Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Feb 2, 2015



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 3

Chapter 5

In the next few weeks that passed following the release of the story that Tom and I were expecting our first child, the press activity had been incredible. People were leaving us messages on twitter with name suggestions or even just to wish us well. The families were over the moon for the whole idea that we would be parents and of course making them grandparents. Overall I would have to say I was happy, happier than I had been in a long time. At home things were going smoothly. Jake and Jack had bought a place together just down the road from us, and Chris and Dan were renting the house directly opposite as the current owners had emigrated to Australia. The house was fairly quiet now that we were on our own but they were still coming round to visit and eat us out of house and home. The baby coming had also started me on a craze. I was shopping like crazy to buy everything for the baby coming even though we had 9 months to wait. I had already got everything, from nappies, to stair gates, to bottles, a steriliser, a push chair, a high chair, toys, clothes, everything you can think of, and for the most part I had got it all in one day. Tom had also been hard at work decorating what was Jake and Jack's room which was directly next to ours. He had painted it all a natural colour as we weren't sure of the sex of the baby and he had been building all the flat pack. The mosses basket and cot were set up, the high chair and smaller bits I was able to do myself. But for the most part the house was alive with baby fever. But this doesn't mean our careers had taken a break in the slightest. Tom was still hard at work diving and training and had recently won several competitions across the UK and in Europe. The bank balance was being very well topped up in no small part to Tom. We had already had to set up an account for the baby in my name as people were being so generous towards the idea of us having a child. Our followers and mere strangers to us had been posting cheques to Jamie's office. When we got the call to say that we had mail there, we rushed over to find a sack full of letters and cheques to the tune of ?25,000 in total. This kid was being truly spoilt. My career was even better, all my photo shoots were done and out the way. I had spent a week in the US doing publicity for the return of As the world turns and for Dante's cove. I had also received the script for Air Force One and was hard at work reading that through. So as you can tell things were getting busy for us to say the least.

"Hey babe." Tom said coming into the kitchen as I stood by the back door having a fag. "Hey babe." I replied. "How's your day been?" he asked. "All good, busy with house work and food shopping." I said. "Proper little housewife." He said making me smile. "Don't get to use to it, when the baby comes you're going to have help me with it all." I said. "Don't panic I will. Jamie and Andy have already said I had a month paternity leave when he or she arrives. "Good, because I'm going to need all the help I can get." I said wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing him. "You will get it don't worry. Now I have been a busy bee today for us as well." He said. "Oh really." I said. "Yep, how does 4 nights in new York doing some sightseeing and shopping, followed by 3 nights in Vegas seeing the shows and casinos, then jetting off to Canada for 5 nights there skiing, then to round off 9 days in fort Lauderdale to soaking up the sun sound?" he asked. "Ermmm sounds like a dream." I said. "Good, because the two of us, along with Jack, Jake, Chris and Dan are jetting off for 3 weeks to do it all." He told me. "Oh my god really when do we leave?" I asked. "Next week so we need to go shopping." He told me. "Then we should go but tomorrow." I said. He smiled as he came over to me. "That's a good idea because right now i have something else in mind that you and I can do." He said as he removed his top before grabbing the bottom of mine and pulling it over my head. His lips locked onto mine and his tongue slowly slid into my mouth. "Mmmmm" I moaned as I moved my hand to the front of his trousers and slid down and inside to the feel of him going commando and his throbbing cock pulsing in my hand. "Ohhhhh" He groaned. "I love you so fucking much." He said between kisses. "I love you more." I replied. He quickly pushed me to the floor on to my knees as I pulled down his joggers and engulfed his hard cock into my mouth and began to work my tongue over the head which was already dripping with pre cum. I began to suck his cock tasting the pre cum as it continued to leak. "Oh yeah don't stop!!" Tom exclaimed throwing his head back as I worked my magical tongue across the tip of cock and made him weak at the knees. "Oh god I can't wait I need to Fuck you now" He said. "Take me baby" I said. He pulled me up and spun me round pushing me across the kitchen side and pulling my jeans down followed by my boxers exposing my smooth naked ass, his cock still dripping he started to slowly work it into my tight pink hole and before I knew it he was all the way inside me and slowly began to pick up the pace pumping faster and harder, I screamed out in pleasure as he fucked and it felt like he wasn't going to stop. "Oh baby don't stop keep going." I shouted. "Oh yeah baby I'm going to fill you up." He said the sweat dripping off us both and the heat between was intense. It didn't take long before I felt this huge wave on intense pleasure coming up from my feet travelling up my legs and as if on que tom exploded inside me as I shot my load everywhere. "Ahhhhhh" we both screamed in pleasure. Still slumped over the kitchen side I felt my body relax as Tom collapsed onto my back kissing my neck and shoulders. "That was..." Tom started "fucking amazing." I finished. I leaned back and turned my head and kissed him. "Come on we need to shower." I said

