Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jul 24, 2015



This story is pure fiction and has no basis on real life events. It in no way is affiliated with Tom Daley and anyone associated with Tom Daley. Everything written is purely from my own imagination and anything written that may be in relation to real life is purely coincidence.

Chapter 9

I knew when I woke that morning that something about today meant I should have gone to bed earlier. Something told me that today was going to be a very busy day. We were now 5 days away from the babies actual due date. Natalie had already come and moved in with us and was sleeping in what is now our spare guest room and the whole house was alive with baby fever. My mum and dad were texting and calling pretty much every few hours to find out if Natalie had gone into labour or if her waters had broke, as something of a tradition in our family was for babies to arrive early. "No Mum she is still very much normal and not ready to push just yet." I kept saying. I could understand this was their third grandchild, my sister having already had 2, my brother showed no signs of having any children and this meant something to them that I had. I woke up to doorbell going off. I jumped out of bed and headed down the stairs in my dressing gown and opened it. Two men both from different companies with 2 different sized vans were sat outside my front door. "After you." The younger one said. "Thanks, Mr Leete?" he asked me. "Yes." I replied. "I'm from babies boutique I have your pram, and im here to deliver and set it up for you." He said. "Okay come on in." I said opening the door allowing him with the big box and several little boxes on a push cart. "Just into the lounge please." I said pointing him in the right direction. "And you?" I asked. "I'm from the baby birthing pool hire company. I'm here to set up your birthing pool and fill it for you and show you how to operate the heating elements." The young lad told me. "Oh great." I said opening both doors now. "We want out the back, does it come with a cover?" I asked. "It does." He said smiling. "Then if you don't mind can you set it up outside. Straight through the kitchen and out to the back garden you will see our pool and hot tub just anywhere you can really." I said. "No problem." He replied. "TOM!" I shouted through the house as I closed the front doors. "He's gone to training. He left an hour ago." Natalie said. "Fantastic." I said heading for the lounge. "Are you okay in here?" I asked the man who was now ripping open boxes and making a mess of my living room. "Yeah I'm fine." He said. "Can I get you a coffee or anything?" I asked. "Sure coffee, black no sugar would be great." He said. "No problem." I replied heading for the lounge. I then went through to the kitchen and opened the back door to the young lad spreading the pool out ready to blow it up. "Are you okay out here?" I asked. "Yeah thanks, I do need a pwer supply though if you don't mind." He said. "We keep an outdoor supply." Pointing to the box of the wall that had 4 plug sockets in it. "Great, can I use this as well to connect the heater?" he asked. "Of course." I replied. "Thanks." He said smiling. "Can I get you a drink at all?" I asked. "A cold drink would be grand." He said smiling at me again. "Any preference?" I said. "Orange juice or something like that." He said. "Coming up." I said. Heading back inside I poured a coffee for myself and the guy with the pram and glass of orange juice for the pool guy. "You eaten?" I asked Natalie who was sat reading the morning papers. "Yeah Tom made me breakfast before he left." She told me. "Oh nice, he made it for you and not me. Such a lovely husband isn't he." I said. "Yeah the best." She replied smiling. "Hmmmm." I said smiling. "Can you take this coffee to the pram guy while I go out and have a fag and wake myself up." I said to her. "Sure then I'm going to head back upstairs and take a shower if that's okay." She said. "By all means. Is there anything you wanted to do today?" I asked her. "Yeah I was thinking about heading into Coventry on my own to do a spot of shopping." She said smiling. "No problem, I can book you a taxi and get one for you back." I said. "Thanks." She replied. I grabbed my coffee and the orange juice for the pool guy and headed out back. "Here you are." I said to the guy handing him his juice. "Thanks so much." He replied taking the glass from me. "So this is your first isn't it?" he asked as I sat down and sparked a fag. "Yeah it is, 5 days left until the actual due date." I replied. "Cool." He replied going back to the pool. He stood up again and looked back at me and then smiled a bit and had a strange look on his face. