Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on May 2, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 4

Chapter 2

The rest of the afternoon and that evening were pure heaven. It was the first time in months we had actually spent quality time together. He lay there sleeping peacefully and I lay there awake with thoughts of the last few years floating around my head. My career, meeting him, getting married and having Warren. It was all a whirlwind. But then there were the secrets in the back of the my head I mean, who doesn't have secrets? And most certainly I do. I'm Tom Daley, after all. Had my first sexual experience with a man at age 16, which was legal before you say anything. Then raising to fame and keeping my secret hidden, but still having little flings. And sleeping with Liam Payne and Harry Styles at the beginning of one directions career. Then I had met James and really calming down. Okay, I met a couple of guys at the start of our relationship, but that was before we were mutually exclusive. Then of course there was Dustin Lance Black who had fucked me more than a few times after he blackmailed me. Recently though, it was Sam. After Warren was born and James had been so worn out with looking after him, he'd gone off sex altogether. But I couldn't do that. Wanking did not help at all. So I met Sam at a competition in Cardiff. He was a pool attendant at the centre. We were competing at. He was 21 blonde blue eyes, ripped and shredded body and hung like a horse. Who I was more than happy to bottom for. We had met when he came in the locker room and as I was showering. From that moment we took it there. After the first time we had been meeting in secret at hotels or his place almost weekly. But after Simon started to become a bit too clingy and at one point said I should take off my wedding ring and ditch my husband. I called today on the whole thing. But he hadn't taken it to it well. That was a month ago. It ended things and so far I hadn't heard from him. But I haven't stopped there 10 days ago whilst I was on a stopover in London when I was training at the London Aquatics Centre that bumped into Tom Felton in Selfridges and ended up having dinner with him. That night we slept together, and it was just incredibly hot. I fucked Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. But of course, James would never find out any of my secrets. We were going to have the most perfect romantic weekend in Paris that I had planned and enjoyed being together. I couldn't closer to him and drifted off to sleep, smiling.

When I woke up the next morning, I was shocked by how long I'd slept. I was so used to Warren waking me up at 4:00 AM and being in machine mode, changing his nappy. But it was a Tam and Thomas to fast asleep next to me. He promised me a magical romantic weekend away and was keeping things close to his chest. He'd been so patient with me over the last few months since Warren had been born. I'd lost all interest in sex. I had caught him wanking a few times, which made me giggle, and this seemed to keep him at Bay. I got up out of bed and went out onto the balcony to have my morning fag. I rarely got a chance to do this anymore. Stood in my pink Calvin Klein boxers. I plet the sun Rays hit my half naked body. I looked across the street and could see Dan sat in his sun Lounger Stark naked Having a fag. I run back inside quickly to grab my phone, managed to grab a quick snap on my camera. I sent it to him with a message simply saying put that away' with the sticky out tongue face. He looked up from his phone and smiled. Fuck you' he text back Before he stood up and went back Re emerging in a pair of boxers. Enjoy your weekend break' he texted. will do watch the house for weirdos.' I replied. "Morning sexy" came Toms voice behind me. I turned to see him stretching stark naked and sporting his usual morning glory. "Morning babe" I said as I walked over to him and kissed him feeling his raging 8 inches pressed against my leg. "How is he still awake after yesterday? Four times he unloaded in me" I said as I looked down at his still raging hard on. "Or how about we make it five times in the shower?" He said as he winked before pulling me with him into our en suite bathroom and straight into the shower. I loved our steamy shower sessions. I barely managed to get my underwear off before We were covered in steaming hot water from our lovely rainfall shower. He pushed me against the glass as his tongue began to probe my mouth."mmmm" I moaned." Well, someone is woken up." He said as he grabbed my own rock hard 8 ½ inches. He began to kiss my neck before he was on his knees, taking all of me down his throat. His head bobbing back and forth, both of both of his hands grabbing my round bubble butt. He didn't let me come before he came back up and kissed me again. I began to kiss his neck before he stopped me from going down." Fill me up baby." He said, I smiled. As I bit my bottom lip playfully. "Well, if you're sure" I said. He nodded, he turned his back to me as I pulled him close to me. As I began to kiss the back of his neck. My Dick as usual Found its way between his ass cheeks and like a magnet. The tip of my cock. Located the waiting tight entrance. Pushing slowly forward, he let out a low moan as more of me began to enter him. Still kissing his neck, I pushed further inside of him before I was fully in. "Oh yeah" he moaned. I slowly began to gyrate my hips as I began to pump in and out of him, leaving just the tip inside. We continue to be covered by the falling water. Both of our breathing heavily and moaning, picking up speed more and more. I could feel the tension building up inside me, working from my legs and up to my balls. "Oh, I'm so close", I yelled. "Oh yeah, fill me up," he said. It was in that moment. I yelled at the top of my voice as I exploded inside of him, load after load. He soon yelled himself as he released a hot heavy load. All over the steamy glass. "Wow" Tom said. "Oh yes", I replied breathing so heavily as I pulled out. " Did you just come without touching yourself?" I asked through heavy breaths. " Yeah". He replied as he steadied himself, against the glass. "Is that the first time" I asked as I Lathered shampoo into my hair. "Yeah, that was intense," he said. "Welcome to my World" I replied. "By the way, where are we going" I asked. He kissed me. "Paris, the city of love," he simply stated.

