Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Feb 6, 2013



This story is pure fiction. Any elements of truth are purely coincidence. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley . Chapter 3

I awoke the next morning at around 9am to kisses along my neck from Tom, and I giggled as I came around properly and saw him. "Good morning." He said. "Good morning." I replied. He snuggled in closer to me and wrapped his legs around mine as I put my arm round him and he lay on my chest. I was still smiling from what happened the night before. It was the first time me and Tom had made love and I felt like it had brought us closer. "How you feeling?" he asked. "On top of the world." I replied kissing him on the head. "So you don't regret last night?" he asked. "No of course not. Why are you having second thoughts?" I asked getting slightly worried. I think he knew this as my heart rate began to quicken. "Calm down, or your heart will go into overload. No I'm not having second thoughts at all. I told you, you mean the world to me and what we did only brought us closer." He replied. "You make me so happy." I told him. "And you make me happy." He replied getting up to kiss me. I smiled and we kissed some more. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked eventually. "Well, we can have breakfast and then we have to head to the pool to do a dress rehearsal which should last until lunch time and then we are free to do what we want until 5pm when we have to go back to the pool ready for the show tonight." He told me. "So basically we have about 5 hours together." I replied. "No you will be with me all day. I've arranged for you to be poolside." He said. I smiled. "Really." I said excited. He nodded and I jumped on him and hugged him. "Oh my god thank you so much." I replied practically screaming. "Come on we need a shower and to get ready for the long day ahead." He said. He jumped out of bed and pulled me up and we both got in the shower together and I felt the happiest I had been in a long time.

After showering and then heading down to the restaurant for breakfast, Tom and I made our way out of the front doors of the hotel and into a waiting car and away we went back to the pool. Once we got there, I followed tom to his changing room and watched him get into his speedos and then went and sat at the side of the pool watching the celebs dive and prepare as this was the last week before the semi-finals. I sat and watched the celebs hard at work and Tom was clearly trying to impress me by doing some fancy dives just to grab my attention. I giggled when he did them and smiled and he loved the fact that he was grabbing my attention. By lunch time the dress rehearsal was over and tom and I were allowed to leave for the afternoon. "So what did you think?" my beauty asked. "It was amazing, so much better than watching it on TV." I told him. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show. The best is yet to come." He said dropping his speedos. I smiled when I saw his cock hanging between his legs. "Wanna join me?" he asked. I walked over to him and kissed him passionately. "You mr, need to shower quickly and get dressed, I wanna go shopping." I said. "Fine you win, but you better be prepared for some punishment tonight." He said. "mmmm can't wait." I said giving him a cheeky wink. I couldn't stop smiling. He made the happiest man alive, and everything I ever dreamed of was coming true. I sat on the bench waiting for him to get out the shower when my phone rang. "Hello." I said as I answered. "Hey babe, how's it going?" it was kash. "Things are going great babe, how's things with you?" I asked. "Fine, just making sure your okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm fine, tom is just showering. We have been at the pool all morning doing dress rehearsal prep for the show tonight." I told him. "Sounds fun, what you going to do between now and the show?" he asked. "Go for lunch and do some shopping. I'm going to be sat pool side so I need something nice to wear." I told him. "Ahh babe. Well I'll be looking out for you, so have fun and ill come round and see you when your back." He said to me. "Okay babe. Love ya." I said. "Love ya 2." He replied. I smiled and put the phone down. "Who was that?" asked tom emerging from the showers and drying off. "Kash." I replied. "Oh he okay?" he asked as he started to get dressed. "Yeah just seeing how we are." I replied. "That's cool, I was thinking, we should do something with your friends tomorrow. You know something where I can get to know them better and they can get to know me better." He said to me. "That sounds like a great idea. For like the last 4 Sundays we have been going out to different places, so maybe this week we could stay at home and I could cook a big Sunday roast." I told him. "That sounds perfect." He replied. I smiled. "Great I'll text everyone and let them no." I said. I sent the text to everyone, and let them know that I was going to cook a giant roast and would be serving it up at around 4pm and almost immediately I received replies from everyone, and everyone said they were coming. "We are going to have a full house." I said just as tom was doing his hair. "How many?" he asked. "10, including you and me." I replied. "Really, are you going to have space for that many. We can always go out you know." He said. "Babe my table extends to fit 12 people round it, and I have a big L shaped sofa that fits 5, a 3 seater and 2 seater. I'm sure I can fit everyone." I told him. "Why so many sofa's?" he asked. "If you saw the size of my lounge and dining room you will understand. It's massive. If I didn't have as much as I did in there it would be like a hollow shell." I told him. "I see, and what's your bedroom like?" he asked. "That's something you will have to wait and find out." I told him. He smiled and we left the leisure village and got back in the car and headed for London centre. We headed for lunch first and tom made that one dead easy. McDonalds. He was starving. So we went to McDonalds on oxford street and there were plenty of girls swooning round tom and he was being polite and saying hi to all of them and posing for pictures and so forth and I was just happy to be smiling and going along with what was happening.

