Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on May 11, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Chapter 8

Time. People say it is very precious and needs to be respected. Others say YOLO (You only live once) and therefore don't worry about time and just get things done and try everything. Me I have a mixed view. I do believe that you only live once and to get things you want done, which is why I was over the moon when Tom and I became an item because it is something I have been waiting for such a long time. But at the same time I want the time to slow down and not to rush as every minute with Tom is precious. I've only ever had one guy who I have felt like this about and that was my first boyfriend Robbie but with Tom I can actually admit that our relationship is so much better than anything Robbie and I ever had, and as for life well that was immense, I had my man, my home, my family, my friends, my job and money and that's all I ever really needed to make my life complete. "James I think we need to do something very soon. It's been ages since we all went out for a weekend." Shannon said as we sat in my living catching up over a brew. "Sorry babe, what?" I asked coming out of my daydream. "Were you even listening to me?" she asked. "Sorry my mind wandered." I said. "I was saying we need to do something very soon." She said. "I know, tom and I were thinking about that. He suggested a weekend away." I said. "That's a great idea. Where though? And bear in mind we don't all have loads of money." She said. "Don't worry about that. And what tom thought was his agent has a place in Northumberland, up north in the countryside." I said. "Right, what's it like?" she asked. "It's a seven bedroom mansion on a private estate." I explained. "Are you for real?" she asked. "Yeah and he has said we can use it whenever we want. So how about this weekend?" I asked. "What about money though?" she asked. "Well, me, tom and Daniel can drive up with everyone and we can all go to the local Sainsbury's and I can pay for the food and fags and alcohol and then you can all make it up by doing some cooking and cleaning and whatever. Honestly it's our treat." I said. "Well you best ask everyone." Shannon said. "So you be down for it?" I asked. "Absolutely, I could do with a weekend away." She said. "Okay, well as everyone is at the foyer, let's take a quick drive over and get everyone together and ask and then I can speak to Daniel later." I said. "Okay, let's go." She said as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. "Hold on shan, let me finish this fag." I said. She smiled as I took two last drags but I put it out and grabbed my car keys. We headed out the door and in to the lift and out the door.

After a short drive to the foyer we walked in where Shannon signed me and we headed upstairs and went on the hunt for everyone. After rounding up Ryan, Kash, Danielle, Jake and Kelly, Shannon explained to everyone what the plan was and what we had planned to do. "So what does everyone think?" she asked after she was finished. "Yeah it sound amazing. But I don't know about anyone else but I'm skint." Kash said. "That's fine, this is mine and tom's treat honestly." I said. "Check her out flashing the cash." Kash said. "So you will all come please say yes." I said. "Yeah, ill go." Jake said. "Great, Ryan?" I asked. "Yeah I'm down for it." He said. "Kelly?" I asked. "I can't baby, I'm spending the weekend with Michael, its out anniversary." She said. "aww okay babe next time though." I replied. "Hell yeah." She replied making everyone laugh. "Lastly then Mr Solanki?" I asked "A weekend away, free of charge. James do you really need to ask." He said looking at me. "Okay yeah I forgot your easy." I said. Everyone laughed. "Yeahh, that's why the boys love me so much." He said, making us all laugh again. "Why you jealous?" he added. "Why would I be jealous." I said. "Dunno you just sound like it." He said. "Darling, I shag Tom Daley. I've got nothing to be jealous of." I replied. "He's got a point Kash." Shannon said. "Thank you. Bitch better know." I said looking at Kash making us both howl with laughter. "Oh James you crack me up." He said. "Yeah you love a bit of crack don't ya Kash. Bum Crack." Jake said. "Shut up Jake, just cause you want my ass." Kash said. "Not particularly probably get swallowed up." Jake replied and we all laughed. "Fuck off. Leave me alone I'm hanging here." Kash said going in a pretend strop. "Okay, everyone be ready to leave Friday afternoon about 1ish as it will take about 6 hours to drive up there." I said. "Sound." Jake said. "Marvellous." I said smiling.