Later that morning, Tom and I finished packing and then locked up. Driving down to London was uneventful before we parked, not far from St Pancras Station and headed Inside and boarded the euro star In the first class area of the train. Tom was reading And I was opening our Mail as the train pulled out. There were a lot of bills and requests for interviews are male. A few of Toms, sponsorship cheques to cash. "Oh look the joy of our Amex Bill" I said to Tom. "Hey, you spend on it more than I do," he replied. "Feels thick," I said as I opened the letter. Moments later, I realised what I was looking at. "Oh, it's not a bill" I said as I pulled out the letter which came with a leaflet. "What is it?" Tom Asked. "Your guide to Amex Centurion" I replied. I opened the letter fully and found two black Amex cards attached. "What's Centurion" Tom asked "These are the cream of the crop with a mix. By invitation only. The cards are pure metal, cannot be destroyed in the usual way, but most important they are limitless," I explained. "Cool, So what about the current cards?" He asked. I explained what it said in the letter and guide about destroying our current cards. The digits were the same as were pin numbers. "Nice, I guess we can try them out in Paris," he told me. " Oh yes I will", I said excited. He kissed me as we relax for the rest of the journey. It Only took another hour or so to get into Paris Central Station. When we arrived and walked out the Station. The first thing I did was spark a cigarette. Looking to my husband I said "now what?" He smiled. "right This way, my Prince," he said. We walked down the street. People had already spotted us were taking pictures. We approached a Jaguar X JS waiting. "Good afternoon Mr Daley. Mr Leete how are we?" The Man asked. " Very well, thanks yourself". Tom replied as he handed over our bags And the driver loaded them into the boot. "Very good Sir. Always nice to be working." He answered smiling. I finished my cigarette as we climbed into the back of the car. He soon took off around the busy streets of Paris. "So romantic getaway this weekend" he asked. "Yes, long needed and very much overdue." I replied. " I can imagine with a new-born" the driver said. It was no secret to the world that we were new parents. Tom held my hand on the ride to the hotel.

Within 20 minutes we pulled up outside my favourite hotel in Paris. "Mr Daly, Mr Leete, Welcome to the Waldorf Historia, Paris." The driver said as he opened the door. The old 18th century building was absolutely beautiful. Amazing stonework, big heavy wooden doors. Maple Oak. And a pair of doormen stood to rigid attention. The driver nodded to one as he opened the boot of the car and lifted our luggage. The doorman approached "Good afternoon Mr Daly, Mr Leete. Welcome back" the doorman said. "Thank you," Tom said as he slipped him a 50 euro note. "Thank you Sir. I'll be happy to escort you inside." He said as he took our bags and walked us into the hotel. As we entered the marble lobby, decorated with modern furnishings. I looked around. Above us was a large crystal chandelier that must have been worth 100 times What Tom and I were paying. We walked over to the VIP reception desk. The lady behind the counter looked at us both. "Bonjour, monsieur. Welcome back." She said with a thick French English accent. "Thank you, I believe you're expecting us," I said. "Oui, Monsieur. The presidential suite has been reserved for two nights" She told us. I looked to Tom who was smiling. "Only the best for my baby," he said. "If I can just have a credit card whilst you sign this" she said handing me a registration card. I opened my wallet and smiled as I pulled out my new Amex card. "Typical" Tom said rolling his eyes " It is activated right?" I asked before I handed it over. "Yes, see." He said as he showed me his phone with the app open. Showing both of our cards With a green tick. the receptionist took The card as she swiped it down the side of her keyboard. "Here you go", she said, as she gave me the card back And I gave her the reg card. "Here are your keys," she said, handing me the two key cards in a pouch. "I've also activated your digital keys." She told me. "Thank you," I said. "Enjoy your stay", she replied. "Could you follow me monsieurs" the doorman? Said as he approached. "Actually, can you hang fire for 10 minutes? I need a cigarette before we go up". I said to him. "Of course" he replied. "Tom, go to the concierge, get us a table at that Italian place. I like for dinner." I said to him. "Sure, babes," he said as I kissed him before heading outside and sparking up under the cigarette feeling like the most loved man in the world. I looked around taking in the views. Paris was my second favourite city to visit the first of course being New York. I headed back into the hotel and put my cigarette out. And caught up with Tom. Who was just finishing on a call. "... I'll sort it, just leave me in peace and I'll sort it when I get back." He said as he put the phone down as I approached. "Who was that" I asked "Oh just my brother? He needs me to take him shopping for some new shoes and a suit," he said, flustered. "Well, we can get in one while we're here" I told him. "No I'll get him a title tailored one. Anyway, we have a reservation at the restaurant for 8:00 PM", he added. Awesome, I said as the doorman grabbed our bags and we headed into the lift that took us to the sweet. As the doors opened I was taken aback the room was gorgeous. Plush cream carpet. White lilies in vases dotted around the room. Huge TV fitted to the wall, two big velvet white sofas. Modern art on the walls and a light, airy white linen curtains. The furniture was black glass. It was amazing. The bedroom was just as incredible with a giant bed in the centre. Off the side was the bathroom with a raised circular bathtub and a rain style shower. Similar to home. "This is amazing" I said. "Anything for you baby" he said as we embraced.

