Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Oct 14, 2015



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 3

Chapter 10

"Mother she is fine, the doctor said she simply isn't ready to start yet. The baby is only over due by 2 days. They said that if she is not ready to push or her waters break after the 12 day period then they will induce her and well then nature will take its course from there." I told my mother down the phone. "Okay son, I just really want the baby to come I'm so excited." She said to me. "You already have 2 grandchildren mother this one is no different." I replied. "I know but it's yours and Tom's and plus you don't know what you're having so it makes it more exciting." She replied. "I know mum im excited too." I replied. The front door opened and in walked Tom also on the phone. "Yes mum I know you are we are too." He said. "James just promise me the moment her water breaks you will call me and tell me. "Yes mum I will call you straight away." Both tom and I said in perfect unison. I looked to him and smiled. "Okay mum I gotta go Tom has just walked in and we are heading out for dinner shortly." I said. "Okay son keep me informed." She said. "Yes mum I will. Love you." I said. "Love you too son, bye." She said as I hung up the phone. "Mothers." I replied. "Tell me about it, she keep asking if the baby is here yet." He told me. "I know what you mean that's the second time today she has called." I said as I replaced the phone on the cordless stand. "So how's your day been?" I asked Tom as I walked over to him and kissed him. "Good, check these bad boys out." He said as he lifted his top and flexed. His 8 pack rippling, on display I drooled. "Oh man, why do you do this to me." I said as I ran my fingers over his rippling abs. "You like them?" he asked. "Of course." I said kissing him again. "Good because they are all yours." He said as he kissed me back. "What time is our dinner reservation?" he asked me. "8pm why?" I replied. "Well that gives us 2 hours to kill, and I was thinking I could use a shower but I'm not sweaty enough yet." He said with a wink. "Oh Mr Daley are you trying to seduce me?" I asked. "maybe." He replied as he swept me off my feet and carried me up the stairs. He lay me down on the bed, our lips locked and our hands exploring each others bodies. 3 months of no sex for either of us was making us both so horny. He leaned over to me and kissed me before climbing on top of me. I loved the feel of Tom's body. He was so smooth apart from the small trail of hair that led down into his underwear and he had an amazing set of muscles and 6 pack. He began to kiss down my neck and work his way down my body. He ran his tongue over my nipples circling them causing me to breathe heavier while he continued to work his way down my body. While he ran his tongue over my 6 pack I could feel his tenderness through his underwear as he was doing this to me. He moved lower and played with my 8 Inch cock over my underwear. He pulled back the waist band and licked the head of my cock which was pulsing. He then pulled my boxers off before taking hold of my cock and plunging it in his mouth going all the way to the base before coming back up and bobbing his head up and down sucking my cock. I moaned out loud as he continued to suck his cock. "Slow down!" I said. He looked up and said "What??" he asked worried. " You were just making me very close." I replied. He smiled and came back up and kissed me being careful not to squash my cock. I then wrapped my legs around him twisted him over making me on top of me. I then repeated the same actions to him. Moving down his body and playing with his nipples making them hard and biting them lightly. I then removed his boxers and taking his 8 Inch hard cock in my mouth sucking heavily which also made him moan out loud. As he looked down he saw my head bobbing up and down. I looked up at me with his cock still in my mouth and this really turned him on. I released his cock from my mouth and went over to the drawer in the bedroom and grabbed some lube before going back over to him "Fuck me" I said. "I thought you would never ask. He used the lube on my waiting pink hole and then put the condom on. He also placed lube over his cock before lifting my legs in the air revealing my 6 pack more and slowly pushing his cock inside me. I felt a wave of pain for about 2 seconds before it subsided and he continued to push in to me. Once I could feel he was all the way inside he began to fuck me slowly before picking up the pace. "Fuck yeah" I called as he started to pound my arse hard really fucking me. It felt like he was going to split me in two as I could feel his cock hit my prostate over and over again making me squirm and moan loudly. "Oh my god yeah, keep going" I shouted out. I could feel myself start to tense up. He continued to push in and out of me. I suddenly felt myself explode as 5 or 6 loads of cum shot out of the tip of my cock and all over my body. My cock started to go flaccid but Tom continued to pound my arse over and over. I could feel the beads of sweat running off his forehead and on to my body. Eventually he started to tense up and soon I could feel his warm cum filling my arse. He must have shot 6 times up my arse before pulling out and lying back on top and kissing me. "That was amazing." He said. I kissed him again. "Yes it really was." I replied.

