Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Nov 26, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 3

Chapter 4

"Okay folks that's a wrap." The director of the shoot said. I had to smile as I saw Tom out the corner of my eye looking at me. I uncoupled myself from Dan as we were given gowns to put on seen as we were both naked. For the last several hours the photographer had put me and the gorgeous Dan Osbourne in to a wide variety of posses that involved us getting up close and personal. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first about being put with this Greek god style of a man, but that soon went away after we talked and got to know each other. He was cool with being shot naked with me and having to get so up close and personal. I smiled to myself on the first shot that we were both naked, he was clearly very surprised about the size of my junk and I was just as surprised by what he was packing. The same could be said about my shoot with Justin Bieber the week previous. That was great fun to do and we both got along so well. As I walked off the set over to Tom he pulled me into a hug. "That was fucking hot." He said smiling at me. "Tell me about it." I replied. He kissed me passionately and this turned me on more. "Mmmmm" I moaned. "I love you so much my sexy husband" he said. I smiled. "Love you more" I replied. "Go get dressed so we can meet the others at the restaurant." He told me. I took off for my dressing room still smiling. Everyone from the shoot was stopping me and saying well done. As I got into my dressing room I looked myself over in the mirror and I liked what I saw. All these months of hitting the gym and swimming had really worked. I was brought out of my trance to a knock at the door. "Come in" I said. The door opened, "hey bud just thought I'd drop in." It was Dan. "Come in" I said. He flashed that stunning smile and came in closing the door behind him. "Just wanted to say cheers for today you were a proper gent." He said. I smiled. "No thank you, most guys wouldn't consider getting naked with a gay guy but you were all good about it." I replied. "Mate its cool. We're all the same. In more ways than one." He said with a wink. This peaked my interest. "Do explain" I said. "Well just say I've been known to put my hands in both pies." He said. I stood there dumbfounded and shocked. "Your face. What's wrong? Didn't you realize this hotness is bi-sexual." He asked me. "Noo!" I exclaimed. "Well you do now. And hey if you and tom ever fancy some fun together or maybe even a 1 on 1 just me and you just give me a call." He said giving me his number. I took it from him shocked at what he just suggested. "Catch ya later bud." He said smiling again and leaving.

After getting dressed and meeting tom out front we left the studio as he drove us to the restaurant. In the last few weeks we had both upgraded cars. He got an Audi Q7 which was a meaty fucker of a car and me I got my hands on a range rover evogue in white. To top it off we both had new iPhone and iPad. In all we were happier than ever. I had already done 3 photo shoots for designers, the 2 naked shoots plus flown to the US and done the filming for as the world turns and the new series of dantes cove. It had all been a whirlwind and Tom had been so supportive of me. He always made sure I was happy and that's what I loved about him the most. As we arrived at the restaurant the valet opened the door for us as we were escorted out of the car and into the restaurant. As we were seated with Jack, Jake, Chris and Dan I spotted a familiar face out the corner of my eye and it was someone I really didn't want to see, my ex Alex. Just great. We sat down with the others and ordered drinks and all that time he kept looking over to me and trying to make eye contact. "Why does that man keep looking over?" Chris asked me. Dan turned around to look and immediately turned back, "that not..." He said to me. "Yep the one and only" I replied. "Who?" Tom asked. "My ex Alex" I told him. "As in uni Alex?" He asked me "oh yes." I replied. "How nice. So anyway where were we? Oh yeah the idea then is to all go over on the Friday and chill then we will do the competition and these 3 I'm sure will be there to cheer us on and we can just chill out for the other few days. Enjoy the sun and so on." Tom said. "Right James?" He asked me. "What? Oh yeah sure sounds good." I said half smiling. "Are you okay? He's bothering you isn't he? I don't know why." Tom said in a grump. "Well you wouldn't would you." I replied in an equally grumpy tone. I stood up and walked out the restaurant and outside where I could have a fag. No sooner had I just sparked up Dan appeared. He lit his own fag and then looked at me. "So a moment you have been dreading for I don't know how long is finally here." He said. I looked down. "You need to tell Tom he will understand then." He told me. "I can't. Dan you're the only person who I have ever told about what happened and I can't bring myself to relive the entire thing by opening up to Tom about it all. Plus if I do it here then he will only get up go over there and kick 10 rounds of crap out of him, resulting in his arrest again, and then likely end of career. I just can't." I explained. "Yeah but he's your husband don't you think he deserves to know." Dan said. "Know what?" Tom asked appearing down the steps. "Nothing." I said finishing my fag. "No come on James there must be something you're not telling me." He said. I looked Dan and sighed. "Look let's just go and have this meal and I promise you I will tell you everything later." I said to him. He looked at Dan who nodded and finally Tom eased up. "Fine but don't think I'm going to forget about this." He said. I smiled and kissed him. "And that doesn't mean I will forget either." He said again to which I kissed him again. He smiled as I did and we headed back into the restaurant just as our food was being delivered.

