Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Feb 23, 2013



This story is pure fiction. Any elements of truth are purely coincidence. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

Chapter 4

The following morning when I woke up I was so comfortable and warm and I felt like I didn't want to move. As I looked around I saw that Tom was no longer in bed with me and I was all wrapped up. I heard the shower going and tom singing in the bathroom and I smiled to myself. I climbed out of bed and entered the bathroom and I saw tom in the shower singing into a shower gel bottle. "I wanna scream and shout and let it all out, and scream and shout and let it..." he was singing. I laughed and he suddenly turned and looked at me. "Morning babe, I didn't no you were up." He said. I smiled. "Well how could I miss out on your amazing singing." I said smiling at him. I turned and looked in the mirror at the state of my hair. "Wanna join me?" he asked. I smiled and being that I was already naked I quickly opened the shower door and climbed in with him. I was immediately enveloped in water with all the jets hitting me as tom turned and kissed me, his wet, naked, toned body pressed against mine. "Good morning beautiful." He said as he slid his arms around my waist and let his hands rest on my ass. "Good morning sexy." I replied, my hands resting on his solid pecks. "I'm so glad we have spent this time together." He said. "We are only half through the weekend, we still have today to go." I said. In an hours time we would be leaving the joys of London to head back to Coventry for a lush Sunday lunch cooked by yours truly with all my friends. They had only met tom the once when we were in Plymouth last weekend so it gave them the chance to get to know him better and for him to know them better. My friends were the most important thing in my life aside from my family and that was the next thing on my agenda after dinner with my mates to do, and that was to take tom to my parents for the weekend. Of course I knew I had all of this to do with his friends and family. He grabbed the sponge and poured his shower gel on it as we swapped places and went under the jets and washed and conditioned my hair. He then filled the sponge with shower gel and began to wash my back and the rest of my body paying special attention to my ass and cock and balls. After rinsing off all the soap we headed out of the shower and into the bedroom where we dried and got ourselves dressed.

At 9:45 we headed downstairs to reception having packed and sorted ourselves out and checked out. Tom paid as I headed out the front to see my car there with the door open and a porter taking my suitcase from me and putting it in the boot. I also saw tom's mini behind mine. He soon came and joined me and another porter took his case from him and did the same. "A cooper S, nice." Tom said as he saw my car. I smiled. "Yeah she's my baby." I said. He giggled. "Well, all I need is your postcode and then in case we get separated then I still know where I am going." He said. I took his phone from him and popped it in. "There you are." I said handing it back. "Thanks babe, well I guess we shall see each other in a few hours." He said. I badly wanted to kiss him, but with people being around it wasn't the best idea. "I need to go food shopping on the way home. When we get to Coventry and come off the motorway you will see a big Tesco. We will stop there. But I'll call you to make sure you know where to go." I told him. "Okay." He replied. We both went to our cars and as I got myself sorted and hooked up my phone and made sure the Bluetooth was set up and I could access everything I set off waiting for tom before heading out on to the road. He soon joined behind me and I sped out of the hotel parking and onto the road. As it was 10am on a sunday, the roads were fairly quiet and it wasn't long before I left the centre of London and was driving on the motorway. I could see tom not far behind me in my rear view mirror and I smiled to myself. It wasn't long before he moved into the central lane and we were side by side. I looked over and he smiled and before I knew it he had sped off ahead of me. "Okay Mr Daley, two can play at this game." I said to myself. As I had a CD in and was listening to a mix of tracks I changed the song to something more appropriate that would get me in the mind set. Amelia Lilly shut up and give me whatever you've got. This was always my favourite song when I was driving fast. As I looked up I could see he had gone ahead some distance but not for too much longer. Just as I was getting ready the phone rang and it was him. "James Leete" I said out loud. "What's wrong am I too fast for you." He said. "Just you wait boy wonder." I said and hung up. I checked my mirrors all around and saw that the traffic was very limited, not very many cars around at all. I moved across two lane so that I was in the very far right lane which was clear and empty and I dropped down to 4th gear and the car took off as I put my foot to the floor and watched as the speedometer climbed rapidly, quickly changing from 4th to 5th gear my speed was closing on nearly 95 mph. the gap between me and tom was closing and I just went for it as the speedometer went even further over 100, and finally hit 120mph. I racing past all the cars in the left and middle lanes and soon I came up to where tom was in the central lane, I slowed a little bit and he looked across and did a double take. I smiled and waved before putting my foot back down and getting back up to 110mph and speeding along the motorway and leaving him behind, or so I thought. It seems as though tom was the sort of guy who didn't like to loose at driving and he had switched into my lane and also put his foot down and was soon behind me. "Oh hell no." I said as I looked around. There was no one in the middle lane ahead and I quickly switched lanes and moved over to the middle and sped off even faster hitting 130mph. I smiled to myself as I saw tom was falling behind as he could keep up in his car. I called him and when he answered I laughed. "What?" he said. "Oh yeah, forgot to say don't challenge me to a driving competition, as I always win." I replied. He laughed. "Fine you win." He said.

