Tom Does Wwe

By Owen Michaels

Published on Dec 13, 2015


This story is complete fiction, I do not know or own any of the people involved and this is not a true representation of their lives.

I hoping to turn this into a series so feedback would be great at

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Tom Phillips is sat backstage waiting to conduct a promo interview with Chad Gable and Jason Jordan.

Tom sighed to himself thinking about how he ended up here. Sure NXT was really hot at the moment but only a few months ago he had been the lead announcer on SmackDown, doing regular backstage stuff for RAW and to top it all off he had been replaced on 5 things. This felt like a real step backwards, especially when he thought of what he had given this job; always on the road, no social life, willingly doing any job asked of him and most importantly, suppressing his sexuality especially when surrounded by all those hot wrestlers. Tom had known he was gay ever since he could remember but knowing the backstage politics in WWE he figured keeping it under wraps was best for his career, Darren Young who although had been enjoying a lot of TV time recently, had ended up a jobber for years and it wasn't a gamble the young announcer was willing to take. But now Tom was frustrated. Really frustrated, verging on pissed, all these sacrifices and he was still being screwed over.

Shaking off his anger and pulling himself together, Tom walked out of the dressing room ready for the interview, ever the slick professional. Gable and Jordan made their way down the corridor, their flimsy singlet's highlighting those perfect bodies. Toms, eyes travelled discreetly over their forms, the thick muscle and prominent bulges almost throwing him off his game. He, however, more or less managed to keep his composure through the interview that ended in familiar fashion.

"Ready!" Gable began their catchphrase excitedly.

"Willing!" Jason added unprompted.

"So cool!" Chad smiled "and Gable" the smaller man finished.

Chad flashed Tom a smile as before the wrestlers walked off giving Tom another visual treat, Jordan's butt bouncing with each step and the straps from Gables jock strap digging into the meaty flesh of his ass. Tom had to rush to the bathroom to adjust this thickening cock in his tight black pants before it became too noticeable. Luckily this was the last segment of the day and most of the performers were off training so the place was more or less empty. Tom set his jacket down next to the sink and went to a stall to quickly rearrange himself. It was still pretty obvious but his jacket would help cover it and he could fly straight out of the building. At the basin he played with his hair a little, adjusted his thin red tie and smoothed down his crisp white shirt, regaining a modicum of composure. Without warning the door to the bathroom flew open and in strode Chad Gable with a broad smile.

"Hey again Tommy, how's going!" a quick pat on Tom's butt accompanied Chad's greeting as he passed the man who had just interviewed him.

Toms face flushed red "H-hey Chad!" he stumbled.

Chad smiled at Tom's awkward reaction. He stood next to Tom checking himself out in the mirror, Tom catching sly glances of Chad's tight body while trying to act cool, a smile creeping across the wrestler's face. Gable splashed some cool water on his face giving Tom the opportunity to check him out a little more obviously.

"Fuck that singlet really does show him off well!" Tom thought to himself, his dick beginning to strain against the material of his pants.

Gable washed his hands and made like he was leaving the room prompting Tom to flash him a sweet smile. Chad stopped though. Behind Tom, right behind Tom. Positioning himself closer behind the smartly dressed man, Gable's warm breathe caressed the back of Tom's neck. Tom's heart was pounding not knowing what was going on.

"You know, I noticed the way you were looking at Jason, Tommy!" Chad whispered into Tom's ear his long hair tickling the exposed skin on the commentator's neck. Tom swallowed hard. Panic immediately setting in. The only saving grace was that Gable hadn't noticed him checking him out too. "You know I can't blame you, the guys a stud!" Chad continued "and I should know..... I saw the way you looked at me too Tommy" Tom's eyes widened in shock at both revelations.

"Wait, whaaa.." Tom spun round to try and face the other man and protest but was pinned against the basin as Gable forced their lips together. Their soft lips contrasting with the scratchy hair of their face as they made out hungrily, Chad's tongue sliding against Tom. Their bodies tightly pushed together, both their excitement now completely obvious. After a few lingering moments of wrestling each other's mouths Chad pulled back, much to Tom's disappointment.

"It's not just a catchphrase you know, how do you think I got to be his tag partner after he got through all those other guys!"

"Wow!" was all Tom could manage in response flashes of Jason and Chad together running through his mind adding to his already heightened state of arousal.

Chad started playing with Tom's tie looking down at it as he did "But you see Tommy, I have to play a certain role for the big guy, and well, that leaves some of my needs unfulfilled!" he continued, "and I think that's something you might be able to help me with!" The wrestler added locking eyes with his colleague and flattening the tie down against his chest.

In a few seconds Tom thought it through. He thought about protesting, playing it straight so to speak, but he was tired, he was frustrated and most of all he wanted this. Gable smiled when Tom didn't offer any resistance. He kissed him more roughly this time asserting his dominance, a rare place for him since he started with Jason. Tom sunk into the kiss letting Chad take control. Eagerly he tangled his fingers in Gables surprisingly soft hair, letting this run down to his shoulders, pushing the straps of the singlet off his built shoulders, over the smooth skin, down his powerful arms, pushing the singlet down to his waist.

Chad bit down on Tom's lower lip "On your knees!" he instructed.

