Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on May 2, 2015



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 3

Chapter 6

"Tickets?" He asked. "Check." I replied waving them at him. "Passports?" He asked. "Mine, yours, Jacks, Jake's, Chris's and dan's. " I replied going through them one by one. "Money?" He asked. "$20,000." I replied waving the envelope. "Credit cards?" He asked. "Both Amex cards and both debit cards." I replied waving them at him. "Clothes packed?" He Asked. "4 suitcases each packed and ready one per city." I replied. "Good then we are all set to go in the morning." He replied. "Tom your such a worrier." I said kissing him. "Well this is the longest we have been away." He said. "Yeah and 4 different city's" I said. "Are you excited?" He asked. "Of course I can't wait to jet off in the morning." I replied. He kissed me again. "Well I'm off for a shower." He said. "Okay I'm going to pack our hand luggage." I said. "Okay be sure to pack the ipads the jet has wifi." He told me. "Yes dad." I replied rolling my eyes. "Don't be cheeky or ill have to teach you a lesson." He said. "Ooo you know I like it rough." I said "dirty fucker." He replied. "Don't forget I'm also going to tesco with jake and Dan to collect our fag orders." I said. "Sure babe. Are you getting more in duty free?" He asked. "Of course." I replied smiling. He rolled his eyes before climbing the stairs. I grabbed both our hand luggage bags and started to put stuff in for me my Ipad, 50 shades of gay which was the gay version as well as a pack of lighters, phone charger and Ipad charger and my air force one script. I also had my schedule and a ton of paperwork from the films and tv shows i was doing which i really had to make head way with. Tom had his Ipad, a few baby books, his training programme for upcoming months as well as his schedule and food plan. The baby books made me laugh as he was such a worrier. He had so much experience already with his younger brothers as much as I did with my nephew and cousin so I knew we were going to be fine. A knock at the door brought me back to reality as I was checking the bags. I went out into the foyer and opened the door. "Hey." I said to jake and Dan who were both stood waiting for me. "Tesco?" I asked. "Yeah." Jake said smiling. "One sec just need to grab my keys and credit card." I said. I left the doors open as I went back to the lounge and picked up my car keys and Amex card off the table. "Ready." I said leaving the house and closing the doors.

They climbed into my car as we set off. "I still can't believe you got an evogue. Thought you would have gone for a Q7 like Tom. " Dan said. "Didn't think about it . I prefer this one why you jealous?" I asked. "A bit maybe." Dan replied laughing. "You haven't done so bad either of you. Jake you got driving lessons and a car an audi at that. Dan, Chris bought you the x5 you wanted." I said. "True." Dan said. "Is this your Amex card?" Jake asked grabbing mine from between us. "Yeah why?" I asked "Jack just ordered mine for me and I was just curious. Where can you use them?" He asked me. "Everywhere basically. So you got approved then." I asked. "Yeah ?75k limit. What did you end up with?" He asked. "Tom and I have a joint one we got 500k between us." I said. "Fuck that's huge." Dan said. "I know but we won't go anywhere near that each month we barely get to ?10,000 because we use our debit cards for everything." I said. "True me and Chris got Mastercards with santander on a joint account and we got given ?20,000 and we don't go anywhere close to that." Dan said. "We just use debit cards." He added. "How much have you guys taken in dollars?" I asked. "We got $20,000" Jake said. "Same." Dan said. "Same here I think when the boys went and did it they must have gone together." I said. "They did. Jack said Tom got it all the whole $60,000 that way it made it cheaper and we got more for our money." Jake said. "Oh really. " I said. "Yeah then Chris and Jack transfered the money over." He told me. "Tom never said." I replied. "Must have forgot." Dan added. "No doubt." I replied as I pulled into the parking spot at tesco. As we all climbed out of the car and headed inside we all heard people saying things like look it's the diving boyfriends or look it's Tom daley husband. We all just smiled and walked through and towards the click and collect area. As we walked to the desk the woman looked at me. "Mr leete just bear with me while I grab your order." She said. As she took off I could feel someone looking at me. I looked around and spotted a guy dive behind a stand. "One second you two I think someone keeps staring at me." I said as I walked over to where I saw the figure. As I got closer the person still hadn't moved. I turned the corner and came face to face with my stalker. "Troy!" I exclaimed. "Hi James." He said. "You know the rules your not meant to be within a mile of me." I said. "Fine but I'm still glad I saw you again." He said walking away. I breathed out and headed back. Troy was a 19 year old gay guy who was obsessed with me since I became a public figure followed me on all social network sites and then found out where I lived and followed me around town when I was out. It all came to a head about 5 months ago when he got hold of my number and started messaging me some really inappropriate things and started Sitting outside the house. It got so bad it was Tom that suggested we get the court order enforced and so it happened. "Who was it?" Jake asked. "Troy." I said. "Oh god." Dan said. The woman returned with the bags of fags. I took them off her and headed out of the store. I gave dan and jake theirs as we drove off home.