Later that night we made dinner and relaxed in front of the TV watching the chipmunks movie, both of us clearly regressing to our younger years. As we snuggled up I had a sense of completeness hit me. I was 25 married and expecting my first child. I was rich, lived the luxury lifestyle and was living the dream I had since I was 15 and then to top it off I was married to a man who at one point in my life I used to ogle at and think how amazing it would be to be with him and now I was with him. Everything had totally come together for me. I continued to have these thoughts right up to when I went to bed wrapped up in Toms strong muscly arms. When I awoke the next morning I smiled to myself. I stretched out in bed and saw the sun shining through the window. I turned to look at Tom who was soundly asleep. I moved across to him and kissed his neck. He smiled and slowly opened his eyes. "Morning beautiful." I said. "Morning gorgeous." He replied. We shared a long and passionate kiss before my bladder reminded me that it was morning. "I need to pee." I said getting out of bed and strolling across the bedroom naked and into the bathroom. After peeing I went back into the bedroom to see Tom playing on his phone. "I'm going down to start breakfast so get up you lazy fucker." I said throwing him his dressing gown having put mine on. I walked down the stairs and grabbed the papers from the mail box and threw them down on to the table by the door and went into the lounge and drew the curtains and opened a window before I went back grabbed the papers and into the kitchen. Turning the coffee maker on it began to do its thing as I grabbed a glass and poured myself a glass of orange juice before grabbing a fag and going out to the back and sitting by the pool as I smoked my morning fag. I couldn't ever function without it. As I finished I put it out and went back in as Tom was sat reading the front page of one of the papers. "Bastard!" He said. I went to him "what Babe?" I asked before looking down and seeing what I never thought possible. The headline read 'DIVING COUPLE CAUGHT IN THE ACT' then there was a picture of me with Toms cock in my mouth and then 2 further pictures of Tom behind me as he fucked me with 2 different facial expressions. From the angle of the picture someone had been stood on the fencing at the back of the house to get a snap like this through the window. "Olympic diving star Tom daley,21 and his husband James Leete, 25 were photo'd in a very compromising position yesterday. The pair were seen to be engaging in Sexual intercourse during mid-afternoon in the kitchen of their luxury 1.7 million pound home. The couple who are expecting their first child soon are yet to make a statement of these events." I read aloud. "What the holy fuck!" Tom ranted "this is invasion of our privacy." He added. "Don't let it bother you." I said. "How can I not? There are some things of my life I like to keep private and that is definitely one thing we should be allowed to keep to ourselves." He said. "On the plus side though it was only this one time it happened to be seen." I said. He looked at me and then relaxed before cuddling me. "I'm sorry babe." He said. "Look let's just contact Jamie get him to do some damage control and go off on our holiday and relax." I told him. "Your right as usual." He said kissing me. At that moment my phone began to ring. It was Jake and Dan doing a conference call. "Hey." I said answering. "Hey" they both said. "James have you seen the sun? " Dan asked. "Yeah, I'm on it." I replied. "Bit bad to be caught like that!" Jake said. "Tell me about it" I replied. After spending a few more minutes talking with them, Tom came back to me from the lounge. I hung up my phone and looked at him. "Jamie released a statement for us saying that we are mortified that our privacy has been invaded and we are not going to apologise for something we do in our own home. And also he said that if anyone else prints anything related to this story will be sued for slander." He told me. "Good!" I said grabbing a fag. "Now do you see why I use these things." I said to him. "I am beginning to." He replied.