"So what do you think?" I asked Daniel as we chatted on the phone. "I think it sounds like a plan." He replied. "So you would be okay to drive?" I asked. "As long as I've got the sat nav and your filling up the fuel tank then yeah." He replied. "Deal." I said. "So when do we leave?" he asked. "Friday afternoon at 1." I replied. "Okay, we all meeting at yours?" he asked. "I think so, I haven't really finalised everything yet. Tom will be here tonight, so we can talk about it." I replied. "Bet you've missed him?" he asked. "Yeah, like you wouldn't believe." I answered. "Lots of sexy time for you two to catch up on." He said. "Oh, well yeahh." I replied. "Okay well ill leave you too it. Just text me the details." He said. "Okay babe, speak soon." I replied as we both hung up the phone. I got up and started to tidy and wait for tom to get here. He had been back home at his mums for the last 3 days so he can do some training for his diving. Andy had put him on a 3 day extreme exercise workout spending over 8 hours in the gym one day and then in the pool and on the diving board for the other two ready for the events he had coming up in a few weeks' time in particular the junior championships. I was going with him for that one so I could see my baby boy in action. I spent about an hour just doing some little bits when I heard the key in the door and I knew he was open. When I heard the door close I ran through to the hall and ran up and threw myself at him. "Hello to you too." He said as I wrapped my arms around him pulling him in the biggest hug ever. "I've missed you so much." I said. "I've missed you more." He said. We kissed before I finally let him go. "How was your training." I asked. "Yeah it was good, intense but I'm glad I did it, I was starting to feel out of shape." He said. I smiled. "Then of course I gained these." He said lifting his top up to show his amazing abs that looked more defined. "Wow." I said practically drooling. "Now now, that can wait till later." He said as if he was reading my mind. "Finee." I said. "So what's new?" he asked. "I asked everyone about the weekend to Northumberland" I told him. "Fantastic, and?" He asked. "We are going on Friday at 1. Me, You, Daniel, Sam, Shannon, Jake, Kash, Danielle and Ryan." I told him. "How are we getting there?" he asked. "I'm driving, Your driving and so is Daniel." I told him. "Okay that's fine, who is going with who?" he asked. "You're taking Shannon and Sam. I'm taking Jake and Kash and Daniel is taking Ryan and Danielle." I replied. "Okay that's fine. More space I guess." He said. "Yeah, more comfy journey. We can go shopping when we get there and I've said we can pay." I said. "Yeah that's fine babe. Oh speaking of which, here's a balance receipt, I got on the way here" he said pulling a receipt out of his pocket. I looked at it and nearly died. The bank balance said available we had ?693,481.36 "Fucking hell, I didn't think we had that much." I said. "Yeah, it soon mounts up, with your payments and mine, the money just stacks up, and you're not spending." He said. "So does that mean I'm allowed." I asked. "Yeah of course you don't need to ask me." He answered. I smiled and kissed him again.

That afternoon we just stayed in and chilled and cooked a nice lasagne from scratch which with the two of us in the kitchen is always fun and it did come out tasting amazing. At around half 10, we crawled into bed and I lay my head on the top of his check and my hand resting over his abs. "Well, that weekend should be interesting." I said. "Yeah, I was thinking, how would you feel if we invite Chris and Jack. Jack just got his licence and Ford have given him a Fiesta ST, so they would love to come." Tom said. "Yeah of course babe, they are your mates." I said. "Our mates babe." He said. "So are people going to be sharing rooms?" I asked. "Yeah I would imagine so, you and me obviously, Shannon and Sam and then we can put Jack with Chris, Kash and Jake, Daniel and Ryan and then Danielle on her own." He said. "Yeah sounds good. I'm sure people will be happy with that. How are the rooms laid out." I asked. "There are 6 rooms on the first floor and the master bedroom on the 2nd floor." He told me. "We are defiantly having the master bedroom. More space." I said. "And that way we can have as much sex as we want without waking people up." He said with a cheesy grin. "I wasn't thinking of that but yeah that's a bonus. Besides Shannon and Sam will keep the others awake with that I think." I said to which he laughed. "What about Jake and Kash or Daniel and Ryan." He said. "I doubt they will be having sex babe, do you." I said. "You never know," he said. "No babe" I said as I rolled over onto my side facing away from him as he came in behind me and spooned me wrapping his muscled arms around me keeping me safe and secure. He nuzzled his himself into my neck and we drifted off to sleep.