The rest of the evening was spent with Tom in the gym we had set up in one of the spare rooms whilst I blitzed the house and got it all clean ready for us leaving in the early hours of the morning. Jake and I spent a good 2 hours on the phone, he was doing the same as me cleaning while Jack did lengths in their pool. Dan was busy packing with Chris as usual leaving things to the last minute. I ran around cleaning the kitchen and dining room before moving into the lounge hovering and dusting I felt very much like Mrs Doubtfire. Once I came off the phone with Jake I switched to my Spotify playlists which were filled with music to keep me motivated. At half 9 I was finally done as I sat outside with a nice cuppa and a fag on the go. Everything was finally ready for the morning of madness we had coming our way. "Hey baby." Tom said coming outside in black shorts and white muscle vest dripping with sweat. He kissed me softly as he put his phone down on the table next to mine, "mmm you taste of sweat." I said. "Sorry." he said smiling. "You all done?" I asked. "Yeah are you?" he replied. "Yeah, you stink though." I said smiling. "Oh charming love you to. Well to be fair I did work bloody hard and it is a hot night I do need to cool off." he said. "Well maybe I can help with that?" I said moving closer and closer to him as he stepped back the more I got closer until he was right by the pool edge. "How are you going to help?" he asked. "Like this." I said stepping forward and kissing him putting my hand on his chest. I broke the kiss and pushed him back as he lost his balance and landed in the pool with an almighty splash. Coming back up from underwater his white vest now see through he smiled. "Bitch." he said. "Did it help?" I asked as he peeled off his vest his rock hard abs and pecs now showing in the dimly lit pool. "Yeah." he said. I rolled my jeans up to above the knee and sat down at the pool side with him. He swam towards me and lifted himself out slightly to kiss me and throw his top onto the side. He soon went back into the water and pulled away his shorts and I could see from underneath the blue water he was going commando and this point was proven when his bare naked arse was displayed as he was swam around. I saw him at the end of the pool doing some breath tests underwater and seeing how long he could last. I relaxed my neck and began to look up at the stars. I was caught completely off guard when I felt myself being pulled from the water edge and landing into the pool. Surfacing and looking around I could see Tom behind me. "Fucker." I said smiling and spraying him with water. I pulled off my T-Shirt and took off my jeans underwater, like Tom I was commando, and I threw them on to the side of the pool as I swam over to him.He wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped my legs around him as he held me up in the pool our lips locking and our tongues flicking and fighting against each other. "Mmmm, I love you so much." I said. "Thanks." he said with a cheeky smile before dropping me in the water and swimming off. "Hey." I said going after him. "What?" he said laughing slightly. "Oh charming I say I love you and you say thanks. Fine I'm going to bed then." I said heading for the side. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around and pushed me against the other side of the pool. "Of course I fucking love you. I love you so fucking much." he said getting close to my face his lips touching mine. I could feel his hardening cock grinding against my own very stiff member. He could feel this and soon let go of me as he took a plunge under the water. I waiting wondering what he was going to do when I suddenly felt his familiar tongue and soft lips wrap themselves around my hard on as he began to suck in the oh so special way that he did. His tongue gliding up and the shaft and across the head his tongue touching the slit and driving me wild with every move he made. He managed to hold his breath for a long time under the water as he continued to work my cock and make me moan out loud. He soon came back up after I shot my hot load into his mouth. He surfaced as he swallowed my load. He spun me around and I could feel his hard 8.5 inches ready and waiting to enter me. He worked his way closer to me and began to push his way in slowly and gently until I felt the head enter. The water in the pool was great as it worked kind of like lube so he slid in very easily. "So tight." Tom moaned as I moaned louder at feeling him inside me. When he was completely inside me, he started to fuck me gently, going in and out and in some case coming all the way out and then going straight back in. It was so hot. He continued to pound my tight hole fucking me fast his cock hitting my prostate continuously making me pant and breath loudly. The beads of sweat were dripping down the side of his face and with the water around causing splashes and ripples as he continued and the combined heat between us made me even more horny as he continued to fuck me hard. "Ohhh fuck, yes Tom keeping going. I love you so much." I screamed as he kissed me again long and passionately. He soon started to tense up as did I and I knew soon he was going to cum. It didn't take long for it to happen as I felt his cock swell more before I could feel him shoot at least 7 loads of hot cum inside me. "Ahhhhhh." He shouted as he exploded. He collapsed on to me kissing my back. "Well no need to shower now." Tom said making me smile. We both climbed out the pool and headed inside grabbing our clothes. Turning out the lights we locked up the back and headed up to bed. Sleep greeted me happily that night as i slept in the crook of Tom's arm. It was 7 am when my alarm woke me up. I got out of bed and noticed Tom was already up.