Another hour later and we were coming up to Coventry. As we pulled off the motorway I called Tom. "Hey babe." He said. "Hey, do you see the Tesco?" I asked. "Sure do." He replied. "Good, stay behind me and I will lead us in." I said. "Okay babe." He replied and we hung up. After navigating the round about and getting into the right lanes we soon pulled into Tesco car park parking side by side. I grabbed my bits together and climbed out as did tom and he smiled at me. "Nice driving." He said coming round to my side. "Well that will teach you for trying to take me on." I replied. He laughed. I grabbed my wallet and phone out of the car before closing the door and locking up. I checked the time to see it was just after 11:45. "not bad time wise to get here." I said. "Yeah, we made good time." He replied as he grabbed a trolley for me. We was about to walk through the automatic gates before I stopped him. "Hang on." I said. I went to the kiosk and waited for a minute as the man served the guy in front of me. "Can I help?" he asked me. "Yeah, ill take 200 JPS Blue king size." I said. He opened the cigarette cupboard and grabbed a 200 carton of JPS Blue. He scanned it and then said "£60.60p" I put my debit card in the machine and entered my pin and when it all went through I removed my card. "There's your receipt." He said. "Thanks." I replied grabbing the bag that he had put my fags in and the receipt from him. I dropped the fags in the trolley and out my wallet away and then we entered the store. "You should quit, they are not good for you." Tom said. "They keep me sane." I replied. He smiled and we went round the store. As we went down each aisle people would look and stare and then whisper as they saw Tom pushing the trolley and me grabbing things and popping them in the trolley. I grabbed 2 big chickens as we walked down the fresh aisle, as well as a pack of fresh chicken fillets, and some packs of mince, sausages and bacon. We continued round the store and I continued to fill the trolley with my shopping and still people stared and whispered. Tom and I knew what was happening but we never commented on it, and instead just talked amongst ourselves. "What's next?" he asked. I looked at the trolley and it was practically full. "I just need to get some shampoo, conditioner and then alcohol." I said. He smiled. "I like the last part." He said as I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner. We then headed for the alcohol aisle, where I grabbed a bottle of Malibu, a bottle of Smirnoff vodka, 6 bottle's of rose wine which were on 3 for £7 and then 3 bottles of the same wine but in white which was also 3 for £7 and then looked at tom. "What do you drink?" I asked. He smiled. "Usually Budweiser or strongbow." He said. "Which would you prefer?" I asked. "Bud." He replied. I grabbed a crate of bud and dropped it in the trolley and he smiled. "Got enough alcohol?" he asked. "Yeah, well Jake, Kash, Shannon, Kelly, Danielle and Ryan will all drink the wine, and then Sam will probably drink Bud with you and then me and Daniel drink Vodka and Malibu with coke." I said before I grabbed a 4 pack of 2 litre bottles of coke. "Ahh I see. Well at least me and Sam can act like proper men and drink bear rather than all the girly drinks." He said teasing me. "Fuck you." I replied smiling. I checked the time to see it was just before half 12. "Right we need to go to go to the till and put this through because I have a dinner to prep." I said. We headed for the tills and found an empty one and Tom unloaded the trolley onto the belt as I went down and began to pack as the woman on the till scanned everything. Tom finished and brought the trolley down to me and loaded the bags I had packed into the trolley and soon we had finished and the woman hit enter on the till and all the savings came off the total. "Right so that's £114.76 please" she said. Tom spotted the ice cream in one of the bags and quickly spoke up. "You got ice cream." He said. "Yeah to go with the apple crumble." I said as I popped my debit card in the machine. I entered my pin and everything went through as she handed me my receipt. "Thank you." I said as we left. We headed for the cars and packed the shopping in mine and the alcohol in his and soon we left the car park and headed back to mine.