The following day went by so quickly as Tom and I ran around getting everything ready for Friday. I text everyone the details about the trip first thing and then after showering, cleaning and getting the flat tidy we headed off to Birmingham to get the keys from Jamie and then do a spot of shopping for bits in time for the trip. After shopping we head dinner out and then headed home to pack. That night I was so excited to spend a weekend with my friends which we hadn't done in so long and now to top it off I had a boyfriend. I was buzzing. I slowly drifted off to sleep very content and happy.

At 8am the next morning my alarm woke me as Tom was getting in from his jog. I climbed out of bed and put my dressing gown on and I found tom walking through the door in his blue running shorts and black muscle vest with his iphone strapped to his arm and his earphones in his ears. I smiled and he smiled back. "Morning." He said. "Morning." I replied. I went into the kitchen and made a cuppa before heading out onto the balcony for my morning fag. He soon joined me with a glass of fresh orange juice. "You excited for today." I said. "Yeah in a way just not looking forward to the 6 hour drive." He said. "It's okay for you, you and Sam can take it in turns me and Daniel can't do that." I replied. "True." He said kissing me. "Right I need a shower, and you clearly need to do some cleaning I would imagine." He said. "Yep, go get showered you smelly fucker." I said. He stuck his tongue out at me before leaving the balcony and heading inside to the shower. After my fag I did the last load of washing and drying and set the dishwasher going. After hovering and mopping the floors, cleaning the kitchen and living room and then making the bed and tidying the bedroom, tom emerged from the bathroom in his towel. "Towel in the basket please." I said as he dropped it to the floor. "Yes mum." He said. "Oi cheeky." I replied. He smiled and went to get dressed. I had a shower and cleaned the bathroom and got dressed. I checked the time to see it was half 11 so I had to hurry. I did one last run around the flat and checked the plugs and made everything that didn't need to be on was switched off and then finally got my last few bits together like my phone charger and wallet. At half 12, everyone started to show up and finally at 12:50 tom, Daniel and I loaded the suitcases and bags into the cars. At 12:55 the three of us drove over the road to the garage to fill up the cars and once we were all done with full tanks I went inside and paid for all three pumps. "?134.80" the man said. "Christ." I replied. I put my card in and paid for it and then thought about snacks for all the cars. I grabbed two 6 packs of bottled water, two big bags of crisps for each car and then two bags of haribo for each car as well. I also got 100 fags for the smokers to have and share. Another ?75 on shit before heading back to the flat and grabbing the last of them. I ran inside and made sure that everything was locked up and finally got on the road and heading North for a nice weekend.