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He replied blushing and trying to go back to work. "No come on what is it?" I asked. "Well it's just ever since you sat down I've had a clear view straight up your dressing gown and I can see your cock and balls." He said smiling. "Oh my god." I said standing up and adjusting myself. "No problem, I liked what I saw looks nice and big." He said with a wink. "Just you focus on pumping that pool up rather than my package." I said with a cheeky smile. "No problem." He said turning back to what he was doing. I simply smiled finishing my fag before I got up heading for the pool house I grabbed a towel and headed back out to the pool. Taking off my dressing gown and standing totally naked I dived in to the pool and instantly got a look from this guy who was setting up the pool. "Now that's not fair." He said smiling. "I know." I replied laughing. I did a few lengths before the guy who had set up the push chair came outside. "Mr Leete I have set up the push chair if you would like to come and take a look." He said. "Coming be there in a second." I said heading for the edge where my towel was. Climbing out I grabbed my towel and I could feel the pool guys eyes staring at my arse. Wrapping the towel around myself I walked back inside and found the push chair set up. After a quick crash course in how to use it and where to unclip and how to put it down etc the guy soon left. This was almost instantly followed by Natalie who climbed into a taxi and headed off to town. This left me and the pool guy alone in the house. Feeling very cheeky I went back outside and deliberately let my towel drop as soon as I walked outside. He looked at me and smiled again. "This is so not fair, you have no idea what my cock is doing right now." He said cheekily. Looking down I could see the outline and very hard and fairly large cock. "Looks like someone wants to be released from their cage." I said smiling as my own cock started to get hard. "And it looks like someone is enjoying the idea of releasing him from his cage." He replied. "Well yeah." He said. At this he walked over to me and instantly got on his knees and engulfed my cock in his mouth and I instantly moaned out loud as the feeling of his hot mouth and tongue running up and down the length of the shaft. Bringing me closer and closer to the edge it didn't take me long before I dumped a big thick load down his throat, he quickly swallowed. "That was hot." He said licking his lips. "Not yet, but it will be." I said getting on my knees and ripping down his shorts. His long cock sprung out and was looking straight at me. I instantly grabbed it gently and plunged it in my mouth. Working my tongue over the head and then taking the whole shaft in my mouth and deep throating it I could hear him moan and I could see his knees getting weak. Grabbing hold of the 2 beautiful mounds that were smooth and amazing to the touch that was his arse I continued to take his cock deep in my mouth and making him moan to the point where he was ready to explode. It didn't take too much longer before he shot load after load into my mouth and I took the whole amount he had with joy. Standing up I looked at him and smiled as he pulled his shorts back up. "Thanks for that, always did wonder what a celebrity would be like giving head, especially one as hot as you." He said to me. I blushed. "Well now you know." I replied. "I'm Lukas by the way, Lukas Mannion." He told me. "No need to ask who you are." He added. "Thanks, well I need to shower and get on with my morning house work, you almost done?" I asked. "Yeah, just need to fill the pool up." He said pointing at pool which was now fully inflated. "Okay cool, well if you need me ill be in the kitchen." I said grabbing my dressing gown and heading off inside.