It only took 20 minutes to get back to mine, and we began to unpack the cars. I grabbed some bags out of mine along with my coat and superdry bag and headed upstairs to the flat while tom stayed outside looking after the stuff. As I entered the block I entered the lift and left my superdry bag in front of one of the doors to hold the lift open. I then ran back out. "Grab some more bags and run them into the lift. I left it open quickly." I said to tom. He grabbed some more bags and headed back inside as I had left the door open and I grabbed some more bags and then the crate of beer under my arm and went for the lift. He was coming out as I was heading in. "Grab the cases and that's it. Oh and take my keys out of my hoody pocket and lock up and I will wait in the lift for you." I said. He ran back to the cars and grabbed the bits and locked up and soon joined me in the lift which was covered in tesco bags. "What floor?" he asked. "Top floor." I replied. There were 5 floors in the building and I was on the top. On the top floor there were only two apartments which were huge and each one took up half of the building minus the space for the lift and stairs. The lift reached the top and the doors opened. Tom put his case by the door to leave it open and I left the lift and headed for my door which was just opposite the lift. I unlocked the door and stepped inside and turned the alarm off and then went back and grabbed some bits as did tom and we started to bring stuff into the flat and just leave them in the hall to make things faster. Once the last lot had been brought in I shut the door and hung my coat up on the rack and took Tom's coat and hung that up as he kicked off his shoes. I took off my shoes and then said "Right well, welcome to my home." I said. "It looks lovely." He said. We stood by the door in the hall. The hall was painted like the rest of my apartment, the hall was half a chocolate brown colour and half a biscuit colour. "Right well let me take you on a tour. We headed for the living room which was round the corner from the front door. The hall was the main part of the flat that you needed to access the other rooms. I opened the door and we entered the living room, dining room, kitchen which was all open plan. Half the room was taken up by my sofa's as you walked in on the left hand side, which made a comfortable seating area, with a big TV on a stand against the wall and a big black glass coffee table was in between all the sofa's with a red rug underneath, and next to each arm of the sofa's was a small black table that had coaster's on. In front of you from the door was a big bay window with French doors in the centre which lead out onto the balcony. Then on the other side of the room was my dining room table which was a small cabinet behind it which had my glass ware in and where I stored alcohol. There was a book case near the windows and a big mirror on the wall near the dining room table. Then round the corner from the door was my kitchen. There was a large American style fridge freezer standing and then my cabinets on the wall and sides below. You had my dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer on the right side with my sink and lots of side space. In front of you was a big side space which had my kettle and toaster on, then on the left side was my built in cooker and hob with extractor and more cupboard space, along with my utensils pot and knife block. The whole thing was painted red and cream. "This looks amazing, I can see what you mean about it being huge." Tom said. "Do you really like it?" I asked. "Of course why wouldn't I?" he said. "You have done such an amazing job, it looks so elegant and homely. He walked round and spotted pictures that were up of me and my family and my friends. There were several canvases on the walls and he just stood in the centre of the room near the French doors and was amazed. "It's beautiful." He said. "There's more." I said. He smiled and we left the living room and back in the hall. "Okay so in there is my storage room, which has the other 4 chairs for my dining table, hoover, mop n bucket n bits like that." I said pointing to a cupboard on my left. "Then over there is the bathroom." I said pointing to the door opposite the entrance to the lounge. He walked over and opened the door and popped his head. "Nice n big." He said. I then lead him around another corner opposite the front door and into my bedroom. There was