Tom Ford and Joey Kirchner

By jasper adams

Published on Jan 4, 2011


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the athletes mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Hope you guys enjoy it. Remember to send in feedback or any other comments - it is all greatly appreciated!


"You're kidding, right?" Nineteen-year-old Joey Kirchner stammered. The 6'2" Canadian model looked on helplessly, standing in nothing but a pair of loose, old boxers, revealing his well-muscled, hairless torso and smooth, toned legs, his fingers twisting nervously in his clasped hands, self-consciously guarding his crotch.

"Of course not, Joey," Tom Ford responded lightly. The 49-year-old fashion designer turned filmmaker leered at the tall boy in front of him. He had seen pictures of Joey from his modeling agency, as well as countless other photo spreads and ads featuring this kid, but he needed to see in person. Joey was known as the new model with the young, boyish face coupled with the hot, slamming body of a Greek sex god. "You know I like to push boundaries with my work, and I need to know if you're the right fit to head my new clothing campaign."

"Yah, I just figured my agent sent you my portfolio already," Joey mumbled, a few beads of sweat emerged on his forehead as he continued playing with his hands. Joey felt himself turn red.

"I did. Now let me see." There was an authority to Tom's voice that sent Joey into a light panic. "You've done this before, I'm sure."

"Yah... kinda..." Joey begrudgingly turned around, and slowly dropped his boxers. The boy stood there with his boxers wrapped around his large, size-13 feet. He curled his toes and covered his junk with both hands and stood there helplessly as he felt Tom's eyes burn up his naked backside. "We done?"

"We're not done until I say so, Joey," Tom intoned, mesmerized by the young model's firm, white ass, in his eyes the pinnacle of male physique and the first sign of the sexual ripening of a boy. That is definitely a man's ass on that boy, Tom noted to himself as he felt his nine-inch cock spring to attention inside his tight briefs and tailored pants. He was hot, and loosened his tie and tossed off his suit jacket. "Step out of those unfortunate boxers please."

Joey obliged reluctantly, still facing away from the preying Tom Ford, and he felt more sweat beads forming on his back and body. Damn these lights are hot. "Ummm, should I try on some stuff for you then?"

"Spread your legs a bit," Tom commanded as he approached the boy. "I got something here for you to try on."

Joey's shifting weight flexed his ass cheeks as he spread his legs apart.

"A little wider please," Tom's voice was nearly a growl. He rolled up his shirtsleeves and took off his tie, exposing his hair forearms and furry chest. "Stand at attention."

Joey hesitated. His boyish, cute face flushed red. He slowly removed his hands covering his cock and clasped his hands tightly behind him, resting on top of his ass.

"That's my boy..." Tom whispered. He could see a pair of hairless balls dangling between Joey's meaty thighs. From half-way across the room, Joey's ass crack looked as hairless as his body. "I'm going to put this on you. Don't move now."

Joey shook a little as he felt Tom's body approaching. Tom inhaled deeply the boy's scent as he blindfolded Joey with his tie. Joey smelled like a boy fresh off after a game of football, sweaty and stinky. "Did you shower before you came here?"

"... No..." Joey stammered, looking even more helpless than before. "Sorry... I know the protocol... I was playing hockey when my agent called to come here... Sorry."

"Don't worry. We'll work through it." Tom whispered into Joey's ears, sensing the boy's body temperature rising and breath deepening. Tom handcuffed Joey's wrists behind his back.

"Wait!" Joey cried out in a panic as he felt the cold metal latch on to his wrists. Tom marveled at the young specimen's fine muscles flexing in fear. Tom let his raging hard cock out of his zipper. It was leaking streams of precum already. "Are we taking stills like this?!"

"Don't worry. This is just a photo test for the campaign. I think you'll be the perfect accessory for my clothes. Turn around and face me."

Joey struggled to hide his panic as he turned around. He heard sounds of a camera shutter going off as he turned and stood there, pigeon-toed and meek. Joey's crotch was shaved, not a trace of hair anywhere, and his balls were low and substantial. Filled with fresh cum. His cock was soft, but Tom could tell it was a grower. I mean, look at the rest of this boy. A real man's body. Not an ounce of fat anywhere, every muscle taught and lean and cut. And that face. Joey was biting his lower lips, his face flushed crimson. Everything from his little nose to lush lips was perfect. The boy has the face of an angel and the body of a sex demon.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Joey?"

"... Yah."

"Does she like your photos from modeling?"

"Yah, I think so."

"You've done some pretty risque things, from what I've seen."

"Yah, I guess."

"Does she like those risque photos of yours?" Tom was circling the boy, slowly stroking his thick cock.