I went about my morning tasks, cleaning the kitchen, dining room and living room and the usual business of cleaning sides down, loading the dishwasher, loading the washing machine, dusting and hoovering when he finally came in and called me. "Okay so the pool water is now ready. When she does go into labour simply turn on the power supply and the pool will heat pretty much straight away." He told me pointing to the power cable. "Thanks and the cover?" I asked. "I'll cover it before I go. It is totally water proof as is the power lines and your all set." He said giving me the information booklet and packing his bag back up. "Thank you." I said as he headed back inside. "I'll be back when she has had the child, either yourself or Mr Daley can contact the office and arrange a collection time suitable." He told me. "Thanks." I said. "Oh and about before, thank you and don't worry it will stay between us." He told me. "That's good to hear." I said as he let himself out the door and went on his way. I returned to my house work chores, mopping floors and loading the dryer before heading upstairs. Making beds and clearing the bedrooms down and hoovering I cleaned Natalie's bathroom before heading into mine and Tom's and taking a quick shower. Once done I cleaned that bathroom, got dressed and headed downstairs. Making a shopping list I grabbed my phone and keys, wallet and fags and took off out the house and drove to sainsburys. A quick dash around the shop and I was done with food shopping having spent ?400. Getting home I unloaded the shopping and just as I was done the door opened. "Hey." Natalie called coming in with bags of shopping. "Hey, have a good day?" I asked. "Yeah got myself a few bits for after the birth." She told me. "Glad to hear it, well you take your time to relax and im going to make a start on dinner. We have Chris and Dan and Jake and Jack over for dinner tonight Tom just text me saying they wanted to come over." I told her. "That's cool, what you making?" she asked. "Homemade, naan bread pizza with feta cheese, chorizo and caramelized red onion, with salad and tomato and garlic flat bread." I told her. "Sounds lush." She said. "Drink?" I asked. "Water would be grand." She said lowering herself down onto the sofa. I grabbed her a bottle of water before heading back into the kitchen. "okay fag then cook." I said to myself. Grabbing a fag I went outside and sparked up and did a quick check of my phone and browsed through facebook and twitter. One thing I did notice whilst I was looking through Instagram was that Tom had been liking an awful lot of things that Dustin Lance Black had been posting and the same was to be said of facebook and twitter. Feeling a little curious I opened up my web browser and logged into Tom's facebook, doing a little check of his messages I could see there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Checking his twitter I found the same there was nothing to be worried about. However when I checked Instagram I found what I didn't want to find. InstaDM which was the direct messaging on Instagram there were messages back and forth between Tom and Lance, things that a married man shouldn't be saying, and then the kind of pictures that a married man should not be sending. I was so annoyed at seeing this. I logged off and went back inside to start cooking while I thought about what to say to Tom. I grabbed the Naan breads out and covered all 12 of them in tomato puree, then began to slice the feta cheese in to thin slices and finally slicing the chorizo into fine slices. Covering all of the naan breads with two items until they were nicely packed I went to work on dicing 4 red onions and frying them in honey and when they began to caramelize I took them off the heat and covered all the naan's in the red onion. Finally placing them all on 6 baking trays and filling up the oven I went to work on preparing a salad and sorting out the garlic flat breads. As I was washing the salad and slicing things, the doors opened and in walked Tom with Jake, Jack, Dan and Chris. "Heyyy." Tom shouted through the house. I didn't reply I just continued cooking. I heard them all go into the lounge say hi to natalie and then make their way into the kitchen. "Hey babe." Tom said. "Hi." I replied bluntly. "you okay?" he asked. "Fine thanks." I said not even looking at him just carrying on with the salad. "You sure?" he asked coming up behind me. "Don't!" I snapped. "What's up with you?" he asked moving back. "Nothing that can't wait until later." I snapped again. "What you on about?" he asked trying to creep to me. "Tom I swear I have told you once I have told you the last time, get the fuck off me and go have a shower or something, just stay out of my way for now. Not when we have guests seriously!" I barked. "If you need us to go we can?" Chris asked. "No not at all, I have been slaving away cooking for ages now. It's just him he knows how to piss me off." I told them. "You sure?" Jack asked. "Yes!" I said trying to fake smile to them all. "Okay if you say so." Chris answered. "Just help yourselves to drinks and I'll be back in a minute." I told them grabbing a fag and heading out through the side door and sitting pool side with my feet in the water. "BASTARD!" I thought to myself. "The more things change the more they stay the same. And if I have learnt anything from knowing you for the last 6 years it's that when something is playing on your mind and you don't want to talk about it you end up fake smiling then sitting away from everyone and smoking like a chimney. So come on out with it!" Dan said sitting next to me. "Don't seriously before I end up either crying and making myself look like a twat or worse going upstairs and trying to drown Tom in the about 6 inches of water in the shower and look like a bigger twat." I told him. "What's he done?" he asked me. "I was sat here an hour ago having a fag going through my phone and I noticed that he had been liking a lot of things on instagram, facebook and twitter of Dustin Lance Black's." I told him. "Isn't that the same guy who tried to?" Dan said. "Chat Tom up last year and made some bitchy arse comment in the news that Tom should leave me and be with him, yeah the same fucked up old bent queer." I said getting angry. "Calm down, so what has you so annoyed?" he asked me. "Well this got me thinking why was he liking so much of Lance's stuff so I logged into his facebook and twitter and checked his messages nothing really major there, but when I checked his Instagram I found he had been private messaging Lance, and it's stuff that a married man, my husband to be more precise, should NOT be doing!" I told him. "Like what?" Dan asked. "Well I found naked pictures being to Lance, I found messages like when I'm next in the US without James we can meet and I'll fuck you so hard. All the bollocks that I did not want to be reading." I told him. "This makes me laugh, we are classed as A list celebs and we still do the same thing and go through the same shit we did when you lived in the foyer and I lived with my mum, when we were just normal gays instead of celebrity gays." He told me. This made me smile. "Yeah, only thing is now we have to try and keep it out of the public eye and make it look like everything is rosey just to save their fucking careers." I said taking a fag from Dan and sparking it. "So just calm yourself down let's go in and enjoy your fabulous dinner and when we all go you can ask him about it." Dan said. "Yeah and maybe kill him. I can be a single parent." I said jokingly. "Not if you go down for murder." Dan replied. I laughed as I launched my fag across the garden and headed back inside.