"Oh my god I'm bored." Jake said. We had been on the road for a little over 3 and half hours and his phone had died after an hour. He was getting more and more agitated as we went on this drive. "So you keep saying." I said. "Well you need to let me charge my phone." He said. "How Jake, I don't carry a portable plug socket everywhere I go." I said. "Well then pull over." He said in a forceful tone. "Jake, stop being so bloody demanding. No I'm not pulling over. We can soon." I said. "Fine, ill just spark a spliff in here." He said to me trying to piss me off. "No you fucking wont." I said. "Yeah I am." He said reaching for his bag. "Do it Jake and I'm gonna throw you out onto the motorway and you can walk back." I said. "Obviously fucking not. Well, then pull over." Jake ordered. "Oh for fuck sake." I shouted. I dallied Tom's number and told him to pull over and then I rang Daniel and told him the same. As we pulled into the service station Jake was already pulling out his phone charger. We parked next to each other, and everyone got out and stretched. "Hey Babe." Tom said coming round to me. We kissed and I could taste haribo from him. "You taste of the cherries from the haribo." I said. He smiled. "Yeah Shannon has been feeding me them." He said. "How was it in the car with them." I asked. "Fun, we talked and they asked a lot of questions about us and me and things that should be left in the bedroom but I was still happy to answer." He said. "Shannon." I said turning around to her. "Hmmmm." She said in a high pitch voice. "Asking questions have we?" I asked. "Well, it is a long drive so I thought I might as well." She said. "James mate, I've heard things in that car that I hope never to hear again." Sam said. I turned back to Tom. "What have you told them?" I said. He smiled and went in to stutter mode. "Well, ermm, you see, I errmmm? Shannon help me out here." He said. "He's been telling us about your naughty times." He said. "Ahh I see. Well did he tell that when he cums about 2 minutes later he bursts out laughing for no reason." I said. "No." Shannon said. "Yep." I replied. Tom went red in the face. "Bitch." He said. "Oi, you fuckers. Are we going in?" Jake asked. "Yeahh." I said sighing. "What's up babe?" Tom asked as he took my hand as we walked towards the building. "He's really annoying on a long drive. He fidgets and gets bored. He's driven crazy the last hour on about his bloody phone and then earlier when his phone died he went moody because I wouldn't let him use my phone." I said. "Well you do need it for sat nav." Tom said. "Exactly. But he will be fine on the next leg, because I'm putting him the car with ryan and Danielle and Daniel. Let him annoy Daniel." I said. "And who's going with you?" he asked. "Kash." I replied. "Yayy." Said kash who was walking in front. Jake was now entering the building racing for the nearest plug socket. We all entered and people started to do what they needed to like go to the toilet or go to the shop or get food.

After spending half hour in the service station we all left. Kash and me in my car. Shannon and Sam with Tom and Jake, Ryan and Danielle with Daniel. Kash and I just chatted about random shit like we always do listening to the radio and some CD's and just generally catching up. It had been a while since I has spent time with Kash on my own and I missed that. All the others I had seen just on their own but with Kash working a lot now that he got a job and me busy with media and promo work with Tom it was hard to find time together. "So is things with you two? the sex still amazing?" Kash asked. "Yeah babe, totally amazing, he still makes me horny all the time I'm round him, it's like I used to be before I knew him, just constantly wanting to be near him and the sex well it's just out of this world. I just can't get over it, we have been together now 8 months and I have never been this happy." I said. " You seem like it." Kash said. I smiled. "You're always smiling more and you look so much healthier and your whole outlook has changed. Your dressing better, your taking more care of yourself like hair and eyebrows and whatever. Your just turning into a babe." He said. "Thanks babe." I replied. "So how's your love life?" I asked. "Same old, no man just plenty of men." He said. I laughed. "No, there is a lad I'm shagging whenever we can." He said. "Ahh right, tell me more. Who is he?" I asked. "I can't say, just because he is in a relationship and if it gets out then people are going to be like what the fuck." He said. "Is it someone we know?" I asked. "Yeah." Kash replied. "Someone on this trip." I asked. "No, no one on this trip." Kash answered. "Hmmm well get you babe." I said. We both smiled and carried on talking.