my big king size bed in the middle and my wardrobe in the corner. Beside each side of the bed were my bed side tables and then by the window was my best of drawers which had my TV on. Behind the door was a small dressing table and mirror on the wall which had my toiletries on. "This looks amazing. Nice big bed." Tom said. I smiled. My bedroom had a baby blue feature wall and the other walls were cream. "And then next door is the spare bedroom and my office." I said as left that room and into the spare room which was just a cream colour that had a double bed in the corner with white sheets on, and a small wardrobe in the corner that had 2 drawers built in and then my office desk and chair in front of the window. "So that's my apartment." I said as we went back into the hall. "I love it. Do you rent it?" he asked. I smiled as I grabbed some of the shopping bags and headed for the kitchen without saying anything. He laughed and grabbed some bags and followed me. "You don't do you. You own this place." He said. I put the bags down on the side. "Yes, I own this place. I bought it last year in January." I told him. "Can I be rude and ask how much it was?" he said. "Of course." I replied as we went back to the hall and grabbed some more bags. "Well after I got my job in May 2011 I decided that I wanted to move out of my rented flat and buy my own place. So I began to save and spoke with my mum and dad and got their advice and they told me all I needed to. I found this place by chance on my way to work one day and enquired about it. It was originally up for sale at £95,000. But after I came to look at it, it was a horrible mess. The boiler was old and unusable, the floor boards were rotting because of burst pipes, the bathroom was minging and the place was just a tramps paradise. It was built 10 years ago and there had been two people renting this before me. One was a total tramp and just took no care of it and never repaired any damage. So after I brought my parents down to Coventry to view it, my dad helped me negotiate a price with the estate agents and I got it for £75,000 because of the amount of work it needed." I told him as we brought the shopping through. "Really, your dad sounds like a good person to take to a negotiation." Tom said. "Oh he is. Now after a price had been settled I had to finalise my mortgage. By the time I got the mortgage I had saved £8,000. I got a mortgage for £90,000 approved and took the whole lot. I paid the £5,000 deposit they wanted for the mortgage and got the £90,000 in my account within a few weeks and paid for the flat. All my friends from when I lived in the foyer couldn't believe I had bought a place." I explained. "What's the foyer?" he asked. "It was a supported accommodation and how we all met. I was homeless for a little while and it was a place I could stay for 2 years and get me back on my feet. So with the £90,000 I bought the flat and used the other £15,000 to make the repairs and fit a new boiler, plumbling, kitchen, bathroom, new windows and doors, paint the place, get carpet and everything all new." I explained as we unpacked the shopping. "My parents helped and they bought me all my curtains and blinds, and fitted things for me. They also gave £2,000 to put towards my sofa's." I told him. "That's nice of them." He replied. "And as of April last year it became a home and I was able to move out of my rented flat and into here." I told him. "It took you 4 months." He asked. "Well yeah, with me working and everything i didn't have loads of time available. Usually it was just the weekends." I said. "My friends helped me so much and put in the hours to get this place the way it is. Kash and Jake between them have both waited in for me while I have been at work and shown in the kitchen and bathroom fitters and carpet people and then when things have been delivered they have waited in for me." I told him. "They sound like good friends." He replied. "They are the best." I replied. "They all are." I added. By this time we were sat on the sofa as I had a fag and was getting ready for cooking dinner. "Wow, so can I ask what you pay back on your mortgage each month?" he asked. "Tom, I have nothing to hide from you, you can ask anything you want you don't need to check with me. And to answer your question I pay back £525 each month. And that is over 25 years. In total I will pay back £157,500" I explained. "Wow, okay." Tom said. "Now let's get on with this dinner.