Going out to the hall I heard the treadmill going. I went back into the bedroom smiling and jumped into the shower. After a quick wash and shave I headed back to the bedroom where I made the bed and got dressed. Choosing a pair of superdry slim fit jeans, a Ralph Lauren t-shirt and a Donna Karen zip up goodie matching those with a pair of Nike hi tops I headed down the stairs to grab Tom some water and fresh orange. I headed back up and took them into him. "Hey babe. Only got 5 minutes to go." He said. "No worries everything is ready down stairs I'm going for a fag. Make sure you shower jake and everyone will be here at half 8." I said. "Sure babe." He said. I headed down the stairs and grabbed myself a drink and headed outside. We had decided that it would be easier and more practical to drive our own cars to the airport. Then when we landed in each city take one suitcase for that city each so that's why we packed 4 suitcases and leave the other 3 on the plane as the plane would stay where we were and the pilots would have the time off to explore. It worked well for them and for us. Cost us more though. As I Sat Outside I got a text from Jake to say they were getting ready and one off my mum and sister to say have a nice time. Mum was going to be checking on Natalie our surrogate whilst we were away. We had been to see her before we took off on holiday and she was doing well at 10 weeks. The first scan was in 2 weeks but they pushed it back a week for us so we could be there. In all I was happy. Half 8 came around quick and eventually everyone was set. We all sat in the lounge checking last bits. "What's the car plan out there Tom?" Chris asked. With their being 6 of us it was tricky. "James sorted transport." Tom said. They all looked at me. "Okay in new York and Vegas we have a limo service at the hotel specific to us in Canada we have a private taxi transfer from the airport to the resort and back again but as the place we are staying is small and our the way we don't need cars there everything we need there. However fort Lauderdale is the best. I have hired us 3 luxury cars for the time we are there. We have an audi r8 which is mine and Toms jake you and Jack have a Mercedes slk and Chris and Dan you have an audi tts turbo sport. So yeah we will be okay." I said. "Sweet." Jack said. "So let's fucking go." I said standing up. We loaded the bags into the cars we took Toms and he drove and away we went.

It took less than an hour to get to where we were going. When we got to the airport we grabbed trollies as the boys parked the cars and handed over keys. Once the trollies were loaded we headed in to the terminal and after a quick stop at the desk for private flights we were sent through security via a private screening room. This took minutes as we were checked over and sent through to duty free. I made a dash for the fag area as did dan and jake and once i had bought and paid for 2000 Fags I went to the perfume area and stocked up on my favourite sprays and grabbed some chocolate for the flight. A little trip round the superdry duty free shop resulted in me and tom walking out with several pairs of jeans a few tops and a hoodie before we were on our way to the gate. We had been told to head to an out of use gate where we would be met by a member of the airport team and led to the jet. All the while we were shopping and walking around people asked for selfies and tried to hassle us and to be honest the attention was lovely no abuse from the public for once. When we got to the gate it was a short walk across the strip to get to the jet. Our bag trollies were taken from us by the handlers of the jet and we carried on our hand luggage and shopping. Once aboard we each found seats everywhere had two seats and a table between and there was enough room for us all to take a table each. I could see 2 cabin crew members were on board to take care of us. I took a seat and relaxed as Tom looked across to me and smiled. Time for the holiday to begin. "Okay gents and ladies this your captain speaking." A man said over the intercom. "Now that everyone is on board we can finally get underway slightly ahead of schedule. Our altitude today will be roughly 26,000 feet. Clear skies are expected all the way to new York so it should be a smooth ride. Our estimated flight time is a little under 8 hours landing at approximately 10 am local time. Our cabin crew for the duration of your holiday will be Harry and Laura both of whom are at your service. But for now just sit back, relax and enjoy the flight." He said. I smiled at Tom. "Can't believe we are finally getting away" i said. "I know about time really." He replied.