As I got back inside I lifted the trays out the oven just at the right time. Serving them out on to serving dishes and then taking the two salad bowls over to the table I grabbed the garlic breads from the second oven and sliced them up and then quickly lay the table. Dan helped me bring the rest of the food over as I went back into the living room to find Chris, Jack, Jake, Tom and Natalie all sat watching the TV. "Dinners ready." I said. Everyone got up, Jake helped Natalie up as I walked back to the kitchen. Tom was right on my heels as I went across and put the trays in to the dishwasher. "So what was that about earlier?" he asked grabbing me by the arm. "Grab me like that again and see what happens. You may be some big shot Olympic diver, but don't think your too big for a broken nose. Now I said we will talk about it later and we will talk about it later. So in two simple words from me to you. FUCK OFF!" I said smiling and going over to the table. I sat at the head of the table as everyone came and sat down. "This looks lush." Jack said as he grabbed a naan bread and some salad. Tom sat at the opposite end of the table to me giving me a stare. I simply ignored it and carried on. I knew this would wind him up more because he couldn't stand not knowing what was going on my head and I could see from the look on his face he was close to breaking point. I continued to eat away and chat with Jack and Chris who were sat next to me not once did I make eye contact with Tom. Dinner was soon over and after some idle chit chat people began to make their way home. "See you soon babe." I heard Tom say as he closed the door on Jack and Jake. "I'm going to take a lie down. Sounds like you too need to talk." Natalie said heading out the kitchen and heading up the stairs. Tom came strolling through and lent himself up against the kitchen side watching as I filled the dishwasher. "So you going to talk now?" he asked. "When I'm ready." I replied not looking at him still. "OH COME ON JAMES WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" He screamed as he launched a glass towards me, luckily it missed and hit the wall above me. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID YOU MAD BASTARD!" I screamed. "Just tell me what I have done and why are you in some fucked up mood." He asked still with a raised voice. "DUSTIN LANCE FUCKING BLACK!" I said to him as his face dropped. "That answer your question." I asked him. "What about him?" Tom asked. "You tell me you're the one who seems to enjoy sending him InstaDM's. Naked pictures of yourself, when im next in the US without James im going to fuck you. That ring anymore bells." I said slamming the dishwasher closed and grabbing a fag before heading outside. I walked down the far end of the pool and sat down in the veranda. "So I messaged him so what?" Tom said coming outside. "What do you mean so what? Your my fucking husband, till death do us part, together forever, one man for each other never straying, never thinking of another man. Does that mean anything to you at all."I said to him. "James it was harmless messaging, I don't actually want to fuck him." Tom said sitting next to me. Attempting to put his arm around me I moved away. "Don't! Just don't try and creep next to me saying I don't actually want to fuck him and then me to say okay tom no problem. What the fuck is your problem? Am I not doing it for you? Am I such a major turn off? What is it Tom because I am about 30 seconds away from calling a solicitor and having a divorce put through and that contract changed to say that I will be the sole parent to that unborn child and having you turfed out of this house. I can't even stand to be near you right now!" I told him. "The truth?" he asked. "Yes the god damn fucking truth. For once tell me the truth." I said. "Fine, 2 weeks ago Lance messaged me trying to get me to meet him. I told him to back off and leave me the fuck alone. He told me that if I didn't do what he asked then a whole heap of lies would soon start to appear in English papers. So to save face I have started sending him messages and pictures. If you look properly those pictures aren't even me. Since when was my cock that small when soft. Never. I sent him fakes. The idea is that he will send me dirty messages and pictures, then when I have all I have I plan to expose the whole lot. He is a gay rights activist in the USA trying to fight for gay rights and at