After cleaning the house, showering and dressing we left the house in my car and drove off to London to some shopping in time for our holiday. Jack and Chris tagged along armed with lists from Jake and Daniel for their bits as well. On the drive we talked about the newspaper front and what it meant for us. People had been tweeting us about it saying that they felt we should have our privacy and it was wrong of the papers to do it to us. As we pulled up into our usual parking area and got out a few paparazzi started to snap shots of us. "Not now guys." I said. They soon left and we locked up the car and began to walk to the main shopping area. As we walked, Tom and I holding hands, people were looking and pointing. "Don't give them the time of day." Jack said. "Can I get a picture please?" A lad asked. I looked to Tom who smiled. "Sure" I replied. The 4 of us posed and took the selfie. "Thanks. By the way I think the papers are so wrong to do what they did." He said. "Thanks kid." Tom replied. He left smiling as I smiled at Tom. "Come on guys let's shop." Chris said. And so it began, we hit every shop we loved from Selfridges to Gucci to Abercrombie to superdry, spending so much money we finally stopped for lunch at burger king. As we sat down eating we sat there minding our own business chatting away, when a guy walked over to the table "so your the little queers that were all over the sun doing your dirty fudge packing" He said. "Excuse me??" I said looking up. "You are just a bunch of dirty little fucked up rejects." He said. Tom and Jack both stood up. "Sit down now!" I said to them both sternly. Tom sat down along with Jack. "Good little queers!" the main said. "Listen to your bitch." He added. This time I got up and moved past Tom. "Listen mate you have made your point now just do one." I said getting close to him. "Don't get so close I don't want your faggot stench near me." He said pushing me away. "Don't push me." I said getting angry. "Or what?" He said pushing me again. "Just for the record you guys saw him push me twice right?" I said to some teenagers sat at a table. They nodded. "Good. Now I said don't push me. So I'm going to give you one last chance to step away and do one before I do something i will regret." I said. "Try much faggot. " He said pushing me again. I was now flared up to the max. I turned to Tom as if I was walking away, the guy smiled at other people in the area thinking he was smart before I swung myself back around fist clenched and swung my arm around with such force as I connected with his jaw. This shocked him as he fell backwards and hit the floor with a thud. Tom came over to me and pulled me back. "Enough James!" He said. The manager and 2 members of staff walked over. "Don't worry Mr Leete we witnessed the whole thing." The manager said. It didn't take long before a couple of on foot officers came to us and after a short statement they were satisfied enough to let me go. As we left burger king a woman stopped me and told me I did well. "There's no need for homophobic abuse like that these days" she said smiling at me. I thanked her as we left and headed for the car. On the drive back we talked about the incident and tom calling me his hero it made me smile. I felt loved.

