Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jun 20, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Okay so its summer and guess what that means we are back!!

Series 3

Chapter 1

"Morning baby." Tom said to me as he woke me with kisses. I smiled at the feeling of his lips moving along my neck, his hands moving up and down my chest. "Morning sexy." I replied. I opened my eyes fully to see him next to me the bed sheet covering most of his body. "Sleep well?" he asked. "Yeah did you?" I asked. "Yeah like a baby, I was worn out after yesterday and last night." he said. I smiled remembering the previous day, and how Tom and I had finally tied the knot and then had a wicked and wild hot sex session to end the day. "What time is it?" I asked. "Just after 9, and I know it would be nice to stay in bed but we need to check out by 11 and then there's the wedding breakfast at 10." he told me. "Oh god, so we kind of do need to get up then don't we." I said. He smiled at me. "Yeah we do, especially as we have a flight to catch tonight." he said. "Honeymoon." I said smiling. "Yeah babe, well I'm going to get in the shower first so you can have your morning fag." he told me kissing me one more time before he climbed out of bed. I watched as he walked around the bed and over towards the bathroom his arse so perfectly formed and smoothed. "It's rude to stare." he said without even looking behind me. BUSTED!! I smiled as I jumped out of bed and ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "So what you have a nice bum." I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Yeah well, I need to shower, so you know let me go." he said smiling. "Fine." I said sighing as I went back into the bedroom and grabbed my dressing gown and fags. Stepping out on the balcony it was lovely and warm and I soon sparked up. Looking out across the distance I could see just fields of green for miles. I spotted people moving things from behind the hotel, clearly the staff cleaning up after us from yesterday. "James." I heard someone shout up. I looked down to see my mother. "Hi." I said waving. "You're up then?" she said. "Yeah, tom is just in the shower." I said. "Okay, well we are going for a walk with George, see you for breakfast." she said. "Okay." I replied. They took off as I finished my fag and dropped it from the balcony. Stepping back inside I saw tom emerge from the bathroom in nothing but a towel. I smiled just watching him dry himself off with a smaller towel. "Is it wrong that watching you like that just makes me incredibly horny?" I asked. "No, I am your husband after all." he said smiling at me. "Well I need to shower." I said moving past him and into the bathroom.

After showering and getting dressed Tom and I made our way down the stairs and into reception where people from the wedding were either chilled out and sat together talking with coffees or just milling around. I noticed Jake outside with Dannielle who was holding hands with JJ from Kingsland road. "I'm going out for a fag, speak to Mel about breakfast will you." I said to Tom. "Okay babe." he said kissing me. I walked out the front doors and approached Dannielle and Jake. "Morning." I said. "Morning babe." Dannielle said. "Have a good night?" I asked her. "Yes mate, did you?" she asked with a cheeky smile. "It was his wedding night what do you think?" Jake said sarcastically. "True" she replied before taking a drag of her fag. I also sparked up and stood with them as we chatted and smoked. Afterwards we headed inside as the ma?tre de from last night was showing people into the breakfast room. We walked in last as people were seated and took a seat next to Jake, Jack, Chris, Dan, my mum and dad and Dannielle and JJ. People talked and laughed and had their final catch up's after last night. Once breakfast was over it didn't take long for people to come over to us and say their goodbyes and farewells as people started to make their way home. By midday everyone apart from me, tom and my parents had left. Jack, Jake, Chris and Dan had taken Tom's car to go home and prepare things for us. I was driving Tom home. "You coming back to the house?" I asked my mum. "I don't think so son, we need to start making tracks back, got work in the morning." my mum said. I smiled. "Okay no worries, well thanks for coming and supporting me." I replied. "Don't be daft son, you're our youngest we wouldn't have missed this." my dad said. I hugged him as tom hugged my mum. We then swapped as my mum started to blubber again. "You're not my little boy anymore." she said crying. "I know mum." I said looking at Royce. He nodded at me. She finally let me go as she wiped her eyes. "You look after him." she said pointing at Tom. "I will Tessa, don't you worry about that." he replied to her. "Well we need to shoot off." my dad said. "That's fine tom and I just need to settle the final bar bill." I said to them. "Well take care son, and enjoy your honeymoon." my dad said. "I'll call you when we land." I said. "Okay son, take care. Be safe." my mum said. They got into their car and drove off as we waved goodbye. "Just one thing left then." I said. "Here, you go sort that while I get the cases in the car." he said handing me his Amex card. I in turn handed over my car keys as I went inside and Tom went towards the car. I headed inside the hotel and spoke with the receptionist and paid off the final bill from the bar. Once we were sorted I headed outside and climbed into the car and soon took off from the hotel and on the hour long journey home. I didn't know about Tom but I was truly tired and worn out. It had been an exhausting few days but all that would end as soon as we landed in the Seychelles. This holiday was well needed, and to top it off we had invited the others to join us, so Jake, Jack, Dannielle, Chris, Dan, Tom and I were jetting off to the Seychelles for 10 days in the sun.