Another couple of hours of driving and we finally arrived at the estate. There was a brick wall in front of the home with two large cast iron gates giving us added security and privacy. A nice long pebbled driveway lead you to an open court yard which would be surrounded by plush green grass and plenty of space The house was built from white stone with a marble entrance and four huge marble pillars which would extend from ground to roof. With two large wooden doors to gain entrance to the home a magnificent sight would greet us. We all got out the cars and took one look around. "WOW" Kash said. "This is beautiful." Shannon said. We headed for the doors and I grabbed the key out of my bag and we opened the door. We entered a marble entrance hall which lead off in three directions and directly in front of you was a marble stair case that went half way up before splitting off to the left and right. From the main doors if you took a left you would enter the lounge which had three sofas set up in a U shape in front of an open flamed fire. The fire was set on the far left side wall of the house with the TV mounted above the fire. A large oak coffee table sat in between the sofas and matching in colour a matching book case sat by the doors to the lounge. A large bay window was at the front of the room looking out to the front garden and straight down the drive. Going back to the main doors to the right was the dining room with a large glass dining table and ten leather high back chairs around it. At the back of the house was a large kitchen fully fitted with modern cooking and cleaning equipment. Outside was have a large back garden with a pool in centre with plenty of flowers and greenery heading towards the bottom of the garden into the orchard which had upwards of 2 dozen apple trees. Going back to the main doors and heading up the stairs if you take a left you would find yourself outside the first bedroom. Further down the corridor was another two bedrooms. To the right of the stairs was again another 3 doors the same as the opposite side with 3 bedrooms that both lead the down towards the back of the house. At the top of the stairs there was another set of stairs to go up that lead to the second floor of this enormous house, and there in front of you would be a door that led into the master bedroom for me and Tom, a large four poster bed occupied the centre of the room with a large walking wardrobe to the right of the bed... Each bedroom had en-suite bathrooms equipped with showers and large bath tubs. The whole house was painted cream and magnolia to allow the place to have a light and airy feel and each room was fitted with light brown chocolate carpets, we had white linen curtains in each room to give it that extra classy look. "This place is amazing." I said. "Damn right." Sam said. "Right okay, everyone follow me. We have assigned bedrooms." I said. We all walked up the stairs and took a left. The first door we came to I opened. "Sam, Shannon you are in here." I said. They smiled and went in. We walked further down and opened the next door, "Ryan, Daniel you are in here." I said as they entered. We walked further down to the room at the end of the hall, "Kash, Jake this is your room." I said. They opened the door and went in. "These rooms are massive, the bathrooms are amazing." Shannon said from her room. We went to the other side of the house and walked over to the first door, "Danielle this your room." I said opening the door for her. "What about the other two rooms." Jake asked coming down from his room. "They are for Chris and Jack when they get here." I said. "Oh right, and where are you and tom sleeping?" Jake asked. I pointed up the next flight of stairs. "The master bedroom." I said. "The master bedroom is an entire floor." Jake said. "Yep." I said smiling. "I wanna see." Jake said running up the stairs. Tom and I followed. Jake had already opened the door and was stood in the doorway gob smacked. "This room is beautiful and amazing and huge." He said. There was a four poster bed with white drapes hanging off and crisp white bedding with two huge windows on either side of the bed. To the right was the door to the walk in wardrobe and the left had the entrance to the bathroom. "James you are so lucky." Jake said. We turned and went back down the stairs as everyone stood at the bottom. "Go up and see." I said to Ryan, Shannon, Sam, Kash, Daniel and Danielle. They all went passed us on the stairs. "Oh my god." I heard Kash say. "James this is sick." Sam said. "James you fucker, let me and sam have this room." Shannon said. "Ermm, no. Only the best for me babes." I said. "You bastard." She said coming back down the stairs. "Right let's get the bags." I said. We went outside to see Jack and Chris climbing out of Jack's car. "Guys you're here." Tom said going up to them and giving them both hugs. Everyone who came with me went to the cars and got out suitcases and bags as I went up to see Jack and Chris. "Hi James." Chris said giving me a hug. "Hi chris." I replied smiling. "Jacky boy." I said going over to jack. "Nice car." I said as we hugged. "Thanks, great to see you again." He said. "So are you going to introduce us or what?" asked Shannon. "Oh yeah right." I said turning around. "Come on guys meet my mates. This is Shannon, sam, Daniel, Kash, Jake, Ryan and Danielle" I said. "Nice to meet you all." Chris said. "Right shall we settle in before we go food shopping?" Tom said. "Actually, I was going to go and do that now." I said. "Okay I can unpack." Tom said kissing me. "Don't you want help." Chris said. "I'll be fine. You settle in." I said. "Oh god mother Theresa has started already." Jake tried to whisper. "I heard that." I said. He smiled. "Are you sure?" Jack asked. "Yeah, if anyone Sam you come help. Let Shannon unpack and sort your room out." I said. "Okayyy, come on James." He said getting into the wrong mini. "Wrong Mini Sam. That's Tom's" I said. He laughed and went round to mine. "Okay see you all soon." I said and everyone went inside as sam and I drove to the local sainsburys.