Later that evening after such a wonderful meal we all returned to the house where we sat and chilled out. "Fancy the hot tub?" Tom asked me. "Sure." I replied as we stood up and headed out the back door. I grabbed 2 towels from the pool house as he grabbed 2 desperados from the fridge. Setting it going we stripped off and climbed in. He put his arm across my shoulder and looked into my eyes. I smiled. He just made me feel like a king at times and I loved him so much. "So come on then tell me." Tom said. I grabbed a fag and sparked up, "okay." I replied sitting up straight and going serious. I looked at him. "You're so beautiful." I said. He looked at me oddly. "Sorry. Okay Alex... Alex was my boyfriend during my time at uni as you already know. We lived together and we dated for around 2 years." I said. "Yeah you have told me all this." Tom said. "Yeah well what you don't know is why we split up." I said. "I'm listening." He said. I breathed deeply knowing that what I was about to talk about would only end up with me in tears. "It was the night of my 20th birthday and we ended up going for this amazing meal and then we joined up with my friends for a top night out in Birmingham. We went to nightingale and it was great I got so incredibly drunk and part way through the night I couldn't find Alex, so I went on the hunt for him and found him in the toilets with another guy." I explained. "Oh fuck so he cheated on you." Tom said. "If only that was the worst part. Anyway I was so angry and upset I needed a fag so I went out onto the balcony on the second floor. It was quiet up there as no-one hardly went up. So when I got there I was all alone. Alex found me and we ended up arguing. When I threatened to expose him to his family about being a cheat and that he was a cocaine addict he got seriously pissed off. He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the balcony. Only problem was he pushed very hard and I ended going backwards and over the balcony 2 floors up. I landed smack on the floor." I told him feeling the tears ready to start as the next part came out. I could see on toms face the look of worry and concern. "So after I fell Alex came rushing down the stairs where there were a few people around me. I was dazed but he told people he was my boyfriend and he would help me. He got me up and started to walk me away. I was in pain with my back and my head was banging. He took me away from the main areas and sat me down in a side alley. I was still really drunk and in so much pain. Then he said to me and I remember this as clear as day..." I said as the tears started. "Go on." Tom said "he said that he was going to remind me who was boss. And he ermmm... He ermmm" I said as the tears started, "he stood me up and pulled down my trousers and his own and he errrr" I said my voice cracking and my throat dry and my eyes pouring. "Say it." Tom said. I dried my eyes and cleared my throat "he raped me. Swiftly followed by a some sharp digs to the face and 2 hard kicks to stomach and a stamp on the head. Pretty much just leaving me for dead. I lay there for hours before I was found. I spent the next 2 weeks in hospital and the only person who knows anything about this beyond my parents and family is Dan. Alex of course was eventually arrested but with such a lack of evidence because there were no cameras and then when they came to do a rape test too much time had passed that he walked away Scott free." I explained. By this time I was breathing fine and calm. "Oh my god baby why didn't you ever tell me this." He said to me coming close to me. "Because it's not something I ever wanted to talk about. After it happened I was a shell of a man and if it hadn't been for my friends and family I wouldn't have been able to become the person I am today. Plus I didn't ever want you to think I was weak and I didn't want to upset you or worse lose you." I told him. He began to cry himself. "I just can't believe that someone could that to you someone who is so kind and caring and loving. You're too special for that to happen. I know that Jack, Chris and Jake would say the same thing." He told me. "I'm just so lucky to have you all and I love you all more than anything. We are a family." I told him both of us now crying. I heard a sniffle from by the bushes. "Who's there?" I asked. Jack and Chris appeared with Jake and Dan. Jack and Chris were in tears and Jake had clearly been crying and. Dan well he had heard it all before so he wasn't as affected. "Sorry to eavesdrop but they wanted to know." Dan said. I smiled. "Its fine better than having to say it all again.