When we arrived at the house I pulled into the drive way and looked around. No signs of a welcoming committee which was good I guess. "So who is carrying who across the threshold?" Tom asked. "Ermm, let me think, since I have played the blushing 'bride' in this whole endeavour I think it's only fair for you to carry me over the threshold." I replied smiling. I climbed out the car as did Tom. He came round to me with the greatest of ease swept me off my feet. I laughed at the feeling of being held like a baby as he carried me through the front doors and into the lobby. Jack was just coming down the stairs and began to laugh just before he pulled out his phone and managed to snap some pics of us. "Nice Jack, thanks for that." Tom said laughing. "It was just too funny to miss this opportunity to see you both like that." he replied. "Well put a nice caption on Instagram won't you." I said. He stuck his tongue out as he was typing on his phone. "Jack?" I said smiling. He continued to smile a cheesy grin and soon put his phone back in his pocket. My phone soon vibrated and I pulled it out my pocket. On the screen was a notification to say Jack had tagged me in the picture on Instagram and the caption read 'MR AND MR DALEY HOME AT LAST! JAMES LOOKING COMFY BEING CARRIED ABOUT! #LAZY' "I am so going to kill you I am not lazy." I said bolting for him in a joking way as he scrambled to get up the stairs. "Get back here you fucker." I said running after him. He got to the top of the stairs before I did and soon bolted around the top of the stairs and made his way for the master bedroom. My room. He ran in and I ran in after him, I found him hiding behind the door. He closed the door and ran for me tackling me to the bed, before he straddled my chest and sat there proud as punch but as we all know this would never last long as I have a bit more upper body strength compared to him. Wrapping my legs around his back I managed to spin us over so I was now sat on his chest. "Not fair, how did you do that?" he said shocked. "Secrets that come with being a bottom." I said making him laugh. "Now apologise." I said looking down at him, starting to become very much aware that I was sat on his chest with my ass resting mere inches away from his dick which was sure was swelling up. He shook his head in refusal. "Jack, I know where your ticklish spots are now apologise." I said. "You wouldn't dare." he said. "Fine you asked for this." I said as I began to tickle him and he began to laugh uncontrollably. "Okay Okay, I'm sorry." he said between laughs. "Good." I said finally stopping tickling him. "Sorry." he said looking at me. "Now can you let me go." he said. I smiled and climbed off of him. Just as Jack was getting off the bed and composing himself, Tom walked in with our cases. "Get your own back then?" he asked me. "Yep, thanks for telling me where his ticklish spots were." I replied now standing next to Tom was Jack straightened himself up and re did his hair. "Thanks for that." Jack said. I smiled and he walked out.

