Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jul 22, 2015



This story is pure fiction and has no basis on real life events. It in no way is affiliated with Tom Daley and anyone associated with Tom Daley. Everything written is purely from my own imagination and anything written that may be in relation to real life is purely coincidence.

Chapter 8

"So in light of this, you think that a water birth is the way you want to go?" I asked. "Yeah, a home water birth is my preferred option." Natalie explained to us. "No problem we can get you a pool to have the baby in and organise with the midwives to come here to the house and do it all from here." I said. "Yeah of course and you know we would want you to stay a few days before the actual due date." Tom said as we were sat on skype to Natalie. "So more to the point are you boys set to go?" she asked. "Yep everything bought and set ready to go. Only 4 weeks to go." Tom replied. "I am more nervous the thought of now being full time parents is nerve racking." I said. "James you will be more than fine I already know it." She said. "Glad you do. Anyways let us know if you need anything and we will see you soon. Ill get onto the midwives and arrange for the pool and the home birth." Tom said. "No problem." She said. "Speak soon babe." I said as we ended the call. "Okay so you do that I have to head off to meet Jack, he wants me to help with their wedding plans." I explained. "Okay babe, have fun with that one." Tom replied as he kissed me. I grabbed my things and headed out the door. I found Jack just waiting by my car for me. "Ready?" I asked. "Sure let's go." Jack replied. We jumped into the car and took off. "So you're sure on this place?" I asked. "James you know as well as I do that this is what we want." He said. "Fine, I was just checking." I replied. After an hour of driving we arrived at the hotel that both Jake and Jack had chosen for their wedding. It was a beautiful boutique style country manor hotel in the heart of the Warwickshire countryside called Walton Hall Hotel. It was set on 70 acres of land with beautiful views and enough space to hold the wedding. As we walked the grounds Jack pointed out the different areas he liked and how he saw the day. As we walked around I noticed that there was a more corporate looking side to the hotel obviously for business guests and then when you reached the hall part that was very rustic and had the old world feel to it. As we walked in and looked around the young lad reception stood up and walked towards us. "Good Afternoon sirs, may I help you?" he said. Removing my ray ban sunglasses I looked at him and smiled. "Yes my name is?." He started to say before he cut me off. "I know who you are sir, and may I say what an honour it is to meet you." He told me shaking my hand. "Thank you." I replied. "And you must be Mr Laugher." He said to Jack who know also removed his sun glasses. "That's me." Jack said shaking his hand. "So what is it I can do for you gents?" the lad asked us. "Well we were hoping to speak with a wedding planner if possible." I said. "Then you are looking at the right person I am the wedding planner for the hotel. Who's wedding is it you are looking at organising?" he asked. "Mine and my partner Jake's." Jack replied. "That's good to hear for a second there I thought the two of you were looking at getting married." He said laughing. I had to laugh. "No definitely not us." I replied. "So if you would like to step this way I can take some details down and hopefully build you a perfect wedding." He said. I looked at Jack who smiled as we followed the young lad into an office.