After over an hour shopping and getting calls and texts to get this that and the other. Shannon telling me to get this cleaning product and this washing up liquid and tom telling me to get ice cream and Kash telling me to buy chicken and lots of it I was glad to go through the tills. Sam and I each had a trolley full. Sam had all the alcohol in, like crates of beer, box's of bottles of wine, bottles of Vodka and coke and red bull. Plus cider like strongbow and bulmers. Then I had all the food, to say we were only there a weekend we still had got a lot. We scanned it through the checkout and sam was great at loading it all into the trolley and finally the woman at the till hit enter and I nearly died at the price. "?343,76" she said smiling. "I bet most of that is booze." I said to Sam. "Well you did spend ?197 on alcohol." The woman said. I put my card in the machine and entered my pin. "That's lovely, if you just remove your card." She said. She handed us the receipt and then sam and I headed for the cigarette counter. "200 JPS blue and 200 Richmond." I said to the man there. "?137.80" he said after scanning the fags. Again I paid by card and after being given the receipt sam and I each pushed a trolley out to the car.

When we finally got back to the house I went into the doors and shouted everyone to come and help bring it in. All the boys and Danielle headed down as I told Shannon to go into the kitchen. I grabbed two bags and took them in and waited for the boys to bring the rest of the shopping in. I looked at the time to see it was 8pm. "We need to start dinner soon babe." Shannon said as we began unpacking the bags. "I know, leave one of the big packs of mince of out, I'll make spag bol." I said. She smiled. "Yayy." She said. We carried on putting stuff away and getting the kitchen back to normal. Once everything was sorted I went looking through the cupboards and found everything I needed to cook with. I pulled out a large frying pan, a large saucepan and a colander. I grabbed an onion, mushrooms and a pepper from the fridge and started to chop them up. After I had done that, I fried the mince, and onions together before adding the rest of the bits. I then poured over 3 tins of chopped tomatoes, before adding tomato and garlic puree and some mixed herbs and let all that slowly fry. I put a large amount of spaghetti in a pan of boiling water and put 2 loaves of garlic bread in the oven. "Hard at work I see." Chris said startling. Everyone was crowded in the living room talking and chatting and I was left on my own. "Yeah, just making sure that we can all have a nice dinner." I said as he came to stand near me. "Need any help?" he asked. "Yeah, ermm you can set the table in the dining room if you don't mind." I said. He smiled and grabbed a large white table cloth and some place mats and cutlery and headed through to the dining room. It only took him a short time to set the table and he came back and said, "All done, anything else?" he said. "You are being Mr helpful today aren't you." I said. "Yeah, well you look like you just to unwind and some bits taking off you." He said as he started to massage my shoulders. He had amazing hands and I slowly let myself relax to his touch as he continued to rub my shoulders. I could feel his breath get closer and closer to my neck. It was moments later that I felt his lips touch the back of my neck. I froze unsure what to do. I turned around immediately and looked at him. "What was that?" I asked. "Oh god, ermm maybe that was a bad idea." He said. "You think, I'm with Tom you know that." I said. "I know that, but you can't say it didn't feel good." He said. I paused and looked at him. "No I cant say that. It felt good, very good in fact, but?" and that was all I got out before he kissed me again but this time full on lips kiss and I just melted as his lips were so soft and perfect. His hand rubbing my cock through my chino's and my hands instinctively went to his ass and I let them sit there, his tongue now probing my mouth. "Babe." I heard tom shout and he was getting closer. We immediately broke the kiss and I turned around back to cooking and stirring as Tom walked into the kitchen. "Oh hey chris." Tom said as he walked in. "What's up babe?" I said turning around and looking at him, smiling. "Just wanted to see if you needed any help?" he asked. "No I'm fine." I replied. "How much longer will it be?" he asked. "Ahh now I know why you came in here. You smelt food and you're a hungry little bunny." I said as he came up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Okay you caught me." He said. I turned back around from the cooker as we hugged. I rest my head on his shoulder and I could see Chris in front of me. He looked down to floor as if he was feeling awkward. "So what you guys doing in here together. Should I be worried." Tom said as we broke the hug. "Don't be daft mate we were just talking." Chris said. "I'm kidding, I know James is a one man person. And you well he's the wrong gender for you." He said to Chris. I smiled and said, "Right tell everyone to take their drinks and head to the dining room and Chris and I can bring the dinner in, in two minutes." I said as I bent over and opened the oven door. "Okay babe." Tom said giving my ass a quick pinch as he was leaving. Once of the room, chris came back to he also grabbed a hold of my ass. I put the garlic bread on the side and turned back to Chris, "We can't. Not now." I said. "Maybe later for a late night swim." Chris said. "Maybe." I said. "Right get the plates out please mate." I said louder in my voice so not draw any more attention. Chris pulled out 11 plates and then 1 more for the garlic bread. I drained the spaghetti and served it out equally on the 11 plates and the put the bolognaise on top of the spaghetti whilst Chris cut up the garlic bread. To finish I added a nice big spinkle of grated cheese onto each plate and then finally they were ready. Taking 2 plates each, chris and I made our way through. Finally with the last 3 plates Chris sat himself down with his own while I gave tom his and put mine in my place which awkwardly was right between Chris and tom. "Babe, the garlic bread." Tom said. "Shit." I said about to stand up. "It's okay ill grab it." Jack said. He went off into the kitchen and came back with the plate full of garlic bread. "James this is bad boy." Kash said. "Thanks babe." I said. "Yeah man this is sick." Jake said. "Kiss for the chef." Tom said as he kissed me.