That afternoon after we unpacked and took a stroll into the city centre of Paris and over towards the Eiffel Tower. We stopped at a lovely little patisserie for coffee which overlooked the park in front of the tower. Tom was busy tapping away on his phone as I was looking around. "Ahem. Hello". I said He looked up. " Oh look my husband has gone into the cyber world" I added. "Sorry babes, I'll be one sec". He said as I finally sparked up another cigarette. When he put his phone down on the table I looked OH I said. "Sorry, just an email" he told me. " It's fine", I replied as his phone went off. Tom went to grab it. "That, however, is not what is so important." I said as I reached over trying to grab it. "Hey Don, it's nothing" he said. "Well, if it's nothing, then put your phone away", I added. "You're right," he replied as he locked it and put it in his pocket. "So you want to go get new outfits for dinner tonight?" He asked me. "Hell yeah." I replied. He always knew how to make my day. We hit the shops and soon had broken in our new Amex cards. I got a shirt from Chanel. A pair of grey slim fit trousers with a Brown belt from Yves Saint Laurent And a pair of black shoes from Laboutin. Tom, another handed opted for a dark blue Dior shirt, light grey trousers from Emes and Brown shoes from Dolce and Gabbana. He opted for moschino boxers while I got some from Dior. One outfit each and 4000 euro Spent. What in the hell were We thinking? That night we enjoyed a brilliant meal and Tom deliberately left his phone in the safe in the room. After dinner, we enjoyed a stroll along the River before heading back to the hotel. Champagne on the terrace with beautiful Moonlight, Moonlight shimmering was just amazing. "I love you". I said " I love you more." He replied as he gave me that beautiful smile. That night in the suite we must have had sex three or four times. My ass was raw. When Tom drifted off to sleep, I slipped out of bed to the Loo. After I was done, I was just about to climb back into bed when I heard the pings and Dings at Toms phone coming from the safe. I put on my robe and headed into the main room, closing the door to the bedroom behind me. So that Tom didn't hear. I was going to find out what was going on and what was so damned important. Opening the safe, I pulled out his phone and unlocked it. He had 17 new messages and two missed calls. The missed calls were from his mum and one was and one of the messages was also from his The other 16 messages, however, were from someone saved as Cardiff Sam. Who the fuck* was this person? I opened the message and nearly screamed at what I saw and what I was reading. When I start reading the conversations, my heart began to wrench. I scrolled right to the top of the chat, which started four months before. There was a stream of chats about dates and times of meeting and exchange of pictures. Which included Tom nude in our bedroom and also one of Toms Cock and also one of Tom on all fours exposing his hole. There were also similar pictures sent by sam. Scrolling through the chats, I could see that they were meeting on a regular basis. Then out of the Blue, Tom had sent him a big message, basically ending everything, claiming his love for me and what happened between them was a mistake. Then, judging by the dates they he had not spoken until yesterday. Sam had message Tom first demanding to see him. Tom had replied, basically telling him to do 1. I checked the time and it was when we were on the train. Then there was a string of messages when we were strolling around Paris, and I finally saw what Tom had been doing when we were having coffee where we had laid it all down to Sam. Then there were more messages from sam demanding Tom Leave Me and go to him. Tom had replied that there was never going to happen. This was when we had gone out to dinner. It was the recent messages that had me more concerned. Sam had started becoming threatening with violent behaviour insinuated. He was also demanding money to keep quiet and not tell me. The last one said sleep tight, you're going to need it tomorrow will be a fun day. For me. But a shit one for you. I put the phone down on the table and just begun to cry. "Mother Fucker" I said. I picked the phone back up and began to have a look through his pictures and videos. I found all the ones tama taken of himself and the ones Sam had sent. As I scrolled down, I found a video which showed Tom kneeling on a bed while Sam who was on the floor on his knees was sucking my husbands Dick. There was also another video Tom had recorded of him being fucked by Sam. That explains why he was being more of a bottom lately. Then as I scrolled further down, I found more pictures as them naked together. As I looked further, I found new pictures, but this time it was with someone else. I opened a picture and saw more nakedness. Tom laying on a bed hard as a rock but sucking his Dick this time was Tom Felton, the Harry Potter actor. And there were similar ones just like that. I was getting more and more angry the more I saw. I finally put the phone on the table, grabbed my trousers that were on the floor and grabbed my jacket and quickly got dressed before heading downstairs. Into the lift and out of the front of the hotel. Where I saw and just smoked myself silly. I had all the thoughts of people in my head, my mum and Dad and loads more. I just thought about the pictures we had taken on our wedding day. Then the pictures I had seen of him with other men. I just couldn't get over what was going on. What was going on again? Yes, I have not been completely faithful, even After we got married. But Tom was different. After he had been caught out when he was in bed with Jake and Kash. Then Dustin Lance Black. This guy Sam. Tom Felton, the two guys from One Direction. That's Seven lads. Me, that was Daniel (James ex) Chris Jack(Tom's best mates) the birthing pool guy. The guy in Lincoln and Zac Efron. That six lad. OK, so I'm no better but still I haven't been so brazen. But Even so, Tom didn't know about mine, whereas I had known all of Toms. That was why I was so angry. Every time he apologised and said it wouldn't happen again and yet here it was yet again. I had not done anything with anyone in over a year and yet he was doing it again. Enough is enough. Things were going to change.