(THE FOLLOWING PART OF THE STORY IS WRITTEN FROM A 3RD PERSON POINT OF VIEW FOR EASE OF WRITING) That evening after cooking dinner and chilling out it was time for something Tom and James had been waiting for. Their 3 way with Dan Osborne. When he arrived no time was wasted before they ended up stairs. He slowly pulled his tight white shirt off over his head but hesitated when it came time to take off his pants. He unzipped but stopped right there. Not one for wasting any time, Tom tossed James to the bed and yanked his pants off so hard that his briefs even came down, but not completely off. James pushed them off with his feet then flipped over to his stomach so that perfectly smooth, bubble butt of his was in full display. He didn't know what to do but he thought this was what they wanted. Tom flopped down on the bed with his dick staring right at James' face. James opened his mouth slowly and pushed his head forward but again his smooth skin was greeted with a sharp slap. "Did you ask for permission, bitch?" Tom inquired. "No I'm sorry... Can I suck your dick?" "Say sir." Dan said while positioning himself behind James. "Can I suck your dick, sir?" James felt like such a nobody but it weirdly turned him on. His biggest fantasy was finally happening. He opened his mouth wide, Tom grabbed the back of his head, and suddenly his mouth was full of hard cock. He instantly started choking because he had no time to get used to the size but Tom showed him no mercy. He wrapped his legs around James' head and pumped his dick in and out of his mouth while tears began to form in his eyes. To make sure that James wouldn't break the hold Dan was holding his hands behind his back while rubbing his huge member against James' ass. He needed to breathe, his face was already a burning red and he didn't know how much longer he could keep going. Finally Tom dropped his legs and James threw his head back gasping as if this was his first breath. Tom yanked him back down by his hair and slapped his saliva soaked cock all over James' face. James gripped Tom's loose sack with one hand and licked all over them while Tom continued to pop his dick on his face. He took one more deep breath and tried to get that big dick all the way down his throat but unfortunately he only managed to get about half of it down. Luckily for James, Tom was there to wrap his legs back around his head and force feed his dick down that beaten throat. Meanwhile, Dan was absolutely going to town on James' ass. He had three fingers and tongue jammed as deep as they could go. This wasn't the first time Dan had rimmed someone but it was the first time he got to do it to James' fat ass so he was loving it. He would pinch and slap his cheeks, even bite them but nothing was providing him more pleasure than devouring his bandmate's tight, smooth, pink hole. With a dick shoved down his throat, a tongue and fingers shoved up his ass, James was going through massive waves of the purest pleasure. He refused to even touch his dick because he knew if he did his load would come shooting out over the bed sheets. He used one hand to rub all over Tom's warm sack while the other jerked off the bottom half of the shaft while he worked the top. Wanting to make sure he was doing a good job he looked up at Tom who had his head back with mouth wide open, yeah James knew he was doing a good job. "You want my dick in your ass?" Dan whispered into James' ear. "Yes sir." "Tell me you want it then." "I want your big, fat dick in my ass sir. Fucking drill me please Dan give it to me!" Ask and ye shall receive. Dan jammed almost his entire cock into James with no kind of building sending the poor bottom into pain he never knew existed. He tried to run away but Dan had the tightest of grips on both his shoulders, as well as Tom still holding him down, so he could do nothing but take it. Tears were forming in his eyes again, he was clawing at the bed and moaning in pain but that didn't stop Dan at all. He thrusted his thick member in and out of James' warm hole at a quick, but not too quick, pace all while refusing to let that poor boy get used to the damn pipe that was now jammed deep in his ass. James' body started to loosen up and he found that the sharp pain had now turned into pleasure. He didn't feel eviscerated every time Dan pulled out halfway, as a matter of fact he wanted that dick to stay in him, he wanted it all the way inside. He started throwing his fat ass on Dan who caught the idea without hesitation. Dan was now pumping into James at a maddening pace, his heavy balls slapping loudly against James' thick thighs, sweat starting to form on each other's body, moist skin sliding against moist skin, deep long moans feeling the roam, the stench of dominance emanating from every pore on Dan's glistening, muscular body. James was in heaven. He had one dick in his ass and another poking around his throat. He had two guys turning him into the bottom bitch he always wanted to be. On one end he had Dan damn near smashing his guts in while Tom had completely worked his mouth beyond the wildest dreams. But he had another idea in his head. He wanted both guys in him but in the same hole. He knew it would hurt like hell and by the time this was all over he probably wouldn't even be able to walk but for James all of that was totally worth it. "Fuck me Tom." "What?" "Put your dick in me!!" "Dan is fucking you." "I want you both fucking me, do it pleaseeee I need it. Fuck me baby." Tom and Dan high fived each other and James knew it was about to happen. Dan gave one more power thrust then pulled out so Tom could slide his dick inside. Once Tom had his head in James sat his ass all the way and grinded just so he could know how it felt to have only Tom in him for a bit but Dan arched his