"Um. I dunno...?"

"Oh come on! She must love them! Look at you!" That elicited a little grin from Joey. His smile was so innocent and cute, making the complete perversity of his blindfolded, handcuffed nakedness even more jarring.

"Yah... err, she told me once she likes to see my abs in pictures." Joey revealed with a sly smile. Tom saw Joey's cock stir by the mentioning of Joey's girlfriend.

"Oh yah? You do have nice abs. What else does she like about your body?"

"Umm... she likes my arms too."

"Yes, you have very nice arms, very muscular. Anything else?

"She likes my shoulders too."

"Yes, you have nice, wide shoulders. I can only imagine what a lucky girl she is."

"She likes to bite my nipples!" Joey blurted out, his cock now half-hard. "Err, sorry... TMI."

"No, no. I need to know these things." Tom smiled slyly. "I'm doing an edgy campaign, remember? What else?

"Umm, she likes to suck my toes, says it turns her on," Joey mumbled quickly, realizing the absurdity of this situation as the thought left his mouth. 'I don't get it."

"You have very nice feet and toes. Nothing wrong with that." Tom's cock was ready to explode. "Sounds like you got a kinky girl."

"... Yah! I guess."

"Get on your knees."


"Get on your knees."

"..." Joey silently lowered himself to the floor, his semi-hard cock flopping around as he got on his knees. "What are you doing?"

"Just research, baby." Tom moaned, stroking harder and now audibly. His cock is huge, and fat. He's managed to make boys cum buckets by burying his cock inside their asses. It has just the right curvature to hit all the right spots inside a boy. "Open your mouth."

"What?!" Joey could smell the sex in the air as he knelt there. He could hear it. He knew that sound properly well. He knew what some of these photographers and fashion designers want with models like him. He knew what Tom was doing. "Um, I can't."

"Do you want to be the face of my new line?" Tom growled. Sweat began pouring from his temples, his voice shaking with horniness. I will fucking make you a star, baby."


"Come on Joey," Tom commanded. "You'll be fucking famous and rich. Open your mouth."

Joey opened his mouth, his lips trembling and his whole body shaking on the ground. He knees were beginning to hurt. His fists were clenched so tight the knuckles were white. His breathing intensified, and he felt his face was going to burn off from shame. His cock is now fully hard, a solid 8 inches and the width of a beer can.

"Face up. Tongue out."

Joey turned his cute face upward. He could smell Tom's sex and sweat and precum. The sounds of masturbation intensified. Joey began leaking precum onto the floor as he stuck out his tongue like an obedient golden retriever.


Joey felt a large gush of gooey warmth hit his right cheek, followed by another large glob on his forehead, another shot of cum on his nose. Tom smelled like a dirty jock strap, a filthy sneaker, dirty gym socks, and semen.

"UGHNNN! UGHNNN! UGHNNNNNN!!!!!!" Tom growled as he spew cum all over Joey's face, soaking the poor boy.

Joey felt more shots of cum hit his lips, his tongue, and a two more shots went in his mouth and hit the back of his throat. Tom tasted like a man. Pungent, raunchy, and dirty. Salty and bitter, not at all like his own cum. He felt Tom's massive organ enter his mouth and he instinctively began suckling on Tom's exploding cock, draining amateurishly the remaining cum out of Tom.

Tom grabbed the back of Joey's head by his hair and began face raping Joey, causing Joey to gag, whimper like a puppy, and gasp for air.

Suddenly, Joey spit out Tom's cock and cried, "OH FUCK!! UGHNNN! UGHNNN! UGHNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!"

Joey's red, engorged cock erupted with a large stream of clear cum. While gagging on his first cock, Joey had sat back on his ankles, without realizing that Tom had stuck his foot under his balls. Joey was inadvertently rubbing his anus, perineum and balls against Tom's slick black leather loafers. Tom's foot pressed against his balls and erotic zones and Joey was basically dry fucking himself on Tom's right shoe and leg.

"UGHNNNNN!" Joey gasped for air and struggled for balance as he came, shooting his stream of boy cum on Tom's pant leg and shoe. Joey, covered in sweat and cum, fell backward on his cuffed wrists, fighting his subsiding and unexpected orgasm. His muscled body shaking with pleasure as Tom snapped more photos of him, bare feet planted on the floor, toes curled in pleasure, his legs bent and knees up in the air, spread apart framing his throbbing and dripping cock, his ass up in the air trying to fuck a fanatsy pussy that's not there, his entire naked body writhing and heaving with pleasure "Oh shit... oh shit what the fuck..."

TBC! What more? I see Joey getting ass fucked in the near future...

Next: Chapter 2

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