I spent the rest of the night sleeping on the sofa in the main room as I couldn't bring myself to sleep in the same bed as him. When I awoke the next morning, I checked the time and it was just after 8:00 " James" Tom shouted from the bedroom. I didn't answer the door to the bedroom opened as Tom emerged standing there in his boxers. He looked at me as I sat up on the sofa. "Did you sleep on the sofa?" He asked? "Yep," I replied. "My bad was I snoring again." He asked. "Nope" I said with a shitty tone in my voice. "Okay, then what shall we do today? Want to go up the tower or do you fancy jumping onto my tower?" He asked as he grabbed his cock. I rolled my eyes but didn't reply. He sat next to me, but I immediately stood up. "OK, what's with the attitude" he asked? I pulled his phone out of the robe pocket. I was still fully dressed after going downstairs the night before. I unlocked it. I took off my robe and grabbed my cigarettes off the table. "Hello Fancy answering me?" Tom asked. I pulled up the video I wanted. "I tell you what, I'll let this explain my mood." I replied as I put the phone down on the table and hit play. He was he looked down and watched the screen as I walked out the hotel room. I went down in the lift to reception. "Good morning, Mr. Leete." The receptionist called as I walked through the lobby "morning." I replied without looking. I went out the front of the hotel and sparked a cigarette. I'd smoked so much since we left London. And you by now Tom would be stressing about the video and thinking about how much I knew. I finished my cigarette just as my phone buzzed. I opened it and looked. I had a message from an unknown number it read. I suggest you speak to your husband. Straight after a picture appeared that made my heart Break. It was a picture of some holding Warren. Another message appeared. If you want to see your son again, it read. I immediately sat down on the wall behind. Anger and worry swelled inside me. A million thoughts raced through my head. It was like time it frozen. I quickly dialled my mums home phone number. No answer. I called both her and my dads mobiles and again there was no answer. I then called my sister. "Hi, how is Paris?" She asked all chirpy. "Sarah, Sarah, I need you to go home to moms." I said shaking. "James, why? What's wrong?" She asked, clearly sensing my worried voice. "Something is wrong with mom and Royce. They haven't answered my calls and I think something has happened to Warren. Whatever you do, don't call the police if it has. I'll be there as soon as I can," I said. "James, are you mad? There is nothing wrong. They will just be busy". She told me "Sarah, please just do it I know something has happened. Hold on I'll show you." I shouted. I quickly switched to the message and took a screenshot before sending it to her. Hang on, she said before I heard her say "oh my god" She came back on the phone. "I'm leaving now get home," she said. "I'm on it, take Scott, but don't call the police and don't disturb anything" I said flustered. "Okay", she replied. As I hung up and run into the hotel. "Get our bill ready. We're leaving early," I said to the receptionist as I run. Into the lift and up to the room.

