Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jun 3, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Chapter 9

"Don't you think you're a bit young." My mum said. "No, besides he hasn't asked me it was just him trying to find out if I would be open to the subject." I replied. "And what did you answer?" she asked. "I said I would be open to it, but we don't even live together properly yet, but I do love him mum." I answered. "I know you do sweet heart and if that's how you feel then why don't you get a place together?" she asked. "I know it is something I think we should do." I told her. "Exactly I mean it took me and Royce 10 years just to live together and then another 13 years to get married." She said. "I know I can't wait for the wedding, only 2 weeks." I said. "Just getting the last few things together now. Have you and Tom paid for your room at the hotel?" she asked. "Yes, and the rest of families." I answered. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I paid for yours, mine, Sarah's and Caroline's." I told her. "James you didn't have to." She said. "He's paid for the rooms." She told Royce in the background. "Oh bloody hell." I heard him say. "Here speak to your dad, while I finish the ironing." She said. She handed the phone over and I heard Royce come on. "Hi jimmy kid, why have you done and done that for?" he asked. "Because it's your wedding day and you have helped me out so much in the past it's my way of saying thank you." I replied. "Well that's what we are here for, but thank you." He said. "Did you get the cheque I sent up as well." I asked. "Yeah your mam put it in the bank today, cheers for that son, that helps us out a lot but we were going to pay for the room out of it." He told me. "Well now you don't have too, it's a bit of extra cash for you two." I said. "Cheers son, but we will be paying you back." He told me. "No you won't. I gave you that ?20,000 for a reason." I told him. "Jim." Royce said. "No Royce and that's that." I said. "Okay you win." He said. "I always do. Anyway I need to go, got things to do." I said. "Okay son, see you Friday." Royce replied. "Yeah see you soon." I answered before hanging up the phone. "Well what did they say?" tom asked. "Mum thinks we should get a place together." I replied. "Well that's what we said anyway. How have you got on with looking for a place." He asked as he stepped out onto the balcony. "I have narrowed it down to two, one is a large 3 bedroom house, on the outskirts of Coventry, and the other is a large 4 bedroom house in Finham." I told him. "Price range?" he asked. "one is ?295,000 and the other is ?340,000" I told him. "And what did the estate agent value for this place." Tom asked. "?175,000" I answered. "Christ and is that because of the work you have done." Tom asked. "Yeah, that and the fact that is has now become a celebrity home." I told him. "Well that's the price you get for being in a relationship with me." He said. "I know, the question I have to ask is what is in the bank?" I asked. "Well, the winnings came in for the competitions I have won, also google have paid out for the annual income based on the number of times people google either one or both of our names. They pay ?6.00 per time." He told me. "Don't torment me, how much?" I asked. "Wait for it, Tulip have paid your final pay before you step down from your management role." He said. "Oh, how much was that for?" I asked. "?27,000" he told me. "Nice, so where does that put us?" I asked. "Taking away the money you have given to your mum and dad, ?1,158,110.57" he said. "Jesus fucking Christ." I said. "Language." He said. "You have no idea how happy that makes me." I said. "Tell me about it, when I was a kid, I wondered what it would be like to be a millionaire and now thanks to you, we have done it." He said. "Your deserve more of the credit." I replied. "Well, we shall see." He replied. "So does that mean I can pay the mortgage off." I said. "Of course. May as well pay it all off before we sell this place." He said. I dropped my head and looked to the floor. "You don't want to sell this place do you?" he asked. I looked back at him. "Are you angry?" I asked. "Why would I be angry at the end of the day this is your apartment." He said. "Babe, it's not just mine it's ours." I told him. "Babe, I understand. But what would you want to do with this place if we get a place of our own." He asked. "I would want to rent it to Kash and Jake." I told him. "That's seems fair, but why them?" he asked. "Well with Ryan now off in Liverpool for Uni, who won't stop saying thank you for the ?5,000 you gave him, Shannon and Sam are in their place, with help from us, also and with Kelly now sharing a place with Danielle and Michael and again Kelly won't stop with her thank you's for the cheque, Jake and Kash are the last ones left in the foyer and I want them out of there." I told him. "Your very passionate about this aren't you." He said. "Baby?" I said before looking down and then taking a breath. "When I lived in the foyer, all of them and I mean all of them helped me in one way or another and stood by me through thick and thin. From the points where I was unemployed and doing things I shouldn't to be able to survive and I'm glad that we have given something back to them all and with helping Shannon, Sam, Kelly, Ryan and Danielle move out of there but now it's time to help Kash and Jake." I said. He smiled at me pulled me in for a hug. "You are one of the sweetest, most kindness, and generous person I have ever met you know that." He told me. I smiled and we kissed. "Okay, ring Santander." He said as he passed me the house phone. I dialled the number for Santander mortgage and smiled at him. "Good afternoon and thank you for calling santander mortgage line, my name is Lewis can I take your name please." Said this man on the phone. "Yes it's James Leete." I replied. "And how can I help you today mr leete." He said. "I would like to find out how much I have left on my mortgage and to make a payment." I told him as tom held my hand. "Certainly can I just run you through security." He said. "Sure." I replied. He began to ask me questions and took me through the security process before he said, "Perfect Mr Leete, right well I can see here, you have so far paid ?12,600 over the last two years of having your mortgage, and including interest you have left to pay ?144,900, however that interest is based on the next 23 years." He told me. "Okay, if I were to pay off the whole balance today what would I have to pay?" I asked. "Just to confirm, you want to pay off your entire mortgage payment which will mean you officially own your own property." He said. "Yes that's right." I said. "Okay sir, if you bear with me I shall recalculate" he said. There was a slight pause before he said, "The total you would have to pay to clear the whole balance today and close this account is ?85,000. This is based on the interest for two years and then taking into account the amount you have already paid and also the small admin fee for early repayment." He said. "Okay that's fine, do you take visa debit?" I asked. "Yes of course sir, one second while I load the payment screen." He said. Again there was a pause before he said, "Right I have entered the amount to be paid as ?85,000." I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that my mortgage was about to be paid off. "Can I take the long card number?" he asked. I looked over to see that tom had brought up the Lloyds tsb internet banking screen for our account to watch the money come out. I gave the man the card number followed by the expiry and three digits from the back. "One moment sir while that processes. Tom played with his phone and then he nodded at me to say that it had come out. "Perfect sir, this money have now been debited from your account, if you give me one second to allocate this payment to your account." He said. Again another pause before he said, "Right Mr Leete, that is your account now paid in full. Is there anything else I can do to help?" he asked. "No that's it thank you." I said. "That's great sir, what we will do is send you a letter with your mortgage statement up to date and also enclosed will be a deceleration form for you to sign to say that you want the account closing. If you just sign that and return it back to us then we can shut the account and you won't hear from us again." He said. "That's great." I said. "Also I have now cancelled the direct debit for you so no further payments will be taken from your account." He told me. "Great, well thank you for your time." I said. "Thank you sir and I hope you have a pleasant day." He said. "Thank you." I said as I put the phone down. I smiled and looked at Tom. "That's it babe, your debt free." He said. I wrapped my arms around him and said, "Oh babe, thank you so much. I love you so much." I was still smiling. "I love you more." He said. "I don't care now, after mum's wedding I want to do it. I want to make it official with us. I want you to ask me that question with all my friends and family there to see." I told him. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes of course I am sure, as long as you are." I told him. "Of course I am sure, I wouldn't have asked otherwise. My mum and brothers are going to be so happy." He said. "Let's do it, a meal with your family and friends and mine all in one room in a restaurant somewhere. Maybe London." I said. "Whatever you want babe." He said kissing me. "Yayyy." I said still smiling.

