Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Sep 8, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 3

Chapter 3

The following series events took place in the space of 24 hours, and I don't mind saying it was one the worst 24 hours of my life. It all started on a standard and average Friday evening around 6pm. Tom had returned from his training session with Jack and Chris. Dan had returned home from work and Jake had not long pulled into the driveway, walked through the door and started complaining and moaning that he had to work this weekend. As always and like every other time he worked on a weekend I told him to think of his pay check and that in all fairness he only had to work 1 weekend in every 6 and he always had me for back up. The only difference this weekend was that whereas normally Liz and Lisa would have been available to help Jake should he have needed it they were both away. Liz had been forced to go to South Africa to sort a family crisis and Lisa was already on holiday. Of course I was more than ready to jump and take the lead and look after things until Liz and Lisa returned. Jake seemed slightly relieved at that. So that evening I sat with Tom in the hot tub and chilled out looking up at the clear nights sky. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky and the stars seemed to shine so brightly. "They look so beautiful." I said. "They so do, and I'm so glad to be here with you to share it." He said putting his arm around me. "Soppy bastard." I said lightly punching him in the chest. "Hey, that's not fair." He said playfully. "Sorry, did I hurt the big strong diving champion." I replied even more playfully. "Yeah you did." He replied sticking his bottom lip out. "Get over it." I replied in a joking way. "Bitch!" he hit back with. "And don't you forget it!" I replied. "So what are we doing this weekend?" he asked me. "Well I have to be available until after 2pm with Jake, which he will not need me for as nothing ever goes majorly wrong but I have to be here in any case, so I guess it's up to you what you do." I told him. "In which case I am going to sleep in, and when I decide to get up, head to London to pick up my suit for the charity event we are being forced into attending." He told me. "Oh no fair. You get to go to London and I'm stuck here waiting for Jake to finish his jobs for the weekend." I said going playfully moody with him. "I'll be bring you home a heat magazine." He answered. "Charming." I answered. "Love you." He said. I sunk into his chest. "Love you too." I replied as he put his arms around me as we both gazed up to the sky.

Later that evening I decided to get an early night, so at 10:30 Jake and I both headed up the stairs. Climbing into bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out of it. It only felt like a few minutes had gone by when I was woken up by the sound of my phone going off. With my eyes half open I managed to grab the phone and taking a second to allow my eyes to adjust I saw who it said was calling. It was GXS support, the people who looked after the EDI orders for Tulip. This wasn't going to be a good phone call. Sliding the slider across I answered the call and put the phone to my ear, "Hello." I said. "Can I speak with James Leete please." A man said. "Speaking." I replied as I sat up in bed. "James, my name is Austin, I am Tulip's GXS support advisor for the weekend, I am sorry to have woken you so early but we have a major issue that you need to be aware of." He said. "What time is it?" I asked registering the fact that he had said he woken me early. "5 am." He replied. "Okay so what's the issue?" I asked. "The floating server that controls the systems to input the coded data we receive from your customers into something useable has had a minor technical issue which we have now managed to rectify. Sadly however in order to fix this system we have had to sacrifice another system. The system that puts this data in SAP format and then sends it on to your system has had to be taken completely offline. The entire server has been completely disconnected." He told me. Man it was far too early to be given an IT lesson. "In a nutshell what are you telling me because I am still half asleep here and you almost put me back to sleep." I told him grumpily (I'm sure I told you before I don't handle early mornings well.) "Basically James, your customer orders aren't on your system and they wont be at all today by us. We have all the orders in a spreadsheet format for you, but if you hope to get these orders to your customers then you will need to manually input them." He said. This certainly woke me up. "WHAT??!!" I yelled which caused Tom to stir. "I am so sorry. We hope to have it back up in time for your orders tomorrow." He told me. "And in the meantime what??" I asked. "Well I have just sent the email with all the orders on to yourself, the sales email and Jake Williams who I believe is working today." He said. "Okay, okay. I appreciate the fact that you have given me some prior notice." I told him. "You are one of our best clients." He replied. "Thank you Austin. Bye." I said hanging up the phone. I set the phone down while I gave my brain time to process what he had just told me. Finding the lamp switch I turned the lamp on and quickly jumped out of bed. Grabbing my dressing gown I threw it on and ran out the bedroom. Running across the hall I burst into jakes room where he and Jack were both soundly asleep. Switching the main lights on I ran to Jake's side of the bed. "Jake wake up." I said pushing him. "What the fuck man." He said bleary eyed. "Jake we have a situation at Tulip." I told him. "It can wait till we go in I'm sure." He said snuggling back into the duvet. "Turn the light out when you leave." He told me. I was seriously not in the mood. "Jake listen to me. All the EDI orders have failed, every last one of them and we are not getting a recovery. We need to get dressed and head out of this house in the next 15 minutes if we even have a hope in hell and getting these orders on the systems." I told him loudly. He soon bolted upright in bed. "Say that again." He asked me rubbing his eyes. "We need to leave now." I said. "No before that." He said. "All the EDI orders have failed." I repeated. "FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!" he said leaping out of bed. "Exactly. Shower very quickly and get dressed and let's fucking go." I said running out of the bedroom and back into mine. "James babe what's up?" Tom asked now sitting up in bed. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake up, but Jake and I have to go to Tulip. All the orders have failed." I told him as I ran into the bathroom. "What all of them?" he asked. "Yep" I shouted back from the shower. "Fuck, rather you than me." He said now standing in the door way. I quickly rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and washed the shower gel off myself before jumping out and grabbing a towel. Quickly drying I grabbed some jeans out of my wardrobe and threw them on forgetting about underwear, quickly followed by a ralph Lauren hoody and my toms. I grabbed my fags, phone, wallet and keys and headed for the door. "I'm not sure what time I will see you, so I'll call you later." I said to him. "No problem, GO!" he said smiling at me. I stole a quick kiss before running into Jake in the hall. "Ready." He said. He had his phone, the work mobile, the building keys and folder on him and looked very stressed. "Let's go." I said. We both ran down the stairs and without any argument Jake jumped into the passenger seat of my car as I got in the drivers seat and quickly pulled out the drive before racing off at high speeds towards Warwick.