As I entered the room, Tom was sat in silence, waiting for me. "James I can explain everything. Just please listen," he said as I rushed into the bedroom and began to pack my case. "Where are you going? We can talk about this," he asked. "Tom just shut up and pack your case. We need to go now." I said in a harsh tone. "Why?" he asked. I showed him the message. "fuck!" he shouted. "Yes, you and your fucking Dick have put our son in danger and likely my parents as well. So just fucking pack. We can talk about other stuff once I have my son in my arms right now. I don't give two fucks What you have to say." I told him as I finished packing and closed my case. I picked up the hotel phone. "Concierge" came the voice on the other end. "Hi, I need a car to the airport now please" I said. "No problem, Mr Leete be here in two minutes." The voice replied. "Thanks" as I put the phone down. I grabbed my wallet and phone, put on my jacket and got hold of my case. Tom had packed and dressed in last night's clothes like I had. "Let's go," I said as we left the room. Heading down in the lift, we got to reception. "Your car is waiting Mr Leete", The Concierge said "thanks" I replied. He took our cases and went off to the car. I looked to the receptionist "charge everything to my credit card, including the extra night, then email me the receipt. I need to leave", I told her. "Yes Sir," she replied as we walked away and out to the car. The driver was just finishing putting our bags into the boot. "There's a flight to London in one hour. I want to Birmingham in one hour and 45 minutes." Tom told Me. "Fuck those, I want to fly into Leeds Bradford. That's a half hour drive home." I explained. "There's one leaving in 50 minutes", he answered. "Book it" I ordered. "Driver, I'll give you 500 euro's if you can get us to departure's at the airport in 15 minutes". I told him "yes Sir," he said smiling. He took off at high speed and it didn't take long for us to arrive at the airport. I pulled out some notes from my wallet and gave them to the driver. I run into the airport, leaving Tom to grab the bags. I made my way over to a self service kiosk. Luckily Tom would put my email address down so I had the booking reference for our flight. I completed the process and scanned my passport. Tom soon arrived and I snatched his off him and put it through. With the boarding passes done and printed, we dropped our bags off and raced through security. Tom and I never spoke a word to each other in the entire time we were waiting. Luckily, a boarded agent was checking passes and rushed us through when he saw who we were. As we headed for the gate, there was around 20 minutes before the flight left. Were quickly boarded and soon we were on our way. As we were sat on the plane taxiing before take off, I went onto a rental car up and booked an Audi Q3 for four days with me as the only driver. We soon took off. The flight lasted an hour and we landed by 10:00 AM the whole time we sat in silent I was so scared for my boy, my precious boy. And the flight landed as Tom and I were sat in the front of the plane. We were the first to get off. "Why don't I get the bags and you get the car?" Tom said "fine" I replied in a shitty tone. I walked off and went through to the passport gate first. When I cleared through security, I took off out into the main area of the airport. I went to the car hire desk as my phone began to ring. It was my sister. "Sarah," I said as I answered. "Where are you", she asked? "Just landed into Leeds Bradford Airport. We won't be long. How is mum and Royce?" I asked. "They were tide up Royce was knocked out but he's come around. Got a few injuries. Mom is shaken up," she told me. "Okay, have they found the police?" I asked "No, they did. As you asked" she told me "tell him to get here. Now!" my dad said in the background. "We are on our way." I said as I hung up. "Mr Leete, I got your reservation, can I have your credit card and driving licence" the woman behind the counter asked. I gave her what she wanted and soon I signed the rental agreement and she told me where to go. I took off at the airport and over to the rental car lot. I walked into the cabin and handed over the agreement. The guy came back with a set of Audi Keys and told me where it was parked. I soon jumped in and drove off back to the arrivals area. As I waited, I paired my phone to the car Bluetooth. The door to the boot opened as Tom Potter bags in. He climbed in and soon I took off out of the airport.