After our amazing sex session Jake came over with Jack to be with Natalie. As the pregnancy was 2 days over due and because we had stayed awake for longer than normal over the last few days and had basically put our lives on hold for the last week so when Jack heard this he convinced Tom to take me out for dinner so that we can spend time together before the baby arrives and they would stay with Natalie just in case something happened while we were out. I have to admit that I was very nervous about leaving and going out but Tom convinced me that we needed it. So after taking a shower I searched my wardrobe for something to wear and settled on a light blue ralph Lauren shirt, a pair of dark Superdry jeans with a brown leather belt, and chose a pair of d & g brown shoes and then a black Armani blazer jacket that gave me the smart casual look. Tom chose a pair of light firetrap jeans, a smart cashmere Gucci jumper and a pair of black alexander McQueen shoes. So when we both walked down the stairs Jake was waiting for us at the bottom. "You two look amazing. I'm sure you will have a great night." He said. "Thank you, so you know that the restaurant we are going too is in Warwick but I'm driving so you know that I can be back here from Warwick in 15 minutes so if anything happens and her water breaks call me straight away." I said. "Of course we know the drill now just go." Jack said. "Thank you. Okay so Nat keep that baby in there and these boys will wait on you hand and foot and anything you need just ask them." I said. "No problem you too go have a great time I'm sure this little one won't be arriving anytime soon." She said. "Okay baby, come on." Tom said ushering me out the door. Climbing into my car we took off to Warwick.