That night everyone cuddled up on the sofa as we watched a film and enjoyed each other's company with a few drinks. We had all agreed that we weren't going to drunk and off our faces just to have some quiet drinks whilst we were here. And for once Jake and Kash were sticking to that. At about half 12 people were starting to feel tired and I knew now was the right time to head to bed. As I shut off the tv everyone got up and headed into the kitchen to put glasses away in the dishwasher and tidy up. After the good night hugs everyone climbed the stairs leaving me, Tom and Chris in the kitchen just doing the last bit of tidying. "I need a shower, you coming up." Tom asked. "Actually I was thinking of taking a late night dip in the pool." I replied. "Hey that sounds like a plan." Chris said. "Okay, don't be too long." Tom said with a wink. "What you going to wear come to think of it?" tom asked. "Well I don't about Chris but I plan on just wearing my boxers." I said. "Same." Chris said. "Okay, was going to say if your skinny dipping I'm down for that." Tom said heading off to the shower. "Have fun you two, and don't be too long babes." Tom said. "I won't baby." I replied. I looked at Chris as we headed outside. I stripped down to my boxers, which I forgot about until now, were white and I got in the pool. After splashing about and swimming for a while, I swam over to the side where my jeans were and pulled out a fag and my lighter and sparked up and I just sat there at the shallow end of the pool and relaxed. "You know that's a very bad habbit." Chris said. "You sound like Tom." I said smiling. "Well he's right." Chris said getting very close to me. "Back up soldier boy, first I wanna know why you kissed me before." I said to him. "I don't know just felt right." He said. "But you're not gay." I replied. "No, but I am bisexual." He said. "Oh god, there's no such thing, your either one or the other." I said. "Now who's starting to sound like Tom, he feels the same way." Chris said. "So he knows about you?" I asked. "No, not at all. I just approached the subject with him after he came out." Chris explained. "Okay, well I just want to be clear about one thing. Nothing is going to happen between you and I not here, not ever." I said. "So why did you suggest the pool?" Chris again coming closer. He was wearing pink Calvin Klein boxers and damn they looked so hot. "Because I wanted to talk." I said my breathing starting to get more rappid as he was getting more and more closer to me. "Really, it seems like you're getting fairly excited." Chris said. "Please don't do this, I'm with Tom." I said now being able to feel his legs against mine. Another few more inches and he would be able to feel my throbbing cock. "Something or should I say someone else I saying a different story." He said as he grabbed hold of my cock and kissed my neck. "Mmmm, oh god." I said. I could now feel his hard cock against my leg and he was no little boy. I was starting to get lost in the moment, when I snapped back to reality. What was I doing I was with Tom and I love him ad no one can change that. Theres no point wasting something so special for a one night stand. "Chris no." I said pushing him away. "I can't do this. I mean it. I love Tom. He's my soul mate and you can't change that." I said. "Probably for the best. Tom is my best and I don't know what I would do if things were to change me and him." Chris said. "Friends yes, anything more no." I said to him. "I respect you for that." Chris said. I climbed out the pool and headed up stairs and into mine and tom's bedroom. I could hear him the shower. I shed my now dripping wet boxers and walked into the bathroom and climbed into the shower cubicle with him. "Hey sexy." He said. "Hey beautiful." I replied as he kissed me passionately. Without a word, he moved me so that I was out of the shower's spray, bent down, and took my dick in his mouth. He deep throated my cock, then pulled back slowly. With his right hand, he massaged my balls. With his left hand, he reached up and pinched one of my nipples. I have super sensitive nipples, and I almost lost it right then, but I held on. His mouth flew over my cock, covering it all over with his tongue. I looked down, my eyes half-lidded, and watched as he flicked his tongue underneath my head, and his right hand stroked his now fully hard cock. His eyes looked up into mine as his mouth engulfed my cock head, and he started focusing all of his attention on my knob. With one hand I steadied myself on the wall, and the other I put on his head, guiding his head back and forth over my cock. In what seemed like a minute, I grunted and hissed, "I'm gonna cum!" I was going to pull out, but instead, Tom began to suck my dick harder, both hands now gripping my ass tightly. I yelled incoherently and I shot my load. Streams of my jizz shot down Tom's throat, and he swallowed and continued to suck, until, my knees almost buckling, I finally finished. Then he sucked hard on my cock, and with a pop his lips came off. He stood up and began furiously jacking off. His dick looked enormous, seemingly too big for his frame, the cock head bulging and purple, and a big blue vein ran the length of what was otherwise a thick smooth shaft. Not having the strength to do anything, I just stood there watching, panting. He wrapped both hands around his dick and stroked, then grabbed his big balls tightly as his hand flew back and forth over the length. He groaned and shot a big wad of cum, which flew through the air and landed right on my belly. Two more spurts of cum landed on me, while the rest of it dribbled over his hand, quickly washed away be the shower water, which had been going this entire time. Finally, both of our chests heaving, Tom smiled broadly at me and said, "That was fun!" We crawled into bed after our amazingly hot shower sex and he slowly drifted off to sleep, but apart of me just couldn't stop thinking about Chris.