A few hours later and we were sat on the jet. Private Jet that is. Tom had hired one to take us to the Seychelles and we were travelling in the lap of luxury. The flight took about 9 hours and we all just sat and talked, or watched movies or in mine and Tom's case, renewed our membership with the mile high club. It had to be done. After the fight was over and we had landed and got through customs and security I headed outside the front of the airport where the first thing I did was spark up a fag. The heat was intense and it was a glorious day. A limo driver approached us from the villa complex we were staying at and took our luggage from us. We all piled into this limo and after a short drive pulled up to this luxury complex which was a private villa complex that celebs were frequently renting out. Private White sandy beaches, 24 hour butler service, chauffeured about everywhere. It was paradise. Once we pulled up I got out and headed for the security building to pick up the keys and headed back to the limo where the boys and Dannielle were getting their bags out of the boot. We made our way inside and looked about the place. "Looks fucking amazing." Dannielle said in shock. "Well I did hope you like it." I said. "Like it, I could live here." she said. I smiled as everyone dispersed and looked about the place. I simply made my way through the back of the house and out to the pool. Within seconds I completely stripped off bollock naked and jumped in the pool. I think everyone heard the splash and came out to see what I was doing. "Typical, first sign of the pool and he gets naked and jumps in." Tom said. "Looks nice though." Chris said. "It's fucking amazing mate, come on get in." I said. "Fuck it why not." Jack piped up, stripping off like me and jumping in himself. Chris did the exact same and also jumped in. "Well if you are going to enjoy the pool I think we are lumbered with putting bags away." Jake said. "Enjoy." Jack said blowing him a kiss which made him smile.

Later that night and we had all eaten, and chilled out, had some drinks and got ourselves unpacked. However the time difference and the fact that we had all been awake for a very long time soon caught up with us all and finally at 11pm, Tom and I called it a night. As we stripped off and climbed into the luxury 4 poster bed with light cotton white sheet we cuddled up to each other. He held me close to him and I could feel his chest rising and falling as his breathing slowed down and I could tell he was soon off to sleep. The wedding and the travelling had worn him out and I was sure he was happy to be getting some sleep. I simply smiled as his arms crept around me and over my chest and he pulled me closer. The feeling of his breathing and heartbeat was enough to send me off into a peaceful and content sleep. I was so happy. I felt so safe and warm in his strong muscular arms, the feeling of his heart beat was like a gentle rhythm that sent me off to sleep. I don't know what it is, but there is something about Tom Daley that just helps me to sleep.

The following morning I awoke to the sound of the ocean, and the heat was the next thing I noticed. I smiled to myself as Tom had gotten up already I had noticed and opened the wooden shutters to let in the sunlight. I stretched out in bed as I climbed out and put some shorts on and headed out of the bedroom. I walked through the lounge but there was no one to be seen. Heading out to the pool I found everyone chilled out by the pool on the sun loungers all chilled out and relaxed. Tom was the first to spot me. "Hey babe." He said pulling his earphones out. "Morning." I said smiling. "Morning? it's more like afternoon." Jack said. I looked at him, "what time is it?" I asked. He smiled, "After 1." He replied. "Christ, I can't believe I have slept for so long." I said. "Well you did have a long couple of days." Chris replied. I smiled as I walked round the side of the pool and headed to Tom, who was laying out on a sun lounger. I perched on the edge of his sun lounger where I sparked up a fag and took a nice long drag. It was such a hot day and I could already feel the heat on my back. "Babe you need to put sun cream on before you burn again." Tom said looking at me. "I will do, don't worry babe." I said smiling. "You can help." I said winking, he simply grinned at me. When I finished my fag I put it out before I went back inside and changed into swimming shorts, grabbed my ear phones and shades and sun tan lotion and went back outside to see Jack and Dan in the pool with Jake sitting on the side of the pool. I pulled my sun lounger closer to Tom and climbed on. He jumped up from his lounger and came across to mine and straddled my legs as he spray sun tan lotion on my back and started to rub it in. Working his strong large hands across my back it soon turned in a sensual massage. I moaned as he rubbed the lotion in to me. "I love you giving me massages, you always know what to do." I said. I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. "Just as well I like giving you massages." He said as he kissed the back of my neck and this led to him tickling my ears with his tongue. I curled up and he smiled. "I do love you." He said to me. Turning my head, "I love you too." I said kissing him. He eventually got off me and went back to his own lounger as I lay there putting my earphones in and listening to tunes on my phone. Relaxing in the sun and enjoying the time I really wanted to turn over and relax but I simply couldn't. The problem was with Tom giving me the massage and kissing my neck he had given me a hard on, and no matter how much I tried I couldn't get it to go away. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I looked behind me and saw Jack stood over me in his speedos. "What's up?" I asked. "Just was going to tell you to move on to your front as your back is starting to go red." He said. "Oh, well I'll wait a bit." I said. "Why?" Tom asked. "Ermm, I just have a problem." I said with a smile. "Like what?" he asked. "Your massage caused me issues that prevent me from rolling over." I said. "Oh? sorry babe. Need me to sort it?" Tom asked. "Nah it will go." I said. I turned over to see Jack stood there still and I looked at him and smiled.

