Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Aug 4, 2018



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 4

Chapter 1

As I lay there in bed I could hear Warren starting to stir in his cot in the next room. I looked to Tom who was soundly asleep and completely oblivious to the sound of Warren. Here we go again. 7 months old and here was another night when Warren would start to stir then start to cry and wouldn't go back to sleep until I had gone in there changed his bum changed his onesie and then given him some juice and rocked him back to sleep. The whole thing took half hour but at 4am that is half hour I should be sleeping. Right on the dot Warren back to cry. I got out of bed put on my dressing gown and headed through to him. Getting him out of the cot I lay him down on the changing table took off his onesie and he began to laugh and smile at me. This always melted my heart and I just knew that he was my special little boy. "oh, you are a cheeky little monkey" I said blowing raspberries on his belly. He giggled and squealed at me as I got him into his new onesie. Effortlessly changing his nappy, baby wiping, applying cream and putting a new nappy on he was content and happy looking around the room and every now and then beaming a great big smile up at me. I put his new onesie on him and disposed of the dirty nappy before scooping him up and walking out the room. "Shit babe you scared me." Tom said startled appearing from the bedroom. "Sorry babe, why are you up?" I asked. "I could hear you with Warren." he replied smiling. He came over and scooped warren off me and held his son and at this warren began to become unsettled and fidgety. "What's up little man?" tom said in a soothing voice to which warren let out a little giggle and squeal. "Oh I see is that right?" Tom said to him making me laugh. "You look shattered." Tom said to me kissing me. "Oh you know, Warren has this routine at 4am down to a fine art." I said rubbing my eyes. "Why don't you get back into bed and I'll take him down" he told me. "No your fine you have training in the morning can't have you getting on the 10 meter board half asleep." I said. "It's fine babe you do this every night it's my turn." he told me. "Fine I won't argue." I said. I slipped off back into the bedroom climbed into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was gone.

When I awoke I could see the sunlight coming through a small opening in the curtains. I grabbed my phone from the side and looked at the time, shit it was 11:30 Tom should have been in training 3 hours ago. I immediately flew out bed grabbed my dressing gown and ran down the stairs. "Tom, babe I'm so sorry I overslept." I shouted as I was coming down the stairs. "It's fine, he called me to take over to let you sleep." a voice said from the lounge. "Jake, oh thank god." I said as I saw him sat there feeding Warren a bottle. "Relax it's fine, I'm happy to help." he said to me. "Thank you, well as he hasn't seen me yet I'm going for my morning fag." I told him slipping passed them and heading outside. Sparking up it was bliss. Once finished I headed back inside and washed my hands and grabbed a drink and headed back into the lounge to see Jake changing Warren. "He's been winded and now changed." he told me as he scooped him up off the changing mat. "Hello my handsome boy." I said to Warren. He smiled and then yawned at me. "Someone needs a little nap by the looks of it." I said to Jake. "I'll be back in a mo." I added before leaving the room and taking Warren up the stairs and into his room. I lay him down in the crib and then covering him over with his blanket. He curled himself up grabbing the blanket and rolled on to his side. I grabbed the other baby monitor and before I had even left the room he was sound asleep. Heading back down the stairs I found Jake tidying up my lounge. "Thanks babe, I appreciate your help." I told him. "Anytime, besides I need to get the practise in. You and Warren have set Jack off in wanting one of our own now." he told me. "Aww babe you will be a great dad. Just start sleeping now so you can conserve your energy, believe me you are going to need it." I told him. He laughed and handed me my drink as we slipped outside and headed for the garden. Sparking another fag I lay back in the chair and just breathed. "You have been so good these last few months." he told me. "I have to be, Tom is so focused on winning this European championship so he's working extra hard at the minute, which means I'm doing the majority of the daddy work." I said. "Still you 2 need to find time for yourselves and to be with each other." he told me. "Oh we know, my parents are taking Warren off our hands later this afternoon and having him until Monday when we will go up and collect him." I explained. "That will be good for you both, what are you planning on doing?" he asked. "Well just spending some quality time together, I think we are going to go to London on Saturday and stay over maybe see a show or something, definitely get some shopping in." I said. "And some sexy time in" Jake said with a wink. "And that, god I can't even remember when that last happened." I said laughing. "Babe if you can't remember then it's been too long." Jake said. "Just you wait it will happen to you and Jack when you have one." I told him. "We will see." he smiled.

