holland boys, Sam and Harry, approaching. Behind me, Tom tutted at them, not particularly a fan of them calling me `Queen'. I personally found it endearing. "Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass," I replied. "About time." They each gave me a quick, one armed hug. Sam, the darker haired twin and tallest of the family took the basket from Tom. Harry, with his light brown hair, grabbed the dog bed full of treats and collars and harnesses. I reached into the back and grabbed the last item, a box from a local bakery. As I turned around, I was faced with something very uncommon and startling: a deadly stare from Tom. "No beer for Paddy," he said sternly, emphasizing every word. I shook my head. "Okay. No beer."

"Bashir! No beer, no wine, no shots, nothing! No. Alcohol!"

A loud sigh escaped my lips as I closed the trunk and made my way inside. "Tom, it was one beer and it was for his sixteenth birthday."

"It was four."

"I can't believe he actually told you,"

I was momentarily saved from Tom's chastising by a squeal from Nicola. "Oh, is that what I think it is?" I passed her the box as we closed the door, accepting another hug. "Is that a trifle from Nina's?"

"Sure is,"

"Oh, thank you, Bash!"

Tom gawked openly. "Wh... I'm the one who bought it!"

Nicola pulled him into a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Aw, thank you, too, Tom. I'll put it in the refrigerator. Come on, then." As soon as his mother turned her back, Tom pinched me and shot me a scowl.

Dominic, the boys' father, was in the kitchen working on dinner. He perked up at the sight of us, tossed a hand towel over his shoulder and gave us both a hug. The Hollands certainly did love their hugging. Yet, no matter how many embraces I received, I couldn't help but smile. I was certainly taller than most of the family, but with Dom only being five foot six, the difference was almost staggering. "Bash, come try this Bolognese," Dom said, ushering me over to the stovetop. "Tell me what it's missing."

The kitchen was a whirlwind of activity now that we had arrived. As Dom and I worked on the food, Tom and Nicola were setting aside plates and cutlery. Tessa would occasionally burst in, Paddy chasing her playfully. Sam and Harry, being very much stereotypical twenty one year olds, would stand in the middle of the chaos on their phones until Dom or Nicola guided them elsewhere. This was all commonplace for me, as Tom and I only lived about a couple minutes away and we came around at least once a week.

The Hollands had never once made me feel unwelcome in my relationship. Of course, they had all known about Tom's sexuality since before he and I ever met. He had come out to Harry and Sam first, they helped him tell his parents and they, in turn, helped him tell Paddy who was very young at the time. From the way the story was told, Paddy simply said, "Okay, cool," and asked Tom to play in the yard with him. By the time I met them, Tom and I had been dating for almost a full year. We all went out for dinner in London, my nerves shot to hell about meeting his parents and three brothers. However, well prior to the meals being served, I felt as if I had known them for years. Dom and Nicola had opened up immediately, the twins right behind them. Surprisingly, my biggest challenge had been Paddy. He was barely thirteen at the time and not quite keen on me taking up Tom's limited time. He was never rude per se, but he didn't make much effort to talk to me. I never forced it, choosing instead to respect his space and let him decide when to chat. It took a good year or so before he began warming up. After that, we were golden.

The boys all worked together to set up the back yard table as Dom, Nicola and I started wrapping up the meal. Somewhere in the process, a bottle of wine had appeared as had three glasses. We finished the food at the same time we finished the bottle, so Dom grabbed another one from the chiller as we began taking everything outside. I gave Tom a quick kiss as I set my glass down. "Wine or beer?"

"Uh... beer."

I pointed at his brothers. "Beer?" Sam declined, but Harry nodded. Paddy opened his mouth to respond, but Tom cut him off with a snap, then stared me down. "Sorry, Paddy. Not this time." Once I returned, we all settled in and began eating. I chatted between bites with Sam and Harry about their time at college. Paddy was trying to convince Tom that he could have a beer, even roping in Nicola who, conveniently, was seemingly unable to hear at that particular moment. Dom made circles every now and again to refill drinks or to pile more food on a plate. The similarities between he and my own father made me smile.