Over the next few days we enjoyed a variety of different activities, going from a relaxing boat trip, we went scuba diving, paragliding, speed boating and a whole heap of others. It had been so nice to chill out and have some fun and I was so happy that we could spend time as friends and for me and tom to celebrate our honeymoon in style. That evening after returning from the jet skis and having a romantic dinner out with just me and Tom we went for a nice long romantic walk down the beach. Dressed in a pair of shorts and a Ralph Lauren polo top I walked down the beach holding hands with Tom as we talked. We soon found a nice quiet little spot and sat on the beach, his legs and arms wrapped around me as the moon light reflected off the water. As his hands went across my chest he began to touch and play with my nipples. He was doing this deliberately as he knew this was going to turn me on and sure enough very quickly I could feel the blood rush to one place and that place was making a tent in my shorts. "Mmmm." I moaned. "Horny there babe." He said "Yes and it's all your fault." I said leaning back against him. I could feel his horniness pressing into my back and I knew that I just couldn't resist it any longer. I turned to face him. His lips hit mine and we started to kiss passionately his tongue exploring my mouth. His hand crept under my top and began to explore my body, pinching my nipples every now and then which turned me on more. I could feel his hard cock straining through his short as was mine. I peeled of his hooded top and took off his vest as my hands worked all over his incredible body. I rose on to my knees as did he and slowly removed by hoody and vest until our bare chest were against each other. He then pushed me back into the sand before releasing my shorts and pulling them down and letting my 8 inch cock flop out and hit my stomach. He has just wrapped his lips around the end. He began to my cock running his tongue over the head. It was amazing. He came up and kissed me before I did my usually trick and wrap my legs around him and flipped him over. He laughed and I started to take off his shorts, releasing his 8.5 inch cock which I immediately took a hold of and took it all the way down to the base in my mouth... he loved it when I deep throated him. He screamed in pleasure and I continued to suck him softly my head bobbing up and down and occasionally running my tongue over his purple head. I came back up and he kissed me before flipping me over again and raising my legs in the air. I loved it when he fucked me. He wet his finger and started to trace my pink hole before lube up his cock with his spit and slowly entering me. The first time he did this to me was over 2 years ago and then I felt like I was being torn apart, now I had gotten used to it but he still went slow just to make sure he didn't hurt me. When he was completely inside me, he started to fuck me gently, going in and out and in some case coming all the way out and then going straight back in. It was so hot, here I was on the beach with my husband being fucked... I loved it. He soon started to tense up as did I and I knew soon we were both going to cum. Sure enough he pulled out of me and sprayed cum all over my chest before I also released a stream of thick hot cum all over my body. Tom then came down and slowly ran his tongue over my body cleaning up the mess we had made. When he had he came up and kissed me and I could taste the mix of both our cum in his mouth. He then rolled off and collapsed next to me "That was amazing" he said. "Yeah!" I said out of breath.