The rest of the day went by with my usual routine, Warren had his afternoon nap which gave me an opportunity to clean the house (with the help of Jake and eventually Daniel) before I showered and got myself feeling fresh. Warren then needing another feed and change and finally around 3pm, my parents arrived. "Hi son." my mum said as she walked in taking Warren off me who was in my arm. "Hello beautiful boy." she said to him taking him off into the lounge. "Alright Jim." my dad said coming in behind her. "Hey, good drive up?" I asked "Yeah not too bad, how you getting on?" he asked. "Oh fine, exhausted truth be told but coping." I told him as I shut the door. "Tom training?" he asked. "Yeah till about 5ish" I told him as we walked into the lounge. "Do you have everything ready for him?" my mum asked. "Yeah, it's all ready, I packed a little case full of clothes, then there's toys and his blanket." I explained. "Thanks son, Royce why don't you load it all in." she told him. "Hang fire, you have only just got here." I said. "I no son, but we want to get back on the motorway to avoid the Friday rush hour." my dad explained. "I get you. Okay I'll give you hand." I said grabbing some of the bags and taking it out to the car. "You have the baby seat don't you?" I asked. "Yes soon, yeah and the pushchair is at home." he told me. "Good, what's your plans with him over the weekend?" I asked. "Your mum has a hair appointment tomorrow with your sister so whilst she's doing that me and Scott are getting to together with George and Ella and Warren and taking the 3 of them out to the Ripley castle car show for the morning." he told me. "Cool." I said "And then we are going into York in the afternoon with your auntie and Niamh and grabbing some lunch." he explained. "Nice, but please don't let Niamh paw all over Warren, I know she means well and doesn't fully understand I just don't want him being hurt, she is a big girl." I said. "Don't worry son Caroline will keep her in check and we won't let anything happen to him." he said. "Thank you." I said. "Then Sunday we are going out with Ian and Jan into Harrogate and then back to theirs for dinner as they haven't seen Warren yet." he told me. "Nice, well I'm sure he's going to be spoilt over the weekend." I said. "I'm sure." he replied. Heading back inside mum was still cradling Warren and playing with one of his toys. "Anything we need to know before we head off." my mum asked. "He's still in the 4am routine, so he will just want his nappy changing, fresh onesie and some juice and then he will be back to sleep by half 4." I said. "No worries. Anything else?" she asked. "He's on Rusks so I give him some of those during the day and for evening meal he is having a full jar of baby food." I explained. "No problem. Still Weetabix for breakfast?" my dad asked. "Yeah but mushy with a little warm and cold milk." I said. "No problem son, I think we will be fine." mum said standing up. I walked over and took Warren off her. "See you soon baby be good for Nana and Granddad this weekend and daddy and I will see you on Monday." I said holding him. Whilst my parents had taken Warren off for the day this was the first time he going to stay with them for the whole weekend and the first time I would be without him. "Okay, go back to Nana or else I will never let go." I said passing him back. "Don't worry son we will take good care of him." my mum said kissing me on the cheek. "I know you will." I replied as I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "Just take him out to the car now please I don't want him to see me cry." I said turning away. She walked towards the door, "Bye baby see you soon." I said waving at him, now fully sobbing. He saw me and lifted his hand up and began to cry. "Shhhh" my mum cooed rocking him. "Go, go Tess." my dad said hurrying her out the door. "Take good care of him." I repeated to my dad. "We will son." he said hugging me. "See you Monday." I replied as he turned and walked out. I ran to the window of the lounge and watched he and my mum put Warren in the car, still crying and fighting them and then eventually they have him in and secure and away they went. I looked around and breathed out loud. Silence. Something I hadn't heard in this house for at least 9 months. I picked up my fags and headed out the back.