It wasn't until we were on the M1 where I was driving at high speeds that I finally spoke. . "I'm only going to say this if anything happens to my son. Because of you, I will never forgive you and I will kill you. I don't joke when I say that I will kill you." I told him as I lit my 5th cigarette in 20 minutes. "I understand" was all he could reply. Another 15 minutes later, we pulled up outside the House I grew up in. I quickly got out and run inside with Tom right behind me. "Oh James, thank God you're here." My mum said she hugged me. "You!" my dad, bellowed as he stood up, knocking over a stool and charging towards Tom. "Royce" my mum said but it didn't stop as he landed his fist on Toms face. "Royce" Scott shouted. Stop for fuck sake. I said as I let my mum go and move to push them both. "Listen to me if you don't mind. Right now all I care about is getting my son back. If you want to beat the crap out of him, it can wait until later. After all of this happened," I said to him. "Okay son", he replied. As my mum went over to him. "Now I need to know what happened," I said. "I was getting some breakfast ready for him when I heard a bang Royce put him down in the living room and came to me thinking it was me. Next thing we heard the door to the hall Creek Open and Royce saw that man Stood in the lounge. Royce asked what he was doing. He said he was here to show pain to you and Tom. I went to grab Warren. He tried to pick him up at Royce, stood in his way. He hit Royce". Mum told me as she got more upset, holding on to my dad, I spotted the Black Eye Royce had and the cut on his cheek. "Your dad got back up, but he grabbed one of the goblets off the fire and hit him over the head. He was knocked out, so I tried to get to one myself, but he pushed me back. I fell over. He ripped up one of your dads T shirts off the radiator and tide his arms and legs up and one round his mouth. Then he grabbed me and did the same to me. I watched him grab Warren and leave". Mum said through tears and sniffles. "Right, okay, did he say anything" I asked? "No" Royce replied, still angry. "Right, fine." I turned to Tom "Where does he live" I asked "Cardiff" he replied, "what car", I asked. "I don't know." He replied again. "You don't know you don't fucking know." Sarah shouted at him. "What if George and Ella had been here? What about my children?" She shouted at him. "I'm so sorry," he replied. "In my own house, Tom, I was dis respected and attacked in my own home. My wife pushed and tide up my grandson taken. Right now you are lucky I won't hurt you because I want Warren back but you will understand this... "Royce paused as he looked at me. "I told you the day you married my son, you hurt him or his family. They will be held to pay for. Believe me, when he's back, you and I will be having a little chat" royce told him. I half smiled. *Right now that's out of the way. Is there anyway to find this sam" I asked " Maybe, but I need a laptop," Tom replied. "We have one. I'll go and get it". Mum said. "Fine Royce Scott. Come with me. Sarah, where are George and Ella?" I asked " At Caroline's" she told me. "Good then you come with me as well." I paused "you". I pointed at Tom. "Get on that laptop and find my son." I told him. "Our son," he replied. I instantly turned on without thinking, slapped him as hard as I could across his face. "My son". I replied as I walked out with my dad Scott and sister. I sparked a cigarette when we were outside. "Right, Scott, take voice to the hospital. Get him checked out." I said as I looked as he looked concerned. " No James, I'm going to help you find my grandson," he told me. "No you're not" I replied. "You got hit over the head. You're going to get checked out end of" I added. "Sarah you are going to take mum go to caroline's get George and Ella. And go over to Manchester and stay there with John. Tell Caroline and Lee to take Niamh And go over to Harrogate. And keep out the way." I explained. "Okay," she replied. "I'm doing this to keep you all safe Royce when you are done at the hospital ring me then we can meet and you can help." I told them. "Okay son", he replied go. I told them as they all took off. I finished my cigarette and went back inside. " Well?" I asked. " I'm just getting set up." Tom told me "good get going. We don't have time to waste," I replied. Royce and Scott went to the hospital. Sarah and mum took off too. I left the house walking three houses up and knocked on a neighbour's door. " Hi James," said Adam as he opened the door. Adam and I have been best friends since we were 12. " Hi I need your help". I said, "sure, come in," he replied as I went inside. " Hi James," said Adams mum as I sat down. They all sat around. "So something has happened" I started. I went ahead and told Adam his mum, his dad and his sister, all of what happened in the last couple of hours. " What can we do to help" Adam asked? "Mums front door was kicked off. Would you mind getting one of your mates to put a replacement on for me"? I asked. " Sure," he replied shocked by what I told him. " Tell him to Invoice me direct, not mum." I told him "of course" he added. " Would you guys mind cleaning the house for me ready for when they get back" I asked. Adams dad smiled at me. " James, you don't even have to ask. Of course we will," he said. "Thank you, but I need to go and see if that man has found Sam." " Good luck, let us know how you get on". Adam told me " thanks mate". I replied as he helped me. I walked back to the house sparking yet another cigarette.

As I put it out, I walked back in. " You best have something# I said to Tom, who was sat at the dining table. "I do." he told me. "Well spit it out." I told him "I hacked his I cloud and tracked his iPhone with the find my phone app. He's near the Premier Inn just outside Cardiff prison. He told me. His bank card was just used to get a room there as well. He also spent money in a Tesco close by." He explained. "How did you do this? Just how close were you?" I asked extremely pissed off ". You want to ask that now". Tom said. "No right fine, so he's in Cardiff. How did he get there so fast" I asked. "According to Google Maps from here to Cardiff is 3 ½ hours. That's about right, time Wise," Tom told me. "Well, we need to go to Cardiff ourselves," i said. Standing up. " What about the house" Tom asked "that's taken care of" I replied. "James, I'm so sorry," he said. "go fuck yourself. We are way past sorry right now. I want my son back and I mean my son. As for you, once this is over, I don't give a fuck what you do" I told him " our son James he's ours," Tom replied. " Whatever but I guess I'll tell you anyway, even though you don't deserve to know. I did a DNA test when you were in Melbourne. I'm the sperm that was used. I'm 100% match. You gotta zero match." I explained he looked shocked "what? You did this behind my back," Tom said. "grow the fuck up Tom. Let's go and get Warren. Then we can do this after" I said as we walked out the House and Adam walked up the drive. "Any luck" he asked. "yeah, he is in Cardiff". I said "No way Lee lives in Cardiff. I'll phone him if you want," Adam told Me. Lee was Adam's older brother. "Hell ya. Warren is at the Premier Inn opposite the prison. Tell Lee just to keep a watch. Don't do anything and give him my number." I said as I got into the Q3. We were going to need fuel. So I drove to Tesco and filled up. "Go and pay and get food and get me 100 cigarettes." I said "100" Tom asked. "If you want to be alive by Cardiff, you will get 100." I said I filled up full as Tom paid and got food. "Let's go," I said. As I drove off and onto the motorway. Heading for Cardiff at high speeds.