Stuffed and a little tipsy, Tom, Nicola, Dom and I sat back while the younger Hollands cleared the plates. I could hear them horsing around in the kitchen, assuredly feeding Tessa things she wouldn't normally get at home. Tom filled our glasses and popped his own beer. "So," Nicola started. "Are you boys all set for the wedding? Got your snappy suits and all?"

"Actually, we're getting them tailored as soon as we get back," Tom replied, his hand casually rubbing my thigh. "Probably going to have to let mine out a bit. Vacation weight."

"Ami's a bit stressed about it, but that's expected," I added. Dom laughed brightly. "Oh, that is absolutely true. I was a nervous wreck for about two months before Nicki and I got married. I kept waiting for her to change her mind."

"I would never!" Nicola leaned over and kissed Dom sweetly before turning to us. "What about you two?"

"What about us?"

She shrugged. "Coming up on four whole years now..."

Tom's head tilted back and he closed his eyes. "Mum, don't." I looked at Dom in confusion. He, in turn, chuckled. "Nicki, leave it."

"It's a fair question!" she said. "I mean, you've been living together for, what, almost three years? And, now everything is out in the open, so why not?"

"Mum, PLEASE."

"What is going on?" I asked as I took a sip of the wine. Tom turned to me, but Nicola answered first. "When are you two going to get married?"

Several things happened at once. Tom let out an annoyed groan, Dom started snickering and I choked in surprise which then caused me to grip the wine glass so hard that it shattered in my hand, dousing me with liquid. I set down the remaining stem and stood, holding my shirt out so the glass wouldn't hit the ground. With Tessa running rampant, I didn't want to risk her getting cut. Nicola basically teleported into the house to get a bin for the glass as Tom and Dom grabbed some napkins. "Let me see your hand," Tom demanded.

"I didn't get cut."

He snatched my hand up anyway, clearly aggravated, and inspected it carefully. Nicola returned and helped me dump the glass from my shirt and shorts. The red wine was very quickly seeping into the fabric. "I'll get a change of clothes from the car and meet you in the laundry room," Tom said, then briskly made his way around the house. I headed inside, still holding my shirt out in case there were any shards we missed. Dripping wine and dismayed about what was surely going to be a stained Captain Marvel shirt, I made my way into the laundry room. Tom arrived and closed the door as I was carefully pulling my shirt over my head. He helped me in silence, dropping my clothes into the washing machine and checking for any remaining glass. I chucked in my underwear as the wine had drenched my entire lap. Tom handed me a damp rag and I wiped myself down as he started the machine.

"So... do you... want... to get married?" I asked slowly. Tom's brow furrowed as he fidgeted with the controls. "I mean, in the future?" I clarified.

He turned and handed me a pair of briefs. "Do you?"

"That's not fair. I asked you."

"I..." He sighed. "I mean, I don't have an answer really. Obviously, I'm in love with you and I would like to think we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together."


Another sigh. "But, we're twenty four! It just doesn't... seem relevant right now. It's like, we have plenty of time, right?" He looked at me, his face more concerned and agitated than usual. "Do YOU want to?"

It was my turn to let out a puff of air. "First off, you know my thoughts on the spectacle of marriage and all the ridiculous heteronormative idealizations surrounding it." Tom broke into a small smile and hopped up onto the dryer as I finished dressing. "That being said... I wouldn't be opposed to ONE DAY... maybe having a small something or other."

Tom pulled me between his legs, our height actually matching perfectly. "Ah, so you DO want to get married. Bashir Holland has a ring to it." He pressed his lips to mine as my eyes rolled. "You think I'm taking your name? You'll get a hyphenation at best." Another kiss as Tom chuckled. "How about a big, choreographed proposal flashmob that goes viral?"