When Tom returned back from training I was sat in the garden out back in swimming shorts catching the last few rays of sun. "Hey baby." He said coming over to me. "Hey sexy." I replied. "The house is so quiet." He told me. "I know my parents came to pick him up at 3 and pretty much went again as they wanted to avoid the traffic." I explained. "Bless, did he go okay?" he asked. "Pretty much until my mum started carrying him out the door and then he began to cry, but I didn't interfere he's their responsibility this weekend." I told him. "Good, and we can focus on each other for a change." He said. "Exactly." I replied as he sat next to me on the next sun lounger. It was so peaceful. But that wasn't going to last for long, throwing caution to the wind I stood up dropped my swim shorts and immediately dived into the pool. "Having fun there." Tom asked smiling. "Of course, join me." I said. He rolled his eyes in a playful way and immediately dropped his shorts and threw off his gym vest and jumped right in. We swam around for a while splashing each other and having some fun. God this felt so good just to forget about being a dad for a while and have some fun with my husband. Soon though the sun went down and a chill began to come over. We agreed to head back inside.

Heading for the bedroom dripping wet still Tom threw me a towel, "Are we sharing a shower?" he asked. I looked at him and was about to reply when his lips just met mine. The sensation was electric. His soft lips were just so nice and wet and I couldn't stop myself as my tongue slid in his mouth. As I lay down on the bed he climbed on top of me, never breaking the kiss. It took another two minutes before we did. His body so ripped and feeling amazing against mine. "It's been way to long since we last did this." He said. I nodded in agreement. Both our cocks now at full mast, He grabbed hold of my cock and started to slowly jerk me off. Before lowering himself his mouth around the head of my cock and starting to suck on it slowly his head bobbing up and down. He was like a pro because he was just so good making me feel alive. As he continued to work his way up and down my cock I could feel myself getting close. "I'm getting close" I announced. He sped up sucking faster until I felt myself just release my load in his mouth and he slowly gulped and swallowed the whole lot. Now it was my turn I thought. He came back up and I could feel his cock pressing against my stomach. He kissed me and I could taste myself in his mouth. I wrapped my legs around him before spinning him over with me on top this time. "You're going to have to show me how you did that" he said. I smiled kissing him again and worked my way down his body and for the first time in so long came face to face with his 8 inch cock. "hello my old friend" I said as he smiled. I started to jerk him off and saw his face light up. I formed an oval with my mouth and moving forward over his dick. I only managed about seven inches. I slowly moved back and forth, sucking on him lightly. I continued to flick my tongue over his tip, causing him to jump in my mouth. I could hear his breathing become quicker and louder and I guessed that he was going to shoot. I stopped much his disappointment. "Why did you stop?" he asked. "Fuck me." I said "Don't need to ask me twice" he replied. He grabbed the lube from the bedside drawer. He slowly put lube over my hole slipping a finger in every now and then and also placed lube over his cock before lifting my legs in the air revealing my 6 pack and slowly pushing his cock inside me. I felt a wave of pain for about 2 seconds before it subsided and he continued to push in to me. Once I could feel he was all the way inside he began to fuck me slowly before picking up the pace. "Fuck yeah" I called as he started to pound my arse hard really fucking me. It felt like he was going to split me in two as I could feel his cock hit my prostate over and over again making me squirm and moan loudly. "Oh my god yeah, keep going" I shouted out. I could feel myself start to tense up. He continued to push in and out of me. I suddenly felt myself explode as 5 or 6 loads of cum shot out of the tip of my cock and all over my body, a second load god damn it had been too long. My cock started to go flaccid but Tom continued to pound my arse over and over. I could feel the beads of sweat running off his forehead and on to my body. Eventually he started to tense up and soon I could feel his warm cum filling my arse. He must have shot 8 or 9 times up my arse before pulling out and lying back on top and kissing me. "That was amazing." He said. I kissed him again. "Yes it really was." I replied. He rolled off me, and we snuggled and spooned and he wrapped his strong arms around me making me feel warm and secure before we drifted off to sleep. I was so looking forward to the rest of this weekend.


We are back!!!! I'm sorry I have been away for so long but thanks for reading, I do like to hear from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x

Next: Chapter 32: Tom Daley and Me IV 2

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