the same time is blackmailing me to send him pictures and messages. I also know for a fact the man is heavy user of cocaine and heroin, but no one knows this as he does it all in private. I have pictures of him with a dollar bill rolled up his nose as he sniffs a line off a toilet lid. I'm going to make his life a hell like he did for us last year. Believe me babe I'm not a cheat and I have no intention of cheating on you or ever will, I'm simply doing this to save us." He told me. "So why not tell me about it? Why not ask me to help? Or at the very least tell me what you were doing. Husband and Husband. We share everything. No secrets, no lies. Marriage is a bond you and me. What's mine is your and yours is mine and all the other crap. We are in this together Tom." I told him. "Because you have enough going on with the baby coming and getting Natalie ready, making sure that the house is set up and trying to manage your career. I bet your forgot we have a photo shoot together tomorrow afternoon haven't you?" he asked me. "Which one?" I asked. "See, we have the GT monthly naked issue to do, you, me, Jake and jack." He told me. "Oh Christ I forgot." I replied. "So you can please stop being angry with me and lets forget about this." He said to me. "Fine, but next time tell me." I said. "I will I promise you, and sorry about the glass by the way and dinner was delicious." He said kissing me on the cheek. "No problem." I replied kissing him back.

Heading back into the house and finishing clearing up, Tom and I decided to call it a night and head off to bed. Climbing into bed he moved in behind me and simply looked at me. "You know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise what we have." He said to me. "I know you wouldn't, don't stress." I said turning to face him. He kissed me softly as our lips met. I could feel myself getting hard. It felt like it had been so long since we had sex I just wanted him here and now. "I want you." I said between kisses. "I want you too baby." Tom said. He got on top of me and his lips hit mine and we started to kiss passionately his tongue exploring my mouth. His hand ran all over my naked as mine did on his my 8 inch cock throbbing. He started to suck my cock running his tongue over the head. It was amazing. He came up and kissed me before I did my usually trick and wrap my legs around him and flipped him over. He laughed his 8.5 inch cock rock hard which I immediately took a hold of and took it all the way down to the base in my mouth... he loved it when I deep throated him. He screamed in pleasure and I continued to suck him softly my head bobbing up and down and occasionally running my tongue over his purple head. I came back up and he kissed me before flipping me over again and raising my legs in the air. I loved it when he fucked me. He wet his finger and started to trace my pink hole before he lubed up his cock with his spit and slowly entering me. The first time he did this to me I felt like I was being torn apart, now I had gotten used to it but he still went slow just to make sure he didn't hurt me. When he was completely inside me, he started to fuck me gently, going in and out and in some case coming all the way out and then going straight back in. It was so hot. He continued to pound my tight hole fucking me fast his cock hitting my prostate continuously making me pant and breath loudly. The beads of sweat were dripping down the side of his face and I could feel the heat off his body and this was making sweat and the combined heat between us made me even more horny as he continued to fuck me hard. "Ohhh fuck, yes Tom keeping going. I love you so much." I screamed as he kissed me again long and passionately. He soon started to tense up as did I and I knew soon we were both going to cum. Sure enough he pulled out of me and sprayed cum all over my chest before I also released a stream of thick hot cum all over my body. Tom then came down and slowly ran his tongue over my body cleaning up the mess we had made. When he had he came up and kissed me and I could taste the mix of both our cum in his mouth. He then rolled off and collapsed next to me "That was amazing" he said. "Yeah!" I said out of breath. I wrapped my legs around his and drifted off to sleep with my hand on his chest.

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Next: Chapter 30: Tom Daley and Me III 10

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