The three hours to Cardiff were the worst of my life to drive. Adams brother Lee, had called me to give me updates. He was sat in his car outside the hotel watching. So far Sam had gone out once and come back with nappies and wipes, so at least my son wasn't mean left dirty. "So now that I have you alone, can we talk?" Tom asked. "Do you know what sure? So come on Tom, tell me why you are such a self righteous son of a bitch and why you cheated on me yet again. And why you put our son in danger and why it had to find pictures of you and your men on your phone. Let's talk about all that." I said As I left another cigarette. "Okay, yes I know you're upset, but don't act all innocent on me. You DNA tested our son behind my back. And As for cheating, well where do I start? Ohh well, you screwed Zac Efron in New York. My 2 best friends. A guy in Lincoln and according to Jake his ex Daniel." He shouted, I fell silent. "Oh, now you're quiet. Don't want to talk about this anymore dear. Just because I got caught out by you doesn't mean I didn't know. Jack and Chris told me themselves because they felt guilty. Zac Efron. I found out from The Four Seasons in New York when they called me to settle your bill. The others I found out from your phone. He told me so. Don't you dare sit there and be all accusatory about what I had done when you were just as bad," he said. He picked up my cigarette packet, pulled one out and even more to my surprise, lit it and started smoking. "What are you doing? You were trained Olympic medalist in diving. Why are you smoking?" I asked. "Why not you do it," he said. "It's like you have no idea". I replied. We continued to drive in silence. "So where do we stand" Tom asked? "I don't know. We need to get Warren back first. That's the main thing. Then we can discuss where you and I stand", I said. "Okay, but I do mean what I said. I am so sorry" he told me. " I know, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry too," I told him. "Okay," he replied. And just like that. We were sat in silence again. We soon reached Cardiff and pulled up near the prison. "Call Lee," Tom said. I did so. "Hes, still in the hotel room. He's not come out since earlier. If you can..." was all he said before Toms phone began to ring. It was sam. "Lee stay quiet," I said. "Answer it" I told Tom. He swiped on his phone to answer the call. "Sam where is our son" Tom said as he answered. "Hi Tom Hi James. So you 2 have finally talked. So James, How does it feel to know that I fucked your husband?" He said. "fuck you You Dick. Where is my son?" "he's here fast asleep." He told me. "I swear to God if you hurt him." I said "I haven't hurt a single hair on his head. Now listen, I want you to do something for me. If you bring £1,000,000 Sterling to me, then I'll give your son back. I'll tell you where I am. Once you have the money," he said as he hung up. "fuck wit" Toms said. "What in the hell did you see in him?" I asked. "Honestly, I have no idea", he replied. "Lee meet you in 5 minutes." I said as I hung up and drove the rest of the way up the road. "What does Lee do?" Tom asked " military police for the RAF!" We moved to the side of the hotel and parked up. Lee soon came running over "hi mate long time. No see." He said as he gave me a hug. Tom looked at me funny. "Wait, is this the Lee that you..." He said to me I looked at Lee, he smiled. "Yes, I took James for his first time", Lee said. "When you were 13" Tom asked. "Yes, anyway, moving on." I said "Hey Lee, you aren't still attracted to my husband, are ya?". Tom asked. "Tom now is not the time" I said. " No, I'm seeing someone", Lee replied. "Anyway, let's get in there." I said as we walked into reception of the Premier Inn. "Hi, my name is Flight Lieutenant Walker at the military police." lee said to the receptionist, who was shocked when Lee showed him. His ID. "How can I help" the woman asked? "Has a guy by the name of Sam checked in here carrying a baby?" Lee asked. " Yes, he has room 211," she replied. "Thank you now, listen. Don't say anything. Or you could be charged for interfering in an armed forces military investigation." Lee told her. "Got it", she replied as she handed over a key card. I grabbed it quickly, "wait aren't you.... "She started to say "yes, yes I am and that baby he has is my son." I told her as we headed into a lift and up to the second floor.

When we exited the left and moved down the corridor, we found ourselves outside the room. I gently unlocked the door as we all burst in. Someone sat on the bed holding on to Warren. " How did you..." was all Sam said before I walked over to him? And he started to back away. "Give me my son," I said. Warren cried as he heard my voice. Clutching onto him, Sam didn't say anything "please Sam just give me Warren. We can sort this out," Tom said. " You just left me. How could you do this? We were getting on so well. We had a future" Sam said, "are you a nut job? We never had anything you knew I'm married. This was a fling, an affair. Fair enough, a stupid fling, but that's all it was" Tom told him. "But you said..." Sam said. "No, I said nothing. You asked me to abandon my husband and son and leave with you. Sam, this is all in your head that we have something. We have nothing." Tom told him. Before he replied, I moved closer. "Listen Sam, I know Tom is a catch. Believe me when I met him I felt like all my birthdays had come at once. When we got married, it was the best day of my life. I love him everyday. Every minute of every day. And I will continue until the. The day I die, but he is my husband. Would you really want to be the man who split up his family? You know yourself, he could never truly be with you. He has his life," I said. He held out Warren, who I instantly grabbed. " Thank you." I said to sam. Lee came over towards Sam. "Sam Jordan I hereby place you under arrest for the kidnap and abduction of Warren Daily. I also further rescue to be assault on Royce and Teresa. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if he failed to mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say can and will be used against you," Lee said as he cuffed him. This was the first time I notice that Lee was armed with a gun. "Thanks, Lee", I said. "I'll take him downstairs. I'll meet up with you after" Lee replied. He walked sam out of the Tom and I were left alone. " Can I", Tom asked, holding over, holding out his arms? I reluctantly handed Warren over as he took him from me. "Do you think we should get him checked over" Tom asked " Yeah, definitely," I replied. "Cool, let's go" Tom said "wait, I am just want to say. That I meant everything I said to Sam. I really do love you and I always will," I told him. " I love you too," Tom replied, "but when we get home we need to sit down and talk properly." I told him. "Yeah we do," Tom replied. " Okay then, let's get our son checked over." I said as we left the Hotel.