"Please, god, no. No pomp. No... insanity. Hell, ask me at home over dinner. And, I'm not signing a prenup, either. I'm taking it all when you finally drive me crazy." Tom laughed heartily before framing my face in his hands and kissing me deeply. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to the edge of the dryer, our bodies touching as much as possible.

The door popped open and I heard, "Oi. Mum said stop fucking on the appliances and come get dessert."

"PATRICK HOLLAND!" At Nicola's voice, he turned in the doorway. "Well, they were!"

I stepped away from Tom and playfully shoved Paddy out of the door before wrapping my arm around his neck. "You rat fink," I joked. He jabbed me in the ribs and squirmed out of my grip. "Ugh, get off me! God knows where your hands have been!" I lunged at him and grabbed his face with both hands then, in a low voice, growled, "Everywhere."

Nicola wrenched him out of my grip and all but tossed him towards the door. "Watch your language, mister." Then to me and Tom, "Get everything in the wash?"

"Yes and we can swing by before we leave to pick it up."

She nodded and turned on her heel. "Now, both of you go wash your hands."

"We just KISSED."

"Bash, you were just covered in wine and glass. What you get up to behind closed doors is no business of mine." My face flushed.

We cleaned up and joined the rest of the family for dessert and tea. The trifle, as always, was spectacular. Yet, the mood was a tad subdued as it meant that we would be leaving soon and Tom would be across the ocean for a few months. It was commonplace at this point, but that didn't make it any less difficult. Tom moved around the table and sat with each member of his family. He would lean on them, put his arm around their shoulders or hug them tightly. He probably wasn't even aware of the physical contact; it was just how he showed affection. I managed to photograph an incredibly sweet moment as Tom came up behind Nicola, wrapped his arms around hers and placed his chin on her shoulder.

Before too long, the goodbyes began in earnest. Sam was heading off to meet some friends, or one female friend I suspected, so he disappeared to change before returning to say farewell. He gave me a long hug, sighing deeply as he let me go. "Always hate to see you guys go," he smiled. "Any idea when you'll be back for a visit?"

"Hopefully just a couple of months," I said, patting his back. We joined the rest of the family in the living room. "We'll definitely be back before filming starts." I traded twins and pulled Harry into an embrace. Tom had Paddy by the shoulders, talking quietly as Nicola beamed lovingly. Dom approached me with a doleful smile. He was definitely proud of Tom for his accomplishments, but it was always hardest on him to see his eldest son leave. Even though we talked constantly via email or FaceTime or texting, the physical distance seemed to affect him the most. "Bash, you know the drill," he started. "Keep him safe. Keep yourself safe. We're just a message away if you need us for absolutely anything." He pulled me into a quick hug, stepped back and gave me a very fatherly pat on the shoulders. Nicola was next, her smile almost the exact opposite of her husband's: joyful and eager. Instead of a hug, she stood next to me, wrapped one arm around my waist and leaned her head on my shoulder. After a few moments of taking in the scene, she made way for Paddy. In typical teenager fashion, he was terrible at conveying emotion. "You going to miss me?" I prodded, arms outstretched. He sneered, but basically dove into my arms. "Whatever. I'll miss you, I guess."

"All right, everyone," Dom boomed suddenly, his phone in hand. "Gather round. Let's do this so the boys can get home and Sam can get to his hot date."

I reached out to take the phone, but Dom just stared blankly. "I can take the picture," I offered. From behind him, at least three sets of eyes rolled. Dom shook his head. "How about we skip this particular tradition of yours and just get on with it?"

"What does THAT mean?"

Tom answered first. "Every time we're together, you act like you're some outsider and offer to take the picture. Dad argues with you. I argue with you. You end up in the picture anyway. Let's just take the photo."

"I... I don't argue..." I shot back. "Besides, they are YOUR family. You all should-,"

Paddy let out a groan, grabbed me by my arm and dragged me across the room. "Oh, my GOD, Bash, shut UP." I stood stunned as he shoved me next to Tom. "You are also a part of this family and, if you don't know that by now, that's your hangup. Dad, as you were." I felt Tom chuckling next to me as I stood rooted to the spot, unable to respond. They were right, of course. I couldn't unpack why I always felt like I wasn't included in their unit, but it was something I needed to work on.