Arriving in Warwick I parked the car and we walked down the street and got caught by a few paps and finally entered bank restaurant. The ma?tre de greeted us and led us to a table as Tom and I ordered drinks. Tom and I both opted for soft drinks so I had fresh orange juice and Tom had a coke. Shortly after the waiter took our order for the starters and mains and we opted to select deserts afterwards. I went for the soup of the day which was wild mushroom to start while Tom had the chicken Pate to start and then for main we both opted for a 10oz steak. The starters were quick in coming and were delicious as Tom and I talked and in all fairness it was just amazing to spend time with each other. There were a few people who looked at us and we both noticed that people were saying things like 'oh look its Tom daley and James Leete' but we simply just ignored it. Just as the mains were set down on the table my phone began to ring and my heart began to quicken. "I swear if that is your mother tell her we are shagging." He said as he cut into his steak. Fishing my phone out of my blazer jacket pocket I grabbed it out and the caller display was Jake. "It's Jake." I said. I slid the slider across and answered, "Hello." I said. "James come home. Her waters have broken." He said. "Oh my god, okay so get Jack to turn on the heater for the birthing pool and we are on our way." I said getting up in a panic and grabbing my jacket. Tom looked at me, "What?" he said. "It's time." I said. "Holy fuck okay." He said jumping up. The ma?tre de walked over, "Is everything okay?" he asked. "Family emergency." I said as Tom pulled out his wallet and lay some cash down on the table. "That should cover it." He said as I was already running for the door. Running down the street I unlocked the car and climbed in as Tom ran round and jumped in the passenger side. As soon as the door was closed I was off at break neck speed. "Call mum home." I spoke aloud as the car responded bringing up my phone on the screen as it dialled the home phone of my mum. "Hello." My dad's voice echoed through the car. "Royce its me." I said clearly in a panic. "James are you okay?" he said. "It's time. Tom and I are on our way back to the house now." I said. "Okay son, what do you need from us?" he asked. "You and mum get in the car right now and get the down here as fast as you can. Any speeding tickets I will pay just please put your foot down and get the ST going at top speed." I said. "No need to tell me twice son, we are on it now. TESS LET'S GO SHES HAVING THE BABY!! OH MY GOD!!" I could hear in the background my dad shouting up to my mum and my mum replying back. "See you soon Royce." I said. "Take it easy son." My dad said as I hung up. Tom called his mum and she agreed to come down in the morning as she had the two boys and it was a longer drive for her. "We will send lots of pictures Deb." I said as I pulled into the street and drove through the gates and up to the house. I just pulled the keys out the ignition and jumped out the car slamming the door and raced into the house. "Where is she?" I asked throwing my keys and phone down on the side. "She wanted to get into the birthing pool." Jack said. "I called the midwife she is on her way." Jake said. "How dilated is she?" I asked. "I checked literally two minutes ago she is 3cm dilated and her contractions are every 40 seconds." Jake told me. "Okay." I said ripping my jacket off and throwing it on the floor and running outside rolling my shirt sleeves up. "Hey babe how you doing?" I asked. "Oh you know." She said between breaths. "You're doing amazing babe keeping going!" I said as I sat next to her. Within a few minutes Tom came out with our midwife who had just arrived. "Hello darling, so your finally about to have the baby." She said to Natalie. "Yep." She said between breaths. "So your husband has filled me in on the stats. I'll just have a check and see where we are at." She said putting on some gloves and putting her hand in the water and after a second came out, "Jake you said she was 3cm dilated?" she asked. "Yeah." He replied. "Well this is coming on very fast, your 8cm dilated already. If this is coming on so quick im going to need the following very quickly. Towels, and lots of them, and my kit from over there." Jack ran inside and got towels while Jake grabbed her kit. "Hello, we are here." Dan and Chris said coming into the house. "Hey." I said smiling. "Has she dropped yet?" Dan asked. "Don't be so rude." Chris said. "Not yet but not far off." I said. The midwife checked and then said "9cm, one more and she will be ready to push. Natalie how do you feel?" the midwife said. "Oh fucking great like I have baby ready to come out." Natalie screamed in pain. "Lovely." Jake said smiling and happy. "Not much longer babe I promise." I said. "Oh James shut the fuck up before I drown you in this water ahhhhhhh!" she screamed. "Love you too babe." I said as natalie continued to scream in pain. We sat for the next few minutes and the midwife kept checking and Nat was still at 9cm. "When you feel the need to bare down just tell me and we will get going." The midwife told her. "I need a fucking fag." I said grabbing a fag off dan as we moved away to the side of the house and was just about half way through when I heard Nat shout "I wanna push." I quickly launched my fag and ran to her side. "Okay Natalie, then let's get going. On your next contraction I want you to push and I want it to be a big one and just grab on to James and Tom and squeeze as hard as you can and give me a big push. Jack, call the ambulance service and tell them now we need the ambulance to come as Natalie will be giving birth now." She said. It was normal for a woman who had a home birth to go to the hospital after pushing out the baby so she can be checked over and also to give birth to the placenta. Suddenly Natalie grabbed hold of my arm and began to squeeze as she began to push. "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" she screamed. "Okay that was a big one, I can see the baby's head already. I think one more push should do this." The midwife said. Again Natalie grabbed hold of me and squeezed on to me so incredibly hard and then she began to push. "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" she screamed and soon I could see the baby come out as the midwife caught it and pulled it up to the surface the umbilical cord still attached. Natalie relaxed and the next thing that could be heard was the sound of a baby crying. "Congratulations babe." I said kissing natalie on the forehead. "It's a boy." The midwife said. "A boy?" I asked. "Yes James you have a little boy." She said. I looked at Tom who looked dumb founded. "A boy? We have a boy." Tom repeated. "Yes babe we do." I said. He looked at me and we both just began to smile. "Oh my god he's actually here." Jake said. "Okay so who's cutting the cord as we need to wrap him up and get some skin to skin going straight away." The midwife said. "Tom you do it." I said. He smiled and cut the babies cord. The midwife then took the baby away and did some checks and looked him over and then took him off into the kitchen wrapped up in towels, cleaned him off and put a nappy on him and after about 20 minutes came back outside. "Okay guys I have given him a look over he's 100% healthy and weighing 6 pound 7 ounces. We have no need to take him in. Natalie the paramedics are here so they will help you get ready. James, Tom you need to come with me." The midwife said. We quickly ran over and went to the lounge with the midwife. "Okay so who's going first?" she asked. "James is." Tom blurted out. "Okay James take your shirt off." She said. I shed my shirt and took the baby and held him against me with a blanket over the top to keep him warm. "This is so weird to be able to hold him." I said. I looked to Tom who was sat next to me kissed me. "We did it babe." He said.

Another hour later and Tom and I had swapped and had a lot of skin to skin time before Jake, Jack, Chris and Dan all wanted a hold and it wasn't long before my parents showed up. Again wanting a hold. This was one of the most perfect and special days for me and I was over the moon. Looking to Tom he smiled and kissed me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I replied. "James, what have you two decided to call this little beautiful bundle?" my mum asked. I looked at Tom who smiled. "Well we have thought about, and we came to a decision." I said. I walked to Mum as she handed me the baby. "Everyone this little man is Warren Robert Daley." I said. I was the happiest man alive right now as I looked down at my son and gazed into his little eyes. I was so happy.

Thanks for reading, I do like to hear from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x

Next: Chapter 31: Tom Daley and Me IV 1

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