Tom sank immediately without question. He could see the now even more noticeable outline of Chad's clearly sizeable cock at his eye level. Gable gave a nod to the man on his knees before him. Tom peeled the singlet off Chad's skin, down his thick thighs to a heap at his feet. Tom's head was now pinned between Gable and the basin, the wrestler's jock cover dick inches from his face. Too horny to wait Tom pulled the jock down, Gable's cock resisting against the material before springing free. Tom immediately wrapped his hand around the thick meat, it had been a long time since he was in this position but it felt so familiar.

"Come on Tommy, don't be a tease" Chad smiled.

Tom responded by opening his lips and taking the head of Gable's cock in his mouth being rewarded with moans from the wrestler. Fuck he tasted good, how had he allowed himself to go so long without this all for the sake of the fucking WWE. THIS is what Tom needed, what he had wanted, craved, for so long, this is where he belonged. Tom stroked the shaft rhythmically while taking more and more into his mouth. He was quickly lost in the actions, totally focused on the pleasure he was giving Gable and enjoying taste and feel of the cock filling his mouth. Chad's hands found their way to Toms head, fingers running through his soft hair. Pushing his hips forward Gable forced more of his cock into Tom's willing mouth. Building up pace and aggression Chad face fucked his interviewer, slurping and gagging noises echoing around the empty room. Tom could barely breathe, his eyes were watering, he was dribbling all over the thick cock invading his mouth, saliva running down his chin wetting his once pristine shirt, but he couldn't care less about breathing or his shirt for that matter, so eager to please the man using him to stuff his dick down his throat. Tom grabbed Gable's meaty ass to steady himself his fingers clawing at the soft flesh. Chad thrust into Tom's handsome face a few more times before he wanted more. Swiftly pulling his dick from Tom's throat, allowing the announcer to finally breath, Chad pulled Tom up by his tie, kissing him forcefully, the taste of his own cock and precum evident in Tom's mouth. Turing the other man around, and bending him over the basin, Chad fumbled with Tom's pants finally managing to get them undone before roughly pulling the back down along with the underwear to rest just below Tom's surprisingly hot little ass.

"You ready for this Tommy?!" More of an order than a question, while squeezing some soap onto his fingers before brushing them against Tom's smooth hole.

"Uuumhmm!!" was all Tom could manage in reply, a gasps escaping his lips as the cold soap covered fingers of Chad Gable ran across his hole. Chad pushed in slowly, teasing the hole open, with one, then two slick fingers. God it had been so long since Tom had been touched there, he had forgotten how good it felt. Chad soon had three fingers in the commentator stretching his hole wide.

"Please fuck me!" Tom pleased, genuine need evident in his voice.

Gable smirked while collecting more soap to slick up his thick cock. He positioned his cock against Tom's hole. Jesus Tom had forgotten how much he loved to be in this position, the anticipation heightening the exciting. Chad pushed in slowly, his dick opening Tom's tight little hole wide.

"UUUUGH!" was all that could be heard from the announcer.

Gable pushed in deep until his hips pressed against Tom. He gave Tom a moment before he slowly pulled out and then pushed back in. Tom's body felt like it was on fire, it was electric, such an intense feeling he had missed for so long. Chad started fucking into Tom deeper, harder. He pushed his hand into his shirt to grip his hair sprinkled chest and he watched himself fuck Tom Phillips in the mirror. Gable built a steady pace of deep powerful strokes. Tom could feel all of his frustration melting away, each thrust deep inside him slowly stripping away the tension that built up over all this time, his professional business like front now completely destroyed.

Both men looked in the mirror, eyes locking for a moment, Gable raised his arm and flexed his bicep for Tom who smiled in reply through hazy eyes. Chad gripped Tom's hips and started really pounding into the smaller man, his thick dick stretching Toms tight willing hole, hitting that spot inside of him over and over, until it was almost unbearable. Tom reached down to release his neglected cock still covered by his underwear. He wrapped a hand around and stroked it quickly. Neither man was going to last much longer.

"OH FUCK!" Tom shouted as cum sprayed from his dick, covering the side of the basin and his hand. "Fuck me, fuck me!" he mumbled as his orgasm subsided and Chad continued to pound him.

The tightening of Tom's hole was too much for Gable. He pushing in deep one last time as he emptied his load inside Tom. He continued fucking slowly milking his cock of cum. Tom could feel Chad's cum inside him, and he had to admit he loved that feeling. Gable pulled his spent cock from Tom and span the commentator around, pulling him into a deep kiss, Tom's dick smearing cum over his stomach. Gable grabbed at Tom's ass as they fought for dominance in the kiss and pushed a finger into Tom's well used hole, his cum already running out of Tom.

"I gotta man!" Chad announced breaking the kiss running his cum covered finger along Tom's bottom lip "This was fun though, let's keep this just between us!" Chad smiled as he pulled up his jock and singlet and left the room. Tom turned and leaned on the basin letting his head hang too tired to hold it up, his legs shaky from the intense fucking he had just received, a feeling he had completely forgotten. After a few moment he looked up at himself in the mirror the smart slick professional was gone, his hair was a complete mess, shirt gaping at the chest and wet with saliva, tie half undone, his pants around his thighs, his still hard cum cover dick hanging out and his hole, leaking cum, exposed to the cool air. Yet he found himself smiling, satisfied like he hadn't been in a long time. Maybe this was the start of a new Tom Phillips he thought to himself as he started to tidy himself up licking his bottom lip to taste Chad's cum.

Next: Chapter 2

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