"Hey babe." Kash said as he walked in through the door giving me a hug first followed by Jake who also gave me a hug. It had been a few days since I had paid off my mortgage and the letter had now arrived to say it was paid and it was now time to ask Jake and Kash about moving in here. "I got your text to say come up urgently, so what's up?" jake asked. "Nothing bad, just take a seat." I said as tom came over with the cups of tea. "Thanks Tom." Jake said as he took a cup from him. "So what is it?" Kash asked. I sparked a fag as tom sat down and gave one to jake. "Right the other day I paid off my mortgage to this place, in full." I said. Jake smiled. "So you own this place now." He asked. "Yeah, it's all mine." I told him. "Aww congratulations babe, but I don't see what that has to do with us." Kash said. "Well James and I have now decided to move in together and we have got ourselves and perfect 3 bedroom house about 20 minutes from here on the outskirts. Its easy to get too and walk to, so people can still come up." Tom told them. "Okay, I still have no clue." Jake said. "Well Tom and I originally thought about selling this place, but as this was my first place I owned and now that I own it in full I don't want to get rid of it." I said. "Okayy." Kash said. "Which is why, I would like to ask you two to move in here." I told them. "Whatt?" Kash asked wide eyed. "It would be rent free, and tom and I would look after the bills for you as it is cheap to manage the bills here, and we would leave everything in, except our clothes of course." I said. They both looked dumb founded. "Are you sure?" Jake asked. "Of course I'm sure, we have helped all the others move out the foyer and now that you two are the last ones left we want to help you more." Tom answered. "So what do you say?" I asked. "Yesss." Kash said. "Absolutely." Jake said. "And you don't need to bring anything with you apart from yourselves and your clothes. Everything else you don't need or want you can sell." I said. "Oh my god James this is amazing." Kash said giving both me and tom a big hug. "As long as you two are okay to live together." I said. "Of course we are." Kash said. "Yeahhh." Jake said. "Great, how is one week from now for you?" I asked. "Perfect" Kash said. "Good Tom and I have already bought the house, we did that yesterday and picked the keys up this morning. It's a brand new build so we don't have to change the kitchen or bathroom and tomorrow tom has paid for painters to go in and paint. I have given them my colour scheme and they will have it done in two days. I ordered carpets this morning and they are being fitted in 3 days. Sofa in 5 day along with the beds. Sliderobes are going to be there in 6 days for all three rooms and the dining room table and chairs are going in 5 days as well. Tom and I are going shopping tomorrow for last bits in the kitchen and bedrooms and living room. But in all we will be all in ready to move in 7 days. Tom is going to be doing some DIY as well. Oh and we have a Gardner going in on Tuesday to do our garden which tom and I met this morning." I told them. "Sounds like you two have been busy." Kash said. "Well with mums wedding in 2 weeks we had to be." I said. "True." Jake said. "So you two are happy." Tom said. "Yes of course we can't thank you enough." Kash said. I smiled and I felt a warm tingly feeling inside that I knew was a sense of completeness.