The flight was uneventful and filled with idol chit chat and people relaxing and when we finally landed the sun was out and it felt like we were on holiday. After getting off the plane and led through the airport again via private security screening rooms we got to the exit each with one suitcase where the limo was waiting for us. The driver took our bags and away we went to the hotel. The short drive meant we could take in some sights and see what was happening before we finally got to the new York palace and towers hotel. As we entered the lobby we were greeted by a porter who took our bags. "Name?" The receptionist asked. "3 rooms under the name of daley. " I said. She smiled and took a swipe of our cards as deposit for extras. Getting our keys were headed off to the rooms. When we got to the rooms they turned out to be suites that were huge. Tom and i looked around before he wrapped his arms around me. "Let's get unpacked and changed so we can get out there and explore." Tom said. I kissed him as I grabbed the cases. Tom did some exploring of the luxury suite while I hung out our clothes and got us settled in. This of course didn't take me long and once i got the clothes hung up Tom returned to bedroom part of the suite smiling. "What you smiling at?" I asked. "Well jake and Jack are testing the bed springs and Chris and Dan are checking the shower pressure." He told me wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh really and would Tom like to play too." I said smiling and wrapping my arms around his waist and letting my hands rest on his rock hard pecs. "Well I would like that yeah." He said in a child like voice. I smiled and let my hands slide downwards into his jeans feeling his cock start to swell up. "Mmmmm." He said turning to me and kissing me. "Let's not waste time then." I said as he swooped me up into his arms and threw me onto the bed and climbed on top of me and onto the bed. It didn't take too long before our clothes were on the floor and our bodies became one as he fucked me into the next room.

After what felt like hours of the most passionate and amazing sex Tom and I had ever shared we headed into the shower to freshen up before meeting the others and heading out into the big apple. This wasn't my first time here by any means so it was nice to show the others who hadn't been before the sites and of course the shops. This was how we spent the next 4 days and in all fairness the remainder of the holiday all of us exploring the sites and enjoying being in each others company. The skiing was such a great work out and was really good for us all the maintain our figures.great for us all to maintain our figures. As for Vegas, well Tom and Jack showed of their skills of poker and black jack and between them both of them managed to walk out with over a half a million dollars. None of us could complain about that. It wasn't until we got to fort Lauderdale the holiday really began to heat up. We all soaked up the sun and spent loads of time in the pools and on the beach and enjoying being a lively atmosphere. It was during our time in fort Lauderdale that Jack asked Jake to marry him and of course Jake had said yes, so there was true cause for celebration. The entire 3 weeks we were away was such a lively and exhilarating experience, that by the time it came time for us to head up we were all so relaxed the idea of heading back didn't bother us as much.

Landing back in the UK at 3am, we headed for the cars and drove the short drive from the airport to home where we all said our goodbyes before Tom and I went off to bed. Sleep greeted us all so well, and by the time the morning arrived I was very much refreshed and back on UK time, and today was a big day for us. It was our first baby scan. So after getting up and heading out we met up with Natalie as the exclusive retreat and took her to the doctors. Sitting there as the nurses put the jelly on her stomach as the ultra sound began it took merely seconds before we could really hear a very strong heartbeat. "Congratulations guys, the baby is very healthy and progressing very well. I am happy to say you are out of the danger zone and from the swaps taken as requested and even though it is very early stages there haven't been any signs of any abnormalities, everything is absolutely perfect the baby is 100% healthy. So I've booked you in for the next scan in 8 weeks and it will be at this time we will be able to confirm the gender and pick up on the babies progression better. So for now relax and unwind and enjoy this moment." she said. "Thank you." I said. The nurse left as Natalie did her self up. "How you feeling?" tom asked her. "Really good, I'm so glad the first stage is going so well." she said. "Us too." I said smiling. Tom snapped a lot of selfies with Natalie as we both kissed and held the bump before we uploaded them to Instagram and twitter for our followers. "Loving life to the max." Tom said as he kissed me and took one last selfie. I felt so happy.

Thanks for reading, I do like to hear from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x

Next: Chapter 27: Tom Daley and Me III 7

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