When we finally pulled into the car park, we both ran out of the car and Jake unlocked the building. Running in the lights all managed to come on by our movement. Unlocking the main office we ran in as Jake took his desk and I sat at the desk next to him. When the PC's booted I logged in and waited for the SAP program and my emails to load. "Right, print off everything in the central inbox and start getting those on, as I get the spreadsheets printed. Then I have to start ringing round the sites and sending out the emails. So you need to just get the normal things done as best as you can until we are ready to get the orders on." I said. "Fine, but first I need a bloody coffee." He said smiling. He took off to get his coffee as I started to print off the spreadsheets. This only took a matter of minutes before the printer went into full motion. Once I had them printed I sent out a mass email to advise on the EDI fault as Jake returned with a tea for me and a coffee for himself. Sitting down he rubbed his eyes as he began to crack on with his job. No sooner had I hit send on the emails and the phones went crazy. My mobile, the desk phone, Jakes phone and the work mobile. "Here we go." I said as we began to take the calls and advise on the situations. Once the rush of calls was over I began to make a head start on the waitrose orders for the main depots. The big one was correlating them to the store orders. "Copy and paste from the spreadsheet is working, so there you go." I said handing Jake all the Tesco sheets, the Sainsbury's sheets and the Asda sheets. "Okay so you have Tesco, Sainsbury's and asda for now. I have waitrose, ocado, co-op, M+S and Morrison's. Hopefully we can get through these." I said. "Okay let's get cracking." He said as he began to work. I soon sighed and then got stuck in.