Later that night we curled up in bed and he was sleeping on his side of the bed. We had started out being wrapped around each other but it was still really muggy and warm and this was stopping me from sleeping. Tomorrow we were due to go home after 7 long hot days in the sun. I had a perfect tan and felt so relaxed and happy. There had not been a single photographer or reporter trying to get an interview with us and there was hardly anyone asking for pictures. It was just so nice to have a relaxing break away. But now this heat was killing me and I couldn't sleep. Getting out of bed totally naked. Grabbing my fags I slowly crept out of the room and outside to the pool. Sitting on the edge of the pool it felt kind of weird to feel the water on the side of the pool against my arse. But it was nice to dangle my feet in the water and cool off. Sparking up my fag I sat there thinking and just smiling to myself thinking of what had gone on over the last few years of my life. Gone from an average Joe on the street as it were to a happily married man, one of the world's most prized gay couple. Loved by many. As I sat there in my own world I heard someone walking behind me. "Can't sleep then eh Jack?" I asked. "How did you know it was me?" he asked. "I could just tell." I replied as he sat next to me. The first thing I noticed was that he was also naked. "Nude eh?" I asked. "Back at ya." He said smiling. "Well you know me, can't keep it away for too long." I said. "Don't stop on my account I like it." He said with a cheeky smile. Glancing over I could see that he was getting hard. Clearing my throat as the size it was going to as he was getting harder. "Excited much." I asked. "Well you are as well." He said. I couldn't deny seeing his dick get hard it was making me hard. "Well what can I say?" I said. "Don't say anything, what happens in the Seychelles stays here." He said. I looked at him and was about to reply when his lips just met mine. The sensation was electric. His soft lips were just so nice and wet and I couldn't stop myself as my tongue slid in his mouth. As I lay down he climbed on top of me, never breaking the kiss. It took another two minutes before we did. His body so ripped and feeling amazing against mine. "Tom and Jake can never know." Jack said. I nodded in agreement. Both our cocks now at full mast, . He grabbed hold of my cock and started to slowly jerk me off. Before lowering himself his mouth around the head of my cock and starting to suck on it slowly his head bobbing up and down. He was like a pro because he was just so good making me feel alive. As he continued to work his way up and down my cock I could feel myself getting close. "I'm getting close" I announced. He sped up sucking faster until I felt myself just release my load in his mouth and he slowly gulped and swallowed the whole lot. Now it was my turn I thought. He came back up and I could feel his cock pressing against my stomach. He kissed me and I could taste myself in his mouth. I wrapped my legs around him before spinning him over with me on top this time. "You're going to have to show me how you did that" he said. I smiled and worked my way down his body and for the first time came face to face with his 9 inch cock. "You're not so small yourself Jack, definitely a grower not a shower" I said as he smiled. I started to jerk him off and saw his face light up. I formed an oval with my mouth and moving forward over his dick. I only managed about seven inches. I slowly moved back and forth, sucking on him lightly. I continued to flick my tongue over his tip, causing him to jump in my mouth. I could hear his breathing become quicker and louder and I guessed that he was going to shoot. I felt him swell on my tongue before the first shot hit the back of my throat with quite some force, his second and third felt as powerful as his first. I swallowed it down as he came. He lasted for another couple of seconds before he slowed to a dribble and softened slightly. I moved off his cock and swept my tongue around my mouth, tasting him. I leaned forward and cleaned him with my tongue. Once he was clean, I licked my way back up to his face and kissed him again. I moved off him and as he shuffled across on to one of the pillows and me on the other. We were looking into each other's eyes. His were piercing blue and the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen. "Wow." He said "That was amazing. You really have got talent with that tongue of yours." he said smiling at me. "You're not too bad yourself" I said.

I got in to bed a while later a whole stream of thoughts going through my head. It was wrong with what I had just done yes but Jack and I had this sexual tension going since the morning of the wedding if not before and we both needed to release that tension. I knew that it wouldn't happen again, and I was happy with Tom, more than happy I was over the moon and madly in love. So a moment of weakness had just happened but it would never happen again. Looking at him asleep my love for him came back again not that I had ever lost it but now I was so convinced that this would be the last time I ever did something like this. Getting into a comfortable position I smiled as I snuggled up to Tom and drifted off into a calm, content and happy sleep.

Next: Chapter 22: Tom Daley and Me III 2

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