After talking some more about it all, we all went our separate ways and headed to bed. As Tom and I lay there we talked, "something really weird happened today. Dan Osbourne and I were talking and he mentioned something to me." I said. "What did he mention?" Tom asked. "He said he would be up for a 3way" I told him. "Really? What did you say?" He asked. "I didn't say anything. What do you think about it?" I asked. "I think we both love each other and are devoted enough to each other that I think maybe we can play with someone else but as long as we do it together." Tom replied. "So we should do it then?" I asked. "I don't see why not." He replied. "Sounds good then we should set it up." I replied. "Yeah." Tom replied kissing me. "Now that's out the way there's something else I've been meaning to ask your thoughts on" I said. "Oh yeah and what's that?" He asked. "Well you know how we always say that between us here in the house we have our own little family. Well what are your thoughts on a little member of the little family?" I asked. "What you mean like a baby?" He asked. I could tell in his voice he was excited at this idea. "Yeah like a baby." I replied. "Oh my god, we are totally made for each other. I have been having the same thoughts for the last week." He said. "Really?" I said smiling. "Yeah. I think its a fucking amazing idea. We should so totally do this." He said. "Oh my god babe we so should." I said kissing him. "How would we do it though?" He asked. "Well as I see it we have 2 options. First we can adopt or foster but then it would be someone else's child." I said. He turned his nose up at this. "I don't like the sound of that." He said. "So then the only other option is to get a surrogate and do artificial insemination." I said. "Are there places we can go for that?" He asked me. "I don't know but I bet Jamie will know." I said. No sooner had the words left my mouth Tom was on the phone to him. After a few minutes and bits of the conversation I had managed to hear, he put the phone down. "Jamie is going to look into it and we have to go over in the afternoon tomorrow to see what he's found." I smiled at him. "Yayyyyy we can so do this." I said throwing myself at him. Our lips locked and that was it then I was instantly hard. It didn't take me long to dive under the duvet and engulf Tom's hard cock in my mouth the pre-cum already starting to appear at the tip. His moans turned me on more and he was unable to keep his legs still as I played with his nuts in my hand. "Urghhhh" he moaned. I continued sucking running my tongue over every part of his cock. "Oh James." He moaned. It didn't take long for us to switch roles and he began to work on me. He was such a pro his head bobbing up and down and the way he took each of my balls in his mouth. "Oh my god yeah don't stop." I moaned. He continued to do just that before he came up to kiss me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he moved forward his raging hard cock pushing against my tight hole. He began to push forward just allowing the tip of his cock to enter me. "Fuck me" I begged, the slow entry too much to bear. He did as he was told and pushed his full sheathed dick deep into me as I let out a gasp and groan all at once. He began to fuck then, pushing deeper and deeper his thrusts becoming faster. He moved one hand, pushing my face further into the pillow. I loved the feeling of complete helplessness as this Hercules of a man pounded my ass and pinned me down. Both of us were groaning and crying out with each thrust as He kept the pace, his years of endurance training not wasted. My ass was on fire with pleasure, his legs weak, but it wasn't over yet. He pulled me up, kissing me roughly before laying down himself, his dick pointing to the roof of the four poster. "Ride me until you come." He said, his hands softly running up and down my torso. Climbing on top, I felt a renewed wave of pleasure as the dick filled me up again, only this time I was in control. I rode him hard and fast, slipping up and down his pole while wanking myself. Meeting eyes with him, I leaned down and kissed him, our tongues caressing as fiercely as our dick and ass. Suddenly it was too much, the pleasure was running in waves as I slipped up and down his dick and he too was thrusting hard up to meet me with every rise, and I felt the rush building inside of him. His dick grew stronger and he arched his back, groaning loudly. "I'm going to come" he groaned. His dick felt huge in my ass as all my muscles tightened together and oblivion came over me. I came then, the first shot of cum covering his neck and upper chest, the next two onto his tight stomach. He felt my body go numb and fiery all at once as the last few spurts went onto him. Watching me shoot hard and fast had pushed him over the edge. He pulled me off his cock and held me up as if I were a feather; his dick still pointing to the ceiling he let me drop back on to his cock as his bare cock entered me again. The feeling was so much better than before, sending him over the edge he quickly shot load after load inside me. Feeling his seed enter my body and build up we both groaned loudly. Sinking down into the bed next to him, he pulled me into an embrace, our heavy breathing loud in the now silent room, the loads of cum still inside me and all over him made the whole thing feel more intense. "Wow." Was all I could say between the heavy breathing. "Yeah." He replied his own breathing heavy. "I need a fag after that." I said getting out of bed and putting my dressing gown on. As I got down stairs and grabbed my fag packet the whole idea of children was really starting to set in. I know that both of us would make amazing parents. I went outside and was startled to see everyone sat by the pool with cups of hot chocolate. "Why are you all out here?" I asked. "Well with the raw animal sex that you and Tom were having we had to come outside we could hear everything." Jack said. "Sorry." I said blushing.