It felt like it had been hours that we had been working and it wasn't far wrong when I checked the time. The waitrose depot orders were on and I was half way through the 300 store orders for waitrose when I checked the time, we had started at 6am and it was now 9am. "Okay so that's Tesco on. On to Sainsbury's." Jake said. "What about a fag first." I replied as we both got out of our seats and headed for the door. Smoking was a good send as we both drained our fags and headed back inside and began to work again. Another 3 hours went by and finally I had the store orders on as I began to make headway with ocado which were fairly small. Half way through the second order my phone began to vibrate on the desk. The number wasn't one I recognised so answering it immediately a man with a London accent answered the phone. "Mr Leete?" he said. "Speaking." I said. "Mr Leete this is PC Dean from the metropolitan police in London." He said. "Yes." I said slightly concerned. "Mr Leete, it is my unhappy duty to inform you that we have to arrest Mr Daley about half hour ago." He said. "WHAT?" I said raising my voice causing Jake to look at me. "Yes sir, sadly all I can say at the moment is he is being held until an investigation takes place. I can tell you why he was arrested, that being Tom was provoked by an IC2 male (Black man) when shopping in a shop, this was followed by a blow to the back of Tom's head resulting in Tom hitting this gentlemen. Both men have been arrested and we were hoping you could come down and be with him." He said "I'm in the middle of a work crisis, I can't get to you." I said then looking at Jake. "But I do know someone who can, I will have Jack Laugher head over to see him." I said. "Appreciated Mr Leete I won't keep you any further. Thank you." He said as both hung up the phone. "What happened?" Jake asked. "1 sec." I said calling Jack. "Jack." I said as he answered the phone. "James, what's up?" he asked. "Jack, I need you to get in the car and drive onto London police station in the centre. Tom has been arrested." I said. "Say no more. I'm leaving right now." Jack said hanging up the phone. I sat back down having stood up in the heat of the moment. "Why has Tom been arrested?" Jake asked. I proceeded to tell him what happened as discussed it and worked away. "Shit man." Jake finally said. "I know right." I replied. I breathed loudly as I carried on working away.

Another couple of hours went by and it was now 2pm. We had been at this for 8 hours and were only half way through. Jake had finished with his 3 loads and had taken morrisons and co-op off me as I began with M+S. M+S was a tough one as it had amendments and then re-directions of order and invoice methods. An hour later and yet more bad news hit me. My phone went off again this time it was Coventry number. "Hello." I said answering the phone. "Mr Leete, I am a registrar at the University hospital Coventry and have been asked to call you as a Mr Suffolk was admitted 10 minutes ago having been involved in head on collision in his car with a female driver and has been rushed to intensive care. You have been designated at his next of kin and we wondered if you would care to come to the hospital to sort out his paperwork etc." he said. "Ermm, oh my god is he okay?" I asked. "The doctors are checking him out now. The preliminary report suggests he is critical but stable." He told me. "Okay I shouldn't really be his next of kin that would be his boyfriend, but I will call him and tell him to head over." I said. "Thank you Mr Leete." He said as he hung up the phone. "Now what?" Jake asked. "Dan has been involved in a car accident and is in critical condition at the hospital." I said. "For god sake this days just getting better." He said as I called chris. "Chris, get your arse to the hospital now. Dan has been involved in a car accident. They need his next of kin." I said. "SHIT!! I'm on my way." He said. "Let me know how he is and I will come over as soon as I can." I said. "Thanks James." Chris said as he hung up the phone. I sat back down and put my head in my hands. "What the fuck is wrong with today." I said. "Tell me about it, all we need now is one last thing to finish us off." Jake said. I breathed loudly. "For our sake I hope not." I said as I on working.

When 4pm hit Jake and I both sat back in our chairs. "Done." I said as I hit send having sent the final email report off to the delivery company. "Can we go now?" Jake said. "Food and fag first and then we can go sort the other shit out." I said. We left the office having locked up and got in the car. Heading off we stopped off at McDonalds. Chris had called to say Dan had been stabilised and was in intensive care and then Jack called to say Tom was in an interview but looking like he would be cautioned on the grounds of Aggravated assault and battery. But then again the police were very understanding as it was brought on by homophobic abuse and GBH went the man struck him over the head and also Tom had been defending my honour. Apparently the man had started on me and Tom was there to defend me like any husband would do. As Jake and I were just walking out to the car I had my phone in my hand as it started to vibrate again. Looking at the display I saw the number and this was one I had saved, it was the security firm that looked after the alarms for the house. "Hello." I said answering. "Mr Leete, its Ricky from Securcore. An alert has just been raised at your home. As no one answered the house phone we were forced to dispatch an group of police officers to your home. On arrival they discovered a group of 4 young males had broken into your home. Fortunately they were still there and they have been arrested. Nothing was taken and an officer is at your home waiting for your return." He explained. "Okay thank you I am on my way back now." I said. "What now?" Jake said as stressed as I was about 3 hours ago when I started to get the bad news. Now I was stressed where I could feel my blood pressure getting near boiling point. "Some little fuckers have broken into the house." I said as ran into the car. "For FUCK SAKE!" Jake screamed. Racing at 150mph I drove back to the house. Pulling up I saw what they had done. They had broken a window and got in. "Just fucking great." I said.