Once in the office we sat down around a round table and he began to make some notes. "So first off I'm Adam, the wedding co-ordinator for the hotel. So it's the Laugher and?" he said trailing off. "Williams wedding." Jack replied. "Fantastic and a date have you set one?" he asked. "Yeah the second weekend in April next year." He said. "Okay so that would be the 9th April. We do have that free. And in terms of the day what are your thoughts?" he asked. "Well we want to do the whole lot here, we would like an outdoor wedding, so chairs set up in the grassy area out the back there." Jack said pointing out the window. "An arch at the bottom with flowers, preferably white tulips. A string quartet at the front and to the left hand for the introduction music. We already have an idea of colour schemes, which is red, cream and gold. In terms of flowers, like I said white lillys and red gerberas are our selected choice. In terms of food and drink we were hoping you had set menu's that we could choose from. People wise we are having around 100 people in the day and up to 200 in the evening. We will be wanted about 50 rooms which we are going to cover the expenses for and also to have a bar tab going for drinks which we can settle on departure." Jack told him as he wrote all of this down. "That's fine, so people wise that is a good number. We can use the banqueting hall and dress it in your colour scheme. Menu yes I have set menus here for you to view for both the wedding breakfast and the evening menu. Plus we have a drinks menu for guests after the ceremony." He said handing Jack some menu's. We looked them over and then Jack just spoke up. "Okay so set menu 3 is wonderful. Then set drinks menu 2 is fantastic and the evening menu is number 5." Jack told him. "No problem so your wedding breakfast menu is Slow roasted tomato and herb soup served with warm fresh baked rolls to start, main is a full beef roast with all the extras and desert is Sicilian Lemon Cheesecake. Drinks you have opted for the pimms or bottle of corona or a soft drink and then evening menu is a large selection of hot and cold buffet food." He explained. "That sounds fantastic." Jack replied. "In terms of champagne what are your thoughts?" he asked. "Prosecco for the toast." Jack said. "Wonderful and then the last thing is music?" he asked. "Do you have a DJ that can do the evening reception?" Jack asked. "We sure do, so that can be sorted for you and in terms of the wedding breakfast what would you like?" he asked. "The quartet from the arrival at the ceremony to play while people are eating." Jack replied. "No problem, so I have everything I need, let me go and build you a price and come back to you in say 15 minutes." Adam said. "Sure we are just going to get a drink at the bar and have a fag." I said. "No problem just tell the bar the drinks are on me." He said. I smiled and we left and headed for the bar. After ordering and sitting outside the young waiter brought us our drinks as I sparked a fag. "So you and Jake have really thought about this haven't you?" I said. "Yeah we have, proper looked into detail and we are happy with our choices." Jack replied. "Good and so thinking ahead now, what else do you need to do?" I asked. "Well as we have all day I want you and I to go to London after here and get the suits ordered, and then go to the boutique shop you and Tom went to and order the invitations, plus the shop down from that and order the cake and then to the jewellers and order the rings and then that's absolutely everything done before the wedding. We are going to ask you and Tom to drive us here. We have both had a little disagreement about the best men and who we wanted." Jack told me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well Jake wants you and Dale and his dad as his best men. I want you Tom and Chris as my best men so we are fighting over you mainly." He told me. "And who won?" I asked. "I did, Jake is going to have Dan instead." He told me. "That sounds wonderful. So when we order the suits where are you getting them from?" I asked. "Gucci of course, they said they have all of our measurements still on file from your wedding so that will be easy and I already have Jakes dad, dale and tylers sizes and his nephews size as well on me to order those today." Jack explained. "So you really do want to get all this done today then don't you?" I asked. "Yep I can't be dealing with spreading it out. I want it done so then all I have to do