Dom finished setting up the phone timer, propped it up and settled on the couch with Nicola. We all stood behind them, Paddy in the middle, Tom and I on one side, Sam and Harry on the other. Tom suddenly jumped and turned to look behind us. "Tessie! Come here, girl!" He grunted with effort, scooping her up in his arms. She may have been upside down, but she was in the picture and loving the attention. Tessa craned her neck and, just as the flash went off, gave me a joyous lick across the cheek. Tom got his in the next couple of seconds before she wriggled, demanding freedom.

"Did any of those actually work out?" I groaned, wiping the drool off of my face. From Dom's laughter, I assumed they did not. We all crowded around him as he scrolled through the rapid-fire images. The first one had managed to catch me just as Tessa's tongue hit me, so I was still smiling. The next few, however, transformed into a moue of surprise and annoyance. "I'm sending them all to you," he said to Tom and I. With one more chuckle, he tucked his phone into his pocket. "Come on, then. Let's get you two out of here before I start getting emotional."

We all went through another round of hugs and loving words as we congregated around the door. I knew we had been saving the hardest goodbye for last, but we had to do it. I knelt down and patted my legs. Tessa came over immediately and began licking at my face. "Aw, I know, mama. We'll be back. We will." I gave her a good pet and kissed her forehead. Tom called her over, his voice breaking just a bit. He hugged her tightly and pressed his face to her back. In return, Tessa leaned into him and let out a tiny whine. I firmly believe that she always knew when we were leaving England. The family got quiet, knowing how hard it was for Tom to leave her behind.

After a couple of minutes, Tom rallied and pulled himself off of her. His eyes were a little red and he sniffled just once. Then, as always, his smile appeared. "All right, I guess we're off. Mum, don't forget-,"

"The vet appointment next week. Yes, yes."

I gently took Tom by the waist and took a step to the door. He wrenched himself away from Tessa and started toward the car. "Love you all!" he said, turning to wave. "We'll message you when we get to L.A.!" As we backed out, I spotted Tessa's head popping through the living room curtains. I grabbed Tom's hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

Once home, we changed into some pajamas and Tom settled on the couch, pulling up some movie we were sure to fall asleep to before the midway point. I moved around the house, noting how empty and quiet it was without Tessa and all of her belongings. It didn't help that we had already shipped everything we were taking back to L.A. It was much easier than traveling with several bags and helped us not leave anything we needed. I reached deep in the freezer and plucked out a small container of ice cream that I had hidden a few days prior. I picked a spoon out of the dish rack and snuck into the living room. Tom, engrossed in the movie, didn't notice as I walked in behind him and lowered the ice cream in front of him. When he finally caught sight, he let out a gasp before I dropped it into his lap. "Aw, babe. My favorite!" He already had a full spoonful in his mouth by the time I made it around the couch to join him. I stretched my legs out and lay my head in his lap. He leaned over to give me a kiss, the taste of ice cream lingering on his lips.

A little over halfway through the movie, I had turned to my side, Tom's fingers playing through my hair. The ice cream had been decimated. Whatever we were watching was merely okay. I wasn't really intrigued by the plot, so I zoned in and out. I was contemplating heading to bed and letting Tom finish it by himself, but I was entirely too comfortable and logy to move.

"Bashir, my love?"

The words were like a bolt of lightning shooting through me. I sat straight up. "NOPE. Absolutely not. Whatever it is, NO."

Tom laughed innocently. "How can you say no and you don't even know what I'm asking?!"

"Because, you only use that combination of words in that precise order when you want to ask me to do something you know I don't want to do. That's how you asked me to go skydiving, that's how you asked me to hike the Grand Canyon, that's how you got me to try raw octopus. No. Whatever it is, no." Tom reached over, trying so very hard not to laugh at my obvious frustration.