After sorting out with the officers while Jake rang a window replacement service, we had a new window fitted in the front room and cleaned up the place back to the way it should be. Collapsing on the sofa, Jake handed me a drink. "Should help to calm the stress." He said. "Thanks." Taking a drink of the neat vodka he had given me. "So let's re-cap, Tom was arrested for assault, Dan was involved in a car crash, Tulip had an EDI failure and then my house got broke into. Such a wonderful day." I said breathing out. The door soon opened as soon as the words left my mouth. "Hey." Said Tom stood beside Jack. "Hello criminal." I replied getting up to give him a hug. I sunk into his arms. I then told him everything that had happened and knowing the house was now secure again and Tom had been let off with a caution we then decided to head to the hospital to check on Dan. This being the case Tom drove us all up there where we sat with him for the few hours we were allowed to, we found out that Dan was now stable but would need to be in for a few days. Chris decided to stay with him for the night so we all said our goodbyes before heading home. I felt bad that I had left as Dan was my oldest friend but Chris told me that he wanted to stay with him so I knew I should step back and allow the boyfriend to take over. I got an email from GXS to say there systems were back up and we should be fine for the morning. Climbing into bed at 11pm we looked at each and sighed as I kissed him. "I love you. You have been so good today." Tom said kissing me passionately. He pulled me on top of him and started to work on my 8 inch throbbing cock licking up and down the shaft while he played with my balls. God he was good. After a few minutes we switched and I slowly worked my tongue over the head of 8.5 inch cock and then engulfed it all down to the base. He moaned in pleasure as I continued to deep throat him and massage his balls. I stopped after a few minutes and came back up and kissed him. "James I need you to do something?" he asked me. "What babes?" I replied. "I want you to fuck me." he replied. Up to this point, as in the last two years whenever we had sex he was usually on top, it was rare that he asked me to fuck him. "Sure babes." I said. I grabbed some lube and lubbed up his hole lightly fingering it. He didn't mind that and when I said "Are you ready?" he nodded. With his legs in the air, I slowly began to insert my cock into his small pink hole. When the head started to enter and I had about an inch of me inside he yelped. "Am I hurting?" I asked. "A little just give me a second." He said breathing loudly. "I can stop." I said. He shook his head and said "No keep going, I'm fine." I pushed in a bit more slowly each time and I kept stopping to allow him the chance to get used to it. In no time I was all the way in him and I kissed him. "See" I said. Then slowly started to fuck his arse. Going slow he moaned loudly. I know how he felt. This first time he did this to me I thought I was being split in two. Soon he started to enjoy it as he had a huge smile on his face. I picked up the pace and fucked him harder and harder. After about 15 minutes I could feel my knees tense and I was ready to shoot. "I'm gunna shoot" I shouted. I came out of him and I jacked off and cummed all over his stomach. When I was done he jacked off and within about a minute he cummed all over himself, the bed and I think some even hit the headboard. "That was amazing" I said breathing heavily. "God yes" he replied barely able to speak. I collapsed onto him and could feel the cum on his chest. We got up and went in the shower before climbing into bed. "I love you baby" I said. "I love you lots more." He said kissing my neck. "And thank you for tonight. And for your efforts today." He said. "Well I'm honoured you stuck up for me." I said smiling at him and kissing him. "Always. You're my husband." He replied. He turned out the lights and slowly drifted off to sleep. I felt so lucky to have him as my husband. No one could be more special. My head of his chest I slowly drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Thanks for reading, I do like to hear from my readers so as always do get in touch. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be along soon. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x Oh and one final note to Dan - who is now an avid reader, hope you enjoyed the chapter ?

Next: Chapter 24: Tom Daley and Me III 4

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