ass back up and slowly pushed his thicker dick inside. James' eyes damn near bulged out his head and his jaw dropped but he didn't want this to stop. He bit down on the pillow and moaned deeply as both boys somehow managed to get both of their dicks in his once tight hole. Something life changing. Both boys started to fuck at a faster pace but no matter how careful they were one of them would eventually pop out of James' ass, but he liked it because they'd jam it right back in more forcefully than last time. He grabbed his dick and jerked it like a madman, he knew he was on the edge but didn't care. His balls tightened and he could feel the cum churning inside, a load brewing that would easily shame every past load he ever had. James' legs started to shake and his feet trembled like he was having a stroke, and then rope after rope of his goo shot out all over Tom's body. Unfortunately for James, he had no idea that that was not supposed to happen. Before he could even finish shooting his load James had already got 3 slaps straight to the face from Tom. "Who told you to fucking cum?!" Tom asked with one hand wrapped on James' throat "Nobody... I just wanted to. I'm sorry sir." "Yeah I got something for you, Dan let me get this real quick. Now you lick this shit off me bitch." James responded with glee at the thought of licking his own seed off Tom's toned body. At first he was surprised at the salty taste but the warmness made everything better and he licked the boy clean. Before he swallowed, Tom stuck his tongue down his mouth and the two basically engaged in a cum-filled kiss, with Tom using his tongue to scoop out some of that seed. Tom then positioned himself back under James and slowly slid his dick inside his ass. He pushed his lower body up into the air, grabbed James by the neck and well... tore him apart. Tom was enraged and he showed it by drilling James' poor hole into next week. The poor bottom was screaming his lungs out, panting like a dog and begging for mercy but Tom refused to let up for even a second. Dan still standing behind James quietly watching his ass just ripple with each power thrust Tom gave him. His hole getting so damn stretched out he'd be able to store something in there to last through the winter. Tom kept digging his dick in deeper and deeper because he could feel that he was on the verge. His thrusts weren't as rapid as they once were but they were still just as deep and hard hitting. He pumped one last time and collapsed onto the bed as his thick cum shot into James' used ass. Tom then pulled out with a loud pop then walked to the bathroom to clean off. James fell face first into the bed still panting. "You're not done." Dan said while rubbing lube over his still throbbing cock. "Come on Dan, please can I just suck it. My ass feels worn out." "Get on your hands and knees. Then arch that ass up." "But-" Before he could even finish his sentence James had Dan's underwear stuffed in his mouth and the latter putting him into position for another pounding. He thought after Tom filled his ass with cum that there would be no way for him to get back in the mood for another round but having Dan stuff his underwear in his mouth had him anxious for another load getting dropped in his soaking hole. James hopped on all fours and arched his back as much as he could. He wiggled his ass in the air and even slapped his hole, teasing Dan surely. Dan grabbed a chunk of James' hair in a tight grip and shoved his meat all the way inside. Most guys would pull back out then push back in slowly but Dan was a different kind of animal. He had wanted to fuck James since the photo shoot and now that he was finally doing it he wanted it to be unforgettable, to be painful, but also pleasurable. Dan was slamming his dick so hard into James you'd think he was purposely trying to break the boy in half, his long slab of meat viciously rearranging his insides. James' eyes were repeatedly rolling into the back of his head, his entire body would start shaking so much that James thought he was going to cum again yet Dan was able to keep him from reaching that peak even though he was giving James the most pleasure he got in his life. For what seemed like hours Dan drilled James for dear life. The bed was violently rocking, the floor creaking, the sheets soaked in sweat. Tom sat on the floor against the wall with his eyes closed beating his meet. He didn't need visual when the sound of Dan's massive balls slapping against James' thighs, James moaning like the most submissive bitch in history, and Dan hurling out all kinds of obscenities was enough to get him off. Dan's eyes began to roll back, his legs felt weak and were trembling.. he was about to blow. But he didn't want it in his bottom's ass, he wanted to fill that mouth. Right as he was about to release he pulled out, turned James over and coated the back of his throat with the thickest, warmest cream he ever dropped. He came so much that James started to gag and cum was spewing out of his mouth, even though Dan's dick was still throbbing around his throat. Dan crashed on the bed first, out of breath but slowly stroking dick, James got under the wet covers, while Tom was sprawled out on the floor with his soft dick touching the floor.


Later that night after Dan left and Tom and I showered we cuddled up in bed. "I fucking love you." I said. "I love you more especially after tonight." He replied. He pulled me into the crook of his arm as I drifted off to sleep. I felt so peaceful and content. I had my sexy husband with me and this was all I needed.

Thanks for reading, I do like to hear from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to

James x

Next: Chapter 26: Tom Daley and Me III 6

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