After waiting for ages in the queue we finally got our food, and sat and ate. It didn't take long for us to munch it down and then head out. "All I'm saying is, if you compare the 5 different TV Series, I think you will find that Voyager was the best." I said. While we were eating tom and I discovered something else we have in common and that so happened to be Star Trek. "Oh hell no, Deep space nine was so much better." He told me. "No way, Captain Janeway was far better and the whole story line was amazing." I replied as we walked down the street. "Oh a woman captain guiding a ship across an unguided region of space, sounds like hard work. Captain Sisko fought a war for 2 years." He told me. I punched him playfully in the arm, "You and me are going to fall out soon." I told him teasing. "Okay, shall we call this a mute point and leave it at that." He said trying to keep me happy. "Okay, well where shall we go?" I asked. "Well you said you wanted to find something to wear for tonight's show so this is entirely down to you." He said. "Okay well how about Selfridges." I asked. "Let's go." He said. I was about to grab his hand but thought against it. We walked into Selfridges and I was amazed by the size of the mens section. Tom helped me pick out an outfit that was nice. A pair of dark blue G Star Raw jeans, a pair of black pumps, a light blue superdry polo top and a grey Lyle and Scott zip up jacket. We got to the till and the guy started to scan it all through. "This is a great outfit choice for you." He said to me smiling. "Thanks, I'm going to see splash tonight so need to look my best." I said smiling best. "That's cool, is that how you know Tom Daley." He asked as I turned to see Tom looking at some tops. "Yeah we are old friends." I replied. "That's so cool." The guy replied as he was bagging my bits up and Tom walked over. "Okay, so that will be £295." The guy said. I looked in my wallet and found my credit card and was trying to pull it out when the guy said, "If you just pop your pin number in please." I looked up to see Tom entering his pin. "No Tom you can't." I said trying to push his hand out the hand. "Just shut up and put your wallet away." He replied smiling. "That's great if you just remove your card." The man said as he took out the receipt and popped it in one of the bags and then handed me the bags. "Have a great day." The man then said as I took the bags and walked out. "Thanks." I said to him.

We got outside the shop and I looked at Tom. "What?" he asked. "You didn't have to do that." I told him. "I know but I want my baby to look nice and it makes me happy to buy you things. I mean it's not like I can't afford it." He said. I stopped and looked at him again. He turned back and stopped and walked back to me. "What is it?" he asked. "Should I be insulted or not?" I asked. He looked at me and then said "About what?" "Your last comment, I can afford things on my own." I replied. "I know that, I didn't mean anything like that. I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." He told me. "I know and im sorry for being all defensive." I told him. He smiled and hugged me real quick. "It's okay." He replied. We continued to walk. "So if you don't mind me asking what do you earn?" he asked. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "I don't mind telling you. How much do you think I earn?" I asked. He laughed and said, "I'm going to guess about 25k." he said. "You couldn't be more wrong." I told him. "More or less?" he asked. "More." I replied. "Really, wow. So what is it?" he asked. "Without my bonuses, £39,000 a year" I told him. "SHIT!" he exclaimed. I giggled. "That's a lot. So what do you usually bring home about £3,000." He asked. "Ermm, it varies from month to month based on how well we do in sales, the more we sell and achieve our target the bigger the bonus. If we hit target dead on then its usually about £3,300 after tax. If we do more than our target which we do most months then its usually about £3,600 to £3,700." I told him. "Wow, so you really do well." He said. "Yeah I guess so. So come on then Mr Olympian. You must have some dollar?" I asked. "Well I guess you could say that. Given all the advertising campaigns I have been a part of and splash and then the olympics in 2008 and 2012 and then also the other championships I have done, in the bank right now I have about £285,000." He said. "Fuck me, so basically your minted." I said smiling. "Yeah, why your not a gold digger are you?" he asked smiling and teasing me. "Now didn't we just talk about this." I said smiling back. "Sorry babe." He said. We continued to walk until I saw the shop I was hoping to see. "Now a birdy told me that ice cream is your favourite desert and you have a big soft spot for it. So how about I treat you to a ben and jerry's?" I asked. "Deal." He said. We walked in and ordered our ice creams and then sat and ate them. Tom had opted for a triple scoop of Vanilla, Chocolate and cookie dough, whilst I had fudge and caramel double scoop. It didn't take either of us long to get through them before we left. We continued to shop and look about, and then finally at around 4 we stopped again for a quick drink before we headed back to the pool. As we sat in starbucks with hot drinks tom finally spoke up. "I have been doing some thinking." He said. I looked at him. "Okay." I said starting to get worried which he must have noticed. "Its nothing bad don't worry. Just something that may change both of our lives." He said. "Okay now im worried." I replied. He took my hand. "You know Jamie Cunningham?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied. "He's my agent. Well just before you arrived in London I spoke with him and told him everything. He told me that he was happy to support my decision to come out, if I wanted to. When I told him about you he said it was strength the case and the whole world would then know. He said It might even improve my career." He told me. "Okay, well if it's what you want then its down to you." I told him. "It's not just about me, it's about you as well. If I do this people are going to know about you and you will get mobbed for a while by the press." He told me. "I don't mind Tom, I love you, as silly as it sounds having only known you for a week but im here for you." I told him. "It doesn't sound silly, as I told you, im in love with you as well. You make me whole." He told me. I smiled. "Then do it. What about your friends?" I asked. "Well this week I told everyone I know who cares about me, all my diving mates and my family. Everyone was happy for me, for us. Most said they already knew." He told me. "Well there you go then." I told him. "So on Tuesday when I get back from yours I will do it." He told me. I smiled and held his hand and I knew then that we would be together forever. At 5pm we went back to the pool and I was taken into a dressing room with tom and got into my outfit and then someone came to do my hair and finalise me. At 6:45 tom and I headed out for the pool and I was shown my seat. It was right by Tom. At 7pm the show started and boy it felt good to see my man out there doing what came easy to him.