A week can certainly fly by. Everyone was rushing around getting things ready. Tom and I were back and forwards from the new house to the apartment. Between Tom and I we had taken it in turns to wait at the house for whoever was due whilst the other went out shopping for bits for the flat. Usually it turned out that tom was there waiting so he could do the DIY jobs that needed to be done but thankfully after a week we were ready. I stood in the bedroom packing things into suitcases. Yesterday Tom had gone to his mums and got everything out of his mums house ready to move out. I had done all that 5 years ago when I moved to Coventry but now we were ready. I had spoken to Kash and Jake and they had managed to sell most of their bits like their beds etc and now they were just finishing their rooms at the foyer and getting ready to move. Tonight they were coming over with their stuff and they were staying in the guest room together so that Tom and I could be here with them in the morning to do the final handover of everything before we left for good in the morning. I had spent most of the last few days clearing out rubbish and cleaning the flat to make it nice for them and now we were ready. "Hey babe." Tom shouted as he came through the front door. "Hey babe." I replied as he came into the bedroom. "I got the new keys cut and I've just been to the house and its finally finished." He told me. "Finally, well tomorrow we can move in." I told him. "I know I cant wait." He said. "So you are excited then?" I asked. "Of course, we get a place together. Just us." He said lifting me up and spinning me around. "Okay put me down, I still have to finish packing my clothes. Where are your bits?" I asked. "Attached to my longer bit." He said sticking his tongue out at me. "Haha, or just the bits that you brought from your mums." I said. "At the house." He said. "Good, well Kash and Jake should be here by about half 7, and we are going to have dinner here. But first we have food shopping to do. We are taking them with us food shopping so we know they have food in." I told him. "Good idea." Tom replied. I smiled and went back to packing.