When we got to the hospital, I called my dad to let him know that we had war and he was very relieved. I also talked him down from beating the crap out of Tom. And told him we would talk it over. My dad reluctantly agreed. He also promised to call everyone else and let them know it was okay to go home. Lee also called me and said that the police were holding some. Turns out there were two warrants already for Sam's arrest. One for stalking and one for breach of a restraining order. He was being remanded into custody. The police would be in touch to take statements from me and Tom and my parents. I hung up after he agreed to meet us at the hospital. Tom came back with Warren. The doctor said he was fine so we took him off and met Lee who came to me as holding a car seat. "Figured you would need one," he said smiling. "Thanks," Tom, said snatching off him. "Don't mind him, he's just a little jealous." I said to Lee. "Hey, it's fine. It's not everyday you meet the man who took your husbands virginity", Lee said. "That was some night" I replied, also smiling. "Yeah it was, but that's all in the past." He said "true and you have someone new in your life. I hope he treats you well." I said "I'm sure he will when I find the right man", he said. "Oh, so there is no man in your life," I said. "No, I was just making that up. Truth is, I guess it's true what they say you never fully get over your first." He said " I was your first" I asked. " Yep," he replied. "But I need to be getting going." I said unsure how to react to this news. "Sure, no problem. I'll be in touch about the interviews" he told me "And hey, don't be a stranger," he added. "I won't." I replied as we hugged and then I walked over to the car. Tom had strapped Warren in. I drove off and pretty soon we drove out of cardiff heading for home. That evening we spent at my parents the new front door was fitted and my mum had cooked. Amelie, we sat around the table and spoke as a family. My brother had come back and was fussing around Warren. My dad buried the hatchet with Tom, but I could still send some tension coming from my dad. That would go overtime. Tom and I still had another chance to talk alone, but we made it clear to the family that this was our problem. I had been opened and told them the cheating wasn't all on Tom. When night came and Warren was asleep, mum had put him down in his travel cot. Tom and I decided to stay in a hotel in town. We just need to talk all over. So we left and drove to a hotel after settling in. We sat on the bed back to back. "You know, I've never meant to hurt you". Tom started. " I know I didn't either, they were just temptations" I explained. "Same, it wasn't anything meaningful," he told me. "I can't blame you for what happened with Sam and Tom Felton. Your sex drive is so high it was your way of releasing." I said "And yours too. It was. No wonder you did what you did because you knew I was playing away anyway. I saw it the other night and thought about and thought came into my head about secrets. secrets I was keeping from you and wondering what you were keeping from me." He said. " I'm so sorry about the DNA test," I replied. "It's fine, I don't care about some silly test. He is our son, regardless of what a piece of paper says" he added. "So where do we go from here?" He asked. "I've been thinking about that and there was an idea I wanted to run by you." I told him. " Oh God, don't say divorce", he added. I reached behind and took his hand. "Don't be stupid. I have no reason to divorce you. I love you," I said. We turned to face each other. "But we can't go on lieing to each other either" I said. "You're right, we can't, and this can't happen again either," he said. "So my idea, is this, we mutually agree to an open marriage. We stay married like normal. We live our normal life. We do everything we normally do. We stay the same but with a catch. If either was meet someone. We call friends with benefits then the other doesn't get mad or angry. We speak to each other honestly, who we are meeting. The one rule is we don't stay overnight. At another place. We still come home to each other. Another rule. We're still intimate with each other. We don't have to tell our friends. But we still stay the same." I told him. A tear formed in his eye. " I think that's the perfect solution. Oh my God, I do love you," he said. We hugged. I held his face in my hands. "Just promise me no more secrets and no more affairs. We exclusive to each other just with an open sex life and one day we might decide to give it up. But we make the decision together. Baby I'm yours forever." I said He smiled. " Baby I'm yours forever as well sex is just sex and you'll want to grow old with" he told me. "Me too," I replied as we kissed. " Now I know it's not Paris but you mentioned something about mounting your tower." I said wiggling my eyebrows. He chuckled. "Oh, you're so gonna get it" He said as he took off his shirt. " Bring it on." I said as he got on top of me I smiled. This was our marriage. Our secrets were out and for the first time we were open with each other. An open marriage may not be for everyone, but for us it would work. We would still end up back together at the end of each day regardless of what happened in that day. And I couldn't be happier about it. Warren was back and things were slowly getting back to normal.

Thanks for reading, I do like to he from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x

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