The weekend went by and we all had great fun and went exploring the local area. I noticed Tom and Kash spending a lot of time with each other and I smiled as it was nice for them to become good friends as I wanted tom to feel that my mates were also his mates. Come Monday and it was time to leave. I woke up to find tom was not in bed next to me. I got up put my jogging bottoms on and a t-shirt and headed down stairs to find tom and Kash in the kitchen cooking breakfast both wearing shorts and vest tops. "Morning." I said causing them both to jump. "Morning." Tom said as he was frying sausages. "Why you both up so early?" I asked. "We went out for a run and then decided on making a fry up for everyone." Aww bless you both." I replied. It wasn't long before everyone came down and we enjoyed a nice breakfast. After breakfast I handed out tasks to people to clean the house and make sure it was tidy before we left. At around 1pm everyone was showered and dressed and the house was spotless. We had loaded all the bags in the cars and were getting ready to leave. "Right, time to lock up." I said as tom and I were the last ones out. "Shannon and Sam are going with you, Kash with me and Daniel is taking Ryan, Jake and Danielle." Tom told me. "Okay that's cool. I like that you and Kash are getting to be good friends." I said. "He's a great guy." Tom said. I smiled. "This weekend has been perfect" he said wrapping his arms around me. "Just to be here with you my special baby boy and our friends." He added. "Your right it has been." I said as we kissed again. "Come on you pair." Shannon said. I smiled and checked the door one last time before we all got into the cars and headed off home.

Feedback and comments welcome, please let me know if your still reading and what you think. Always love hearing from people. Email me Thank you to Charlie for reading the story and leaving feedback on twitter.

Only 2 more chapters left in this series. But have no fear Tom Daley and me will be back, after a short break. I won't leave you waiting to much.

Next: Chapter 9

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