At about quarter past 7, Tom went to get Kash and Jake and about 20 minutes later he came back with them with all of their stuff. "Hi." I said as they came in. They put all their stuff in the bedrooms and then we headed off to Sainsbury's. An hour in Sainsbury's meant that we had two big trolleys full of stuff to put through the checkout. We did it trolley by trolley and finally the woman hit enter of the till. "?478.32" she said which made Kash stand there opened mouth. "What the?" he started to say before I cut him off. "Just go with Tom you two and take my car keys. Everything for you two in Tom's car, everything for us in mine." I said as I put my card in the chip and pin reader. After paying and heading outside I found that they were just putting the last few bags in the car. "Right I'll take Kash and go back to the flat and get their shopping away if you take Jake to the house." Tom said as they finished. "Okay, we won't be long." I said. Jake and I climbed into my car and away we went to the new house. It only took about 20 minutes to get there and when we arrived Jake looked at it from the outside. "This is proper nice." He said. I smiled as I pulled into the drive way. "Just wait till you see the inside." I told him. We both climbed out and headed for the door. I unlocked the door and we went back to the car to get the shopping bags and take them inside. "Wipe your feet before you come in." I told him. After 5 minutes of carting bags in to the house and then another 10 putting it all away we were done. "Want a quick tour?" I asked. "Sure, why not." I said. I took him around and showed him the house. As we walked in through the big double wooden doors into the main hall. In front of us was the staircase which went so far up before it broke off into 2 directions. But stood from the doors you could go three ways. To the right was the living room, to the left was the dining room and at the back of the house was the kitchen and the garden where we had the a huge garden with an outdoor hot tub. Then going up the stairs if you went off to the right you would come outside mine and Tom's room with the en-suite bathroom. Then going back to the stairs if you went left you would find yourself outside the guest bedroom with en-suite and going down the hall to the other guest room with en-suite. It was like a hotel but I loved it. Each room was painted and there was a cream carpet that ran throughout apart from the kitchen which was tiled. Each room were fitted with Slide robes wardrobes and a big double bed. "So what do you think?" I asked. "It's amazing and so big." Jake replied. "Well there are only 4 houses in this cul-de-sac, and they are all the same. Down the street lives one of the Coventry city players, and across the way I have no idea." I told him. "Cool, we should get back anyways." Jake said. We left the house and I locked up and put the alarm on and headed off.

That evening after dinner we all settled in for the evening before the last move tomorrow. Tom and I lay in bed and talked for a while before he rolled over onto me. "I think we should give this flat a nice send off." He said smiling. I smiled back. I ran my hands through his hot hair and pulled him as close into me as I could. I grinded my hardening cock into his stiffening member as our lips met and we began making out. I broke the passionate kissing and went down to Toms left nipple and then his right, he let out a groan of pleasure. I kissed between his pecs and down his stomach right down to his hard 8 inch cut cock. I licked the swollen mushroom head of is cock, Tom sighed. And then I took his shaft into my mouth. "Oh god!" Breathed Tom. I sucked on his cock, swirling my tongue around his shaft, tasting the saltiness of his precum, the wonderful odor of Tom. I could not pull myself off of his member. "FUCK MAN, that feels amazing!! But I need your cock! I need to suck on you too baby!" he said I pulled off and moved myself around so we could get into the 69 position. I love sucking on a hot cock and having my cock worked at the same time. What felt like an expert cocksucker taking my member in his mouth was incredible! I moaned while Toms cock was still in my mouth. I pulled of his cock. "Ah Tom, you have some serious skill", and I went back to working his gorgeous shaft and balls. He pulled off my cock, "Thanks, you have some serious skill as well. I hope you have skills when it comes to being a top." I probably could have exploded at that point, but I wasn't near climax yet so it was okay. I moved myself again so we could do some deep kissing action again. "You want me to fuck you?" I asked. "I need you inside me," Tom moaned. "I want you so bad!" I said "Me too," he replied and our lips locked again. My boner was raging hard and was ready to penetrate a hot ass. I put on a rubber and lubed up the shaft and pressed the head of my cock against Tom's ass. "OH FUCK!!!" Tom squirmed. "I want this so much!" And I pushed the head of my cock in. "Ah shit, yeah! Oh god! Fuck yeah!" Tom Moaned. I continued to push my hard shaft into his warm hot ass. I pushed in until my balls were touching his ass, and then I pulled out slowly. I pumped his ass at a gentle rhythm at first. We locked lips as I slowly pounded his ass. "Your cock feels amazing inside me," Tom moaned. "You ass is incredibly hot, and perfectly tight!" I said

