Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Apr 24, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidentally. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley

Chapter 7

When people think of how their life will go when they are younger they usually say I will get leave school, get a degree, get a decent job, get married and have kids and get old. That's the normal story of 99% of people, but then you find the 1% of people who don't always live to the same normal, boring life, and I can safely say that I was in that 1% of people. I left college, started uni and quit but still got the job of my dreams and being gay I didn't want the wedding or the babies I wanted a man. A decent, honest, hard-working and most of all good looking guy who would make me happy, and for a long time I never thought I would find this guy and I just thought I would be a bachelor for life. Men just tended to take one look at me and say 'oh he's too camp' or 'he's too fat' or worse 'he's nothing what I want', but with Tom all that was different. He accepted me for who I was, and how I looked and most of all he loved me in spite of all my flaws and he was the perfect. He worked very hard, was totally honest with me and best of all he was dreamily hot and good looking. In some ways people say I was a bitch for taking him away from everyone else and the girls seemed to think they still stood a chance even now 5 months after he had come out to the world whenever we would go on nights out with my mates they would still come over and try it on with him. "My pussy is dripping wet for you" Or "I want you inside of me" were just some of the classic lines we had heard, but all of that would go away when I would walk over, put my arm around his waist and he would kiss me with the delicate soft lips and that would the girls running usually involving a dirty look at me as they walked away.

The last 6 months though had been a whirl wind. The media that came with Tom coming out and him having a boyfriend aka me, was just unbelievable. I had gone from a ordinary gay man with my dreams in mind, to one half of the most loved gay couple in the UK and someone who grabbed a lot of media attention. I loved the last 6 months and I was so happy. My friends and family had all said how much happier I was now that I was with Tom and that I had changed into a better person. I had cut down on smoking and was feeling so much healthier. This said I was stood on the balcony on a Saturday morning in the middle of June in my dressing gown, the sun shining and just finishing my cigarette and cup of tea. "Morning babe." Tom said as he walked out on to the balcony in nothing but his pink Calvin Klein steels, rubbing his eyes as he got used to the sun. "Morning sexy." I replied as he wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled into me. "I'm so tired. Between all the training this week and then the personal one on one between me and you I feel drained." He said. "The training I can understand, but you're the one with the high sex drive not me." I replied. "Yeah well it's just hard to keep my hands to myself lately." He said. "Well, there's none of that today. We have a busy day." I said. "Oh really?" he said. "Yeah, well we have house work to do, food shopping to do and then I believe it is our 6 month anniversary today." I replied. "I believe you are right. Happy anniversary baby." He said. "Happy anniversary beautiful." I replied as we shared a long passionate kiss. "you taste of smoke." He said. "oh get over it." I said as we kissed again. "I have lots planned for you today." He said. "Like what?" I asked. "Well they are all tonight to be fair, but I need to go out shopping for your present, or rather go and collect it, and then I'm taking you out tonight, for a romantic meal and an evening of me and you time." He said. "So does that mean your ditching me with the house work?" I asked. "No, I'll help and I'll even go food shopping and then we will go into town so you can pick an outfit for tonight and I can go and get your present." He said. "Okay you're on." I replied. At this we went back inside and began to clean. Tom emptied and loaded the dish washer, cleaned down the kitchen sides and took the bins out. While he did this, I tidied the lounge and sorted through the clothes washing and moved things into the tumble drier. I then hooved and mopped the floors while Tom tidied the bedroom and made the bed. Once all the major things were done he got in the shower while I finished some little things like ironing and picking our clothes out for the day. I opted for my white shorts and a black top, while tom wanted his cream chino style shorts and a white muscle vest with a thin black zip up jacket. It can be described as pure hotness on him.

An hour later we had left the flat and were now strolling around sainsburys starting the food shopping. We went down each aisle picking the bits up that were on our list, with Tom making sure that there were two tubs of ice cream in the trolley. After paying ?130 on our joint debit card account we loaded the shopping in the car and headed back to the flat to put it all away and then heading back into town. "Right you go pick an outfit and I'm going to get your present." He said. I smiled and kissed him. I headed into bank and looked around with people staring and talking, before I finally found a perfect black superdry low cut v neck top with the a big logo on it. I paid for that and then left the shop before heading into the west orchards shopping centre and into chameleon where I found a pair of hipster white hugo boss boxers and a pair of Armani jeans and these looked perfect on me and hugged my ass lovely. I paid for these and headed out the shop only to bump into tom heading for me. "Hey babe." I said. "Hey babe, you finished?" he asked. "Yeah, you ready to go home." I asked. "Yeah, let's go." He said.