The next morning when I got up Tom and I went about our normal routine, I did the housework and washing and he went off to the gym and the pool and I went off to the gym once I was done. Jake went off to work as did Dan and Chris and Jack were off with Tom. The morning just seemed to fly by when I was busy and soon it was midday and Tom was returning home to get ready for the meeting with Jamie. "Ready babe." He said coming down the stairs. I grabbed my car keys and took off. I love the feel of the new car it was so amazing. As we drove over to Birmingham Tom was busy trying to distract me from the road by doing little things to turn me on. "Stop." I kept saying. In the end I knew the one thing that would keep him away would be if I had a fag whilst driving so pulling one out I sparked up and he soon moved away and I had to smile to myself. It didn't take long to reach Jamie's office and when we arrived we walked straight in and he sat there with a blank look on his face. "So come on then. What's the outcome?" Tom asked. "Well?." He said seriously before smiling, "All I'm going to say is congratulations." He said. I smiled at Tom. "What so we can do it?" I asked. "Yeah, I have found you a private clinic in London, they specialise in gay pregnancy and artificial insemination. They were the people responsible for Elton John's baby. Anyway I have you both booked in to get fertility tests done and the results will be back later that day. If all goes well then you both need to go back and give your samples and then those sample will be combined with an egg sample from which you can choose and the 2 will be held together for 5 days to allow them to combine and then they will be inseminated into a host of your choice and she will then be taken to a specialist private clinic in the countryside of Hertfordshire where she will live for 9 months and carry your baby. When he waters break you will both be contacted and have to go over and help her. Once she has given birth and provided all is well then you will be able to leave with your child that same day and you can take her home. The clinic operates the policy that the child will be legally yours and the mothers are bound under a law written contract not to seek the child out and ties any and all claims to the child." He told us. "Wow so it can happen then really quickly." I said. "Of course, the whole thing can be started when you have your first appointment, which by the way is next Wednesday at 2pm. Here's the details." He said giving us some documents which I quickly skimmed. "What's the overall cost of this, I mean money isn't an issue but just so I know what we are paying." Tom said. "Right that's the next point. When you get to the clinic and after your tests is when the payment will be made. Provided that your host gets pregnant of course. If not there's not a single charge and you just try again. But when she does the final total is ?67,500." He told me. "Payable how?" I asked. "I've already paid it." Jamie said. "What?" I asked. "I have already paid it. The money is being held by them so that when they do get you a pregnant host then it's already pre-paid." He explained. "But why have you done that?" I said. "Because thanks to you two I have just been named the most successful PR agent for 2015. I have business coming out of my ears. It's the least I can do for you both especially when you want to start a family. So no arguments just make it happen." I began to cry. "Oh my god Jamie thank you so much." I said hugging him. Tom was equally as shocked and shook Jamie's hand. "Well go on you two. Go forth and multiple." He said making us laugh.