I picked up the pace a bit, and was getting closer and closer at the sight of this hot stud below me taking every inch of me and loving it. Tom wanted it, harder faster, deeper. I pounded as deep as I could and our moans got louder and more intense with every thrust. "Fuck man I'm gonna cum!" I said. "Pull out and shoot in my mouth" he said. At that instruction I couldn't hold on another moment. I pulled my cock out of his ass, took off the condom and got up close on top of him with the tip of my cock in between those hot lips. I stroked my cock faster and harder, and then I began to shoot warm hot streams of jizz in his mouth. After four loads, he smiled and grabbed my head and pulled me into him and kissed me. He saved some of my load for me and made sure I had some. We both swallowed my hot cum, when minutes later he said he was ready to cum.

I wanted his load the same way he took mine. Tom Daley style. I told him this so he got on top of me stuck his the tip of his cock at my mouth and stroked his cock. Then He moaned and shot a wave of hot cum into my mouth. The hot jizz felt amazing hitting my lips and tongue. After he was done shooting his load, I pulled him close on top of me. I was reluctant to share any of his load, but it was incredibly hot making out with him. I grabbed his hot hair and pulled him into me and shared his cum with Tom. We made out for at least half an hour after that. Then he moved over, right in the crook of my arm, pulled my other arm around himself and we fell asleep.

The following morning I awoke to find Tom gone from bed. I went into the lounge and found him sat on the sofa with Kash both wearing nothing but their dressing gowns. "Morning." I said rubbing my eyes and grabbing my fags. "Morning." Kash said. "Morning babe." Tom said. I went out onto the balcony and had a fag as Kash brought me a cup of tea. "Cheers babe." I said. "No need to ask what you did last night." Kash said. I looked at him and smiled. "Were we that loud?" I asked. "Hell yeah, but it's fine" Kash said as he took a drink of his tea. "Right well I need to shower, so I'll see you soon." He said. Tom came out and held me against his chest. "So today is the big day." He said. "I know I can't wait." I said. "Me 2!" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

Later that afternoon after cleaning and finishing the flat Tom and I loaded up the two cars with stuff and got ready to go. "Well this is it." I said to Kash and Jake who were stood waiting for us to go. "I can't believe you two have got your own place now." Kash said. "Well now you two do as well." I replied. "Thank you so much for this." Jake said. "It's fine, just take good care of it. I put a lot of money up there for a nice apartment." I said. "We will babe." Kash said. We all hugged as tom and I walked towards our cars. "I'll meet you there." He said to me flashing me that smile. "Okay babe." I replied. I climbed into the car and drove out the car park and a sense of sadness came over me to know that I was leaving my first ever apartment that I had owned. But where one door closes another one opens and I couldn't wait to start getting this new house our own. I felt so happy and content and most of all thrilled that Tom and I were finally going to be living together. One step closer to those wedding bells.

Feedback and comments welcome, please let me know if your still reading and what you think. Always love hearing from people. Email me Thank you to Charlie for reading the story and leaving feedback on twitter.

Only 1 more chapters left in this series and this will be the big explosive finale. I hope you all enjoy ?

Next: Chapter 10

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