We soon jumped up and he stood and watched me move around the kitchen getting this prepped. "You can peal the potatoes." I said handing him a bag of potatoes. "All of them?" he asked. "Yeah, and then I need those in that bag doing." I said. I checked the time and saw that it was 2pm. "What's in that bag?" Tom asked. "Sweet potatoes." I replied. He smiled and began work. I kissed him on the cheek and got back to work. I got the two chickens out of the fridge and got them ready and place them in separate roasting dishes covered in oil and water and popped them both in the oven whilst we continued to talk. I then grabbed a bag of frozen mixed veg out of the freezer and put the whole lot in a sauce pan. "That's cheating." He said. "Oh who cares." I replied. He smiled and continued to peel potatoes. After I had done the veg I made stuffing balls and lined them up on a baking tray. I then grabbed the two bags of aunt bessies Yorkshire puddings out of the freezer and put them on another baking tray. "Now that really is cheating. You're from Yorkshire and you're not even making your own Yorkshire puddings." He said. "I haven't got time to make the real ones." I said rushing about. "Babe we have got plenty of time. They aren't coming for another hour." He said. I smiled and said "I know but I still need to set the table, hoover, clean and do some washing." I said. "God, you really do pull out all the stops. Cleaning, washing." He said. "All taught to me by my mother." I said, as I took the potatoes from him and began to chop them up. I separated the ones I was using for mash and the ones I was using for roast potatoes. After he done the potatoes, tom helped me get the ones I wanted for roasties covered in oil and put aside and then he cleaned my sink area and tidied round me as I finished off. When I had all the dinner set up, I gave Tom the lovely job of unloading the dishwasher and moving my clothes that were already in the washing machine to the tumble dryer. Whilst he did that, I set the table with a crisp white table cloth, place settings, knives, forks, spoons, high ball glasses and wine glasses. I also filled two jugs with water and ice cubes and put them out on the table and also put 2 of the bottles of rose and a bottle of the white wine in the fridge and also two bottles of coke. After I got the table set and tom was done sorting out my clothes we went and unpacked our cases in the bedroom and then sorted out clothes that needed washing and put them in to wash. We then cleaned and hovered and made the place nice and clean. It wasn't long after we had finished cleaning that the buzzer phone to the flat went off. I answered it and heard all my friends shouting "We're here." I buzzed them and opened the front door and waited for them all to appear out of the lift. It didn't take them long to appear and out first came Kelly in here chair, then Danielle, followed by Shannon, Sam, Ryan, Jake, Kash and Daniel. They all came in and I gave them hug one by one and they all took off their shoes and coats hung them up and then came to the front room as me and Tom stood there sorting last bits out. Slowly they all walked through and sat on the sofa's. "Something smells nice." Jake said. "Thanks, we are having full roast chicken." I replied. "Yayy Chicken." Kash said jumping around. "Need any help honey?" asked Shannon. "No, everything is sorted. Now do you all want drinks?" I asked. "Yeah." They said in turn. "What have you got?" asked Shannon. "Well there is rose, white wine, vodka, Malibu, Budweiser, coke." Tom said. "I'll have rose." Said Kash. "Me 2." Said Jake. "Yeah rose for me." Said Shannon. "White for us." Said Danielle meaning for her and Kelly. "I'll have rose please baby." Said Ryan. "Your all pussy's. James. I'll have beer." Sam said. "Sam, don't be horrible." Shannon said telling him off. She was always doing things like that. "Malibu and Vodka for me." Said Dan. I smiled and Tom and headed into the kitchen and poured drinks. I gave Tom the drinks and he took them over. I checked the chicken and it was ready. Luckily before I had pre cooked the potatoes for roasting and covered them in oil so after taking the chickens out and replacing them with roast potatoes in the oven, I put the other veg on. I cut up the chickens and set all the meat on a separate plate and then went and mingled.