"Babe, listen. You ended up enjoying... two of those things!"

"Incorrect. I was terrified, exhausted and nauseous during all three."

He threw his leg over my me and settled into my lap. I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back, knowing he was about to try and talk me into whatever insane idea he had. He took me by surprise and smacked me on my shoulder. "Don't be rude. Listen."

I sat up and looked him straight in the eye. "I am listening."

"I was thinking that, since we're going to be gone for a while and since this is our first time being here and, you know, public, that we could... go to a gay bar?" I must have made a face without realizing it because his shoulders slumped. "Bash..."

"I haven't even said anything!"

He leaned in, surrounding me with his arms and bringing his face closer to mine. I could almost hear his gears switching to `seductive' mode. "Just think about it: we go out, see some drag queens, have a few drinks..." He gently ran his tongue across my lips, his waist grinding slowly against mine. "... then, we come home and you fuck me senseless." To drive his point home, he tangled his fingers in my hair and met me for an extremely sensual kiss. I rested my hands on his waist, sliding my fingertips under his shirt. When we separated, we were both completely hard. "Mm, that does sound nice," I whispered, our lips still close enough to touch. "But, I've fucked you senseless every day this week so what's the incentive?"

Tom all but jumped off of me as I cackled. "I don't know why I like you," he snipped, striding out of the room. "You are so unbelievably mean!"

"Tom! I was joking!"

"Fuck off! Sleep on the couch!"

I bound up the stairs after him and spent the better part of half an hour apologizing. Apparently, it wasn't so much the comment but rather the fact that I was hesitant to do something as unadventurous as going to a bar. I didn't argue with him for a myriad of reasons, first and foremost being that he was correct. He and I had been to plenty of bars before, albeit with groups of people and never as a couple. Adding the fact that I had never been to a gay bar, I was admittedly intimidated by the entire experience. But, by the time Tom curled up next to me, arms crossed in lingering defiance, I had agreed to go. It definitely wasn't common for Tom and I to argue, but it happened. Anyone in a relationship that says that is doesn't isn't actually in a relationship.

The very next night, as we pulled up to the curb, I held in my anxiety for Tom's sake. He was absolutely buzzing with excitement in the back of the Uber. "Oh, looks like there's a bit of a crowd already," he mused, leaning across me to look out the window. "Do I look okay?"

"You look fantastic, Monster."

And, I meant it. Tom had on a graphic tee with a classic Rainbow Brite tucked into a pair of slim, black jeans that hugged his round ass just so, and finished it off with a pair of red, hightop Chucks. He used less hair product than usual, giving him a very sexy bedhead. I also had a sneaking suspicion that he was wearing a jockstrap, but he wouldn't tell me outright. The compliment earned me a quick kiss despite his somewhat frosty mood throughout the day. He had been an absolute grump in the morning, so I gave him his space while I worked on some projects. By afternoon, the previous night's argument had faded.

Although Tom would say otherwise, I had gone just as casual as he had with my own outfit. My shirt was sleeveless and heather gray with a dramatically posed Storm on the chest. Below the waist, a pair of slim fit, hunter green chinos tucked into black, shin high Docs. Tom couldn't believe that I found them comfortable and told me so the entire twenty minutes that it took me to thread them with the matching silver laces and give them a quick polish. I had my hair down around my shoulders, but Tom had several hair ties around his wrist in case I changed my mind.

As soon as we crossed the threshold of the bar, I felt like a spotlight hit us. As it was still a little early, it was by no means packed but there were a fair few people about. One of the bartenders did a double take before not so discreetly grabbing his coworker's arm. An entire group of guys standing at a nearby table craned their necks. I felt my face get hot. Tom, however, just waved and uttered a small, "Hello!"

I don't normally chop chapters up like this, but this one is quite lengthy! I'll try to update them a touch faster so you're not left hanging!

Thanks for reading! As always, feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

Next: Chapter 5

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