After heading home, chilling for a while and then getting ready for our meal out and date, we left the apartment after taking a few photos and uploading them to twitter for our fans to see. We headed out for the meal and after a short drive in a swanky car, we entered a plush restaurant on the outer edges of warwick which was quiet and out of the way. The evening was simply perfect. We got taken to a table for 2 where we sat down and tom ordered a bottle of champagne. "Here's to a perfect 6 months." Tom said raising his glass. "to us." I replied. We both took a drink from our drink and then shared a passionate kiss. "So I have your present." I said pulling up the bag I had brought with me. I handed it him and he opened it to find a picture in a frame of the two of us from when we first went out on a date. "Oh my god, this is perfect." He said close to tears. "I know it's something massive and expensive but it means a lot to me." I said. "James, this is better than money can buy. You are the most special person in my life and I love this." He said kissing me. "Your welcome." I replied. "Here's yours." Tom said handing me a small bag. I opened the bag and in inside was a small box from a jewellers. I opened it to find a male bracelet inside and engraved on the bar of the bracelet it said, 'your my one and only. Your my world.' I felt a tear slide down the side of my face and I began to cry. "What's wrong don't you like it." He asked. "Yes of course I do. It's beautiful and I love you so much." I replied. We shared another kiss and I was so happy. He put the bracelet on my wrist and we kissed again. "Let's enjoy this perfect night." I said.

After the meal we arrived home and entered the bedroom and I kicked off my shoes. Tom came over to me. "Thank you for tonight." He said. "Thank you for tonight yourself. I love you so much and I am so happy." I said. "I love you so much more. You're my everything." He replied. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me his hands moving down to my butt. I could feel myself getting hard. It had been so long since we had sex I just wanted him here and now. "I want you." I said between kisses. "I want you too baby." Tom said leading me to the bedroom. He got on top of me and his lips hit mine and we started to kiss passionately his tongue exploring my mouth. His hand crept under my jacket and shirt and began to explore my body, pinching my nipples every now and then. I could feel his hard cock straining through his jeans as was mine. I peeled off his jacket and shirt and took off his vest as my hands worked all over his incredible body. I rose on to my knees as did he and slowly he removed my jacket and shirt until our bare chest were against each other. He then pushed me back onto the bed before releasing my trousers and boxers and pulling them down and letting my 8 inch cock flop out and hit my stomach. He started to suck my cock running his tongue over the head. It was amazing. He came up and kissed me before I did my usually trick and wrap my legs around him and flipped him over. He laughed and I started to take off his trousers and boxers, releasing his 8.5 inch cock which I immediately took a hold of and took it all the way down to the base in my mouth... he loved it when I deep throated him. He screamed in pleasure and I continued to suck him softly my head bobbing up and down and occasionally running my tongue over his purple head. I came back up and he kissed me before flipping me over again and raising my legs in the air. I loved it when he fucked me. He wet his finger and started to trace my pink hole before he lubed up his cock with his spit and slowly entering me. The first time he did this to me I felt like I was being torn apart, now I had gotten used to it but he still went slow just to make sure he didn't hurt me. When he was completely inside me, he started to fuck me gently, going in and out and in some case coming all the way out and then going straight back in. It was so hot. He continued to pound my tight hole fucking me fast his cock hitting my prostate continuously making me pant and breath loudly. The beads of sweat were dripping down the side of his face and I could feel the heat off his body and this was making sweat and the combined heat between us made me even more horny as he continued to fuck me hard. "Ohhh fuck, yes Tom keeping going. I love you so much." I screamed as he kissed me again long and passionately. He soon started to tense up as did I and I knew soon we were both going to cum. Sure enough he pulled out of me and sprayed cum all over my chest before I also released a stream of thick hot cum all over my body. Tom then came down and slowly ran his tongue over my body cleaning up the mess we had made. When he had he came up and kissed me and I could taste the mix of both our cum in his mouth. He then rolled off and collapsed next to me "That was amazing" he said. "Yeah!" I said out of breath. I wrapped my legs around his and drifted off to sleep with my hand on his chest.

Next: Chapter 8

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