Another half hour later and dinner was ready. Jake helped me serve and I gave tom the job of being my social other half, this was mainly to keep him out of my way. I did love him but when it came to the kitchen was slow. I told him to get people sat at the table and ready for dinner. He topped up drinks and soon the dinner was served and I took the plates out to everyone. We sat and ate and the conversation flowed nicely. After dinner and desert was over we talked for a while and at around half 11 everyone left. "That was a lovely afternoon." Tom said kissing me in the door as we saw everyone out. "I know, im really happy." I said. We went back to the front room and tidied everything round and then relaxed on the sofa for half hour. At midnight we were just getting things finally sorted and I finally stood up and turned the TV off. "Time for bed" I said. "Really?" asked Tom. I smiled. "Yeah it's been a long day. And I've got something else long." I replied with cheeky wink. We went through to the bedroom and quickly made our way to the bed. I climbed onto Tom and we began to make out. After making out for about 15 minutes, I slid my hands up Tom's shirt and felt his muscular Pecs and abs. Soon Tom's shirt was on the floor along with mine. I then turned my attention towards the swollen package hidden underneath Tom's tight jeans. I kissed my way down Tom's body sending waves of pleasure up Tom's spine. I slowly unzipped his jeans revealing Tom's 8 inch cock in all its glory. I marvelled at his tool and licked my lips at the sight of his low hanging balls. I slowly licked down Tom's body towards the prize I so wanted. Once I arrived, I took in Tom's scent and began to lick the head of his cock. Tom moaned lightly in approval. Then I took Tom's huge tool in my mouth and began to bob up and down on Tom's cock while Tom moaned and called out, "OH Yeah, James, suck my cock baby!" After several minutes of sucking Tom's delicious piece of meat, I sat up and removed my shirt. Then Tom licked my nipples almost throwing me over the edge. Tom worked his way down marvelling at my beautiful, smooth abs. He then removed my jeans to see my cock hiding under my boxers. Tom licked his lips and slowly removed the boxers allowing my 8 inch cock to spring up and slap my stomach. I moaned lightly and said, "Tom, please suck my cock, give me pleasure baby." Tom was happy to oblige taking my extremely thick cock in his mouth and sucking it like a pro. In no time, after loud moaning and screaming, I came in Tom's mouth. My orgasm was more powerful than anything I had ever felt as my body shook and my cock convulsed and pulsated volleys of cum into Tom's awaiting mouth. Tom swallowed every drop. Then I smiled and asked Tom, "Baby, will you please fuck me with your huge cock?" Tom agreed, taking a condom from his pocket, and sliding it on his 8 inch monster. I lay on my back, my legs over Tom's shoulders. Tom slowly began to shove his cock into my hole. I winced in pain but begged him to continue the assault on my awaiting hole. Then Tom shoved all his cock into me so his pubes were touching my perfectly formed ass. I screamed and cursed, but finally I became used to the huge tool and was ready for Tom to fuck me. The fucking began slowly, Tom not wanting to totally destroy my ass, and then slowly progressed to a moderate pace. The whole time I called out, "Oh my God, YES TOM...YES...GIVE IT TO ME....IT FEELS SOOOO GOOD! OH YEAH!! AHHH!" Then the two lovers flipped so Tom was laying on his back with me impaling myself on his cock and riding him like a cowboy. Tom then began to meet my thrusts as our flesh slapped together. After about fifteen minutes, I then propped myself up on a chair with Tom behind me fucking my ass. Finally, after about an hour of fast paced fucking, Tom called out, "OH GOD BABY, I"M GOING TO CUM AHHH!". He ripped off the condom and then shot his hot load down my throat. I swallowed every drop of the gushing cannon as volley after volley shot from Tom's cock. I had never seen that much cum let alone tried to swallow it. Me and Tom laid quietly for hours talking and then fell asleep. I dreamt about what all adventures me and Tom could have together. I was so happy and content.

Next: Chapter 5

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