The following Wednesday came around so quickly and Tom and I headed for London. When we finally arrived at the clinic we had some forms to fill in and then we were taken separately to different rooms when we had a selection of DVD's to help 'stimulate' us. Basically just given a load of free gay porn and sit there and wank ourselves insane. I found the whole idea laughable, especially when I came across a DVD that had a guy I used to know from secondary school in it. But when I was done I left my sample in the room and headed outside where Tom was waiting for me. The lady went and grabbed our samples and came back to say that she would call us in the next few hours to let us know and we were asked to remain in London until after the call. So Tom and I left and went and did some shopping and grabbed some lunch. It was only about an hour and a half after we left the clinic did I get the call. "Mr Leete, it's Deborah here from the clinic. We have just completed the tests for yourself and Mr Daley and I am happy to say that your test have come back all good, we tested for defects in the sperm and you are both clear. So now what we need you to do is come back and select an egg and host and then provide us with a new sample." She said. "Okay no problem. We will be there soon." I said. "See you shortly." She said hanging up the phone. I looked to Tom, "Well?" he asked. "We are good to go." I said. We hugged and kissed in the middle of Harrods before we quickly took off and headed back to the clinic. Once we arrived a specialist sat us down and talked us through what would happen which was basically the same as what Jamie had already told us. Then we were given a small booklet where we could select an egg from what was available and we selected one woman who was 22 years old, none smoker, in great physical fitness, had absolutely no problems with her eggs and sounded wonderful. She was blonde, very chesty being 36DD and was just sounding lovely. We selected her as a mutual agreement and then selected and blonde woman who was sounding exactly the same as our host. "The woman who's egg you selected is also the woman who you have selected as a host. And she is here today." The specialist said. After bringing her to us she immediately recognised us and was more than willing to do it. After a quick ovulation test we discovered she was at the perfect point to get pregnant she had only come off her period the day before. So after making our samples they took them away and came back to us with the girl who we found out was called Natalie. She smiled saying that she had just been inseminated and she had to wait a few hours. So we waited there for the next 3 hours and got to know her. Once the 3 hours were up we simply waited for her to pee on the stick. It only took a matter of minutes for her to come back. She simply entered the room and held it up. I rushed over and took it from her and looked. The little screen said, 'PREGNANT'. I just stood there in total shock. "Oh my god." I said. Tom was sat there with his head in his hands worrying about what it said. "What does it say?" he asked. "We did it Tom." I said. "What?" he asked. "She's pregnant." I said. "Are you joking?" he said standing over and looking at me. "See for yourself." I replied giving him the stick. He looked and said "Oh my holy fuck." He said shocked. We both looked at each other mouths gaping. "We're pregnant." We screamed at each other and hugged each other and kissed each other jumping around like absolute idiots. I looked to Natalie. "Thank you so much for this." I said. "No sweat. My mum would kill me if I turned down the chance to carry your baby. She loves you both." She said. "Thank you. You have no idea what this means to us. And when you get settled at the centre please contact us and we will come visit. We will bring you anything you need." Tom said. I made a note of our address and mobile numbers. "Well I guess I better go pack. But I'm sure I will see you soon." She said. I smiled as the nurse took her to another room while the specialist came back to us. "So that's it now folks. 9 months from now you will be parents." She said. I took Tom's hand and smiled.

Later than night when we arrived back from London we got home and found Jack, Chris, Jake and Dan at home. So far we hadn't told them anything to do with the pregnancy or that we wanted a child. So when we got home I called everyone to the lounge and sat them down. "What's up?" Jack asked. "Well we have some news that we want to share with you." I said. "Okay." Jake said. "Well Tom and I have spent the day in London at a fertility clinic." I said. Jake's face lit up. "Why were you there for?" Chris asked. "Well Tom and I have been thinking that we would like to have children so we went to get tested." I said. "Okay." Dan said. "While we were there we got to pick out an egg and a host and it turned out that the egg and the host we picked was the same person. So after we got tested and our results came back the girl was artificially inseminated right there in the clinic. We got the results 3 hours later. She's pregnant." Tom said. "Wait what?" Dan asked. "We are having a baby." I said. Jake sat there grinning. "Are you serious?" Jack asked. "Yeahhh." I said smiling. "Oh my god congratulations." They all said as we hugged it out. "We need champagne. Wait right there." Chris said disappearing. I grabbed the house phone and Tom looked at me. "Time to inform the parents." I said. He called his mum first and she sounded over the moon and was screaming that she was going to be a grandma. She was so excited. I then called my mum, "Hi Son." She said. "Okay mum I need you and Royce together in the same room and I need you to put me on loud speaker." I said. "Okay son one minute." She said to me. Seconds later she said, "Okay son we are here, what's wrong you are scaring us." She said. "Mum, Royce. I just wanted to tell you, that in 9 months you are going to be grandparents again." I said smiling. "What?" Royce asked. "We are having a baby." I said. "Oh son that's wonderful congratulations." My mum said all giddy and happy. She began to ask loads of questions and we explained it all and after a half hour phone call we put the phone down as Chris poured us champagne. "To the next generation of this family." Tom said. "Here Here." I said. We all knocked glasses together as we drank and talked all about babies. "One last thing and then we are good to go. Facebook and Twitter." Tom said. I grabbed the iPad and we posted the same thing on both saying that we were expecting a baby and that we were very excited. I sat there on the sofa and breathed. We were going to parents. I was loving the idea and just kept smiling.

Thanks for reading, I do like to hear from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x

Next: Chapter 25: Tom Daley and Me III 5

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