is do everything the week before the wedding, like hair and eyebrows and facials, favours and all the little things." He explained. "Okay I can deal with that." I said as I text Tom to say I would be home late as me and Jack were heading to London. "So your excited then?" I asked. "Yeah and nervous, I mean I have to admit I have kind of had a few thoughts lately about what happened when we were on your honeymoon." He told me. "Really, in what way?" I asked. "Just wanted to give it another try but this time do the whole lot." He said. I smiled at this and thoughts started to enter my head. "Well it would only be right for you to try it just in case so you can make an informed decision for your wedding." I replied winking at him. "I hear you on that maybe we should ask to view some rooms." Jack replied. We both immediately got up and headed inside. "Adam can we view a room or 2 so we can have a look while you do the costings?" I asked him as we got to his desk. "Sure, here is my key card, go up these stairs take a left and it's the first room on the right. There are two more along that corridor." He said writing down the room numbers and handing us a key. "Thanks we won't be long." I said. "Take your time." He replied smiling. We climbed the stairs and followed where to go and finally found a room. When in it I locked the door as Jack quickly removed his T-Shirt before he grabbed me and pushed me up against the door and probed my mouth with his tongue. I then turned my attention towards the swollen package hidden underneath Jack's tight jeans. I kissed my way down Jack's body sending waves of pleasure up Jack's spine. I slowly unzipped his jeans revealing Jack's 8 inch cock in all its glory. I marvelled at his tool and licked my lips at the sight of his low hanging balls. I slowly licked down Jack's body towards the prize I so wanted. Once I arrived, I took in Jack's scent and began to lick the head of his cock. Jack moaned lightly in approval. Then I took Jack's huge tool in my mouth and began to bob up and down on Jack's cock while Jack moaned and called out, "OH Yeah, James, suck my cock baby!" After several minutes of sucking Jack's delicious piece of meat, I sat up and removed my shirt. Then Jack licked my nipples almost throwing me over the edge. Jack worked his way down marvelling at my beautiful, smooth abs. He then removed my jeans to see my cock hiding under my boxers. Jack licked his lips and slowly removed the boxers allowing my 8 inch cock to spring up and slap my stomach. I moaned lightly and said, "Jack, please suck my cock, give me pleasure baby." Jack was happy to oblige taking my extremely thick cock in his mouth and sucking it like a pro. In no time, after loud moaning and screaming, I came in Jack's mouth. My orgasm was more powerful than anything I had ever felt as my body shook and my cock convulsed and pulsated volleys of cum into Jack's awaiting mouth. Jack swallowed every drop. Then I smiled and asked Jack, "Baby, will you please fuck me with your huge cock?" Jack agreed, taking a condom from his pocket, and sliding it on his 8 inch monster. I lay on my back, my legs over Jack's shoulders. Jack slowly began to shove his cock into my hole. I winced in pain but begged him to continue the assault on my awaiting hole. Then Jack shoved all his cock into me so his pubes were touching my perfectly formed ass. I screamed and cursed, but finally I became used to the huge tool and was ready for Jack to fuck me. The fucking began slowly, Jack not wanting to totally destroy my ass, and then slowly progressed to a moderate pace. The whole time I called out, "Oh my God, YES JACK...YES...GIVE IT TO ME....IT FEELS SOOOO GOOD! OH YEAH!! AHHH!" Then the two lovers flipped so Jack was laying on his back with me impaling myself on his cock and riding him like a cowboy. Jack then began to meet my thrusts as our flesh slapped together. After about fifteen minutes, I then propped myself up on a chair with Jack behind me fucking my ass. Finally, after about an hour of fast paced fucking, Jack called out, "OH GOD BABY, I"M GOING TO CUM AHHH!". He ripped off the condom and then shot his hot load down my throat. I swallowed every drop of the gushing cannon as volley after volley shot from Jack's cock. I had never seen that much cum let alone tried to swallow it. As soon the hot passion had started we had finished and quickly regained our composure and left the room, but not before Jack kissed me deeply for one more time.