At 8:30 after a wonderful show, Tom did some final press and got things wrapped up for the night and at about 9pm we headed off. We had a small evening meal at the hotel before finally retiring to the room for the night. We sat and watched some TV and saw things from the news and watched some family guy and American Dad and finally at half 12 we shut off the tv, stripped off and climbed into bed. He snuggled into me and I felt so relaxed. "What time do you want to head off tomorrow?" he asked. "Well I need to be back at home for about 1ish, so I can tidy and get dinner prepped. But then I also need to actually go food shopping." I told him. "Okay well, we can set off from here at about 10. It takes about 2 hours doesn't it?" he asked. "Yeah that sounds good." He said. He turned over so we were now face to face. "Thank you for today." He said. "Thank you, you mean the world to me." I told him. He kissed me and this lead to passionate kissing and our hands roaming each others bodies. "mmmm you make me so horny." I said between kisses. He broke the kiss, grabbed me and pulled me on top of him and we continued to kiss. I grinded my hardening cock into his stiffening member. I broke the passionate kissing and went down toToms left nipple and then his right, he let out a groan of pleasure. I kissed between his pecs and down his stomach right down to his hard 8 inch cut cock. I licked the swollen mushroom head of is cock, Tom sighed. And then I took his shaft into my mouth. "Oh god!" Breathed Tom. I sucked on his cock, swirling my tongue around his shaft, tasting the saltiness of his precum, the wonderful odour of Tom. I could not pull myself off of his member. "FUCK MAN, that feels amazing!! But I need your cock! I need to suck on you too dude!" he screamed. I pulled off and moved myself around so we could get into the 69 position. I love sucking on a hot cock and having my cock worked at the same time. What felt like an expert cocksucker taking my member in his mouth was incredible! I moaned while Toms cock was still in my mouth. I pulled off his cock. "Ah Tom, you have some serious skill" I said, and I went back to working his gorgeous shaft and balls. He pulled off my cock, "Thanks, you have some serious skill as well. I hope you have skills when it comes to being a top." He said. I probably could have exploded at that point, but I wasn't near climax yet so it was okay. I moved myself again so we could do some deep kissing action again. "You want me to fuck you?" I asked. "I need you inside me," Tom moaned. "Ah dude, I want you so bad!" he added. "Me too," I said and our lips locked again. My boner was raging hard and was ready to penetrate a hot ass. I put on a rubber and lubed up the shaft and pressed the head of my cock against Tom's ass. "OH FUCK!!!" Tom squirmed. "I want this so much!" he shouted. And I pushed the head of my cock in. "Ah shit, ya! Oh god! Fuck ya!" Tom Moaned. I continued to push my hard shaft into his warm hot ass. I pushed in until my balls were touching his ass, and then I pulled out slowly. I pumped his ass at a gentle rhythm at first. We locked lips as I slowly pounded his ass. "Your cock feels amazing inside me," Tom moaned. "You ass is incredibly hot, and perfectly tight!" I said as I picked up the pace a bit, and was getting closer and closer at the sight of this hot stud below me taking every inch of me and loving it. Tom wanted it, harder faster, deeper. I pounded as deep as I could and our moans got louder and more intense with every thrust. "Fuck man I'm gonna cum!" I said. "Pull out and shoot in my mouth" he said. At that instruction I couldn't hold on another moment. I pulled my cock out of his ass, took off the condom and got up close on top of him with the tip of my cock in between those hot lips. I stroked my cock faster and harder, and then I began to shoot warm hot streams of jizz in his mouth. After four loads, he smiled and grabbed my head and pulled me into him and kissed me. He saved some of my load for me and made sure I had some. We both swallowed my hot cum, when minutes later he said he was ready to cum. I wanted his load the same way he took mine. Tom Daley style. I told him this so he got on top of me stuck the tip of his cock at my mouth and stroked his cock. Then He moaned and shot a wave of hot cum into my mouth. The hot jizz felt amazing hitting my lips and tongue. After he was done shooting his load, I pulled him close up to me. I was reluctant to share any of his load, but it was incredibly hot making out with him. I grabbed his hot hair and pulled him into me and shared his cum with Tom. We made out for at least half an hour after that. Then he moved over, right in the crook of my arm, pulled my other arm around himself and we fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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