Getting back down the stairs, Adam greeted us. "So what did you think to the rooms?" he asked. "They were lovely." I said. "Good well if you would like to follow me I have costings for you." He said as we returned to his office. Once inside we retook our places and then Adam opened his pad and began to tell us the cost. "So the final total for your wedding which includes the rooms, the venue hire, all the flowers, the food, the drinks, the DJ, the string quartet, the table dressings, the chair covers, our in house photographer and everything you asked for is ?59,690." Adam said as he handed us the piece of paper. I skimmed it through with Jack and then he looked at me and smiled. "Okay so do you accept Amex?" Jack asked. "Yes sir we do, so to confirm you are happy with this and you wish to proceed." Adam asked. "Yeah this is wonderful I am happy to go ahead and this will make Jake's day." He said. "Okay so let me go and grab the card machine." He said as slipped out of the office and returned a few moments later. "So how much do you want to pay?" adam asked. "The whole lot." Jack said as he handed Adam his Amex card. "No problem." Adam said and within a few minutes everything was done. Adam took a photocopy of all the details for Jack and we were soon on our way.

Climbing back into the car I drove us down to London and after several hours and ?30,000 later Jack had ordered the suits, the cake, the invitations, the rings and was feeling very happy with himself. The drive home we talked about all that still had to be done for the wedding and how much the day would mean to Jack and Jake and it was nice to know that while Jack's cum had been down by throat within the last 6 hours and I could still taste it and to know that Jack had fucked me hard and fast just the way I liked it we could still be like this. Once we arrived home Jack came in and spoke with Tom and asked tom to be his best man. Jake soon joined us after he finished work and Jack and I filled him in on all the details and Jake was delighted with the whole lot. This in turn led me to cook dinner for the 4 of us as we discussed everything else. The evening was just how I liked it to be. Friends talking about a major event in our lives and what with everything we had coming our way in the next few months I knew we were going to need it. "Oh by the way I sorted the midwives and the birthing pool out today." Tom told me. "Birthing pool?" Jake asked. "Yeah Natalie has agreed to do a home birth and also a water birth." I said. "Sounds great." Jack said smiling at me. After several hours of continuous chatting and laughter the boys headed home as Tom and I climbed into bed. He cuddled in behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest. "So you excited for Jake and Jack's wedding?" he asked me. "Of course, won't be as good as ours though." I said smiling. "Nothing can top that day. It was the day you became all mine." He said. "Oh yeah, well guess what your about to become all mine." I said as I rolled over on top of him. Using my legs to open his legs I moved between his legs as I kissed him deeply and passionately. "Mmmmm baby, what do you think you about to do?" he asked me. "This." I said as I lifted his legs in the air. My cock rock solid I slowly moved closer and closer to his hole as he felt the tip against his tight hole. "Oh yeah, you wanna fuck me do you?" he asked. I nodded in reply with a seductive and sexy look on my face. He leaned forward till his lips were pressed against my ear. "Take me baby." He said. This needed no more to be said as I pressed my dick into his tight hole and pushed myself all the way in as Tom screamed out in pleasure. One thing he loved was me going in to dry into his tight hole. He was rather weird like that. Tom's body glistened in the low lights, covered in sweat and glitter as I fucked him. My dick was at least 8 inches long and just as thick as Tom's and the whole length of it was being pounded into him. I had a rhythm as he grinded his arse against my cock. I slapped his ass, grabbing it tightly after. "You fucking like that?" I asked. "Ye-yeah" Tom said, and he meant. "Tell me you want it harder" I taunted him. "Fuck me harder!" He cried back. I rolled him over on to his front and continued fucking him. His legs spread so far apart. I grabbed a hold of his shoulders and used them as leverage to fuck him even harder. Tom shut his eyes and groaned lost in a new combination of pain and pleasure he had never felt before. Tom's breathing grew heavier and his muscles tightened. I continued to push into him as fast and furious as when I first started and soon I could feel the build up of cum ready to explode out of my cock. I pulled out of him, turning him over and climbing on top of him. Straddling my husband I stroked my 8 inch cock. Tom's lips pursed and he shut his eyes, blowing my load out across him. The first shot hit across his cheek and dripped down his jaw. The rest of my hot seed found it's way across his chest and then finally his belly. I stood up off the bed. Tom just laid there, not quite sure what to make of what just happened. Tom walked over and grabbed me by my hair. Pushing me back down onto the bed he straddled me and began to pump his still hard cock and within a matter of moments his dick exploded all over my face as the hot sticky cum slid down the side of my face and began to slide down my chest. Tom wiped the last bits of cum off his still raging hard cock by wiping them against my lips. He then got off me and walked over to his mirror and started wiping off the sweat and sex that was all over him. "I'm so sorry about that, I guess I turn into a proper horn dog when I get the urge to cum I hope I didn't hurt your hair." Tom said smiling. "Don't be sorry I actually enjoyed it and it really turned me on. In fact I'm up for round 2 already." I said. "Bring it on." Tom said as he walked over and lifted my legs in the air. "Now it's your turn to get fucked but this time even harder." He said. I moaned at hearing this as he slowly began to push against me. I was in heaven. "I fucking love you Tom Daley." I screamed as his cock got all the way in me and he began to pound my hole the hardest he ever had before. He really wasn't taking any prisoners with me today and all his anger that he seemed to hide away came out and he took all that out of my raw hole. "I fucking love you too James Leete." Tom screamed as he continued to plow into me and make me his bitch. "YES YES KEEPING FUCKING OH MY GOD DON'T STOP!!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice. "Yeah take my cock bitch." Tom said between fucks. Within minutes we both exploded. Tom released his hot sticky load straight into me and in turn I shot mine all over my chest. As Tom's cock began to flop I could feel him slowly come out of me. Quickly standing up I ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on. After a quick shower and washing away the cum and sweat from our heated sex session Tom and I traded places as he jumped into the shower after me. I dried off and straightened the bed out before climbing back into it. "That was amazing, the best I think we have had yet." Tom said still breathing heavily. He climbed into bed next to me as I cuddled up to him and lay my head across his chest listening to the sound of his heart beating. "Your my world I hope you know that. I need you more than air. I love you so much." I said to him. "Your my rock, my all, my soul mate I love you more than anything else. I would die if it meant saving you. I Love you so much." Tom said kissing me on the forehead. "Good night my prince." He said as I my eyes drifted. "Good night my sex god." I replied. This made him chuckle as I fell asleep on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I was in heaven.

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Next: Chapter 29: Tom Daley and Me III 9

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